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Crystal Lawrence

Medication (Generic name) Pantoprazole Trade Name(s) Apo-Pantoprazole Novo-Pantoprazole Protonix Protonix IV

Classification Benzimidazole; Proton pump inhibitor Therapeutic Action Increases gastric pH, reduces gastric acid production.

Routes of Administration PO, IV Side Effects/Interventions/Assessment Diarrhea, headache, dizziness, pruritus, rash. Obtain baseline lab values, including serum Creatinine, cholesterol Evaluate for therapeutic response (relief of GI symptoms). Question if GI discomfort, nausea occur. Routes of Administration IV, IM, PO

Medication (Generic name) Haloperidol

Classification Antipsychotic, antiemetic, antidyskinetic Therapeutic Action Produces tranquilizing effect. Strong extrapyramidal, antiemetic effects; weak anticholinergic, sedative effects.

Trade Name(s) Apo-Haloperidol Haldol Haldol Decanoate Novo-Peridol Peridol

Side Effects/Interventions/Assessment Frequent: Blurred Vision, Constipation, orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, swelling or soreness of female breasts, peripheral edema. Occasional: Allergic reaction, difficulty urinating, diminished sexual function, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, photosensitivity, lethargy. Assess behavior, appearance, emotional status, response to environment, speech pattern, thought content. Monitor B/P, HR. Supervise suicidal risk pt closely during early therapy (as depression lessens, energy level improves, increasing suicidal potential). Monitor for rigidity, tremor, mask like facial expressions, fine tongue movement. Asses for therapeutic response (interest in surroundings, improvement in selfcare, increased ability to concentrate, relaxed facial expression). Monitor EKG and QT interval.

Crystal Lawrence

Medication (Generic name) Risperidone

Classification Benzisoxazole; Antipsychotic Therapeutic Action Suppresses psychotic behavior.

Routes of Administration IM, PO

Trade Name(s) Apo- Risperidone Novo-Risperidone Risperdal Risperdal Consta Risperdal M-Tabs

Medication (Generic name) Lorazepam

Trade Name (s) Apo-Lorazepam, Ativan, Lorazepam Intensol, NovoLorazem

Classification Benzodiazepine, Antianxiety, sedative hypnotic, antiemetic, skeletal muscle relaxant, amnesiac, anticonvulsant, antitremor. Therapeutic Action Produces anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, sedative, muscle relaxant, antiemetic effects

Side Effects/Interventions/Assessment Frequent: Agitation, anxiety, insomnia, headache, constipation. Occasional: Dyspepsia, rhinitis, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, rash, abdominal pain, dry skin, tachycardia. Rare: Visual disturbances, fever, back pain, cough, breast swelling. Monitor B/P, HR, weight, hepatic function tests, EKG. Monitor for suicidal ideation. Monitor for fine tongue movement (may be first sign of tardive dyskinesia, which may be irreversible). Avoid tasks that may require alertness, motor skills until response to drug is established. Avoid alcohol. Routes of Administration PO, IM, IV

Side Effects/Interventions/Assessment Frequent: Drowsiness (initially in the morning), ataxia, confusion. Occaional: Blurred vision, slurred speech, hypotension, headache. Rare: Paradoxical CNS restlessness, excitement in elderly/debilitated. Offer emotional support to anxious patient. Pt must remain in recumbent position following parenteral administration to reduce hypotensive effect. Assess motor responses (agitation, trembling, tension), autonomic responses (cold, clammy hands, diaphoresis). Monitor B/P, RR, HR, CBC with differential, hepatic function test. Drowsiness usually disappears during continued therapy.

Crystal Lawrence

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