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[ one way of doing it is that you can tick the statements u relate with and chart out a course of action over them, accordingly.] for example, if uve ticked on the statement: I have a purpose behind learning what im learning you can ask yourself what is my purpose towards the learning and how am I going to proceed in this particular area. or u can mark yourself on a scale of one to ten and introspect as to how can get better. At the end of each principle, in bold is a question that the maestro used to ask himself. Spend some time in pondering over the same.

PRINCIPLE 1 CURIOSITA i.e A curious approach towards life and a quest towards continuous learning I keep a journal/have a system to record my insights and questions that I want to learn about. I take adequate time for contemplation and reflection[ It maybe at morning/at night/during the day whenever Im comfortable] I am always learning something new when I am faced with an important decision, I actively seek out different perspectives I am a voracious reader I learn from little children my friends would describe me as open minded and alert I would describe myself as open minded and alert I know a lot about other cultures and am alwaz learning more I know or am involved in learning a language other than my native one [ and preferably why?.does it serve any purpose?] I solicit feedback from my friends,relatives or people whom I feel can help me in this endeavor I basically love learning I have a purpose behind learning what im learning Qn Am I asking the right questions?

PRINCIPLE 2 DIMOSTRAZIONE ie a commitment to test knowledge through experience,persistence and a willingness to learn from mistakes I am willing to acknowledge my mistakes my friends would say the same as above I learn from my mistakes and rarely make the same mistake twice I question conventional wisdom and authority When a celebrity I admire endorses a product, im more likely to buy it I can articulate my most fundamental beliefs and the reasons I hold them I have changed a deeply held belief coz of practical experience I persevere in the face of obstacles I view adversity as an opportunity for growth I am sometimes susceptible to superstition In considering new ideas, my friends/near n dear ones and myself would consider me a> gullible and "new agey" or b> a closed minded cynic or c> an open minded skeptic


How can I improve my ability to learn from my mistakes and experiences? How can I develop my independence of thought? Have I developed a framework which will help me in doing the same?

PRINCIPLE 3 SENSAZIONE ie The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to enliven experience [THIS is further subdivided into 7 sections i.e vision, hearing , speaking,smell , taste , touch and synesthesia] VISION I am sensitive to color harmonies and clashes I know the color of all of all of my friends eyes I am good at describing a scene in detail I like doodling and drawing friends would describe me as alert I would describe myself as alert I am sensitive to subtle changes in lighting I can picture things clearly in my mind's eye HEARING Friends would describe me as a good listener I am sensitive to noise I can tell when someone is singing off key I listen to jazz/classical music regularly I can distinguish the melody from the bass line in a piece of music I know what all the controls on my stereo system are for I enjoy silence I am attuned to subtle changes in a speaker's voice tone,volume and inflection


I can modulate my voice I speak as per the situation/needs of the target audience[ when im questioned] I realize the difference in myself when I do modulate my voice, especially when im speaking really slowly I am a confident speaker I love speaking out what I want to convey, to the audience whom I want to address it to

SMELL I have a favorite scent smells affect my emotions strongly, for better or worse I can recognize friends by their scent I know how to use aromas to influence my mood I can reliably judge the quality of food or wine by its aroma when I see flowers, I usually take a few moments to breathe in their aroma TASTE I can taste the freshness of fresh foods I enjoy many different types of cuisine I seek out unusual taste experiences I am a good cook I eat consciously, aware of the taste of my food I chew my food well I avoid eating on the run I enjoy participating in taste tests and wine testings TOUCH I am aware of the" feel" of the surfaces that surround me daily, eg chairs, sofas, anything that I sit on I am sensitive to the quality of fabric that I wear I like to touch and b touched friends say I give gr8 hugs I know how to listen with my hands when I touch someone, I can sense if he/she is tense/relaxed. SYNESTHESIA I enjoy describing one sense in terms of another I intuitively understand which colors are "hot" and which are "cold" my response to art is visceral I am aware of the role of synesthesia in the thinking of gr8 artists and scientists


What is my plan for sharpening my senses as I age? ex: it could b taking a walk,bare foot on grass for an hr in a week for better eyesight, doing something similar for sharpening other sense

PRINCIPLE 4 SFUMATO ie A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox and uncertainty. I am comfortable with ambiguity I am attuned to the rhythms of my intuition I thrive with change I see the humor in life everyday I have a tendency to "jump to conclusions" I enjoy riddles,puzzles and puns I usually know when I am feeling anxious I spend sufficient time on my own I trust my gut I can comfortably hold contradictory ideas in my mind I delight in paradox and am sensitive to irony I appreciate the importance of conflict in inspiring creativity


How can I strengthen my ability to hold creative tension to embrace the major paradoxes of life ?

PRINCIPLE 5 ARTE/ SCIENZA i.e Developing the balance between science and art,logic and imagination."whole - brain thinking" I like details I am almost alwaz on time I am skilled at math I rely on logic I write clearly friends describe me as very articulate analysis is one of my strenghts I am organized and disciplined I like lists I read a book starting at page one and go thro' in order

I am highly imaginative I am good at brainstorming I sometimes say or do the unexpected I love to doodle In school, I was better at geometry than algebra

I read a book by skipping around I prefer to look at the bigger picture and leave the details to someone else I often lose track of time I rely on intuition Qn Am I balancing arte and scienza at home and at work?[ basically am I balancing the logical part and the creative part of me, both at home and at work?]

PRINCIPLE 6 CORPORALITA i.e The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness and poise. I am aerobically fit I am getting stronger my flexibility is improving I know when my body Is tense or relaxed I am knowledgeable about diet and nutrition friends would describe me as graceful I am becoming more ambidextrous I am aware of the ways in which my physical state affects my attitudes and vice versa I have a good understanding of practical anatomy I am well co- ordinated I love to move Qn How can I nurture the balance of body and mind?

PRINCIPLE 7 A recognition and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and thinking

I am ecologically aware I enjoy similies, analogies and metaphor I frequently make connections that other ppl dont see when I travel, I am struck more by people's similarities than their differences I seek a holistic approach to diet, health and healing I have a well developed sense of proportion I can articulate the systems dynamics - the patterns, connections and networks- in my family and workplace. My life goals and priorities are formulated clearly and integrated with my values and sense of purpose. I sometimes experience a sense of connectedness with all creation. Qn how do all the elements fit together? How does everything connect with everything else?

for best results,its worthwhile to do this exercise when youre most relaxed [ after having a steam bath/ a round in the jacuzzi] over a period of time, it would b worthwhile to formulate your own principle and chart out a course of action , accordingly.. for example, Synergizing could be a principle that u find important/exciting etc.. and u can formulate a self assessment map of statements such as.. How can I synergize better..with whom should I synergize etc..


Words myriad epiphany

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