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Vaccine for brain cancer

Scientists are hard at work developing a new vaccine that can actually help cure a patient of a devastating illness brain cancer. The experimental vaccine specifically affects glioblastoma, a very deadly type of brain tumor. Right now, surgeons can actually remove about 99 percent of this brain tumor. But the small cancer cells can usually be left behind and these can multiply swiftly and even resist treatments. The vaccine is built to target these wayward cancer cells. The vaccine makes use of smart cells, basically the same cells that come from the patients body but placed with proteins that help attack the tumor cells.

Posted by Ella on March 5th, 2011

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Your hand and wrist are in trouble if you continue working at the computer all day. Its medically called CTS or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. The pain is centered in your forearms and they sometimes feel numb. Does it mean that you need to see a surgeon soon? Hmmm, well, not necessarily Surgery won t fix the problem You just need to rest your hands regularly. Stay off the computer or limit your use to 20-minute sessions with 5-10 minute breaks. Use a keyboard tray or adjust your chair so the keyboard and mouse are below your elbows and your wrists are level.

Image source here.

Posted by Ella on December 10th, 2010

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Fruit Juice For Ageing Skin

Worried of getting old and having wrinkled skin? Heres something for you: Ever since Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) have been found to reduce tiny facial lines and fade age spots on the skin, beauty products worldwide are including them in skin creams in the highest concentration the FDA will allow. AHA is made from the juices of citric acid fruits. Higher and more effective dosages are

used by Dermatologists and other medical professionals for out-patient skin treatments. AHA reverses sun damage and imparts a more youthful glow to the skin but it cannot get rid of deep lines or sags. Source So, what fruits contains citric acid? As the name implies, citric acid is present in citrus fruits including lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits. It is also present in pineapple. Why worry? When these fruits are easily seen and available in the market anywhere in the world.
Posted by Ella on November 10th, 2010
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Modern Surgery Overview

Although it is sometimes difficult to determine when a medical procedure is considered surgery, a medical treatment that involves a cutting of a patients live tissue (e.g., hair and nails are dead tissue) is usually considered surgery of some sort. A medical procedure involving a drilling of live tissue in a body would often be considered surgery, but mere piercing of a body is not necessarily surgery since piercing is often done for taking samples or draining fluids from or injecting materials into the body, or setting up intravenous drip, and usually does not require suturing to close the pierced opening. Even if a medical procedure or treatment does not include cutting or drilling of live tissue in a body, it may be considered surgery, if itinvolves common surgical procedure or a setting, such as use of an operating roomor table in a hospital, anesthesia, antiseptic conditions, typical surgical instruments, and suturing or stapling. Surgery is considered an invasive procedure. Examples of surgery without cutting the body may include debridement or closing (suturing or stapling) an open wound or applying skin grafts if done under typical surgical conditions. Many types of more complicated or involved surgery are obviously considered surgery, since they involve common surgical procedure or setting as mentioned above. A medical procedure may be surgery even if not all of the typical surgical conditions or procedures mentioned above are used. -Source

Posted by Ella on October 10th, 2010

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Cloned Heart Technology has revolved so much and because of this, everything seems to be possible. Researchers and scientist made up a revolution in revitalizing a deteriorating heart though test has not been scheduled yet for humans. Organ decellurization is been tested to dead rat heart. They remove the cells from the heart, leaving behind only the nonliving fibers that give the heart its shape. Once the cells grew and functions like a new tissue, they inject cells from neonatal and newborn rats hearts into the left ventricle and propel oxygen and nutrients through the structure of blood vessels to support cell growth. After a couple of days, the heart is already pumping.
Posted by Ella on September 10th, 2010
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Circumcision can reduce risks of HIV

A report released by the WHO and UNAIDS last year stated that studies show that male circumcision can lower the risk of transmission of HIV from female to male. There is half a chance that circumcised males can acquire HIV from women as compared to their uncircumcised counterparts. But the study, as of the present, is inconclusive when it is the other way around the protection that women can get from their circumcised partners. The study is also limited to the traditional sexual intercourse e.g. penile vaginal sex.

Although male circumcision can reduce HIV transmission risks from females to males, it is stressed that it is not a hundred percent protection. It only lowers the risk of transfer not totally prevent it.

Posted by Kip V on August 10th, 2010

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So what if its good or bad, it the size that matters!

Cholesterol is always associated with heart disease. For those who care about their health, monitoring the level of cholesterol in their body is an ordinary thing. The ideal total cholesterol level should be 240 mg/dl high cholesterol. But recent findings suggest that we should also be aware of the size of the cholesterol in our body, may it be good or bad cholesterol.

Anticipation of heart related diseases cannot be relied upon the cholesterol level alone. A high percentage of our cholesterol is carried by high-density lipoproteins (HDL). The size of the HLD may determine the efficiency of good cholesterol or the adverse effect of a bad one. If the HDL is relatively small, cholesterol can easily pass through blood vessels thus limiting the efficiency or the adverse effect of said types of cholesterol in our body. And this concern is something that can be dealt with. A healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise and proper diet may improve the size of our cholesterol.

Posted by Kip V on July 10th, 2010

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Rewired Nerves Restore Ability to Walk

Scientists have figured out how mice that lose the ability to walk after a spinal-cord injury can regain it, a finding that could someday help human patients, Scientific American reports. When the long nerves that run from the brain to the base of the spine were severed, shorter nerves in the area were repurposed not regrown, as was previously believed.

Posted by Ella on June 10th, 2010

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Could their rollercoaster ride be over?

Have you ever tried riding a rollercoaster? You just can you re up there, the next minute you

t stop yelling at the top of your lungs because of its challenging ups and downs. One moment

ve almost kissed the ground. It may be an adrenaline-pumping experience for

many, but for bipolar patients, living life on a constant rollercoaster ride is no fun at all.

People suffering from a bipolar disorder or the so-called manic depression are living life on an emotional rollercoaster. They can be extremely happy for one moment then for the next few hours they can be dreadfully depressed. There seems to be no in between.


s sad to know that there is no cure for bipolar disorder but good thing there is a way to treat it effectively. Doctors treating patients with bipolar s found not effective for everyone. To solve this problem, doctors

disorder have been using lithium carbonate for 50 years now however, it started giving the patients anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs.

For patients with bipolar disorder, life is never easy for it is a series of extremes. But with the advancing medical technologies we can just hope that soon the rollercoaster ride for them will be completely over.

Photo credits: Maciek Sliwinski

Posted by Ella on May 10th, 2010

Filed under Medicine, Psychology Comments off

New Tech Tracks Things Left Behind

Hospitals are turning to technology to cut down on incidents of doctors sewing up surgical patients with sponges and other items left inside, the Chicago Tribune reports. A bar-coding system to ensure what goes in comes back out is one solution; another involves tagging items with chips that allow them to be detected with a radio-frequency wand.

Posted by Ella on April 10th, 2010

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