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By, T. Patrick Rooney.

This is fan fiction, it is not be to be taken as canon and in fact is based on myself and my girlfriends characters in
the Star Wars Galaxies Video game, if you are a fan of Star Wars you might enjoy it. I of course have no permission
to make money from anything within this story that’s why I am posting it here on Scribd, its free and its just for fun

It was sunset over the purple-lichened rock-strewn hills and mountains of Dathomir, in the silence of the evening
GC-281 was on patrol around the secret Imperial prison camp. Other then the crunching of his boots on the well
worn trail that regulations required him to walk, all was quiet. The forests had been hewn away and pushed back
well over 100 meters from the prison’s defensive wall. In the distance raging roars and howls shattered the night,
someone was killing something out there as darkness set in. Or perhaps something was killing something.
The stormtrooper turned from glancing towards the noise and suddenly, she was there. Her face painted white with
bright blood-red lightning symbols on her cheeks. Her hair was more extravagant then a Corellian opera singer’s
and strange platinum rings, bracelets and armbands bejeweled her bare arms. She was obviously female her outfit
revealing deep rounded cleavage and despite himself GC-281, stopped his arm from swinging his carbine up from
its ready position dangling from its shoulder strap. Her eyes were burning with liquid white radiance and her mouth
formed a smile so beautiful, that he let go of the gun altogether and reached for her.
He realized his mistake when the slightest sound of stone grating alerted him to a second person behind him. Stop-
ping his forward movement he started to glance over his shoulder, then darkness fell.
Keirian-tas looked up at her sister over the unconscious trooper’s strewn body and smiled. It had begun.
Triborj loved his job, bounty hunting was the most thrilling thing he had ever done and the final climactic chase
and fight never ceased to bring out something hidden deep inside of himself. Today he had finally got the jump on
Secvirt, this upstart Zabrak who claimed to be the greatest hunter in the guild. But today that would all be changed,
The Zabrak had obviously lost the trail because Triborj’s sources on spynet had informed him that Secvirt had just
landed on Rori. Triborj sent a landing request to the Dathomir space station and landed once the clearance code
was granted at the science outpost.
The civilians had no idea who the heavily armed Tradoshian was but they all looked away as he came down the
access ramp of his ship and headed immediately into the thick dense forest surrounding the outpost. Shaking their
heads they went back to work knowing whoever he was to go unescorted into the forests on this planet he was ei-
ther very brave or very foolish.
The dark forest engulfed all sounds save those of the tiny bleeping droid hovering before him, Triborj inserted the
bio-tech signature card he had purchased from his spynet contact. The seeker droid spun about and quickly van-
ished into the darkening night. Following behind on his swoop Triborj felt his anticipation growing, closing in on
the kill was always like this. Adrenaline pumping, senses alive with razor accuracy, he idled slowly well behind the
searching droid’s blipping indicator on his datapad.
Several hours later far north and west of the science outpost he comes across the temporary mineral harvesting
encampment of his target. His target was a human named Glinxc Menoudd, a man so in debt to the gambling dens
he frequents, that they had set a very large bounty on his head. Apparantly he had begged for more time to gather
his funds. Now he was here mining minerals to hopefully make a profit and be able to pay everyone he owes money
to back. The bounty still stood though because the gambling dens and most specifically, Jhuxha the Hutt had had
enough with this human.
Peering through the trees at the target’s campsite, Triborj immediately sees something is wrong. The equipment
is mangled, his land speeder is destroyed and smoking and his mining apparatus a garbled mess of wires and bent
metal beyond repair. The bounty hunter approaches with caution leaving the shelter of the trees with his CY-M
Carbine set to stun, his scatter pistol though still holstered, was ready in case taking this bounty alive became more
trouble then it was worth. The site he been destroyed within the past hour or so. Something big probably a ran-
cor had stumbled in here and laid waste to the place. Rancor tracks were everywhere, perhaps more then one. No
blood, no body perhaps the rancor’s had carried him off to feed their young? Do rancor’s care about their young?
He would have to speculate on the maternal instincts of carnivorous wildlife later. Following the tracks off the ran-
cor he sees booted humanoid feet tracks as well, someeone may be stalking these rancors as well. Well it couldn’t
be Secvirt that was for sure, but then who? Topping a rise he see a few rough steep hills away several large shapes
moving and lots of small shapes intermixed with them. What is going on here a Creature-Handler convention?
Adjusting the heads-up display in his visor he zooms his vision in focusing on the figures before him. And there
was his mark, firmly grasped in the huge hands of a rancor, two more rancor walked beside the one he cared about.
Glancing down he stopped in his tracks. Nightsisters, wicked dark force witches apparantly one was a beast tamer
and was using her sorcery on the great beasts.
These legendary woman bow to no man, not the emperor not anyone. To cross the Nightsisters might get him
killed, but bringing back Glinxc from their clutches would make him a legend. Tracking the Nightsisters for several
hours Triborj is fascinated as more and more groups of them join the group he was following, there was now close
to 20 of the most dangerous woman alive in front of him and over half a dozen gigantic rancors. a tiny red light in
his head-up display warned him of someone approaching from behind him. Melting into the trees the tradoshian
moved away from the path off his followers and turned to watch them go by. More Nightsisters another 7 of them,
one walking ahead of the other 6 who were split into pairs with a large branch stretched out between them. On each
branch was a bound unconscious humanoid.
What the hell was going on...Suddenly the Nightsister in the leading of the passing procession turns her head
towards him, and he knew the game was up. She raises her arm palm towards him, as he trains his Lightning rifle
at her. Two bolts of lightning one red and one white meet halfway between them, and explode shredding trees and
rending soil. The power cartridge of his rifle drains and beeps to inform him its now empty. He drops the rifle and
sprints away into the trees.
Dodging through the forest around trees and over rocks, up hills and down ravines he runs for his life. The keen-
ing ear splitting sounds from behind him inform him without having to turn that they are still after him. The tree
in front of him explodes as a bolt of red lightning connects with it from over his shoulder. From behind a tree 50
meters ahead two more Nightsisters step out into his path. The shredded tree exploding in his face had blinded him
for a second, but hadn’t done any damage to him, his armour was too strong for meer wood. He turns veering away
from the two new Nightsisters in front of him, They both raise their arms and unleash hell towards him.
Blackness reaches out to engulf him...
Noxiaz Teir’Swunj looks at her sister rangers and nods, the Tradoshian was good for a male.

“This is Recon Flight DZ-817 calling Cyngus Six, Cyngus Six please respond.” The trooper turned towards his
“Sir, no response from Cyngus Six.”
“Keep hailing them, pilot bring us down 50m from that ship lets find out who landed this close to the prison and
why. “ The commander replied.
Cyngus Six was the name of an old yt-1400 that had apparantly landed in a restricted zone, upon seeing this ship
so close to the prison and after sending a report to his commander back at the space station in orbit above them all,
Glory Trooper GH-611 had ordered his men to hail them and find out what was going on.
“Well hopefully its just some yahoo who has no idea where he has landed and this wont be any worries once we
confiscate that ship and thrown who ever that nerf-herder is in prison.”
As they descended towards the ship they saw it, the underside of the ship had been strafed with laser hits and obvi-
ously it had crashed here based on the massive trail of scorched flattened earth leading to the wreck itself. Once
they got the 50 meters away from the site as he had ordered his pilot put the shuttle down. It’s wings folded back
upwards into landing position and its tail end spins around so the ramp would be facing the wreck, the shuttle
touches down.
“Ok, I want a 100 meter perimeter set up this minute, I want four of you to sweep that ship, and I want the rest of
you to be ready for anything. Lets GO!” And with that the ramp is lowered down and GH-611 and his patrol run
down the ramp and hurry to comply with his wishes.
Like clockwork his men report a safe perimeter within thirty seconds, four men go up the ramp and into the
wrecked ship. It was all going very much according to the manual. Until from the woods stepped seventeen or
eighteen women, They just stood there.
“Drop your weapons and put your hands up!” Dark Trooper TU-988 orders.
The women as one raise their hands in submission, and then all hell breaks loose....
“This is Dathomir station calling Recon Flight DZ-817, Recon Flight DZ-817 do you read me?”
“This is Dathomir station calling Recon Flight DZ-817, Recon Flight DZ-817 do you copy?”
Xullnar Vyl’Shyn and Felynryl Vyl’Shyn arrived on Dathomir at the request of Jedi Master Afet. Once again the
Empire had failed to acknowledge a request by the citizens of the Mining Oupost to find their missing workers and
leaders, so hearing about this the light side enclave had decided to step in. Apparantly in the space of one night the
entire second shift including the foreman had all disappeared, 21 men and women. In the morning the day shift
foreman had sent an urgent commlink message to the oribital Imperial Space Station, requesting immediate help.
Because not only was there signs of a struggle but over by the TB Elite Mineral Harvester near the northern fence-
line there was blood everywhere. The space station had replied that they had a recon ship already on patrol and that
in a few hours they would arrive to investigate. That was four days ago, all attempts to comm the station since then
had been denied. And of course the ship never arrived.
Something was going on, as soon as they landed and found the day shift foreman for more information, people
came out of mid-air to describe more odd occurrances and yet more missing people. One man from the science
outpost described finding his fellow scientist’s gear and huge rancor tracks all around, but no blood. After several
hours of taking names and stories and dates, the two jedi return to their ship to compare notes and plan how best to
in a dank cave thousands of meters away and hundreds of meters underground, a light flares brightly into life and
scores of filthy naked humans trapped in a metal cage peer squinting into the brightness. The emotionless white
painted faces staring back at them, cause a stir of whispered exclamations. The crowd of Nightsisters part and a
short extravagantly dressed jewel-encrusted woman approaches the cage.
“You have done well sisters, these shall do. Prepare the fires and the chemicals, we shall begin the ritual at dusk.”
An overwhelming premonition of danger strikes Master Afet in his hidden bunker-like retreat on Talus. Shaking his
head to clear the visions the force has sent him of dank caves and horned flaming death, Afet centers himself calm-
ing down and planning. Realizing his friends are in danger Afet rushes out of his house sending out emergency calls
to Ralras, Benabin, Alur’a and Brutius. Directing them to meet him on Dathomir. Hurrying to his waiting ship he
hopes they are not too late....
It rains everyday on Dathomir, tracks get washed away and trudging through muddy valleys and dried out baked
rocky hills was exhausting. Letting the force guide them Xullnar and Felynryl had been moving steadily west from
the mining outpost for over three hours. Following a four day old trail on Dathomir was like tracking smoke in an
asteroid field, nearly impossible. Luckly Rancor’s are much easier to track then humanoid are, they tended to leave
huge piles of spoor which attract the Baz-Nitches so following the Rancors that attacked the mining outpost wasn’t
hard so much as tedious. Something was drawing them forward urging greater speed from them, the force was rip-
pling as the sun was setting, something was going on. Something Dangerous..
Dxujie’ghen Swill’Treaid pulled the human along by his foot enjoying his yells of pain and pleas for mercy, as his
body scraped across the rough rocks and sharp stones on the cave floor. Bringing him to Xcutz’Joihn The Sum-
moner, she held the human up under his arms, while her mistress injected him with the Scizm of change. Laughing
she chained him with the others before the huge roaring fire, knowing that before long he and all the rest of these
non-believers would be shown the way...
Xcutz’Joihn The Summoner looked down at the mass of humans chained to rings in the floor encircling the raging
fire, there were enough now to begin. Raising her arms she drew upon the dark-side and a rippling black mist arose
from the flames. The creeping black cloud extended tendrils of smoking malevolence towards each of the help-
less victims around it. Encircling the throat of a woman with long brown hair and bruises from the abuse she had
suffered, the mist poured into her gasping mouth. Minutes later her flesh glowing with a brutish red aura her eyes
smoking with a glowing blood coloured radiance, she roars as horns tear from the flesh of her forehead.
Shaking and quivering her shoulders broaden and her muscular trim shape expands and her sweat covered flesh
tightens and hardens into a chitinous leather. Rage fills her, hatred seethes in her every pore. She can feel enemies
approaching, two of them glowing with a hated light.
Xcutz’Joihn The Summoner turns her head, looking towards the upper corner of the cave where several of the
beasts and now pointing and gibbering. Probing outward with the dark-side she too now senses force users ap-
A raging beacon of the dark-side pulses deep under the mountain they are approaching. Something draws at them
and suddenly they can feel a burst of dark-side power. Someone down in the mountain has sensed that they are here.
Xullnar and Feynryl have killed 5 Nightsisters so far just to get to the base of this mountain, they seem to be patrol-
ling the area. Luckily they have not come across any of the Beast Tamer Sisters yet, because the noise of a fighting
rancor would alert anyone within miles that they were there. The tracks they had been following lead straight to a
cave opening near the base of the mountain. A cluster of ancient buildings stand before the cave mouth.
A fifty meter tall step pyramid dominates the cluster of ruins from times past. Each step carved with runes and
some still seem to glimmer in the moonless night. The ramp up to the top of the pyramid is vine-strewn crumbled
and decayed. At the base of the ramp stand two Nightsisters, obviously guardians of the ruins and the cave mouth
as well. One has nine lightsabers hanging from a sinew belt at her slender waist, evidence she has faced many jedi
before. The other has eleven severed withered right hands dangling from her belt. Each was glowing with a black
nimbus of pulsing dark-side energy. Without saying a word Xullnar glanced at Fely, she nodded her head to the left
to the Nightsister with the severed hands. Xullnar nodded back.

Cliakv Desren’ghux, The Guardian of Hands could sense the humans approaching, soon she would add another
hand to her belt. Her smile was deadly. Glancing at her sister she saw her unhook a blackened double bladed light-
saber from her belt, the Guardian of the Blades sensed them too...
Xullnar charges out from behind a pile of crumbled debris that had once been some sort of building, and straight at
the Nightsister with the lightsaber. They both ignite their blades at once to meet in a hissing clash of power.
The Nightsister pivots on her left foot and tries use her body weight to enhance her swinging the right blade of her
double saber at this dark skinned Zabrak who dares stand before her.
His glowing blue blade parries the power swing of the painted dark-sider and then spins instantly low and to his
right to block the follow up strike from the other blade of her saber. With his free hand he makes a clutching mo-
tion towards her throat, she staggers back staring her blade spinning before her in concentric arcs to ward him off
The Jedi uses the dark side! Her throat constricted she lashes out at him with a blast of red lightning, he parries the
blast away with his bright blue saber and seems to blur as he moves to her left almost faster than she can see.
Moving to his right Xullnar strikes down at her legs, hip, right shoulder and left arm in rapid succession, feeling
the force engulf him. He becomes a blur of motion as his instincts take over and his blade crackles through the air,
hitting her lightsaber on the handle between her hands he sunders the blade. Before she can react his sparking blue
lightsaber burns through her torso in three places in as many brutal efficient thrusts.
As she crumbles to the ground in a heap of rattling jewels and clinking metal, he turns to rush in and help Felyn-
ryl. He finds her standing grimly over the now armless and headless smouldering corpse of the other guardian.
They turn as one, and walk around the pyramid and under the glyph carved ancient arch supporting the entrance to
stygian-darkness of the cave below...
• Elsewhere—

Back at the Mining Outpost, Jedi Master’s Benabin, Ralras and Afet gather up Alur’a and Brutius and head west
towards the massive beacon of the dark side pulsing in the distance.
“This is Recon Flight DZ-817 calling Dathomir Station on automated distress signal, received heavy fire from
unknown assailants on the surface heading back to Station for emergency repairs, requesting immediate priority for
landing clearance, life supports failing onboard. this message will repeat.”
“This is Dathomir Station calling Recon Flight DZ-817, you are clear to land in docking bay 2.”
The flight coordinator turned from his console and looked over at his commanding officer.
“Sir, should I scramble medical teams to Hanger Bay 2?”
“Yes and send a squad of security over there too, I want to know what happened, also send a data programmer I
want the files and records from every console on that ship downloaded as soon as possible.” Replied GH-671 Dark
Glory Trooper and Acting Commander of the Imperial Dathomir Spacestation.
Turning towards the main display screen GH-671 watches as the ship slides smoking and badly damaged into
hanger bay 2. He had a bad feeling about this. Using his wrist comm he summons three more squads of guards to
the main control room.
• Elsewhere—

A trail of dead Nightsisters and rancors leads up to a set of ruins overshadowed by a massive cliff behind them with
an arched rune-carved cave entrance behind the ruins at the base of the cliff. Brutius and Alur’a stand near the base
of the pyramid while Afet, Benabin and Ralras examine the bodies of the two Nightsisters lying dead there. Afet
holds up one of the lightsabers from the belt of one of the corpses and whispers a word, perhaps a name.
“Az’ryei.” he says solemnly.
Turning they file through the archway and down into the shrouded darkness below..

• Elsewhere—

“Sir, we just lost communications with Dathomir Station and about half of it just exploded.” TW-472 says in his
clipped Corellian accent into his headset communicator.
“Broadcast this message to the strike team.” Says Mof Tecc.
“This is Mof Tecc, we just lost communications with Dathomir Station, the strike force will tighten into battle
formation and proceed with all speed to the Station to assess damages and deal with whoever did this.” The Zabrak
turned from his headsup display and motioned with his hand to cut the channel.
“Give me the last five minutes of communications to and from Dathomir Station, also run a check on ships landing
or taking off from there for the past 48 hours. Bring us about and get us heading there at top speed right this min-

Xcutz’Joihn The Summoner could feel the jedi coming down the tunnels and now it felt as more were coming as
well yes she could feel more of them descending. Perfect timing jedi, perfect timing.
Looking back down at the scene below her she smiled a wicked grin of satisfaction everything was working per-
In the fire pit below horned shapes once human and humanoid writhe and bellow, they too can feel the Jedi ap-
proaching they too can sense the hated light.
• Elsewhere—

The pulse of dark side power was still beckoning them deeper into the caverns from somewhere below. Before them
a large cave stretched out with hundreds of vicious gaping spiders, pets of the nightsisters. Xullnar nudged Fely
and nodded towards a pair of nightsisters walking among the giant spiders. Thick webbing and egg sacks litter the
cave floor and climb the stalagmite’s. On the other side of the cavern another tunnel mouth opens into this cham-
ber. Hiding behind one of the stalagmite’s near the entrance to the cave, Xullnar rummages through the pack of a
body wrapped in webbing and withdraws a thermal detonator. Showing it to Fely, who nods he sets it’s timer for 5
seconds and tosses it out into the thick mass of spiders and Nightsisters near the center of the cave.
The Nightsisters recovered quickly, cones of red lightning shot in all directions, balls of webbing splashed into the
walls as the spiders unleashed their fury. Suddenly two jedi seem to appear in their midst and the spiders converge
on them quickly, while the sisters step back and bathe them all spiders and jedi alike in red glowing forked light-
ning. Deflecting a bolt of lightning into the head of the nearest spider Xullnar spins and severs the mandibles from
the spider biting at him from behind. Felynryl ducks letting a blast of lightning hit the thorax of the spider behind
her, it squeels in fury and pain as the dark side of the force burns into its entrails, then collapses. Sweeping her
lightsaber low in an arc in front of her she quickly severs the legs of two spiders and cleaves the head of the third.
Running over the corpses she vaults through the air landing behind one of the nightsisters Felynryl quickly drives
her saber through her heart. As the body falls she spins around arching her saber upward to catch the Nightsister
sneaking up on her in the chest, Felynryl grimly steps of the smoking corpse and wades into the cluster of sisters
and spiders before her....
• Elsewhere—

Driven by urgency and the sense that time is running out, Benabin, Ralrus and the others sprint down the tunnels
past decimated spiders and nightsisters hurrying towards the sounds of battle below...
Afet charges around the last twisting curve of the tunnel and enters a huge cavern. Smouldering spiders and the
corpses of many Nightsisters litter the floor. As Benabin, Ralras, Alur’a and Brutius arrive next to him, the sounds
of lightsabers clashing starts up nearby. Hurrying across the cave towards the sounds of battle they find Xullnar and
Felynryl back to back with more the 50 spiders surrounding them and at least 20 nightsisters fighting to get at them.
Afet, Ralras and Benabin raise their hands at once and white cones of lightning pour out of them, Alur’a lets loose a
long conical blast of fire with her flame thrower, while Brutius throws a viral grenade at the mass of spiders.
Through the red haze of power, pulses the dark side, it becons him calling him to seize it and unleash the fury
within on these white painted demon-women. Resisting is getting harder to do as they close in and the attacks come
faster and faster. Suddenly Xullnar hears the screams of spiders and the high pitch yells of the nightsisters nearby.
A cone of fire bathes the spiders in front of him, searing carapaces and melting them where they stand. Suddenly
Ralras and Brutius are there, laying hands on them healing them, helping them defeat the foes who nearly drove
them both back under the tidal surge of rage that is the dark-side. Afet and Benabin dance around the wounded pair
cleaving body segments and limbs alike. The battle is short, the outcome determined by might in the force and
mastery of brutally efficient modern weapons. The Nightsisters around them fall.
“We must hurry the power is growing, we don’t have long.” Yells Benabin.
“This Dark-side ritual must be stopped, or it could engulf this whole planet.” says Afet as they hurry through the
tunnel leading them all deeper into darkness...
• Elsewhere—

The woman in black’s white painted face turns away from the three squads of stormtroopers lying dead before her
their broken bodies and armoured limbs heaped in a bloody mound of grim carnage. She turns towards the observa-
tion camera and suddenly the screen goes black...
Turning away from the camera, Mof Tecc motions to his communications officer, who obidiently opens a comm
channel to the strike force.
“This is Mof Tecc, Dathomir Station has been overrun, it seems our pact with the Dathomir Nightsisters is at an
end, I want four ships to peel off and begin bombarding all known tribal caves of our former allies. The rest ovvvvf
you will come with me to re-secure that station and take back our command center.
The cavern at the end of the long winding tunnel was huge, deep below the surface and a charnal wind blew at them
from within. The surging pulse of the darkside beat upon them and pounded at their senses. The cavern’s outlines
were in constant change from the rippling reflection of the massive fire burning in the central pit of the cavern. The
walls and ceiling were partially lost in the writhing shadows, highlighting what could be seen.
Three meter tall, red skinned, clawed, horned demons danced and bellowed, fought and screamed their massive rip-
pling muscles and saber like fangs glistening in the horrid lumination. Standing on a ledge opposite them, the jedi
and friends see a single female figure watching the cavorting evil before her and laughing. And from the shadows
near the edges of the cave metal glints in the firelight and pale painted faces peer, more Nightsisters waiting, wait-
ing for them...
• Elsewhere—

“This is Bomber Wing XV-622, starting our attack run on the target in sector 49.” Crackles a voice over the comm
station’s secure line.
“This is Strike Team ZA-249 Command, you are clear to begin your run.” Replies TW-472.
“Sir the bombing have begun.”
“Thank you TW-472.” Says Mof Tecc.

Xcutz’Joihn The Summoner watches the jedi enter the cavern from the tunnel opposite her, she smiles grimly.
Raising her arm she motions for the sisters to attack them.
Forty Nightsisters, and as many more rancor’s pour from the shadows, red lightning burns through the air and the
thundering roar of the beasts rages. The demon’s feel the hated light of the force burning within these beings who
have come to the cave. The larger ones turn toward the jedi and gathering the fire around them lift it up and throw
it. The whole cave seems to shake and streams of dirt and chunks of rock fall from the ceiling as somewhere above
them a massive explosion tears through the night.
Dark-Side maelstroms of red lightning burn towards them, rancors, massive killing machines of muscle, fangs and
meter long claws, stomp across the cavern at juggernaut speed, and from the ceiling gaping spiders decend on webs.
Over all this arcs 6 huge bantha sized balls of fire. Afet holds out his hand and one of the balls of fire dives down-
ward sharply taking out two of the spiders and dropping among the charging Nightsisters, throwing charred bodies
and smoking spider carapaces everywhere. Two more balls of fire splash on the ground between the jedi and their
enemies. The other three balls of fire alter direction and fly back towards the ledge with the solitary figure watching
the battle begin...
Xcutz’Joihn The Summoner raises her hands and deflects the fireballs downward back into the pit of demons her
power had summoned. They laugh with dark humor and pour from the pit howling to reach the intruders, clawing
each other and spiders out of the way in their lust for blood.
Felynryl and Xullnar wade into the midst of the Nightsisters and spiders, lightsabers snapping with power. Limbs
fly from bodies, screams echoing from the maimed, arachnids and nightsisters alike. Lightnings erupt from out-
stretched hands, and the force surges, the two jedi end up back to back destroying all who come before them. They
work in harmony lightsabers and feet whirling in a dance of death.
Afet finds himself facing one of the demons over the corpse of a nightsister he has just defeated. The huge glow-
ing body radiating the darkside of the force in a painful aura, fire plays around the creatures eyes and its blackened
fangs glisten with greenish dripping venom. His lightsaber snaps upward suddenly arcing towards the beast’s chest.
The demon bends unnaturally its chest and hips warping backwards, its left hand, talons slashing down rip into
Afet’s shoulder.
Benabin uses the force to leap over the pile of spiders before him, landing to the left of the blazing pit on a ledge,
he glances over and sees Xcutz’Joihn The Summoner hands held out before her lightning streaking towards Brutius,
who roles behind a pile of corpses. Benabin throws his lightsaber, spinning end over end it slices into the unsus-
pecting woman from the side, falling she looks startled, lightning dancing around her body as she falls into the pit
All across the cavern the demons bellow as they begin to fade away, the power holding them here in this place dis-
Much later having cut their way back out to the surface using lightsabers, the jedi and friends stand on a small hill
below the pyramid at the base of the cliff. Overhead the burning husk of the Dathomir Imperial space station lights
up the night sky.
Many questions remain unanswered, many puzzles remain unsolved, but the rebellion of the Dathomir Nightsisters
against the empire has assured things on this planet would not quiet down for a good long while.

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