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Defence Spending and Foreign Policy:

Today's Republicans: Mitt Romney: We will not have an inch of difference between ourselves and our ally Israel. i You see what's happening in Sudan and Afghanistan, in Iraq and Iran. All over the world, we're seeing the same thing happening, and that is people are testing the United States of America. And we have to make sure they understand that we're not arrogant; we have resolve. And we have the strength to protect our interests and to protect people who love liberty." ii Governor Romney plans to increase defence spending by at least $40 billion. iii Ron Paul: We have adopted a foreign policy that has left Israel surrounded by militaristic nations while undermining Israel's sovereignty by demanding that its foreign and defense policies be essentially pre-approved in Washington. That is a bad deal for Israel, as sovereign nations must determine on their own what is a most appropriate national defense. On foreign policy as well, the U.S. steps in to prevent Israel from engaging in dialogue with nations of which the U.S. administration disapproves.iv We should remember that Iran, like Iraq, is a third-world nation without a significant military. Nothing in history hints that she is likely to invade a neighboring country, let alone do anything to America or Israel.v Congressman Paul voted against the Iraq War Resolution, and plans to eliminate all foreign war funding and cut federal defence spending by 15% if elected President. vi Rick Santorum: I would absolutely not cut one penny out of military spending. vii Shi'ite mosques in Venezuela are not the reflection of the religious convictions of the Venezuelan people; they are there so that Iranian agents can plan attacks against America. viii Senator Santorum proposes a one-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ix Newt Gingrich: "Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire. And I think that we've have invented the Palestinian people, who are in fact Arabs and are historically part of the Arab community, and they had the chance to go many places." x Speaker Gingrich has advocated American military intervention in Iran to prevent it from aquiring a nuclear weapon.xi He has also called Congress's plan to sequester $600 billion from the defense budget totally destructive and very dangerous to the survival of the country. xii

Goldwater: The military is the greatest waster of money and manpower we have. They must be made to conduct their affairs in a businesslike manner. xiii "Let me remind my colleagues that it is not enough just to say, lets cut the defense budget. We could eliminate the entire defense budget and still not get out of the trouble we are in. And, I would remind my colleagues also that the first charge to us in the Constitution is to defend our country. But that is irrelevant. What I am worried about is that the fiscal situation we can find ourselves in can lead to the fiscal bankruptcy of our country and the end of our dream of freedom." xiv "The military has wasted half a billion dollars over the past decade chasing down gays and running them out of the armed services."xv On Congress and foreign policy: "Sadie, lock the door; 535 people that have a hard time spelling their names, I don't want them running my country."xvi On the power of the Israel lobby: "We have no treaty with Israel, but we have pledged ourselves to go to war if she has to go to war. And there are some of the actions that some of the Israeli groups take that, at times, I've felt would hasten that day when we have to live up to our promise. I can understand the feeling, but I'm getting awfully tired of the great influence they have and there's no question about it." xvii
On Ronald Reagan and the Iran-Contra scandal:

"I believe the President did know of the diversion of Iranian funds to the Contras. "He had to know. The White House explanation makes him out to be either a liar or an incompetent. xviii Goldwater also charged that the Reagan administration violated international law by mining the harbors of Nicaragua.xix

i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii


xix Pure Goldwater, 363. nid=2245&dat=19880916&id=9n8zAAAAIBAJ&sjid=HzIHAAAAIBAJ&pg=1350,6263758 William H. Rentschler, Barry Goldwater: Icon of Political Integrity, USA Today Magazine, March 2000.

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