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iCopy ---------------------------iCopy is a free and open source software that lets you combine your scanner and printer

into a powerful, but easy to use photocopier by only pressing a button. Its simple user interface lets you manage scanner and printer options, like brig htness, contrast, number of copies in a couple of seconds. As it's small and no installation is required, iCopy is also suitable for USB pe n drives. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Features Requirements Command line parameters Known bugs & solutions Support Please help!

1) Features --------------------------# # # # # # # # # # Simple and quick interface Scanning mode selection Run by pressing scanner button Resolution, brightness and contrast, scaling settings Scan Multiple Pages before printing, including ADF support Scan to file function Preview function Command-line parameters No installation needed and little hard disk space required Compatible with all WIA scanners and all printers

2) System requirements -------------------------* Windows XP SP1/Vista * Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher * A WIA (Windows Image Acquisition) compatible scanner NOTE: unfortunately not all scanners are compatible, if you have troubles with y our scanner, please report it to iCopy bug tracker A list of the known compatible scanners can be found at http://icopy.sourceforge .net/?page_id=174 3) Command line parameters -------------------------iCopy can be run as a Windows application, but it has also some command line par ameters to copy directly to the printer or to a file No parameters: standard mode with windows > icopy.exe [/copy /file /multiplePages ..] [params] [params] are the parameters to be used. If a parameter is not specified, iCopy u ses the value stored in settings /copy /c Directly copy from scanner to printer, u sing settings provided or default settings /file /ScanToFile /f Scan to a file. If file path is not provided a dialog wi ll let you choose where to save the acquired image /multiplePages Scan a multipage document. Also /copymultiplepag es

Parameters: /adf Enable ADF support /resolution -or- /r [value] Specify a valid scanning resolution in D PI (eg /resolution 100, /r 500) /color -or- /col Color acquisition /grayscale -or- /gray Grayscale acquisition /text -or- /bw Black and white (text) acquisiti on /copies -or- /nc [value] The number of copies to be printed (defa ult one copy) /scaling -or- /s The scaling percentage (eg /s 15 0) default value: 100 /brightness -or- /b [value] Value from -100 to 100 for brightness /contrast -or - /cnt [value] Value from -100 to 100 for constrast /preview -or- /p Enables preview mode /path "path" Specify the path for file acquis ition. Paths containing spaces must be put between inverted commas (eg. /path "C:\m y folder\file.jpg"). Valid file estensions are .jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png /printer "printer name" Specify the name of the printer between inverted commas. If not provided, the system default printer is used NOTE: Parameters are not case sensitive Examples: > icopy.exe /copy /r 200 /text Copy with 200 DPI resolution in text mode, ontrast > icopy.exe /file /brightness 0 /contrast 10 /path Saves to file "C:\my folder\file.jpg" with > icopy.exe /copy /printer "Adobe PDF" Prints the file to PDF using Adobe Acrobat

with default brightness and c "C:\my folder\file.jpg" brighness 0 and contrast 10 (if installed)

ADVANCED PARAMETERS /silent No message boxes. /wiareg /wr Registers WIA components. Use if WIA errors are thrown during execution /debug /d Creates an XML file containing scanner informati on. Should be included in any bug report /register /reg Registers iCopy to the scanner buttons. /unregister /unreg Unregisters iCopy from the scanner button applications. 4) Known bugs & solutions ------------------------* Wiaaut.dll not registered error. iCopy asks if you want to register WIA Automation Layer. If it fails in doing so, you can register it manually: * Copy the file wiaaut.dll that you find in iCopy directory to C :\Windows\system32\ * Open a Prompt command with administrator rights * Enter commands: cd C:\Windows\system32\ regsvr32 wiaaut.dll * You should receive a confirmation of wiaaut.dll registration Now iCopy should run as expected. * Scanner isn't recognized by iCopy If you think that your scanner is WIA compatible but it isn't recognized

by iCopy, try to run icopy with the -diag parameter and post the log to iCopy b ug tracker. A list of the known compatible scanners can be found at http://icopy.sou 5) Support ------------------------Please read iCopy F.A.Q.: If you want to report an exception or a bug, to suggest a new feature or a chang e, or ask for support, please use Sourceforge Bug tracker: 6) Please Help! -----------------------iCopy is free software, so it is supported only by your generous donations and b y advertisements on the website. If you like iCopy, please help me to make it a better software! You can: * Tell your friends about iCopy, on your blog, on Facebook, Twitter or w herever you like, so that it gets more and more famous. * Surf the website, leave comments, and maybe give a look (and a click) at the advertisements. * Donate a small amount (even a few $) with Paypal: http://sourceforge.n et/donate/index.php?group_id=201245.

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