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<!--testing myself--> <!doctype html> <html> <title>test</title> <id=start> <head><h1 align="center">IBM MAINFRAMERS ROCKZZZZ....</h1></head> <img src="C:\Users\500017138\Saved Games\Desktop\revising html\02092011648.

jpg" align="center" height=300 width=400> <body bgcolor="green" text="yellow"> <p align="center"> <font face="ariel">The Internet began in 1969, as an experimental four-computer network called ARPAnet, which was<br> designed by the U.S. Defense Department so that research scientists could commun icate. In approximately<br> two years, ARPAnet grew to about two-dozen sites and by 1981, consisted of more than two hundred sites.<br> In 1990, ARPAnet was officially disbanded and the network, which now consisted o f hundreds of sites,<br> came to be known as the Internet.<br> </p> <p align="right"> After a while, commercial organizations began to recognize the use of such a net work which converted the<br> whole world into a Global Village and allowed almost instant access to business or commerce data and a<br> host of other services such as E-Mail and E-Commerce. The rapid growth of the In ternet was due to<br> networking giants like British Telecom, Hyundai, AT&T and others setting up fast and reliable network<br> that encircled the globe. The networking giants were very clear about their role . This was to setup and<br> maintain, monitor and expand existing networks. Hence another layer was formed a bove this layer called<br> ISPs (Internet Service Providers). The networking giants gave access to the Intern et via Gateways. Using<br> ISP gateways it is perfectly possible to route business or commerce data from on e point of the globe to<br> another by using a heterogeneous mix of networks owned by different networking g iants who have worked<br> out an agreement between themselves on the costs of usage.<br> </p> <p align="left"> ISPs in turn offer clients access to the Internet via their gateways as paid for ser vice. An ISPs gateway<br> generally consists of a server with a permanent connection to the Internet. The Servers connection to the<br> Internet is called its Internet Pipeline. Special hardware is used as the pipeli ne to connect an ISPs server to<br> the Internet. ISP pipeline bandwidths of 2GB to 10GB are quite common. Multiple pipelines can be<br> purchased by an ISP from a networking giant and used.<br><p> <h2>lets see a video</h2> <img src='C:\Users\500017138\Saved Games\Desktop\18. Britney Spears - Toxic [2004].av i' height=300 width=400> </p> <h2> witout pre</h2> Clients that log into the Internet via an ISP commonly use only 33.6 Kilobyte of the ISPs bandwidth. Occasionally a client whose data traffic is very high will use special connectiv

ity methods (ISDN) to an ISPs server and use between 64Kbps to 128Kbps of the ISPs bandwidth. If a client has huge data traffic <h2>with pre</h2> <pre> then a client could directly negotiate with a networking giant to have its own p rivate Gateway to the Internet and then make use of the huge bandwidth for its data transfers. These t ypes of clients are not ISPs and as a general rule do not allow other clients access to their gateway. Even i n such case physical access to the Internet is a server. The diagram 1.1 illustrates what was said earlier: The Internet consists of two types of computers Servers and Clients </pre> </font> <b>checking bold</b><br> <i>checking italic</i><br> <u>checking underline</u><br> <strike>checking stricking though words</strike><br> <small>checking small texts</small><br> <big>checking big texts</big><br> <em>checking emphasizing texts</em><br> <strong>checking stong text emphasizing</strong><br> <h2>checking subscripts and superscripts</h2><br> x<sup>2</sup><br> y<sub>5</sub><br> <table border=1> <caption><h2>Table 1.1</h2> <tr><th>SL.No.</th><th>NAME</th><th>GRADE</TH></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td>pritesh kumar</td><td>A++</td></tr> <tr><td>2</td><td>ritu tripathi</td><td>A++</td></tr> <tr><td>3</td><td>avilesh kumar</td><td>A</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td>shivani choudhary</td><td>A++</td></tr> <tr><td>5</td><td>shreyas sinha</td><td>A</td></tr> </table> <h2>trying column spanning</h2><br> <table border=1> <tr><th colspan=3>IBM</th></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr> </table> <h2>trying row spanning </h2> <table border=1> <tr><td rowspan=3>IBM</td></tr> <tr><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td></tr> <tr><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr> </table> <h2> checking frames</h2> <iframe name='framebox' src= e> <h2>checking hyperlinks</h2><br> <a href="testing1.html"><font color="white">link to is website</font></a><br> <a href="testing2.html"><font color="white">link to is website</font></a><br> <a href="testing3.html"><font color="white">link to is website</font></a><br> <a href="testing4.html"><font color="white">link to

height=300 width=400></ifram my 1st attempt to develop th my 2nd attempt to develop th my 3rd attempt to develop th my 4th attempt to develop th

is website</font></a><br> <a href=""><font color="white">link to know about IBM mainframe</font></a><br> <h3> click on the image below to enter the upes website</h3> <a href=""><img border=1 src="C:\Users\500017138\Saved Game s\Desktop\revising html\upeslogo.gif" height=100 width=100></a><br> <a href="hyperlink.html#start"><font color="white">go to starting of the page</f ont></a><br> <h2>lets begin with the forms</h2><p> <form action='http//' method='get'> <h3>enter ur details</h3><p> this is a hidden attribute<input type='hidden' value='u cant see this'></input> first name<input type='text'></input><p> enter last name<input type='text'></input><p> enter date<input type='date'></input><p> enter time<input type='time'></input><p> enter color<input type='color'></input><p> enter email id<input type='text'></input><p> enter password<input type='password'></input><p> chose city<p> <select name='first'> <option value='1'>delhi</option> <option value='2'>uttarakhand</option> <option value='3'>punjab</option> </select> <select name='second'> <optgroup label='mainframe'> <option value='1'>rockzzz</option> <option value='2'>ultimate</option> </optgroup> <optgroup label='cloud computing'> <option value='3'>primary to mainframe</option> <option value='4'>secondary to mainframe</option> </optgroup> </select> <p>enter ur photo<p> <input type='file'></input><p> enter sex<br> <label><input name='radigroup' type='radio'>male</input></label><p> <label><input name='radigroup' type='radio'>female</input></label><p> choose companies u like<br> <label><input name='checkgroup' type='checkbox'>IBM</input></label><p> <label><input name='checkgroup' type='checkbox'>apple</input></label><p> <label><input name='checkgroup' type='checkbox'>infosys</input></label><p> <label><input name='checkgroup' type='checkbox'>microsoft</input></label><p> <button type='submit'><img src='C:\Users\500017138\Saved Games\Desktop\020920116 49.jpg' height=50 width=50>pritesh says, &quot;goto google &quot;</button><p> <h3>text area</h3><p> <textarea rows=10 cols=50>post ur comment here</textarea><p> <input type='button'value='ok'></input><input type='button'value='cancel'></inpu t><p> <input type='reset' value='reset'></input><p> <input type='submit' value='submit'></input><p> </form> </body> </html>

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