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Skiing is one popular sports in the world. According to recent estimates, about one hundred million people ski regularly or occasionally. Sliding across the snow on skis is also one of the most ancient methods of transports known to man. In has been demonstrated that men were already traveling across the snow by means of primitive skis before the invention of the wheel. In the Asiatic region of Altai and in Scandinavia, for example, the remains of skis have been found which date back to 4,000 BC. Further evidence is supplied by ancient cave paintings whish depict people skiing, and a Norwegian saga which tells the story of an invasion of its territory 8,000 years ago by a tribe of skiers who came from the north. Nowadays, skiing, apart from being a sport, has become a big industry and a notable feature of leisure culture. Ski resort and all the activity that they generate are the main source of wealth in many mountain regions, which were previously remote and inaccessible. And far from its once elitist image, skiing is now enjoyed by an increasingly broader spectrum of society.

Ski adalah salah satu olahraga populer di dunia. Menurut perkiraan terakhir, sekitar seratus juta orang ski teratur atau kadangkadang. Meluncur di salju di ski juga merupakan salah satumetode yang paling kuno transport dikenal manusia. Dalam telah menunjukkan bahwa lakilakisudah melakukan perjalanan di atas salju dengan cara ski primitif sebelum penemuan roda. Di wilayah Asiatic Altai dan di Skandinavia, misalnya, sisa-sisa ski telah ditemukan yang tanggal kembali ke 4.000 SM. Bukti lebih lanjut diberikan oleh lukisan-lukisan gua kuno inginmenggambarkan orang bermain ski, dan saga Norwegia yang menceritakan kisah seoranginvasi wilayahnya 8.000 tahun lalu oleh suku pemain ski yang datang dari utara. Saat ini, ski, selain olahraga, telah menjadi industri besar dan fitur penting dari budayarekreasi. Resor ski dan semua aktivitas yang mereka hasilkan adalah sumber utamakekayaan di daerah pegunungan banyak, yang sebelumnya terpencil dan tidak dapat diakses.Dan jauh dari citra begitu elitis, ski sekarang dinikmati oleh spektrum yang lebih luas semakinmasyarakat


from reading text which I read can be concluded that ski is popular athletics is world. Ski done by in snowy area, ski have been found since too there is still of primitive people and become one of the transportation appliance. Quit of ski become athletics have come to compatible and big industry of not able easiness culture and this just for just plutocrat circle but now ski nowadays can enjoy by broader social society.

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