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August T, 1908.


Page 3 .

His Majesty's Cruise M a m m o t h Warsliip.
in IVioney Pouring in f r o m Public All Over Germany.

Estimated at Over 3,700,000.

Probate of the will, dated March 23. 1906, of the Right Hon. Frederick Arthur, Earl of Derby, K.G,, G.C.B., who died on June 14, 1908, has been granted, The personal estate has been sworn at d892,349 gross and <iS752,139 net, and the estimated value of the estate, both real and personal, is .3,777,139. The testator gives a legacy of ^30,000 to his widow and a legacy of =620,000 to the trustees of the settlements made on each of his younger children in his lifetime. There are also legacies given to agents and others, and to each servant a legacy at the rate cf two months' wages for each complete year of service. The residue is given to the present Earl of Derby absolutely.

Fire at Mansion Occupied by t l i a Hon. Fredericl< Guest,

The King Returns t o London Before Meeting the Kaiser.

Count Zeppelin has not yet recovered from the overwhehning disaster to his airship at Stuttgart on Wednesday after its record flight, b u t all Germany is doing its utmost to console him. Already funds to allow him to construct a new airship are being liberally subscribed all over the country. The Kaiser, too, has sent a warm telegram of sympathy to the Count, The latest accounts of the accident .show that two men were injured fatally, and that all that remains of the airship is a piece of badly damaged framework.



The King and Queen, with the Prince of Wales and Princess Victoria and Prince Edward, started for a cruise on the' mammoth cruiser Indomitable shortly 3.^ter three o'clock yesterday afternoon. As the royal party wetit on board the cruiser a royal salute thundered forth from the Agamemnon and Minotaur, and was returned by the Indomitable, and at the same time the Royal Standard was run up, In an incredibly short time the huge cruiser got FUNDS FOR NEW AIRSHIP. under way, and, turning gracefully almost in her own length, .went away to the eastward, and was soon hull doWn on the horizon on her way rouiid BERLIN, Thursday.From all parts of the emthe Isle of Wight. pire reports are being received of the issue of apThe cruise ;y3S finished at seven o'clock, when peals by the authorities and by newspapers for the the Indomitabl^'returned to Cowes, A nuniber- of distinctions in commemoraticjn of immediate construction of a nevy airship by Count their remarkable voyage across the Atlantic, on the Zeppelin. occasion of the Prince of Wales's return journey Considerable sums have already been subscribed from Quebec, w e r e conferred on various officera. for that purpose by great industrial concerns and The Commodore, Captain King-Hall, received the others, individual contributions being as high as C.V.O., and his Majesty presented Commander ^5,000.Renter, Fisher, Navigating Commander Webster, Engineer-Commander Ayres, and Mr, Gracve, managing THE KAISER'S TELEGRAM. director of the Fairfield Shipbuilding Company,

Burley-on-the-Hill, near Oakham, which is at present occupied by the Hon. Frederick Guest, was destroyed by fire in the early hours of yesterday morning. At the time a house-party was being entertained, which included Mr. Winston Churchill and Mr. F. E, Smith, M.P., but all the occupants of the house escaped uninjured, tiiough some of them, including Mr. Smith, lost their clothes in the fire. The outbreak was discovered shortly after the guests had retired, and the alarm was at once given, and the household aroused. THREE ALPINE CLIMBERS KILLED. It was found that the building was well aflame, and the inmates fled from the hall, many of them Qn^Iishmao Loses H i s Life While M a k i n g an in night attire, The flames were fanned by a strong wind, and Unaccompanied A s c e n t . though fire brigades from Stamford, Melton Mowbray, and Oakham worked assiduously in fighting CHAMOUNIX, Thursday.Mr. Lisson Falkiner, the (lames, the whole of the building, except the an English tourist, was killed to-day while making left wing, was entirely destroyed, alone the ascent of the Aiguillctte, a peak in the There was only a moderate supply of water /.iguilles Rouges range.Renter, available, and it was not until eight o'clocksome EFERDING (Austrian Alps),Thursday.A Munich seven hours after the outbreakthat the fire was merchaiit named Hans Zinkel has been killed by got under control, and all day yesterday firemen a fall while climbing near Bairisch-Zell, were throwing water on the smouldering ruins. A man named Alois Fingerlos met his death in A number of guestsincluding Mr. Winston a similar way while gathering edelweiss in the Churchillworked hard attempting to save the vicinity of the Tamsweg. Renter.


Danger of Pestilence at Ruined British C o l u m b i a . Fernie In

with the M.y.O,

Several of the ship's company received medals, they being Chief Stoker Seager, Chief Engineroom Artificer Cheriton, First-class Petty. Oificer Mussom, Stoker Petty OfHcer Veale, Chief Stoker Hayden, Sergeant Maconochie, and Stoker Petty Officer Black, The King-congratulated Captain King-Hall on the tine performance of his ship, During the yoyage the Queen, who, displayed the greatest interest in the workings of the vessel, took a large number of photographs. She visited in turn, the wardroom, the gunroom, and the anteroom, aaci, in fact, went all over the ship; Prince Edward, who accompanied her Majesty, also took a number of pictures, and visited the engine-room in company with the Prince of Wales and the Princess Victoria,

FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Thursday,Count Zeppelin has received the following telegram from the Emperor : " I hear to my sincerest regret that, yout balloon has been destroyed by. a tliunderstorm, and express to you in this extremely unfortunate mishap my heartiest sympathy, the more so because I and the whole of Germany believed that we had e\ery reason to be able to congratulate you on the glorious conclusion , of your grand and epock-making achievement. " Nevertheless the success which was attained miist be most highly appreciated, and must console you for the misfortune you have experienced." Renter.


PARIS, Thursday.The Basle""correspondent of the Echo de Paris, in describing the accident to Count Zeppelin's airship, says that the balloon had been carried about 500 yards by the wind, when a flame was seen rising from one of the motors; it set fire to the rigging and the body of the balloon, which at once burst into flames. Nothing is left of the airship but its framework, and this is so much damaged as to be useless. A mechanician and a soldier sustained fatal injuries, and six others were more or less severely hurt.-Renter, TO-DAY'S WEATHER.


The King and Queen return to town to-morrow afternoon, and will spend the week-end at Buckingham Palace, leaving London again on Monday. His Mixjesty will go from Victoria by special train to Dover, and the Prince of Wales will be among those at the station to see him off. The King goes direct to Cronberg to see the Kaiser, thence to Ischl, where he will meet the Austrian Emperor, and afterwards to Marienbad, The Queen leaves oil the .same evening for Balmoral, which will be reached on Tuesday morning. Horses and carriages for the use of the Queen and Princess Victoria-while in Scotland are to be sent away from London to-day.

VICTORIA (B.C.), Thursday.Pestilence is feared at Fernie (the prosperous town in the Crow's Nest district which, has suffered so severely i n t h e great bush fires) owing to the conditions in which the homeless victims of the fire are dwelling, Two thousand women and children are gathered together, without for sanitation. Two cases of smallpox are reported, Eighteen bodies have been recovered from the debris. The fatalities do not exceed forty. Michel is threatened,Renter. OTTAWA, Thursday.Earl Grey, the GovernorGeneral, has received the following telegram of condolence from the King, through the Colonial Office:"His Majesty the King has learnt with deep regret of the devastation and loss of life caused by the fire in British Cohimbia. I am commanded to express his Majesty's heartfelt sympathy with the bereaved and homeless, and his earnest hope that the danger is now past.[Signed) C REW E. " - R e n t e r .

Mr. P. E. S m i t h , K.C. valuable tapestries and paintings, but by fi-r the greater number oi the costly works of art were lost, as was the beautiful library with the bulk of its contents. Burley-on-the-Hill, which was formerly the sea^ of the late Right Hon. G. H . Finch, " Father of the House of Commons," and is now the property of, Mr, Alan Finch, was a noble mansion of greystone, erected in the time of William and Mary. It occupies the site where formerly s'ooil the famous house of George Villiers, Duke of Burkingham. During the Civil War.the house was taken and occupied by the parliamentary troops, who eventually set fire to it, destroying it completely. The mansion just burnt stood on a hill 500ft. above the sea, and was encircled by a park and grounds some 1,300 acres in extent. It contained many valuable tapestries and paintings by Kneller and other artists, the loss of which will be universally deplored.


Miss G o l e n s o Pays -in Open C o u r t for T w o Cousins ot Dinizulu* PiETERMARiTZBURGj Thursdav.The trial for sedition of the Vryheid chiefs, Mabeketshiya and Ngalatshwana, cousins of Dini^ului ended to-day in their being fined ,50 and ^10 respectively. The money was paid by Miss Colenso in open court. In the case of the chie-f Tshibela, who is no relation of Dinizulu, a fine of ,100 was imposed. This was not paid.-Reuter.


of. the played helped falstest

We publish to-day a imique photograph Prince of Wales in the.dress in which'he the part of stoker on the Indomitable, and so the giant cruiser to establish a record as the

Our special weather forecast for to-day is : Northerly breezes ; alternatelv cloudy and very fine; ntoderate temperature. Ligbtiiig-up time, 8.38 p.m. Sea passages wUl be moderate.

w.arsh!p afloat,' "


It will be noticed that the Prince's face is black with coal-dust after his half-hour's work in the stokehold. Although the,Prince was persuaded toleave the stokehold after half an hour's hard work, some idea of ,ihis endurance in sticking to it for even that time may be gathered from the following interview which the Daily Mirror had yesterday with an engineer officer of the Royal Navy. " None but those who have actually worked in a stokehold really know what it means," he said, " especially when a full head of steam has to be maintained, as was the case with the Indomitable. " W h e n the furnace doors are opened'and the stokehold is'ablaze with the blinding glare, the temperatvire rises to about 140deg. But whatever it be, the titanic labour of feeding the furnaces must go on. " Many and many a time on a full-power run I have felt the deepest pity for the men, Biit I dared not show it. Any slackening of effort would have meant a drop in the st^am guages. " T h e f a c t that,the Prince of Wales was stoking for half an hour is evidence that he has a thorough acquaintance with the skill required in a modern stokehold, because, as is well known, if only a single shovelful of coal is badly tiirown on the fire the effect-is to clog the fire and so reduce the head ,6f steam. . " O f course, this is not the first time that his Koyal Highness has performed the arduous work of stokinw as when he was a midshipman he underwent a course of training in the stokehold in ccmmon with others of his naval, rank."







Cowfold Lodge, near Horsham, in Sussex, thft seat of Mr. Arthur Labouchere, was also completely destroyed by fire early yesterday niorning, the outbreak being attributed to an explosion of acetylene gas. Mr, Labouchere was badly singed about the head in an attempt to rescue a housemaid named Lilla Clark. The latter sustained severe injuries to her s[:ine, as, in her fright, she threw herself from an upper window to the ground.



Mr. F . E . Smith, K.C., was unable to appear at Brentford Police Court yesterday, in a case in which he was engaged, because he had no clothes. They had all been destroyed, explained Mr, Humphreys, who appeared for the other side, in a fire at a country house, in which Mr. Smith was staying. , , , , . "As it would not be respectful for a learned King's counsel to appear in a dressing-gown," he said, " I must ask for an adjournment"; and an adjournment was accordingly granted.


! ^




GIBRALTAR, Thursday.It now appears that torpedo boat No. 83, on which a boiler explosion occurred yesterday, had been recently re-boilered, She went out to undergo steam trials, during which a. steam-pipe burst. Onlj; one man, Stoker Atkinson, was scalded, and his injuries are not serious. Reuter. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught and Princess Patricia, who are staying with the Karl and Countess of Londesborough at Scarborough, visited the town golf links yesterday, and, together with their host and hostess and other members of the house-party, indulged in an enjoyable round.

In a letter issued yesterday in connection with the Indomitable's record across the Atlantic the Cunard Steamship Company state that the Maureiania has steamed a distance of over SOO miles at an average speed of 27.36 knots, and, moreover, has Covered more than 1,200 miles a t a n average speed of over twenty-six knots.

Burley-on-the-Hill, t h e f i n e residence o f t h e l a t e R i g h t H o n . G. H. F i n c h , M.P., A n d a t p r e s e n t leased t o L o r d W i m b o r n e ' s son, t h e Hon. Ti-ederick E. Guest, w a e des t r o y e d by flro e a r l y y e s t e r d a y mornins:. T h e p i c t u r e ahowa one w i n i r O"* t h a h i s t o r i c m a n s i o n c o m p l e t e l y r u i n e d . The daiMag^e done uuas e n o r m o u s , t h e l i b r a r y , the west wingi and the central portion ijoing completely wreckad.

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