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Plant, Animal, and Bacterial Cell

Bacterial Cell


are small structures (smaller than a cell), that carry-out all the functions necessary for that cell to live.

Functions performed by organelles

Organelles are involved with:

The storage of information and materials The building of materials

The recycling and digestion of substances (including old organelles) The modification and transport of substances The production of energy

The Cell Membrane

The cell membrane separates the contents of the cell from its environment regulating the passage of molecules into and out of the cell.

It consist of a double layer

Because the cell membrane regulates what can enter and what can leave the cell, it is called a selectively permeable membrane.


Is a semi-liquid substance that supports and allows movement of other cellular structures. Technically the cytoplasm is everything from the nucleus to the cell membrane.

The Nucleus

It contains all the information needed to run the cell, it directs all the cells activities. In animal cells it is the largest organelle. This information (called DNA) is contained in long thin strands called Chromatin. The DNA tells the cell which proteins to make.

The nucleus
Chromatin (DNA + Protein)

Nuclear pores Nuclear Pores


The Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

The Endoplasmic Reticulum is a system of folded membranes providing space for materials (specifically Proteins) to be built.

It also acts as transport tunnels in which materials move from one place to another within the cell.

Rough and Smooth ER

Golgi Bodies

Golgi Bodies receive materials (proteins and lipids), modifies them (if needed), package them, and ship them to some other part of the cell or for export out of the cell.

Closely associated with the edges of the flattened sacs you will see vesicles which have pinched off from the Golgi Bodies .

These vesicles contain materials which are being transported to other parts of the cell or being exported out of the cell.


Vacuoles have the simple structure of a single membrane surrounding solid or liquid contents. Many plant cells contain a large central vacuole filled with water.
In animal cells the vacuoles are smaller and more numerous.


Lysosomes are organelles that contain chemicals involved in the digestion of waste, food, and worn-out cell parts. Think of lysosomes as the recyclers of the cell.



are organelles that are NOT covered with a membrane.


only function is to build proteins.


The Power Generator of cells. The mitochondria takes simple molecules, breaks them down, and releases energy. The energy released is then used by the cell for other processes necessary for life


The function of the chloroplast is to take energy from the sun with Carbon Dioxide and water to produce sugar and oxygen. This process is called Photosynthesis (to make from light). Chloroplast contain a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chloroplast are not found in animal or bacterial cells.

Cross section of two chloroplast

Chloroplast in Elodea Cells


Helps to maintain cell shape.

Helps with the movement of cells and the organelles within.

When the cell grows to a certain size, it is involved with cell division.

Cytoskeleton in Generic Animal Cell

Two cells with nucleus and cytoskeleton highlighted.

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