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Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(9): 1281-1287, 2011 ISSN 1991-8178

Prediction Of The Price Transmission Performance Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Asadallah Najafi Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Moallem Ave., Zanjan, Iran,
Abstract: Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to review increase or reduce effects of the rice production price from the On Farm to Retail, then it analyses transmission mode of price fluctuations in the rice market. Design/methodology/approach Original research using Weekly Price rice from December 2007 to December 2009 in the Iranian stock market. It applied the fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) method for prediction of price transmission performance in the rice production, Findings The results of this study indicate that the price transfer from wholesale to retail to be done asymmetrical. Originality/value This study contributes to research on transmission of the rice price from the On Farm to retail market. Key words: price transfer, causality test, rice production, FCM. INTRODUCTION Food security is most important factor in creating a growing community. Assuming culture, nutrition of some products finds the specific place. For example, the main food in most Asian countries is the rice. Although this product has a deficiency in terms of vitamin and iron, but today, biotechnology experts have produced rice combined with beta-carotene, which it converts to vitamin A in the body. This achievement in large parts of Asia is very important because many people of these lands, that their main food is rice, suffer deficiency of vitamin A and iron. It should be noted that a wide range of crops and high cost of warehousing have in many products (for example, rice). Recent months, Rice production in the Iran has witnessed extreme fluctuations in price. The main cause of price fluctuations is related to seasonal and production fluctuations of this product. Production fluctuations were due to bad climatic conditions in the Asia (such as was Thailand, Pakistan and Iran). Government intervention in the rice market is the main other factor that influences on the price of agricultural products. It happens often by determination of the price floor to protect producers and sometimes by providing various inputs to producer for reduction of the consumer prices. Marketing margins is one of the major issues facing most of the markets. it is very important in agricultural products. Since the production in agriculture has many types of risk, therefore producers in agriculture section have more pressures in terms of physical and psychological, so marketing margins on agricultural products is important. There is the difference between producer and consumer price, that this difference is the marketing margins, because of marketing services. When increase or decrease the price of producer prices has not effect on the consumers price, marketing margin will be great importance; this type of price transmission is asymmetric transfer. Hans explains two types of asymmetric transfer, Short-term and longterm, Asymmetry in the long term means that intermediaries increase market margins fully stable while shortterm asymmetry has a temporary effect on the market margins. The Fuzzy Cognitive Maps together with genetic algorithm based learning mechanisms have been used for analysis and prediction of performance time series. The results gained are comparable with other fuzzy set based modern methods of predicting. This study is divided into six sections: Section one deal with literature review; Section 2 presents Iranian background; Section 3 presents Research methodology; the remaining sections analyze the result analysis and present Discussion, conclusion and questions for future research. Literature Review: Asymmetric price transmission is very important because the addition showing deep gap of economic theory can provide concepts and applications of economic for policy makers. There are two types of prices transfer; Horizontal is transferring product price from the market of a country (region) to market of other country (region); Vertical is transferring product price in producer level, wholesale and retail within a country. Frey and Manera (2007). review the existing empirical literature on the price asymmetries in commodities, providing a way to classify and compare different studies that are highly heterogeneous in terms of econometric models and type of asymmetries and empirical findings. According to Conforti (2004). the degree of price transmission can provide at least a broad assessment of the extent to which markets are functioning in a predictable way, and price signals are passing-through consistently between different markets. Price transmission is affected by several factors such as transport and transaction costs, market power, exchange rate, border and domestic policies, and product homogeneity and differentiation.
Correspondingauthor: AsadallahNajafi, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Moallem Ave., Zanjan, Iran, E-mail:


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1281-1287, 2011

The effect of changes in import prices on domestic prices is central to applied trade policy analysis; however, the literature review of Aguiar and Santana (2002). reveals that in some periods, price increases are more rapid and fully transmitted than price decreases and this is reverse in other periods and places. Campa and Goldberg (2005). were examined how to price transfer from the on farm to retail for four dairy products butter, cheese, raw milk and ice cream in the United States. The results showed that the increase in farm prices than to reduce in farm prices are transferred the faster and more complete to retail level, and price transmission has been made asymmetric. Ghosh and Rajan (2006) showed that prices of the dairy products in the Brazil processing industries is transferred from the farm to retail faster than from retail to the farm. Schnepf (1999) came to the conclusion that the price transfer of beef and pork is as asymmetric. Mundlak and Larson (1992) to review symmetry Price test for the product of raw milk and the% 2 fat milk in 7 U.S. states, their results was being as evidence of price asymmetric transmission. Von (2008). came to the conclusion that reducing prices over the On Farm is transmitted faster and more complete in the price transfer of fresh vegetables. Iranian background: Husseini and nikokar (2006). examines price transfer of chicken in Iran from producing to consuming the years 2001 till 2005. It came to the conclusion that any increase in the producing price of chicken meat is transmitted thoroughly to retail, while Finality transfer is not complete to the retail level. During the third FiveYear Development Plan (2001-2005). the Iranian government undertook various economic initiatives, such as removing non-tariff barriers, in order to prepare the conditions for the country to join the global trade system, and to accelerate its development efforts to reduce the level of poverty. Generally speaking, the Iranian government policy interventions in food markets are directed toward ensuring domestic food security and lowering food prices through trade policies and rising staple imports supported by crude oil price climbing as well as fiscal and monetary policy, etc. Furthermore, Iran attempts to manage food price rises through subsidies and supplying discounted staple foods through a coupon system. moghadasi and Ardekani (2007). began to study the price transfer of meat and chicken market in Iran, their study confirmed that the level of producer prices fluctuation is transferred symmetrical shape to the retail level. As described by the World Bank (2009). report, each policy is expected to have different effects on various groups of households and could depress incentives to farmers to increase output resulting in further increases in food prices. On the other hand, policy such as export bans or high export tariffs taken by the exporter partners may create harmful effects on Iran as a net food importer. As stated by Alizadeh (2003). the preferred rate was applied to import of essential goods, a fixed or export rate (3000 Rial for $1) was applied to capital goods imports of public enterprises and a variable market rate was devoted to other imports. Such a multi exchange rate system had generated implicit subsidies for state owned enterprises and revolutionary foundations as well as for importers of basic commodities. Moghadasi and Fazeli (2007). were studied market price in the dates and the pistachios. Husseini and dowrandish (2007). was reviewed price transmission model of Iranian pistachio in global market. Research Methodology: It was decided to adopt a case study approach for this paper as there is little existing research on reviewing of price transmission performance. It has been based on the descriptive Research. This descriptive type research has been carried out using the questionnaire as the research tool for gathering the required data. Data gathering involved both reference material and a questionnaire survey. Sampling was simple random sampling and the data gathering instrument was the questionnaire. The author had already undertaken research in this field which had stimulated the measurement tools and the theoretical framework used to analyze this case study, based on fuzzy cognitive map method. It has been used the retail price (Pr) and On Farm prices (Pf) of rice a week over a period of 2 years. The statistics has been prepared from the Central Bank of Islamic Republic of Iran. To investigate symmetric or asymmetric in the positive and negative shocks transfer of price between two levels of market, it uses the equity hypothesis test of variable coefficients. Coefficients 1, 2 are respectively increasing and decreasing effect farm prices on the retail prices. The null Hypothesis is defined by formula 1.

Formula 2: The above equation can be easily estimated with OLS. Whereas 1 with 2 are equal and both are positive, then price transfer is as symmetrical and otherwise to be asymmetrical. In order to test rejection or acceptance of null hypothesis is used the Wald test. Predicting the time series for recognizing the numerical or explanatory levels is a new approach. This approach has been presented using the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps together with a learning method enjoying the


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1281-1287, 2011

advantage of the real-coded genetic algorithm. In fuzzy cognitive maps framework, the systems are described through their reciprocal concepts and relationships [Song et al., 2010, Eshghi et al., 2009. The suggested prediction method combines the fuzzy cognitive maps with the fuzzy set grain model, one of the advantages of which being the modeling and predicting in two numerical and explanatory levels. Comprehensive activities have been performed in mind considering two main goals. First, estimating the quality of the suggested structure and second, testing the effects of the prediction technique parameters on the prediction quality. The gained results in comparison with other fuzzy based prediction techniques show that the suggested structure produces higher accuracy in numerical and explanatory levels [Fazel et al., 2009. Frost et al., 2010. The main aims, and in other words, the motive of selecting the Fuzzy cognitive maps are as follows: Application of the Fuzzy cognitive maps for predicting the time series: The motive for using this specific technique is a result of its simple and comprehensive structure, consisting of the reciprocal relationship concepts, conforming to a given range. The Fuzzy cognitive maps are capable of acquiring the behavior of a given dynamic system. Recently the introduced genetic optimization based learning algorithm (genetic algorithm) allows for automatic expanding of the Fuzzy cognitive maps from the genetic data. This learning approach is flexible considering the input data. For example, both observations in successful time points of t and t+1 can be used for learning the map, and if some observations are removed from the historical data, all the remained couples still can be successfully used for learning [Frost et al., 2010. The possibility of design and expanding the absolute predicting systems, based on the Fuzzy cognitive maps which are capable of predicting in two numerical and explanatory levels [Eshghi et al., 2009. The desired steps for implementing are according to the description given in figure 1.

Fig. 1: Diagram of the suggested prediction method. The Fuzzy cognitive maps prediction system realizes a series of well-delineated steps as shown in Fig. 1. The input signal is preprocessed in a preprocessing module, which plays a dual role. First, it extracts feature(s) of interest for the linguistic prediction. They include change of signal, which is defined as a difference between two consecutive values of a given input signal, and the signals amplitude. The change constitutes an additional time series. Second, both signals are normalized linearly to the unit interval. In order to avoid artificial enlargements of small signal changes, the normalization of change signal is carried out based on the range of the original time-series signal. More specifically, the maximum possible change value is determined and the normalization is performed with respect to this value. As a result, from the preprocessing module, two normalized signals, i.e., input and change, are obtained. The first value of input signal is dismissed to have equal length of both signals. After preprocessing, information granules of the signal determining its current status are extracted and linked in fuzzification module. This process involves linguistic descriptors (labels), which are given as a set of fuzzy sets. Based on their definitions, membership values are calculated for each value of both signals. The linguistic descriptors can be defined uniformly or independently for each signal. Consider K time series as an input to this module and number of corresponding linguistic descriptors denoted by the N1, N2,, Nk . In the first phase, these signals are represented in terms of membership values of given fuzzy sets, which results in having N1+ N2+ +Nk fuzzy time series. Next, granularization process takes place, which links fuzzy time series with the use of fuzzy operators. Each of these time series expresses the level the given signal can be characterized by corresponding linguistic descriptors. We provide unique linguistic labels over the entire time series by choosing the descriptors with the highest values at each time point. The presence of the next, data divider, module is caused by organization of our experimental setup, and thus, it does not belong to the proposed prediction method per se. In particular, it serves for experimental evaluation of the prediction method dividing the input data set into training and test subsets. The former subset is used to develop appropriate Fuzzy cognitive


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1281-1287, 2011

maps, whereas the latter one is separate and is used to test prediction accuracy on unseen data. The actual learning of Fuzzy cognitive maps is performed in the Real Coded Genetic Algprithm module, which establishes Fuzzy cognitive maps based on training data. This process exploits the genetic learning algorithm, which is described in Section II. Number of nodes in candidate Fuzzy cognitive maps corresponds to number of granular time series from the output of fuzzification module. The nodes depict complete signal description within the assumed fuzzy domain, i.e., each node corresponds to a single combination of linguistic descriptors of granular time series. We emphasize that all Fuzzy cognitive mapss parameters that define the model are established automatically, i.e., without any substantial intervention of a models designer. A fully developed Fuzzy cognitive maps is used by linguistic prediction module to carry out the signal prediction in fuzzy domain (linguistic prediction) on the test data. This process involves a model simulation according to scenario defined in data divider module. Linguistic prediction uses fuzzy operations on granular time series obtained from simulation. Numerical prediction requires fuzzy values to be defuzzified. Defuzzification module performs this process according to a predefined defuzzification method on granular time series, which is obtained from simulation and then is carried out on the test data. The numerical prediction is performed based on the defuzzified values. In addition to defuzzified signal value, other signal features defined in preprocessing module may be also used as a supplement, or correction coefficient, during prediction. Result Analysis: It is used the unit root test for Stationary of variables. Results of the unit root test present in table 1
Table 1: the unit root test for Stationary of rice price variables (Grade 1, Grade 2). variables Significant Critical t Statistic level values Retail Wholesale Retail Wholesale rice price 1% -3.50 -3.50 -2.66 -3.47 -Type 1 5% -2.89 -2.89 10% -2.58 -2.58 rice price 1% -3.52 -3.52 -0.15 -0.16 -Type 2 5% -2.90 -2.90 10% -2.58 -2.58 t Statistic in the first order difference Retail Wholesale -5.29* -5.47* -8.16* -5.47* Optimum interval Retail Wholesale 1 5 3 3

According to table 1, the t Statistic values is larger than the t Statistic in the first order difference values in two type price, therefore all variables in the first order difference are stationary, and it determines optimum interval by AIC statistic. It predicts price transmission performance using FCM method; Table 2 presents the price transmission performance prediction quantities in 36 month in future. Figure 2: presents price transmission performance prediction quantities in 36 month in future.

Fig. 2: price transmission performance quantities. According to the prediction data we have: The average value of price transmission performance in the past and future 36 month is equal to 46.3% and 50.99% respectively. The mean square error reached to its minimum value using the above function: 0.076; and The R2 value reached to 78% which indicates the model validity. The Cronbach alfa value is 71%, confirming the validity of the model. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The summary of the empirical results presented in Table 1 shows causality communication from wholesale to retail in the degree 1 of rice, the degree 1 of rice price in retail market influences to the wholesale level market, therefore there is not any causality relation between two markets (wholesale market and retail market), and price in two markets has independent behaviors.


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1281-1287, 2011

Table 2: price transmission performance quantities. Prediction quantity 46.81 44.70 41.51

40.10 42.91

52.12 53.09 56.53 53.06

51.08 53.16 53.36 52.77



56.72 63.28

49.64 48.71


52.43 47.57


48.33 50.23

34.84 39.32 46.15 41.32 38.65 48.75 49.7 51.2 52.34 52.6 53.21 53.66 53.78 54.1 52.2 54.6 53.6 50.1 53.66 56.7 59.8 65.4 63.23 61.2 56.4 51.1 49.8 47.7 49.4 45.6 48.7 47.7 48.6 45.5 52.2 53

month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

According to table 3, it rejects null hypothesis in equity at total coefficients of price increase in different intervals with total coefficients of price reduce for each product regards to significant of the F statistics. Therefore, price transmission in the rice market is asymmetric (table 3).
Table 3: review symmetry of price transmission. Short term coefficients Long term coefficients of price changes of price changes variables Increase Reduce Increase Reduce Price of rice 0.76 0.12 0.65 grade 1 Price of rice 0.34 0.8 0.46 grade 2

Wald test F= 16.32 ** Probability = .002 F=21.88 ** Probability = .004

Null hypothesis Reject Reject

symmetry of price transmission Asymmetric Asymmetric

The results gained from the suggested method in comparison with the results of the other methods showed that the prediction methods based on the existing fuzzy sets have been tested only on one or two data sets. As can be seen from the results, the Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) method incurs the minimum error possible. The second better method, that is the Fuzzy time method gained the score 0.09. The other methods including the Sung-Chissem, Chen, Markove and Hwang methods achieved the next ranks (table 4).
Table 4: Comparison of methods based on error. Approach Song - Chissom method Chens method Markov method Hwang method Fuzzy time series method proposed method Error % 0.12 0.33 0.58 0.25 0.21 0.11

Conclusions: One of problems in agricultural markets is lack of appropriate tools for economic managers' decisions. In this paper, it is discussed analyzing of patterns and efficiency model of rice market to model of price transmission, marketing margins, causality relationship between different markets. Results of Granger causality


Aust. J. Basic & Appl. Sci., 5(9): 1281-1287, 2011

test are indicated that there is not any causal relation between wholesale and retail level in rice grade 2, and price in two levels of market has independent behavior. There is unilateral causal relation from wholesale to retail market for rice grade 1. The suggested method was tested in rice market, Iran. The validity of the model was tested based on the Face Validity approach and other statistical analysis methods. Also it was compared with other predictive methods like Song- Chissem, Chen, Markove and methods. The results of this comparison showed that our method is the most suitable method for prediction; in other words, it entails the least errors possible. Future Research: One possible follow-up is the comparison of the proposed method with other models, such as MarkovChain methods. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was supported by a grant from Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Tehran, Iran. REFERENCES Alizadeh, P., 2003. Irans quandary: economic reforms and the structural trap. The Brown Journal of World Affairs IX (2): 266-281. The World Bank., 2009. Islamic Republic of Iran, an Agricultural Policy Note, Water,Environment, Social and Rural Development Department, Middle East and North Africa Region. Eshghi, K., J. Nematian, 2009. Special Classes of Fuzzy Integer Programming Models with All-different Constraints, Scientia Iranica , Transaction E, 16(1): 1-10. Faraj, S., A. Yan, 2009. Boundary Work in Knowledge Teams, Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 94, Issue 3, Pages, 604-617. Fazel Zarandi, M.H., S.M. Moattar, Hoseini, S. Bastani and A. Mohebi, 2008. A Fuzzy Intelligent Information Agent Architecture for Supply Chains, Scientia Iranica, 15(5): 623-636. Frost, J., M. Osterloh, A. Weibel, 2010. Governing Knowledge Work:: Transactional and Transformational Solutions, Organizational Dynamics, 39(2): 126-136. FAO., 2008. Soaring Food Prices: Facts, Perspectives, Impacts and Actions Required, High-level Conference on World Food Security: The Challenges of ClimateChange and Bio Energy, Hlc/08/Inf/1, Rome, 35 June. Ghosh, A., R. Rajan, 2006. How High is Exchange Rate Pass-through in India? Has itchanged over time? Department of Economics and Business, Colorado College. Campa, J.M., L.S. Goldberg, 2005. Exchange rate pass-through into import prices. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 87: 660-679. Aguiar, D.R.D., J.A. Santana, 2002. Asymmetry in farm to retail price transmission: evidence from Brazil. Agribusiness, 18(1): 3748. Rapsomanikis, G., D. Hallam and P. Conforti, 2003. \Market Integration and Price Transmission in Selected Food and Cash Crop Markets of Developing Countries: Review and Applications", in Commodity Market Review 2003-2004, FAO, Rome, Margarido, M.A. and L.A Lima, 2009. \Transmission of External and Domestic Prices to Farm Prices in Brazil: a Aimulation". Mimeo. Frey, G. and M. Manera, 2007. \Econometric models of asymmetric price transmission". Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol. 21(2). Mundlak, Y. and D. Larson, 1992. On the transmission of world agricultural prices. The World Bank Economic Review., 6(3): 399-422. Najafi, A., 2010. Developing Knowledge Management in Strategic Framework of Mabena Model, World Applied Sciences Journal, 9(8): 879-888. Najafi, A., A. Afrazeh, 2010. Using Analytical Network Process for Ranking Educational Factors Influencing on Knowledge Worker Performance, World Applied Sciences Journal, 9(6): 605-618. Negassa, A. and R. Myers, 2007. Estimating policy effects on spatial market efficiency: An extension to the parity bounds model. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 89: 338-352. Schnepf, R., 2008. High Agricultural Commodity Prices: What Are the Issues? Report RL34474. Congressional Research Service. Washington, DC. ( Price transmission and welfare impact in Africa Page 50. Staatz, J., N. Dembl, V. Kelly and R. Adjao. 2008. Agricultural Globalization in Reverse: The Impact of the Food Crisis in West Africa Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics Michigan State University. Background paper for the Geneva.


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