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Tid Bits of Wisdom

From the Wonderful Word Publishers

FEBRUARY 2012 VOL. 6 NO. 3


February is Valentine month. This is the month that we think about the heart. Much of our lives are lived without considering the heart. Many days we go about our daily duties without applying our hearts to what we are doing. This is wasted time. The heart is were we find the soul of man. What does the Bible have to say about our hearts? Jesus met a woman at the well in John chapter 3 and told the woman that the day had come when men must worship God in spirit and in truth. The difference between religion and Christianity is, religion is lived through the flesh and Christianity is lived through the heart. Many Christians today are attempting to live their Christian life through religion and not through Christianity. They continue to work through the flesh and wonder why they cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit. Many great men and women have gained great knowledge about the Word of God and have been able to express the Word of God in unique ways but have not learned how to live the Word of God through the spirit. We can preach the Word of God all day and then go about our day responding through our flesh, doing it our way instead of Gods way. You may read great things about a man of God and later learn of things he destroyed because of a fleshly work. God doesnt bless anyones works if done through their flesh, regardless of how honored they are by man. Born-again believers who continue to live in the flesh destroy the very works of their hands. We may give them great honor for their knowledge, but God sees their hearts. Three times we are told in the Scripture, the just shall live by faith. I fear that in our teaching, the church has failed to show believers how to move from the flesh to the spirit. No love affair brings satisfaction unless the lover loves from his heart and reaches the heart of the one being loved. There are many acts of love that fail to connect the hearts together, but our relationship with Christ must be heart to heart. This love connection we have with God must be heart to heart in order for us to know God. In the Old Testament God says over and over that He does what He does that men might know Him. God is not satisfied with us having only a knowledge of Him, but He longs for us to know Him heart to heart. One of my favorite verses is Revelation 3:20. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

(This is from a prisoner in Delano, California. We do not know how or who shared the paper with this young man.) Dear Mrs. Cimino, Peace to you in Jesus name. I am writing in regard to a pamphlet I read some time ago. I liked it very much. I recall an article by a sister who is a pastors wife. She wrote so humbly and yet her words rang of wisdom and of truth. There are not many true followers of Jesus Christ who give themselves wholly to Him. Her words made me think that she and sisters like her, must be the Sarahs, Lois and Eunices of our times. In these times which we live, it is difficult to find those who are genuine people of God, so when I read Tid Bits of Wisdom I was very encouraged. Joseph G. Please pray for Joseph and others in our prisons.

Tid Bits of Wisdom goes Everywhere!

Please join us in reading through your Bible this year. It is a wonderful feeling to accomplish reading every word of the Bible. You can do it! Phil. 4:13


( Continued on page 2)

Wife of Lewis Cox, a Tid Bits Supporter. 1


Revelations 3:20 is our Valentine card from God. He is inviting us to be his Valentine. He is asking us to invite him into our hearts, where He can sit at the table of our heart and sup with us. The Scripture tells us that God created us for His pleasure and yet so often we leave Him outside the door. How do you feel when an unannounced visitor shows up at your front door? Doesnt it catch you off guard? But dont you feel bad if you leave them at the door and do not invite them to come in? Well, God is knocking at our hearts door and He longs for our fellowship. You can be kind and cordial to someone at your door, but fellowship comes from inviting them inside God does not just want an acquaintance with us, He wants heart-to-heart fellowship. If you and I are going to live a life of faith and truly walk at Gods bidding, we must invite Him in and sup with Him in order to know and receive His instructions. I shall never forget the change that came to my life when I invited Christ to come in and sit at the table of my heart. I gave Him my heart when I received Him as my Lord and Savior, but I invited Him to reside at the table of my heart when I accepted the fact that He, not me, was to be Lord of my life. When I first trusted Christ as my Savior, I began to show Him how great a Christian I could be. Very quickly, I learned there is no greatness without Christ. It was not up to me to show Christ how good I could be. Its all about seeing how great Christ can be when He works through our lives. O that we would let Christ teach us how to serve Him. He longs to use our lives and to show His power and His wisdom through us, but He must get us out of the way first.
Matt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

(Continued from page 1)

to love every soul. There is no reason for man to be alone and empty when there is a God who longs to love and fulfill his hearts desires. I challenge you to get in your Bible and learn what God has to say about His heart and what He has to say about our hearts. Learn how God works in the heart of man. February is the month that we stop and think about the heart. I challenge you to look at your love life. Look first of all at the love between you and God. Then look at your love life between you and your relationships. Can Christ be seen in your love life? What is the best way to show Christ to our loved ones? By loving Gods creation with godly love.

Prov 4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.


Going out to meet trouble always proves to be a very short walk. The worst part of doing nothing is that you can never take a day off. The man who wastes today lamenting yesterday will waste tomorrow lamenting today.
A little boy was in a relative's wedding. As he was coming down the aisle, he would take two steps, stop, and turn to the crowd. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. So it went, step, step, ROAR, step, step, ROAR, all the way down the aisle. As you can imagine, the crowd was near tears from laughing so hard by the time he reached the pulpit. When asked what he was doing, the child sniffed and said, "I was being the Ring Bear."

If we desire to fellowship person to person with God, we must have a pure heart. When our hearts are right with God, we recognize His hand as it works in our life. One of the most important works of a persons life is the keeping of their heart. We can hide our hearts from man, but we cannot hide our hearts from God. Jeremiah says that its hard for us to know our own hearts.
Jer 17:9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

All the good that we do in our lives comes from our hearts, and all the evil that we do in our lives comes from our hearts. God is constantly working with our hearts. He is searching the heart to see if there be any wicked way that should be purged from our lives. God tries the reins of our hearts. We have four horses on our farm and the best way to know their spirit is to pull on the reins. A horse with a willing spirit is so easy to lead about, but a rebellious horse will pull against the reins when you try to lead him. God tries our reins and reveals our spirits. He gives to every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his ways. We are not judged or rewarded according to others works. God responds to us according to what He finds in our hearts. God is knocking at our hearts door, looking for a loving relationship with His children. Will we be His Valentine? Every soul longs to be loved and God longs

John and Wanda Casias began serving as missionaries around 1980 in Mexico. Their home church is Liberty Baptist in Lewisville, Texas. They were killed in their home and on their property in Mexico outside of Monterry on Jan. 31. Their ages were 76 and 67 respectively. The possible motive was robbery and it is assumed the killers were known to the family and that they were related to the drug cartels. Wanda was found in the home with an electrical cord around her neck and John was found in a storage building with a cord around his neck. The area is known for violence due to the drug wars that are going on in Mexico and along the borders between the cartels. This war does not get much press, but it is very real and very dangerous. Any missionary that is in Mexico needs extra prayer for protection. I moved from the border in mid October, so I know what I speak of. Before leaving Texas I heard testimony after testimony in church services from missionaries passing by, how God had protected them from possible dire circumstances. Wonderful Word supports a missionary family whose church is between two towns where two opposing drug gangs fight and the family has been approached more than once. God has protected them thus far. Please be in prayer for all missionaries in Mexico. Wonderful Word Publishers has supplied the Casias family with tracts three times in the last 10 years. Bro. John came to pick them up one time at my church, Harvest Baptist in Edinburg, Texas, and I was able to meet him. He was a humble man who loved the Lord and loved the Mexican people. I know our tracts have been sprinkled all throughout the regions of Mexico. This is our 46th year of operation and millions of tracts have been produced and given away. Missionaries from 3040 years in Mexico still use our tracts. Please pray as they are given out that men, women, boys and girls will come to know the Lord as Savior before their lives are given over to the devil and his deeds. Our work is small but God has a place for it in His plans and we desire to be faithful in fulfilling it. Bro and Mrs. Casias work is over and they can rest, but the rest of us still need to be faithful to tell the lost they have a need of a Savior.

Missionaries John and Wanda Casias Killed in the Service of the Lord

I am sure some of you have heard of the murder of John and Wanda Casias, missionaries near Monterrey and you have become concerned for all your missionaries. You have reason to be concerned. The devil knows his time is short and he is working overtime. But just like Job, he can not touch us without Gods permission. We still have a job to do. We are taking all the precautions that we can, but WE ARE NOT LEAVING! We have taught our people to trust in the Lord, not only for their salvation, but for every step we take. This must be done by example. We covet your prayers. We do not understand the murder of these missionaries but we believe God is STILL IN CONTROL and He makes no mistakes. MEXICO NEEDS THE LORD. Pray earnestly for Mexico and pray for us to continue to do what God has given us to do here.

Edward and Flossie Abbott Missionaries in Mexico

-----Connie Cimino

On one occasion the minister delivered a sermon of a ten minute duration. He explained, I regret to inform you that my dog, who is very fond of paper, this morning ate that portion of my sermon that I have not delivered. After the service, a man from another church, who had been at the service, shook hands with the preacher and said, Pastor, I should like to know if that dog of your has any pups. If so, I want to get one to give to my minister.

We have known the Casias family for over 15 yrs. They had received threats, but they still remained faithful to the Lord to follow His will for their lives. The memorial service blessed my heart beyond words. There will be people who will tell me that we should return to the states because of the trouble. When Ron (who is with the Lord now) and I were in Bible College we had the youth department in a local church. A drunken father of one of our teen girls pointed a shotgun at my husband and threatened to kill us. That did not stop us from doing the work of the Lord or from trying to help people in trouble. We were also threatened while we were in Papua New Guinea. It does not matter where we serve, there will be some people who do not want to hear about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to go on with more zeal than ever, to continue doing the work that the Lord has called us here to do. God bless you. We will continue to pray for you and your safety also.

The Conaway Clan Missionaries to Mexico


By Gloria Brewster


Ive had a very difficult time this month knowing what article to write. I dont think I realized when we began this paper how important it would be to be led of God before writing an article. The Bible is a very LARGE book and there is no end to the lessons we can glean from the book. But God knows the hearts of our readers and He directs according to their needs, if we will listen. God has really burdened my heart this month because of the physical abuse I have listened to through counseling. I never cease to be amazed at what people have suffered at the hands of the very people God has given to protect them. I turned 68 years of age on the 26th of January and I have a friend, my age, who has just found out some devastating facts about her family. She has lived all these years in darkness to the truth and yet she has experienced the traumas of their lies. All of her life she has had questions that have gone unanswered because the adults in her life were not honest. It is devastating to have these things thrown at you at the end of your life. Why do we attempt to hide our sins? Do we not remember that the Bible says, Be sure your sins will find you out. This often happens with adoption. Jerry and I have had a part in three adoptions and believe me, honesty is the best policy. Children need to know the truth at a young age so it does not come as a shock, when some good intentional relative or friend feels led to tell them the truth. They need to hear the truth from their parents. One of the saddest counseling jobs I have is hearing a grown person sharing how they were abused as a child. It is so difficult to teach them to respect authority when it was their authority that violated their life. My father was the apple of my eye. What if he had been the predator of my life? What a different opinion I would have of the word, father. It is difficult for a child who was abused by their father to understand the righteousness of our Heavenly Father. One of our foster daughters was deserted by her mother and left with a relative who attempted to abuse her life. This caused our foster daughter to have hatred toward her mother. She was able to escape from the abuser, but she could not escape from her hatred toward her mother. When she came to live at our house she said, I will not call you mother, because that is a dirty name. I am glad to report that quickly she was calling me mother with tones of sweetness. We have a lady in our church who I have watched the Lord transform into a godly woman. She has mended many relationships that had been broken, but when you mention the word father you can see that there is still much work to be done. When you look at the sin and the wickedness that has gone on in the lives of our adults, especially those who claim Christ, it is no wonder that our children have a hard time understanding the Holiness of God. Our children are also scarred by parents who teach one thing and live another. Birthing and raising a child is an awesome responsibility.

We can teach Gods Word to our children all day, but to allow Gods/Word to live through us, is to place Gods Word in their hearts. Knowledge puffs up, so we need to make sure that our children have wisdom and understanding to go with that knowledge. There is no better way for our children to receive wisdom and understanding than to see Gods word in action through our lives. You may be thinking as you read this article, I would never hurt my children. The thought of abusing a child might make you tremble, but there is more than one way to abuse our children. If you will study Ecclesiastes chapter 16, you will find that when we sin against God we leave our children open for destruction. When we turn our back on God, we leave our children open to the worlds destructions. I consider that child abuse. When we bring sin inside the house, we bring disease and infection of the soul, and believe me, it is contagious. As parents, we hold the lives of our children in our hands. What kind of parents are we? The following Scripture says it would be BETTER to have this happen than to have the judgment of God upon you.
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh. Matt. 18:5-7

Jesus Led Me All the Way... to Texas Matt and Jerry Lynn Wilkerson Family
For this God is our God for ever and ever: He will be our guide even unto death.
January 1, 2012 was a day of new beginnings for our family in addition to the start of a brand-new year. After traveling to Texas from the East, our moving truck and van entered Dallas County at sunset on New Years Eve. Pastor Brewster was waiting in his shiny blue truck to lead our caravan to the Parsonage of Galilean Baptist Church. We were warmly greeted by some church members who had graciously provided a delicious supper for our hungry crew. Several came to unload our truck and trailer directly into the house on their New Years Eve. The grand piano was the movers challenge (as usual) since we learned in a move a few years ago that piano mover fees were not in the budget and there are friends/enemies to be made in moving it the old-fashioned way. We are excited to be a part of Galilean Baptist Church and under the leadership of Pastor Brewster. God has been guiding us through our lives, and for this we are grateful to Him. He is a faithful God of great grace and mercy. God has blessed us with godly parents who knew God, taught us the Bible, raised us in church, and loved us. My parents are originally from Texas and have returned to the country of Texas upon retirement. My mother-in-law was born and raised in San Angelo, Texas, and she made her home with her husband in Knoxville, Tennessee. My father-in-law went to heaven in 1995. At the age of five, I prayed to ask Jesus into my heart after Sunday School at our church and was baptized later. When I reached the age of nine, I struggled with doubts of remembering all the details of my salvation experience. My parents tenderly talked and prayed with me several nights during my struggle. On September 25, 1978, I told my dad I was ready to get saved. He knelt with me by our living room couch, and I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and be my Savior. I followed the Lord in baptism. At a revival that took place at a teen retreat, I gave my life to serve God in whatever ministry capacity He would choose for me. My husband had a similar experience of making a profession of faith at a young age, but he was saved at the age of 16 while serving as a ranch hand at the Bill Rice Ranch. This was just days after we had met there during the camp week. He was baptized and went on to graduate from Bible College. In June of 1990, we were married by Pastor Bob Kelly in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Interestingly enough, Dr. John R. Rice, the founder of Galilean Baptist Church, had been a member at Franklin Rd. Baptist Church where we were married. If I could see beyond today, back then, I could have asked Mrs. Rice about her time at Galilean where one day I would become a member. While I was in high school, my mom took me to visit Mrs. Rice. On a particular visit, Mrs. Rice gave me a verse that has remained in my memory. Proverbs 16:20 He that handles a matter wisely shall find good: and who so trusted in the Lord happy is he.

My husband and I have been privileged to serve the Bible-believing, Christhonoring pastors and people on this journey God designed for us. We consider Temple Baptist Church in Powell, Tennessee, our home since we spent most of our married years there and seven of our nine children were born there. The Lord has graciously led us to meet and serve with dear brothers and precious sisters in Christ in Texas, Kansas and North Carolina. The children the LORD has graciously given us are Joy, Matthew, Andrew, Stephen, Grace, Hope, Peter, John Paul and Timothy. Our oldest is attending the Crown College of the Bible. We are educating the others at home~Heritage Hope Academy. Our heart prayer is that of Psalm 78:4-7 We will not hide them from our children, showing to the generation to come the praises of the Lord and His strength and His wonderful works that He has done. For He established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments... Two thoughts Ive been pondering in my first month at Galilean; The first is this from Pastor Brewsters sermon; Peace is our gospel. Ephesians 6: 1415 Stand therefore, having your loins gird about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Romans 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! If our lives are consistently characterized as lives of peace, then others will desire this gospel ~ know the One who gives peace (Continued on page 7)

(Continued from last month. Copies can be pur-

An Hour with David Livingston

In 1858, back to Africa. During this second period the results from his explorations bore considerable fruit. On his advice, recruits came forward to occupy the strategic places he had found and marked along his solitary and lonely way. The Oxford and Cambridge Mission, accompanied by Bishop MacKenzie, were sent out to set up missionary endeavors along Lake Nyassa. But it was not all sunshine. Tragic consequences followed in the wake of the slave trade. Livingston and his companions, frequently covering these routes, were heartsick. To the newcomers it was a terrible sight. White men? The natives darted off into the forest as fast as their legs could carry them. All over the land white men meant one thing to these tribes - slavery. Halting one day at a village, a slave party came into view - a long train of manacled men, women and children, the black drivers armed with muskets, decked with finery, now and then blowing exultant notes on long tin horns. All hands got busy. It was a daring thing to do. But acting on impulse, the missionaries cut free, women and children and released the necks of the men from the forked sticks. Eightyfour slaves were liberated and sixtyfour more later encountered were also set at liberty. These episodes sowed seeds of discord between the slavers and the newly arrived groups of missionaries to man Livingstons strategic places. It ended in the breakup of the mission and the death of the bishop. It was a sad blow. A second one followed - Mrs. Livingston died. He never quite recovered from his wifes death. She lies buried on the green slope that margins the Zambezi. A simple white cross marks the grave.

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A third followed. The government at home withdrew its resources. Following the incident of freeing the slaves, the open hostility of Livingston to trade and barter in human flesh, the situation was too precarious. Government diplomacy acted and acted quickly. He sailed for England to take stock. At home, friends rallied to his vision. Funds and prayers came in from Christians all over the land. With their hymns ringing in his ears, this dauntless soul set sail for Africa on his third and last expedition. It was during the years 1865 - 1873. From the heart of Africa during this, his final journey, came premature word of his death. It was a fabrication to save the face of some of his men who made it an excuse for desertion. But it was prophetic. Letters from this gallant heart dispelled the fears of the world. He wrote that he was trying to connect the sources of the Congo and Nile. He and his party suffered dreadfully during this final attempt. The country was depopulated and few inhabitants had anything to sell. The slave trade was hindering him. Writing, We are very much emaciated, our sorest loss has been our medicines (lost in the waters when a boat overturned)....we are forty-five hundred feet above the rains every day...we are all tired of this everlasting tramping. He pushed on in spite of difficulties. A heartening message came, telling him that the government had granted him a pension of two hundred pounds, a salve to their conscience. He needed it. Every dollar he had received as a gift or earned by his published works had gone into his labors, supporting his vision. He could have retired on his laurels, a wealthy man, but the pull of an opened Africa ever led him on. Everything must contribute, even health, to this goal. The end was not far off. Lost in the heart of the black continent, reports of his death came

frequently and aggravated the issue to the outside world. Stanley was sent out to locate him. He found him, as all the world knows. What a meeting that was. Livingston cared little for publicity and thought less of his own welfare, but every English-speaking nation was anxious. The New York Herald knew the value of this great missionary explorer. Stanley found him in the jungle. Unaware of the value of his name or person, Livingston stood among a group of Arabs, a pale, careworn, greybearded old man, dressed in a red shirt and old pair of tweed pants, his shoes of no description. What was happening outside? He was hungry for news. He took his letters from Stanley and learned of the opening of the Suez Canal and the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Spanish Revolution, General Grants election, the Franco-German war, and a long list of friends who had passed on. Stanley remained with him for a few months, then came out and told his story. The world rejoiced. Next comes the story of his death. He had been suffering for several months from chronic dysentery. He was now sixty years of age. He had gone through experiences that would have killed scores of lesser men. His thoughts, although on his exploration and his spreading of the news, strayed now and then toward home. He was tired. The last entry in his diary, dated April 27, 1873, says he intended to reach Zanzibar and then go home. He knew when he asked for a hut to be built a day or so later, it was his final stopping place. Sick, tired and disappointed; was it centuries ago since he had landed at Capetown? So much had happened? Partly delirious, groaning from pain night and day, they placed him in a temporary bed. I feel very cold; put more grass over the hut. His followers were grief stricken. He died at midnight. They found him on his knees

the next morning. No, not Livingston. He had gone on to join his loved ones in the beyond where in the Fathers house there are many mansions. His remains lie buried in Westminster Abbey, with the Great. His faithful black followers, knowing his value, preserved them for posterity. His heart in a little tin box is buried under a large tree in the Africa he loved. He was the first white man to cross the inhospitable Kalahari Desert; first to stand by Lake Ngami; first to view the broad expanse of Lake Nyassa and the roaring Falls of Victoria; first to make his way through obstacles and difficulties which scarcely any other man would have braved and overcome; from the central country to the Western Coast then back again eastward to the Sea; a fever-stricken, famished man, whom nothing could daunt or turn from his course. He explored rivers of great length whose names were unknown; made observations of the greatest value to future missionaries and travelers; opened to commerce and religion realms of exhaustless fertility, rich in mineral, animal, and vegetable production and tribes of men, gentle and teachable, who need only the influence of Christ and His gospel to raise them from a state of degradation; and finally, he first exposed the cancer that ate into the heart of Africa, retarding its progress, the foul traffic in human flesh. First in great things; he did it all these years of his flesh, for One who was always to Livingston, First and Last, the Alpha and Omega of his being, the Lord Jesus Christ.

(Continued from page 5) and salvation.

Wilkerson Family

The second pondering is from a chat with Mrs. Brewster riding down the interstate: Most people never reach their desired haven. Psalm 107:30 Then are they glad because they be quite; so he bringeth them into their desired haven. Why do many of us not realize our desired haven here on earth? Maybe, we forget that God is the Creator Commencement of our voyage. He is the Captain Control of our ship on this sea of life, full of ripples and storms. He is the Comfort Calm~our peace. Ultimately, our life voyage will end with Him safely in Heaven if we have trusted Jesus Christ to be our Savior. Deuteronomy 30:16 In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded the? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with the whithersoever thou goest. Seeking God, fearing God, trusting God = Peace. Fruitfulness. Desired haven. ----Jeri Lynn Wilkerson

We didnt leave a lot of room in the paper for our monthly report. It seemed to fill up quickly this month due to the missionaries deaths. We must not forget to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are busy serving and doing the work of Christ. The threat in our own country is very high today. We must not take our liberty for granted. Wonderful Word has an opportunity to double the amount of tracts we send out. We have a missionary moving to the border of El Paso who has offered to be a distributor of our tracts in that region. This would mean we would need $2,000 for paper. Would you please pray about this with us? If God provides the paper this will be our way of knowing if this move would be Gods will for our work. Thank you for your prayers. Tid Bits has lost a supporter because of having to move to a nursing home. Maybe God would have you to replace them. God has been gracious to touch hearts for this work from the very start and we are so grateful to Him. Remember, if you would like to honor someone who has passed away, with a love gift to the paper, we will print their names in the next months paper. All gifts can be sent to Tid Bits of Wisdom, 1801 Old Hickory Trail, DeSoto, Texas, 75115. Our web address is on the back page. All gifts are tax deductible. This paper is paid for by faith through Gods people. One particular four-year old prayed, "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."


Received your Tid Bits of Wisdom paper and read every word in one sitting. It was so enjoyable as usual. I was deeply touched by Bro. Brewsters article on Abraham and Sarah. My husband, Billy Jack, read through his Bible again this year. I have started reading through again also. Avis W. Thank you so much for the Christmas basket. We have enjoyed it so much. It was a treat for us and our guests during the holidays. Pat told me how well Bro. Jerry was doing, so our prayers are being answered! May this be the best year for you both. Pat and Don A. My grandson was visiting one day when he asked , "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished my halo, while I asked, "No, how are we alike?" "You're both old," he replied.

Letters from Tid Bits of Wisdom Readers

TID BITS of WISDOM from the WONDERFUL WORD Publishers, Inc. 1801 Old Hickory Trail DeSoto, Texas 75115

Non-Profit Organ. U.S. Postage Permit 697 DeSoto, Texas 75115

Love Divine, All Loves Excelling

Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down; Fix in us thy humble dwelling; All thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure unbounded love Thou art; Visit us with Thy salvation; Enter every trembling heart. Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit, Into every troubled breast! Let us all in Thee inherit; Let us find that second rest. Take away our bent to sinning; Alpha and Omega be; End of faith, as its Beginning, Set our hearts at liberty. Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all Thy life receive; Suddenly return and never, Never more Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above, Pray and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love.

Matt 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. KJV

--Psalms 68:11-Founded December, 1966 WONDERFUL WORD Magazine, now Tid Bits of Wisdom, is the official voice of WONDERFUL WORD PUBLISHERS, a non-profit, religious organization, endeavoring to publish Gospel Literature in the Spanish Language for world-wide distribution, through Bible believing Missionaries at no cost to them. It is published as the Lord enables. It is dedicated to Missionary activity on the fields already white unto harvest, and contending for the verbally inspired Word, exalting the LIVING WORD.

THE WONDERFUL WORD & Tid Bits of Wisdom

Connie Cimino P,O, Box 23825 Knoxville, TN 37933 TID BITS OF WISDOM

Bro. Jerry & Gloria Brewster 1801 Old Hickory Trail DeSoto, Texas 75115

E-mail TidBitsWWW@aol. com Website:

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