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Expert Profile

Name Organization Present Position Telephone E-Mail Address Yu-Chi Weng Solid Waste Management Okayama University Research Center,

Specially Appointed Assistant Professor +81-86-251-8911

Education: Ph.D., Kyoto University (2009) M.S., National Cheng-Kung University (2001) B.S., National Cheng-Kung University (1999) Main Education/ Experience: Experience Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Okayama University (2009-) Assistant Research Fellow, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (2004-2005) Assistant Engineer, Taipei City Government (2003-2004) Selected Publication: -Book Weng, Y. C., Towards Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management: An Integrated Economic-Environmental Modeling Approach with A Case Study of Taiwan, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG., ISBN 978-3838352695, May, 2010. -Journal Papers Weng, Y. C., Fujiwara, T., Matsuoka, Y., 2010. Econometric Modeling of the Consumer Behavior and Its Influence on Municipal Solid Waste Discards: A Taiwan Case Study. Journal of Environmental Science for Sustainable Society. In Press. Weng, Y. C., Fujiwara, T., Matsuoka, Y., 2010. An Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Discards in Taiwan Based on Consumption Expenditure and Selected Policy Interventions. Waste Management & Research 28 (3), 245-255. Publications / Weng, Y. C., Fujiwara, T., Matsuoka, Y., 2009. Municipal Solid Waste Ongoing Management and Short-term Projection of the Waste Discard Levels in research Taiwan. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 11 (2), 110-122. projects Weng, Y. C., Fujiwara, T., Matsuoka, Y., 2009. Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emission from the Treatment and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and Its Policy Implication: A Taiwan Case Study. Journal of Global Environment Engineering 14, 47-55. Weng, Y. C., Chang, N. B., Lee, T. Y., 2008. Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Ground-Level Ozone Dynamics in Southern Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Management 87 (3), 405-414. Ongoing Research Project: Evaluation of the Policy effect of the Pay-as-You-Throw (PAST) systems on Household Solid Waste Reduction and the Potential Environmental Impacts -A Case Study in Taiwan, Practical Research and Education of Solid Waste Management Based on the Partnership Among Universities and Governments in Asia and Pacific Countries, sponsored by the MEXT, Japan.

Expert Profile
Name Organization Prof. Takeshi Fujiwara Solid Waste Management Okayama University Research Center, Photo

Present Position Deputy Director & Professor Telephone +81-86-251-8994

E-Mail Address Ph.D. (Engineering) Kyoto University M.S. (Engineering) Kyoto University Main Education/ B.E. (Engineering) Kyoto University Experience Solid Waste Management and Engineering Environmental Systems Engineering Selected Publication Jinmei Yang, Takeshi Fujiwara, Yuzuru Matsuoka and Wei Wang, Application of a MSW Generation Estimation Model: A Comparison of Generation Property among Metropolitan Cities in China, Journal of Global Environment Engineering, Journal of Global Environment Engineering, Vol. 15, 1-14, 2010. Yu-Chi Weng, Takeshi Fujiwara, Yuzuru Matsuoka, An Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Discards in Taiwan Based on Consumption Expenditure and Policy Interventions, Waste Management & Research Vol. 28, No. 3, 245-255, 2010. Yu-Chi Weng, Takeshi Fujiwara, Yuzuru Matsuoka, Municipal Solid Waste Management and Short-term Projection of the Waste Discard in Taiwan, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, Vol.11, No. 2, 110-122, 2009 Takeshi Fujiwara and Yusuke Kusakabe, Study on Estimation of Waste Selected Transportation Distance and Optimization of Transfer Station Location by Publications / Using GIS, Selected Papers of Environmental Systems Research, Vol.36, Ongoing research 2008 projects Takeshi Fujiwara, Yuzuru Matsuoka and Yuko Kanamori, Development of Estimation model for Waste Generation Considering Structure of Household Expenditure, Selected Papers of Environmental Systems Research, Vol.35, 471-480, 2007. Research topics Development of the Theories of Solid Waste Management for a Sound Material-Cycle Society Projection of Solid Waste Generation Based on Consumption-Waste Behavior Models Optimization of Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Systems Analysis and Management of Residents' Recycling Activities Establishment of Regional Solid Waste Management Systems Development of Efficient Solid Waste Treatment Technologies Promotion of International Solid Waste Management

A Mid-term Projection of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Municipal Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Sector in Taiwan Regarding 3Rs Policy Effects Yu-Chi Weng1,* and Takeshi Fujiwara1
1. Solid Waste Management Research Center, Okayama University, Japan *Corresponding Author. Tel: +81 86 251 8994, +81 86 251 8994 E-mail:

Abstract: The increasing municipal solid waste (MSW) generation and the options of appropriate MSW treatment technologies are particularly highlighted regarding its worldwide impact on the global warming. It is imperative to assess the potential greenhouse gas (GHG) emission in the design of MSW treatment and disposal systems. Coupling the MSW discards projection model and revised GHG emission inventory both established in the authors research, this study aims at performing a mid-term future projection by scenario analysis up to 2021, considering the changes of socio-economic situation and the policy effects of the implemented 3Rs programs. The analysis results indicate that plastic waste, paper waste and food waste would contribute the largest share of GHG emission during the MSW treatment and disposal processes. Thus recycling and reducing activities on the abovementioned waste streams should be enhanced in the context of preventing global warming. Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal; Greenhouse Gas E mission; Policy Effects; Lifestyle Changes. Presentation: Oral

A Mid-term Projection of Greenhouse Gas Emission from Municipal Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal Sector in Taiwan Regarding 3Rs Policy Effects

Yu-Chi Weng* and Takeshi Fujiwara

Solid Waste Management Research Center Okayama University 2010.09.16

Research Background Research Purpose Model Framework Midterm Projection by Scenario Analysis Major Achievement and Policy Implications

Research Background
Mass production, mass consumption, and mass discards seems to be the major characteristic of the modern societies all over the world. Unsustainable patterns of production and consumption are important driving factors of environmental problems, especially the municipal solid waste (MSW) generation as well as the associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. An integrated evaluation on MSW management systems is essential regarding the prevention of global warming.

Research Purpose
The aim of this study is to conduct quantitative models for MSW management system regarding the lifestyle changes, the consumer behavior, and the policy effects, simultaneously.

Develop a quantitative methodology to modeling the MSW management system in terms of MSW discards and the corresponding GHG emission with waste treatment and disposal. Propose adequate strategies for the MSW management system up to 2021 years ahead.

Research Framework
Macro-economic Environment Econometric Modeling Consumption Peoples Lifestyle

Environ. Regulation & Policies

MSW Generation / Discards

Life-cycle Assessment using IPCC 2006 guideline GHG Emissions within MSW Treatment / Disposal

Efficient Policy Measures


Model Flow Diagram

Macro-economic indicators Layer 1 Consumption Forecasting Model (Econometric Modeling) Individuals consumption expenditure Socioeconomic indicators Expenditure Categories Expenditure Subcategories Food Clothing Housing Layer 2 Consumer Behavior Model I (Linear Expenditure System)

... Layer 3 Consumer Behavior Model II (Multinomial Logit Model)

Layer 4 MSW Discard Model (Simultaneous Equation System) Food waste Paper waste Plastic waste Metal waste

MSW policy variables

Layer 5 Intermediate MSW Treatment & Final Disposal MSW Capacity Evaluation Model

Required capacity planning

Cost Structure Analysis

GHG emission

Source: Weng et al., 2009.

Sustainable Consumption Behavior and MSW Discards

MSW is from the discarded commodities that are broken or useless after being used. In recent years some concepts are proposed as the solutions for reducing waste generation/discards:
Dematerialization attempts to advocate a more environmentalfriendly pattern of production, consumption, transportation, etc., in the contemporary modern society Slower consumption is to advocate prolonged life spans of the commodities within the households. Ecological modernisation tries to accommodate the cooperation among all the sectors in the societies so as to promote environmentalfriendly actions in terms of the sustainable society.

Historical Trend of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Generation, Discards and Recycling Rate in Taiwan: 1990-2008
MSW = HSW + General ISW (mainly from commercial and institutional sectors) MSW Generation = MSW Discards + Recycled Materials
1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 MSW generation rate MSW discard rate Recycling rate 20 10 0 60 1,600

Recycling rate (%)

50 40 30

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0

Annual MSW generation Annual MSW discards

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008



Data Source in the Model Development

Socio-economic and macro-economic data (including household consumption expenditure )
Source: Taiwan Directorate-General of Budget, Account and Statistics, , R.O.C. 13 important indices: 1981-2008 A domestic population projection from 2006 to 2051

Data in terms of MSW management

Source: Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, R.O.C. Dry-basis composition data of MSW:1992-2004 Overall MSW generation and discards: 1987-2008

Exogenous Variables in the Estimation Model System

Indices Socioeconomic variables Description Unit Taiwan dollar at 2001 prices % % % none

PGDPt Unempt Hov65rt Savingt

Per capita gross domestic product The unemployment rate in the labor force in the year t. The portion of the aging population (over 65 years) in the overall population The saving rate in the disposable expenditure in the year t. Dummy variable for the Resource Recycling Four-in-One Project action; before 1997, the value is zero and 1 otherwise. Dummy variable for the Restrictions on the Use of Plastic Bags action; before 2001, the value is zero and 1 otherwise. Dummy variable for the Mandatory Household Classification and Food Waste Recycling action imposed in Taipei city; before 2003, the value is zero and 1 otherwise. The portion of MSW discards treated by incinerators in the year t, a continuous variable. The recycled portion of MSW generation in the year t, a continuous variable.

MSW policy variable

Dum1 Dum2


Dum3 Incit Recyt


% %


Future Projection of MSW Discards with the Estimation Model System

The modeling considers: -- The lifestyle changes -- The consumer behavior -- The effects of the important MSW policy measures The future projection assumes that the relationships among the variables are to be the same in the future period.

Historical Trends of the Socioeconomic Variables

The individuals saving rate (%)

Indicator Basic statistics Maximum Mean Minimum Standard deviation

GDP growth rate (%) Unemployed rate (%) 6.59 4.52 -2.17 2.49 5.17 3.72 2.60 0.96

Saving rate (%) 26.52 24.59 21.63 1.87


Future Projection by Scenario Analysis: 2009-2021

Scenario Exogenous variable A Consumption level Growth rate of per capita GDP (%/year) Saving rate, Savingt (%) Unemployed rate, Unempt (%) Aging population rate, Hov65rt (%) Dum1, Dum2 and Dum3 Recycled portion, Recyt (%) Incineration rate, Incit (%) BAU (Ref. year is 2008) -1.91 in 2009, 5 since 2010 22.79 5.85 in 2009, 4 since 2010 B low -1.91 in 2009, 4 since 210 24 5.85 in 2009, 4.5 since 210 C high -1.91 in 2009, 7 since 2010 21 5.85 in 2009, 2.5 since 2010

Increase progressively based on the nation projection All the three policy measures are activated in the scenarios. Increase progressively from 42.5 (2009) to 50 (2011), and further to 60 during 2012 to 2021. 94.58 (2008 level) 13

Future Projection of the Consumption Expenditure by Scenario Analysis

a. Model simulation

Projection of annual per capita consumption expenditure.

b. Future projection

Projection of annual per capita consumption expenditure on food

Projection of consumption expenditure for the subcategories on food


Changes on the Consumption Expenditure in the Scenarios

For the categories:
Category Scenario Scenario A Scenario B Scenario C Fdt Clotht Houst HAt Medt Transt AEt Mist

Unit: %

250.0 222.5 327.0

276.1 220.6 327.0

421.4 311.0 729.4

488.5 272.2 1088.0

437.1 336.5 699.8

349.1 321.3 419.9

405.0 336.0 599.6

420.0 317.9 699.7

For the subcategories: Items with large changes are

Food from restaurant (Fd5,t), Footwear (Cloth2,t), Residential rent (House1,t), Maintenance and repairs (House2,t), Furniture (HA1,t), Housekeeping services (HA5,t), Health insurance (Med4,t), Maintenance and repair charge of transportation equipment (Trans2,t), Traveling expenses (AE1,t), Entertainment expenses (AE2,t), Educational expenses (AE5,t), Other non-saving insurance expenses (Mis8,t)

Future Projection of the MSW Discards by Scenario Analysis (I)

Model fitting results of overall annual per capita MSW discards by the SES model

Ex-post forecasting


Model development

Future projection

The per capita total MSW discards seems to increase significantly due to the scenarios with the optimistic economic development and conservative impacts of policy interventions.

Future Projection of the MSW Discards by Scenario Analysis (II)

(b)Plastic waste

(a) Paper waste

(c)Food waste

(d) Moisture of waste

Unit (y axis): kg / capita / year


Future Projection of the MSW Discards by Scenario Analysis (III)

(e) Metal waste

(f) Glass waste

(g) Miscellaneous combustible

(h) Miscellaneous incombustible

Unit (y axis): kg / capita / year


Uncertainty of Estimation Model System and Its Projection

The relationships among the variables may change in the future. Potential important policy variables (policy intervention incidents) may exist in the future.


Model Flow Diagram

Macro-economic indicators Layer 1 Consumption Forecasting Model (Econometric Modeling) Individuals consumption expenditure Socioeconomic indicators Expenditure Categories Expenditure Subcategories Food Clothing Housing Layer 2 Consumer Behavior Model I (Linear Expenditure System)

... Layer 3 Consumer Behavior Model II (Multinomial Logit Model)

Layer 4 MSW Discard Model (Simultaneous Equation System) Food waste Paper waste Plastic waste Metal waste

MSW policy variables

Layer 5 Intermediate MSW Treatment & Final Disposal MSW Capacity Evaluation Model

Required capacity planning

Cost Structure Analysis

GHG emission


Source: Weng et al., 2009.

MSW Treatment and Disposal Options in Taiwan

National Target: 80% by incineration in 2006

80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
Source: TEPA, 2010

Dumping General landfilling Sanitary landfilling Incineration


GHG Emission from the MSW Treatment and Disposal facilities

Estimation method: IPCC 2006 guideline (Tier1 and Tier 2) Based on the dry-basis composition data of MSW discards GHG emission in terms of sewage solid wastes is excluded herein. Three pathways are considered in the estimation of GHG emission: Landfilling- using the first-order decaying (FOD) model for methane emission Incineration Composting of recycled food waste The global warming potential (GWP) over a time horizon of 100 years are assumed 1 for CO2, 2 for CO, 23 for methane, 296 for N2O (IPCC, 2001).

GHG Emission within MSW Landfilling (I)

Decomposable organic matters
DDOCmi ,t = WELi ,t DOCi ,t DOCi , f MCFi ,t
where DDOCmi,t denotes the mass of decomposable DOCm deposited in year t for waste stream i (Gg/yr); WELi,t is the mass deposited of MSW discards, waste stream i, in year t (Gg/yr) on a dry basis; DOCi,t denotes degradable organic carbon for waste stream i in the year t, fraction (Gg-C/Gg-waste); DOCi,f is the fraction of DOCi,t that can be decomposed in year t (fraction); MCFi,t is the methane correction factor for aerobic decomposition of deposition for waste i in year t (fraction).

The first-order decaying (FOD) model is introduced for methane emission.

DDOCma i ,t = DDOCmd i ,t + (DDOCma i ,t 1 e )

DDOCmdecom pi ,t = DDOCma i ,t 1 1 e
DDOCmai,t-1 is its lag term (Gg/yr);

where DDOCmai,t denotes DDOCmi,t accumulated in the landfill sites at the end of year t (Gg/yr) for waste stream i ; DDOCmdi,t is DDOCmi,t deposited into the landfill sites in year t (Gg/yr); DDOCmdecompi,t is the amount of DDOCmi,t decomposed within the year t (Gg/yr);

is the reaction constant, i.e. = ln(2) / t1/2 (yr-1),

t1/2 is the decaying half-time of DDOCmi,t, year.


GHG Emission within MSW Landfilling (II) The methane emission from each waste stream is calculated by
LMEG i ,t = DDOCmdecom pi ,t F 16 / 12
where LMEGs,t is the amount of methane generated from decomposable matters from waste stream i within year t (Gg/yr); F is the fraction of methane, by volume, in generated landfill gas (fraction); 16/12 denotes the molecular weight ratio CH4/C (ratio).

The overall methane emission is calculated by

LMEE s ,t = LMEG i ,t Rt (1 OX t ) i
where LMEEs,t is the overall methane emission in year t (Gg/yr); LMEGi,t is the methane generated by waste fraction i in year t (Gg/yr); Rt is the amount of recovered CH4 in year t (Gg/yr); OXt is the oxidation fraction of CH4 in year t (ratio).


Parameter Setting of the Reaction Constant () of the First-Order Decaying Model for Methane Emission in the Landfilling


DDOCm-decompT =0.20 DDOCmdecompt = 0.20 DDOCm-decompT =0.15 DDOCmdecompt = 0.15 DDOCm-decompT =0.13 DDOCmdecompt = 0.13

DDOCmdecompt = 0.10 DDOCm-decompT =0.10

0.1 DDOCm-decompT =0.05 DDOCmdecompt = 0.05 DDOCm-decompT =0.02 DDOCmdecompt = 0.02

close to the assumption of the popular triangular method in Indian cases

Behavior of the triangular method

0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Year of placement

Reaction constant () (yr-1) 0.2 Half-life time * Duration required to decay 99% of unit weight of waste* 4 24 0.15 5 31 0.13 6 36 0.1 7 46 0.05 14 92 25

*Unit: year (after deposition)

GHG Emission within MSW Incineration

CO2 Emission

ICO2 E s ,t = [(WGi ,t CFi FCFi OFi ) 44 / 12 ]

WGi,t is the amount of MSW incinerated by composition (on a dry basis), Gg/yr; CFi is the fraction of carbon in the dry matter (i.e., carbon content) of composition i; FCFi is the fraction of fossil carbon in the total carbon of composition i; OFi is the oxidation factor of composition i (fraction); 44/12 denotes the conversion factor from C to CO2.

where IC2OEs,t is the CO2 emission in the year t from the incineration process of MSW (Gg/yr);

Methane Emission
s ,t = WGinci ,t EFM 10 6

N2O Emission
IN 2 OE s ,t = WG inci ,t EFN 10 6

where IMEEs,t is the methane emission by incineration in the year t (Gg/yr); WGinci,t is the amount of MSW incinerated in the year t (Gg/yr), on a wet basis; EFM is aggregate methane emission coefficient (kgCH4/Gg-waste); 10-6 is the conversion factor from kilogram to gigagram.

where IN2OEs,t is the N2O emission by incineration in the year t (Gg/yr); WGinci,t is the amount of MSW incinerated in the year t (Gg/yr), on a wet basis; EFN is aggregate N2O emission coefficient (kg-N2O /Gg-waste); 10-6 is the conversion factor from kilogram to gigagram.


GHG Emission within Biological Treatment of MSW

Methane Emission
BMEEt = ( M i,t EFi ) 10 3 Rt

where BMEEt is the methane emission in the year t from the biological treatment process of MSW (Gg/yr); Mi,t is the amount organic waste treated by technology option i (Gg/yr); EFi is the emission factor for technology option i (g CH4/ kg waste treated); Rt is amount of methane recovered in the year t during the process (Gg/yr).

N2O Emission

BN 2 OE t = ( M i,t EFi ) 10 3

where BN2OEt is the N2O emission in the year t from the biological treatment processes of MSW (Gg/yr); Mi,t is the amount organic waste treated by technology option i (Gg/yr); EFi is the emission factor for technology option i (g N2O / kg waste treated).


Typical Values of Parameters Recommended by IPCC in the Estimation for Incineration Process of MSW (IPCC, 2006)
Parameter CFi Paper Plastics Food Textile Leather Garden EFM Value 0.46 (0.42-0.50) 0.75 (0.67-0.85) 0.38* (0.20-0.50) 0.50 (0.25-0.50) 0.67 (0.67) 0.49 (0.45-0.55) 0.2 Parameter FCFi Paper Plastics Food Textile Leather Garden EFN Value 0.01 (0-0.05) 1 (0.95-1) -0.2 (0-0.50) 0.2 (0.2) 0 47

Note: a. *: recommended value from Yang et al., 2004 and is the same as the default value of IPCC 2006 guideline. b. Values in the parentheses represent the rational ranges of the parameter. c. EFM and EFN use the value for the stocker-type incinerator.


Annual CO2 (e.q.) Emission of the Landfilling of MSW Discards in Taiwan: 1992-2004
103 tonne s/ yr

Gg CO2 / yr

8000 7000 6000 5000

landfill incineration


First Order Decay Principle

4000 3000 2000 1000


1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006







1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004







1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004







Annual CO2 (e.q.) Emission of the Incineration of MSW Discards in Taiwan: 1992-2004
Gg CO2 / yr

80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008

Dumping General landfilling Sanitary landfilling Incineration





80% 60%

0 1992 1994 Paper 1996 1998 2000 Textile 2002 Leather 2004
40% 20% 0% 1992 1994 Paper 1996 1998 2000 Textile 2002 Leather 2004 Plastics



Gg CO2 / yr
12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1992

Annual CO2 (e.q.) Emission of MSW Treatment and Disposal System in Taiwan: 1992-2004
103 tonnes / yr
Composting Incineration Landfilling







Annual CO2 Emission of MSW Treatment System in Japan

2005 CO2 emission share from MSW treatment system Incineration Landfill Wastewater CO2 CH4 N2O CH4 CH4 N2O 76.2% 0.2% 6.2% 12% 3% 2.4% 2004 MSW treatment share

77.49% 0.03%

source: Japan EPA (2007); Moriguchi (2007).


Future Projection of Annual GHG Emission from the Landfilling of MSW Discards: 2005-2021
Gg CO2 eq. / yr
7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0
2005 2009 2013 2017

7,000 6,000

7,000 6,000

Scenario A

5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2021 2005 Paper

Scenario B

5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0

Scenario C















Future Projection of Annual GHG Emission from the Incineration of MSW Discards: 2005-2021
Gg CO2 eq. / yr
6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2005 2009 2013 2017 2021



Scenario A C

5,000 4,000 3,000

Scenario B

6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000


2,000 1,000 0 2005 2009 Paper 2013 Plastics 2017 Textile Leather

2,000 1,000 0








Future Projection of Annual GHG Emission from the Composting of Recycled Food Waste: 2009-2021
It is assumed that the composted food waste is increased by 6% per year.
Gg CO2 eq. / yr

Future Projection


Annual CO2 (e.q.) Emission of MSW Treatment and Disposal System in Taiwan: 1992-2021
Gg CO2 / yr

Change of technology options


Major Achievement and Policy Implications

The entire MSW modeling system could serve as a decision tool for MSW management at a comprehensive aspect. Analysis results show that annual GHG emission from MSW treatment system is about 2.75% of total GHG emission in Taiwan in 2002. Considering the fist order decay principle in the estimation of GHG emission of landfill disposal , lower estimate would appear in the first several years.


Major Achievement and Policy Implications (II)

Regarding the global warming issue, incineration seems to be a more environmental-friendly technology of MSW treatment, comparing to landfill disposal. Reduction and recycling of food waste, paper waste and plastic waste would prevent the GHG emission from MSW treatment and disposal system. Domestic values of the parameter for the FOD processes as well as other GHG emission pathways are essential for each country.


Future Improvements
The current estimation of the GHG emission may be overestimated while methane recovery is excluded herein. GHG emissions from treatment of municipal waste waters could be considered further. GHG emissions from MSW collection and transportation processes should be considered. GHG emissions from the MSW recycling and reutilization activities might be considered. The uncertainty of the parameters should be evaluated.

Thanks for your kind attention and advices~

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