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EC Declaration of Conformity

We, the undersigned,

Manufacturer: Country: Authorized representative in Europe: Address, City: Country: Address, City: ASUSTek COMPUTER INC. No. 150, LI-TE RD., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN R.O.C. TAIWAN ASUS COMPUTER GmbH HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN GERMANY

declare the following apparatus:

Product name : Model name : Muti-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router RT-N16

conform with the essential requirements of the following directives: 2004/108/EC-EMC Directive
EN 55022:2006 Class B EN 61000-3-2:2006 EN 55013:2001+A1:2003+A2:2006

EN 55024:1998+A1:2001+A2:2003 EN 61000-3-3:1995+A1:2001+A2:2005 EN 55020:2007

1999/5/EC-R &TTE Directive

EN 300 328 V1.7.1(2006-10) EN 300 440-1 V1.4.1(2008-05) EN 300 440-2 V1.2.1(2008-03) EN 301 511 V9.0.2(2003-03) EN 301 908-1 V3.2.1(2007-05) EN 301 908-2 V3.2.1(2007-05) EN 301 893 V1.4.1(2005-03) EN 50360:2001 EN 50371:2002 EN 62311:2008 EN 50385:

EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1(2008-04) EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1(2002-08) EN 301 489-4 V1.3.1(2002-08) EN 301 489-7 V1.3.1(2005-11) EN 301 489-9 V1.4.1(2007-11) EN 301 489-17 V1.3.2(2008-04) EN 301 489-24 V1.4.1(2007-09) EN 302 326-2 V1.2.2(2007-06) EN 302 326-3 V1.3.1(2007-09) EN 301 357-2 V1.3.1(2006-05)

2006/95/EC-LVD Directive
EN 60950-1:2001+A11:2004 EN60065:2002+A1:2006

CE marking

(EC conformity marking) Position : CEO Name : Jerry Shen Declaration Date: Jun. 5, 2009 Year to begin affixing CE marking:2009

Signature : __________

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

Federal Communications Commission Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: This device may not cause harmful interference. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that cause undesired operation. may

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.

Prohibition of Co-location
This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter

Safety Information
To maintain compliance with FCCs RF exposure guidelines, this equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body. Use on the supplied antenna.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

Declaration of Conformity for R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC

Essential requirements Article 3 Protection requirements for health and safety Article 3.1a Testing for electric safety according to EN 60950-1 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient. Protection requirements for electromagnetic compatibility Article 3.1b Testing for electromagnetic compatibility according to EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-17 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient. Effective use of the radio spectrum Article 3.2 Testing for radio test suites according to EN 300 328- 2 has been conducted. These are considered relevant and sufficient.

CE Mark Warning
This is a Class B product, in a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.

GNU General Public License

Licensing information
This product includes copyrighted third-party software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Please see The GNU General Public License for the exact terms and conditions of this license. We include a copy of the GPL with every CD shipped with our product. All future firmware updates will also be accompanied with their respective source code. Please visit our web site for updated information. Note that we do not offer direct support for the distribution.


Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundations software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each authors protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyones free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Terms & conditions for copying, distribution, & modification 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The Program, below, refers to any such program or work, and a work based on the Program means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term modification.) Each licensee is addressed as you. Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Programs source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and any later version, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11 BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12 IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

DGT warning

Complying with the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals) regulatory framework, we published the chemical substances in our products at ASUS REACH website at


ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Tel: +886-2-2894-3447 Address: No. 150, LI-DE RD., PEITOU, TAIPEI 112, TAIWAN ASUS Computer GmbH Address: HARKORT STR. 21-23, 40880 RATINGEN, GERMANY BOGAZICI BIL GISAYAR SAN. VE TIC. A.S.

Authorised representative in Europe: Authorised distributors in Turkey:


EEE Ynetmeliine Uygundur.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

Offer to Provide Source Code of Certain Software

This product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the General Public License (GPL), under the Lesser General Public License Version (LGPL) and/or other Free Open Source Software Licenses. Such software in this product is distributed without any warranty to the extent permitted by the applicable law. Copies of these licenses are included in this product. Where the applicable license entitles you to the source code of such software and/or other additional data, such data should have been shipped along with this product. You may also download it for free from The source code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and licensed under the same license as the corresponding binary/object code. ASUSTeK is eager to duly provide complete source code as required under various Free Open Source Software licenses. If however you encounter any problems in obtaining the full corresponding source code we would be much obliged if you give us a notification to the email address, stating the product and describing the problem (please do NOT send large attachments such as source code archives etc to this email address).

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. English .........................................................................................1 ...................................................................................... 6 .....................................................................................10 Franais ....................................................................................14 Deutsch .....................................................................................18 Italiano .......................................................................................22 ....... .....................................................................................26 ... .................................................................................30 etina .......................................................................................34

10. Dansk .........................................................................................38 11. Nederlands.................................................................................42 12. Eesti ...........................................................................................46 13. Suomi .........................................................................................50 14. ........ ...................................................................................54 15. Magyar .......................................................................................58 16. Bahasa Indonesia ......................................................................62 17. Latviski .......................................................................................66 18. Lietuvi.......................................................................................70 19. Norsk..........................................................................................74 20. Polski .........................................................................................78 21. Portugu.s...................................................................................82 22. Romn .....................................................................................86 23. Slovensky...................................................................................90 24. Espaol ......................................................................................94 25. Svenska .....................................................................................98 26. ...........................................................................................102 27. Trke ......................................................................................106 28. ... .............................................................................. 110

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router

Quick Start Guide

E4485 / May 2010

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

1. Setting up the hardware


Wired connection

Wireless connection

Note: For establishing a wireless connection, use an IEEE 802.11b/g/n compatible WLAN card. Refer to your wireless adapter user manual for wireless connection procedures.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

Mounting options
Out of the box, the ASUS RT-N16 Wireless Router is designed to sit on a raised flat surface like a file cabinet or a book shelf. The unit may also be converted for mounting to a wall. To mount the ASUS RT-N16 to a wall: 1. Look on the underside for the two mounting hooks. 2. Mark two upper holes on a wall. 3. Tighten two screws until only 1/4'' is showing. 4. Latch the hooks of the RT-N16 onto the screws.

Note: Re-adjust the screws if you cannot latch the ASUS Wireless Router onto the screws or if it is too loose.

2. Accessing the wireless router

Setting an IP address for wired or wireless client
To access the RT-N16 Wireless Router, you must have the correct TCP/IP settings on your wired or wireless clients. Set the IP addresses of the clients within the same subnet of RT-N16.

Getting an IP address Automatically

The ASUS Wireless Router integrates the DHCP server functions, hence, your PC can automatically obtain an IP address from the ASUS Wireless Router. Note: Before rebooting your PC, switch ON the wireless router and ensure that the router is in ready state.


RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

3. Configuring the wireless router


If your PC connects to the router using a cable, launch a web browser and the login page of the routers web interface automatically appears. Note: For initial configuration, we recommend that you use wired connection to avoid possible setup problems due to wireless uncertainty. If your PC connects to the router wirelessly, you have to select the network first. To select the network: 1. Click Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Wireless Network Connection. 2. Select a network from the Choose a wireless network window. Wait for it to connect. Note: By default, the SSID of RT-N16 is ASUS. Connect to this default SSID. 3. After establishing a wireless connection, launch a web browser.

Configuring via the web interface

1. After setting up a wired or wireless connection, launch a web browser. The login page automatically appears. Note: You may also manually key in the router's default IP address ( to launch the router's web interface. 2. On the login page, key in the default user name (admin) and password (admin). The ASUS Wireless Router homepage appears. The homepage displays quick links to configure the main features of the wireless router. Note: For more details on the features of the wireless router, refer to the user manual included in the support CD.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

The Quick Internet Setup (QIS) function automatically detects the Internet connection type. It guides you in setting up your WAN when encountering special Internet connection types. To set up your WAN using QIS: 1. Under Internet status, click GO in the QIS field.

2. The router supports five types of ISP services: Automatic IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, and Static IP. Select your connection type and follow the onscreen instructions in setting up your WAN. Note: For more details on QIS, refer to the user manual included in the support CD.


Setting up WAN using the Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N


IEEE 802.11b/g/n

RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N

RT-N16 RT-N16 1. 2. 4. RT-N16

RT-N16 TCP/IP RT-N16 subnetIP


3. 1/4"

RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N

: 1. >>> 2. RT-N16 SSID ASUS SSID 3.

1. IP 2. adminadmin

RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N




RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N



IEEE 802.11b/g/n

RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N

RT-N16 RT-N16 1. 2. 3. 1/4" 4. RT-N16

RT-N16 TCP/IP RT-N16 subnetIP



RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N

: 1. >>> 2. RT-N16 SSID ASUS SSID 3.


1. IP 2. adminadmin

RT-N16 Gigabit Wireless N





RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

1. Installer le matriel
Connexion filaire


routeur sans fil ASUS

Connexion sans fil



routeur sans fil ASUS

Note : pour tablir une connexion sans fil, utilisez une carte rseau sans fil compatible IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Rfrez-vous au manuel de l'utilisateur de l'adaptateur sans fil pour les procdures de connexion un rseau sans fil.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

Options de montage
Une fois sorti de son emballage, le routeur sans fil ASUS est conu pour tre install sur une surface plane comme un meuble ou une tagre. L'unit peut galement tre fixe un mur ou au plafond. Pour monter le routeur sans fil ASUS : 1. Localisez les deux crochets de fixation situs sur le dessous du routeur. 2. Dfinissez deux trous sur un mur ou sur une autre surface plane. 3. Serrez les deux vis jusqu' ce qu'un quart seulement soit visible. 4. Faites passer puis posez les crochets du routeur sans fil ASUS sur les vis.
Note : rajustez les vis si vous ne pouvez pas installer le routeur sans fil ASUS sur les vis ou si l'installation est instable.

2. Accder au routeur sans fil

Pour accder au routeur sans fil ASUS, vos clients (avec ou sans fil) doivent disposer de paramtres TCP/IP corrects. Dfinissez les adresses IP des clients sur le mme masque de sous-rseau que le routeur RT-N16.

Obtenir une adresse IP automatiquement

Le routeur sans fil ASUS intgre des fonctions de serveur DHCP. Votre ordinateur peut ainsi obtenir une adresse IP automatiquement.

Note : avant de redmarrer votre PC, allumez le routeur sans fil et assurez-vous que ce dernier soit oprationnel.



Dfinir l'adresse IP d'un client sans fil ou filaire

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

3. Configurer le routeur sans fil

Si votre PC se connecte au routeur via un cble, lancez un explorateur Web ; la fentre de connexion linterface utilisateur en ligne saffichera automatiquement. Note : pour la configuration initiale, nous vous recommandons d'utiliser une connexion filaire afin d'viter tout problme d l'instabilit du rseau sans fil. Si votre PC est reli au routeur via une connexion sans fil, vous devez tout dabord slectionner le rseau. Pour slectionner le rseau : 1. Cliquez sur Dmarrer > Panneau de configuration > Connexions rseau > Connexion rseau sans fil. 2. Slectionnez un rseau dans la fentre Choisir un rseau sans fil. Attendez que la connexion soit tablie. Note : par dfaut, le SSID du RT-N16 est ASUS. Connectez-vous ce SSID par dfaut. 3. Aprs avoir tabli une connexion sans fil, lancez un navigateur Internet.


Configuration via l'interface Web

1. Une fois la connexion sans fil ou filaire tablie, lancez un navigateur Internet. La page de connexion apparat automatiquement. Note: Vous pouvez galement saisir manuellement ladresse IP par dfaut du routeur
( pour lancer linterface de configuration en ligne du routeur.

2. Sur la page de connexion, saisissez le nom d'utilisateur par dfaut (admin) et le mot de passe (admin). La page d'accueil du routeur sans fil ASUS apparat. La page d'accueil inclut des liens permettant de configurer les fonctions principales du routeur sans fil. Note : pour plus de dtails sur les diffrentes caractristiques de votre routeur sans fil, consultez le manuel de l'utilisateur inclut dans le CD de support.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

Configurer un rseau tendu avec Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

La fonction Quick Internet Setup (QIS) dtecte automatiquement le type de connexion Internet. Il vous guide dans la configuration de votrre rseau tendu (WAN) lorsque vous rencontrez des types de connexion Internet particuliers. Pour configurer votre rseau tendu avec QIS : 1. Dans Statut Internet (Internet status), cliquez sur GO dans le champ QIS.

Note : Pour plus de dtails sur la fonction QIS, rfrez-vous au manuel de lutilisateur inclut dans le CD de support.



2. Slectionnez votre type de connexion pamis les types de service suivants : Automatic IP (Adresse IP automatique), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, et Static IP (Adresse IP statique).

RT-N16 Multifunktionaler Gigabit-Wireless-N-Router - Schnellstartanleitung

1. Einrichten der Hardware



Hinweis: Benutzen Sie fr die Herstellung einer Wireless-Verbindung eine IEEE 802.11b/g/n-kompatible WLAN-Karte. Beziehen Sie sich auf das Benutzerhandbuch Ihres Wireless-Adapters fr die Einrichtung einer Wireless-Verbindung.

RT-N16 Multifunktionaler Gigabit-Wireless-N-Router - Schnellstartanleitung

Der ASUS RT-N16 Wireless Router wurde entwickelt, um direkt auf einer ebenen Oberflche (Tisch, Regal) aufgestellt oder an einer Wand befestigt zu werden. So befestigen Sie den ASUS RT-N16 an einer Wand: 1. Suchen Sie die beiden Befestigungshaken an der Unterseite. 2. Markieren Sie zwei Lcher an der Wand. 3. Drehen Sie zwei Schrauben in die Lcher, bis diese nur noch ca. 5mm herausschauen. 4. Hngen Sie den RT-N16 mit den Haken in die Schrauben ein. Hinweis: drehen Sie die Schrauben weiter hinein oder heraus, wenn Sie den ASUS Wireless Router nicht einhngen knnen oder dieser zu locker sitzt.

2. Zugreifen auf den Wireless Router

Einstellen der IP-Adresse fr Kabel- und kabellose Verbindung
Um Zugriff auf den RT-N16 Wireless Router zu erhalten, mssen Sie die korrekten TCP/ IP- Einstellungen an Ihren verkabelten und kabellosen Gerten haben. Setzen Sie die IPAdressen Ihrer Gerte in das gleiche Subnetz, in dem sich auch der RT-N16 befindet.

IP-Adresse automatisch beziehen

Der RT-N16 Wireless-Router enthlt einen DHCP-Server, deshalb knnen Sie Ihren PC so einstellen, dass er die IP-Adresse automatisch bezieht. Hinweis: Bevor Sie den PC neu starten, schalten Sie den Wireless Router ein und vergewissern sich, dass dieser auch bereit ist.



RT-N16 Multifunktionaler Gigabit-Wireless-N-Router - Schnellstartanleitung

3. Konfiguration des Wireless-Routers

Wenn Ihr PC sich ber ein Kabel mit dem Router verbindet, starten Sie einen Webbrowser. es erscheint automatisch die Anmeldeseite der Router-Web-Schnittstelle. Hinweis: Fr die erste Konfiguration empfehlen wir Ihnen, dass Sie eine Kabelverbindung benutzen, um mgliche Probleme einer drahtlosen Verbindung auszuschlieen. Wenn sich Ihr PC drahtlos mit dem Router verbindet, mssen Sie zuerst das Netzwerk auswhlen. So whlen Sie das Netzwerk: 1. Klicken Sie auf Start > Sytemsteuerung > Netzwerkverbindungen > Drahtlose Netzwerkverbindung. 2. Whlen Sie im Fenster Drahtlosnetzwerk auswhlen ein Netzwerk und warten Sie auf die Verbindung. Hinweis: Standardmig ist die SSID des RT-N16 ASUS. Verbinden Sie sich mit dieser Standard-SSID. 3. Starten Sie nach der Herstellung einer Wireless-Verbindung einen Webbrowser.

Konfiguration ber die Web-Schnittstelle

1. Starten Sie nach der Einrichtung einer Kabel- oder drahtlosen Verbindung einen Webbrowser. Es erscheint automatisch die Anmeldeseite. Hinweis: Sie knnen die Stadard-IP-Adresse des Routers ( auch manuell eingeben, um die Web-Schnittstelle zu starten. 2. Geben Sie auf der Anmeldeseite den Standard-Benutzernamen (admin) und das Standard-Passwort (admin) ein. Es ffnet sich die ASUS Wireless Router-Startseite. Auf der Starseite finden Sie Verknpfungen. um die Haupteigenschaften des WirelessRouters zu konfigurieren. Hinweis: Fr mehr Details ber die Funktionen des Wireless Routers beziehen Sie sich auf das in der Support-CD enthaltene Benutzerhandbuch.


WAN-Einrichtung ber Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

Die Quick Internet Setup (QIS) -Funktion erkennt automatisch die Art der Internetverbindung und fhrt Sie durch die WAN-Einrichtung, wenn spezielle Internetverbindungsarten vorliegen.

RT-N16 Multifunktionaler Gigabit-Wireless-N-Router - Schnellstartanleitung

So richten Sie Ihr WAN ber QIS ein: 1. Klickne Sie unter Internet status im Feld QIS auf GO. 2. Der Router untersttzt fnf Arten von ISP-Diensten: Automatic IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, und Static IP. Whlen Sie Ihre Verbindungsart und folgen Sie den Bildschirmanweisungen, um Ihr WAN einzurichten.

Hinweis: Fr mehr Details ber QIS beziehen Sie sich auf das in der Support-CD enthaltene Benutzerhandbuch.



Guida Rapida RT-N16 - Router N Gigabit Wireless Multi-Funzionale

1. Installazione Hardware

Connessione via Cavo

Connessione Wireless

Nota: Per stabilire una connessione wireless,utilizzare una scheda WLAN compatibile con IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Consultare il manuale utente dell'adattatore per la procedura di connessione.

Guida Rapida RT-N16 - Router N Gigabit Wireless Multi-Funzionale

Opzioni di Montaggio
Dopo essere stato prelevato dalla confezione, il Router Wireless ASUS stato progettato per essere posto su di una superficie piana rialzata, come un armadietto per documenti o una mensola.Il dispositivo potrebbe anche essere adattato al montaggio su parete o soffitto. Per montare ASUS RT-N16 su una parete: 1. Localizzare i due ganci per il montaggio, sul lato inferiore dell'apparecchio. 2. Segnare la posizione dei due fori superiori su una superficie piana. 3. Stringere le due viti, sino a quando restano esposte solo per 1/4''. 4. Fissare i ganci del Router Wireless ASUS alle viti.
Nota: Se il Router Wireless ASUS non ben fissato o troppo allentato, regolare nuovamente le viti.

2. Accesso al Router Wireless

Impostazione indirizzo IP per client via cavo o wireless
Per accedere al Router Wireless RT-N16,le impostazioni TCP/IP sui client connessi via cavo o wireless devono essere corrette. Assicurarsi che gli indirizzi IP dei client siano nella stessa sottorete del Router Wireless RT-N16.

Come ricevere automaticamente un indirizzo IP

Il Router Wireless ASUS integra le funzioni di server DHCP, pertanto, il proprio PC pu ricevere automaticamente un indirizzo IP dal Router Wireless ASUS. Nota: Prima di riavviare il PC, ACCENDERE il router wireless ed assicurarsi che il router sia pronto.



Guida Rapida RT-N16 - Router N Gigabit Wireless Multi-Funzionale

3. Configurazione del Router Wireless


Se il PC collegato al router via cavo, avviare un browser web ed apparir automaticamente la pagina di login dell'interfaccia web del router. Nota: Per la configurazione iniziale, si consiglia di utilizzare una connessione via cavo, per evitare possibili problemi di configurazione, dovuti allincertezza della connessione wireless. Se il PC collegato al router senza cavo, prima di tutto, si deve selezionare la rete. Per selezionare la rete: 1. Cliccare Start > Pannello di controllo > Connessioni di rete > Connessione di rete 2. Selezionare una rete dalla finestra Scegli una rete senza fili e attendere la connessione. Nota: LSSID di RT-N16 preimpostato come ASUS. Collegarsi all SSID predefinito. 3. Dopo aver stabilito la connessione wireless, avviare un browser web. senza fili.

Configurazione tramite Interfaccia Grafica Web

1. Dopo aver configurato una connessione via cavo o senza cavo, avviare un browser web. Appare automaticamente la pagina di login. Nota: Per avviare l'interfaccia web del router, anche possibile digitarne manualmente l' indirizzo IP predefinito ( 2. Alla pagina di login, digitare il nome utente predefinito (admin) e la password predefinita (admin). Appare la schermata principale del Router Wireless ASUS. In essa sono visualizzati i collegamenti rapidi per configurare le caratteristiche principali del router wireless. Nota: Per approfondimenti sulle caratteristiche del router wireless, fare riferimento al manuale utente nel CD di supporto.

Guida Rapida RT-N16 - Router N Gigabit Wireless Multi-Funzionale

La funzione QIS (Quick Internet Setup) rileva automaticamente il tipo di connessione Internet. Essa guida alla configurazione WAN,quando si incontrano tipi particolari di connessione a Internet. Per configurare una WAN tramite QIS: 1. In Internet status (Stato Internet), cliccare GO nel campo QIS.

2. Il router supporta cinque tipi di servizi ISP: Automatic IP (IP Automatico), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP e Static IP (IP Statico). Selezionare il tipo di connessione e seguire le indicazioni sullo schermo, nel corso della configurazione WAN. Nota: Per approfondimenti su QIS, fare riferimento al manuale utente nel CD di supporto.



Configurazione WAN tramite QIS (Quick Internet Setup)

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide


: .... . ... .... .., .... . . IEEE 802.11b/g/n. .. .... .. ... .


RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

.. .... ... ... ... . ... ... : 1. .. .. . ... 2. c . . .... 3. ... . . ..

: ., .. .. . .. ... ... ..

.. . .. . .. TCP/IP . . ... .., IP . .. .. . .. . ..


.. . DHCP ., .. .... IP . ...

: ... .. . . ..., .. .... ...


4. . . ..

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

.. . . .. . ., ... ., .. -... .. ..... : . ..... ... .. ....


.. . . .. .. .., . . .. : 1. . Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Wireless Network Connection. 2. . . . Choose a wireless network. . . .. ... .: .. SSID . "ASUS". ... . . SSID. 3. . .... ... ... ..

1. . .... .. . ... ... .. . .. ..... .: . -... . .. .. IP . . .. ( 2. . . . , .. . (admin) . (admin). .. .. . .. .. .... ..... . .. .. .: .. .. ... . .. ... support CD.

RT-N16 Multi-functional Gigabit Wireless N Router Quick Start Guide

. ... (QIS) . .-.... ... WAN . ... ...... . .... WAN QIS :

1. . , . GO QIS. 2. .. . . ISP: IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP . IP. . . .. . ... ..... . .... . WAN. .: .. .. QIS .. ... support CD.





: , WLAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n. .

... . . . RT-N16

, ASUS RT-N16 . . ASUS RT-N16: 1. ; . 2. . 3. , 1/4''. 4. ASUS RT-N16 .

RT-N16, TCP/IP . IP RT-N16.


: , BETE , .


: ASUS , .


, .

: , .

, . : 1. Start () > Control Panel ( ) > Network Connections ( ) > Wireless Network Connection ( ). 2. Choose a wireless network ( ). .



3. , .

1. , . .

: IP (, .

2. (admin) (admin). ASUS. .

: , .

... . . . RT-N16

WAN Quick Internet Setup (QIS) ( )

Quick Internet Setup (QIS) ( ) . . QIS 1. Internet status ( ) GO () QIS.

2. 5 ISP : Automatic IP ( IP ), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP Static IP ( IP ). , .

: QIS, .

Bezdrtov smrova RT-N16 strun pruka

1. Nastaven hardwaru
Pevn pipojen

Bezdrtov pipojen

Poznmka: Pro vytvoen bezdrtovho pipojen pouijte kartu WLAN kompatibiln se standardem IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Pokyny pro bezdrtov pipojen viz uivatelsk pruka k bezdrtovmu adaptru.

Bezdrtov smrova RT-N16 strun pruka

Monosti monte
Bezdrtov smrova ASUS RT-N16, kter je po vybalen pipraven ihned k pouvn, je uren pro umstn na zven rovn ploe, napklad na kartotce nebo na police. Zazen lze rovn upravit pro mont na stnu nebo na strop. Mont zazen ASUS RT-N16: 1. Vyhledejte dva montn otvory na spodn stran. 2. Peneste dva horn otvory na stnu nebo na zvenou rovnou plochu. 3. Zaroubujte dva rouby tak, aby vynvaly pouze 0,5 cm nad povrch. 4. Nasate otvory zazen ASUS RT-N16 na rouby. Poznmka: Pokud nelze bezdrtov smrova ASUS zajistit na rouby nebo pokud jsou rouby pli utaen, upravte je.

2. Pstup k bezdrtovmu smrovai


Nastaven adresy IP pro klienta s pevnm nebo bezdrtovm pipojenm

Aby bylo mon pistupovat k bezdrtovmu smrovai RT-N16, muste mt k dispozici sprvn nastaven TCP/IP na klientech s pevnm nebo bezdrtovm pipojenm. Nastavte adresy IP klient v rmci stejn podst RT-N16.

Zskn adresy IP automaticky

Tento bezdrtov smrova ASUS je vybaven funkcemi serveru DHCP, a proto me v pota automaticky zskat adresu IP z bezdrtov smrovae ASUS. Poznmka: Ped restartovnm potae ZAPNTE bezdrtov smrova a zkontrolujte, zda se je pipraven.

Bezdrtov smrova RT-N16 strun pruka

3. Konfigurovn bezdrtovho smrovae

Pokud se pota pipojuje ke smrovai pomoc kabelu, spuste webov prohle a automaticky se zobraz strnka pro pihlen webovho rozhran smrovae. Poznmka: Doporuujeme provst vchoz konfiguraci prostednictvm pevnho pipojen, abyste se vyhnuli monm instalanm problmm zpsobenm nejistm bezdrtovm pipojenm. Pokud se pota pipojuje ke smrovai bezdrtov, muste nejdve vybrat s. Pokyny pro vbr st: 1. Klepnte na tlatko Start > Control Panel (Ovldac panely) > Network Connections (Sov pipojen) > Wireless Network Connection (Bezdrtov sov pipojen). 2. Vyberte s v okn Choose a wireless network (Vbr bezdrtov st). Pokejte na dokonen pipojen k sti. Poznmka:Ve vchoz konfiguraci je sov nzev SSID zazen RT-N16 ASUS. Pipojte se k tomuto vchozmu sovho nzvu SSID. 3. Po vytvoen bezdrtovho pipojen spuste webov prohle.


Konfigurovn prostednictvm webovho rozhran

1. Po vytvoen pevnho nebo bezdrtovho pipojen spuste webov prohle. Automaticky se zobraz strnka pro pihlen. Poznmka: Webov rozhran smrovae mete rovn spustit runm zadnm vchoz adresy IP smrovae ( 2. Na strnce pro pihlen zadejte vchoz uivatelsk jmno (admin) a heslo (admin). Zobraz se hlavn strnka bezdrtovho smrovae ASUS. Na hlavn strnce jsou zobrazeny rychl odkazy pro konfigurovn hlavnch funkc bezdrtovho smrovae. Poznmka: Podrobnj informace o funkcch tohoto bezdrtovho smrovae viz uivatelsk pruka na podprnm disku CD.

Bezdrtov smrova RT-N16 strun pruka

Nastaven WAN pomoc funkce Rychl nastaven Internetu (QIS)

Funkce Rychl nastaven Internetu (QIS) automaticky rozpozn typ pipojen k Internetu. Provede vs nastavenm WAN pi konfrontaci se specilnmi typy pipojen k Internetu. Pokyny pro nastaven WAN pomoc QIS: 1. V sti Internet status (Stav Internetu) klepnte na GO (PEJT NA) v poli QIS.

2. Tento smrova podporuje pt typ slueb ISP: Automatic IP (Automatick adresa IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP a Static IP (Statick adresa IP). Vyberte v typ pipojen a podle zobrazench pokyn nastavte vai bezdrtovou s WAN. Poznmka: Podrobnj informace o funkci QIS viz uivatelsk pruka na podprnm disku CD.


RT-N16 Multi-funktionel Gigabit Trdls N Ruter - Quick-start vejledning

1. Installation af hardwaret
Ledningsfrt forbindelse

Modem ASUS trdls ruter

Trdls forbindelse

Modem ASUS trdls ruter

Bemrk: Til oprettelse af en trdls forbindelse, skal du bruge et IEEE 802.11b/g/n kompatibelt WLAN kort. Se brugervejledningen til din trdlse adapter for procedurer vedrrende trdls forbindelse.

RT-N16 Multi-funktionel Gigabit Trdls N Ruter - Quick-start vejledning

Ude af sken er ASUS RT-N16 trdls ruter beregnet til anbringelse p en hj overlade som f.eks. ovenp et arkivskab eller en boghylde. Ruteren kan ogs anbringes p vggen. Sdan anbringes ASUS RT-N16 p en vg: 1. Find de to monteringskroge p undersiden. 2. Afmrk de to verste huller p vggen. 3. Stram to skruer, indtil kun cirka 6 mm ses. 4. Anbring krogene p RT-N16 p skruerne.

Bemrk: Indstil skruerne, hvis ASUS Trdls Ruter ikke kan anbringes p disse eller, hvis den hnger for lst.

2. Adgang til den trdlse ruter

Indstilling af IP-adresse til ledningsfrt eller trdls klient
For at f adgang til RT-N16 Trdls Ruter skal dine ledningsfrte eller trdlse klienter have de korrekte TCP/IP indstillinger. Indstil klienternes IP-adresser til det samme undernet som RT-N16.

Sdan fs en IP-adresse automatisk

ASUS Trdls Ruter integrerer DHCP serverfunktionerne. Derfor kan din Pc automatisk f en IP-adresse fra ASUS Trdls Ruter. Bemrk: Inden du genstarter din Pc, skal du TNDE for den trdlse ruter og tjekke, at den er klar.



RT-N16 Multi-funktionel Gigabit Trdls N Ruter - Quick-start vejledning

3. Konfiguration af den trdlse ruter

Hvis din Pc er forbundet til ruteren med en ledning, skal du starte en webbrowser, hvorefter ruterens web-grnseflades logind-side automatisk ses. Bemrk:For at undg mulige installationsproblemer p grund af trdls usikkerhed, anbefaler vi, at du bruger en ledningsfrt forbindelse under den indledende konfiguration. Hvis Pc'en er trdlst forbundet til ruteren, skal du frst vlge netvrket. Sdan vlges netvrket: 1. Klik p Start > Control Panel (Kontrolpanel) > Network Connections (Netvrksforbindelser) > Wireless Network Connection (Trdls Netvrk forbindelse). 2. Vlg et netvrk i Choose a wireless network (Vlg et trdlst netvrk) vinduet. Vent p, at det forbinder. Bemrk: Som standard er RT-N16's SSID ASUS. Forbind til denne standard SSID. 3. Nr den trdlse forbindelse er oprettet, skal du starte en webbrowser.

Konfiguration via web-grnsefladen

1. Efter installation af en ledningsfrt eller trdls forbindelse, skal du starte en webbrowser. Log-ind siden ses automatisk. Bemrk: Ruterens standard IP-adresse ( kan ogs indtastes manuelt for at starte ruterens web-grnseflade. 2. P log-ind siden, indtast standardbrugernavnet (admin) og adgangskoden (admin). ASUS Trdls Ruter startsiden ses. Startsiden viser hurtig-link til konfiguration af den trdlse ruters hovedegenskaber. Bemrk: For yderligere oplysninger om den trdlse ruter, se brugervejledningen p hjlpe-cden.


RT-N16 Multi-funktionel Gigabit Trdls N Ruter - Quick-start vejledning

Installation af WAN med Hurtig Internet Installation (QIS)

Hurtig Internet Installation (QIS) funktionen finder automatisk internet-forbindelsestypen. Nr den stder p srlige internet-forbindelsestyper, hjlper den dig med installationen af WAN. Installation af WAN ved hjlp af QIS: 1. Under Internet status (Internetstatus), klik p GO i QIS feltet.

2. Ruteren understtter fem slags ISP servicer: Automatic IP (Automatisk IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP og Static IP (Statisk IP). Vlg din forbindelsestype og flg WAN installationsanvisningerne p skrmen. Bemrk: For yderligere oplysninger om QIS, se brugervejledningen p hjlpe-cden.



Snelstartgids RT-N16 draadloze router

1. De hardware installeren
Bekabelde verbinding

Draadloze verbinding

Opmerking: om een draadloze verbinding te maken, moet u een IEEE 802.11b/g/n-compatibele WLAN-kaart gebruiken. Raadpleeg de handleiding van uw draadloze adapter voor informatie over het maken van een draadloze verbinding.


Snelstartgids RT-N16 draadloze router

De ASUS RT-N16 draadloze router is bij de levering ingesteld voor installatie op een verhoogd plat oppervlak zoals een dossierkast of een boekenplank. Het apparaat kan ook worden omgevormd om te worden gemonteerd tegen een muur of aan het plafond. De ASUS RT-N16 monteren: 1. Zoek de twee montagehaken aan de onderzijde. 2. Markeer de twee bovenste gaten op een muur of op een verhoogd plat oppervlak. 3. Maak de twee schroeven vast tot u 1/4'' kunt zien. 4. Klik de haken van de ASUS RT-N16 op de schroeven. Opmerking: pas de schroeven opnieuw aan als u de draadloze ASUS-router niet op de schroeven kunt haken of als ze te los zijn.

2. De draadloze router gebruiken

Een IP-adres instellen voor een bekabelde of draadloze client
Om toegang te krijgen tot de RT-N16 draadloze router, moet u de correcte TCP/IP-instellingen hebben opgegeven op uw bekabelde of draadloze clients. Stel de IP-adressen van de clients in binnen hetzelfde subnet van RT-N16.

Automatisch een IP-adres verkrijgen

De draadloze ASUS-router bevat DHCP-serverfuncties. Hierdoor kan uw pc automatisch een IP-adres verkrijgen van de draadloze ASUS-router. Opmerking: voordat u de pc opnieuw opstart, moet u de draadloze router INSCHAKELEN en zorgen dat de router in gebruiksklare status is.



Snelstartgids RT-N16 draadloze router

3. De draadloze router configureren

Als uw pc op de router is aangesloten met een kabel, wordt een webbrowser gestart en verschijnt de aanmeldingspagina van de webinterface van de router automatisch. Opmerking: voor de eerste configuratie raden wij u aan een bekabelde verbinding te gebruiken om mogelijke instelproblemen vanwege een instabiele draadloze omgeving te voorkomen. Als uw pc draadloos is verbonden met de router, moet u eerst het netwerk selecteren. Het netwerk selecteren: 1. Klik op Start > Control Panel (Configuratiescherm) > Network Connections (Netwerkverbindingen) > Wireless Network Connection (Draadloze netwerkverbinding). 2. Selecteer een netwerk in het venster Choose a wireless network (Een draadloos netwerk kiezen). Wacht tot de verbinding is gemaakt. Opmerking: De SSID van RT-N16 is standaard ingesteld op ASUS. Maak een verbinding met deze standaard SSID. 3. Start een webbrowser nadat u een draadloze verbinding hebt gemaakt.

Configureren via de webinterface

1. Start een webbrowser nadat u een bekabelde of draadloze verbinding hebt ingesteld. De aanmeldingspagina verschijnt automatisch. Opmerking: U kunt ook het standaard IP-adres van de router ( handmatig invoeren om de webinterface van de router te starten. 2. Voer de standaard gebruikersnaam (admin) en het wachtwoord (admin) in op de aanmeldingspagina. De startpagina van de draadloze ASUS-router verschijnt. De startpagina biedt snelle koppelingen om de hoofdfuncties van de draadloze router te configureren.


Opmerking: Raadpleeg de handleiding die op de ondersteunings-cd is geleverd voor meer details over de functies van de draadloze router.

Snelstartgids RT-N16 draadloze router

WAN instellen met de Snelle internetinstelling (QIS = Quick Internet Setup)

De functie QIS (Quick Internet Setup) detecteert automatisch het internetverbindingstype. Deze functie helpt u bij het instellen van uw WAN wanneer u te maken krijgt met speciale internetverbindingstypes. Uw WAN instellen met QIS: 1. Klik onder Internet status (Internetstatus) op GO (START) in het veld QIS.

2. De router ondersteunt vijf types ISP-services: Automatic IP (Automatische IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP en Static IP (Statisch IP). Selecteer uw verbindingstype en volg de instructies op het scherm bij het instellen van uw WAN. Opmerking: Raadpleeg de handleiding die op de ondersteunings-cd is geleverd voor meer informatie over QIS.



Traadita ruuteri RT-N16 lhijuhend

1. Riistvara hlestamine

Traadiga hendus

Traadita hendus

Mrkus:Traadita henduse loomiseks vajate te standardiga IEEE 802.11b/g/n hilduvat WLAN kaarti. Traadita henduse hlestamiseks vajalike toimingute kirjelduse leiate wireless vrgukaardi kasutusjuhendist.

Traadita ruuteri RT-N16 lhijuhend

Monteerimise valikud
Pakendist vljavetult tuleks ASUS RT-N16 traadita ruuter paigutada hetasasele pinnale nagu nt kapile vi raamaturiiulile. Seadme saab monteerida ka seinale vi lakke. Ruuteri ASUS ASUS RT-N16 monteerimine: 1. Seadme phjalt leiate kaks kinnituskonksu. 2. Tehke seina vi kergitatud tasapinnale kaks auku. 3. Keerake kruvid aukudesse, jttes nendest nhtavale ligikaudu veerand tolli (60 mm) pikkuse osa. 4. Sobitage ruuteri ASUS RT-N16 phjal olevad svised kruvidele. Mrkus: Kui ASUS traadita ruuteri kinnitamine ei nnestu vi kui kinnitus ei ole kindel, siis reguleerige kruvisid.

2. Juurdeps traadita ruuterile

IP-aadressi mramine traadiga vi traadita kliendi jaoks
Traadita ruuterile RT-N16 juurdepsuks peavad teil olema iged TCP/IP stted traadiga vi traadita klientide jaoks. Mrake RT-N16 ruuteri sama alamvrgu klientide IP-aadressid.

IP-aadresside automaatne toomine

ASUS traadita ruuter tidab ka DHCP serveri funktsioone, seetttu saab teie arvuti automaatselt ASUS traadita ruuterist IP-aadresse tuua. Mrkus: Enne arvuti taaskivitamist llitage traadita ruuter sisse ja veenduge, et ruuter on valmis.



Traadita ruuteri RT-N16 lhijuhend

3. Traadita ruuteri konfigureerimine

Kui teie arvuti hendatakse ruuteriga kaablit kasutades, siis avaneb veebibrauseri kivitamisel automaatselt ruuteri veebiliides. Pange thele: Algsel konfigureerimisel on soovitatav kasutada traadiga hendust, et vltida traadita henduse ebakindlusest tulenevaid hlestusprobleeme. Kui teie arvuti hendatakse ruuteriga traadita, siis peate esmalt valima vrgu. Vrgu valimiseks: 1. Valige Start > Control Panel (Juhtpanee) > Network Connections (Vrguhendused)> Wireless Network Connection (Traadita vrguhendus). 2. Valige vrk aknast Choose a wireless network (Vali traadita vrk). Oodake, kuni luuakse hendus. Pange thele: Vaikimisi on SSID of RT-N16 stteks ASUS. Looge hendus selle vaikimisi SSID-iga. 3. Prast traadita henduse loomist kivitage veebibrauser.


Konfigureerimine veebiliidese kaudu

1. Prast traadita henduse hlestamist kivitage veebibrauser. Sisselogimise leheklg avaneb automaatselt. Pange thele: Saate sisestada ruuteri IP aadressi ( ka ksitsi, et kivitada ruuteri veebiliides. 2. Sisselogimise lehekljel sisestage vaikimisi kasutajanimi (admin) ja parool (admin). Avaneb ASUS traadita ruuteri koduleht. Kodulehel kuvatakse kiirlingid traadita ruuteri phifunktsioonide konfigureerimiseks. Pange thele: Tpsemat teavet traadita ruuteri funktsioonide kohta leiate seadmega kaasnenud tugi-CD-lt.

Traadita ruuteri RT-N16 lhijuhend

Funktsioon Quick Internet Setup (QIS) tuvastab automaatselt Interneti-henduse tbi. See juhendab teid WAN-i hlestamisel, kui peate mrama spetsiaalse Interneti-henduse tbi. Laivrgu (WAN) hlestamiseks, kasutades funktsiooni QIS: 1. ksuses Internet status (Internetu olek), klpsake valikut GO vljal QIS.

2. Ruuter toetab viit tpi ISP teenuseid: Automatic IP (Automaatne IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP ja Static IP (Staatiline IP). Valige henduse tp ja jrgige ekraanijuhiseid, et hlestada WAN (laivrk). Pange thele: Tpsemat teavet funktsiooni QIS kohta leiate seadmega kaasnenud tugi-CD-lt.



WAN-i hlestamine, kasutades funktsiooni Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

RT-N16 langattoman reitittimen pika-aloitusopas

1. Laitteiston asentaminen
Langallinen yhteys


Langaton yhteys

Huomautus: Muodosta langaton yhteys IEEE 802.11b/g/n -yhteensopivalla WLANkortilla. Katso langattoman sovittimesi kyttohjeesta neuvoja langattoman yhteyden muodostamiseen.


RT-N16 langattoman reitittimen pika-aloitusopas

Kun ASUS RT-N16 langaton reititin ei ole pakkauksessaan, se on suunniteltu asetettavaksi tasaiselle, korotetulle pinnalle, kuten arkistokaapin plle tai kirjahyllyyn. Yksikk voidaan muuntaa mys seinlle tai kattoon asennettavaksi. ASUS RT-N16:n asentaminen: 1. Etsi kaksi kiinnityskoukkua laitteen pohjasta. 2. Merkitse kaksi rein kohtaa seinn tai korotettuun, tasaiseen pintaan. 3. Kirist ruuveja, kunnes vain 1/4'' niist on nkyvill. 4. Kiinnit ASUS RT-N16:n koukut ruuveihin. Huomautus: Jos et saa kiinnitetty ASUS langatonta reititint ruuveihin tai kiinnitys on liian lys, sd ruuvej uudelleen.

2. Langattomaan reitittimeen pseminen

Langallisen ja langattoman asiakkaan IP-osoitteen mrittminen
Jotta pset RT-N16 langattomaan reitittimeen, langallisen tai langattoman asiakkaasi TCP/IP-asetusten tulee olla oikeat. Mrit asiakkaiden IP-osoitteet samaan RT-N16:n aliverkkoon.

IP-osoitteen hankkiminen automaattisesti

ASUS langattomaan reitittimeen on integroitu DHCP-palvelintoiminnot, joten tietokoneesi voi hankkia IP-osoitteen automaattisesti ASUS langattomalta reitittimelt. Ohje: Ennen kuin kynnistt tietokoneesi uudelleen, kytke langaton reititin PLLE ja varmista, ett se on valmis-tilassa.



RT-N16 langattoman reitittimen pika-aloitusopas

. Langattoman reitittimen mrittminen

Jos liitt tietokoneesi reitittimeen kaapelilla, kynnist web-selain, niin reitittimen webhallinnan sisnkirjautumissivu ilmestyy nytlle automaattisesti. Huomaa: Ensimmist mrittmist varten suosittelemme kyttmn langallista yhteytt, jota vltyt langattoman yhteyden mahdollisen epvakauden aiheuttamilta asetusongelmilta.


Jos liitt tietokoneesi reitittimeen langattomasti, sinun on ensin valittava verkko. Verkon valitseminen: 1. Napsauta Start (Kynnist) > Control Panel (Ohjauspaneeli) > Network Connections (Verkkoyhteydet) > Wireless Network Connection (Langaton verkkoyhteys). 2. Valitse verkko Choose a wireless network (Valite langaton verkko) -ikkunasta. Odota, kunnes yhteys muodostetaan. Huomaa: RT-N16:n SSID on oletuksena ASUS. Muodosta yhteys thn oletus-SSID: hen. 3. Kun olet muodostanut langattoman yhteyden, kynnist web-selain.

Mritysten tekeminen web-hallinnan kautta

1. Kun olet muodostanut langallisen tai langattoman yhteyden, kynnist web-selain. Sisnkirjautumissivu ilmestyy automaattisesti. Huomaa: Voit antaa reitittimen oletus-IP-osoitteen ( mys manuaalisesti avataksesi reitittimen web-hallinnan. 2. Anna sisnkirjautumissivulla oletuskyttjnimi (admin) ja -salasana (admin). ASUS langattoman reitittimen kotisivu ilmestyy nytlle. Kotisivulla esitetn pikalinkkej langattoman reitittimen ptoimintojen mrittmiseen. Huomaa: Listietoja langattoman reitittimen ominaisuuksista lydt tuki-CD:n kyttohjeesta.

RT-N16 langattoman reitittimen pika-aloitusopas

WAN:in mrittminen Quick Internet Setup (QIS) -toiminnolla

Quick Internet Setup (QIS) -toiminto havaitsee internet-yhteyden tyypin automaattisesti. Se ohjaa sinua WAN:in mrittmisess, jos kytss on erityisi internet-yhteystyyppej. WAN:in mrittminen QIS-toiminnon avulla: 1. Napsauta Internet status (Internet-tila) -kohdassa GO (MENE) -painiketta kentss QIS.

2. Reititin tukee viitt erityyppist internetpalvelun tarjoajan palvelua: Automatic IP (Automaattinen IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP ja Static IP (Kiinte IP). Valitse yhteystyyppisi ja noudata nytn ohjeita WAN:in mrittmiseksi. Huomaa: Listietoja QIS-toiminnosta lydt tuki-CD:n kyttohjeesta.






: . . .. . .., ... . .. WLAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n. . . . . . . .. . . ... . ...


. . .. . . , .. ASUS RT-N16 .. .. . . ... . .... . .... . ... . ... .. . . . .. . . ... ASUS RT-N16: 1. .. . .. .... 2. .. .. . . ... ..... 3. . . . .. . 1/4''. 4. .. .. ASUS RT-N16 . .

.. . ASUS . . .. . ..


. . .. . .. RT-N16, . . . . TCP/IP . .. . . ... IP . .. . . . RT-N16.

.. . ASUS . ... .. ... DHCP, ., .. . ... . ... IP . .. . ASUS. : .. .. ...... .. , .. . .. .. . .. ..


: .. . . . . ... .


. .. . .. . ..., .. . ... web .. .. . . .. . ... web ... : .... . . .. .. . .. .. .. ... .... . . . .. . . ... . .. . .., . . .. .. : 1. .. .... Start () > Control panel ( ) > Network Connections ( ) > Wireless Network Connection ( ). 2. ... . . . Choose a wireless network ( ). .. . .. . ... : ... SSID RT-N16 .. ASUS. . ... SSID. 3. . . .. . . .., .. . ... web.


1. . . .. . .. . .., .. . ... web. .. . . ... : . . .... . .. .... ... IP .. ( . . . . ... web ... 2. . . .., .... ... . . (admin) .. . ... ... . (admin). .. . .. . .. . ASUS. .. . .. .. . . .. . ... .... ... : . . .. ... ...... .., . . . . ...... CD ...


WAN Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

.. Quick Internet Setup (QIS) .. . .. Internet. .. . . WAN . .. .. .. Internet. WAN QIS: 1. Internet status ( Internet), ... .... GO () QIS.

2. .. .. . ... ISP: Automatic IP ( ), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP .. Static IP ( ). ... . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. WAN . : . . .. ... QIS, . . . . ...... CD ...


A RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszt gyorsindtsi tmutatja

1. A hardver belltsa
Vezetkes kapcsolat

Vezetk nlkli kapcsolat

Megjegyzs: Vezetk nlkli kapcsolat ltrehozshoz hasznljon IEEE 802.11b/g/ n-kompatibilis WLAN-krtyt. A vezetk nlkli kapcsolat ltrehozsnak folyamatrl a vezetk nlkli adapter felhasznli tmutatjban olvashat rszleteket.

A RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszt gyorsindtsi tmutatja

Rgztsi lehetsgek
Az sszeszerelst nem ignyl, azonnal zemkpes ASUS RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszt megemelt, sima, egyenletes felleten (pl. iratszekrnyen vagy knyvespolcon) val elhelyezshez s hasznlathoz lett kialaktva. Az eszkz falon vagy mennyezeten val rgztshez is talakthat. Az ASUS RT-N16 eszkz rgztse: 1. Keresse meg az als rszen tallhat kt rgztkampt. 2. Jelljn ki a falon vagy egy megemelt, sima, egyenletes felleten kt fels lyukat. 3. Rgztsen kt csavart a lyukakban oly mdon, hogy csak az 1/4'' jells ltszdjon. 4. Erstse r az ASUS RT-N16 tvlasztn lv kampkat a csavarokra. Megjegyzs: Ha az ASUS vezetk nlkli tvlasztt nem lehet a csavarokon rgzteni, vagy a rgzts tl laza, lltsa be jra a csavarokat.

2. Hozzfrs a vezetk nlkli tvlaszthoz

IP-cm belltsa vezetkes s vezetk nlkli gyflprogramhoz
A RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszthoz val hozzfrs rdekben meg kell adnia a megfelel TCP/IP-belltsokat a vezetkes vagy vezetk nlkli gyflprogramon. Az gyflprogramok IP-cmt a RT-N16 tvlaszt ugyanazon alhlzatn bell adja meg.

IP-cm automatikus beolvassa

Az ASUS vezetk nlkli tvlaszt integrlja a DHCP-kiszolgl funkciit, gy a szmtgp automatikusan be tudja olvasni az IP-cmet az ASUS vezetk nlkli tvlasztbl. Megjegyzs: A szmtgp jraindtsa eltt kapcsolja BE a vezetk nlkli tvlasztt, s gyzdjn meg arrl, hogy az tvlaszt zemkpes llapotban van.



A RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszt gyorsindtsi tmutatja

3. A vezetk nlkli tvlaszt konfigurlsa

Ha az tvlaszt kbelen keresztl van csatlakoztatva a szmtgphez, a webbngsz elindtsval automatikusan megjelentheti az tvlaszt webes felletnek bejelentkezsi oldalt. Megjegyzs: Azt javasoljuk, hogy a kezdeti konfigurlshoz vezetkes kapcsolatot hasznljon, mivel ily mdon elkerlheti a vezetk nlkli kapcsolat bizonytalan jellegbl szrmaz belltsi problmkat. Ha az tvlaszt vezetk nlkli mdon csatlakozik a szmtgphez, elszr ki kell vlasztania a hlzatot. A hlzat kivlasztsa: 1. Kattintson a Start > Control Panel (Vezrlpult) > Network Connections (Hlzati kapcsolatok) > Wireless Network Connections (Vezetk nlkli hlzati kapcsolat) elemre. 2. Vlasszon ki egy tetszleges hlzatot a Choose a Wireless Network (Vezetk nlkli hlzat kivlasztsa) ablakon keresztl. Vrjon, amg ltrejn a kapcsolat. Megjegyzs: Alaprtelmezs szerint a RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszt SSID hlzata az ASUS. Ezt az alaprtelmezett SSID hlzatot vlassza ki a csatlakozshoz.


3. A vezetk nlkli kapcsolat ltrehozsa utn indtsa el a webbngszt.

Konfigurls a webes felleten keresztl

1. A vezetkes vagy vezetk nlkli kapcsolat ltrehozsa utn indtsa el a webbngszt. Ekkor automatikusan megjelenik a bejelentkezsi oldal. Megjegyzs: Az tvlaszt alaprtelmezett IP-cmt ( manulisan is berhatja az tvlaszt webes felletnek elindtshoz. 2. A bejelentkezsi oldalon rja be az alaprtelmezett felhasznlnevet (admin) s jelszt (admin). Ekkor megjelenik az ASUS vezetk nlkli tvlaszt kezdlapja. A kezdlapon gyorshivatkozsok lthatk, amelyek segtsgvel a vezetk nlkli tvlaszt fbb funkciit konfigurlhatja. Megjegyzs: A vezetk nlkli tvlaszt funkciirl tovbbi rszleteket a tmogatsi CD-n tallhat felhasznli tmutatban olvashat.

A RT-N16 vezetk nlkli tvlaszt gyorsindtsi tmutatja

A WAN-hlzat belltsa a gyors internetes belltsi (QIS) funkci segtsgvel

A gyors internetes belltsi (QIS) funkci automatikusan felismeri az internetkapcsolat tpust. Ha specilis tpus internetkapcsolatokat szlel, vgigvezeti nt a WAN-hlzat belltsnak lpsein. A WAN-hlzat belltsa a QIS funkci segtsgvel: 1. Az Internet status (Internet llapota) rszben kattintson a GO (Indts) elemre a QIS mezben.

2. Az tvlaszt az ISP (internetszolgltati) szolgltatsok 5 tpusnak hasznlatt tmogatja: Automatic IP (Automatikus IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP s Static IP (Statikus IP). Vlassza ki a megfelel kapcsolattpust, s kvesse a kpernyn megjelen utastsokat a WAN-hlzat belltshoz. Megjegyzs: A QIS funkcirl tovbbi rszleteket a tmogatsi CD-n tallhat felhasznli tmutatban olvashat.



Panduan Ringkas RT-N16 Wireless Router

1. Mempersiapkan perangkat keras

Sambungan berkabel

Sambungan nirkabel

Bahasa Indonesia

Catatan: Untuk membuat sambungan nirkabel, gunakan kartu WLAN IEEE 802.11b/ g/n yang kompatibel. Untuk prosedur pembuatan sambungan nirkabel, lihat panduan pengguna tentang adapter nirkabel.

Panduan Ringkas RT-N16 Wireless Router

Pilihan pemasangan
Secara umum, ASUS RT-N16 Wireless Router dirancang untuk pemasangan pada permukaan yang rata, seperti lemari arsip atau rak buku. Unit ini juga sesuai untuk pemasangan di dinding atau langit-langit. Untuk memasang ASUS RT-N16: 1. Cari dua pengait di bagian bawah unit. 2. Buat dua lubang di bagian atas dinding atau pada permukaan yang rata. 3. Kencangkan kedua sekrup hingga terlihat hanya 1/4 inci. 4. Pasang pengait ASUS RT-N16 ke sekrup tersebut. Catatan: Atur ulang posisi sekrup jika ASUS Wireless Router tidak dapat dikaitkan atau jika sekrup terlalu longgar.

2. Mengakses wireless router

Menetapkan alamat IP untuk klien berkabel atau nirkabel
Agar dapat mengakses RT-N16 Wireless Router, Anda harus memiliki pengaturan TCP/IP yang tepat untuk klien berkabel atau nirkabel. Tetapkan alamat IP klien dalam subnet RT-N16 yang sama.

Mendapatkan alamat IP secara otomatis

Bahasa Indonesia

ASUS Wireless Router terintegrasi dengan fungsi server DHCP, sehingga PC dapat memperoleh alamat IP dari ASUS Wireless Router secara otomatis. Catatan: Sebelum menjalankan boot ulang pada PC, aktifkan wireless router, kemudian pastikan bahwa router tersebut telah berada dalam status siap.

Panduan Ringkas RT-N16 Wireless Router

3. Mengkonfigurasi wireless router

Jika PC tersambung ke router menggunakan kabel, buka browser Web agar halaman login antarmuka Web router ditampilkan secara otomatis. Catatan: Untuk konfigurasi awal, sebaiknya gunakan sambungan berkabel agar terhindar dari kemungkinan masalah pemasangan karena ketidakpastian nirkabel. Jika PC terhubung ke router secara nirkabel, pilih jaringan terlebih dulu. Untuk memilih jaringan: 1. Klik Start (Mulai) > Control Panel (Panel Kontrol) > Network Connections (Sambungan Jaringan) > Wireless Network Connection (Sambungan Jaringan Nirkabel). 2. Pilih jaringan dari jendela Choose a wireless network (Pilih jaringan nirkabel). Tunggu hingga terhubung ke jaringan. Catatan: Secara default, SSID RT-N16 adalah ASUS. Sambungkan ke SSID default tersebut. 3. Setelah membuat sambungan nirkabel, buka browser Web.

Mengkonfigurasi melalui antarmuka Web

1. Setelah membuat sambungan berkabel atau nirkabel, buka browser Web. Halaman login akan ditampilkan secara otomatis.

Bahasa Indonesia

Catatan: Untuk membuka antarmuka Web router, Anda juga dapat memasukkan alamat IP default router ( tersebut secara manual. 2. Pada halaman login, masukkan sandi (admin) dan nama pengguna (admin) default. Halaman muka ASUS Wireless Router akan terbuka. Halaman muka tersebut menampilkan link cepat untuk mengkonfigurasi fitur utama pada router nirkabel. Catatan: Untuk informasi lebih rinci tentang fitur router nirkabel, lihat panduan pengguna yang disertakan dalam CD dukungan.

Panduan Ringkas RT-N16 Wireless Router

Mengkonfigurasi WAN menggunakan QIS (Quick Internet Setup)

Fungsi QIS (Quick Internet Setup) akan secara otomatis mendeteksi jenis sambungan Internet. Fungsi tersebut memberikan panduan untuk mengkonfigurasi WAN bila jenis sambungan Internet tertentu ditemukan. Untuk mengkonfigurasi WAN menggunakan QIS: 1. Dalam Internet status (Status Internet), klik GO (Mulai) pada bidang QIS.

2. Router tersebut mendukung lima jenis layanan ISP: Automatic IP (IP Otomatis), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, dan Static IP (IP Statis). Pilih jenis sambungan, kemudian ikuti petunjuk pada layar untuk mengkonfigurasi WAN. Catatan: Untuk informasi lebih rinci tentang QIS, lihat panduan pengguna yang disertakan dalam CD dukungan.


Bahasa Indonesia

RT-N16 Bezvadu marrutiztja tras uzstdanas rokasgrmata

1. Aparatras uzstdana
Pieslgana ar vadiem

Bezvadu pieslgana

Piezme: Lai realiztu bezvadu savienojumus, lietojiet WLAN karti, kura ir saderga ar IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Lai realiztu bezvadu pieslganas procedru, vadieties pc bezvadu adaptera lietotja rokasgrmatas.


RT-N16 Bezvadu marrutiztja tras uzstdanas rokasgrmata

Izpakots ASUS RT-N16 bezvadu marrutiztjs ir domts novietoanai uz paaugstintas, ldzenas virsmas, k kartotka vai grmatu plaukts. Apartu var ari piestiprint pie sienas vai uz griestiem. ASUS RT-N16 monta: 1. Atrodiet aparta aizmugure divus montas atvrumus. 2. Atzmjiet divas caurumu vietas uz sienas vai uz paaugstintas, ldzens virsmas. 3. Iegrieziet divas skrves, atstjot 1/4 dau rpus. 4. Piestipriniet ASUS RT-N16 marrutiztju uz skrvm. Piezme: Ja nevariet ASUS bezvadu marrutiztju nostiprint uz skrvm vai, ja tas nepiegu ciei virsmai, tad mainiet skrvju iegrieanas dziumu.

2. Pieslgans pie bezvadu marrutiztja

IP adreses uzstdana klientiem, kuri izmanto vadu vai bezvadu savienojumus
Lai pieslgtos pie RT-N16 bezvadu marrutiztja, jums ir jbt pareiziem, vadu vai bezvadu savienojumu klienta TCP/IP uzstdjumiem . Uzstdiet klienta IP adresi vien apaktkl ar RT-N16 marrutiztju.

Automtisk IP adreses iegana

ASS bezvadu marrutiztjs iekauj DHCP servera darbbu un td jsu PC var saemt automtiski IP adresi no ASUS bezvadu marrutiztja. Piezme: Pirms js prldjiet jsu PC, iesldziet bezvadu marrutiztju un prliecinieties, ka tas ir darbbas gatavbas stvokli.



RT-N16 Bezvadu marrutiztja tras uzstdanas rokasgrmata

3. Bezvadu marrutiztja uzstdana

Ja jsu PC ir pieslgts pie marrutiztja ar vadu, tad palaidiet tmeka prlkprogrammu un automtiski paradsies marrutiztja tmeka interfeisa pieteikans lapa. Piezme: Ms iesakm lietot skotnjai konfigurcijai vadu savienojumu, lai izvairtos no iespjamm uzstdanas problmm bezvadu sistmas nestabilittes d. Ja jsu PC tiek pieslgts pie bezvadu marrutiztja, tad vispirms ir jizvlas tkls. Tkla izvle: 1. Klikiniet Skt (Start) > Vadbs Panelis (Control Panel) > Tkla Savienojumi (Network Connections) > Bezvadu Tkla Savienojumi (Wireless Network Connection). 2. Lodzi Izvlieties bezvadu tklu (Choose a wireless network) izvlieties tklu. Gaidiet savienojumu. Piezme: Noklusto uzstdjumu gadjum, RT-N16 marrutiztja SSID ir ASUS. Savienojiet ar o SSID noklusto uzstdjumu. 3. Pc bezvadu savienojuma uzstdanas, palaidiet tmeka prlkprogrammu.

Uzstdana ar tmeka interfeisa paldzbu

1. Pc vadu vai bezvadu savienojuma uzstdanas, palaidiet tmeka prlkprogrammu. Automtiski pardsies pieteikans lapa. Piezme: Js variet ar manuli ievadt marrutiztja noklusto IP adresi (, lai palaistu marrutiztja tmeka interfeisu. 2. Pieteikans lap ievadiet noklusto lietotja vrdu (admin) un paroli (admin). Pards ASUS bezvadu marrutiztja mjas lapa. Mjas lap parads saites, kurs var tri ievadt bezvada marrutiztja galvenos uzstdjumus. Piezme: Lai iegtu plaku informciju par bezvadu marrutiztja pabm, izmantojiet lietotja rokasgrmatu, kura ir iekauta atbalsta CD.


RT-N16 Bezvadu marrutiztja tras uzstdanas rokasgrmata

WAN uzstdana, lietojot tro Interneta Uzstdanas (Quick Internet Setup (QIS)) funkciju.
tr Interneta Uzstdanas (Quick Internet Setup (QIS)) funkcija automtiski atklj interneta savienojumu veidu. T vada jsu WAN uzstdanas procedru, kad atrod specialus interneta savienojumu veidus. WAN uzstdana lietojot QIS funkciju: 1. Zem Interneta stvoklis (Internet status), klikiniet QIS lodzi IET (GO).

2. Marrutiztjs atbalsta piecus ISP pakalpojumu veidus: Automtisko IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, un Statisko IP. Izvlieties jsu savienojumu veidu un, sekojot instrukcijm uz ekrna, uzstdiet jsu WAN. Piezme: Lai iegtu plaku QIS funkciju informciju, izmantojiet lietotja rokasgrmatu, kura ir iekauta atbalsta CD.



Belaidio marrutizatoriaus RT-N16 greitojo paleidimo instrukcija

1. Technins rangos rengimas


Laidinis ryys

Belaidis ryys

Pastaba: Laidiniam ryiui umegzti naudokite su IEEE 802.11b/g/n suderinam belaidio vietinio tinklo plokt. Vadovaukits belaidio adapterio vartotojo vadovo apraoma belaidio ryio umezgimo procedra.

Belaidio marrutizatoriaus RT-N16 greitojo paleidimo instrukcija

Montavimo galimybs
Iimtas i ds, ASUS belaidis marrutizatorius RT-N16 turi bti laikomas ant pakilaus plokio paviriaus, pavyzdiui, ant spintels arba lentynos. J taip pat galima pritaikyti montavimui ant sienos arba lub. ASUS RT-N16 montavimas: 1. Apatinje pusje suraskite du montavimo kablius. 2. Sienoje arba ant pakilaus plokio paviriaus padarykite dvi kablius atitinkanias skyles. 3. jas sukite vartelius, kol liks kyoti 0,6 cm. 4. Ufiksuokite ASUS RT-N16 kablius ant varteli.

Pastaba: Koreguokite varteli gyl, jei nemanoma ufiksuoti ASUS belaidio marrutizatoriaus ant varteli arba jei jis kabo per laisvai.

2. Prisijungimas prie belaidio marrutizatoriaus

IP adreso suteikimas laidiniam arba belaidiam klientui
Kad prisijungtumte prie belaidio marrutizatoriaus RT-N16, turite laidiniuose ir belaidiuose klientuose nustatyti teisingus TCP/IP parametrus. Klient adresus nustatykite tame paiame RT-N16 potinklyje.

Automatinis IP adreso gavimas

ASUS belaidis marrutizatorius turi integruot DHCP serverio funkcij, todl Js kompiuteris gali IP adres i ASUS belaidio marrutizatoriaus gauti automatikai. Pastaba: Prie perkraudami kompiuter, JUNKITE belaid marrutizatori ir sitikinkite, kad jis paruotas naudojimui



Belaidio marrutizatoriaus RT-N16 greitojo paleidimo instrukcija

3. Belaidio marrutizatoriaus konfigravimas


Jei Js kompiuteris prie marrutizatoriaus jungiasi kabeliu, paleiskite interneto narykl ir automatikai ikils marrutizatoriaus iniatinklio ssajos prisijungimo langas. Pastaba: Pradiniam konfigravimui rekomenduojame naudoti laidin ry, kad ivengtumte galim nustatymo problem dl belaidio ryio nestabilumo. Jei Js kompiuteris prie marrutizatoriaus jungiasi belaidiu bdu, pirmiausia turite pasirinkti tinkl. Tinklo pasirinkimas: 1. Spustelkite Pradia (Start) > Valdymo skydas (Control Panel) > Tinklo ryiai (Network Connections) > Belaidis tinklo ryys (Wireless Network Connection). 2. Lange Pasirinkite belaid tinkl (Choose a wireless network) pasirinkite tinkl. Palaukite, kol prisijungs. Pastaba:Numatytasis WL-500gP V2 SSID yra ASUS. Prisijunkite prie numatytojo SSID. 3. Umezg belaid ry, paleiskite interneto narykl.

Konfigravimas per iniatinklio ssaj

1. Umezg laidin arba belaid ry, paleiskite interneto narykl. Automatikai atsiras prisijungimo langas. Pastaba: Taip pat galite vesti marrutizatoriaus numatytj IP adres ( rankiniu bdu, kad pasileist marrutizatoriaus iniatinklio ssaja. 2. Prisijungimo puslapyje veskite numatytj vartotojo vard (admin) ir slaptaod (admin). Pasirodys ASUS belaidio marrutizatoriaus nam puslapis. Pagrindiniame puslapyje pateikiamos greitos nuorodos pads sukonfigruoti pagrindines belaidio marrutizatoriaus funkcijas. Pastaba: Daugiau informacijos apie belaidio marrutizatoriaus funkcijas iekokite palaikymo kompaktiniame diske esaniame vartotojo vadove.

Belaidio marrutizatoriaus RT-N16 greitojo paleidimo instrukcija

Greitojo interneto nustatymo (GIN) funkcija automatikai patikrina interneto ryio tip. Jis padeda nustatyti platj tinkl, susidrus su specifiniais interneto ryio tipais. Plaiojo tinklo nustatymas su GIN: 1. Skiltyje Interneto bsena (Internet status) GIN (QIS) laukelyje spustelkite VYKDYTI (GO).

2. Marrutizatorius palaiko penkis IPT paslaug tipus: Automatin IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP ir statin IP. Pasirinkite savo ryio tip ir nustatydami platj tinkl sekite instrukcijas ekrane. Pastaba:Daugiau informacijos apie GIN iekokite palaikymo kompaktiniame diske esaniame vartotojo vadove.


Plaiojo tinklo nustatymas su Greituoju interneto nustatymu (GIN)

Hurtigguide for RT-N16 flerfunksjonell gigabit trdls N-ruter

1. Sette opp maskinvaren

Kabel forbindelse

Modem ASUS trdls ruter


Trdls forbindelse

Modem ASUS trdls ruter

Merk: For etablering av en trdls tilkobling, bruk et IEEE 802.11b/g/n-kompatibel WLAN-kort. Se brukerveiledningen til din trdlse adapter for trdlse tilkoblingsprosedyrer.

Hurtigguide for RT-N16 flerfunksjonell gigabit trdls N-ruter

Ute av esken, er ASUS RT-N16 trdls ruter designet til sitte p en hevet flat overflate som et arkivkabinett eller bokhylle. Enheten kan ogs konverteres for montering p en vegg. Slik monterer du ASUS RT-N16 til en vegg: 1. Se under for to monteringskroker. 2. Merk to hull p veggen. 4. Fest krokene til RT-N16 p skruene. 3. Stram til to skruer til kun 1/4" vises.

Merk: Juster skruene hvis du ikke kan hekte ASUS trdls ruteren p skruene eller hvis den er for ls.

2. Tilgang til den trdlse ruteren

Stille inn en IP-adresse for kablet eller trdls klient
For tilgang til den RT-N16 trdlse ruteren, m du ha riktige TCP/IP-innstillinger p dine kablede eller trdlse klienter. Still inn IP-adressene til klientene innenfor samme nettverk som RT-N16.

Motta en IP-adresse automatisk

ASUS trdls ruter integrerer DHCP-serverfunksjonene, derfor kan PC-en din automatisk hente inn en IP-adresse fra ASUS trdlse ruteren. Merk: Fr du starter PC-en p nytt, sl P den trdlse ruterne og srg for at ruteren er i klar-modus.



Hurtigguide for RT-N16 flerfunksjonell gigabit trdls N-ruter

3. Konfigurere den trdlse ruteren

Hvis PC-en din kobler til ruteren med en kabel, start en nettleser og ploggingssiden til ruternes nettgrensesnitt vises automatisk. Merk: For den frste konfigurasjonen, anbefaler vi at du bruker kablet tilkobling for unng mulige oppsettsproblemer p grunn av usikkerheter med det trdlse. Hvis PC-en din kobler til ruteren trdlst, m du frst velge nettverket. For velge nettverket: 1. Klikk p Start > Control Panel (Kontrollpanel) > Network Connections (Nettverkstilkoblinger) > Wireless Network Connection (Trdls nettverkstilkobling). 2. Velg et nettverk fra vinduet Choose a wireless network (Velg et trdlst nettverk). Vent til den kobler til. Merk: Som standard, er SSID til RT-N16 ASUS. Koble til denne standard SSID. 3. Etter at du har etablert en trdls tilkobling, start en nettleser.


Konfigurer via nettgrensesnittet

1. Etter at du har satt opp en kablet eller trdls tilkobling, start en nettleser. Ploggingssiden vises automatisk. Merk: Du kan ogs manuelt taste inn ruterens standard IP-adresse ( for pne ruterens nettgrensesnitt. 2. P ploggingssiden, tast inn standard brukernavn (admin) og passord (admin). ASUS trdls ruter-hjemmesiden vises. Hjemmesiden har hurtigkoblinger for konfigurere hovedfunksjonene til den trdlse ruteren. Merk: For mer informasjon om funksjonene til den trdlse ruterne, se brukerveiledningen som flger med p sttte CD-en.

Sette opp WAN med Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

Hurtigguide for RT-N16 flerfunksjonell gigabit trdls N-ruter

Quick Internet Setup (QIS)-funksjonen registrerer Internett-tilkoblingstypen automatisk. Den guider deg gjennom oppsett av WAN nr du mter p spesielle Internett-tilkoblingstyper. Slik setter du opp WAN med QIS: 1. Under Internet status (Internettstatus), klikk p GO (G) i QIS-feltet.

2. Ruteren sttter fem typer ISP-tjenester: Automatic IP (Automatisk IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP og Static IP (Statisk IP). Velg tilkoblingstyoen din og flg anvisningene p skjermen for sette opp ditt WAN. Merk: For mer detaljert informasjon om QIS, se brukerveiledningen som fulgte med p sttte CD-en.


Instrukcja szybkiego uruchomienia routera bezprzewodowego RT-N16

1. Ustawienia sprztowe
Poczenie przewodowe


Poczenie bezprzewodowe

Uwaga: Dla ustanowienia poczenia bezprzewodowego, uyj karty WLAN zgodnej z IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Sprawd procedury poczenia bezprzewodowego w podrczniku uytownika.

Instrukcja szybkiego uruchomienia routera bezprzewodowego RT-N16

Opcje montau
Po wyjciu z opakowania, router bezprzewodowy ASUS RT-N16 naley ustawi na paskiej powierzchni, takiej jak szafka, czy pka na ksiki. Urzdzenie moe by take przeksztacone do wersji montowanej na cianie lub na suficie. W celu montau ASUS RT-N16: 1. Odszukaj pod spodem dwa zaczepy montaowe. 2. Odznacz na cianie lub na wznoszcej si paskiej powierzchni dwa grne otwory. 3. Dokr dwie ruby, a do pozostawienia 1/4'' dugoci. 4. Ustaw zaczepy ASUS RT-N16 na rubach. Uwaga: Wyreguluj ponownie ruby, jeli nie mona zaczepi routera

2. Dostp do routera bezprzewodowego

Ustawienie adresu IP dla klienta przewodowego lub bezprzewodowego
W celu uzyskania dostpu do routera bezprzewodowego RT-N16 naley wykona prawidowe ustawienia TCP/IP klienta przewodowego i bezprzewodowego. Ustaw adresy IP klientw w tej samej podsieci RT-N16.

Automatyczne uzyskanie adresu IP

Router bezprzewodowy ASUS posiada funkcje serwera DHCP, std komputer PC moe automatycznie uzyska adres IP z routera bezprzewodowego ASUS. Uwaga: Przed ponownym uruchomieniem komputera PC, WCZ router bezprzewodowy i upewnij si, e router znajduje si w stanie gotowoci.



bezprzewodowego ASUS na dwch rubach lub, jeli poczenie jest zbyt lune.

Instrukcja szybkiego uruchomienia routera bezprzewodowego RT-N16

3. Konfiguracja routera bezprzewodowego

Jeli komputer PC jest pocozny z routerem kablem, uruchom przegldark sieci web, po czym pojawi si automatycznie strona logowania interfejsu web routera. Uwaga: Do konfiguracji pocztkowej, zaleca si uycie poczenia przewodowego, aby unikn problemw spowodowanych brakiem stabilnoci pczenia bezprzewodowego. Jeli komputer PC bdzie czony z routerem bezprzewodowo naley najpierw wybra sie. Aby wybra sie: 1. Kliknij Start > Control Panel (Panel sterowania) > Network Connections (Poczenia sieciowe) > Wireless Network Connection (Poczenie z sieci bezprzewodow). 2. Wybierz sie w oknie Choose a wireless network (Wybierz sie bezprzewodow). Zaczekaj, na poczenie. Uwaga: Domylnie numer SSID RT-N16 to numer ASUS. Pocz z tym domylnym SSID. 3. Po ustawieniu poczenia bezprzewodowego, uruchom przegldark sieci web.


Konfiguracja poprzez interfejs sieci web

1. Po ustawieniu poczenia przewodowego lub bezprzewodowego, uruchom przegldark sieci web. Automatycznie pojawi si strona logowania. Uwaga: Mona take rcznie wprowadzi domylny adres IP routera ( w celu uruchomienia interfejsu web routera. 2. Na stronie logowania, wprowad domyln nazw uytkownika (admin) i haso (admin). Pojawi si strona gwna routera bezprzewodowego ASUS. Na stronie gwnej wywietlone zostan szybkie cza do konfiguracji gwnych funkcji routera bezprzewodowego. Uwaga: Wicej szczegowych informacji dotyczcych funkcji routera bezprzewodowego, mona znale w podrczniku uytkownika na pomocniczym dysku CD.

Instrukcja szybkiego uruchomienia routera bezprzewodowego RT-N16

Ustawienia WAN poprzez QIS (Quick Internet Setup [Szybkie ustawienia poczenia z Internetem])
Funkcja QIS (Quick Internet Setup [Szybkie ustawienia poczenia z Internetem]) automatycznie wykrywa typ poczenia z Internetem. Umoliwia to wykonanie ustawie WAN podczas wykrywania specjalnych typw poczenia z Internetem. W celu ustawienia WAN poprzez QIS: 1. W opcji Internet status (Status poczenia z Internetem), kliknij GO (PRZEJD DO) w polu QIS.

2. Router obsuguje pi typw usug ISP: Automatic IP (Automatyczne IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP i Static IP (Statyczne IP). Wybierz typ poczenia i wykonaj instrukcje ekranowe w celu wykonania ustawie sieci WAN. Uwaga: Dalsze szczegowe informacje dotyczce QIS znajduj si w podrczniku uytkownika na pomocniczym dysku CD.



Guia Rpido de Iniciao do Router Sem Fios RT-N16

1. Configurar o hardware
Ligao cablada

Ligao sem fios

Nota: Para establecer uma ligao sem fios, utilize um carto WLAN compatvel com IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Consulte o manual do utilizador do seu adaptador sem fios para procedimentos de ligao sem fios.

Guia Rpido de Iniciao do Router Sem Fios RT-N16

Opes de montagem
Fora da caixa, o Router Sem Fios RT-N16 ASUS concebido para estar numa superfcie plana e elevada, como um arquivo de ficheiros ou uma estante de livros. A unidade tambm pode ser convertida para montagem numa parede ou tecto. Para montar o RT-N16 ASUS: 1. Procure dois ganchos de montagem na parte inferior. 2. Marque dois orifcios superiores numa parede ou numa superfcie plana e elevada. 3. Aperte dois parafusos at que apenas esteja visvel 1/4". 4. Prenda os ganchos do RT-N16 ASUS aos parafusos. Nota: Reajuste os parafusos se no conseguir prender o Router Sem Fios ASUS aos parafusos ou se estiver muito solto.

2. Aceder ao router sem fios

Para aceder ao Router Sem Fios RT-N16, necessrio ter as configuraes TCP/IP correctas nos seus clientes cablados ou sem fios. Defina os endereos IP dos clientes a partir da mesma sub-rede do RT-N16.

Obter um endereo IP Automaticamente

O Router Sem Fios ASUS integra as funes de servidor DHCP, por conseguinte, o seu PC consegue obter um endereo IP automaticamente a partir do Router Sem Fios ASUS. Nota: Antes de reiniciar o seu PC, LiGUE o router sem fios e certifique-se de que o router est pronto.



Configurar um endereo IP para um cliente cablado ou sem fios

Guia Rpido de Iniciao do Router Sem Fios RT-N16

3. Configurar o router sem fios

Se o PC ligar ao router utilizando um cabo, execute um navegador web e a pgina de incio de sesso do interface web do router aparece automaticamente. Nota: Para a configurao inicial, recomendamos que utilize ligao cablada para evitar possveis problemas de configurao devido a incertezas quanto rede sem fios. Se o seu PC ligar ao router sem fios, ter que seleccionar a rede primeiro. Para selecionar a rede: 1. Clique em Start (Iniciar) > Control Panel (Painel de Controlo) > Network Connections (Ligaes de Rede) > Wireless Network Connection (Ligao de Rede Sem Fios). 2. Seleccione uma rede a partir da janela Choose a wireless network (Escolha uma rede sem fios) . Espere pela ligao. Nota: Por defeito, o SSID do RT-N16 est em ASUS. Ligar a este SSID predefinido. 3. Aps establecer uma ligao sem fios, execute um navegador web.


Configurar atravs do interface web

1. Aps configurar uma ligao cablada ou sem fios, execute um navegador web. A pgina de incio de sesso aparece automaticamente. Nota: Pode tambm digitar manualmente o endereo IP predefinido do router ( para iniciar o interface web do router. 2. Na pgina de incio de sesso, digite o nome de utilizador (admin) e a palavra-passe predefinidos (admin). Surge a pgina inicial do Router Sem Fios ASUS. A pgina inicial exibe links rpidos para configurar as principais funcionalidades do router sem fios. Nota: Para mais detalhes sobre as funes do router sem fios, consulte o manual do utilizador includo no CD de suporte.

Guia Rpido de Iniciao do Router Sem Fios RT-N16

Configurar a WAN utilizando a Configurao de Internet Rpida (QIS)

A funo de Configurao de Internet Rpida (QIS) detecta automaticamente o tipo de ligao Internet. Ajuda-o a configurar a sua WAN quando existem tipos especiais de ligao Internet. Para configurar a sua WAN utilizando a QIS: 1. Em Internet status (Estado de Internet), clique em GO (IR) no campo QIS .

2. O router suporta cinco tipos de servios ISP: Automatic IP (IP Automtico), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP e Static IP (IP Esttico). Seleccione o tipo de ligao e siga as instrues no ecr para configurar a sua WAN. Nota: Para mais detalhes sobre a QIS, consulte o manual do utilizador includo no CD de suporte.



Ghid de pornire rapid router fr fir RT-N16

1. Configurarea hardware
Conectare cu fir

Conctare fr fir

Not: Pentru a stabili o conexiune fr fir, folosii un card IEEE 802.11b/g/n compatibil WLAN. Consultai manualul adaptorului fr fir pentru procedurile de conectare fr fir.

Ghid de pornire rapid router fr fir RT-N16

Opiuni de montare
Afar din cutie, routerul fr fir ASUS RT-N16 este creat pentru a fi aezat pe o suprafa plan ridicat precum Unitatea poate fi, de asemenea, modificat pentru a fi montat pe un perete sau tavan. Montarea ASUS RT-N16: 1. Cutai n partea de dedesubt cele dou crlige de montare. 2. Realizai dou guri pe un perete sau pe o suprafa plat. 3. Strngei cele dou uruburi pn cnd numai 1/4'' din acestea rmne la suprafa. 4. Fixai crligele ASUS RT-N16 pe uruburi. Not: Modificai urubele dac nu putei fixa routerul fr fir ASUS ori prinderea este prea plan.

2. Accesarea routerului fr fir

Setarea unei adrese IP for un client cu fir sau fr fir.
Pentru a accesa routerul fr fir RT-N16, trebuie s avei setrile corecte TCP/IP pentru clienii cu sau fr fir. Setai o adres IP a clientului n acelai domeniu al RT-N16.

Obinerea automat a unei adrese IP

Routerul fr fir ASUS integreaz funciile de server DHCP, prin urmare, computerul dumneavoastr poate obine automat o adres IP de la routerul fr fir ASUS. Not: nainte de a reporni computerul, PORNII routerul fr fir i asigurai-v c acesta este n stare de funcionare.



Ghid de pornire rapid router fr fir RT-N16

3. Configurarea routerului fr fir

n cazul n care computerul se conecteaz la router folosind un cablu, pornii un browser i pagina de login a interfeei web a routerului va aprea automat. Not: Pentru configurarea iniial, v recomandm s folosii conexiunea cu fir pentru a evita posibile probleme de setare cauzate de instabilitatea conexiunii fr fir. n cazul n care computerul se conecteaz la router n modul fr fir va trebui s selectai nti reeaua. Pentru a selecta reeaua: 1. Clic Start (Start) > Control Panel (Panou de control) > Network Connections (Conexiune reea) > Wireless Network Connection (Conexiune reea fr fir). 2. Selectai o reea din fereastra Choose a wireless network (Alege o reea fr fir). Ateptai pn se conecteaz. Not: Implicit, SSID al RT-N16 este ASUS. Conectai-v la SSID implicit. 3. Dup ce ai stabilit o conexiune fr fir, lansai un browser web.

Configurare via interfa web

1. Dup ce ai setat o conexiune cu sau fr fir, lansai un browser web. Pagina de login apare automat. Not: Putei introduce manual adresa IP implicit a routerului ( pentru a lansa interfaa web a acestuia.


2. Pe pagina de login, introducei numele de utilizator implicit (admin) i parola (admin). Pagina routerului fr fir ASUS apare. Pagina de start afieaz linkuri rapide ctre caracteristicile rapide ale routerului fr fir. Not: Pentru mai multe detalii referitoare la caracteristicile routerului fr fir, consultai manualul inclus pe CD suport.

Ghid de pornire rapid router fr fir RT-N16

Configurarea WAN folosind Quick Internet Setup (QIS)

Funciunea Quick Internet Setup (QIS) detecteaz automat tipul conexiunii internet. V ghideaz n setarea WAN cnd ntlnii tipuri speciale de conexiune internet. Pentru a configura WAN folosind QIS: 1. Sub Internet status (Status Internet) , clic GO (Dute) n cmpul QIS (QIS).

2. Routerul poate suporta cinci tipuri de servicii ISP: Automatic IP (IP Automat), PPPoE (PPPoE), PPTP (PPTP), L2TP (L2TP), i Static IP (IP Static). Selectai tipul conexiunii i urmai instruciunile de pe ecran n configurarea WAN. Not: Pentru mai multe detalii despre QIS, consultai manualul inclus pe CD suport.



Strun nvod na spustenie bezdrtovho smerovaa RT-N16

1. Intalcia hardvru
Kblov pripojenie

Bezdrtov pripojenie

Poznmka:Pre zrealizovanie bezdrtovho pripojenia je potrebn, aby ste pouvali WLAN kartu kompatibiln s IEEE 802.11b/g/n. Postupy bezdrtovho pripojenia njdete v nvode pre adaptr bezdrtovho pripojenia.


Strun nvod na spustenie bezdrtovho smerovaa RT-N16

Monosti monte
Vonkajok skrinky bezdrtovho smerovaa ASUS RTN16 je navrhnut tak, aby sa dal poloi na vyven rovn povrch, akm je naprklad registran skrinka alebo polica na knihy Jednotku mono taktie prispsobi tak, aby sa dala namontova na stenu alebo na strop. Namontovanie zariadenia ASUS RT-N16: 1. Na spodnej strane si pozrite montne hiky. 2. Na stene alebo na vyvenom rovnom povrchu vyznate polohy dvoch otvorov. 3. Do otvorov naskrutkujte skrutky do hbky, pri ktorej bude zo skrutky tra cca 0,5 cm (1/4). 4. Hiky smerovaa ASUS RT-N16 nasate na skrutky. Poznmka: Ak nedokete bezdrtov smerova ASUS nasadi na skrutky, alebo ak je prichyten vemi vone, prispsobte naskrutkovanie skrutiek.

2. Prstup k bezdrtovmu smerovau

Nastavenie IP adresy pre klienta s kblovm alebo bezdrtovm pripojenm
Pre prstup na bezdrtov smerova RT-N16 je potrebn, aby ste mali sprvne nastavenia TCP/IP pre klientov s kblovm alebo bezdrtovm pripojenm. IP adresy klientov nastavte v rmci tej istej pomocnej siete RT-N16.

Automatick zskanie IP adresy

Bezdrtov smerova ASUS obsahuje funkcie servera DHCP a tak v PC doke automaticky zska IP adresu z bezdrtovho smerovaa ASUS. Poznmka: Pred retartovanm svojho PC ZAPNITE bezdrtov smerova a presvedte sa e smerova je pripraven.



Strun nvod na spustenie bezdrtovho smerovaa RT-N16

3. Konfigurcia bezdrtovho smerovaa

Pokia je v PC k smerovau pripojen pomocou kbla, spustite internetov prehliada; automaticky sa nata prihlasovacia strnka internetovho rozhrania smerovaa. Poznmka:V prpade poiatonej konfigurcie vm odporame pouva kblov pripojenie, m preddete problmom pri nastaven v dsledku nestability bezdrtovho pripojenia. Ak sa v PC k smerovau pripja bezdrtovm spsobom, najprv muste zvoli sie. Voba siete: 1. Kliknite na Start (tart) > Control Panel (Ovldac panel) > Network Connections (Sieov pripojenia) > Wireless Network Connection (Pripojenie k bezdrtovej sieti). 2. V okne Choose a wireless network (Vyberte bezdrtov sie) zvote sie. Pokajte na pripojenie. Poznmka:V rmci predvoby je SSID pre RT-N16 ASUS. Vykonajte pripojenie k tomuto SSID. 3. Po zrealizovan bezdrtovho pripojenia spustite internetov prehliada.

Konfigurcia pomocou internetovho rozhrania

1. Po zrealizovan kblovho alebo bezdrtovho pripojenia spustite internetov prehliada. Automaticky sa zobraz prihlasovacia strnka. Poznmka: Internetov rozhranie smerovaa mete spusti aj manulnym napsanm predvolenej IP adresy smerovaa ( 2. V rmci prihlasovacej strnky napte predvolen uvatesk meno (admin) a heslo (admin). Zobraz sa vodn strnka bezdrtovho smerovaa ASUS. Na vodnej strnke sa nachdzaj odkazy pre konfigurciu hlavnch funkci bezdrtovho smerovaa. Poznmka: Viac podrobnost o funkcich bezdrtovho smerovaa njdete v nvode na obsluhu na CD s podporou.


Strun nvod na spustenie bezdrtovho smerovaa RT-N16

Nastavenie WAN pomocou rchleho internetovho nastavenia (QIS)

Funkcia rchleho internetovho nastavenia (QIS) automaticky zist typ internetovho pripojenia. Po zisten uritho typu internetovho pripojenia vs prevedie nastavenm WAN. Nastavenie WAN pomocou QIS: 1. V rmci Internet status (Stav internetu) kliknite na GO (CHO) v rmci polka QIS.

2. Bezdrtov smerova podporuje p typov ISP sluieb: Automatic IP (Automatick IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP a Static IP (Statick IP). Zvote typ pripojenia a poda pokynov na obrazovke vykonajte nastavenie WAN. Poznmka: Viac podrobnost o QIS njde v nvode na obsluhu na CD s podporou.



Gua de inicio rpido del router inalmbrico RT-N16

1. Instalar el hardware

Conexin con cable

Conexin inalmbrica

Nota: para establecer una conexin inalmbrica, utilice una tarjeta WLAN compatible con IEEE 802.11 b/g/n. Consulte el manual de usuario de su adaptador inalmbrico para conocer el procedimiento de conexin inalmbrica.

Gua de inicio rpido del router inalmbrico RT-N16

Opciones de montaje
El router inalmbrico ASUS RT-N16 ha sido diseado para colocarlo sobre una superficie plana, como un archivador o una estantera. El equipo puede convertirse tambin para poder montarlo en una pared o techo. Para montar el router ASUS RT-N16: 1. Busque los dos orificios de montaje situados en la parte inferior. 2. Marque los dos orificios superiores en una pared o superficie elevada. 3. Enrosque dos tornillos hasta que solamente sobresalga 1/4". 4. Introduzca los tornillos en los ganchos del router ASUS RT-N16. Nota: vuelva a ajustar los tornillos si no puede introducirlos en los ganchos del router inalmbrico ASUS o si queda demasiado separado de la pared.

2. Acceder al router inalmbrico

Configurar una direccin IP para un cliente cableado o inalmbrico
Para acceder al router inalmbrico RT-N16 deber configurar los parmetros TCP/IP correctos en sus clientes cableados o inalmbricos. Defina las direcciones IP de los clientes dentro de la misma subred que el router RT-N16.

Obtener una direccin IP automticamente

El router inalmbrico ASUS integra funciones de servidor DHCP, por lo que su PC puede obtener automticamente una direccin IP desde el router inalmbrico ASUS. Nota: antes de reiniciar su PC, encienda el router inalmbrico y asegrese de que se encuentra en estado preparado.



Gua de inicio rpido del router inalmbrico RT-N16

3. Configurar el router inalmbrico

Si su PC se conecta al router utilizando un cable, abra un navegador web. Aparecer automticamente la interfaz web del router. Nota: para realizar la configuracin inicial, recomendamos el uso de una conexin por cable para evitar posibles problemas debido a la incertidumbre de la conexin inalmbrica. Si su PC se conecta al router de forma inalmbrica, deber seleccionar primero la red. Para seleccionar la red: 1. Haga clic en Start (Inicio) > Control Panel (Panel de control) > Network Connections (Conexiones de red) > Wireless Network Connection (Conexin de red inalmbrica). 2. Seleccione una red en la ventana Choose a wireless network (Seleccione una red inalmbrica). Espere a que se realice la conexin. Nota: De forma predeterminada, el SSID del router RT-N16 es ASUS. Conctese a este SSID predeterminado. 3. Tras establecer una conexin inalmbrica, abra un navegador web.


Configuracin a travs de la interfaz web

1. Despus de configurar una conexin cableada o inalmbrica, abra un navegador web. Aparecer automticamente la pgina de inicio de sesin. Nota: Tambin puede introducir automticamente la direccin IP predeterminada del router ( para abrir la interfaz web del router. 2. En la pgina de inicio de sesin, introduzca el nombre de usuario (admin) y la contrasea (admin) predeterminados. Aparecer la pgina principal del router inalmbrico ASUS. La pgina principal muestra enlaces de acceso rpido para configurar las funciones principales del router inalmbrico. Nota: para ms informacin acerca de las funciones del router inalmbrico, consulte el manual de usuario incluido en el CD de soporte.

Gua de inicio rpido del router inalmbrico RT-N16

Configurar la red WAN utilizando Quick Internet Setup (QIS)


La funcin Quick Internet Setup (QIS) detecta automticamente el tipo de conexin a Internet. Le guiar durante la configuracin de su red WAN si detecta tipos especiales de conexin a Internet. Para configurar su red WAN utilizando QIS: 1. En Internet status (Estado de Internet), haga clic en GO (Ir a) en el campo QIS.

2. El router admite cinco tipos de servicios de ISP: Automatic IP (IP automtica), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, e Static IP (IP esttica). Seleccione su tipo de conexin y siga las instrucciones en pantalla para configurar su red WAN. Nota: para ms informacin acerca de QIS, consulte el manual de usuario incluido en el CD de soporte.

RT-N16 Multifunktionell Gigabit trdls N Router snabbstartguide

1. Instllning av hrdvaran

Modem ASUS trdls router


Trdls anslutning

Modem ASUS trdls router

Notera: Fr etablering av en trdls anslutning anvnd ett IEEE 802.11b/g/n kompatibelt WLAN kort. Se den trdlsa routerns bruksanvisning fr trdlsa anslutningsprocedurer.

RT-N16 Multifunktionell Gigabit trdls N Router snabbstartguide

ASUS RT-N16 trdlsa router r konstruerad fr att direkt frn ldan placeras p en upphjd plan yta ssom ett arkivskp eller en bokhylla. Enheten kan ocks konverteras fr montering p en vgg. Monering av ASUS RT-N16 p en vgg: 1. Leta p undersidan efter tv monteringskrokar. 3. Dra t tv skruvar till endast 6 mm visas. 4. Haka fast krokarna p RT-N16 p skruvarna. 2. Mrk ut tv vre hl p en vgg.

Notera: Justera skruvarna om du inte kan haka fast ASUS trdlsa router p skruvarna eller om den sitter fr lst.

2. tkomst av den trdlsa routern

Instllning av en IP-adress fr trdansluten eller trdls klient
Fr att komma t RT-N16 trdlsa router mste du ha korrekta TCP/IP-instllningar hos dina trdanslutna eller trdlsa klienter. Stll in IP-adresserna fr klienterna inom samma subnet fr RT-N16.

Erhll en IP-adress automatiskt

ASUS trdlsa router integrerar DHCP serverfunktionen, fljdaktligen kan din dator erhlla en IP-adress automatiskt frn ASUS trdlsa router. Notera: Innan du startar om din dator, sl P den trdlsa routern och se till att routern r i statusen ready (redo).



RT-N16 Multifunktionell Gigabit trdls N Router snabbstartguide

3. Konfigurering av den trdlsa routern

Om din dator ansluter till routern med en kabel, starta en webblsare och inloggningssidan fr routerns webbgrnssnitt visas automatiskt. Notera:Vi rekommenderar att du anvnder trdansluten anslutning fr frsta konfigurationen fr att undvika mjliga instllningsproblem p grund av trdlsa oskerheter.


Om din dator ansluter till routern trdlst mste du vlja ntverket frst. Att vlja ntverket: 1. Klicka p Start > Control Panel (kontrollpanelen) > Network Connections (ntverksanslutningar) > Wireless Network Connection (trdls ntverksanslutning). 2. Vlj ett ntverk i fnstret Choose a wireless network (vlj ett trdlst ntverk). Vnta tills den ansluter. Notera: Som standard r SSID fr RT-N16 ASUS. Anslut till denna standard SSID. 3. Efter att en trdls anslutning etablerats starta en webblsare.

Konfigurera via webbgrnssnittet

1. Efter att en trdansluten eller trdls anslutning installerats starta en webblsare. Inloggningssidan visas automatiskt. Notera: Du kan ocks manuellt knappa in routerns standard IP-adress ( fr att starta routerns webbgrnssnitt. 2. P inloggningssidan knappa in standardanvndarnamnet (admin) och lsenordet (admin). ASUS trdlsa routerns hemsida visas. Hemsidan visar snabblnkar fr att konfigurera huvudfunktionerna fr den trdlsa routern. Notera: Fr mer detaljer om funktionerna hos den trdlsa routern, se bruksanvisningen som medfljer p support-CD-skivan.

RT-N16 Multifunktionell Gigabit trdls N Router snabbstartguide

Stlla in WAN med Quick Internet Setup (QIS/snabb internetinstllning)

Quick Internet Setup (QIS/snabb internetinstllning) funktionen upptcker automatiskt dina instllningar fr internetanslutning. Den guidar dig genom instllningen av ditt WAN nr du rkar p speciella internetanslutningstyper. Instllning av ditt WAN med QIS: 1. Under Internet status, klicka p GO (KR) in fltet QIS.

2. Routern stder fem typer av ISP-tjnster: Automatic IP (Automatisk IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP och Static IP (Statisk IP). Vlj din anslutningstyp och flj instruktionerna p skrmen fr att stlla in ditt WAN. Notera: Fr mer detaljer om QIS, se bruksanvisningen som medfljer p support-CDskivan.






: WLAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n


ASUS RT-N16 ASUS RT-N16: 1. 2.

3. 1/4'' 4. ASUS RT-N16







PC : PC : 1. Start () > Control Panel () > Network Connections ( ) > Wireless Network Connection () 2. Choose a wireless network ()



1. : IP ( 2. (admin) (admin) ASUS : CD


(QIS) WAN WAN QIS: 1. Internet status (), GO () QIS

2. ISP 5 : Automatic IP (IP ), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP Static IP ( IP) WAN : QIS CD


RT-N16 Kablosuz Ynlendirici Hzl Balang Rehberi

1. Donanm kurma
Kablolu balant

Kablosuz Balant

Not: Kablosuz balant salamak iin, IEEE 802.11b/g/n uyumlu bir WLAN kart kullann. Kablosuz balant prosedrleri iin kablosuz adaptr kullanm klavuzuna bakn.

RT-N16 Kablosuz Ynlendirici Hzl Balang Rehberi

Takma seenekleri
Kutudan kan ASUS RT-N16 Kablosuz Ynlendirici dosya dolab ya da kitaplk gibi yksek ve dz bir yzeyde durmak iin tasarlanmtr. nite ayn zamanda duvar veya tavana monte etmek iin dntrlebilir. ASUS RT-N16'yi monte etmek iin: 1. ki adet monte engelinin alt taraflarna bakn. 2. ki adet st engeli duvara veya yksek ve dz bir yzeye geirin. 3. ki viday sadece 1/4" gzkecek ekilde skn. 4. ASUS RT-N16 'nin engellerini vidalara tutturun . Not: ASUS Kablosuz Ynlendiriciyi vidalara tutturamazsanz veya ok gevekse, vidalar yeniden ayarlayn.

2. Kablosuz ynlendiriciye erime

Kablolu veya kablosuz istemci iin IP adresi ayarlama
RT-N16 Kablosuz Ynlendiriciye erimek iin, kablolu veya kablosuz istemcinizde doru TCP/IP ayarlarna sahip olmalsnz. stemcilerin IP adreslerini RT-N16 ile ayn alt adan ayarlayn.

Otomatik olarak IP adresi Alma

ASUS Kablosuz Ynlendirici DHCP sunucu ilevlerini kullanr, bu yzde PC'niz ASUS Kablosuz Ynlendiriciden otomatik olarak IP adresi alabilir. Not: PC'nizi yeniden balatmadan nce, kablosuz ynlendiriciyi AIN ve ynlendiricinin hazr durumda olduundan emin olun.



RT-N16 Kablosuz Ynlendirici Hzl Balang Rehberi

3. Kablosuz ynlendiriciyi yaplandrma

PC'niz ynlendiriciye kablo kullanarak balanyorsa, web taraycsn balatn, ynlendiricinin web arayznn oturum ama sayfas otomatik olarak kar. Not: lk yaplandrmada, kablosuz belirsizlik nedeniyle olas kurulum sorunlarndan kanmak iin kablolu balant kullanmanz tavsiye ederiz. PC'niz ynlendiriciye kablosuz olarak balanrsa, ilk nce a semeniz gerekir. A semek iin: 1. Start (Balat) > Control Panel (Kontrol Paneli) > Network Connections (A Balantlar) > Wireless Network Connection (Kablosuz A Balants) tklayn. 2. Choose a wireless network (Kablosuz a seme) penceresinden bir a sein. Balanmasn bekleyin. Not: Varsaylan olarak, RT-N16'nin SSID'si ASUS olarak ayarldr. Bu varsaylan SSID'ya balan. 3. Kablosuz balanty saladktan sonra, web taraycsn balatn.

Web arayz ile yaplandrma

1. Kablolu veya kablosuz balant saladktan sonra, web taraycsn balatn. Oturum ama sayfas otomatik olarak kar. Not: Ynlendiricinin web arayzn balatmak iin ynlendiricinin varsaylan IP adresini manuel olarak girebilirsiniz ( 2. Oturum ama sayfasnda, varsaylan kullanc adn (admin) ve parolay (admin) girin. ASUS Kablosuz Ynlendirici anasayfas kar. Anasayfa, kablosuz ynlendiricinin ana zelliklerini yaplandrmak iin hzl balantlar gsterir. Not: Kablosuz ynlendiricinin zellikleri hakknda daha fazla ayrnt iin, destek CD'sinde bulunan kullanm klavuzuna bakn.


RT-N16 Kablosuz Ynlendirici Hzl Balang Rehberi

Hzl Internet Ayar (QIS) kullanlarak WAN' ayarlama

Hzl nternet Ayar (QIS) ilevi internet balant trn otomatik olarak saptar. zel nternet balant trleriyle karlatnzda WAN'nz ayarlamanza yardmc olur. QIS kullanarak WAN'nz ayarlamak iin: 1. Internet status (nternet durumu) altnda, QIS alannda GO (Git) esine tklayn.

Not: QIS hakknda daha fazla bilgi iin, destek CD'sindeki kullanm klavuzuna bakn.



2. Ynlendirici be tr ISP hizmetini desteklemektedir: Automatic IP (Otomatik IP), PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP, ve Static IP (Statik IP). Balant trnz sein ve WAN'nz ayarlarken ekrandaki talimatlar takip edin.



: . ., ...... .. WLAN, .... IEEE 802.11b/g/n. .. .. .... . ..



.... .. .. ASUS RT-N16 ... ... . , .., . .. ... ... .. ... . .... .. ., ... . .. .. ... ASUS RT-N16: 1. .. . .. .. 2. . . . ... . 3. .. .. ., .. .... . 1/4 .. 4. .. ASUS RT-N16 ...

: .. .., . . .. .. .. ASUS .., . ...

... .. RT-N16, . . . . ./. . . .. .. .-.. . . - RT-N16.


.. .. ASUS . .. . DHCP, .. ., . ... .-.. .. ASUS.

: .. ... .... .. .. ..., .. ...


. ... .. ., .. ., . .. .. . .... .. ...

: . .. .. ...... ., ..... .. . . .. . ... .. .. '., . .. .. .. : 1. Start () Control Panel ( ) Network Connections ) ( ) Wireless Network Connection ( ). ) 2. . . . Choose a wireless network ( ). .. ..

: SSID RT-N16 ASUS. .. SSID . 3. ... ., .. ..

1. ... ., .. .. . . .. . .....

: . .. .. .-.. .. (, .... .. ... 2. . . .... .... (admin) (admin) . . .. .. ASUS. .. .. .. ..., .... .. ...... ...


: .. ...... .. .. . .. ...., . ... ..-.... ....


.. (QIS) . . . . . . WAN .. . . . WAN QIS: 1. ... Internet status ( ) . GO () . QIS (QIS).

2. .. .. . .. -.: Automatic IP ( ) PPPoE PPTP L2TP Static IP ( ). . . . .... ... . . WAN.

: QIS .. .. ...., . ... ..-.... ....


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