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The RBG Melanins Paper

The Role of Melanin In Our Afrikan Re-Education / ReAfrikanization Process
Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D./ bna RBG Street Scholar

As Dr. Wilson explains very eloquently in Black Child Development Under White Supremacy , the cognitive, psychomotor , psychological and affective development of the Black (Afrikan) child is grounded in an overstanding of Afrikan peoples history and culture and the neurobiology of neuromelanin. For the past fifteen years "The Melanin Systems of Afrikan People" has been my primary area of research focus and the nexus of my current pedagogical approach. What follows are some opening volleys into my work. My thesis is that "Afrikan peoples cultural development, education and socialization (social sciences) are grounded in biological science/ biochemistry (i.e., a fostering of functional melaninization)." My academic approach is simultaneously historocultural, sociopolitical, psychoeducational and moro-spiritual.

The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


Part I-AFRIKAN HEAL THYSELF:The Role of Melanin In Our Afrikan Re-Education / ReAfrikanization Process


RBG Melanins Learning Series: Video Enhanced HTML Versions

1) RBG On The Role of Melanin In Our Afrikan Re-Education / ReAfrikanization Process 2) Black Child Development Under White Supremacy / Audio, Text and Video, The Honorable Dr. Amos Wilson 3) TOWARD UNDERSTANDING THE MELANIN, AFRI-ESSENCE, GOD-FORCE CONNECTION 4) MELANIN, NEGATIVE MUSIC AND THE DOPE GAME 5) AFRIKAN HEAL THYSELF:The Role of Melanin In Our Afrikan Re-Education / ReAfrikanization Process

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


LETS START WITH A QUICK REVIEW OF OUR MELANIN SCHOLARS FINDINGS: Melanin, a widely distributed pigment in the natural world, found in all humans, has a number of extraordinary properties that are best manifested in Afrikan people. Melanin is a superconductor that absorbs all frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum and converts sound energy and light energy to kinetic energy reversibly. In addition, melanin can function as a minicomputer to process information. It is involved in the regulation of all psychological and physiological processes of the human body. Afrikan people, having the highest and most functional form of melanin (eumelanin) have better muscular coordination (which makes us better athletes) and mentally superior. Today, it is well documented that humans evolved as blacks in Africa, and whites are mutants (albinos, or melanin recessives) (Welsing 1989; King 1991). Dr. Welsing (1989; 1991) uses the notion of whites as melanin recessives to explain white racism on a "scientific" basis. She professes that white men have to destroy black men in self defense because black men have the potential to destroy white men genetically. Dr. Welsing teaches us that a white child can only be produced by having a white mother and father. She goes on to explain that all other combinations can only produce black children, and that black men are considered dangerous because they are the greatest threat to white genetic annihilation. Thus, the conspiracy to destroy black males. The high rates of murder, of imprisonment, and of drug use, as well as the high rates of unemployment among black males, are evidence for the conspiracy Dr. Wade Nobles (1989) states that whites stopped evolving with the development of the central nervous system (CNS), but that blacks continued to evolve an essential melanic system (EMS). From this he develops an "equation": CNS + EMS = HB (human being) - that is, whites are not fully human. Dr. Richard King (1991), express the same idea in his term hue-man instead of "human," connoting that only people with color are truly human.

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.



A) Melanocytes Structure

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


B) Nerve Cell Structure

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.




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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


The first step of the biosynthetic pathway for both eumelanins and pheomelanins is catalysed by tyrosinase: Tyrosine DOPA dopaquinone Dopaquinone can combine with cysteine by two pathways to benzothiazines and pheomelanins Dopaquinone + cysteine 5-S-cysteinyldopa benzothiazine intermediate pheomelanin Dopaquinone + cysteine 2-S-cysteinyldopa benzothiazine intermediate pheomelanin Alternatively, dopaquinone can be converted to leucodopachrome and follow two more pathways to the eumelanins Dopaquinone leucodopachrome dopachrome 5,6dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid quinone eumelanin Dopaquinone leucodopachrome dopachrome 5,6dihydroxyindole quinone eumelanin
Source of biosynthesis cascade:

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If dopamine is depleted, such as in cocaine addiction, the body will attempt to replenish the dopamine by increasing its synthesis. That mean tyrosine will now be shunted away from melanin synthesis. So, in short, for those of us that have brain functions that are more dependent on neuromelanin (people of Afrikan descent), those areas will become compromised.


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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


"Melanin is a conductor and a stable free radical, holding positive charges, balanced by counter anions and exhibiting a small gap, 1.4 eV. Experimental data, molecular modeling studies and molecular quantum mechanics calculations agree describing DHI-melanin, the best known synthetic melanin , as a structure fundamentally constituted by repetitive units of 5-gem-diol-indol-6-one linked at 4,7 positions (VII). Electric and conformational properties explain different roles ofmelanins. As a UV filter and a radical scavenger black it has a protective function in epithelial tissue; in dopaminergic neurons ofsubstantia nigra, an area of the brain involved in fine motor control, it can act as a conductor allowing rapid electron passage which, generating a magnetic field, can sense the Earth's field and control movements. Melanin destroys, in Parkinsons disease it can participate to the symptoms and development of the neuro-degenerative process.Finally their may be considered a cell assembling factor ."

From: The

Pigment Cell and its Biogenesis

Also study this school's recommended text on the subject:

We have been lead to believe that melanin is simply a biochemical substance that gives our skin its hue (the skin pigment that gives us our darkness). Although this anatomical (structural) characteristic does in fact have life (cell) supporting physiologic (functional) significance, it is only one of the many life (cell) protecting, unifying and organizing
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features of the *Afrikan Melanin System. Melanins (misnomered melanin) comprise a system in people of Afrikan descent that yields structural-functional perfectness. Truly a blessing and God given gift, melanins render Afrikan people physically, mentally and spiritually flawless; having no defects, deficits or faults. Dermatomelanin (in the dermis of the skin), Iridomelanin (in the iris of the eye), Organomelanin (in the internal organs of the body), Retinomelanin (in the retina/nerve cell of vision), Neuromelanin (in the central nervous system/brain and spinal cord), Nucleomelanin (surrounding/protecting the biogenetic subcellular apparatus of human life [DNA and RNA], to name a few, gives the Afrikan descendent (hueman/woman) refined mind body and soul unification. Melanin in humans In humans, melanin is the primary determinant of human skin color and also found in hair, the pigmented tissue underlying the iris, the medulla and zona reticularis of the adrenal gland, the stria vascularis of the inner ear, and in pigment-bearing neurons within areas of the brain stem, such as the locus ceruleus and the substantia nigra.

Dermal melanin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the stratum basale of the epidermis. Although human beings generally possess a similar concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individuals and ethnic groups more frequently or less frequently express the melanin-producing genes, thereby conferring a greater or lesser concentration of skin melanin. Some individual animals and humans have very little or no melanin in their bodies, a condition known as albinism.

Because melanin is an aggregate of smaller component molecules, there are a number

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of different types of melanin with differing proportions and bonding patterns of these component molecules. Both pheomelanin and eumelanin are found in human skin and hair, but eumelanin is the most abundant melanin in humans, as well as the form most likely to be deficient in albinism.

Eumelanin polymers have long been thought to comprise numerous cross-linked 5,6dihydroxyindole (DHI) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) polymers; recent research into the electrical properties of eumelanin, however, has indicated that it may consist of more basic oligomers adhering to one another by some other mechanism. Thus, the precise nature of eumelanin's molecular structure is once again the object of study. Eumelanin is found in hair and skin, and colors hair grey, black, yellow, and brown. In humans, it is more abundant in peoples with dark skin. There are two different types of eumelanin, which are distinguished from each other by their pattern of polymer bonds. The two types are black eumelanin and brown eumelanin, with black melanin being darker than brown. Black eumelanin is in mostly nonEuropeans and aged Europeans, while brown eumelanin is in mostly young Europeans. A small amount of black eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes yellow (blond) color hair.

Pheomelanin is also found in hair and skin and is both in lighter skinned humans and darker skinned humans. In general women have more pheomelanin than men, and thus women's skin is generally redder than men's. Pheomelanin imparts a pink to red hue and, thus, is found in particularly large quantities in red hair. Pheomelanin is particularly concentrated in the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina. Pheomelanin also may become carcinogenic when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Chemically, pheomelanin differs from eumelanin in that its oligomer structure incorporates benzothiazine units which are produced instead of DHI and DHICA when the amino acid L-cysteine is present.

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


Neuromelanin is the dark pigment present in pigment bearing neurons of four deep brain nuclei: the substantia nigra (in Latin, literally "black substance") - Pars Compacta part, the locus ceruleus ("blue spot"), the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X), and the median raphe nucleus of the pons. Both the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus can be easily identified grossly at the time of autopsy due to their dark pigmentation. In humans, these nuclei are not pigmented at the time of birth, but develop pigmentation during maturation to adulthood. Although the functional nature of neuromelanin is unknown in the brain, it may be a byproduct of the synthesis of monoamine neurotransmitters for which the pigmented neurons are the only source. The loss of pigmented neurons from specific nuclei is seen in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. In Parkinson's disease there is massive loss of dopamine producing pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra. A common finding in advanced Alzheimer's disease is almost complete loss of the norepinephrine producing pigmented neurons of the locus coeruleus. Neuromelanin has been detected in primates and in carnivores such as cats and dogs. Source: The Melanin System mediates the advanced exactness of brain-mind

(neuropsychological) interactions, which are most fine-tuned in Afrikan people. None other than melanin is the biochemical that coordinates and conjuncts thought feelings, memory, creativity and imagination. It is the system that controls Afrikan peoples sophisticated perception; precisely guiding us into the true and otherwise hidden nature of things. It is our six-sense system enabling our ability to be intuitively award of all things around us. In addition to sensitizing our taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell; the Melanin System makes accurate our have a feeling about quality. What is most, the Melanin System is responsible for facilitating Afrikan peoples direct knowledge and awareness of the God Force; even without conscious reasoning and/or attention. This, as well as all of the aforementioned phenomena, is by no means purely metaphysical. Rather, it is a biophysiologically and scientifically grounded truth. Let us
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explain. When we reflect on the psychocultural and educational foundation of Western society, we appreciate that it exclusively develops and maintains the left hemisphere of the brain (the intellectual, logical, articulate, concrete brain). This is the brain that differentiates between things, separating wholes into parts, analyzing and enabling us to deal only with sequential phenomena. The left brain (the primary and predominate brain of the European group) is segmented, serial, linear, deductive, segregative and material/tangible grounded. On the other hand, the right hemisphere of the brain (the primary and predominate brain of our Afrikan ancestors) mediates spiritual, abstract, creative, artistic, artistic, athletic and rhythmic phenomena. This is the brain that motes similarities between things and relates them to each other and the wholethus unifying. Our right brain provides a mode of thinking that is synthetical, holistic, dynamic, congregative and metaphysically/spiritually grounded. Keeping this dictomy in mind, let us review three salient points: (1) the brain as a whole (both hemispheres included and structurally-functionally communicating) is a large mass of nerve tissue (nerve cells or neurons) enclosed in the cranium (skull) responsible for interpretation of sensory impulses, control of body coordination and the center of thought and emotion (2) the mind is the abstract element of the human being which controls perception, thought, feeling, memory, creativity and imaginationthe most advanced level of the functional mind yielding the creative power of GOD (THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT) (3) and finally, the spirit, is the vital essence of man, considered divine in origin; the part of the body characterized by personality, character, morals, ethics and selfconsciousness. Now, lets further understand Fact #2. The mind is an extracorporeal (of a non-material nature) entity most refinely expressed through the pineal body (a posterior located cerebral/ brain structure which is by in large calcified / afunctional in greater than seventy-five percent of persons of European descent by the time they reach adulthood). On the other hand, because Afrikan people have twelve specific structural locations in their brains, which are significantly melaninized (high in neuromenlanin concentration) a functional pineal gland is biophysiologically necessary.
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But Why? Well, when the pineal gland is stimulated it releases melatonin, which in turn results in increased neuromelanin production. This neuromelanin is the necessary neurochemical substance (mediator) required to maintain optimal functioning of Afrikan peoples twelve brain Melanin Centers. Clearly, in persons who dont have as much of a dependence upon neuromelanin for normal neuropsycological (brain-mind)

functioning, this mechanism is not as sophisticated (remember the vast majority of Europeans have a calcified/afunctional pineal gland). Henceforth, it is melanin,

(neuromelanin specially) that biochemically mediates the phenomena of the most refined mind (expressed through the pineal body). Because the most advanced level of functional mind yields the creative power of GOD, neuromelanin gives Afrikan people a neurobiologically based scientific connection with the God-Force (THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT) not possible in left brain dominate, amelaninized (without Eumelanin) cultures and people. Analysis, research and synthesis of concepts such as these have elevated the melanin system concept (notion) to the level of an operational scientifically base precept (fact). Reference Resources:

_____, 1990b. Lecture at the 1st Annual Melanin Conference, San Francisco, 1987; broadcast titled "African World View," WDTR 90.9 FM, September 25. Barnes, C. 1990. Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness. Houston, Tex.: C.B. Publishers. King, Richard. 1991. Lecture at the 5th Annual Melanin Conference, Los Angeles, April 19-21, 1991; broadcast titled "African World View," WDTR 90.9 FM, June 4. Montgomery, Bonachi. 1989. Broadcast titled "African World View," WDTR 90. 9 FM, April 18; quoting from Carol Barnes, Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness. Nobles, Wade. 1989. Lecture at the 1st Annual Melanin Conference, San Francisco, 1987; broadcast titled "African World View," WDTR 90.9 FM, June 27. Welsing, F. C. 1975. Blacks, hypertension, and the active skin melanocyte. Urban Health, 4(3):64-72. ______, 1989. Lecture at the ist Annual Melanin Conference, San Francisco, 1987; broadcast titled "African World View," WDTR 90.9 FM, September 5,12.
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PART I SUMMARY AND PART II (following) CAPSULE In review, we have been lead to believe that melanin is simply a biochemical substance that gives our skin its hue (the skin pigment that gives us our darkness). Although this anatomical (structural) characteristic does in fact have life (cell) supporting physiologic (functional) significance, it is only one of the many life (cell) protecting, unifying and organizing features of the *Afrikan Melanin System. Melanins (misnomered melanin) comprise a system in people of Afrikan descent that yields structural-functional perfectness. Truly a blessing and God given gift, melanins render Afrikan people physically, mentally and spiritually flawless; having no defects, deficits or faults. Dermatomelanin (in the dermis of the skin), Iridomelanin (in the iris of the eye), Organomelanin (in the internal organs of the body), Retinomelanin (in the retina/nerve cell of vision), Neuromelanin (in the central nervous system/brain and spinal cord), Nucleomelanin (surrounding/protecting the biogenetic subcellular apparatus of human life [DNA and RNA], to name a few, gives the Afrikan descendent (hueman/woman) refined mind body and soul unification. The Melanin System mediates the advanced exactness of brain-mind (neuropsychological) interactions, which are most fine-tuned in Afrikan people. None other than melanin is the biochemical that coordinates and conjuncts thought feelings, memory, creativity and imagination. It is the system that controls Afrikan peoples sophisticated perception; precisely guiding us into the true and otherwise hidden nature of things. It is our six-sense system enabling our ability to be intuitively award of all things around us. In addition to sensitizing our taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell; the Melanin System makes accurate our have a feeling about quality. What is most, the Melanin System is responsible for facilitating Afrikan
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peoples direct knowledge and awareness of the God Force; even without conscious reasoning and/or attention. This, as well as all of the aforementioned phenomena, is by no means purely metaphysical. Rather, it is a biophysiologically and scientifically grounded truth. Let us explain. When we reflect on the psychocultural and educational foundation of Western society, we appreciate that it exclusively develops and maintains the left hemisphere of the brain (the intellectual, logical, articulate, concrete brain). This is the brain that differentiates between things, separating wholes into parts, analyzing and enabling us to deal only with sequential phenomena. The left brain (the primary and predominate brain of the European group) is segmented, serial, linear, deductive, segregative and material/tangible grounded. On the other hand, the right hemisphere of the brain (the primary and predominate brain of our Afrikan ancestors) mediates spiritual, abstract, creative, artistic, artistic, athletic and rhythmic phenomena. This is the brain that motes similarities between things and relates them to each other and the wholethus unifying. Our right brain provides a mode of thinking that is synthetical, holistic, dynamic, congregative and metaphysically/spiritually grounded. Keeping this dichotomy in mind, let us review three salient points: (1) the brain as a whole (both hemispheres included and structurally-functionally communicating) is a large mass of nerve tissue (nerve cells or neurons) enclosed in the cranium (skull) responsible for interpretation of sensory impulses, control of body coordination and the center of thought and emotion (2) the mind is the abstract element of the human being which controls perception, thought, feeling, memory, creativity and imaginationthe most advanced level of the functional mind yielding the creative power of GOD (THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT) (3) and finally, the spirit, is the vital essence of man, considered divine in origin; the part of the body characterized by personality, character, morals, ethics and selfconsciousness. Now, lets further understand Fact #2. The mind is an extracorporeal (of a non-material nature) entity most refinely expressed through the pineal body (a posterior located cerebral/brain structure which is by the large calcified or functional in greater than seventy-five percent of persons of European descent by the time they
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reach adulthood). On the other hand, because Afrikan people have twelve specific structural locations in their brains, which are significantly melaninized (high in neuromenlanin concentration) a functional pineal gland is biophysiologically necessary. But Why? Well, when the pineal gland is stimulated it releases melatonin, which in turn results in increased neuromelanin production. This neuromelanin is the necessary neurochemical substance (mediator) required to maintain optimal functioning of Afrikan peoples twelve brain Melanin Centers. Clearly, in persons who dont have as much of a dependence upon neuromelanin for normal neuropsychological (brain-mind)

functioning, this mechanism is not as sophisticated (remember the vast majority of Europeans have a calcified/afunctional pineal gland). Henceforth, it is melanin, (neuromelanin specially) that biochemically mediates the phenomena of the most refined mind (expressed through the pineal body). Because the most advanced level of functional mind yields the creative power of GOD, neuromelanin gives Afrikan people a neurobiologically based scientific connection with the God-Force (THE UNIVERSAL SPIRIT) not possible in left brain dominate, amelaninized (without Eumelanin) cultures and people. Analysis, research and synthesis of concepts such as these have elevated the melanin system concept (notion) to the level of an operational scientifically base precept (fact) be cont.


All humans possess this Black internal brain evidence of their common Black-African Origin. The all Black neuromelanin nerve tract of the brain is profound proof that the human race is a Black race, with many variations of Black, form Black-Black to WhiteBlack, all internally rooted in a vast sea of Brain Blackness. AFRIKAN ORIGIN OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCIATRY
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Richard King, M.D. (1990) INTRODUCTION: THE HU-MAN WAS FIRST Today it is well known that the birthplace of humanity was around the East Afrikan Great Lake region, around the Omo Valley. Being located almost on the equator, in accordance with Gloger Law (warm-blooded animals in a hot humid climate are necessarily pigmented) the mothers and fathers of humanity; the maker, shapers, fashioners and molders of civilization, were our black (melanized) Afrikan ancestors. All of todays human forms: Afrikan, Asian, European, Latino and Oceanic are very recent offspring of their Afrikan (melanized) black parents. If it were not for melanin, just as if it were not for the hear or the lungs, human life as we know it would not exist. Let us explore how these black seeds of humanity come into form. BIOLOGICAL ORGIN OF MELANINS The wonder of human reproduction begins with the male sperm fertilizing the female egg, thus giving rise to an embryo (a developing human being). Following fertilization this newly formed Zygote rapidly divides and grows into three distinct cell layers known as primary germ layers (the endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm). The primary germ layers give rise to the various body parts that comprise the completely developed fetus. The ectoderm or outer germ layer is where melanin is produced. Specifically, this ectodermal tissue invaginates to form the spinal column, the end of which balloons out, becoming the brain. Melanocytes (cells that secrete melanin) and the skin among other structures are also produced by the ectodermal germ layer. In the core of the brain are fond twelve black nerve tissue masses (known as brain nuclei) or melanated centers. The twelfth of these centers: and therefore the highest, is the locus coeruleus (1). The (LC) is pivotal in our understanding of the Melanin, Afri-Essence, God-Force Connection, consequently, we will revisit this structure in more detail further on in our development.

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


THE FUNCTION OF MELANIN We have been lead to believe that melanin is simply the biochemical substance that gives our skin, hair and eyes there color. Although these structural characteristics do in fact have life support functional significance, they are only a few of many organizing, unifying and protecting features of the Melanin System. For instance, **melanins (misnomered in the singular, melanin) comprise a system in people of Afrikan descent that yields structural-functional perfectness. Truly a blessing and GOD given gift, melanin renders Afrikan people physically, mentally and spiritually flawless; having no defects, deficits or faults, Dermatomelanin (in the derms of the skin), Retinomelanin (in the retina/nerve cell of vision), Iridomelanin (in the iris of the eye), Organomelanin (in the internal organs of the body), Nucleomelain (surrounding protecting the biogenetic subcellular apparatus of human life [DNA and RNA] and Neuromelanin (in the central nervous system/brain and spinal cord) give Afrikan people refined mind, body and soul unification. Neuromelanin mediates the advanced exactness of brain-mind interactions. It coordinates and conjuncts thought, feelings, memory, creativity and imagination. It is the system that controls Afrikan peoples sophisticated perception, precisely guiding us into the true and otherwise hidden nature of things. Neuromelanin facilitates the transfer of chemicals through the nervous system thus speeding nerve impulses throughout the brain. Our awareness of the environment is made possible by the integrated function go nervous system tissue. Neuromelanin enhances both the excitability and conductivity to give us an optimal level of performance. This facilitation process has the effect of find tuning Afrikan peoples sense of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing. Moreover, neuromelanin makes accurate our having a feeling about quality. What is most, the Melanin System is responsible for facilitating Afrikan people direct knowledge and awareness of the God-Force. Let us explain.

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


AFRICAN CONCEPT OF GOD We must remember that Afrikan religion and philosophy consides the human being the center for the universe. This notion makes us ascribe human attributes to the GodForce as human; in fact both ancient and traditional Afrikan conceptions maintain that the God-Force is beyond human experience. Although the former and the latter views may at first glance appear contradictory, the foundation of ***Afrikan thought has as one of its central themes the idea that the world is ordered in accordance with the principle of how opposites co-exist and interact. That is to say, the science of Afrikan religion and philosophy informs us that there are two realms in our universeexistence and no-existence. The world is seen as being two in one. A duality of void and matter, spiritual and physical, invisible and visible and/or the unconscious and the conscious. The Universal Being (GOD) also referred to as the Universal force, Universal Energy and/or God-Force (for in Afrikan religion these concepts are one and the same) is not manifest in itself but through its opposite/complement, the physical. Dr. John S. Mbiti describes this duality in his classic work African Religion and Philosophy as the visible and invisible: The invisible world is symbolized or manifested by those visible and concrete phenomena and objects of nature. The invisible world presses hard upon the visible world. This is one of the most fundamental religious heritages of African peoplesthe physical and the spiritual are but two dimensions of one and the same universe.(1) RIGHT BRAIN AS AGAINST THE LEFT BRAIN The psycho-culture and educational foundation of Western society exclusively develops and maintains the left hemisphere of the brain (the intellectual, logical, articulate, concrete brain). This is the brain that differentiates between things, separating wholes into parts, analyzing and enabling us to deal with sequential phenomena. The left brain (the primary and predominate brain used by the European group) is segmented serial, linear, deductive and segregative and material/tangible grounded. On the side, the right
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hemisphere of the brain (the primary and predominate brain used by our Afrikan ancestors) mediates spiritual, abstract, creative, astatic, artistic, athletic and rhythmic phenomena. This is the brain that notes similarities between things and relates them to each other and the wholethus unifying. Our right brain provides a mode of thinking that is synthetical, holistic, dynamic, congregative and metaphysical/intangible grounded. Given this dictomy, we can appreciate that most present day Afrikans in America are literally out of their Afrikan (right brain) mind. (1) The brain as a whole (both hemispheres included and structurally-functionally communicating) is a large mass of nerve tissue (nerve cells) enclosed in the cranium (skull) responsible for interpretation of sensory impulses, control of body coordination and the center of thought and emotion. (2) the mind is the abstract element of the human being, which controls perception; thought, feeling, memory, creativity and imagination. The most advanced level of the functional mind (he/she who has obtained Divine Universal Consciousness) allows there to be a connection of the invisible order with the visible orderthe spiritual (transcendent) with the physical (immanent), the HU-MAN with the GOD-FORCE. (3) And finally, the spirit is the vital essence of man, considered divine in origin; the part of the human characterized by personality, character, morals, ethics and selfconsciousness. The intertwining and interconnectedness of mental thought (the mind) and Divine Universal Consciousness (the spirit) emerges due to the phenomenology of the Afrikan Melanin System. NEUROMELANIN, THE LOCUS COERULEUS AND THE PINEAL GLAND As mentioned earlier in this essay, neuromelnin (brain melanin) serves to facilitate the transfer of chemicals (neurotransmitters) through the nervous system, thus speeding nerve impulses in the brain. Dr. T. Owens Moore, a specialist in brain and behavior relationships, in his excellent book The Science of Melanin sums this point up as follows: Neuromelanin may affect neurons in their vicinity by storing energy and using it for future neural transmission. Depending on the brain region, the spread of stored
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energy in certain locations of the brain can enhance mental abilities that are associated with the particular brain region. What we are saying is that there are parallel relationships between the twelve-melinated nerve tissue masses in the brain and catecholamine neurotransmitters (chemical mediators of nerve impulse transmission like dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine). Neuromelanin enhances the function of these brain chemicals. One of the nerve masses (brain nuclei) is the locus coeruleus (LC). The (LC) secretes the neurotransmitter nonepinephrine and is black block in color because of its large melanin content. Dr. Richard King, in his classic book African Origin of Biological Psychiatry asserts that the locus coeruleus is the structural brain site responsible for linking the Afrikan mind to the spiritual worldthe (LC) is literally a brain doorway to the collective unconscious. Dr. King further teaches us that the twelve black pigmented brain sites make up the Ameta The black neuromelanin (Amenta) brain nerve tract, headed by the (LC) with multiple upper brain connections is a critical path followed by unconscious memory images as they move upward to become conscious.(3) The pineal gland, also known as the eye of Horus, is momentous to how the (LC) and neuromelanin link. Functionally the operation of the pineal gland is directed by sunlight (you will recall that ancient Afrikan mythology refers to the sun as GOD-RA and darkness. During darkness the pineal gland releases melatonin. Melatonin acts upon our unconscious (dream) systemfacilitated by neuromelaninto increase the movement of sensory images from the unconscious level to the level of consciousness. It has been well documented that the capacity for brain melanin functioning is greater in people of Afrikan descent. This is because there appears to be a strong relationship with pineal gland calcification and reduced release of melatonin. Adult Afrikans have a recorded pineal calcification incidence rate of 5-15%. Whereas, Europeans experience a pineal gland calcification incidence rate of 60% to 80% by adulthood. Dr. King explains this difference as follows: Perhaps with only of the melatonin key to unl0ck the locus coeruleus doorway to neuromelanin all Black Amenta (inner vision), many European-Afrikans with pineal calcification had access to only surface levels of the unconscious
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CONCLUSION: KEYS TO THE SPIRITUAL DOOR OF BLACKNESS At the outset we defined Afri-Essence as having an Afrikan basis or Afrikan cultural perspective. This author believes that the challenges that Afrikans in America will be confronted with in the 21st century (given the current repressive climate of America) make it mandatory that our personal and collective character be based on the rescue and restoration of a revolutionary Africentric spirituo-cultural paradigm and praxis. We must recapture a wisdom that is informed by cosmic inter-relationships; appraising the meaning of our existence and being motivated and guided by that meaning. Thus, our cultural development must above all else transform us spirituallyreconnect us with spiritual, holistic, syntheical metaphysical Afrikan (right brain) mind. Such a mindset will enable us to relate thoughts to feelings, thereby bringing fourth clairvoyant (insightful) understanding. This cognitive/affective sense is best transmitted through our having an ancestral (transcendent) adjainment. We can best tap into our ancestral collective unconscious memory (the spiritual door of blackness) by proper mediation and serious study. Dr. George G. M. James is his monumental work, Stolen Legacy, teaches us that the purpose of education in the Ancient Kemetic System was deification through salvation. Salvation being the elevation of ones self to a spiritual level.(5) It was at that paint that the individual connected and communicated with the God-Force. It was through the use of the Ten Virtues, Negative Confessions and Seven Liberal Arts that our ancestors were able to obtain Divine Universal Consciousness. Consequently, in order for us to come back to black (realizing that melanins are the enhancers and facilitators of Afrikan peoples connection to the spiritual world) we need only consider and begin daily use of Maatian Principles, The Nguzo Saba, Metu Neter, The Way and Prayer and Mediation. These are the keys to opening the spiritual door of Blackness, making complete the Melanin, Afri-Essence, God-Force Connection. Hotep
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*Afri (meaning Afrikan) and Essence (meaning basis), thus Afrikan basis or culture. Dr. Wade Nobles defines culture as a process which gives people general design for living and patterns for interpreting their reality Its aspects he says are ideology, ethos and worldview; its factors are ontology, cosmology and axiology; and its manifestations consists of behavior, values and attitudes. [From Wade Nobles, Africanity and the Black Family 1985, pg. 103} **All people (white, yellow, red, brown and black) produce and maintain some form of melanin. The European group (white/albinoids) has numerous effects, deficits and flows due to their lack of the genetic ability to produce Eumelanin. Their melanocytes, melanosomes and mast cells, etc., are biogenetically deficient in tyrosinae (catalyst concentrations) and tyrosinase reactivity (electrical charge). Consequently, Europeans produce a less sophisticated/less effective, lower molecular weight form of melanin called Phaeomelanin or Pseudomelanin (false melanin). {See Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness, Volume I, Carol Barnes, 1988} ***We cannot hope to do justice to this concept because it is beyond the scope of this essay. It would involve the introduction of a set of non-European assumptions about the nature of the universe, which even we Afrikan-minded black folk are not accustomed to viewing in a reflective manner. But for a more complete understanding {See Afrikan Religion and Philosophy, John S. Mbiti, 1970}.

*Afri (meaning Afrikan) and Essence (meaning basis), thus Afrikan basis or culture. Dr. Wade Nobles defines culture as a process which gives people general design for living and patterns for interpreting their reality Its aspects he says are ideology, ethos and worldview; its factors are ontology, cosmology and axiology; and its manifestations consists of behavior, values and attitudes. [From Wade Nobles, Africanity and the Black Family 1985, pg. 103}
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**All people (white, yellow, red, brown and black) produce and maintain some form of melanin. The European group (white/albinoids) has numerous effects, deficits and flows due to their lack of the genetic ability to produce Eumelanin. Their melanocytes, melanosomes and mast cells, etc., are biogenetically deficient in tyrosinae (catalyst concentrations) and tyrosinase reactivity (electrical charge). Consequently, Europeans produce a less sophisticated/less effective, lower molecular weight form of melanin called Phaeomelanin or Pseudomelanin (false melanin). {See Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness, Volume I, Carol Barnes, 1988} ***We cannot hope to do justice to this concept because it is beyond the scope of this essay. It would involve the introduction of a set of non-European assumptions about the nature of the universe, which even we Afrikan-minded black folk are not accustomed to viewing in a reflective manner. But for a more complete understanding {See Afrikan Religion and Philosophy, John S. Mbiti, 1970}.

RBG Street Scholars Think Tank


The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


In the artic where the indigenous people sometimes might hunt a wolf they'll take a double edge blade and they'll put blood on the blade and melt the ice and stick the handle in the ice so only the blade is protruding. And that a wolf who smells the blood and wants to eat will come and lick the blade trying to eat and what happens is when the wolf licks the blade he cuts his tongue and he bleeds and he thinks he's really having a good meal and he drinks, and he licks and licks and of course he's drinking his own blood and he kills himself. - Wolves (1st track on "Let's Get Free").

Linkto the HTML Video Enhanced Version for context video Stic: That's the Chairman Omali from INPDUM (International Peoples Democratic Uhuru Movement) speaking. It's about brothers having to hustle because they don't have any money or opportunities that we're aware of. The government pumps crack into the community to keep brothers down, such as the Black Panthers, etc. Brothers feel its a bright idea when they see they could get $50 from this little piece of glass rock product. When you're able to eat when yesterday you wasn't, thats a real self-esteem booster. That's a really hard thing to come down on people, but they feel like their actually doing something for themselves but the effect is like a wolf licking a blade, he's tasting the blood but he don't realize that its his own blood. He's so blood thirsty, so hungry to eat. It's not the wolfs fault, he got to eat just like everybody else, he's been tricked into thinking the blade is opportunity. Brothers are tricked into thinking that Crack-Cocaine is our opportunity and we're licking the blade and the blood we're tasting is us in prison, getting shot at parties and living in a military state.

RBG Street Scholars Think Tank


The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


Chairman says we need to blame the hunter, the CIA, government; the people who set us up in these conditions and robbed us from Africa and have been living off of us since we got here; the people who really benefit from the drug trade. The same crack-cocaine after a few years don't start to look better, it looks fucked up. So the money is going somewhere, could it be for more police officers? Weapons? And all the new sophisticated technology? That's what the intro to the album is represents. To look at things for what they really are and stop licking the blade and start using it.

RBG Street Scholars Think Tank


The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


In their ongoing effort to physically, mentally and spiritually destroy people of color, oppressors (scientists, chemists) create designer drugs that are specially structured to chemically bind with the melanin molecule and cause melanin to become toxic to Blacks! The molecules of these drugs resemble the Melanin molecule. The body is thus fooled and its balance is thrown off as it relies on contaminated melanin in order to function. Major culprits include heroin, cocaine/crack, ecstasy and yes, marijuana.

Blacks get addicted faster, stay addicted longer, and suffer the worse...from these drugs which are deliberately placed in Black communities. In his vital book, MELANIN: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness, essential reading for all Melanated People, Carol Barnes clearly documents this subject along with the wonders of Melanin. He shows how illegal drugs alter or change Melanins chemical structure and thus alter many life supporting functions. Toxic drugs and chemicals are destroying the heart of the Black community and causing many deaths. Barnes writes: MELANIN can become toxic to the BLACK HUMAN because it combines with harmful drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens, neuroleptic (tranquilizers), marijuana, agent orange...parquets, tetracyclines...
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Toxic drugs such as cocaine, LSD, and even marijuana are very similar to Melanin and the sub-units that make up the Melanin substance. Many health-conscious Blacks consider marijuana to be a safe healthy herb, not realizing that once this (or any herb) is cooked, it becomes a drug as far as your body is concerned! Even legal drugs (tetracyclines, neuroleptics, etc.) have a remarkable affinity for reacting with or binding to Melanin and may be toxic to all Melanin centers in the Black human. Other culprits which bind with Melanin and cause death for Blacks are aromatic and lipid compounds. Melanin shows extreme affinity for binding with aromatic and lipid compounds. Lipid means fat. Lipid or fat compounds (fatty acids) are animal and vegetable oil /fats used for frying and cooking. Examples are shortening and corn oil. Aromatic compounds contain benzene, a major component of gasoline. Herbicides (parquets, agent orange, etc.) bind irreversibly with Melanin and remain in the Black human throughout life causing many disorders. Hence Blacks especially, should buy organically grown food. Most Blacks test positive in the urine test for marijuana! People having high levels of Melanin or a high number of pigmented centers, such as the Black human, tend to show a positive test for the use of marijuana because the chemical species found in the urine which indicates someones use of marijuana is also found in the urine of Black humans. Melanin directly converts light for vertebrate metabolic use: Heuristic thoughts on birds, Icarus and dark human skin Medical Hypotheses, Volume 71, Issue 2, Pages 190-202 G. Goodman, D. Bercovich


A) Melanocytes Structure

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


B) Nerve Cell Structure

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.




RBG Street Scholars Think Tank


The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.



If dopamine is depleted, such as in cocaine addiction, the body will attempt to replenish the dopamine by increasing its synthesis. That mean tyrosine will now be shunted away from melanin synthesis. So, in short, for those of us that have brain functions that are more dependent on neuromelanin (people of Afrikan descent), those areas will become compromised.

RBG Street Scholars Think Tank


The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.




We have been lead to believe that melanin is simply a biochemical substance that gives our skin its hue (the skin pigment that gives us our darkness). Although this anatomical (structural) characteristic does in fact have life (cell) supporting physiologic (functional) significance, it is only one of the many life (cell) protecting, unifying and organizing features of the *Afrikan Melanin System. Melanins (misnomered melanin) comprise a system in people of Afrikan descent that yields structural-functional perfectness. Truly a blessing and God given gift, melanins render Afrikan people physically, mentally and spiritually flawless; having no defects, deficits or faults.

Dermatomelanin (in the dermis of the skin), Iridomelanin (in the iris of the eye), Organomelanin (in the internal organs of the body), Retinomelanin (in the retina/nerve cell of vision), Neuromelanin (in the central nervous system/brain and spinal cord), Nucleomelanin (surrounding/protecting the biogenetic subcellular apparatus of human life retina/nerve cell of vision),
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Nucleomelanin (surrounding/protecting the biogenetic subcellular apparatus of human life [DNA and RNA], to name a few, gives the Afrikan descendent (hueman/woman) refined mind body and soul unification. The Melanin System mediates the advanced exactness of brain-mind (neuropsychological) interactions, which are most fine-tuned in Afrikan people. None other than melanin is the biochemical that coordinates and conjuncts thought feelings, memory, creativity and imagination. It is the system that controls Afrikan peoples sophisticated perception; precisely guiding us into the true and otherwise hidden nature of things. It is our sixsense system enabling our ability to be intuitively award of all things around us. In addition to sensitizing our taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell; the Melanin System makes accurate our have a feeling about quality. What is most, the Melanin System is responsible for facilitating Afrikan peoples direct knowledge and awareness of the God Force; even without conscious reasoning and/or attention. This, as well as all of the aforementioned phenomena, is by no means purely metaphysical. Rather, it is a biophsiologically and scientifically grounded truth. Let us explain. When we reflect on the psychocultural and educational foundation of Western society, we appreciate that it exclusively develops and maintains the left hemisphere of the brain (the intellectual, logical, articulate, concrete brain). This is the brain that differentiates between things, separating wholes into parts, analyzing and enabling us to deal only with sequential phenomena. The left brain (the primary and predominate brain of the European group) is segmented, serial, linear, deductive, segregative and material/tangible grounded. On the other hand, the right hemisphere of the brain (the primary and predominate brain of our Afrikan ancestors) mediates spiritual, abstract, creative, artistic, artistic, athletic and rhythmic phenomena. This is the brain that motes similarities between things and relates them to each other and the wholethus unifying. Our right brain provides a mode of thinking that is synthetical, holistic, dynamic, congregative and metaphysically/spiritually grounded. European medicine and biological science dominates contemporary studies of biochemistry, physiology, neurobiology, endocrinology, psychology and psychiatry. These disciplines reveal themselves as yet another form of alien intrusion and cultural imposition on the Afrikan (melaninized) mothers and fathers of humanity and civilization. It is not strange, but true, that the essence of human blackness (melanin, melatonin, tyrosinase, stimulating hormone, melanocytes and the pineal gland) is today defined, studied and mystified according to the techniques, theories and methods of the Europeans group.

RBG Street Scholars Think Tank


The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


Therefore, it appears indispensable for us to demonstrate how their points of view are short sighted, untenable and outright scientifically racist. The scientific evidence of Melanin threatens the life of white supremacy. See: The Science And The Myth Of Melanin by T. Owens Moore

After considering Melanin to be a waste product of body-metabolism which served no useful function, Western science has now discovered that Black Melanin (neuromelanin) is the chemical key to life and the brain itself. All the studies, facts, and statistics about Melanin suggest that after four hundred years of attempting to interiorize the Black race, Western science is facing the sobering reality that, by its own self-defined standards, Black people are probably superior to whites in both intellectual potential and muscle coordination. 2 The central role that melanin plays in the body has been suppressed to maintain the mythological inferiority of blacks...and the defensive clinging to whiteness as some token of superiority. It also possesses the unique ability to absorb various energy sources and convert these absorbed energies in to re-usable energy, this includes mediums such as; Music vibration and sound waves, the sun rays, sun heat, light rays etc. Most whites have calcified pineal glands apparently thwarting their production of Melatonin. Why did Afrikans view the European as a child of God, but the Europeans viewed the Afrikan as a soulless savage? Because of melatonin, described as a mentally and morally stimulating hormone produced by the pineal
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According to scientific research, most whites are unable produce much of this hormone because their pineal glands are often calcified and non-functioning. The pineal calcification rates with Afrikans is 515%; Asians 15-25%; Europeans 60-80%! Dr. Richard Kings states When we talk about cultural differences, some black scholars have raised the question that the European approach, that of the logical, erect, rigid, anti-feeling posture, reflects a left brain orientation and reflects that they lack the chemical key [melatonin] to turn on their unconscious and therefore cannot get into feelings...

Carol Barnes writes Melanin is responsible for the existence of civilization, philosophy, religion, truth, justice, and righteousness. Individuals (whites) containing low levels of Melanin will behave in a barbaric manner. Melanin gives humans the ability to FEEL because it is the absorber of all frequencies of energy. Since whites have the least amount of Melanin, this is why they are perceived by People of Color as generally being rigid, unfeeling (heartless), cold, calculating, mental, and unspiritual. Their historical behavior towards nonwhites often confirms this. The superiority complex of white people is a mask for their deep-set
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inferiority complex which they project onto people of color. They have an inferiority complex about their lack of color in a world where everyone else (the majority) is colored. If Albinos really believed white skin was superior, then why is tanning so important in white culture despite its known health risks? (Thousands of whites die annually from skin cancer). In fact, Albinos are now making Melanin tanning ointments. The Wall Street Journal (8/26/88) reported that companies are developing Melanin-based products to help whites tan safely: a California company is developing a Melanin ointment that blocks the entire spectrum of burning ultraviolet rays; researchers in Arizona are testing an ointment that stimulates the skin to produce a natural melanin tan before you go out to the sunlight. The white man or white species is a genetically defective species. *All people (white, yellow, red, brown and black) produce and maintain some form of melanin. The European group (whites/albinoids) has numerous body defects, deficits and flaws due to their lack of the genetic ability to produce Eumelanin. Their melanocytes, melanosomes, and mast cells, etc., are biogenetically deficient in tyrosinase (catalyst concentrations) and tyrosinase reactivity (electrical charges) required toproduce Eumelanin in the various Melanin Centers throughout the body. Consequently, Europeans produce a less sophisticated/less effective, lower molecular weight form a melanin called Phaeomelanin or Pseudomelanin (false melanin). Thus, the cells, tissues, organs and systems which depend upon melanin to work most effectively are sub-optional in Europeans and they therefore suffer numerous disorders such as:

1) rapid aging 2) cancer 3) poor physical, mental and spiritual capabilities/capcities 4) low morals 5) white supremacist psychopathy, a (biogenetic) inferiority complex, etc. [See Melanin: The Chemical Key to Black Greatness, Volume I, by Carol Barnes, 1988].

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


Melanin absorb and hold on to toxic chemicals, such as drugs of abuse The above mentioned withstanding, to appreciate the hue-man organizing, unifying and protecting nature of melanin completely is to be clear on some salient historical and current facts about European cultural banditry and domination, political oppression, social degradation, socio-material exploitation, etc.; as they relate to the current functional amelanization of the vast majority of Afrikans throughout the world. Due to the nomadic, zenophobic and war mongrel nature and nurture of the European group against their least be known to them, color producing (melanized) foreparents; since first contact (some 3,0005,000 years ago) they (Europeans) have used everything from scriptures to science (from social theory to biology) to dehumanize, de-Afrikanize and inferioritize, rape, murder, maim and ahistority Afrikan people. When all is said and done, all of their death walks and rains of terror on Afrikan descended people were/are due to one major factor, namely, Afrikan descended people (as against Europeans) produce color (Eumenlanin). *The whole race stratificatin/classification was/is a European creation meant to establish, maintain, expand and refine white world supremacy (racism); RBG STREET SCHOLARS THINK TANK will use this terminology only as a means to an enddefining race as a group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality and geographical distribution. The ultimate end is for us to view all races of people as onediffering only because of migration and geographical/ecological circumstances/conditions.

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The RBG Melanins Paper/ Marc Imhotep Cray,M.D.


[See Prehistory/Race and History: Origin of Humanity and Racial Differentiation, Pg. 11-68, in Civilization or Barbarism, Chiekh Anta Diop, 1991}.

Marc Imhotep Cray, M.D./RBG Street Scholar June 2009

RBG Melanins Learning Series: Video Enhanced HTML Versions

1) RBG On The Role of Melanin In Our Afrikan Re-Education / ReAfrikanization Process 2) Black Child Development Under White Supremacy / Audio, Text and Video, The Honorable Dr. Amos Wilson 3) TOWARD UNDERSTANDING THE MELANIN, AFRI-ESSENCE, GOD-FORCE CONNECTION 4) MELANIN, NEGATIVE MUSIC AND THE DOPE GAME 5) AFRIKAN HEAL THYSELF:The Role of Melanin In Our Afrikan Re-Education / ReAfrikanization Process

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