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All truth is eternal. Truth is nobodys property; no race, no individual can lay any exclusive claim to it. Truth is the nature of all souls.

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Prophet Muhammad Quotes and Sayings

Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him. A perfect Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands mankind is safe. Power consists not in being able to strike another, but in being able to control oneself when anger arises. Happy is the person who finds fault with himself instead of finding fault with others. Every religion has a distinctive virtue and the distinctive virtue of Islam is modesty. Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions as fire consumes and burns the wood. From morning until night and from night until morning keep your heart free from malice towards anyone. He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of Paradise. The best of God's servants are those who when seen remind you of God; and the worst of God's servants are those who spread tales

to do mischief and separate friends, and look for the faults of the good.

A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die. He is not strong and powerful, who throws people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger. What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of a human being, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the wrongs of the injured.

Zen Quotes Zen Sayings

When you observe your delusions, you will know that they are baseless and not dependable. In this way you can cut confusion and doubt. This is what i call wisdom. Bodhidharma Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen; Talking or silent, moving unmoving,The essence is at ease. - Yoka When your consciousness becomes a still mirror, a still lake, a silent reservoir of energy, God is reflected in it. - Osho

You don't throw off your burdens even when you go to bed; you are busy with illusions. - Yakusan Mind is like the wood or stone from which a person carves an image. If he carves a dragon or a tiger, and seeing it fears it, he is like a stupid person creating a picture of hell and then afraid to face it. If he does not fear it, then his unnecessary thoughts will vanish. Part of the mind produces sight, sound, taste, odor and sensibility, and from them raises greed, anger and ignorance with al] their accompanying likes and dislikes. - Bodhidharma Stop talking and thinking, And there is nothing You will not be able to know. - Sosan since the journey of life is little but grief and pain, why should we be so reluctant to return to the sky of our native place? - Ikkyu Confused by thoughts, we experience duality in life. Unencumbered by ideas, the enlightened see the one Reality. - Hui Nen

Drop the mind and the divine. God is not an object, it is a merger. The mind resists a merger, the mind is against surrender; the mind is very cunning and calculating. - Osho

Truth cannot be delivered, there is no way to deliver it. Once delivered it is dead, it has already become untrue. - Osho

Spiritual practice with a view to winning a lawsuit and earning money, or to helping others win in court and acquire property, shows a very mean understanding. - Sri Ramakrishna

The fundamental understanding of oneself does not come through knowledge or through the accumulation of experiences, which is merely the cultivation of memory. The understanding of oneself is from moment to moment; if we merely accumulate knowledge of the self, that very knowledge prevents further understanding, because accumulated knowledge and experience become the center through which thought focuses and has its being. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Man needs a healthier religion, a religion which really helps people to laugh, to love, to live; and thats my effort are to create dancing sannyasins. The old sannyas was that of renunciation: my sannyas is that of rejoicing. Rejoice and rejoice and rejoice. If you can rejoice wholeheartedly, you have prayed, you have meditated. You are accepted by god only when you are in a dance. - Osho

Treading the spiritual path is not like the riding of a saddled horse, but like walking on the sharp edge of a sword. - Meher Baba

When you observe your delusions, you will know that they are baseless and not dependable. In this way you can cut confusion and doubt. This is what i call wisdom. - Bodhidharma

Joys and sorrows are time-born and cannot last.

Therefore, do not be perturbed by these. The greater the difficulties and obstructions, the more intense will be your endeavour to cling to His feet and the more will your prayer increase from within. And when the time is ripe, you will gain mastery over this power. - Ananandamayi Ma You are the Solitary Witness of All That Is, forever free. Your only bondage is not seeing This. - Sage Astavakra

Satori the experience in small measure

single dimensional one chakra - Swami Rajneesh

Life is constantly changing. Only one thing is unchanging: that is your witnessing capacity. You can see the anger flash by, you can see the compassion flash by; but the mirror before which they flash remains always unaffected -- and that is your transcendence. And that's what I call meditativeness. Meditate on every state of mind so you can achieve the witness. Meditation is the way of detaching your witness from moods which go on passing. - Osho

If the traveller can find A virtuous and wise companion Let him go with him joyfully And overcome the dangers of the way. But if you cannot find Friend or master to go with you, Travel on alone. - Dhammapada Verses

Meditation is an absolute necessity for humanity to survive. All other subjects should be taught, but no other subject is so important as meditation. But no university is teaching it. If all the graduates from the university come out with a meditative mind, they will change the whole structure and fabric of the society. - Osho

The right art is purposeless, aimless! The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede. - D T Suzuki

remember the true name

and meditate on its glory in the ambrosial hour. through your actions you receive this body, and by his grace the door to salvation opens. - Guru Nanak Dev Satori is half awake, half asleep. Samadhi is full awareness. But if you are half awake, it wont take long for you to be fully awake. Just a little hit of the masters staff on your head, and you will jump out of the bed. - Osho

When you learn about yourself, watch yourself, watch the way you walk, how you eat, what you say, the gossip, the hate, the jealousy - if you are aware of all that in yourself, without any choice, that is part of meditation. So meditation can take place when you are sitting in a bus or walking in the woods full of light and shadows, or listening to the singing of birds or looking at the face of your wife or child. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Whenever you will be thinking of meditation, the mind will change the subject in such a way that you will not even be aware that the subject has been changed. The mind will start making a great movement of meditation, transforming the whole world and forgetting meditation itself. - Osho

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Dhammapada Verses

The resurrection of the memory of past lives can be faced without confusion or loss of balance, only when the person has become desireless and has lost all feeling of "mine" and "thine". - Meher Baba

When a man is spiritually prepared, he is completely desireless and full of impersonal love; all the entanglements of the personal ego have disappeared from his mind; he can look upon his old friends and enemies with the same equanimity; he is so lifted out of his limitations, that he is the same to his relations and nonrelations of his past and present lives; and he is free from the idea of any pressing claims and counter-claims of himself against others or of others against himself, because he has realised the deeper

truth of the unity of all life and the illusoriness of the mun-dane happenings. - Meher Baba

With the flame of awareness even all that you have been thinking is wrong will become right. Love seems to be an entanglement, an imprisonment; with awareness that becomes a liberty, a freedom. Anger without consciousness is a destructive force, a suicidal force; it hurts you, it kills you by and by, it is a poison. With awareness the same energy is transfigured, becomes compassion. The same radiance comes to your face, but not in anger in compassion. The same blood flows, the same chemistry of the body, but a new foreign element has entered into it, and the whole chemistry changes. - Osho Meditation has nothing to do with achieving a result. It is not a matter of breathing in a particular way, or looking at your nose, or awakening the power to perform certain tricks, or any of the rest of that immature nonsense....Meditation is not something apart from life. When you are driving a car or sitting in a bus, when you are chatting aimlessly, when you are walking by yourself in a wood or watching a butterfly being carried along by the windto be choicelessly aware of all that is part of meditation. - J Krishnamurti

Meditation is the deepest sleep. It is total relaxation plus something more; you are totally relaxed and yet alert. Awareness is

there. Total sleep with awareness is meditation. Fully alert, things are happening but you are not resisting, not fighting, not doing. The doer is not there. The doer has gone into sleep. Only a witness is there a `non-doer alertness is there. Then nothing can disturb you.- Osho

i just drowned deeper and deeper

my daily activities continued to find deep changes my physical movements and simple day to day actions were becoming more graceful i stopped doing meditationsmeditativeness became my life a relaxed watchful awareness took over my every footstep my every gesture my every look my way of standing my way of sitting washing the dishes taking a bath brushing my teeth zen is a living experiencea way of living meditatively - Swami Rajneesh

Your mind is a constant traffic of thoughts, and it is always rush hour, day in, day out. Meditation means to watch the movement of thoughts in the mind. - Osho

We depend on somebody to tell us how to act, how to think, in other words our system of upbringing is based on what to think and not how to think and hence we need leaders. And I assure you the present chaos does not demand new leaders. It does demand something totally different, that is, for each individual to become a light to himself and not be dependent on somebody else. And that requires great effort and understanding on the part of each one of us. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

A buddha will help you to relax, because only in your deep relaxation will you also become a buddha. There is no other way. Osho

Awareness is observation without choice, condemnation, or justification. Awareness is silent observation from which there arises understanding without the experiencer and the experienced. In this awareness, which is passive, the problem or the cause is given an opportunity to unfold itself and so give its full significance. In awareness there is no end in view to be gained, and there is no becoming, the 'me' and the 'mine' not being given the continuity. - Jiddu Krishnamurti my intensity increased

i was almost insane in my endeavour

i blamed myself for not going deep enough i was only meditating nine hours each day plus adding the sleep of the nightnineteen hours i was wasting five hours in non essentials so i put it on paper that i should meditate twelve hours sleep nine hours two hours for morning shower and tea and one hour evening dinner - Swami Rajneesh

A meditative person lives in the present, because there is no other way to live. But if you want to postpone living, you can live in the past or in the future. - Osho

A school based on fear of any kind is a rotten school, it should not be. It requires a great deal of intelligence on the part of the teachers and of boys to understand this problem. Fear corrupts and to be free from fear one has to understand how the mind creates fear. There is no such thing as fear but what the mind creates. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Mind and meditation cannot co-exist. There is no question of having both of them. Either you can have mind or you can have meditation, because mind is thinking and meditation is silence. Mind is groping in the dark for the door. Meditation is seeing. There is no question of groping, it knows the door. Mind thinks. Meditation knows. - Osho

We attract forces according to our being. - Gurdjieff

Faith in the Master is an in- dispensable part of true discipleship. - Meher Baba

Fear is a source of corruption, it is the beginning of degeneration, and to be free of fear is more important than any examination or any scholastic degree. - Jiddu Krishnamurti If you become too much attached to the work, you will be eternally in bondage. Enjoy the work, love the work, transform it and make it a part of your celebration. - Osho

When you are aware, you see the whole process of your thinking and action; but it can happen only when there is no condemnation. When I condemn something, I do not understand it, and it is one way of avoiding any kind of understanding. I

think most of us do that purposely; we condemn immediately and we think we have understood. If we do not condemn but regard it, are aware of it, then the content, the significance of that action begins to open up. Experiment with this and you will see for yourself. Just be aware - without any sense of justification which may appear rather negative but is not negative. On the contrary, it has the quality of passivity which is direct action; and you will discover this, if you experiment with it. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

I teach you celebration, rejoicing, because I know that is the door closest to your ultimate awakening. A man full of joy is close to existence. Greater is his joy, less is the distance between him and the heart of the universe. - Osho

When the mind is relaxed, no longer making an effort, when it is quiet for just a few seconds, then the problem reveals itself and it is solved. That happens when the mind is still, in the interval between two thoughts, between two responses. In that state of mind understanding comes, but it requires extraordinary watchfulness of every movement of thought. When the mind is aware of its own activity, its own process, then there is quietness. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

One twentieth of all our energy goes to emotional and instinctive centres. Self-remembering is a lamp which must be kept alight by energy from these two centres. Our thinking centre is not really a centre, but an apparatus for collecting impressions. Gurdjieff

The Ego attempts to solve its inner conflicts through false valuation and wrong choice, It is characteristic of the Ego that it takes all that is unimportant as important and all that is important as unimportant. Thus power, fame, wealth, ability and other worldly attainments and ac-complishments are really unimportant; but the Ego takes delight in these possessions and clings to them as 'mine'. - Meher Baba The moment you become a Christian or a Hindu or a Mohammedan, you have destroyed yourself utterly. Now there is no hope for you; you have lost track of your individual, original destiny. At the most you can now be a beautiful carbon copy, but never the original. And without being the original there is no satisfaction, no contentment, no joy, no fulfillment, no feeling that life has been meaningful, that life has been a celebration. On the contrary, there is a feeling of despair, anguish, boredom, meaninglessness and a feeling of continuous suffocation. - Osho

Being aware of awareness itself,

only consciousness can get you there

to the truth of yourself the immortal inner being - Swami Rajneesh

Gratitude is the quality of a religious man, and in that gratitude, by and by one starts tasting what nirvana is. Nirvana is cessation of the ego -- and when the ego ceases, god enters; when the host is no more there, then the guest comes. - Osho

Merely sitting in front of a picture or repeating phrases is not meditation. Meditation is a part of relationship; it is seeing the process of thought in the mirror of relationship. Meditation is not subjugation but understanding the whole process of thinking. Then thought comes to an end, and only in that ending is there the beginning of understanding. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

God is very patient with you. He goes on giving you more opportunities. He has compassion. If you have missed this life, he will give you another. If you have failed this time, for another session you will be sent back to the world. Unless you fulfill the goal, you will be sent back again and again. That is the meaning of the theory of rebirth. - Osho

If you have a habit, the habit of snobbishness for instance, it is no good merely to overcome this habit by another, its opposite. It is futile to fight one habit by another habit. What rids the mind of habit is intelligence. Awareness is the process of awakening intelligence, not creating new habits to fight the old ones. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Do not be affected by externals. In themselves they are harmless; it is we who allow ourselves to be hurt by them. Gurdjieff

The understanding, the way of penetration, how to go very, very deeply, lies through awarenessjust to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, without condemnation, without comparison, just to observe. - Jiddu Krishnamurti The more you ask for happiness, the more you will be in suffering. The suffering is a shadow. The greater the desire for happiness, the greater will be the shadow. Ask for happiness and you will never get it. You will only suffer frustration. Why? Because there is only one way to be happy, and that is to be happy here, now. Happiness is not a result. It is a way of life. Happiness is not the end result of desire. It is an attitude, not a desire. You can be happy here and now if you know how to be, but you will never be happy if you don't know how to be and you go on desiring it. Happiness is an art. It is a way of life. - Osho

One cannot achieve anything through laziness and procrastination. People who desire worldly enjoyment say about spiritual progress: 'Well, it will all happen in time. We shall realize God some time or other.' - Sri Ramakrishna

In identifying ourselves with what we consider to be the greater, we hope to become greater. But we still remain poor; it is only the label that looms large and powerful - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Don't imitate anyone. That is part of ambition. Don't imitate Buddha, don't imitate Jesus. Try to be yourself. Rather, even trying is futile. Just be yourself. When you are yourself, you are open to all possibilities. When you are yourself, the whole existence starts helping you. You are not fighting it. - Osho

You should forget about morality. Conversations about morality are simply empty talk. Your aim is inner morality. Gurdjieff

Meditation must enter into every corner of our life, otherwise don't meditate, it has no meaning. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

REBIRTH: I died as a mineral and became a plant;

I died as a plant and rose to animal; I died as animal and I was a man. Why should I fear? When was I less by dying? Yet once more I shall die as man to soar With angels blest. But even from an angel I must pass on: all except God must perish. When I have sacrificed my angel soul, I shall become what no mind ever conceived. - Rumi Man has reached the moon reaching mars and distant planets

but has not even gone into the silence of his being - Swami Rajneesh

Meditation is the way to go out of discontentment, out of anguish. You have to become just a watcher, a witness of the mind. - Osho

It is the mercy of my true Guru

that has made me to know the unknown. - Saint Kabir

The mind which is not calling upon knowledge, which is not living in memory, which is totally emptying itself of the past, dying to every form of accumulation from moment to moment - it is only such a mind that can be in a state of not-knowing, which is the highest form of thinking; and then thinking has a different meaning altogether. It may not be thinking at all, as we know it, but a state of being which is not merely the opposite of not-being. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Life is a mystery to be lived, not to be understood. - Osho

Love alone can transform insanity, confusion, and strife. No system, no theory of the left or of the right can bring peace and happiness to man. Where there is love, there is no possessiveness, no envy; there is mercy and compassion, not in theory, but actuallyfor your wife and for your children, for your neighbor and for your servant....Love alone can bring about mercy and beauty, order and peace. There is love with its blessing when you cease to be. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Master helps the aspirant, in his own invincible ways, which have no parallel in the ways of the world. - Meher Baba

He alone knows to whom He will reveal Himself under which form. By what path and in what manner He attracts any particular man to Himself with great force is incomprehensible to the human intellect. The Path differs indeed for different pilgrims. - Ananandamayi Ma If you are tense, you are divided. If you are relaxed, you are undivided, one. Surrender is deep relaxation, absolute relaxation. Unless you throw out all that has become part of you, part of your mind, you cannot relax and you cannot surrender. And if you cannot relax, you cannot participate in existence. - Osho

Seriousness is a disease. Because of the serious face of religion. only diseased people have been attracted to it Those who are young, alive, dancing and laughing have felt that they are not for religion and religion is not for them. When they become old. diseased -- when life has withered away, when their energy has dimmed, then -- when death is coming near -- they will seek the divine. This has proven fatal. And because of this, the whole earth has become nonreligious. Religion must be young, alive. fresh. It must have a different base I call that base festivity, celebration, a deep attitude toward happiness. - Osho

Satori is the atomic explosion of any one chakra

the chakra experiencing an immense overflowing reaching beyond the boundaries of the bodymind form one with the open sky - Swami Rajneesh

Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear. So violence isnt merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle, much deeper. Jiddu Krishnamurti

I teach only one thing: awareness, consciousness, witnessing; they are different names for the same key. I dont teach conscience. Conscience is the old way, the way of the hypocrite. So remember this, that only one thing is really virtuous, and that is becoming as aware as you can manage. Put your total energy into awareness. Then it goes on growing. It is a never-ending process, it is an eternal pilgrimage. Let sannyas be the first step towards it. - Osho

The individual soul is entangled in the world of forms and does not know itself as part and parcel of the being of God. This ignorance constitutes the bondage of the soul; and spiritual

Sadhana must aim at securing emancipation from this bondage. Meher Baba The real function of the Master is to give you encouragement. Just by his presence, his blissful life, peaceful life, creates a certain milieu in which you can move easily toward dropping your plannings, projects, and allowing existence to happen. - Osho

I want every one of my sannyasins to be utterly unique. This is one of the reasons I am against communism, because communism is the ultimate result of destroying individuals. Other societies have done it partially, communism does it totally. Hence in Soviet Russia in these seventy years, not a single rebel; strange -- a country which brags about revolution but does not produce revolutionaries. - Osho

I want to remind you that whether I am here or not the celebration has to continue. If I am not here, then it has to be more intense and it has to spread around the world. Celebration is my religion. Love is my message. Silence is my truth. - Osho

witnessing is the golden key

as the witness grows stronger and stronger

the identification with thoughts and emotions and body slowly disappear - Swami Rajneesh

Dont feel proud. Dont mock at anybody. Your life is like a boat in the sea. Who can say what may happen at any time.- Saint Kabir

Sannyas is a process of going beyond unconsciousness. It is the alchemy of transforming the unconscious into consciousness, of transforming darkness into light, of transforming death into eternal life. - Osho

The supreme condition of sure and steady progress On the Path is the benefit of guidance from the Master. The Master gives just that guidance and help which is necessary according to the immediate needs of the aspirant. All that the Master expects is that the aspirant will try his best for spiritual advancement. He does not expect immediate transformation of consciousness except where the ground is previously ready. - Meher Baba

If you just place yourself under the protection of a Guru, then the path which is most suitable for you will by itself open up to you. - Ananandamayi Ma

You have to be courageous, understanding, alert, because you will be facing things in yourself which you have been hiding from others, and slowly, slowly, from yourself. You will come across monsters which you have pushed aside in yourself; you will come across many repressions. It is not a very beautiful experience; it is bitter. But one has to do it to find one's center. - Osho

To achieve purity of mind, one should cultivate constant awareness by being mindful all the time. One should remain always aware of ones thoughts. - Swami Rama

People are afraid of death because they have not lived yet and death is coming closer. - Osho

witness that you are not the thoughts

witness that you are not the emotions witness that you are not the body - Swami Rajneesh

Don't disregard the world at large under the notion that you belong to a great family. Where will be the prestige of your family on the day on which you will have to depart from the world. Saint Kabir

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned. - Dhammapada Verses

The difficulties in the Path can be overcome only if the aspirant has one-pointedness. If the psychic energies are dissipated in worldly pursuits, the progress which he makes is very slow. But one- pointednes implies dispassion concerning all the allurements of the phenomenal world. The mind must have turned away from all temptations, and complete control should have been established over the senses. Thus, control and dispassion are both necessary for being able to attain one-pointedness in respect of the search for true understanding. - Meher Baba Thinking is not meditation. Even right thinking is not meditation. Wrong or right, thinking has to be dropped. When there is no thought in you, no clouds of thinking in you, the ego disappears. And remember, when the ego disappears the 'I' is not found. - Osho

Bliss is a thing which is always there and is not something which comes and goes. That which comes and goes is a creation of the mind. - Ramana Maharshi

Anything that enhances life and gives meaning to life, anything that makes life more liveable, more loveable, anything that makes life a glory, a splendor, that gives life a taste of godliness -- that is good. But that kind of valuation has to come out of individual experience, out of individual meditation, individual consciousness; it cannot be imposed by the society, by the past. - Osho

It is very easy to give up efforts and lose weath. It is really very difficult to give up the ego. Very great and analytical people have fallen victim to ego. The ego is killing one and all. - Saint Kabir

Samadhi is the atomic explosion of the sushumna blue line

triggered by meetings of several chakras in a rapid vertical atomic explosion experiencing beyond the boundaries of the bodymind form one with the open sky - Swami Rajneesh

Religion cannot be anything other than a celebration of life. And the serious person becomes handicapped: he creates barriers.

He cannot dance, he cannot sing, he cannot celebrate. The very dimension of celebration disappears from his life. He becomes desert-like. And if you are a desert, you can go on thinking and pretending that you are religious but you are not.. - Osho

Worry is a necessary resultant of attachment to the past or to the anticipated future; and it always persists in some form or other until the mind is completely detached from everything. Meher Baba Avoid duty. Bring more love to function. Change your work more and more into a new energy which you can enjoy, and let your life be more of a fun, more of a laughter, and less of desire and motivation. - Osho

When the mind desires or grieves things, accepts or rejects things, is pleased or displeased by things- this is bondage.- Sage Astavakra

Apparently we never face ourselves. We avoid it at any cost. That is why we become so irrational and why we are exploited by all these people. It is really a tragedy: grown up people - at least we think we are grown up - playing with all this, and not coming to the root of things, which is ourselves. We have to be forced,

urged, compelled to face ourselves, by somebody. We never, never under any circumstance face this thing; that is why there is no change in us. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Watch yourself, meditate over it, and see whether you are living in sleep. If you are living in sleep, then come out of it. Meditation is nothing but an effort to gather together the small consciousness that you have, to gather together, to crystallize it, to make all sorts of efforts to increase it more and more, and to decrease unconsciousness. By and by, consciousness becomes higher and higher: less and less dreamy; less and less thoughts come to you, and there are more and more gaps of silence. Through those gaps, windows will open to the divine. - Osho

the mind is just an identification with the body

to drop the mind is to drop the body how can one drop the bodyit has its reality only in death the body falls and the mind stops hence one cannot drop the mindbut one can create a witness Swami Rajneesh

Let the wise guard their thoughts, which are difficult to perceive, extremely subtle, and wander at will. Thought which is well guarded is the bearer of happiness. - Dhammapada Verses

When the mind is gloomy, depressed or disturbed, its action is chaotic and binding; hence arises the supreme need of maintaining cheerful-ness, enthusiasm and equipoise under all circumstances. All these are rendered impossible unless the aspirant suc-ceeds in cutting out worry from his life. - Meher Baba Whatsoever you do in life.... If you are a great poet, it is sex energy transformed in poetry, nothing else, because that is the only energy available to you. If you are a great painter, it is sex energy moving into colors, to the canvas. If you are a great sculptor, then it is sex energy creating beautiful pieces out of marble and stone. If you are a singer, it is sex energy becoming a song. A dancer, it is sex energy. Whatsoever you are, it is in some way or other a transformation, transmutation of sex energy -- your prayer also, your meditation also. - Osho

I am Awareness alone. The world is passing show. How can thoughts arise of acceptance or rejection? And where? - Sage Astavakra

Meditation is not thinking; it is dropping of thinking. - Osho

witnessing is a knack

witnessing is the key in meditation one is to become a detached witness of the mind and its processesa detached witness - Swami Rajneesh

There is pleasure And there is bliss. Forgo the first to possess the second. If you are happy At the expense of another man's happiness, You are forever bound. - Dhammapada Verses

Do not allow yourself to suppress your thoughts. Instead, let the thoughts come before you and become a sort of observer. Start observing your own mind. Do not try to escape; do not be afraid of your thinking. - Swami Rama

There are very few things in the mind which eat up as much energy as worry: and it is one of the most difficult things not to worry about anything. Worry is experienced when things go wrong: but in relation to past happenings it is idle merely to wish that they might have been otherwise. The frozen past is what it is:

and no amount of worrying is going to make it other than what it has been. - Meher Baba If you go on reacting in your life -- somebody insults you and you become angry, somebody says something and you become sad, somebody says something, you become very happy -- if it is a reaction, a push-button reaction, then by and by you will start believing that you are the body. The body is a mechanism. It is not you. You live in it, it is your abode, but you are not it. You are totally different. - Osho

You become a soul the moment you start responding. Response means now you are not reacting mechanically. You contemplate, you meditate, you give a gap to your consciousness to decide. You are the deciding factor. Somebody insults you: in reaction he is the deciding factor. You simply react; he manipulates you. In response you are the deciding factor: somebody insults you -- that is not primary, that is secondary. You think over it. You decide whether to do this or that. You are not overwhelmed by it. You remain untouched, you remain aloof, you remain a watcher. Osho

A great soul witnesses his bodys actions as if they were anothers. How can praise or blame disturb him? - Sage Astavakra

Life ordinarily is nothing but a habit, a mechanical habit. Unless you become aware, unless you become really aware, it will be difficult to get out of it. - Osho

remain a witness to your emotions

as if from a great distance an eagles eye view slowly this simple knack of remaining a detached witness to your subtle emotions will grow stronger - Swami Rajneesh

Once a man is determined to realise the Truth, he finds that his path is beset with many difficulties, and there are very few who persist with steady courage till the very end. It is easy to give up effort when one is confronted with obstacles. - Meher Baba

Gods existence does not depend on our proofs. There is something wrong with the philosophers and the theologians, for they have the curious notion that God is a kind of hypothesis that can be analyzed and discussed. - Swami Rama

You may have money. That does not make any difference. You may not have. That too does not make any difference. You may have great recognition, degrees, awards from the society, praise, certificates. That does not mean anything -- it is a game. Once you look into this game through and through and you realize that in this game you will never be able to find yourself, who you are.... The society goes on befooling you and giving you some illusory ideas who you are, and you go on trusting and believing in them. Your whole life is wasted. - Osho

I am available, but you cannot use me. You can simply become vulnerable to me -- and you will be satisfied beyond all satisfactions. But for that, infinite patience, emptiness is needed. Osho

Those who live rightly, they accept old age with a deep welcome, because old age simply says that now they are coming to flower, that they are coming to a fruition, that now they will be able to share whatsoever they have attained. - Osho

samadhi an explosion into the beyond

the after effects of samadhi last for a few months - Swami Rajneesh

Even more important than the Sadhana of Knowledge or Action is Bhakti or Love. Love is its own excuse for being. It is complete in itself and does not need to be supplemented by anything else. The greatest of saints have been content with their love for God, desiring nothing else. Love is no love if it is based upon any expectation. In the intensity of Divine Love, the lover becomes one with the Divine Beloved. - Meher Baba

There is no Sadhana greater than love: there is no law higher than love; and there is no goal which is beyond love, for love in its divine state becomes infinite. God and love are identical; and one who has Divine Love has already got God. - Meher Baba

however well i know him, he cannot be described.

he cannot be expressed by words. the guru is the secret that solves the riddle. he is the benefactor of all. let me never forget him. - Guru Nanak Dev Only the present is there. All that is there is the present; there is no other way. So live it if you want to live it. If you think of the past and the future, you waste it. And when it will become

past, you will start thinking about it. And when it was future, you were planning for it. And when it comes, you are not there. You either move in memories or you move in imaginations. - Osho

Always get up with the left nostril functioning and you will see a total difference in your whole day's activity. You will be less angry, less irritated, more cool, more collected, calm. Your meditation will go deeper. If you want to fight, then the right nostril is very good. If you want to love, then the left nostril is very good.- Osho

Thought inevitably breeds the feeling of ownership, that possessiveness which consciously or unconsciously cultivates jealousy. Where jealousy is, obviously love is not; and yet with most people, jealousy is taken as an indication of love. Jealousy is the result of thought, it is a response of the emotional content of thought. When the feeling of possessing or being possessed is blocked, there is such emptiness that envy takes the place of love. It is because thought plays the role of love that all the complications and sorrows arise. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

We are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind, And trouble will follow you. As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart. We are what we think.- Dhammapada Verses

Life is not a tension anywhere except in the minds of humanity. To take life with ease, without any tension, without any hurry that is not laziness, that is easiness. - Osho

The highest siddhi is realization of the Self, for once you realize the truth you cease to be drawn to the path of ignorance. Ramana Maharshi

That is the reason why people are so attracted to danger. Moving in a speedy car, going one hundred miles per hour or even more, what is the thrill? The thrill is of no-mind. When you are driving a car one hundred miles per hour, there is no time to think. You have to act out of no-mind. If something happens and you start thinking about it, you are lost. You have to act immediately; not a single moment is to be wasted. So the greater the speed of the car, the more and more the mind is put aside, and you feel a deep

thrill -- a great sensation of being alive -- as if you have been dead up to now and suddenly you have dropped all deadness and life has arisen in you. - Osho Two persons can be sexually related only if love allows. When there is no love, and only law remains as a binding force, it is sheer prostitution. And I am against prostitution. - Osho

The flute of the Infinite is played without ceasing,

and its sound is love: When love renounces all limits, it reaches truth. How widely the fragrance spreads! It has no end, nothing stands in its way. - Saint Kabir

However many holy words you read,

However many you speak, What good will they do you If you do not act upon them? - Dhammapada Verses

One of two things must be done. Either surrender because you admit your inability and require a higher power to help you, or

investigate the cause of misery by going to the source and merging into the Self. Either way you will be free from misery. God never forsakes one who has surrendered.- Ramana Maharshi

Only the authentic person is not bored, the pseudo person is bound to be bored. The Christian will be bored, the Jaina will be bored, the Parsi will be bored, the communist will be bored, because they are dividing their life in two parts. Their real life remains repressed and they start pretending an unreal life. It is unreal life that creates boredom. If you are doing the thing you are meant to do you will never be bored. - Osho

Enlightened action does not bind because it is not rooted

in the ego and is selfless. Selfishness represents ignorance, while self-less-ness is a reflection of the Truth. - Meher Baba

Be open, and God starts pouring into you like wine from every nook and corner of existence. Then wherever you look, you find God. Then whatsoever you touch, you find God. Then whatsoever you drink and eat, you find God. And when God pours from everywhere, then life is a celebration. - Osho

Real rebirth is dying from the ego into the spirit. This is the significance of the crucifixion of Jesus. Whenever identification with the body exists, a body is always available, whether this or any other one, till the body-sense disappears by merging into the source - the spirit, or Self. - Ramana Maharshi Remember, we are always in the hands of death, so don't postpone the essential. Postpone the non-essential; the essential has to be done now. - Osho

Go beyond likes and dislikes.

From passion and desire, Sensuousness and lust, Arise grief and fear. Free yourself from attachment. - Dhammapada verses

My sannyasin has to live life in its totality. Love life, trust life! And life is the only master, the real Master. I can only indicate the way; I can only show you how I have attained to life. You are not expected to imitate me or to follow me. You are just expected to listen and understand, and then to go on your own way, following your own insight. - Osho

Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural state. - Ramana Maharshi

Love is a state of being, and in that state, the 'me', with its identifications, anxieties, and possessions, is absent. Love cannot be, as long as the activities of the self, of the 'me', whether conscious or unconscious, continue to exist. That is why it is important to understand the process of the self, the center of recognition which is the 'me' - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Call it meditation, call it awareness, call it watchfulness -- it all comes to the same: that you become more alert, first about your conscious mind, what goes on in your conscious mind. - Osho

The false beliefs created by Maya (Illusion) are so deep-rooted and strong that they seem to be self-evident; they take on the garb of veritable truths; they are accepted without question. For example, man believes that he is his physical body. Ordinarily, it never occurs to him that he may be something other than his body. Identification with the physical body is assumed by him instinctively without requiring proof; and he holds the belief all the more strongly because it is independent of rational proof. Meher Baba Buddhas Quotes and Sayings

The whole art of meditation is the art of remembering who you are. Fulfillment cannot happen without knowing who you are. How can you be fulfilled if deep within you at the center is darkness, ignorance? If you don't know yourself, how can you be fulfilled? Before fulfillment, contentment, a basic requirement is to remember. And the miracle of remembering is that the moment you remember yourself, contentment and fulfillment come simultaneously -- without any effort on your part. They are flowers of your enlightenment, of your remembrance. - Osho

Worshipping God for the sake of a desired object is worshipping that desired object alone.- Ramana Maharshi

Life is meant to be a miracle, but it depends: if we choose misery, life becomes misery. Life is very obliging: if you choose misery it becomes misery, if you choose darkness it becomes darkness. It is so obliging, whatsoever you choose it becomes that for you. If you choose bliss it becomes bliss, if you choose God it becomes God. It depends on you. - Osho

You read the Bhagvad Gita, or Shakespeare, or Buddha, or some other teacher, or revolutionary leader, and you know what to think. They tell you exactly what to think and you think according

to the pattern. That is not thinking at all; it is like a machine repeating, a gramophone playing over and over again. To know it and to stop it is the beginning of how to think. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Beware of the anger of the body.

Master the body. Let it serve truth.

Beware of the anger of the mouth. Master your words. Let them serve truth.

Beware of the anger of the mind. Master your thoughts. Let them serve truth.

The wise have mastered Body, word and mind.

They are the true masters. - Dhammapada verses

This is the way people are just living in a thick cloud of unconsciousness. Their life is not that of light but of darkness, and out of this darkness, confusion, smoke, what can you expect? They are bound to do something foolish, something wrong. - Osho

There is no other way to succeed than to draw the mind back every time it turns outwards and fix it in the Self. - Ramana Maharshi I am not a messenger to tell you that you have to do this and you have to do that. I don't have any discipline for you except freedom. I don't have any commandments; they have all destroyed the dignity of man. I want to give you the dignity of the trees and the dignity of the birds and the dignity of the oceans and the dignity of the Himalayan peaks; the dignity of the stars. But they are all in celebration -- dancing, rejoicing, overflowing with energy. Nobody is working except human beings. I want to transform even your small work that you do. Make it more aesthetic, make it more creative. Make it a great joy, because it is your life. It is going to give you food, it is going to give you clothes; so whatever you do, it is not work, it is simply to remain as long as possible in this body and celebrate existence. - Osho

Mukti (Liberation) is not to be gained in the future. It is there for ever, here and now. - Ramana Maharshi

Love is the only alchemy that brings freedom. It is hate, it is anger, it is jealousy that keeps you in bondage. - Osho

Nobody can push you out of your trap - no guru, no drug, no mantra, nobody, including myself - nobody, especially myself. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. - Tao Te Ching

Neither in the sky, nor deep in the ocean, nor in a mountaincave, nor anywhere, can a man be free from the evil he has done. The Dhammapada

Man is restlessly aware of his own insecurity. He knows that something is wrong somewhere and that he is counting upon false hopes. - Meher Baba

The intellectual is always showing off,

the lover is always getting lost. The intellectual runs away. afraid of drowning; the whole business of love is to drown in the sea. - Jelaluddin Rumi Meditation means to watch the movement of thoughts in the mind. Just be an observer, as if you are standing by the side of the road watching the traffic -- no judgment, no evaluation, no condemnation, no appreciation -- just pure observation. - Osho

People may quote the scriptures, make sacrifices to the gods, perform actions and pay homage to the deities, but there is no liberation without recognising the oneness of one's own true being (soul) - not even in the lifetime of a hundred Brahmas (countless millions of years). - Adi Shankaracharya

LIFE is basically insecure. Thats its intrinsic quality; it cannot be changed. Death is secure, absolutely secure. The moment you choose security, unknowingly you have chosen death. The

moment you choose life, unawares you have chosen insecurity. Osho

The meditative mind is seeing - watching, listening, without the word, without comment, without opinion - attentive to the movement of life in all its relationships throughout the day. And at night, when the whole organism is at rest, the meditative mind has no dreams for it has been awake all day. It is only the indolent who have dreams; only the half-asleep who need the intimation of their own states. But as the mind watches, listens to the movement of life, the outer and the inner, to such a mind comes a silence that is not put together by thought. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Wherever holy men dwell, that is indeed a place of joy - be it in the village, or in a forest, or in a valley or on the hills. - The Dhammapada

The same tree of desire has two kinds of fruit; one kind of fruit, which is sweet, is pleasure; and the other kind of fruit, which is bitter, is suffering. If the tree is allowed to flourish, it cannot be made to yield only one kind of fruit; one who has given a bid for one kind of fruit must also be ready to have the other also. Man pursues pleasure furiously and clings to it fondly when it comes; and he tries to avoid impending suffering desperately and smarts under it with resentment; but his fury and fondness are not

of much avail, because the pleasure he gets is doomed to fade and disappear one day; and his desperateness and resentment are equally of no avail, because he cannot escape enduring the suffering which comes to his lot. - Meher Baba from the very first day in nursery

the whole education is geared to training the mind towards competition and aggression and jealousy and judgement Swami Rajneesh

This is the case with you in so many lives. You have lived the same kind of life again and again the same desire, the same greed, the same ambition and each time you were frustrated, but again you are ready to become a victim. It is exactly like dreams. - Osho

These three things are hard to achieve, and are attained only by the grace of God - human nature, the desire for liberation, and finding refuge with a great sage. - Adi Shankaracharya

The mind is constantly talking. If the inner talk can drop even for a single moment you will be able to have a glimpse of nomind. Thats what meditation is all about. The state of no-mind is the right state. It is your state. - Osho

In awareness there is no becoming, there is no end to be gained. There is silent observation without choice and condemnation, from which there comes understanding. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Fulfillment of desires does not lead to their termination; in fulfillment, they get submerged for a while only to reappear again with added intensity. - Meher Baba

saint or sinner are no empty words;

all our actions have been recorded. man sows and he himself reaps the harvest. - Guru Nanak Dev If you are tense, you are divided. If you are relaxed, you are undivided, one. Surrender is deep relaxation, absolute relaxation. Unless you throw out all that has become part of you, part of your mind, you cannot relax and you cannot surrender. And if you cannot relax, you cannot participate in existence. - Osho

Seriousness is a disease. Because of the serious face of religion. only diseased people have been attracted to it Those who are young, alive, dancing and laughing have felt that they are not

for religion and religion is not for them. When they become old. diseased -- when life has withered away, when their energy has dimmed, then -- when death is coming near -- they will seek the divine. This has proven fatal. And because of this, the whole earth has become nonreligious. Religion must be young, alive. fresh. It must have a different base I call that base festivity, celebration, a deep attitude toward happiness. - Osho

Satori is the atomic explosion of any one chakra

the chakra experiencing an immense overflowing reaching beyond the boundaries of the bodymind form one with the open sky - Swami Rajneesh

Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word, when we make a gesture to brush away a person, when we obey because there is fear. So violence isnt merely organized butchery in the name of God, in the name of society or country. Violence is much more subtle, much deeper. Jiddu Krishnamurti

I teach only one thing: awareness, consciousness, witnessing; they are different names for the same key. I dont teach conscience. Conscience is the old way, the way of the hypocrite. So remember

this, that only one thing is really virtuous, and that is becoming as aware as you can manage. Put your total energy into awareness. Then it goes on growing. It is a never-ending process, it is an eternal pilgrimage. Let sannyas be the first step towards it. - Osho

The individual soul is entangled in the world of forms and does not know itself as part and parcel of the being of God. This ignorance constitutes the bondage of the soul; and spiritual Sadhana must aim at securing emancipation from this bondage. Meher Baba going beyond the mindis not dropping the mind

it is going beyond the mindinto a state of no mind on reaching the state of no mind the mind disappears like dewdropsjust simply evaporates the mind was just a shadowof unawareness - Swami Rajneesh

Just concentrate your whole energy on meditation. Become silent, watch your thoughts moving on the screen of the mind. Just by watching, they will disappear one day. Don't be in a hurry. You cannot do anything except watch and wait. Remember these two key words : watch and wait. - Osho

Unless God is realized, your life has been a wastage. And that is your capacity, your potential the realization of the divineness of existence. Just a little taste and your whole life will become full of such glory, such ecstasy, such splendor that you cannot even dream about it. - Osho

Do not think by merely wishing for peace, you will have peace, when in your daily life of relationship you are aggressive, acquisitive, seeking psychological security here or in the hereafter. You have to understand the central cause of conflict and sorrow and then dissolve it and not merely look to the outside for peace. But you see, most of us are indolent. We are too lazy to take hold of ourselves and understand ourselves, and being lazy, which is really a form of conceit, we think others will solve this problem for us and give us peace, or that we should destroy the apparently few people that are causing wars. When the individual is in conflict within himself he must inevitably create conflict without, and only he can bring about peace within himself and so in the world, for he is the world. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The soul always remains untarnished; but it is only when the mind is a clean mirror, that it can reflect the Truth. - Meher Baba

The individual suffers because he perceives duality.

Find the One everywhere and in everything and there will be an end to pain and suffering. - Ananandamayi Ma Once a person has begun to experience satori, every type of seriousness becomes nonsense. That is the only indication there is that meditation has happened, and that is why a person who achieves satori becomes rebellious. There is no other reason. He becomes rebellious because he has to rebel against all types of seriousness.- Osho

It is not good to feel that one's own religion alone is true and all others are false. God is one only, and not two. Different people call on Him by different names: some as Allah, some as God, and others as Krishna, Siva, and Brahman. - Sri Ramakrishna

Sannyas should be available to everybody. The whole country must be able to become sannyasins, but that is possible only if you can be a sannyasin in ordinary life if you can go to the office, if you can work in a shop, if you can be a laborer, or a teacher, or a doctor, or an engineer and still be a sannyasin. - Osho

The masters only point the way. But if you meditate And follow the dharma You will free yourself from desire. "Everything arises and passes away." When you see this, you are above sorrow. This is the shining way. - Dhammapada Verses

To understand a living problem, one should be alert and watchful and must follow the movement of life as quickly and correctly as possible. If you have a ready-made conclusion or hypothesis, it means that you have not understood life. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

I searched for God and found only myself. I searched for myself and found only God. -Sufi Proverb

Selfishness hides in many ways, in seeking truth, in social service, in selling oneself to a person, to an idea, to a concept. One must be astonishingly aware of all this, and that requires energy, all the energy that is now being wasted in conflict, in fear, in sorrow, in all the travails of life. - Jiddu Krishnamurti Our education is for the mind. Our ambitions, our desires, can only be fulfilled by the mind. You can become president of a country, prime minister, not by being meditative but by cultivating a very cunning mind. The whole education is geared by your

parents, by your society, so that you can fulfill your desires, your ambitions. You want to become somebody. Meditation can only make you a nobody. Who wants to become a nobody? Everybody wants to go on higher on the ladder of ambitions. People sacrifice their whole life to become somebody. - Osho

The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind. - Jaggi Vasudev

To concentrate is not to meditate, even though that is what most of you do, calling it meditation. And if concentration is not meditation, then what is? Surely, meditation is to understand every thought that comes into being, and not to dwell upon one particular thought; it is to invite all thoughts so that you understand the whole process of thinking. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Remember, meditation can never be result-oriented; you simply meditate, thats all. Everything happens but it will not be a result. If you are seeking the result nothing will happen; meditation will be useless. - Osho

The problem is not whether or not there is reincarnation, but the fact that we are all seeking permanency, security, here and

hereafter. So long as the mind is seeking security in any direction, whether it be through name, family, position, virtue, or what you will, suffering must continue. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

To gain anything real, long practice is necessary. Try to accomplish very small things first. - Gurdjieff

It is our earth, not yours or mine of his. We are meant to live on it, helping each other, not destroying each other. This is not some romantic nonsense but the actual fact. But man has divided the earth, hoping thereby that in the particular he is going to find happiness, security, a sense of abiding comfort. - Jiddu Krishnamurti Take meditation as a play, a fun, enjoy it, and then the very quality changes. Then it is not something you are doing as a cause to gain some effect. No, you are enjoying it here and now. It is the cause and it is the effect, both. It is the beginning and it is the end. - Osho

Divine grace is essential for realization. It leads one to God realization. But such grace is vouchsafed only to him who is a true devotee or a yogi. It is given only to those who have striven hard and ceaselessly on the path towards freedom. - Ramana Maharshi

You can only be free from fear when you have the intelligence to look at every problem, every incident, everything that happens in life, every emotion, every thought, every reaction; if you are capable of looking at it, examining it, then there is freedom from fear. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

We are alone. The moment this realization is there that man is alone then there is no escape, because then you know that no escape is possible. It is just a wish. There is no escape! The wife is just as lonely with her husband as she was without him. But we create illusory escapes, illusions of togetherness. Our families, our nations, our clubs, groups, and organizations this whole society is an escape from our aloneness. - Osho

One has to be choicelessly attentive, fully aware; and this state of choiceless attention is meditation. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally. - Jaggi Vasudev

When there is love, there is no duty. When you love your wife, you share everything with heryour property, your trouble, your anxiety, your joy. You do not dominate. You are not the man and she the woman to be used and thrown aside, a sort of breeding machine to carry on your name. When there is love, the word duty disappears. - Jiddu Krishnamurti Buddhas Quotes and Sayings As your meditation deepens, as you become more silent, as you become more peaceful, as you become more balanced, centered, alert, conscious, a contentment starts following you like a shadow; but that is not your doing. - Osho

The understanding of anythingof a modern picture, of a child, of your wife, of your neighbor, or the understanding of truth which is in all thingscan only come when the mind is very still. But such stillness can not be cultivated because if you cultivate a still mind, it is not a still mind, it is a dead mind. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The great miracle of Zen is in the transformation of the mundane into the sacred. And it is tremendously extraordinary because THIS way life has never been approached before, THIS way life has never been respected before. - Osho

Remember yourself always and everywhere. - Gurdjieff

Love cannot be cultivated by thought. Love can perhaps come in to being when there is complete silence. And the mind can only be silent when it understands the nature of its own movement, as thought and feeling. And to understanding that, there can be no condemnation in observing thought and feeling. Jiddu Krishnamurti

It is only by being aware of what is and not trying to transform it, trying to make it into something else, that understanding comes. A man who is pursuing an ideal will act falsely because his response will be based on frustration. If you are aware of your daily thoughts and actions without choice and condemnation or justification, then you will be free from those causes that bring about war. - Jiddu Krishnamurti Buddhas Quotes and Sayings The mind that is chattering, that is verbalizing, cannot understand truthtruth in relationship, not an abstract truth. There is no abstract truth. But truth is very subtle. It is the subtle that is difficult to follow. It is not abstract. It comes so swiftly, so darkly, it cannot be held by the mind. Like a thief in the night, it comes darkly, not when you are prepared to receive it. Your reception is merely an invitation of greed. So a mind that is caught

in the net of words cannot understand truth. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Going naked, having matted hair, covering oneself with mud or dust, fasting sleeping on bare ground, or squatting (in penance) cannot purify a being if he has not yet overcome ignorance. Dhammapada Verses

Guru is not the physical form. So the contact will remain even after the physical form of the Guru vanishes. One can go to another Guru after one's Guru passes away, but all Gurus are one and none of them is the form you see. Always mental contact is the best. - Ramana Maharshi

Meditation is the way to go out of discontentment, out of anguish. You have to become just a watcher, a witness of the mind. - Osho

Our effort is spent in denying or accepting, and thus thoughtfeeling is made blunt in this endless conflict. This surely is wrong effort for it is not productive of creative understanding. Right endeavor consists in being choicelessly aware of this conflict, in being silently observant without identification. It is this silent,

choiceless awareness of conflict that brings freedom. In this passive awareness that is tranquil, reality comes into being. Jiddu Krishnamurti

I have distributed my love to everyone, deserving or undeserving, because that is my way of thinking. Everyone deserves love, just as everyone deserves breathing. Everybody is worthy of love, just as everybody is worthy of living. Love is the nourishment of your soul. - Osho The body needs deep preparation

the explosive openings of consciousness requires vast spaces to expand into the body must be totally relaxed and open each muscle sponge like porous and absorbent a breathing organic whole an expanded breathone breath - Swami Rajneesh

One has to choose between ego or consciousness. Those who choose ego remain unconscious; those who choose egolessness one day become perfect consciousness that is the meaning of the word buddha they become the awakened. Be small and be awakened. Be nobody so that you can be God. - Osho

Like fine dust thrown against the wind, evil falls back upon the fool who offends a harmless man, one pure and innocent. Dhammapada Verses

Sir, don't bother about freedom. First see that you are in a prison: social prison, economic prison, political prison, religious prison, the prison which you have created yourself out of your own desire, out of your own ambition, out of your own fears and pleasures. When you understand your prison, the prison that thought both collectively and individually have created, the prison of our confusion, of our misery, of our suffering, understand that, look at it, go into it, see the structure and the nature of it, then out of that comes freedom. Then it is not a reward. A man who is seeking a reward is never free. Like a man who is always frightened of being punished, that is, fear and pleasure are our principle prisons. And a mind that understands it is really free. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Right-mindfulness is a state of no-mind, no-thought! And remember: it is also a state of no-feeling otherwise, you may think it is a state of feeling. No, it is not because feeling again creates ripples and the surface of the lake is disturbed, and again the moon is not reflected as it is. Neither thought disturbs you, nor feeling. - Osho

A mind that is conditioned by ignorance, fear, cannot comprehend truth, for out of its own limitation it creates for itself further limitations. Truth is not to be invited. Mind cannot create it. If you comprehend this fully, then you will discern the utter futility of systems, practices, and disciplines. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

If jealousy is there, know well there is no love. You are playing a game, you are hiding sex behind love. Love is just a painted word, the reality is sex. - Osho

A lifetime without Love is of no account

Love is the Water of Life Drink it down with heart and soul! - Rumi

Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him. - Prohpet Mohammed

Not a mother, nor a father, nor any other relative can do one greater good than ones own well-directed mind. - Dhammapada Verses

Sex is nothing to feel guilty about! It is your life. It is where you ARE how can you avoid it? If you avoid it, you will be pseudo, inauthentic, untrue. If you avoid it, if you repress it, you will not be able to move upwards because the energy will be repressed through it. - Osho

Grace is only possible with a disciple who has gone through a long period of discipline, austerity, and spiritual practices. When a student has done these practices and followed the teacher's instructions with all faithfulness, truthfulness, and sincerity, then the subtlest obstacle is removed by the master. The experience of enlightenment comes from the sincere effort of both master and disciple. When you have done your duties skillfully and wholeheartedly, you reap the fruits gracefully. Grace dawns when action ends. Shaktipata is the grace of God transmitted through the master. - Swami Rama When you begin to be aware of the process of thought and become conscious that it is creating for itself its own emptiness and frustration, then that very awareness will dispel fear. Then there is love, completeness of life. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Renunciation means: wherever you are, there is no need to renounce the things because in the first place you never possessed them. It is foolish to talk about renunciation. It means as if you were the possessor and now you are renouncing. How can you

renounce something which you never possessed? Renunciation means coming to know that you cannot possess anything. You can use, at the most, but you cannot possess. - Osho

One who subdues the wandering mind, which strays far and wide, alone, bodiless, will be freed from the bonds of temptation. Dhammapada Verses

If you believe in God, that belief is the outcome of a particular conditioning, just as is the disbelief of the man who says he does not believe in God. So belief and disbelief have very little importance. But what is important is to understand the whole field of thought, and to see if the mind can go beyond it all. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Love can never possess. Love is giving freedom to the other. Love is an unconditional gift, it is not a bargain. - Osho

Complete self-surrender and unquestioning love be-come possible when the disciple comes to have an unswerving faith in the Master. Faith in the Master is an indispensable part of true discipleship. - Meher Baba

What is the true work of man? Surely, the true work of man is to discover truth, God; it is to love and not to be caught in his own self-enclosing activities. In the very discovery of what is true there is love, and that love in man's relationship with man will create a different civilization, a new world. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

When you love a woman dont be bothered about what others have said about love, because that is going to be an interference. You love a woman, the love is there, forget all that you have learned about love. Forget all Kinseys, forget all Masters and Johnsons, forget all Freuds and Jungs. Please dont become a language professor. Just love the woman and let love be there, and let love lead you and guide you into its innermost secrets, into its mysteries. Then you will be able to know what love is. - Osho

There is no path to truth, historically or religiously. It is not to be experienced or found through dialectics; it is not to be seen in shifting opinions and beliefs. You will come upon it when the mind is free of all the things it has put together. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Hatred in the world is indeed never appeased by hatred. It is appeased only by loving kindness. This is an ancient law. Dhammapada Verses

Love should be without any expectations; otherwise laughter dies. When you expect, frustration comes in. Nobody can fulfill your expectations, and there is nobody who needs to fulfill them. They come out of a mad, neurotic mind. If somebody fulfills them then too love disappears. Then the other becomes a necessity, a need, a possession a valuable possession but a possession all the same. - Osho

The help of the Master consists in making the spiritual journey of the aspirant sure and safe as well as in shortening the time which he might otherwise take for arriving at the goal.Meher Baba Buddhas Quotes and Sayings So long as you seek Self-realization the Guru is necessary. Guru is the Self. Take Guru to be the real Self and your self as the individual self. The disappearance of this sense of duality is the removal of ignorance. So long as duality persists in you the Guru is necessary. Because you identify yourself with the body you think that the Guru is also a body. You are not the body, nor is the Guru. You are the Self and so is the Guru. This knowledge is gained by what you call Self-realization. - Ramana Maharshi

Deep contentment is the visible sign of love. Whenever a person is in love, he is in deep contentment. Love cannot be seen, but contentment, the deep satisfaction around himhis every breath, his every movement, his very being is content. - Osho

To become aware of ignorance is the beginning of candor, of honesty. To be unaware of ignorance breeds obstinacy and credulity. Without being aware of ignorance, to try to become honest only leads to further confusion. Without self-knowledge mere sincerity is narrowness and gullibility. If one begins to be self-aware and observes what is candor, then confusion yields to clarity - Jiddu Krishnamurti

A real person takes the courage to move with things that make him happy. If he remains poor, he remains poor; he has no complaint about it, he has no grudge. He says: I have chosen my way I have chosen the cuckoos and the butterflies and the flowers. I cannot be rich, thats okay! But I am rich because I am happy. - Osho

Undivided loyalty to the Master does not introduce any narrowness in the sphere of the life of the disciple. To serve the Master is to serve your own self in every other self. The Master dwells in Universal Consciousness and wills universal spiritual

well-being: to serve the Master is therefore, to participate in his cause which is to serve all life. - Meher Baba

While sharing the work of the Master, the disciple may he required to be in touch with the world; but though moving in the world in accordance with the work which is in store for him he is in inward contact with the Master as Infinite Being. Therefore, by sharing the work of the Master the disciple comes closer to him and becomes an integral part of his consciousness. Serving the Master is the quickest means of realising him. - Meher Baba Buddhas Quotes and Sayings Peace, the one thing which is desired by everyone, cannot be attained in any way, by anyone, at any time or in any place, unless stillness of mind is obtained through the grace of the sadguru. Therefore always seek that grace with a one-pointed mind. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The more meditative you become, the less ambitious you will be. There is no question of fulfilling ambitions; ambition will start disappearing from your consciousness. - Osho

Compassion comes only when you understand the meaning of sorrow, not only the sorrow of yourself, but of your neighbour, of

all the mothers, of all the sisters, all the wives that have been killed, who are shedding tears, who have shed tears. When you understand what sorrow means and remain - to understand it one has to remain with it, look at it, not escape from it, not try to justify it, then out of that total negation of all escapes, then out of that comes passion, and with it compassion which is love Jiddu Krishnamurti

Ego is nothing but the center of all the non-essential possessions that you have. Ego is nothing but the accumulated my and mine my house, my car, my prestige, my religion, my scripture, my character, my morality, my family, my heritage, my tradition. All these mys, all these mines, go on getting accumulated: they become crystallized as the ego. - Osho

After several lives of search, purification, service and selfsacrifice, a soul has the good fortune to meet and get connected with a God-realised Master - Meher Baba

The sorrow of death, on closer analysis, turns out to be rooted in selfishness. The person, who loses his beloved may intellectually know that life, as a whole, has elsewhere compensated for the loss; but his only feeling is, What is that to me? Death becomes a cause of unending sorrow, when a man looks at it from his own personal

point of view; from the point of view of life in general, it is an episode of minor importance. - Meher Baba By constantly thinking of the undifferentiated Supreme Being and forgetting thereby all thoughts, including the thought of the Supreme Being, you will become the all-comprehensive Supreme Being. Even a great sinner who hears and understands this teaching will get rid of all his sins and become the undifferentiated Supreme Being. - Ribhu Gita

The ego is always an effort to go upstream. People dont like to do easy things. Before they want to do them, they want to make them hard, difficult. People enjoy doing hard things. Why? Because when you face a hard thing, your ego becomes subtle, sharp; there is a challenge. - Osho

I have come not to teach but to awaken. - Meher Baba

Be quick to do good. If you are slow, The mind, delighting in mischief, Will catch you. Turn away from mischief. Again and again, turn away. Before sorrow befalls you. Set your heart on doing good. Do it over and over again, And you will be filled with joy. Dhammapada verses

To concentrate is not to meditate, even though that is what most of you do, calling it meditation. And if concentration is not meditation, then what is? Surely, meditation is to understand every thought that comes into being, and not to dwell upon one particular thought; it is to invite all thoughts so that you understand the whole process of thinking. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Hell and heaven are states, of the mind; they should not be looked upon as being places; and, though, from the subjective point of view, they mean a great deal for the individualised soul, they are both illusions within the greater illusion of the phenomenal world. - Meher Baba

To be total is a basic thing for any seeker, for anyone in search of silence and truth. - Osho

We must understand the nature of our daily living, the daily irritations, the daily angers, boredom, loneliness and despair. - J Krishnamurti Buddhas Quotes and Sayings Samadhi means death with consciousness, dying fully alert. You have died many times but it was not samadhi, it was simple

death, because whenever you died you were unconscious. Before death happens you are unconscious, it is just a surgical procedure. - Osho

It is wrong to think that misfortunes come from the east or from the west; they originate within one's own mind. Therefore, it is foolish to guard against misfortunes from the external world and leave the inner mind uncontrolled. - Dhammapada verses

No relationship ever succeeds. And it is fortunate that no relationship ever succeeds -- otherwise, when will you relate to God? Why should you think of God? Man thinks of God because love gives a glimpse. Man thinks of God because love gives hope. And man has to think about God because love gives frustration. All hopes turn into hopelessness. - Osho

Meditation is the understanding of the whole structure of the 'me', the self, the ego, and whether it is possible to be totally free of the self, not seek some super-self. The super-self is still the self. So meditation is something which is not a cultivated, determined, activity. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom. - Dhammapada verses

You cannot see clearly, because you are so full of expectations, hopes, desires. Your eyes are covered with many layers of dust: you need a deep cleansing of your eyes. That's what meditation is. Let the thoughts disappear, the hopes disappear, the desires disappear. Then you have a clarity, then your eyes are perfect mirrors. Only then, in that silent state of your vision, will you know the secrets of the beyond. - Osho Samadhi is just like the total opening of the lotus, and satori is the beginning of the opening of the petals. Satori is the beginning, samadhi is the climax. - Osho

In ordinary thinking, mind is allowed to move anywhere; in contemplation, it is allowed only in one direction, all other directions are cut off. In concentration, it is not allowed to move even in one direction; it is allowed only to concentrate on one point. And in meditation, mind is not allowed at all. Meditation is no-mind. - Osho

Observing is meditation, it is not that in order to observe you must meditate. To observe is one of the most, difficult things. To observe a tree, for example, is very difficult, and that is because you have ideas, images, about that tree, and these ideas - botanical knowledge - prevent you from looking at that tree. To observe your wife or your husband is even more difficult, again because you have an image about your wife and she has an image about you, and the relationship is between those two images. That is what is generally called relationship, which is two sets of memories, images, having a relationship. Just think of the absurdity of it - all relationship as we generally know it, is dead. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

The pleasure and the pain, experienced in the life on earth, the success or failure, which attend it, the attainments and obstacles, with which it is strewed, the friends and foes, which make their appearance in it, are all deter-mined by the Karma of past lives. sKarmic deter-mination is popularly designated as fate. Fate however is not some foreign and oppressive principle. Fate is man's own creation pursuing him from past lives: and just as it has been shaped by past Karma, it can also be modified, Fate remoulded and even undone, through Karma in the present life. Meher Baba

Unless you love the Master deeply you will not be able to understand his knocks; they will look inimical. They are out of his compassion, out of his love. - Osho If meditation really happens, whatsoever the cause, compassion has to follow. Compassion is the flowering of meditation. If compassion is not coming, your meditation is, somewhere, wrong. - Osho

Praying, chanting, sitting in front of a picture, controlling thought, is not meditation. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

You are as the yellow leaf. The messengers of death are at hand. You are to travel far away. What will you take with you? You are the lamp To lighten the way. Then hurry, hurry. When your light shines. - Dhammapada Verses

An unoccupied state of mind is meditation. An occupied state of mind is the world, the sansar. It doesn't matter what type of occupation -- whether you are interested in money or politics, or social service or revolution, it makes no difference: your sanity is the same. Osho

Be creative, and the more creative you are, the more rejoicing, the more dancing, the more songful your aloneness becomes. Those periods of sadness, of grumpiness -- old habits -- will start falling like dead leaves falling from the trees. They also cling for a little while, but they have to fall. - Osho

God cannot be realized if there is the slightest attachment to the things of the world. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle if the tiniest fibre sticks out. - Sri Ramakrishna

Remember, meditation is not something that is done by the mind, it is the absence of the mind. When the mind stops meditation happens. It is not something out of the mind, it is something beyond the mind. And whenever you are alert, the mind is not. - Osho

Remember it: one has to go beyond the mind because the mind is SAMSAR, the mind is the world. It is because of your thinking that you are missing the truth. Once thinking is stopped you are face to face with the reality. It is the continuous screen of thinking that is distorting reality - Osho

Once Karma comes into existence, it does not mysteriously flitter away, without leading to its natural result, but persists until it bears its own fruit or is undone through counter-Karma. Good actions lead to good results; and bad actions lead to bad results. - Mehee Baba Buddhas Quotes and Sayings The object of attachment offers me the means of escape from my own emptiness. Attachment is escape, and it is escape that strengthens conditioning. If I am attached to you, it is because you have become the means of escape from myself; therefore you are very important to me and I must possess you, hold on to you. You become the conditioning factor, and escape is the conditioning. If we can be aware of our escapes, we can then perceive the factors, the influences that make for conditioning. Jiddu Krishnamurti

Remember: ego can create misery, ego can create anguish, ego can create hate, ego can create jealousy. Ego can never become a vehicle for the divine, it can never become the passage for the beyond. - Osho

There is frustration, the constant struggle in life, the struggle between husband and wife, family worries; and you want to escape from all this and therefore you drink. Now the question is how can you stop drinking? Will mere analysis - the analysis of

frustration, the analysis of your worries - free you from the habit of drinking? When you know why you have a frustration, when you are aware of it, then that awareness itself, without choice, will act, and the habit will cease. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Look at the fact that desiring creates misery. If you dont desire, there is no misery. So drop desiring. And dont create a new desire; simply drop desiring. Dont create a spiritual desire. Dont say, `Now I am going to seek God. Now I am going to find this and that. Now I am going to realize the truth. Dont create a new desire. If you create, it shows you have not understood your misery. - Osho

As soon as the disciple is ready, the Grace of the Master descends; for the Master who is the ocean of Divine Love is always on the look out for the soul in whom his Grace will fructify. - Meher Baba

Jesus Christ Quotes and Sayings

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see god.

Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

The kingdom is within you and it is without you.

Cleave a piece of wood and i am there; lift up the stone and you will find me there.

Blessed is the man who has suffered; he has found life.

If you will know yourselves, then you will be known and you will know that you are the sons of the living father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you are in poverty and you are poverty.

He (Jesus Christ) sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, if any man Desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

Ye have heard that it hath been said, thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But i say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good To them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

I will give you what the eye has not seen, and what the ear has not heard, and what the hand has not touched, and what has not arisen in the heart of man.

Blessed are the solitary and elect, for you shall find the Kingdom; and because you come from it you shall go there again.

If they say to you, from where have you originated? say to them, We have come from the light, where the light originated through itself.

If they ask you, what is the sign of your father in you? say to them, it is a movement and a rest.

Whoever is near to me is near to the fire, and whoever is far

From me is far from the kingdom.

Whoever drinks from my mouth shall become as i am and i myself Will become he, and the hidden things shall be revealed to him.

Jesus said: it is impossible for a man to mount two horses and to stretch two bows; and it is impossible for a servant to serve two masters, otherwise he will honor the one and offend the other.

Jesus said: the mote that is in thy brothers eye thou seest, but the beam that is in thine eye thou seest not.

Jesus said: When thou castest the beam out of thine eye, then thou wilt see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brothers eye.

Jesus saw children who were being suckled. He said to his disciples: these

Children who are being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom.

They said to him: shall we then, being children, enter the kingdom?

Jesus said to them: when you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner, and the above as the below, and When you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male 2ill not be male and the female not be female, then shall you enter the kingdom.

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