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I remember my first reaction when my parents told me their decision to send me to SMK Bintulu to live in a hostel, What!

How can you send me to a to become.... a second class student??? Yes, that indeed was how i perceived hostel life. However after living in a hostel for almost a year. My personal experiences have drastically change my views regarding this matter and that is the reason, Mr speaker, honourable judges, timekeeper. teacher and members of the hall. of my standing today to give a speech on 'The benefits of staying in a hostel' Firstly, in this hypermodern era of technology, we often hear complaints from parents about children inability to be disciliplin in study. Indeed, youngster these day are exposed to various forms of distractions for example television series, online multiplayer games (MMORPG), handphone etc. Unfortunately, I was one of them who waste my time on this entertainment. However, after living in a hostel for almost a year, my personal experiences has drastically change. Hostel life portrays a stringent timetable for study and for play. A significant boundary is outlined to ensure that student do not waste their time on useless activities. By adhering to the strict time balance, I have found myself to be wiser in terms of time management. My academic perfomances has benefited from the frequent revision incorporated with our daily routine.Thus, living in a hostel has equipped me with the ability to juggle my activities properly. Secondly, as i stayed longer in the hostel, I start to feel homesick. my mother wasn't there to help me with my clothes and dishes. Everything had to be manually done by myself. No shortcuts, no maids and no times to rest my lazybones. However it was this training that has help me to develop a sense of independence. This preparation is imperative for us as student as we will have to leave our comfort zone for further studies and work in the future. For now, I can confidently say that I am ready to live individually should i further my studies in an alien environment. Thanks to my hostel life

Thirdly, living in a hostel has also equiped me with the chance to cooperate, interact and communicate with the people by diverse cultures, beliefs and races. teenagers normally choose their peer groups according to skin colour and race, a practise which is not only unhealthy but will also catalyse the process of racial disharmony. Even in school, we see 'student gangs', peer groups defined by skin colour, interest and language. This phenomenan is virtually nil in hostel life where students are sorts into differents group regardless of family background. Students in the same groups will experieces daily life together. They eat together, they study together, they clean up together etc. Thus, hostel students learn to cooperate with each other by overcoming their racial barriers. Last but not least, special attention was also given to hostel student to ensure their academic excellence. The existence of 'Sekolah berasmara penuh' is a vivid proof of academic prowess of hostel students. Not only are they given free tuition by teacher who act as wardens but also they also reap benefits from group studies. They also develop unselfish attitude in sharing their valuable information with thei peers. Moreover, they also become more daring to voice their opinions. of course, I as hostel student myself, can confidently say yhat my studies have greatly improved. Thanks to the condusive environment that offered by my school hostel. In conclusion, studying in a hostel has gives numerous of benefits. Therefore, the public should exornerate their misconceptions regarding hostel life and focus on the reward thar offered by living in a hostel. Thank You


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