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Bishops Committee minutes February 12, 2012 In attendance: Johnnette Shane, Wynne Wilbur, Kevin Minch, Kirsty Imes,

Sally West, Steve Reiser, Pete Kelly. 1. Minutes from last meeting were approved

Vicars report: 2. Anti-racism training meeting report a) Johnnette, Talie, Maria and Kirsty attended b) Idea to for Trinity congregation to see Traces of the Trade. 3. Discussion over annual meeting and whether it was too short to allow full discussion for all of issues raised. 4. Canterbury Club continues to go well. Meeting before last had 12 people, but attendance is still unpredictable. We need people to sign up to do food. Need to decide whether CC is a college group or a young peoples group. As a college group, we will be hard pressed to find leadership next year as several people are graduating. What age range do we want to include? Does a peer minister have to be of the same age range as members of CC? Bishops Wardens Report 5. We received a thank-you note from Jessie 6. Motion approved to accept Tim and Kristas request for reimbursement of $286.31 for miscellaneous expenses in the church. Junior wardens report 7. The wardens looked into a new programmable thermostat for church. This will help to prevent the heat being left on high by mistake when no one is using the church. Committee agreed this was a reasonable expense and we should go ahead. Moved and approved that junior wardens consult with Tim Baker and that we approve in advance the expense. Treasurers report 8. We will send a thank-you note to Sue Floyd for doing our W2s and 1099s. 9. We will invite Krista to come to our next meeting, and we will request that she attends every other time to discuss the budget. 10. We should update the signers on the bank accounts to reflect current membership of the bishops committee. 11. We will ask Krista about who should contact the diocese to get funding for the Peer Minister. Old Business: 12. Policies Regarding Children

a. Question was raised as to whether we actually adopted these diocesan policies. b. Proposal is to distribute the materials and give people a month to read them before we adopt. This will be on the agenda next meeting under Old Business. 13. Revisit Children in Nursery and Children in General a. Carmen is unsure of her responsibilities. To whom does she report? How long should she stay if no young children are present? We decided that Carmen should stay for the full hour, as well as the volunteer. Details about this will be more fully worked out later. Bishops Committee Retreat 14. Will start at 12 p.m at the Vicarage on Saturday, March 17. New Business: Leadership Conference 15. There is a $20 fee for the conference on March 3. Motion passed to have church pay these fees for the six attendees from Trinity. Adult Education 16. We decided to form a committee to investigate what type of adult education is desired or needed at Trinity. Also the committee could coordinate dates with book club, etc. 17. We had a positive meeting with the consultant for the building campaign. He will contact us with more materials in the coming week. The next step will be a congregation-wide meeting to discuss the plans and pass out the consultants survey. The plan is to have this meeting on March 18. Prayer Adjourn

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