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DAY 26


Day-26.png 26, a House committee gave the green light to a bill granting Crane the authority to run a series of financial literacy seminars for women. That came one day before legislative auditors issued a report criticizing Crane for lax accounting in his office ... Share |

DAY 26
Posted byo Eiz n Thursday, 19 January, 2012, 7:14 AM

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Among the opponents: Boise Republican Sen. Chuck Winder. According to the Associated Press, Winder said he believes fast-moving trucks would make the majority of drivers feel uncomfortable.

A group calling itself Keep It In Idaho a coalition of more than 45 small and large Idaho businesses, industry groups and chambers of commerce wants Idaho to create its own staterun exchange. (Here is our story on the coalition.)

On Thursday, the Idaho Freedom Foundation brought in two speakers to lobby opposition against the exchange. Funded by a federal grant, a state-run exchange is designed to give small businesses and individuals a marketplace where they can buy affordable insurance. Said John Graham of the California-based Pacific Research Institute: This grant has only one purpose, which is to submit to the Obamacare federal health law. The immediate action is Gov. (Butch) Otter needs to send back the $20 million grant he received from the United States secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius.Heres more from, which is an offshoot of the Idaho Freedom Foundation.)

On Jan. 26, a House committee gave the green light to a bill granting Crane the authority to run a series of financial literacy seminars for women. That came one day before legislative auditors issued a report criticizing Crane for lax accounting in his office. On Wednesday, the bill was promptly yanked off the House floor and returned to committee.

Financial seminars may be a fine, worthy objective. We just dont want Crane in charge of the show. As this audit again suggests, Crane himself could use a refresher course or two in financial

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