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INDONESIA, Tembagapura, PAPUA) Sigit Edi Purnomo and Dr.-Ing Marisa Handajani, ST, MT Environmental Engineering Program, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132

sigit.edi23@ 2)

Abstract: PT. Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is one of the largest mining companies in Indonesia. Mining activity is mainly carried out in areas that are Grasberg open pit and carried on a large scale. That led to the emergence of rock overbuden waste should be disposed in large numbers. Overbuden rocks in large quantities can cause various environmental problems such as acid mine drainage, ecosystem changes, etc. It was supposed to have a good system of management PTFI overbuden rock. PTFI tried to manage the overbuden rocks with the proper placement of rocks so as not to affect the ecosystem outside. Overbuden rocks also managed so as to prevent the emergence of acid mine drainage that is harmful to the environment. Overbuden rocks that still produce Acid Mine Drainage is managed by the processing methods of passive and active remedy to ensure that when it comes to the external environment is no longer acidic. Key words: open pits, rock overbuden, outside ecosystems, acid mine drainage, active treatment, passive treatment, PT. Freeport Indonesia

I. Preliminary PT. Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) is one of the largest mining companies in Indonesia. The process of exploration, processing, and other various activities will produce product and unexpected byproduct. In the process of exploration, especially in the Grasberg open pit there is a by-product named overbuden rocks which has a sizeable amount. Judging from the condition of mining at Grasberg open pit system the presence of overbuden rocks in large numbers cannot be avoided. Overbuden rock is rock that is located above the rocks containing the mineral, exploration will be done so that if the rocks overbuden be taken and disposed of first. Overbuden rocks have a very large amount in open pit mine that need a place to dump, where dump is one of the important problem in the world of mining waste rock because overbuden rocks can alter the ecosystem and the surrounding landscape. In addition the presence of overbuden rocks can also cause another environmental problems which is Acid mine drainage that highly dangerous for the environment. Therefore, the management of this overbuden rocks need special attention. II. Writing Methodology The method used in data collection are as follows: 1. Observation Data obtained by making direct observations on the field with the guidance of mentors. 2. Interview Authors conducted interviews with mentors and with parties related to the field which the authors studied, in order to obtain the necessary data. 3. A Literature Review With this method, I get the data through a few references relating to the evaluation of the handling of waste rock overbuden in PTFI. III. Existing conditions of the Waste Management Overbuden rocks in Acid mine drainage Prevent emergence of PT. Freeport Indonesia Management of overbuden rock done primarily to prevent acid mine drainage which is fatal in the environment. The initial step overbuden rock management is to put rocks overbuden in landfills (dumps) that match the specified criteria. there are 2 main types of overbuden rocks, acidic and alkaline. The placement of the rocks in place in accordance with the nature and characteristics of the rock dump is the

action to prevent the emergence of acid mine drainage as well as changes in ecosystems can also be minimized. The strategy of controlling acid mine drainage is mainly done in terms of prevention. In terms of prevention, there are 3 main methods blending, covering, and segregation. Blending is a method of mixing rock overbuden who have acid properties with alkali properties so that the waste rock can overbuden neutral. Covering method is a method of coating dump/waste rock overbuden completed with limestone so that deposits remain neutral in the long term. Segregation method is a method which is done by surrounding the pile with a layer of limestone rock so if there is acid mine drainage is formed can be neutral if it is out of the segregation area. Management of surface water in the mine environment is also necessary to prevent acid mine drainage that escaped into the outside environment that could pollute surface water environment. Management of surface water include drainage systems, monitoring, and treatment. Drainage system at Freeport's Grasberg open pit, especially on the 3 main line. There are toward HEAT road, eastberg, and pit, with each track has its own mechanism of passive treatment. Monitoring water quality in the Grasberg performed at 6 points around the Grasberg and do every day to ensure compliance with water quality. Treatment performed in the concentrating mill by placing lime on acid mine drainage. The final step is performed in the management of the reclamation overbuden rocks. Reclamation is an attempt to restore the function corresponding native land. Reclamation mechanism is mainly done in the area of waste rock that is final and overbuden already covering by limestone. First Stage of reclamation include land preparation such as re-slooping, covering, affixing the top soil, etc.. While the second stage is the stage of planting/revegetation and revegetation monitoring results. Planting can be done by direct planting techniques and planting indirect with spray machines seedlings. Monitoring stages include fertilizing, reclamation progress observations, and observations of plant growth. IV. Analysis and Discussion Analysis conducted in this report includes the analysis of determining the location of the dump associated with the potential for environmental pollution could be caused by rock

overbuden. Observations on the ground in some places still do not meet the standard operating procedures applicable overbuden rock placement, but there are special actions to overcome it. Methods of prevention of the emergence of acid mine drainage has been done according to standard operating procedures that apply, but in some places still not in accordance with the SOP, although not fatal to the continuation of reclamation prosess. In the blending method, monitoring the quality of the

observations on the rocks indicate that the pH of overbuden rock mixing results in a range that does not emerged the acid mine drainage. Covering method based on the observation could also keep the soil pH remained stable in the numbers 7-8 so that the safety of the advent of acid mine drainage. Segregation method is carried out aiming to confine the resulting acid mine drainage from the rock overbuden highly acidic, so it does not come out from the specified zones, but if the acid mine drainage exit from the specified zone and observation prove that the resulting pH is so low because it was surrounded by a layer of limestone. For analysis of surface water, especially seen from the results of monitoring at 6 points around Garsberg, that shows the results in accordance with quality standards in accordance with KepMenLH No. 202 tahun 2004. In general, monitoring is done every day for the general parameters such as pH, TSS, Fe, etc., the measurement was done in the field and there is also a sample should be sent to the laboratory. Monitoring results that meet the quality standard has been produced which shows that the method of passive and active management are carried out effectively enough. Reclamation conducted at Grasberg is mainly done for the dump that is final. Steps include reslooping reclamation of land to meet the standards of the dump slope so as not to slide, covering 5 m of limestone to prevent the formation of acid mine drainage, stocking top soil for plant growth media, and drainage arrangements so that no stagnant water. Revegetation through replanting has been carried out on approximately 223 ha area in the Grasberg mine dump. Crop is native plants in the Grasberg such as plant species racomitrium, byrum, philonitis, etc. V. Conclusion 1. Overbuden rocks is a large amount of byproduct from exploration carried out in the Grasberg open pit mine, PTFI. 2. Overbuden rock management at the Grasberg open pit mine in particular to prevent acid mine drainage in addition to minimizing the landscape changes that occurred. 3. 3 ways of Methods of prevention of acid mine drainage at the Grasberg based on the observation that if all three are eligible pH that does not produce acid mine drainage. 4. Acidic water management in the Grasberg mine is good because the water surface were observed at six points around the Grasberg has met quality standards set out in KepMenLH No.202 of 2004. 5. Reclamation in the Grasberg going pretty well, although still below the target, until May 2011 a total of 223.62 hectares has been reclaimed.

VI. Suggestion 1. SOP overbuden rocks in terms of management should always be applied in the field to achieve maximum results. 2. The use of heavy equipment must be done efficiently so that no project is obstructed due to equipment problems. 3. Maintaining water quality monitoring mechanism that has been done during this in PTFI. 4. More attention to the condition of the final dump, which is lime and conditions covering drainage because if not maintained properly can lead to the emergence of another potential acid mine drainage in a long time. VII. Bibliography 1. Mahler, Armando and Nurhadi Sabirin, from Grasberg Until Amamapare, PT Scholastic Press, London, 2008. 2. PT Freeport Indonesia, Planning Standards Manual, PTFreeport Indonesia, Tembagapura, 2008. 3. Suyartono, et al, Good Mining Practice, Nusa Studies, Hyderabad, 2003. 4. PT Freeport Indonesia, Reclamation Five Year Plan 2009 - 2013, PT Freeport Indonesia, Jakarta, 2009. 5. PT Freeport Indonesia, Mine Closure Plan, PT Freeport Indonesia, Jakarta, 2009. 6. Egi, Current understanding of the ARD Control Mechanisms associated with limestone blends and covers and implications for mine operations and closure, Tembagapura, Indonesia, August 2007.

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