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Science Supplementary Material SMT359 Electromagnetism


Are you ready for SMT359?

1 Introduction 2 Suggested prior study 3 Key concepts in physics 4 Mathematical skills 5 Other skills 6 Suggested further reading and preparatory work 7 References 8 Answers to self-assessment questions Page 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6

If, after working through these notes, you are still unsure about whether SMT359 is the right course for you, we advise you to seek further help and advice either from a Regional Advisor or from a Science Sta Tutor at your Regional Centre.


If you are intending to study SMT359, you should make sure that you have the necessary background knowledge and skills to be able to enjoy the course fully and to give yourself the best possible chance of completing it successfully. Read through these notes carefully and work through the questions. This is a useful exercise for all prospective students of the course, even for those who have already studied other Open University science and mathematics courses and who have completed the recommended prior study courses for SMT359 (see Section 2 below). Working through these diagnostic notes will serve as a reminder of some of the knowledge and skills which you will be assumed to have, either from OU Level 2 science and mathematics courses or from other prior study. If you nd that you can answer nearly all the questions in these notes, within about three hours and with only occasional reference to prerequisite material, it is likely that you are well prepared to start SMT359. If you have diculties with some questions, or take much longer than three hours, this will indicate that you have gaps in your knowledge or that you need to improve your mathematical uency. Section 6 gives advice on specic remedial actions you can take. If you have substantial diculties with ve or more questions, you probably have a considerable amount of catching up to do, and should seriously assess whether SMT359 is the right course to attempt at this stage of your studies. Our experience is that students with insucient preparation nd Level 3 physics courses dicult, and often drop out.

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Suggested prior study

SMT359 is a Level 3 course which makes intellectual demands appropriate to the third year of a degree. The laws of electromagnetism, expressed in their most powerful and general form, involve the use of advanced mathematical techniques. Most of these techniques are introduced in the prerequisite mathematics course, MST209 Mathematical methods and models, (or its predecessor MST207 Mathematical methods, models and modelling). It is therefore strongly recommended that you have a good pass in MST209 (or MST207) and that you are familiar with the topics of complex numbers, vectors, vector calculus, partial dierentiation, dierential equations, multiple integrals and line integrals, all of which are taught or used in that course. SMT359 also assumes that you have previously studied physics, especially mechanics and electromagnetism, at an introductory level. A good pass in S207 The Physical World (or its predecessor S271 Discovering Physics) is therefore recommended.

Key concepts in physics

SMT359 presents electromagnetism as a coherent body of knowledge, developed from basic principles explained fully within the course. Nevertheless, previous study of electromagnetism at the level of S207 is extremely helpful. In particular, a basic understanding of electrostatics, electrostatic potentials, electric and magnetic elds, eld lines and equipotentials, the Lorentz force law, circuit analysis, electromagnetic induction and waves will provide a secure base for your studies. The course also assumes a basic knowledge of mechanics, including Newtons laws, uniform acceleration and circular motion, work and energy, the forcepotential energy relationship, the conservation laws of momentum and angular momentum, and properties of waves. The following self-assessment questions test your understanding of some basic concepts in mechanics and electromagnetism. The answers may be found in Section 8 of this booklet.

Q1 (Newtons second law; uniform acceleration) A constant force of magnitude 2 105 N acts on a particle of mass 5 106 kg. (a) Determine the magnitude of the acceleration of the particle. (b) If the particle is at rest at time t = 0, how far will it have moved by time t = 1 s? Q2 (momentum and kinetic energy) Determine (a) the magnitude of the momentum, and (b) the kinetic energy of a body of mass 3 mg moving at a speed of 5 cm s1 . Q3 (force and the gradient of potential energy) A body moves along the x-axis in a region where its potential energy function is given by V (x) = Cx2 , where C is a constant. Determine the force acting on the body when it is at x = 2 m, given that C = 5 J m2 . Q4 (centripetal acceleration, angular momentum, torque) A body of mass 102 kg moves at a constant speed of 2 m s1 along a circular path of radius 0.5 m. (a) What are the magnitude and direction of the acceleration? (b) Specify the force acting on the body. (c) What is the torque of the force about the centre of the circular path? (d) What is the magnitude momentum about the centre? 2 of the angular

Electromagnetism and waves

The elementary charge is e = 1.60 1019 C The electron mass is m = 9.11 1031 kg (4 0 ) = 8.99 109 N m2 C2 The speed of light is c = 3.00 108 m s1 The electronvolt is 1 eV = 1.60 1019 J Q5 (electric current and charge) What electric current is produced by a uniform beam of electrons moving from left to right if 1020 electrons pass a given point per second? Q6 (Lorentz force) An electron moves with a speed of 1.0 km s1 in a region where there is a uniform electric eld of magnitude 3.0 kV m1 and a uniform magnetic eld of magnitude 2.0 103 T. Determine (a) the magnitude of the electric force, (b) the magnitude of the magnetic force, given that the electron is travelling perpendicular to the magnetic eld direction. Q7 (the electronvolt) Determine the kinetic energy in joules, and also in electronvolts, of (a) an electron moving at a speed of 1000 km s1 , (b) a proton that has been accelerated from rest through an electric potential dierence of 5000 V.

Q8 (Coulomb force law and electrostatic potential energy) Determine (a) the magnitude of the electric force between two protons, and (b) their electrostatic potential energy, when they are separated by 1.0 1011 m.

Q9 (sinusoidal waves, wavelength, period, frequency) Consider the wave described by x = (0.2 m) cos(2.0z 3.0t), where x and z are measured in metres and t in seconds. For this wave write down: (a) the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, (c) the angular frequency, (d) the period (e) the speed and direction of travel.

Mathematical skills

Mathematics is a vital tool in physics it provides the language in which ideas are expressed and gives methods that allow exact conclusions to be reached. You will therefore need to be uent with algebraic manipulation, vectors, dierentiation and integration. In addition, electromagnetism makes use of some special mathematical techniques including vector calculus, multiple and line integrals and dierential equations. All these topics are covered in the prerequisite mathematics course MST209 Mathematical methods and models (or its predecessor MST207) or are developed as part of SMT359. The following questions test your understanding of some mathematical techniques that it is assumed you will be able to use at the outset of your studies of SMT359.

Q10 (geometric vectors; unit vectors; components and magnitude of a vector ) Given the vector r = 3i 2j + k, where i, j, k are Cartesian unit vectors, determine (a) (b) (c) the value of ry , the y-component of r, the magnitude |r| of vector r, a unit vector r parallel to r.

(c) (d)

z2. Express z in polar form.

Q15 (complex numbers, Eulers formula) Given y = eikx , where k and x are real, determine (a) (b) the real part of y, |y|2 .

Q11 (geometric vectors) Evaluate the expression, (r r )f (r)/|r r |3 , where f (r) = |r|2 and r = i + 2j and r = i j + 4k. Q12 (scaling and adding vectors; dot product; cross product) Given the vectors a = 3i k and b = i j, determine (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) a, a 2b, a . b, a b, b a.

Q16 (cylindrical coordinates) Give the cylindrical coordinates (r, , z) of the following points specied by Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z): (a) (b) (0, 1, 0) (1, 1, 1). A potential energy

Q17 (spherical coordinates) function is given by

1 V (x, y, z) = 2 (Ax2 + By 2 + Cz 2 ).

Express this function in spherical coordinates. For what values of B and C does the force depend only on the distance from the origin? Q18 (three-by-three determinants) Evaluate the determinant,

Algebra, complex coordinates

Q13 (trigonometry)



a x y

b 0 z

c x y

Given that sin 2x = 2 sin x cos x, cos 2x = cos2 x sin2 x and sin2 x + cos2 x = 1, show that (sin 2)2 + 4 sin4 = 2(1 cos 2). Q14 (complex numbers, modulus and polar form) Given z = 3 2i (where i = 1) write down: (a) (b) the imaginary part of z, the modulus |z| of z,

Q19 (summation symbol and factorial notation) Evaluate


j=1 4

j (n2 + 1)

(b) (c) 5!


Q20 (dierentiation of functions of a single variable: products, quotients and composite functions) Dierentiate the following (a) (b) (c) (d) Q21 y = x sin x, f (x) = (tan x)/x, u=e

Q24 a2 Q25

(integration by substitution) Given that dx 1 x = tan1 , determine + x2 a a (grad, div and curl )
2 0

4 dy . 1 + 9y 2

(a) If f = x2 + 2y + 3yz, evaluate grad f . (b) If A = x2 i + (2 + y)j + xyk, evaluate div A and curl A. Q26
y=0 y=2

, where i = 1 and is constant,

y = loge 1 + x2 . (properties of linear dierential equations)

(multiple integrals)
x=1 x=0


x y dx dy. integrals)

(a) Find the values of k for which cos kx and sin kx are solutions of the dierential equation d2 y + 4y = 0. dx2 (b) Write down an arbitrary linear combination of the solutions found in part (a). What property of the dierential equation guarantees that your linear combination is a solution? Q22 (partial dierentiation) If f (x, y) = cx/(x2 + y 2 ), where c is a constant, determine f /x, f /y and 2 f /xy. Q23 (integration) Evaluate
b a






integral I =

U0 r dV using spherical coordinates,

where U0 is a constant and B is a sphere of radius R centred on the origin. Q28 (vectors and line integrals) integral

Evaluate the line

E . dl, where E = E(r)e with e being a


C dr, where C is a r

unit vector in plane polar coordinates in the direction of increasing , and C is a circular contour of radius R centred at the origin and which is traversed in the direction of increasing .

5 Other skills
You should have the following skills: Study skills The ability to: organize time for study, and pace study appropriately; read eectively and identify relevant information from scientic texts and accounts; seek help when it is required. write coherently; give succinct and complete denitions; write a scientic account with appropriate diagrams and equations. recognize the physical principles and equations that apply in described situations; translate a problem described in words into a form suitable for mathematical analysis; recognize information supplied implicitly or explicitly; draw appropriate diagrams; check answers and interpret a mathematical solution in physical terms. use applications and simulation software; access information on the Web; communicate using email and conferencing software.

Writing skills The ability to:

Problem-solving and modelling skills The ability to:

ICT skills The ability to:

6 Suggested further reading and preparatory work

If the SAQ questions show that you need to learn more about certain topics or improve certain skills, the following sources are recommended.

Key concepts in physics

The Open University Level 2 course S207 The Physical World is published as a series of seven books by the Institute of Physics, and is strongly recommended. Four of the books in this course are especially relevant for SMT359. For introductory mechanics Describing motion by R. Lambourne and A. Durrant Predicting motion by R. Lambourne For introductory electromagnetism Static elds and potentials by J. Manners Dynamic elds and waves by A. Norton Many other physics textbooks describe the key physics concepts needed for SMT359. We recommend: Fundamentals of physics by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker Physics by H. Ohanian Physics for Scientists and Engineers by P. Tipler

Mathematical skills
The Open University Level 2 course MST209 is strongly recommended. The following Units are especially relevant for SMT359. Units 2 and 3 on Unit 4 on Unit 12 on Unit 24 on Unit 25 on dierential equations vectors partial dierentiation vector calculus, line integrals multiple integrals

If you need to refresh your knowledge of dierentiation and integration, MST121 Block C and MS221 Block C are recommended. Complex numbers are covered in Unit D1 of MS221. Two extensive mathematical texts at an appropriate level to prepare for SMT359 are Basic Mathematics for the Physical Sciences and Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, both by R. Lambourne and M. Tinker.

Other skills
Comprehensive guidance and advice on studying science courses may be found in The Sciences Good Study Guide. Basic skills are covered in Chapters 1, 2 and 6, and writing skills in Chapter 9. Specic skills needed for SMT359 are also addressed in the Revision and Consolidation chapters of S207. In particular, Chapter 6 of Predicting motion and Chapter 5 of Dynamic elds and waves develop problem-solving skills. Chapter 5 of Classical physics of matter also develops the skills needed to give concise and full denitions.

7 References
Describing motion, by R. Lambourne and A. Durrant, Institute of Physics Publishing 2000 (ISBN 0 7503 0715 3) Predicting motion, by R. Lambourne, Institute of Physics Publishing 2000 (ISBN 0 7503 0716 1) Classical physics of matter, by J. Bolton, Institute of Physics Publishing 2000 (ISBN 0 7503 0717X) Static elds and potentials. by J Manners, Institute of Physics Publishing 2000 (ISBN 0 7503 0718 8) Dynamic elds and waves, by A. Norton, Institute of Physics Publishing 2000 (ISBN 0 7503 0719 6) Fundamentals of physics, by D. Halliday, R. Resnick and J. Walker, John Wiley and Sons 2004 (ISBN 0 4714 65097) 5

Physics, by H. Ohanian, W. W. Norton & Company 2002 (ISBN 0 3939 4896 X) Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by P. Tipler, Worth Publishers 1998 (ISBN 1 5725 9673 2) Basic Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, by R Lambourne and M. Tinker, John Wiley and Sons 2000 (ISBN 0 4718 5207 4). Further Mathematics for the Physical Sciences, by M. Tinker and R. Lambourne, John Wiley and Sons 2000 (ISBN 0 4718 6723 3). The Sciences Good Study Guide, by A. Northedge. J. Thomas, A. Lane and A. Peasgood, Open University 1997 (ISBN 0 7492 3411 3)

8 Answers to self-assessment questions Mechanics

Q1(a) Since F = ma, then

Electromagnetism and waves

N / 5 10
2 6

a = 2 10 = 4 N kg (b)


= 4ms

Q5 Magnitude of electric current = number of particles per unit time magnitude of electric charge of particle = 1020 s1 1.60 1019 C = 1.60 101 C s1 = 16 A. Because the charge of an electron is e, the current ows from right to left. Q6 (a) Lorentz force F = qE + qv B. Magnitude of electric force is qE = 1.60 1019 C 3.0 103 V m1 = 4.8 1016 N. (b) Magnitude of magnetic force is qv B = qvB sin = qvB = 1.60 1019 C 1.0 103 m s1 2.0 103 T = 3.2 1019 N. Q7(a) =
1 Kinetic energy = 2 mv 2 2

1 Use s = ut + 2 at2 with u = 0. Then

s= Q2(a)

1 4 m s2 (1 s)2 = 2 m. 2 Momentum p = mv, so

p = m = 3 106 kg 5 102 m s1 = 1.5 107 kg m s1 . (b)

1 Kinetic energy = 2 mv 2

1 3 106 kg 5 102 m s1 2 = 3.75 109 J 4 109 J

to one signicant gure. Q3 Use Fx = dV /dx = 2Cx. At x = 2 m and with C = 5 J m2 , this is Fx = 2 5 J m2 2 m = 20 N. Note: in three dimensions, the corresponding formula is F = grad V = V = i V /x j V /y k V /z. Q4(a) The centripetal acceleration is of magnitude 2 v 2 /r = 2 m s1 /(0.5 m) = 8 m s2 . Its direction is towards the centre of the circular path. (b) F = ma. Therefore |F| = 102 kg 8 m s2 = 8 102 N. Its direction is towards the centre. (c) Torque is = r F, that is || = |r||F| sin , where is the angle between r and F. But r and F are antiparallel (i.e. = 180). Therefore = 0. (d) Angular momentum L = r p. Therefore |L| = |r||p| sin . For circular motion, r and p are perpendicular (i.e. = 90). Therefore |L| = |r||p| = mrv = 102 kg 0.5 m 2 m s1 = 102 kg m2 s

1 9.11 1031 kg 1.0 106 m s1 2 4.56 1019 J = 4.56 1019 J = 1.60 1019 J eV1 = 2.8 eV.


Kinetic energy acquired = potential energy lost = qV = 1.60 1019 C (5000 V) 8.00 1016 J = 8.00 1016 J = 1.60 1019 J eV1 = 5.0 103 eV.


Electrostatic or Coulomb force is 1 q1 q2 F = 4 0 r2 = 8.99 10 N m C = 2.3 106 N.

9 2 2

1.60 1019 C (1.0 1011 m)

2 2


Potential energy is V = 1 q1 q2 4 0 r 1.60 10 C 11 m 1.0 10


Algebra, complex coordinates




= 8.99 109 N m2 C2 = 2.3 1017 J. Q9(a) (b) (c) (d) Amplitude = 0.2 m.

Q13 The left-hand side of the required relationship can be written as follows: (sin 2)2 + 4 sin4 = (2 sin cos )2 + 4 sin4 = 4 sin2 cos2 + sin2 = 4 sin2 . Now cos 2x = cos2 x sin2 x = 1 2 sin2 x, so 4 sin2 = 4 1 cos 2 2 = 2(1 cos 2),

Wavelength = 2/2.0 m = 3.1 m. Angular frequency = 3.0 rad s1 . Period = 2/3.0 s = 2.1 s.

(e) Wave moves in +ve z-direction with speed 3.0/2.0 m s1 = 1.5 m s1 .

which is equal to the right-hand side of the required relationship. Q14(a) Im z = 2. (b) |z| = (z z)1/2 = ((3 + 2i)(3 2i))1/2 = (9 + 6i 6i + 4)1/2 = 13. (c) z 2 = (3 2i)2 = 9 12i 4 = 5 12i. (d) Using the form rei , r = |z| = 13, and = tan1 (Im z/ Re z) = tan1 (2/3) = 34.

Q10(a) (b) (c) ry = 2. |r|2 = 32 + (2)2 + 12 . Therefore |r| = 141/2 . r = 141/2 r.

Q11 f (r) = |r|2 = 1 + 22 = 5. r r = 3j 4k. Therefore |r r | = and (r r )f (r) (3j 4k)5 = |r r |3 125 = 0.12j 0.16k . Q12(a) a = 3i + k. (b) a 2b = (3i k) 2(i j) = i + 2j k. (c) a . b = ax bx + ay by + az bz = 3 1 + 0 (1) + (1) 0 = 3. (d) a b = (ay bz az by ) i + (az bx ax bz ) j + (ax by ay bx ) k = (0 0 (1) (1))i + ((1) 1 3 0)j + (3 (1) 0 1)k = i j 3k. (e) b a = (a b) = i + j + 3k. 32 + 42 =5

Q15(a) y = cos kx + i sin kx. Therefore Re y = cos kx. (b) |y|2 = y y = eikx eikx = 1. x2 + y 2 , = cos1 (x/r) for y 0, Q16 Use r = and z = z. (a)

(0, 1, 0) (1, /2, 0). (b) (1, 1, 1) ( 2, /4, 1).

Q17 Using x = r sin cos , y = r sin sin and z = r cos , then V (r, , ) 1 = 2 (Ar2 sin2 cos2 + Br2 sin2 sin2 + Cr2 cos2 ) = 1 r2 (A sin2 cos2 + B sin2 sin2 + C cos2 ). 2 The force depends on r only when C = B = A giving V (r) = Ar2 /2. (Note: Strictly speaking V (r, , ) and V (x, y, z) are dierent functions and so dierent symbols should be used. However, you will nd this abuse of notation in many physics texts, including SMT359.) Q18 The determinant is given by = xza 2xyb + xzc. Q19(a) (b) (c) 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. det = a(0 + xz) b(xy + xy) + c(xz 0)

(12 + 1) + (22 + 1) + (32 + 1) + (42 + 1) = 34. 5! = 5 4 3 2 1 = 120.

Q20(a) (b) (c) (d) dy/dx = 1 sin x + x cos x. f (x) = x sec2 x tan x /x2 . du/dt = ieit = iu. dy/dx = 2x/ 1 + x2 .

Q25 (a) grad f = = (b) div A = = = Ay Az Ax + + x y z 2x + 1 + 0 2x + 1. f f f i+ j+ k x y z 2xi + (2 + 3z)j + 3yk.

Q21(a) For y = cos kx, dy/dx = (k) sin kx, d2 y/dx2 = k 2 cos kx. Substituting into the equation gives k 2 = 4. Therefore k = 2. Similarly for sin kx, we nd k = 2. (b) The solutions in part (a) are y = cos 2x and y = sin 2x. An arbitrary linear combination of this is y = cos 2x + sin 2x, where and are arbitrary constants. The fact that the equation is linear guarantees that this is a solution. Q22 The required partial derivatives are c 2cx2 f = 2 2 . 2 x x +y (x + y 2 )2 f 2cxy = 2 . y (x + y 2 )2 f f = xy yx 2cy 8cx2 y = 2 + 2 . (x + y 2 )2 (x + y 2 )3 Q23
b a 2 2

curl A =

= = Q26
y=2 y=0

Ay Ax Az Az i+ y z z x Ay Ax + k x y (x 0)i + (0 y)j + (0 0)k xi yj.

x=1 x=0

x2 y dx dy =

y=2 y=0 2 0

y x3 /3

1 0


= Q27

y=2 y=0

(y/3) dy = y 2 /6

= 2/3.

C/r dr = C loge r

b a

= C loge (b/a).

U0 r2 dV =
r=R r=0 = =0 R 0 =2 =0 0

Q24 Make the substitutions a = 1, x2 = 9y 2 , and dx = 3 dy. Then

2 0


r2 r2 sin d d dr sin d
2 0 2 0

4 dy 4 = 1 + 9y 2 3 =

6 0

dx a2 + x2
x=6 x=0

= U0 = 4 tan1 6. 3 = U0

r4 dr
R 0

d R5 2 2 5

1 x 4 tan1 3 a a

r5 5


= U0

R5 . = 4U0 5 Q28 For a circular contour, of radius R, dl = R d, i.e. dl = R de , and is integrated from 0 to 2. Then E . dl = E(R)R d and
2 0

E(R)R d = 2E(R)R.

Printed in the United Kingdom by The Open University

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