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Exam (3B) answer; In my opinion I believe that the spartacist uprising was simply a small, minor problem that

the Weimar government faced. It is merely one of many significant events that can be deemed an opposing factor to the Republic. Such a conclusion is made when any researcher or historian looks back into Germany's past. This point starts at 1918 and 1919, times of both great tragedy and loss. As the Reichstag gained control of the great nation, one Wilhelm Kaiser, a much loved and admired monarch was abdicated, and fled to Holland. Soon after, an armistice was agreed upon and later the new government led by Fredrick Ebert created a new constitution and signed the treaty of Versailles. A treaty which demanded reparations, took away and limited both land and weaponry, while also abolishing the supreme status the military had once owned. It had only been two years after the Great War and already Germany had been hit by major, defying blows. Article 48 of the renewed constitution put Germany at complete mercy of its president during states of emergency. The republic seemed to be asking, begging even, for a dictator. Its president was elected for seven years and it was also he who chose the chancellor, althout this made for a stable background it made it virtually impossible for the government to stop any major decisions made by its leaders. Additionally, the army which had been reduced to mere thousands were now also under the Reichstag's control. The government, was not only unstable but found it hard to make simple decisions, as inevitably it became ruled by many parties. The government was not liked, nor admired. The Weimar Republic, was a government which had signed the opening to a chaotic, unpredictable system, impacting and damaging its economy, military and pride. Enter 1920, a time of uncertainty. Communism had slowly crept into the unfocused hearts of the Germans. Luxembourg and Liebknecht had already been killed after there feeble revolutionary attempts, in January 1918. Yet still the spartacists continued to demonstrate and march across cities and towns, allowing a slow, steady fear to spread through many Germans. Communism is labeled by many as a violent, strict belief. The Soviet Union had done nothing but re-apply that imagery. It is my belief that the spartacist uprising was significant as it was the first. It was the first uprising, it was led by communists and it simply scared the

people. It showed them how easy it was for such a minor group to attack and attempt to control a city. It showed the government the importance of its military, and highlighted their weakness. 'Article 1; The German Reich is a republic. Political authority derives from the people.' Well this was the people, it was not all the people, but it was the people. I believe the spartacist uprising was important as for historians, it showed us that democracy is not always the solution. To the Republic it showed them that if such a minor group could attack them, than what could a large group do. Here began the political and military stuggle that was Germany in the early 19's. 1920 March 13th, the Freikorps and the army took to the streets of Berlin in outrage to the limitations they were now facing due to the treaty. An uprising that was narrowly escaped due to citizens resistance, and began to show the government what truly unpredictable people surronded it. 1923 November 8th, the last remnats of peace the government hoped it had were destroyed. Leaders were threatened at gun point in a political meeting. A march with hundreds of men. Officials and party members killed. 1923. Enter Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. The Munich Putsch. This uprising was not made by a specific race, class or religion. This uprising was made by a party. Although it showed the militaries loyalty, I can only imaginge that the Munich Putsch was another major blow to the government. It was by and for the people. It was a propoganda like no other, it was an alarm clock trying, pleading to wake the government from its everlasting sleep. It was a beacon to all, showing them again how easyily their solutions could be solved, if only with a little force. However it is my belief that the difficulties the Weimar faced was not only caused by its people and itself. It was also caused by a country which was very close to its unprotected borders. France. The occupation of the Ruhr valley in 1923 was said to be the main reason behind the nazi parties own uprising. Although passive resistance was again loyally followed, it only further bankrupt the country as it meant many more were left unemployed and homeless. Hyperinflation and poverty plagued the nation. People starved, lost their life savings and began to celebrate the simple breaths that this new, cruel world provided them. The government was now in complete debt, it was no longer able to pay reparations as development in its industries had rapidly decreased. Not only this, but in a majority of its people, hatred cursed through their

veins. It was their belief that the allies had completely destroyed their once spectacular country, the only thing stopping their renewed sense of revenge was the Weimar Republic. In conclusion I would say that no, the spartacist uprising was not the main problem the Weimar government faced. Yet neither was the signing of the treaty, the occupation of the Ruhr or even Hitlers scheme to overtake the government. It is my own belief that the governments own leaders and laws were its downfall. The Weimar republic was put in difficult situations and very diverse circumstances. Its people felt betrayed and lost. The governments reasons were pure, yet its actions were not strong nor were they complete. Although it put an end to many different marches and uprisings, the fact itself that so many could be easily achieved underlines its weakness. What use was democracy, what use was a broken government, to an even more broken people?

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