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"Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth" is a real time strategy game set in the "Lord of the Rings" universe. Players use characters and creatures from the classic fantasy novels to wage war and attempt to gain complete control over Middle Earth. The game also includes a mapmaking tool called Worldbuilder that allows players to design their own maps. Worldbuilder provides mapmakers with a fully-rendered view of their map as they create it, making it easy for designers to translate their ideas directly into the game.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


1. 1

Open WorldBuilder by clicking on the Worldbuilder icon in your "Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth" program directory or "Start" menu folder.

Click on the "File" menu and select "New" to create a new map. Input the size of the map and the default terrain map. The map is measured in grid squares. Each grid square is equal to about 10 feet in the game world.

Select a terrain tool from the "Terrain" menu. Customize the settings of the tool using the "Terrain Brush Options" menu. Click on the map with the current tool to change the terrain. Use as necessary to carve out the terrain for your map.

Select a texture from the texture tree. Click on the map to paint the map with that texture. Use the single tile, large tile and flood fill options in the "Texture" menu to select the amount of space that you want to paint.

Select "Place Object" from the "Objects" menu, then select an object from the palette. Click anywhere on the map to place one of those objects there. "Place object" puts units and buildings on the map.

Select "Road," "Grove," "Scorchmarks" or "Ramp" from the "Objects" menu to place a road, a grove of trees, scorchmarks or a ramp on the map. Each of these tools has its own settings to give your map the correct effect.

Click on an object to edit its properties. Properties include team affiliation, name, initial health, maximum health and other advanced properties.

Select "Save" from the "File" menu and enter a name for your map to save it.

Read more: How to Make a Map for Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth for the PC |

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