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Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in Nepal: Exploring the Possibilities

NarayanDhital LavalUniversity,Canada

PrincipalEditor HemantROjha,ForestActionNepal

Editors BryanBushley,UniversityofHawaii,US NayaSharmaPaudel,ForestActionNepal JagadishBaral,MinistryofForestandSoilConservation,Nepal BaruaniIddMshale,UniversityofMichigan,US PeterBranney,LivelihoodsandForestryProgramme,Nepal KrishnaShrestha,UniversityofSydney,Australia

AssociateEditor NirmalaSannyashi,ForestActionNepal

DesignandLayout AmritAdhikariandShovaPrasain,ForestActionNepal Language AnilShrestha

ForestActionNepal Satdobato,Lalitpur POBox:12207,Kathmandu,Nepal Contactnumber:+97715552924;5550631Fax:+97715535190;


Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009


Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in Nepal: Exploring the Possibilities
NarayanDhital LavalUniversity,Canada

Abstract: This article argues thatNepalcan benefit from the REDD mechanism by proactively acting to curb the rateofdeforestationandforestdegradation.Successfulparticipationcanbringbiodiversity,ecologicalandeconomic benefitstothecommunityaswellasthecountry.Nevertheless,technicalcomplexitiesinassessingthemarket,elite domination in contract negotiation and risk of ignoring the voices of forestdwelling communities pose serious threatstothesuccessoftheplan.

In Nepal, forests are considered the second most important natural resource after water. Forests serve three important functions: production of timber and Nontimber Forest Products (NTFPs), protection of natural environment and regulation of atmospheric condition. In the Nepalese context, the production function of the forest enhances economic benefits for the community, while the protection and regulation functions are for ecological betterment and climate regulationrespectively. The forest area of Nepal is estimated to be about 5.8 millionhectares(ha)(40%ofthetotalgeographicalarea of the country), out of which 4.2 million ha (29%) is forest and 1.6 million ha (10.6%) is shrub land (DFRS 1999). Tables 1 and 2 present the historical forest cover and deforestation rates in different years of modern Nepal. The overall deforestation rate of Nepal is currently1.7%,whichiswellabovetheAsianaverage(1%) and the global average (1.3%) (MFSC 2008). Globally,

deforestationresultsintheannuallossof13millionhaof forests(FAO2005). A comparison of the results of the National Forest Inventory (NFI) with those of the Land Resources MappingProject(LRMP)showsthattheforestareainthe countrydecreasedby24%atanannualrateof1.6%over a period of 15 years (197994) and the shrub land area increasedby126%duringthesameperiod(MFSC2008). Higher increase in the proportion of shrub land contiguous with continuing decrease in overall forest area gives a clear picture of the state of deforestation andforestdegradationinNepal. Deforestation contributes to global climate change. It is considered to be the cause of about 20% total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. To avoid the worst impactofhumaninducedclimatechange,averageglobal surfacetemperatureriseneedstobestabilizedasfaras 0 possible below 2 C above the preindustrial level (IPCC 2007).Limitingwarmingtothislevelislikelytobecritical to the protection of forests, which are considered the major natural sink for GHGs. Reducing emission from deforestationisthekeytoachievingsuchgoal.

Period Cover(millionha) Forest 1964 1979 1986 1999 20002005 Source:MEST2001

Totalforestarea (millionha) 6.3 6.2 5.83

Deforestationrate(in%) Terai 1.3 Hill 2.3 Overall 1.7

Shrubland 0.7 0.7 1.56

6.4 5.6 5.5 4.27 3.74


WoodyVegetation Forest Shrub Total Source:MFSC1989,DFRS1999

FirstForestSurvey1964 45 NA 45

LRMP197879 38.0 4.7 42.7

MasterPlan198586 37.4 4.8 42.2

NFI1994 29.0 10.6 39.6


Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009 Although Nepal doesnt play a significant role in anthropogenic GHG emission, it is already facing the consequences of climate change due to its fragile and mountainous geography. Nepalese people, who cannot easilyaffordmitigationmeasuresforclimatechange,are the first to be affected by such changes. They have no choicebuttoadapttothechangedscenario. As mentioned earlier, about 39% of Nepals area is covered by forests. The forest cover is necessary to stabilize the countrys farming system and fragile geography. If people could be compensated for their efforts to conserve forest areas, it would provide twin benefits: conservation, which has an enormous impact on biodiversity and the local environment and rural economicdevelopmentduetoadditionalcashflowinthe ruraleconomy. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries is a mechanism that allows industrialized countries to offset their emissions by purchasing carbon credits from developing countries, which reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation by avoiding such activities. In fact, REDD is a winwin strategy whereby host countries can be compensated for their land use, while industrialized countries are expected to pay less thanhalfofthepricesofothertypesofcarboncredits. After long deliberations, the link between forests and climate change was acknowledged at the Bali Climate Conference 2007. The Bali Action Plan (UNFCCC 2007) acknowledges that forests cannot be ignored in any futurestrategytocombatclimatechange,andthatREDD also has enormous potential to deliver biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation outcomes. However, the provisions for REDD lack specific measurable targets. Rather than committing to REDD, the Conference of Parties (CoP) has expressed its commitmenttoinvestigatethepossibilityofcommitting to REDD. Nevertheless, developing countries, including Nepal, should ensure that forests remain high on the agendaofanyfutureclimatechangepolicynegotiations. Thescientificcommunityshouldalsoformulateafuture global climate strategy with the most relevant, upto dateandthoroughresearchpossible.AclearpostKyoto mechanism is expected by the end of 2009, which may includeREDDasakeyemissionsreductionmechanism.


Thenationalizationofprivateforestsbythegovernment (HMGN 1957) was a key factor in accelerating deforestation throughout the country. In the Terai and SiwalikHills,deforestationgainedmomentumduetothe governments resettlement programme, unauthorized settlements,illegalclearingofforestsforagricultureand illicit felling of timber for smuggling across the border. Other causes of deforestation and degradation in the country are expansion of agricultural land for food production, extraction of firewood for cooking and domestic heating, forage gathering for livestock and forestgrazing,inadequatemanagementofpublicforests and restrictive forest management regulations (MFSC 2008). Continuous political instability during the last decadeandlackoflanduseplanshavealsoexacerbated deforestation.Forestfiresanddisturbancesduetofloods andlandslidesareotherimportantfactors.However,the rates of deforestation and degradation are lower in the midhills,wherethecommunityforestryprogrammehas beenmoresuccessful.


Under the REDD mechanism, payments (likely to be made per ton of emissions reduced) are made for emission reductions achieved by reducing deforestation orforestdegradationindevelopingcountriesatnational level. The amount of emission reductions is determined by comparing the achieved deforestation and forest degradation rates against a baseline scenario. The baseline reflects what would happen in the absence of theREDDpolicy.Thiscanbeestablishedbylookingatthe historicaltrendsindeforestationandforestdegradation andextrapolatingtheseintothefuture;bymodellingthe future trends using the knowledge of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation; or by a combinationofthesemethods(Leoetal.2008).Astime progresses, payments are made, usually once emission reductionshavebeenverifiedindependently. Three types of basic information are required by the REDD mechanism. First, the host country should have a REDD strategy in place that explains the system to stakeholders,acknowledgestheirconcerns,andpresents aplantoaddressthem.Itshouldalsodefineanincentive system for forestdependent communities whose supportandparticipationiscrucialfortheplanssuccess. Second, the host country should establish a reference deforestationrate,basedonanexaminationofhistorical deforestationtrends,andusingacredibleandverifiable methodology. Finally, a monitoring mechanism capable of providing data on deforestation and forest degradation on an annual basis should be developed. This monitoring mechanism is the key to independent verification of emission reductions from deforestation anddegradation.


Logging, shifting cultivation, agricultural expansion, encroachmentandurbanization/industrializationarethe key drivers of global deforestation in general (Leo et al. 2008). In Nepal, lack of tenurial clarity has significantly contributedtodeforestationinmountainsandtheTerai.


Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009



InNepal,72%ofthepopulationlivingbelowthepoverty line (31% of the total population of the country) are forest dwellers, largely comprising indigenous communities(MFSC2008).Thesepeoplenotonlyextract timber,firewood,fodderandotherNTFPsforsubsistence use, but also sell these products to earn a living. Furthermore,theyconverttheforestlandforfarmingor practise slash and burn cultivation, or both. The forest thesepeopleusehasthehighestpotentialtobeincluded intheREDDmechanism. Bringing these forests under the REDD mechanism can benefitthecountryandruralcommunitiesinmanyways. It outweighs the payments received by other livelihood activities that contribute to land use change (e.g. agriculture, slash and burn, etc). Maintaining land in forest has biodiversity implications. Shrestha and Singh (2008) mention an increasing trend of Soil Organic Carbon(SOC)poolinforestplotswithgreaterrichnessof vegetation species. Compensation paid for conservation would have direct impact on earnings and employment at local level. By avoiding deforestation and forest degradation, local environmental quality would be improved. The REDD strategy can also strengthen local institutions, which is critical to fostering collective responsibility. However, assessment of the potential of carbon sequestrationbydifferentforesttypesandmanagement systemsinNepalisessential.Althoughsomedocuments areavailableontheissue(e.g.theexamplebelowtaken from Baskota et al. 2007), more studies of other forest typesaswellasforestsunderothertenurialsystems(e.g. governmentmanaged forests, forest under protected areas,etc)maybeneeded.Moreover,bothaboveground treebiomassandbelowgroundrootbiomassneedtobe measured to better understand forest carbon dynamics (Hamburg 2000). Although Shrestha and Singh (2008) estimatethetotalsoilcarbonpoolindifferentlanduses and forest types at watershed level in the midhills of Nepal, data on annual carbon exchanges in such environments are still necessary to determine whether suchecosystemsarenetcarbonsinksorsources.


As deforestation was acknowledged as a source of th anthropogenic emissions at the 13 CoP meeting, interest is growing in finding ways to include the reductionindeforestationinnonindustrializedcountries intheUnitedNationsFrameworkConventiononClimate Change(UNFCCC)beyondthefirstcommitmentperiodof theKyotoProtocol(after2012).Therefore,itisimportant fortheauthoritiesintheregionsconcernedtotakeearly cognizance of the potential that forest conservation offersandlobbyforamechanismthatbringsbenefitsto local communities, which will conserve forests locally whileextendingthebenefitsglobally. Banskota et al. (2007) studies the rate of carbon sequestration in communitymanaged forests located in different geographical and climatic conditions in Nepal andIndia.Theirfindings,whicharepresentedinTables3 (Nepal) and 4 (India), include biomass of aboveground plantsgreaterthan5cmdiameteratbreastheight(dbh) and belowground biomass, but excludes SOC, carbon in herbs/grassandlitter,andthosesmallerthan5cmdbh. Therefore, it represents a conservative estimate of the totalcarbonstockintheseforests. AccordingtoBanskotaetal.(2007,)LamatarCommunity Forest Users Group (CFUG) has a mean carbon 1 1 1 1 sequestrationrateof1.41tCha yr (5.17tCO2ha yr ),with 1 anaveragecarbonpoolsizeof52.5tCha (192.52tCO2ha 1 ),excludingcarbonstoredinthesoil.ThisindicatestheC poolinthiscommunityforest(CF)providesanimportant additional environmental service, but without compensation.AssumingthevalueforatonofCO2tobe 1 1 US$12, Lamatar CFUG can earn US$62.04 ha yr (NRs 1 1 4,963ha yr ).Ifweassumethisrateasthemeancarbon sequestration rate, Nepal sequesters 6.3 million tons of 1 CO2yr from the CFs already handed over to communities. This sequestration can be multiplied manifold if all the forests in the country are brought under the mechanism. Even by such a conservative estimateofCO2 sequestrationandsimilarlyconservative price estimation, community forests in Nepal such as LamatarCFwouldhavesubstantialincomecomparedto thepresentincomecommunitiesarerealizingfromtheir communitymanagedforests.

AnnualvariationincarbonstockinthreecommunitymanagedforestsofNepalHimalayasandtheirmeancarbon sequestrationrates CFUGs Year1 Ilam Lamatar Manang 57.94 51.19 30.94 Carbonmass(t/ha) Year2 60.75 52.32 NA Year3 64.13 54.00 33.19 Meancarbonsequestrationrate (tC/ha/yr) 3.1 1.41 1.13 1.88(6.89tCO2/ha/yr)

Meancarbonsequestrationrateacrosscommunityforests Source:Baskotaetal.2007


Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009 Table4:CarbonStockinCommunityManagedForestsinUttarakhanda,India


AnnualvariationincarbonstockbyforesttypeintheVanPanchayats(VP)ofUttarakhanda,Indiaandtheirmeancarbon sequestrationrates Foresttype Carbonmass(t/ha) Year1 EvenagedBanjOakforests DensemixedBanjOakForest MixedBanjOakChirpinedegradedforest YoungBanjOakChirpineforest ChirpineforestwithbushyBanjOak YoungpureChirpineforest YoungpureChirpineforest MixedBanjOakforest MeanCsequestrationrateacrosstheVPforests Source:Baskotaetal.2007 172.1 255.7 18.8 156.9 58.9 69.5 NA NA Year2 176.5 260.2 20.8 ToliVPForest 161.2 62.4 74 GunaVPForest 10.3 154 14.1 158.4 3.8 4.4 3.7(13.57tCO2/ha/yr) 165 65 78 4.05 3.05 4.25 Year3 179 264 23.25 3.4 4.15 2.2 DhailiVPForest Meancsequestrationrate(tC/ha/yr)

Van Panchayat forests (forests managed under Joint ForestManagement[JFM]mechanism)ofdifferenttypes in subtropical and temperate climates of Uttarakhanda, 1 1 Indiashowalmostdouble(3.7to1.88tCha yr )therate of carbon sequestration rate than that observed in Nepals community forests (Banskota et al. 2007). This may be explained partly by the younger age of forests studiedinNepalandtheproportionofproductsremoved fromforestsbycommunitieswhomanagesuchforests. However, both of these studies report lower than the rangereportedfortheCentralHimalayanforestsbyRana etal.(1989).Ranaetal.(1989)reportsarateof4.5to8.4 1 1 tCha yr of carbon sequestration in Chirpine forests in thecentralHimalayanregion.Astudycarriedoutinthe inner Terai region in Nepal shows carbon sequestration 1 1 ratesof2tCha yr fromabovegroundbiomass,including understory biomass, and SOC of up to 020 cm depth (Aune et al. 2005). This information is important to analyse the potential of governmentmanaged forests and protected areas in bringing them under the REDD mechanismasmostoftheforestsinTeraiarestillunder government control and a significant area of the Terai andinnerTeraiissetasideunderthecountrysprotected areanetwork. With100,000haofannualdeforestation,thePhilippines also could benefit from the REDD mechanism. Communitybasedforestmanagementisbeingseenasa potentialstrategyofcarbonsequestrationthereaswell. To date, close to 6 million ha of forestlands are under some form of community management. Being a humid tropicalcountry,treesplantedtherehaveahighgrowth rate and thus a high rate of carbon sequestration of 8 1 1 tCha yr (LascoandPulhin2003),thoughthecommunity forestryconceptandmechanismmaybedifferentthere thaninNepalandIndia. 60

The above cases illustrate that communitybased forest management can be a viable strategy for reducing permanent emissions by avoiding deforestation in countrieslikeNepal.Dataindicatethatthemeancarbon 1 1 sequestration rate in the CFs in Nepal (1.88 t ha yr ) is 1 1 1 1 closeto2.79tha yr or10.23tCO2ha yr undernormal managementconditions.Thatis,afterlocalpeoplehave extracted various forest products to meet their subsistenceneeds.Thisfiguretranslatestotheincomeof 1 1 US$122.76ha yr offorestlandatUS$12pertonofCO2. The current REDD proposition requires that the average national rate of deforestation be determined by a valid methodologytoestablishabaselinescenariotoenterthe mechanism. Therefore, not only communitymanaged forests but also other categories of forest across the country (governmentmanaged forests, private forests andforestsinsideprotectedareas)shouldbestudiedto determine their deforestation rate and carbon sequestration potential. As managed forests have a higherpotentialforcarbonsequestrationandoldgrowth forests (e.g. forests in protected areas) store higher amounts of carbon above and below ground, all forest tenures have similar prospects in terms of the carbon market. However, challenges faced by different forest management strategies may be different. In Nepal, the intensityofdegradationishighingovernmentmanaged forests compared to other forest management modes (MFSC2008).Itisevidentthatoncetheforestishanded over to communities, the rates of deforestation and degradation are substantially reduced, even though some arguments suggest that community forests have been protected at the cost of governmentmanaged forests (i.e. leakage). This explains the challenges faced by different forest management regimes in terms of realizingtheperpetualenvironmentalservicesthey may provide, including carbon capture. As the current REDD

Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009 propositioninvolvestransactions,notatstand,landscape or ecosystem level, but at country level, all forest regimes in the country have equal potential for incorporationincarbontradingcollectively. Nevertheless, since about 22% of Nepals geographical area(3.6millionha)isidentifiedaspotentialcommunity forests (MFSC 1989), preventing deforestation in community forests may significantly bring down the current annual deforestation rate of 1.7%, thereby increasingtheprospectsforREDDcompensation.


national REDD strategy, establish a national baseline scenario and put in place a monitoring system. The selectedcountriesoractorswithintheselectedcountries which have successfully participated in the readiness mechanism can also be compensated by the World Banks carbon finance mechanism for the emission reductionverifiedindependently. In this context, Nepal has made a good start by submitting its Readiness Plan Idea Note (RPIN) to the World Banks FCPF. It has already been selected as a beneficiary of the Readiness Mechanism of the FCPF. Successfulparticipationinthemechanismalsooffersan opportunity to benefit from the carbon finance mechanism,wheretheFCPFwillpilotincentivepayments for the REDD policies and measures. The need of the hour is to develop REDD strategies, baseline emission andmonitoringmechanism.Theissueofbenefitsharing amongactorsshouldbeaddressedintheREDDstrategies tobedevelopedwiththeparticipationandconsensusof all stakeholders. Therefore, participation of all stakeholders, including forestdependent communities, inallthestepsoftheprocessiscrucialforthesuccessof suchstrategies,plansandprogrammes. In addition to the FCPF, support is also available from industrialized countries for developing a REDD mechanism and piloting REDD projects. A recent agreement between Indonesia and Australia on a REDD project has boosted such possibilities. The government should play a proactive role and come up with the projectstobepilotedandapproachtherichcountriesfor partnership. TheUNFCCCisexpectedtofinalizeREDDmechanismby CoP15inDenmark2009.Itendorsedtheconceptatthe Bali Climate Conference in 2007, and numerous events are taking place to finalize the mechanism. The main methodological issues of the UNFCCC/REDD mechanism still to be considered include: means for estimating and monitoring changes in the forest cover, carbon stocks and emissions; means to establish reference emission level; means to identify and address displacement of emissions; implications of national and subnational approaches; capacity building; criteria for evaluating effectivenessofaction;andothercrosscuttingissues.


None of the new initiatives are riskfree, including the REDD mechanism. It is difficult to predict the REDD market due to technical complexities, high implementation costs and insecurity of land tenure for the forestdependent communities that may lead to inequality in benefitsharing. There is an increasing possibility that forestdwelling communities might not have their say in the REDD contract negotiations, which could create tensions at local level during implementation. It may be noted here that, without support from forestdependent communities, the REDD mechanism may not work. Furthermore, by implementingtheREDDmechanismwiththehelpoflaw enforcementauthorities,communitiesmaylosetheright touseforestresources. However, REDD shouldnt be seen only from a negative perspective. It offers opportunities for countries like Nepal, where more than 40% of the land is covered underforestsandforestryinstitutionsexistatgrassroots level.Potentialrevenuesoutweighthosefromotherland uses,andcouldbeasourceofgreenjobs.Table5enlists some of the risks and opportunities of the REDD mechanisminNepal.

FromtheForestCarbonPartnershipFacility(FCPF)under the World Banks Readiness Mechanism, select developing countries can get assistance to develop a

Risks Projectsmightfailduetopoliticalandsocialuncertainties Technicalknowledgeofcarbonmarketmechanismislimited Baseline setting and monitoring system is expensive and sometimesunavailable Elitedominanceprevailsintargetedcommunities Leakagemayoccurinsideorbeyondtheprojectboundary Opportunities Morethan40%ofthecountrysareaunderforestcoverage ofdifferentintensity REDDcompensationoutweighsrevenuefromotherlanduses Forestryinstitutionsexistatgrassroots(e.g.CFUG) Itimprovesenvironmentalquality Itisasourceofgreenjobs


Journal of Forest and Livelihood 8(1) February 2009


Nepal has a deforestation rate of 1.7%, which is well abovetheAsianorglobalaverage.Therateofincreasein the shrub land cover between the two forest surveys substantiates forest degradation. The major drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the country include boundary and policy issues, apart from the general drivers such as logging, encroachment, agriculturalexpansionandurbanization/industrialization. Nepal can benefit from the REDD mechanism by proactivelyactingtocurbtheratesofdeforestationand forest degradation. Studies indicate high potential for Nepal to benefit from the REDD mechanism by expanding the community forestry programme and bringing the regime under the REDD mechanism. Successful participation can bring ecological and economic benefits to the community as well as the country.Nevertheless,technicalcomplexitiesinassessing themarket,elitedominationincontractnegotiationand riskofignoringthevoicesofforestdwellingcommunities poseseriousthreatstothesuccessoftheplan.

Aune, J.B., Alemu, A.T. & Gautam, K. 2005. Carbon Sequestration in Rural Communities: Is it Worth the Effort?JournalofSustainableForestry,20(4):7383. Baskota, K., Karky, B.S. & Skutsch, M. 2007. Reducing Carbon Emissions through Communitymanaged Forests in the Himalaya. Nepal: International Centre for IntegratedMountainDevelopment. DFRS1999.ForestandShrubCoverofNepal1994(1989 96). Kathmandu, Nepal: Department of Forest Research andSurvey,ForestSurveyDivision. FAO 2005. Global Forest Resources Assessment. Available at: (AccessedonJune25,2008) HMGN 1957. Nationalisation of Private Forest Act 1957. Kathmandu:HisMajesty'sGovernmentofNepal.

Hamburg, S.P. 2000. Simple Rules for Measuring ChangesinEcosystemCarboninForestryoffsetProjects. MitiAdaptStratGlobalChange,5(1):2537. IPCC 2007. Fourth Assessment Report Summary for Policy Makers. Geneva: IPCC. Available at: report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr_spm.pdf (Accessed on July 1, 2007) Lasco, R.D. & Pulhin, F.B. 2003. Philippine Forest Ecosystems and Climate Change: Carbon Stocks, Rate of SequestrationandtheKyotoProtocol.AnnalsofTropical Research,25(2):3751. Leo, P., Huberman, D., BowenJones, E., Edwards, G.& Brown,J.2008.MakingREDDWorkforthePoor.Poverty and Environment Partnership. Available at: g_redd_work_for_the_poor_draft_2_0 (Accessed on August17,2008) MEST 2001. State of Environment (2001). Kathmandu, Nepal:MinistryofEnvironment,ScienceandTechnology. MFSC2008.ForestCarbonPartnershipFacilityReadiness Plan Idea Note (RPIN) Nepal. Available at: 4267&ItemID=34267(AccessedonAugust17,2008) MFSC 1989. Master Plan for Forestry Sector, Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal: Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation. Rana, B.S., Singh, R.P. & Singh, S.P. 1989. Carbon and Energy Dynamics of Seven Central Himalayan Forests. TropicalEcology,30:253269. Shrestha, B. & Singh, B.R. 2008. Soil and Vegetation Carbon Pools in a Mountainous Watershed of Nepal. NutrientCyclingandAgroecosystem,81:179191. UNFCCC2007.ReducingEmissionsfromDeforestationin Developing Countries: Approaches to Stimulate Actions. Decision/CP.13. Available at: cp_redd.pdf(Accessedon1July2008)


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