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Why Christ became a man

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. Isaiah 55:1-12

It was the harshest of all frontier winters. The mans wife and children left for the Christmas Eve worship. He could not bring himself to believe in the Christ of Christmas. To him, God, becoming a man to save humanity, was, absurd. The old Indian chiefs community weather forecast proved to be false. Rather than just a few flurries there appeared on the horizon a cold wind of blanketing heavy snow. As the wind increased with intermittent gusts and the snow began to drift, the man scurried to gather the farm animals into the barn. Once inside the sheltered barn with all the animals intact, the man noticed the birds being blown hither and yon by the gusting winds. It was if they also wanted in the sheltered barn to be delivered from the treacherous storm. The man, who loved birds and often welcomed their nests as perched residences within his barn, sadly paused before closing the door. He thought to himself:
If only I could coax them inside, they would not freeze and would be saved from the wintry blast. Its too bad I cant be a like a bird and communicate with them to coax them into my barn. If only briefly, I could transform myself into a bird, I could fly to the flock, inform them of the present danger they face and end up rescuing them into my barn of safety free from the present dangers and ultimate devastation of the wind, snow and cold.

Upon hearing himself think these [above] thoughts, there flashed into the mans mind, the clear and simple meaning of the First Christmas.

My friend, the simple, yet clear meaning and significance of Christmas, is the celebration of Jesus Christ. He came as God, in human flesh to destroy sin, (eternal) death and the devil. He came to rescue us from our sins and eternal death (damnation) by His birth, [holy] life, suffering, death and resurrection. He came to deliver us from being children of Gods just and holy wrath [because of our sins] and call us into His family. [Ephesians 2:1-10] The Lord God could do that masterful divine work, no other way, than to communicate with us -- and He did so with flesh and blood. He did it by being born as you and me [yet, without sin]. He did it by living a sinless life, (of which we could not), and by suffering and dying [as God's perfect sacrifice for human sin] upon a cross. He completed his rescue and sealed its eternal finality by rising from the dead. It is my prayer that those of you who visit this site, would come to know the one and only Triune God, who manifested Himself in the Savior person of, Jesus Christ. The good Lord did not leave His creation without a clue. He provided for us the Holy Scriptures -- His Divine Revelation for that very purpose. [2 Timothy 3:14-17] May you utilize this website to help equip you to understand, that, which only the Lord of all, can reveal to you. Amen.
Related Scriptures [below] -- Intended to be utilized in a simple worship format: Also: For a couple of other (more formal) worship formats: The Order of Morning Service The Order of Matins Related Scriptures To the Above Message Scriptures:

Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures: Isaiah 9:6-7 -- The Savior, Christ, prophesied 700 hundred of years before his birth New Testament Christian Scriptures: Luke 2:1-20 -- The first Christmas -- Jesus Christ, the Savior, is born Matthew 7:13-29 -- Words of Jesus, the Christ John 3: 14-21 -- The Gospel Message Of Whom Does the Prophet Speak" -- by Victor Buksbazen --Isaiah 53:1-12 -an in-depth view of and the prophecy of Christ, hundred of years before his birth. Isaiah 53:1-12 underscores the truthfulness of Divine Revelation as exemplified in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. Please note: Topical Messages, by subject Pastor (emeritus) Nathan Bickel Please also note: The "Words in Season" topical messages and related worship format are not intended to discourage or replace the Christian worship and assembly of Christians at their particular places of church worship. As this website's author, it is my prayer and hope, that many souls will find the topical messages, related worship format and other material, a useful and valuable Christian resource. The Christian Faith: Parts 1-3 1 -- What is meant by Believing and / or, being, Saved? 2 -- How the saving (believing) process of the Christian Faith takes place 3 -- What are the tell-tale signs that a person has been Saved [is a Christian Note: The above sermon message (with minor editing) was previously posted online by Nathan Bickel

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