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College Management System

PROJECT DEFINITION College Management System. is merely a project to provide the organization about its Students daily report its progress report ,registration ,examination etc . An organization must keep all the record of student detail up to date so that through it we can retrieve it any time and see the any type of information. It maintains the databases for the Students basic data, Students registration data, attendance, staff registration, different types of report. Scope of Project This project is on College Management System it is an application where a organization keep all the records about his college basic information. College Management System is merely a project for the institute to keep all the records that are used in the organization for daily requirements in campus area. The owner keeps the record of the students registration, Staff member, attendance, etc. The implementation of this project will helps the institute to easily do their work. It provides it to easily retrieve its record that keeps the record about its Students & its Staff member. It can also stores all the details of the student general details, attendance, role rights. The main work of the project is to keep up to date information about its Students record, total courses that he want to teach the student, attendance detail and other type of report.

System Perspective



College Management System

At present institute does not have any computerized Educational Institute When we visit their Institute we observe that they are use their computers for only teaching their inquiry, admission processes are done by manually. The Functions of existing system likes:

Manually write the registration of student Event alert is on paper. Maintain the registration of student To add any new record is very difficult Manually update the registration is too difficult Take student attendance is very difficulty All the records are maintained in journals, register and ledger

manually. In new system all the drawback of manually system was removed. All work on computer base than no used raw material To counting the records are very easy and faster. Time consuming to get information. Easy time table generate. We easily enter new records and easily update the records. Time saving is important factor is the main aim to develop a Module.

System Feature; All the work can be done so easily cause all the process of previous system are removed. Totally manual or paper works are removed so it saves time. Record querying like insert, update, delete are done quickly. Any time you can find any record easily. Easy to generate report by specific criteria. Time saving is the main important feature of our system. Counting modify records are very easy.



College Management System

Attendance detail gathered by week or month or all.

Design and Implementation Constraints:

We use Microsoft ASP.NET as a front end designing tools with 3.5

.net Framework for designing a web application. For developed database or to store our data we use the MY SQL as a back end to manage the student data.

Implementation is the process of having personnel check out the put

new equipments into use, train users, install the new application, and construct any files of data needed to use it. Once installed, the applications are often used for many years. However, both the organization will be undoubtedly had to be maintained; modifications and changes will be made to the software, files, or procedures to meet emerging user requirements. Since organization systems and the business environment undergo continual change, the implementation is as ongoing process

External Interface Software Interface An OS is capable which supports latest or higher dot net version like (.net framework v3.5 & MYSQL) on client computer. Hardware Interface A hardware that is capable to support the latest .net framework and MYSQL.tha hardware configuration is match with minimum system requirement that required for running .net and MYSQL. User Interface All pages of the system are following a consistent theme and clear structure. To display information to give a clear structure that easy to



College Management System

understand by user. Error message should be located beside the error input which clearly highlight and tell user how to solve it. If system error, it should provide the contact methods. Each level of user will have its own interface and privilege to show the project information to all users.

Feasibility study A feasibility study is undertaken to determine the possibility or probability of either improving the existing system or developing a completely new system. It helps to obtain an overview of the problem and to get rough assessment of whether feasible solution exists. This is essential to avoid committing large resources to a project and then repent on it later. Need for Feasibility Study: Answer the question whether a new system is to be installed or not? Determine the potential of the existing system. Improve the existing system. Know what should be embedded in the new system. Define the problems and objective involved in a project. Avoid costly repairs at a later stage when the system is implemented. Avoid crash implementation of a new system. Avoid the Hardware Approach i.e. getting a computer first and then deciding how to use it. There are three aspects in feasibility study portion of the preliminary investigation. Technical feasibility. Economic feasibility and Operational feasibility of the project. 1. Technical Feasibility :

The organization has very well integrated MIS department with the necessary technology to provide to the needs of the proposed system. Any additional requirements can also be satisfied. The Technical issues generally raised during the investigation are discussed below: The proposed technology has the capacity to hold the data required by the new system. The system is very much open by nature and can easily be expanded in the near future to satisfy newly emerging needs.



College Management System

He usage of reliable database like Microsoft Access along with stringent design and coding standards followed guarantees accuracy, reliability, and ease of data access and data security.

2. Financial and Economic Feasibility: The cost involved in designing and developing a system should be a good investment for the organization. The financial benefits must equal or exceed the costs. The financial and economic issues raised during preliminary investigation are answered below The cost of conducting a full system investigation is justified since the MIS development is in-house. The cost of Hardware/Software for the application already exists. His use of existing software and developing a new application using it only increases the gain. Benefits occur through quicker solving of queries resulting in timely sub missing of reports. Quicker submission helps in steady flow of information and better decisions.


Operational Feasibility: Any project proposed can be beneficial only if it satisfies the organization requirements. In any mature MIS set-up, a new system not only needs to be robust but also needs to communicate & work in tandem with the other existing support systems. Following are some points underlining the operational feasibility of the system.

The system was well supported by the management with the MIS manager taking personal interest in the system development process. The users still initially repressive started giving co- operation to development team once the initial doubts were cleared. The current system through functional in practice required a lot of trimming and streamlining. The clear advantage of using better software prevented user opposition if any from troublemaking the development process. The users were involved with the system right from the beginning and were always in touch with the latest developments.



College Management System

The proposed system makes a best effort to satisfy the requirements of the user, keeping in mind certain infrastructure constraints.

User Requirement The system is desktop application so that the admin can easily maintain the all record of the staff, student, faculty. And it should provide facility to generate different kind of so admin can find any record for ex. Attendance detail between two specific dates etc. it will also provide authentication by assigning role to staff & faculty is different. Requirement analysis can be termed as the study of the actual needs of the organization or the entity in going ahead with the development of the proposed system/software. It defines the objective that why the organization should invest its resources (time, money and manpower) in the development of that software. What help the project will provide to the company? The company can have a short-term goal (meeting an urgent need) or a long-term goal (gaining a competitive edge, or gaining first-mover benefits). Just because a project is feasible in all aspects does not mean that the company will go ahead with the project development. A project may be feasible in all aspects, but it may not be of any worth to the company. Hence, in order to decide whether to go ahead with the project or not, the company does a requirement analysis to determine the COST v/s System should be generating different report like student report, staffs report, attendance, branches and subject report.

All the details of student and staff & faculty are maintains, so it is easy to understand find any type of record or information



College Management System

. All the data, information etc are input and you get output as per requirement. When sem. or year complete then the entire student will be transfer by selecting them.

Function Requirement Performance Requirement :The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance system which interact users and developer. Therefore, it is expected that the database would perform functionally all the requirements that are specified by the administrator. Portability Requirement :The system should develop in any platform or in any language that will be easily operate in any hardware or software platform like operating system is Linux, Microsoft, Apple Max OS etc. Safety Requirement :-

We are going to develop a secured system for the user. There are different categories of users namely administrator, staff User, etc., Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an Administrator then he can be able to modify the data, delete, append etc... All other users only have the rights to upload/changed the information. Also we provide the role rights to the every different type category. Timely Requirement :The system will be timely so that it gives you the different time information that is useful in your organization activities. And it will help u to manage student like the attendance detail of any student & you can know the how many student is absent / present. And you can attendance of student speedily.

Assumptions and Dependencies:-



College Management System

We will make this application for the college so that they can manage their student data, employee data, and student attendance data. And also generate different kind of report so all the information related to the student, employee, etc staff member you can get by specific criteria.

Operating Environment:Hardware and software specification is required for smoothly running of college management system Hardware Requirement: Hardware Specifications Processor Mother Bard RAM Hard Disk DVD Drive Floppy Drive Monitor Keyboard Mouse Software Requirement: OS: Front End: Back End: Window XP or Above Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 MYSQL Minimum Configuration 1 GHz Pentium Intel Chipset 1GB 20 GB 4x DVD Rom Drive 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Monitor[640*480] Any Standard Any Standard Recommend Configuration 1.6 GHz Pentium Intel 81x Chipset 2 GB 40 GB 52x DVD Rom Drive 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Color[800*600] TVS Gold Optical

Tools & Technology.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. MYSQL.

.NET Framework 3.5



College Management System

User Master FIELD UserID UserName Password TransDate DATA TYPE int(5) varchar(20) varchar(16) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Not null Not null DESCRIPTION User id User name Password Trans date

Student Master FIELD StdId FName MName LName Mobile Gender DATA TYPE int(5) varchar(20) varchar(25) varchar(20) varchar(12) char(1) CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null DESCRIPTION Stud id First name of stud Middle name of stud Last name of stud Mobile no Sex of stud



College Management System

BDate Email BGroup SemId_FK BatchId_FK DivId_FK RollNo Address City State Pin PName PMobile PPhone UserId TrDate Datetime varchar(100) varchar(10) Int(2) Int(2) Int(2) varchar(10) varchar(300) varchar(25) varchar(30) varchar(6) varchar(50) varchar(12) varchar(12) int(5) datetime Not null Not null null Foreign key Foreign key Foreign key Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Null Foreign key Not null Dirth date of stud Email add. of stud Blood group of stud Refe to semester mst Refe to branch mst Refe to division mst Roll no Address of stud City of stud State of stud Pin no Parents name Parents mobile no Home no Refe to User mst Trans date

Batch MASTER TABLE FIELD BatchId BatchName UserId TrDate DATATYPE Int[4] Varchar[15] Int[5] Datatime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Branch id[ ex -1012 ] Branch name Refe to User mst Reg date



College Management System

Semester Master FIELD SemId SemName UserId TrDate DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(15) int(5) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Semester id Sem. Name Refe to User mst Trans date

Subject Master FIELD SubId SubName SubCode SemId_FK BatchId_FK UserId TrDate DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(50) varchar(10) int(2) int(2) Int[5] datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Not null Foreign key Foreign key Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Subject id Subject name Subject code Refe to sem mst Refe to branch mst Refe to User mst Trans date



College Management System

DEPARTMENT MASTER TABLE FIELD DeptId DeptName UserId TrDate DATA TYPE INT(4) varchar(50) int(5) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Id of department Name of department Refe to User mst Date

Designation Master FIELD DesgId DesgName UserId TrDate DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(30) int(5) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Designation id Name of Designation Refe to User mst Reg. date

Division Master



College Management System

FIELD DivId DivName SEM_ID_FK BatchId UserId TrDate DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(15) Int(4) Int[5] int(5) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Foreign key Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Division id Name of division Refe to sem mst Refe to branch mst Refe to User mst Reg. date

ATTENDANCE DETAIL TABLE FIELD AttId AttId_FK StdId_FK Status DATATYPE INT[4] INT[4] INT[4] Int[3] CONSTRATINT Primary key Foreign key Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Attendance id Refe to Attendance master Refe to stud master Status of stud

ATTENDANCE HEADER TABLE FIELD AttId AttDate SemId_FK BatchId_FK DivId_FK DATA TYPE INT[4] DATATIME INT[4] INT[4] INT[2] CONSTRATINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Foreign key Foreign key DESCRIPTION Attendance id Attendance date Refe to sem master Refe to branch master Refe to division master



College Management System

SubCode_FK EmpId_FK Lec type UserId TrDate Varchar[5] Int(2) Int(2) INT[5] DATATIME Foreign key Foreign key Not null Foreign key Not null Refe ot sub mst Rfe to emp mst Lab=1/2, lec =0 Refe to User mst Date

Employee Master FIELD EmpId FName MName LName Mobile DeptId_FK DesgId_FK Gender Address City State Pin Phone Email JDate BDate BGroup BankAc PanNo UserId TrDate DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(20) varchar(25) varchar(20) varchar(15) int(4) int(4) Char(1) varchar(300) varchar(25) varchar(20) varchar(10) varchar(15) varchar(100) datetime datetime varchar(10) varchar(20) varchar(20) int(5) Datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Not null Not null Not null Foreign key Foreign key Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Not null Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Employee id First Name Middle name of Employee Last name of Employee Mobile no Refe to dept. master Refe. To designation master Sex M/F Address of Employee City State Pin no Home tele. No Email address Joing date Date of birth Blood group Bank account no Pan card no Refe to User mst Reg. date



College Management System

Role Master FIELD RoleID RoleName userID TransDt DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(25) int(5) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Role id Role name Refe to user mst Teans. Date

Role permission FIELD RPID RoleID_fk MenuID userID TransDt DATA TYPE int(4) int(4) int(4) int(5) datetime CONSTRAINT Primary key Foreign key Foreign key Foreign key Not null DESCRIPTION Role per. Id Refe to role mst Refe to menu mst Refe to user mst Trans. Date



College Management System

Menu Master FIELD MenuID MenuName MenuType Available DATA TYPE int(4) varchar(50) int(2) int(1) CONSTRAINT Primary key Not null Not null Not null DESCRIPTION Menu id Name of menu Type menu[child/parent] Available or not of



College Management System

Entity Relationship Diagram



College Management System

Field Name Txt.user

Condition If(txtuser==db. user) If(txtuser==db. user) If(txtpass==db. user) If(txtpass==db. user)

Actual Result Msg(incorrect user) Msg(correct user) Msg(incorrect user) Msg(correct user)


Expected Result If not match result msg (incorrect) If match Msg(correct) If not match result msg (incorrect) If match Msg(correct)

Action If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (correct) Move on next text If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (correct) Move on next text

Txt.passwor d Txt.passwor d


Login Form Student Form

Field Name Txt.nam e Condition If(txtname==charac ter) Actual Result Insert into database with character value Expected Result If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct Action If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect)

Txt.addr ess

If(txtadd==characte r)

Insert into database with character value

Txt.tele_ r

If(txtteler==number )

Insert into database with number value



College Management System

value) le If(txtmobile==numb er) Insert into database with number value If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match Msg(enter currect value) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If(incorrect) Give error msg



Insert into database with number value

Txt.pate nts nm

If(txtPName== character)

Insert into database with character value

Txt.e_ma il

If(txtemail==regular _exp)

Insert into database with expression value Insert into database with character value

Txt.BDat e

If(txtBdate== datetime)


If(txtstaff== character)

Insert into database with character value

If(txtdate==datetim e)

Insert into database with data value

subject Form
Field Name Txt.subjectn ame Condition If(txtname==charac ter) Actual Result Insert into database with Expected Result If not match msg (enter correct Action If (incorrect)



College Management System

character value Insert into database with number value Insert into database with character value value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg


If(txtfees==number )


If(txtsemid==numb er)

Student Attendance Form

Field Name Txt.stud_id Condition If(txtid==numbe r) Actual Result Insert into database with number value Insert into database with datetime value Insert into database with character value Insert into database with number value Insert into database with number value Expected Result If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) If not match msg (enter correct value) Action If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg If (incorrect) Give error Msg

If(txtdate==date time)


If(txttype== character)


If(txtcourse== number)


If(txtdivid==num ber)

COADING [Attendance Form] using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data;



College Management System

using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using ZP.Common; using ZP.ProjName.BO; namespace ZPWindowApp { public partial class AttendenceMast : Form { int CloseCnt = 0; DateTime seldate; clsGeneral gen = new clsGeneral(); string Day = ""; string SelectDay = ""; string SubCode_FK = ""; int LabHr = 0; string AttMode = ""; int AttIdEdit = 0; DataTable dtEdit = new DataTable(); DataTable dtSlot; DataTable dtBatch; private void AttendenceMast_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { gen.colorChange(this); gen.Center(this, this.MdiParent); dg.Columns["Sr"].Visible = false; doNotOrder(); } private void clndr_DateSelected(object sender, DateRangeEventArgs e) { seldate = clndr.SelectionStart; clndr.SetDate(seldate); clndr.Visible = false; txtAttDate.Text = seldate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); clndrBtn.Focus(); } private void clndr_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyChar == 13) { seldate = clndr.SelectionStart; clndr.SetDate(seldate); clndr.Visible = false;



College Management System

txtAttDate.Text = seldate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"); clndrBtn.Focus(); } if (e.KeyChar == 27) { clndr.Visible = false; } } private void clndrBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (clndr.Visible == true) { clndr.Visible = false; } else { clndr.Visible = true; } clndr.Focus();} private void clearGrid() { dg.Columns["Sr"].Visible = false; if (dg.Columns.Contains("ck1")) { dg.Columns.Remove("ck1"); } if (dg.Columns.Contains("ck2")) { dg.Columns.Remove("ck2"); } DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dg.DataSource = dt; dg.DataSource = null; } private bool validateForShow() { if (cmbSem.SelectedIndex == 0) { string sy = ""; if (clsGeneral.SY) { sy = "Semester"; } else { sy = "Year"; }



College Management System

MessageBox.Show("Please Select " + sy); cmbSem.Focus(); return true; } if (cmbBranch.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Branch"); cmbBranch.Focus(); return true; } if (cmbBatch.Visible== true && cmbBatch.SelectedIndex==0) { if (cmbBatch.Items.Count > 1) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Batch"); cmbBatch.Focus(); return true; } } if (cmbSlot.DataSource == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select Slot No"); cmbSlot.Focus(); return true; } if (isHoliDay()) { MessageBox.Show("Attndance Date is HoliDay or SunDay.So Change it","Help",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information); clndrBtn.Focus(); return true; } if (grpProxy.Visible ) { if (cmbSub.SelectedIndex==0 ) { MessageBox.Show("If you want ot create proxy then select Subject","Help",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information); cmbSub.Focus(); return true; } if (cmbEmp.SelectedIndex == 0) {



College Management System

MessageBox.Show("If you want ot create proxy then select Faculty", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cmbEmp.Focus(); return true; } } return false; } private void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dtSt = new DataTable(); bool invalid = validateForShow(); if (invalid) return; string IsHaving= ""; dg.DataSource = null; if (dg.Columns.Contains("ck1")) { dg.Columns.Remove("ck1"); } if (dg.Columns.Contains("ck2")) { dg.Columns.Remove("ck2"); } if (pnlbatch.Visible==true) { IsHaving = Convert.ToString(BOCommon.getScalar("select AM.AttId from attmst AM inner join attdet AT on AT.AttId_FK=AM.AttId where AM.AttDate=STR_TO_DATE('" + Convert.ToDateTime(txtAttDate.Text).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + "','%d-%b-%Y') and AM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and AM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and AM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and AM.LecNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and AT.BatchId_FK='" + cmbBatch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ")); if (IsHaving !="") { DialogResult msg; msg = MessageBox.Show("Attendance has already been Made" + Environment.NewLine + "Do You Want To Edit Those Entries", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (msg.ToString() == "Yes")



College Management System

{ AttIdEdit = int.Parse(IsHaving); AttMode = "Edit"; FiilToEdit(); return; } else { return; } } AttMode = "Add"; dtSt = BOCommon.GetViewFromQurey("select StdId as StdId_FK, BatchId_FK , RollNo, concat(FName,' ',LName) as StudentName from stdmst where SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and BatchId_FK='" + cmbBatch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and Status='Active'"); try { if (!grpProxy.Visible) { SubCode_FK = BOCommon.getScalar("select S.SubCode from tabledet TD inner join tablemst TM on TM.TableId=TD.TableId_FK inner join submst S on S.SubId=TD.SubId_FK where TD.LectNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and TD.Day='" + SelectDay + "' and TM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BatchId_FK='" + cmbBatch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ").ToString(); } else { if (cmbSub.SelectedIndex>0) { SubCode_FK = cmbSub.Text; } else { SubCode_FK = BOCommon.getScalar("select S.SubCode from tabledet TD inner join tablemst TM on TM.TableId=TD.TableId_FK inner join submst S on S.SubId=TD.SubId_FK where TD.LectNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and



College Management System

TD.Day='" + SelectDay + "' and TM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BatchId_FK='" + cmbBatch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ").ToString(); } } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("You have not selected subject when the TimeTable is generated.","Help",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Informati on); SubCode_FK = ""; } dg.Columns["Sr"].Visible = true; donotOrder(); } else { IsHaving = Convert.ToString(BOCommon.getScalar("select AttId from attmst where AttDate=STR_TO_DATE('" + Convert.ToDateTime(txtAttDate.Text).ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + "','%d-%b-%Y') and SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and LecNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "'")); if (IsHaving != "") { DialogResult msg; msg = MessageBox.Show("Attendance has already been Made" + Environment.NewLine + "Do You Want To Edit Those Entries", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (msg.ToString() == "Yes") { AttIdEdit = int.Parse(IsHaving); AttMode = "Edit"; FiilToEdit(); return; } else { return; }



College Management System

} AttMode = "Add"; dtSt = BOCommon.GetViewFromQurey("select StdId as StdId_FK, BatchId_FK , RollNo, concat(FName,' ',LName) as StudentName from stdmst where SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and Status='Active'"); try { if (!grpProxy.Visible) { SubCode_FK = BOCommon.getScalar("select S.SubCode from tabledet TD inner join tablemst TM on TM.TableId=TD.TableId_FK inner join submst S on S.SubId=TD.SubId_FK where TD.LectNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and TD.Day='" + SelectDay + "' and TM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ").ToString(); } else { if (cmbSub.SelectedIndex>0) { SubCode_FK = cmbSub.Text; } else { SubCode_FK = BOCommon.getScalar("select S.SubCode from tabledet TD inner join tablemst TM on TM.TableId=TD.TableId_FK inner join submst S on S.SubId=TD.SubId_FK where TD.LectNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and TD.Day='" + SelectDay + "' and TM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ").ToString(); } } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("You have not selected subject when the TimeTable is generated.", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); SubCode_FK = "";



College Management System

} dg.Columns["Sr"].Visible = true; donotOrder(); } dg.DataSource = dtSt; btnSave.Enabled = true; DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn ck1 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); ck1.Name = "ck1"; ck1.HeaderText = SubCode_FK; dg.Columns.Add(ck1); if (pnlbatch.Visible == true && LabHr == 2) { DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn ck2 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn(); ck2.Name = "ck2"; ck2.ReadOnly = true; ck2.HeaderText = SubCode_FK; dg.Columns.Add(ck2); dg.Columns["ck2"].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(219,217,214); } dg.Columns["Sr"].ReadOnly = true; dg.Columns["StdId_FK"].Visible = false ; dg.Columns["BatchId_FK"].Visible = false; dg.Columns["RollNo"].ReadOnly = true; dg.Columns["StudentName"].ReadOnly = true; if (dg.Columns.Contains("ck2")) { if (rBtnP.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < dg.RowCount; i++) { dg.Rows[i].Cells["ck1"].Value = true; dg.Rows[i].Cells["ck2"].Value = true; } } } else { if (rBtnP.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < dg.RowCount; i++) { dg.Rows[i].Cells["ck1"].Value = true;



College Management System

} } } doNotOrder(); } private void cmbDiv_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnSave.Enabled = false; if (cmbDiv.SelectedIndex > 0) { cmbSlot.Enabled = true; if (isHoliDay()) { MessageBox.Show("Attndance Date is HoliDay or SunDay.So Change it", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); cmbDiv.SelectedIndex = 0; clndrBtn.Focus(); } else { bool valid=BindSlot(); if (!valid) { // MessageBox.Show("Timetable For This Division(Sem/Year/Branch/)or For "+Day+" is Not Generated.Please Chnge Selection"); MessageBox.Show("Timetable is not available of your selection.Please Try Again."); cmbDiv.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbDiv.Focus(); cmbSlot.DataSource = null; cmbSlot.Enabled = false; }}}} private void txtAttDate_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isHoliDay()) {



College Management System

MessageBox.Show("Attndance Date is HoliDay or SunDay.So Change it", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); clndrBtn.Focus(); return ; } btnSave.Enabled = false; if (txtAttDate.Text!="") { bool valid = BindSlot(); if (!valid) { MessageBox.Show("Timetable is not available of your selection.Please Try Again."); clndrBtn.Focus(); cmbSlot.DataSource = null; cmbSlot.Enabled = false; }}} private void cmbSem_SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) { bindSub(); btnSave.Enabled = false; if (cmbSem.SelectedIndex>0) { cmbBranch.Enabled = true; } else { cmbBranch.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbBranch.Enabled = false; } } private void cmbDiv_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cmbDiv.Enabled == false) { cmbSlot.DataSource = null; cmbSlot.Enabled = false; } } private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool IsSucces=false;



College Management System

bool invalid = validateForShow(); if (invalid) return; if (dg.RowCount < 1) { MessageBox.Show("No data to save", "Help", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); btnShow.Focus(); return; } BOAtt obj = new BOAtt(); BOAtt.CustomerEntity ce = new BOAtt.CustomerEntity(); if (AttMode=="Add") { ce.AttId = 0; } else { ce.AttId = AttIdEdit; } ce.AttDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtAttDate.Text); ce.SemId_FK = int.Parse(cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString()); ce.BranchId_FK= int.Parse(cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString()); ce.DivId_FK= int.Parse(cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString()); ce.LecNo = Convert.ToInt16(cmbSlot.Text); ce.UserId = ZPCommon.LoginID; if (grpProxy.Visible) { if (pnlbatch.Visible) { ce.SubCode_FK= BOCommon.getScalar("select S.SubCode from tabledet TD inner join tablemst TM on TM.TableId=TD.TableId_FK inner join submst S on S.SubId=TD.SubId_FK where TD.LectNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and TD.Day='" + SelectDay + "' and TM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BatchId_FK='" + cmbBatch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ").ToString(); } else { ce.SubCode_FK = BOCommon.getScalar("select S.SubCode from tabledet TD inner join tablemst TM on



College Management System

TM.TableId=TD.TableId_FK inner join submst S on S.SubId=TD.SubId_FK where TD.LectNo='" + cmbSlot.Text + "' and TD.Day='" + SelectDay + "' and TM.SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and TM.DivId_FK='" + cmbDiv.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' ").ToString(); } ce.EmpID_FKProxy = int.Parse(Convert.ToString(cmbEmp.SelectedValue)); ce.SubCode_FKProxy = cmbSub.Text; } else { ce.SubCode_FK = SubCode_FK; ce.EmpID_FKProxy = int.Parse(lblEmpID_FK.Text); ce.SubCode_FKProxy = SubCode_FK; } ce.EmpID_FK = int.Parse(lblEmpID_FK.Text); ce.Type=Convert.ToInt16(cmbSlot.SelectedValue.ToStrin g()); int LastID = 0; LastID = obj.SaveAttMst(ce); if (LastID > 0 || AttMode == "Edit") { int LastInsertID = 0; if (AttMode=="Add") { ce.AttId_FK = 0; LastInsertID = LastID; } else { ce.AttId_FK = AttIdEdit; } for (int i = 0; i < dg.RowCount; i++) { if (AttMode == "Add") { ce.AttDetId = 0; } else { ce.AttDetId = Convert.ToInt64(dg.Rows[i].Cells["AttDetId"].Value); }



College Management System

ce.StdId_FK= int.Parse(dg.Rows[i].Cells["StdId_FK"].Value.ToString()); ce.RollNo= dg.Rows[i].Cells["RollNo"].Value.ToString(); ce.StdName= dg.Rows[i].Cells["StudentName"].Value.ToString(); ce.BatchId_FK = int.Parse(dg.Rows[i].Cells["BatchId_FK"].Value.ToString()); if (Convert.ToBoolean(dg.Rows[i].Cells["ck1"].EditedFormattedValue.To String())) { ce.Status=1; } else { ce.Status=0; } IsSucces = obj.SaveAttDet(ce, LastInsertID); } if (IsSucces) { clearGrid(); cmbSub.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbEmp.SelectedIndex = 0; grpProxy.Visible = false; MessageBox.Show("Data Has been saved"); }}} private void bindSub() { if (cmbSem.SelectedIndex>0 && cmbBranch.SelectedIndex>0 ) { DataTable dt = BOCommon.GetViewFromQurey("select SubId, SubCode from submst where SemId_FK='" + cmbSem.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' and BranchId_FK='" + cmbBranch.SelectedValue.ToString() + "' "); DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr["SubId"] = "-999999"; dr["SubCode"] = "--- Select Subject---"; dt.Rows.InsertAt(dr, 0); cmbSub.DataSource = dt; cmbSub.ValueMember = "SubId"; cmbSub.DisplayMember = "SubCode";



College Management System

cmbSub.Enabled = true; } else { if (cmbSub.Items.Count>1) { cmbSub.SelectedIndex = 0; } cmbSub.Enabled = false; } } } }




College Management System

Input design is the most part of overall system design, which requires more and strict attention on it when the any new system is developed. Sometimes the collection of data is most expensive part of the system. If there is any mistake in taking data by user of data going into the system is incorrect then the processing and output of the system becomes incorrect. And if in any system if we generate the incorrect output, it will be effect on your credit. If we are going to create any system first of all we have to give the personal security to user so that only proper user can able to use the system. So that our data becomes secure.

Login form:



College Management System

Home Form:



College Management System

Student Form:



College Management System

Employee From :

Role Rights Form :



College Management System

Attendance Form :



College Management System

Batch Form:



College Management System

Branch Form:

College Management System

Department Form:



College Management System

Subject Form:



College Management System




College Management System

Output design is the main part of the system design, which requires cost ration and very strict attention on it when the any new system is developed. Sometimes the report of data is the most effective part of the system. If there is any mistake in representing data by system or the report of system is improper then the system becomes incorrect or unattractive. And this system will be effect on out credit. If we are going to create any report first of all we have to give the proper format to every report so that any user can able to under the information. So for this purpose we have generated all the report in the simple and sober format. As we have input all data with proper data validation so we do not have any tension about the proper data. Here in the system we have also give the facility to get the proper output in the form module. We have provided the facility for the report, number of attendance of the students and also count the percentage of attendance into report. This all reports have been taken as the output design.



College Management System

Attendance Report:



College Management System

Branch Report:



College Management System

Employee Report:



College Management System

Student Report:



College Management System

We think that not a single project is ever considered as complete forever because our mind is always thinking something new and our necessities also are growing day by day. We always want something more than what we have. Our application also if you see at the first glance than you find it to be complete but we want to make still mature and fully automatic. Some of the expansions which we have thought of are: We We We We We Improve Color in our software Pages. will add printing Facility in our Software. will add faculty attendance and student further facility. will add forget password facility. will also add SMS facility.



College Management System

CONCLUSION The College Management System has been a way of minimizing the clerical work, which is almost a routine and accumulate the most precious time. This College Management System has been an attempt to help the Admin and staff member to minimize his workload along with minimizing the paper works and saving of time. The system has been developed in a way to make it very user friendly. It provides day-to-day updated records and minimized the human errors.



College Management System

Bibliography During the development of our system. We have taken the Reference from Books and Journals, Which we would like to mention in this section These Books acted as our tutors during the system development. NAME 1. Applied .net Framework pro. In C#. Net 2. Microsoft C#. NET step-by-step AUTHOR Jeffrey Richter Michael Halverson



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