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HIGHLIGHTS: I. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF 25TH DECEMBER: THE 25TH OF DECEMBER EVERY YEAR SIGNIFIES THE BIRTH OF THE GOSPEL, GOOD NEWS OF THE WORD OF GOD. GOD IS NOTHING ELSE BUT THE WORD OF GOD. CHRIST IS NOTHING ELSE BUT THE WORD OF GOD. Have you submitted yourself to the Word of God? Are you ready to practice it? 2.All other things are mere vanity. THE ONLY REWARDING THING IS THE WORD OF GOD. ALL GOOD THINGS ARE DERIVED FROM THE, WORD OF GOD. SO, IF YOU HAVE THE WORD OF GOD, YOU HAVE GOT EVERYTHING. WHOEVER IS NOT ENRICHED WITH THE WORD OF GOD IS A PAUPER. BUT WHOEVER HAS THE WORD OF GOD IN HIM IS THE RICHEST AND WISEST. 3. It is strange for us to set aside a month or season or day to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. CHRIST IS THE ETERNAL ONE WHO IS AND WHO WAS, AND IS AND WILL BE FOREVER. He is worthy and we should use every day, every month, and every year in praising His name. With time, His children will be enabled to do this. When you tell them that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is here, they will tell you that you are demented. THEY FORGET THAT YOU SEE ME. "Yet a little while and the world will not see me, but ye see me, because I live ye shall live also." Have you not seen that His children are seeing him today? 4. WHO TOLD YOU THAT? WHO TOLD YOU THAT WHOEVER SPEAKS EVIL OF THE SON OF MAN SHALL BE FORGIVEN? WHO IS THE SON OF MAN, AND WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? ONLY A FOOL WILL BE DECEIVED. It is the same statement made after each Gospel: he who has ears, let him hear. Who is he that has no ears? It is only a means of explaining the WORD OF GOD. 5. That is why I tell you not to believe in any person; believe in Christ and in

Christ alone, tell Christ all your desires and problems because He is here. THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE, AND I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT BEFORE. MY BOAST IS IN HIM AND I GLORY IN HIM. 6. . We are automatically made the Children of God when we practice God's injunctions. What
He said to Nicodemus is exactly what we are hearing today. As many as rejoice in Him, He gives them Power to overcome sins. For instance, if you were a thief, a gossiper, a member of a secret or esoteric society, as soon as you listen to the gospel, and you put God's injunction into practice, that marks the end of your problems. At anytime you listen to the Word of God, and you refrain from sins and ask God for forgiveness, you become a new person entirely. 7. CHRIST IS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM. You are shouting on Olumba Olumba Obu to save you. But there is someone here in your midst. Have you seen Him? I have told him to come out so that you may see him but he refuses. It was said that he will be seen in the moon, and was he not seen in the moon? I ASKED JESUS TO APPEAR IN THE MOON FOR PEOPLE TO SEE HIM AND HE BROUGHT OUT OLUMBA. CAN THE WORLD SAY ANYTHING AGAIN? IT WAS SAID THAT

ALL EYES SHALL SEE HIM, DID ALL EYES NOT SEE HIM? HE APPEARED IN THE MOON FOR THREE DAYS AND HE WAS SEEN EVERYWHERE. 8. *** Moses came, Elijah came, John the Baptist came, Jesus Christ came, Peter

9. This is the era of Christ until the year 1999, and that is why when you preach another name, people pick up their machetes against you. But since this one is greater than them, because THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE JOINTLY THERE IS NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER. FROM THE YEAR 2000 AD ONWARD, IT IS THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND NO OTHER PERSON WILL BE HEARD OF. THE FATHER THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL ASSUME COMPLETE DOMINION. 10. GOD IS EVERYWHERE: PEOPLE SAY WHEN YOU WANT TO PRAY, THAT YOU HAVE TO GO INSIDE YOUR ROOM AND PRAY. IF YOU GO INSIDE ONE OF YOUR ROOMS TO PRAY, WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER ROOMS IN YOUR HOUSE? WHAT ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTS THAT SURROUND YOUR HOUSE, WHO OCCUPIES THERE? IS IT NOT THIS VERY OMNIPRESENT GOD? Many people pray and say, "Until Jesus comes back again," and I am asking," WHERE DID OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST GO?" IF HE IS NOT OMNIPRESENT, NOBODY WOULD SURVIVE THIS WICKED WORLD. 11.Most of you have been calling God as God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob, but who is the God of these personalities? HE IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Some say that Christ is in heaven. How can someone with so large a multitude of people whom he died for, leave them to go and stay in Heaven? All the benevolence, good health, and all the abundance we enjoy daily come from whom? This is the time that every person must realize that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Ruler of heaven and earth. He existed before the foundation of the world and He is the Supplier of every good thing of life. He is dwelling within you, walking along with you on the road, lying down with you in bed, driving in the car along with you, any moment in time, He is there with you, wherever you are. 12. Hence if you seek Christ, He will ask you to look for Him in the Moon, but when you arrive there, you will be disappointed. You will not see Him. WHEN I MENTION SPIRIT, I DO NOT REFER TO VISIONS AND DREAMS: If you live a righteous life, and you refrain from all vices, you are in spirit and that is when you will see Him. He is the holy and righteous Son of God, and so anything defiled cannot go near Him. If you want to see our Lord Jesus Christ in your house, office, family, church, farm, room, you must abide by His doctrine of "LOVE ONE ANOTHER." 13. . ONLY BELIEVE IN HIM; FOR HE IS THE LIVING GOD. Whether you have practiced the word of God or not just have confidence in Him, that He is the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that He is the Living God who will never taste of death. Therefore, your own duty is to praise and glorify His name. Whatever your request was, call on Him and test and see whether He will not answer

you. If it is His intention, He can come out of the sky as people are looking for Him in the sky. He can appear on earth at the same time. He can come out of the depths of the water or He can appear in any form. He is the God who when He sends you on an errand, goes before and behind you. 14 .Christ abides in love, truth peace, humility, tolerance, meekness, self-control, temperance, and endurance. Christ is the embodiment of all godly virtues. DO NOT TELL ANYBODY TO GO TO THE MOON, LAGOS, IBADAN, IN ORDER TO SEE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. HE IS OMNIPRESENT. OUR LORD JESUS PER SE WAS NOT HANGED ON THE CROSS. What you saw on the cross was in essence sins. He was not killed. Heavenly things are used to illustrate earthly things. What is called flesh is all the vices in this world. That is why you are told not to look for Him in the flesh; for if you were a fornicator, a liar, a thief, a native doctor, a smoker, an alcoholic, or if you indulge in any kind of sin, then you are in the flesh, and you can never see Him. 15. Brethren, look around the whole world, has the Spirit not come? WHO ELSE CAN GIVE YOU THE HOLY SPIRIT EXCEPT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST? AT THE MOMENT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPRESENT. DO YOU WAIT FOR THE DAY THE HOLY SPIRIT PERSONIFIES AND HE WILL TELL YOU I AM BEFORE YOU, OR HE WILL TELL YOU TO ABSTAIN FROM SIN AND PRACTICE RIGHTEOUSNESS. 16. Now that you are knee-deep in sins, Christ hides from you, and your star disappears. Be not called a king or a chief, FOR CHRIST IS THE ONLY KING AND CHIEF. WE DO NOT HAVE TWO KINGS, ONE IN HEAVEN AND THE OTHER ONE ON EARTH. WHAT IS GREATER THAN ALL THE CREATIONS OF GOD IS FOUND IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE, AND THAT IS THE REASON HE IS THE ONLY KING AND LORD OF THE UNIVERSE. 17. THOSE OF YOU WHO LOOK INTO THE SKY, DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS COMING OUT OF THE SKY? DO YOU KNOW THE NATURE HE IS COMING BACK IN, OUT OF THE SKY? REMEMBER SODOM AND GOMORRAH, AND WHAT HAPPENED THERE, AND REMEMBER WHAT I AM TELLING YOU NOW THAT IT IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN. KNOW THAT GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE. He had been showing you many signs and typical of them is the fire that caught the market places like Uyo, Aba, Lagos, even here at Calabar, and very many other places. 19. IT IS SAID THAT GOD HAS NO SON, WHAT ABOUT ALL OF YOU, ARE YOU NOT THE CHILDREN OF GOD? EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD IS A CHILD OF GOD, AND THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD WHO IS DWELLING IN ALL OF YOU. Brethren do you realize the blindness that you are suffering from? Your body and your entire self is God. Have you not seen the likeness of Christ in you, the likeness of God? It is said that your own heart is the tabernacle of God, and that God dwells inside you. That is why you are advised not to defile the temple of God that is within you. Do you believe that whatever you do to man, you are doing it to God? HAVE YOU NOT KNOWN THAT ALL THE HUMAN RACE HAS ONE GOD AS THE FATHER. IT IS TO THIS EFFECT THAT CHRIST ADVISED US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER EVEN AS HE HAS LOVED US. HENCE WE ARE ALL BRETHREN. 20. O.O.O. IS THE SECRET NAME OF GOD:

First Bible Lesson: Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Second Bible Lesson: James 4: 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Golden Text: John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Beloved, the three Bible texts above reveal the exact assignment before us. You have been advised to let. your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Upon all the wars waged in many parts of the world, have you ever come across a portion in the scripture advising man to fight his fellow man? Is it written that you should fight your neighbors, pursue them or excommunicate members of your church? Rather, it is written, let your light so shine for people to see and give glory to your heavenly Father. This refers to your good manners; for God desires nothing else from man apart from that. It is quite clear that you are aware of the fact that God is an embodiment of virtues, such as love, peace, kindness, humility, among others. But you get to a place where people quarrel and fight and kill others in the name of worshiping God, yet you remain with them in the belief that, you are also worshiping God. All over the world there are wars, rumors of war, quarreling, stealing, killing, fornication and every abominable act. Now the question is, can God dwell in such places? You should have realized by now that it is your behavior that encourages people to come to God, and also your behavior can discourage people from coming to God. It is not a matter of prolonged preaching or dressing flamboyantly, but your ability to put into practice what is preached. This is what attracts converts to God. With that, people would be convinced that you are really worshiping God, and then would join you in worshiping the same God. The doctrines and behaviors upheld by both the Muslims and the so-called Christians are not in conformity with what is expected of the children of God. These doctrines and behavioral patterns are not found in the Bible. They claim to know much, and that they are God's people, but they are ignorant of God and His ways. All that was written must be fulfilled. None can be converted to God by mere preaching without accompanying what you have preached with practice. It is for this reason that, the kingdom does not admit a thief, an adulterer, a quarrelsome person, a fornicator, a polygamist, and all workers of iniquity. You should humble yourself, be honest and upright so that those who see you would be convinced that you are worshiping God, instead of preaching to people to follow you so as to direct them to where God is. Let Christ be seen in your attitude. Do not tell people that you know Christ or that you are a man of God. Rather, it is your behavior that would inform them of your faith. By your sterling qualities people would easily say, This is a man of God. This is the reason why it is said that you can deceive people on matters concerning the world but you cannot deceive everyone about God. Do not mind the fact that the whole world is filled with various

church denominations. There is only one church, one love, humility, mercy and patience. I keep on preaching on these things to you right from Ist January to 31st December every year yet you remain just as you came. There is no sign of change in you. The whole world was in darkness but right now it is time for you to let your light shine so that all may see and trace the source of the light. The scripture has informed you that you cannot light a torch and cover it with a bushel. It must be placed on a lamp stand so that every eye would see it.(Matthew 5:15). If you claim that your Father, or brother has driven you away from home because of your faith in Brotherhood, it is a lie. Take for instance, no matter how dark a place may be, once you get in with a little beam of light the whole place would be brightened and darkness will disappear. You keep on saying, that you are facing many temptations and people hate you. I want to tell you that there is nothing that can challenge light. In your family, there is no love, in your village, there is no love and in your local government, there exist no love. Therefore, it is your duty as a man of God to inject love into the place so that all may be convinced that you are a man of God. If you happen to meet two people fighting, if you take side in the fight, is that the light expected of you as a man of God? If you come across a thief and in an attempt to stop him, he shares the booties with you and for that reason you allow him to go ahead with the stealing, would you claim to be a man of God? Let the First Lesson be read once again. First Bible Lesson: Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. YOU ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Before the advent of Christ, the whole world was in darkness, none knew about righteousness, truth, nor about God Himself. It was Christ who brought truth into the world. To worship God has nothing to do with donating money or building a house for God. It is simply refraining from all sinful acts. You must avoid fornication, quarreling, fighting, imputing sins on others, and displaying your arrogance. This is what can make the difference between you as a godly man, and a worldly person. Whether you are a governor, a royal highness, a minister or whatever exalted position you occupy in the world, all these are old things. What is needed from you now is humility, mercy, love, temperance and all virtues. A man of God is built on a solid foundation of virtues and righteousness, not on vices. If you practice the word of God, this would prove to people that truly, you are a child of God. If you were a king or chief who used to dress majestically and feel proud of your position, pouring libation and engaging in all forms of diabolical practice, and you were not interested in pleasing God, but after listening to the word of God you decided to forsake all these things, it means you have made your light to shine for the world to see. YOUR MARK AS A CHILD OF GOD: There is no other sign or mark for a godly man than exhibiting acts of righteousness. If you fail to practice the word of God you are in darkness. You are told to forsake eating

of fish, meat, fornication, telling of lies and other vices, but you still continue in all these things, what then is your own sign as a child of God? Every morning, you pick your bible and go to church, and there you are told not to tell lies, not to fight or quarrel, not to fornicate, among other vices. But right there, within the church premises you start indulging in the very things you are warned against. Do you think you are deceiving God? It is a thing of great pity before God that man continues to engage in evil practices. It is for this reason that the Holy Spirit persistently imparts His recondite teachings to the whole world. Read the Second Lesson once again. Second Bible Lesson: James 4: 7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. BEAR THE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: Have you taken particular note of what is read in that portion? You should therefore, submit yourself to God. If you do this and refrain from telling lies, fornicating, anger and other vices then know that your light is shinning for the world to see. If all of us who are before God were to come, purely for the purpose of hearing and putting the word of God into practice, by now the whole world would have seen the glory of God. If you come across someone who refers to Brotherhood as an organization of Beelzebub or vampire and so you as a member go wild and challenge him through physical combat. Why? The question is, what is the difference between the two of you? Such a situation could be compared to a man who removes his clothes to take his bath, and suddenly a demented fellow comes to pick them and runs away. Then in an apparent fit of anger the man runs out naked after the mad man to get back his clothes. Under such situation, the onlookers would hardly distinguish the insane from the normal person. If someone calls you ghost, witchcraft or whatever evil name, you should realize that it is all the work of darkness coming to you, and it is your duty to allow your light to overshadow him. It is that same group of people, who had previously cursed you, who will also now confess about the light in you; and they will say, Truly, you are a man of God. You keep on lamenting that your brother or your friend does not accept Brotherhood. What does that mean? If you who accept Brotherhood, and put the injunctions of God into practice, all will be well. If a single man decides to marry, and he marries as many as two, ten or twenty wives, does he conform to the teachings of the Holy Spirit? Such practice is old fashioned. Now the new thing is to practice the word of God. It is expedient that you practice the word of God so that through you, the light of God can be injected into others; and by so doing, the glory of God will be revealed. Sin cannot take away sin. Quarreling can never provide you with joy. Beating up someone can never change that fellow. But if we submit ourselves to God by listening to the gospel, and putting same into practice, it means that our light has illuminated the world. That is why I keep on pleading with you to submit yourself to God, because the moment you submit yourself to God, many will come in here to receive their salvation. The whole world will be at peace, and there would be great joy; and many will openly confess the presence of God on earth.

All the inhabitants of the world keep on shouting and lamenting because, they are on fire and they need salvation. But you compound their problems by returning fire to them when you react to their abuses. If we decide to submit ourselves to God, and put all His injunctions into practice, evil practices shall cease in the world, and peace will reign supreme. You have been advised not to resist an evildoer. You have also been advised not to take vengeance, no matter what happens. Indeed if somebody slaps you on your left cheek, turn your right cheek for him to slap Our Lord Jesus Christ instructs us that, we should not take any legal action against our adversaries. It is generally believed that the 25th of December is the date of birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. What preparation do you make towards it? If we submit to God and practice His injunctions, by being merciful, loving, kind and humble, we would derive profound joy and peace. Today is a day of joy and the gospel of this day is that of joy. All that we are doing are things of joy and so we have to rejoice over everything we do in the kingdom. We are the sons and daughters of God. Christ should not be regarded as the Son of Mary, neither should He be considered your own son. Our role as partakers of His mercy is to rejoice at His birth, and live a rewarding life. Therefore, we should show appreciation just like the three wise men did. By so doing, we are rejoicing in Him.


THE 25TH OF DECEMBER EVERY YEAR SIGNIFIES THE BIRTH OF THE GOSPEL, GOOD NEWS OF THE WORD OF GOD. GOD IS NOTHING ELSE BUT THE WORD OF GOD. CHRIST IS NOTHING ELSE BUT THE WORD OF GOD. Have you submitted yourself to the Word of God? Are you ready to practice it? You have been told not to make noise, or cause commotion, not to tell lies and not to get angry. If you keep to all these, you will be surprised that you will be living a life free from problems. What has made the entire members of your family to repent, and follow after God? It is because they have seen a complete and different style of life in you. You now walk bare footed, avoid drinking, smoking, eating of animal flesh, adultery and avoiding all the evils you used to indulge in. Therefore, by seeing the great light in you, they are overwhelmed by the powerful dazzling light in you. And for that reason they get attracted to you, and they will want to join you. You should therefore submit yourself to the gospel, resist the devil and he will flee from you. I have been advising you repeatedly to avoid drinks, fornication, stealing and the lust for the things, of this World. If you put these teachings into practice, you will have tremendous peace, and God's glory will be evident in your family. In short, your problems are gone. Has God ever advised you to go and steal, kill, fornicate or disobey? The, word of God teaches you love, obedience, humility, patience, and it also teaches you to disregard the things of this world. The wedding ceremony which you have been hearing about in the Bible is nothing but the Gospel, and it is the only source of our joy. Our life and peace of mind are also derived from the Gospel of Christ. The question is, Have you submitted yourself to the Word of God? Read the Golden Text once again. Golden Text: John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.

When you say to yourself, "Satan is disturbing me, I am very sick, I am very poor." Have you shown any appreciation to the Father? Have you rejoiced with Him? If all of us were to rejoice in Him, particularly those of us in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, the whole place would be filled to capacity. Do we drink wine here? Do we dance, do we eat meat or fish here, do we distribute money to people here? Our preoccupation is to preach the gospel. Is this not the food at the wedding feast spoken of in the scripture? Have you rejoiced with the Father, have you submitted yourself to the gospel? You have been persistently advised to avoid all sinful acts and to cling to righteousness. Once you keep to His divine injunctions, your problems are taken away. We are automatically made the Children of God when we practice God's injunctions. What He said to Nicodemus is exactly what we are hearing today. As many as rejoice in Him, He gives them Power to overcome sins. For instance, if you were a thief, a gossiper, a member of a secret or esoteric society, as soon as you listen to the gospel, and you put God's injunction into practice, that marks the end of your problems. At anytime you listen to the Word of God, and you refrain from sins and ask God for forgiveness, you become a new person entirely. THE MOMENT OF DECISION For you to be worthy of Him, it is imperative that you forsake all manner of sin. Except you refrain from sin you cannot have a share in this kingdom. You have spent enough time roaming the streets with problems. You have toiled and toiled, yet you are always experiencing hard times. You have groped in the dark for many years and you have been enslaved to sin. Therefore, this is the time for you to come out of darkness. Take a decision today and get your salvation for your souls. Unless you forsake sins and follow Christ sheepishly, you cannot get salvation. Turn a new leaf and live a worthy life. This is the kingdom of God in which righteousness is permitted. You have money, reputation, wife, husband, children, parents and indeed all the material things. You do not have peace. Peace can only be obtained here in the kingdom of God. For you to qualify for this kingdom so as to get a lasting peace, you must refrain from sin. Like that young lawyer in the bible, you claim to adhere strictly to all the injunctions of God, and as such you feel you are worthy of the kingdom. This is quite wrong. Like Christ told the lawyer, You have to sell all that you have and give the proceeds to the poor. Except you give out all you have to the poor you cannot have everlasting life. You are seeking for life, wealth, power, good health and all such things from where you cannot find them. In reality, you need not hang your life on these material things at all. All you need in your life is the word of God. It is life, peace, good health and indeed everything you can think of. All other things are mere vanity. THE ONLY REWARDING THING IS THE WORD OF GOD. ALL GOOD THINGS ARE DERIVED FROM THE, WORD OF GOD. SO, IF YOU HAVE THE WORD OF GOD, YOU HAVE GOT EVERYTHING. WHOEVER IS NOT ENRICHED WITH THE WORD OF GOD IS A PAUPER. BUT WHOEVER HAS THE WORD OF GOD IN HIM IS THE RICHEST AND WISEST. A stroke of cane is sufficient for the wise. Let he who has ears, hear. May -God bless His Holy words - Amen THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. An Everlasting Gospel delivered by God Almighty (THE VOICE OF GOD)


First Bible Lesson: John 14:19 "Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also." Second Bible Lesson: Matthew 28:19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen" Golden Text: John 1:26-27 "John answered them, saying, I baptize with water: but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to unloose." Brethren, it is the same old story. The story of man. If you look around, you will realize that the story is always the same in the ears. He said "Yet a little while, and the world will not see me again; but you see me. Because I live, you will live also. The Second Lesson tells us, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." When did Our Lord Jesus Christ make that statement? He said, "I am with you always even unto the end of the world." Has the world an end? If the world has no end, why do you say Our Lord Jesus Christ is not here? Where did He go? When the word of God falls on the ground it breaks mighty rocks, and it will rise up and accomplish His will. He is the Truth, and His words are fire. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded: and Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. He is not saying that He will be with you, BUT HE SAYS I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, AND SO HE IS WITH YOU ALWAYS. JESUS CHRIST IS STILL ON EARTH: What do you infer, when you say until Jesus comes again? Others say that He has not come. Where did He go to? Where is He? Our First Bible Lesson says: "Yet a little while the world seeth me no more; but ye see me, because I live, ye shall live also." And you have heard the Golden Text. John said, "I baptize you with water but there stands one among you, whom ye know not, He was before me, and I am not worthy to loosen his shoes latchet." Is history not repeating itself? There is someone now in your midst whom you do not know. He said that he was

before him; and he is not worthy to loose His shoe latches. That is the problem. Now that you are here, how many of you know Him? Do you know Him? Do you consider it a simple thing? It is not an easy thing for one to know God. It is not up to five people who knew Him. It is always the case that one or two persons only get to know Him. You have heard that the people went to John asking, "Who are you, are you the Christ?" At that time was the Son of man not on earth? Who sent John? Who sent the rest? Who did all the work at that time? But they came and asked who he was. "Are you the Christ?" They asked John. And John told them, "I baptize with water; but there standeth one among you, whom you do not know. He was before me, and I am not worthy to unloose his shoes latchet." Ponder over this. Is it not the same history? DO NOT ABANDON CHRIST'S TEACHINGS: He says, "Yet a little while and the world will not see me, but ye see me, because I live, ye shall live also." Today, have you not seen him; but does the world know Him? He has instructed us to teach them all things and He also said, "Lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." When you are admonished to shun drinking and also to abstain from other vices you, you will proclaim such a preacher an outcast and ask the gospel be rescinded. You will even attribute the preachers not drinking to his obvious poverty. Just visit any church and you will be amazed at the level of the preaching of the churches. These churches have distanced themselves from the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They are indeed very far away from his teachings. He said that you should teach them to observe all things. It is strange for us to set aside a month or season or day to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. CHRIST IS THE ETERNAL ONE WHO IS AND WHO WAS, AND IS AND WILL BE FOREVER. He is worthy and we should use every day, every month, and every year in praising His name. With time, His children will be enabled to do this. When you tell them that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is here, they will tell you that you are demented. THEY FORGET THAT YOU SEE ME. "Yet a little while and the world will not see me, but ye see me, because I live ye shall live also." Have you not seen that His children are seeing him today? Seeing Our Lord Jesus Christ is not a simple thing; it is for those who were predestined to see him. And those are His children. That has been the condition right from the beginning; it is not for every person to see the Lord, even though all the people are His creations. In those days of yore, it was only John the Baptist, to whom the Son of God was revealed, and John was able to identify Him as, "The

Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world." It is not something you have to quarrel with your brother about, neither is it necessary for you to be annoyed with yourself. It does not call for prayers. But it is a matter of fortune, if you are spotlighted as one of those whom he has created, sealed and kept for His glory. ONLY THE PURE IN HEART KNOWS HIM You have heard that there are those who are virgins and they do not marry nor give in marriage; and no guile is found in their mouths. They are born with that spirit and you will see them. These are they, to whom the privilege of seeing him has been given before the foundation of the world was laid. They are those who will walk with him. Our Lord Jesus Christ says you should follow after peace with all men, and holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord. The reason you are taught to forsake fornication, drinking, and every bit of sin is to enhance your ability to see him in our midst, even though the world does not know him. It is kept for men to die once, and after that the judgment? Because Christ died once and He will reappear, this time He will have no business with any sinner. But He is coming for those who are eagerly waiting for him. There is no point going to tell people to come and see Jesus Christ because He has arrived. Where did He go in the first place? When you invite the person, will he see Christ? Will He know Christ? Will he have any business with Christ? All the people you find filling up the Churches in America are drunkards, drug addicts, secret society members. They have desecrated themselves and everywhere is stinking with the stench of their sins. How will they see the Lord? All those in the United Kingdom have defiled themselves and they have polluted the land; how can they see Christ? You go to France, Russia, you find the same condition. Everywhere is defiled but they all keep on shouting, "Jesus, Jesus!" Where did Christ go to? Was he lost? He is here and He owns the heaven, the earth and everything. The main problem is that Christ has laid down the condition that a fornicator will not see him, a thief will not see him; a liar will not see him; no sinner will see Him except those who purify themselves. STOP ABUSING CHRIST The world jokes with this name and they dupe with this name. They use this name to kill and to steal and today the name is made a laughing stock throughout the world. On Christmas Day, people dress up as masked men in masquerade costumes to make merry in the name of 'Jesus.' One person will be drinking while another person is fornicating, and so they say that Christmas is very pleasant. Go and tell the world that: ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST DO NOT DRINK; AND THAT THEY SHOULD NOT DRINK ANY WINE OR OTHER FORMS OF ALCOHOL ON CHRISTMAS DAY. If you

dare tell this injunction, the world will not take it kindly with you. They will ask you what the essence of Christmas is. Labor not on that day and refrain from fornication and all other vices, and keep yourself pure. A man of God, when his wife gives birth to a new born child, invites brethren to make merry with him. This is done in all circumstance. Why must the man of God indulge in what fetish masked men do and why should a man of God join their masquerade costume parade on Christmas Day? You may think you are glorifying God but you are dead wrong, you are not. What kind of glory is that? Many people quarrel during this Christmas period. A wife will quarrel with her husband because he has not given her Christ Christmas gifts in the form of clothes and shoes; the husband will go and steal and kill so that he may be able to keep up with these expenses. Who taught you these things? You put on earring, necklaces, nose-rings, waist rings, costly clothes- all these things are not required. Christ only requires of you, righteousness, the fear of God and peace. Christ teaches us not to bear malice against one another, not to tell lies, again He tells us not to be angry, neither should we exalt ourselves. We should not hate anybody, rather we should love one another... And we should observe all that he has commanded us and teach same to others. Food, money, or clothing do not commend you to God. If you do not eat food or wear clothes, it does no make you evil in the sigh of God. He wants us to have reverence for Him. That reverence for God should be deeply inlaid in our hearts. Christ wants us to have love and he also wants us to be patient and humble. Here is the Headquarter of the Brotherhood world, but apart from the Christ's Students and the Christ's Servants who else do you see here? What we are doing is like Choir practice which is being held in readiness for the future; but who do you find here? Even though it is well known that we are in Christ's Week, Celebrating the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, people have refused to come. LEARN TO HONOR HIM IN TRUTH: From the 19th to the 25th of December every year, we set aside this period to celebrate the Christ's Week. And those who have seen Christ come here and rejoice with Him. We celebrate it every day from January to December; this Week is set aside above the others so that we may glorify Christ. The time is coming and now is when we shall see Christ and His glory. The moment we have the 144,000 the rest of the duty will be to change man and then shall we see his glory. You will not need any person to tell you again. Every person will see His glory and Christ will be celebrated everywhere. It is not implied that people of the world will not trade and farm, that is their business, and just as it is said, the dogs are outside the gates of the city; but the

children of God are in the house and they are within the gates of the city, serving God day and night. The world continues to say that Christ has not come, but we are serving Christ day and night. That is why Christ says: "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give the kingdom unto you. It is a privilege for you and for me." History has repeated itself.

THE CHRIST'S STUDENTS ARE PACESETTERS: You remember the parable that the kingdom of God is like a treasure which is buried in a piece of land; and when someone discovers that land, out of joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys the land. This is fulfilled in the Christ's Students today. Before they were regarded as demented persons. Someone has got a job, she has married a husband, or has done this and that. But today he goes about saying that he is a Christ's student. What is the difference? They could not see any difference because we all bowed together. What is the situation today? Can you still bow with them? They are as free as the air today. They have no problem while you are lamenting over food, money, and every material thing. Between the two of you, who is a sensible person? The Christ's Students are the wisest people today. I would like them from today to give their personal testimonies. There is one of them whose brother asked him to come home to attend school. He replied that even if he were given an airplane to take him to school every day, in addition to being paid a million dollars every day, he will not go. The world thinks the Christ's Students are mentally deranged. The foolish ones among them have been enticed out of the fold and today they are now regretting. Today, university graduates with Masters and Doctorate degrees are putting in their applications and they are all now asking what it cost to admitted into the Christ's Students fold. All that I am telling you is that just you wait and see. You see that The Christ's Students were mad; just go and wait with your sane mind and you will see something for yourself. The Christ's Students started the choir and the different styles of dance. People pointed to them and said they were mad, people called them refugees, in fact there is no derogatory name that they were not called. But since they saw this glory, they have no problems. You watch them when they will dance and you know that they are on another plane. In your own case when you dance you will remember that there is no food in the house, but the Christ Students have only one way traffic. Remember the parable about a man who had two sons and he sent out his firstborn son on an errand, but the firstborn refused to go on the errand. The Second born son said that he would

go but he did not go. In the end it was the firstborn Son who went on the errand. This parable has happened again. The ordained ones were elected and their feet washed and they were anointed to enter into the vineyard, but they refused. In the end the Students were called and sent on the same assignment; and today, all the ordained ones have resigned from their places of work, some have even forsaken their wives in order that they may do this work. But they used to say that the Christ students were mad. It appears that they are also mad like the Students. The songs which the Students used to sing and which they were being despised for, today all the Choristers are imitating them by singing the same songs. They even imitate the Students dances and the students now stand by to watch them do the same dance that people used to despise. I am telling you not to fold your hands and watch them. Do not be out done because you started this game. Do not forfeit your treasure. You will be surprised that the Christ Students do not participate in singing competitions; they are like the Indians, who are banned from playing football, pools, or lotteries, because they will win and win it all. The Christ's Students were exempted from singing competitions. They are the pure natural choristers and they will surely win in every singing competition. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 14:19 "Yet a little while, the world sees me no more; but ye see me; because I live ye shall live also." That is exactly the situation in the world, every person was invited to come and serve God but no one wanted to; but right now everybody wants to imitate Brotherhood. You are what you are because you have seen Him; and whoever sees Him, shall be like Him. You should not disturb any person because blindness is a disease. IF CHRIST DOES NOT REVEAL HIMSELF TO YOU, YOU CANNOT KNOW DO ANYTHING. YOU CANNOT EVEN PRAY. YOU WILL SAY THAT CHRIST DOES NOT EXIST. THE WORLD WILL EMBRACE BROTHERHOOD The whole world will do what we are doing when the invitation is extended to them; you only have to gird up your loins so that they may not outdo you. This message of joy has not reached may people in the world. He said, "Because I live, you shall live also." If this message of joy were to reach the world, would they continue to say until Jesus comes back again? CHRIST IS ETERNAL LIFE; HE IS THE BEGINNING AND THE END; HIS LIFE HAS NO BEGINNING NOR AND END. LIFE IS NOT GIVEN TO CHRIST BY MEASURE. CHRIST HAS NO PAINS. ALL HIS GLORY AND EVERYTHING HE POSSESSES ARE FOR ETERNITY. That is why you find us serving Christ around the clock. And so those who say that until Christ comes back again have

not received this good news. If you tell them that there is one in their midst whom they do not know, it will come as a surprise unto them. When the Virgin Mary was told that the Holy Spirit shall over shadow her and that which shall be born of her shall be called Holy; where do you think that Christ was at that time when this pronouncement was made? HE WAS STILL IN SPIRIT. He was in heaven and yet he was still here on earth walking. When Christ was born, or after Christ was born where do you think He was? He was still in Heaven. Now He is here on earth. That was why when they asked Him to tell them of Heavenly things, he told them, "If I have told you of earthly things and you do not believe, how them shall ye believe when I tell you heavenly things? No man hath ascended unto heaven; but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven." And so when he was walking on earth, he was not on earth, he was still in heaven. And so Christ is the one who descends and ascends." OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS UNIQUE: He is the one who came down from Heaven. He is the one who ascends to Heaven and he is the one who is in Heaven. Unto this day Christ is the one who ascends and descends; which other person does this? But when you say, "Until Jesus comes back again," I used to wonder and I ask, "Where did He go? Even now He is in heaven, He is in your heart, He is inside water, and He is everywhere. He can enter into the womb of a woman to be born as a baby. He can do this to many women at a wonder rate. He says: "abide in me, and I in you, for without me, ye can do nothing. He can appear as twelve men with the same face and He will be in front of them; He is the same person. Again you may see a large crowd of Choristers coming on a very long procession. He is the same person and they are all one person. Later on one man will come out gorgeously dressed and he will be driving in a big car. You will receive him and give him a befitting seat. That is the Man. Another person will come in walking naked and you will push him out as a mad man, who is that? It the same Lord. Another person will appear as a very beautiful lady and you will ask to be excused from the rules of fornication, just once; you cannot resist her beauty. Who is she? It is the same Lord. You may see another woman who is very ugly, she may have sores all over her body, she will come to you and call you brother, and you may drive her away. That is the Lord. You will see another person with his bible and you will acclaim him as a good brotherhood. It is the Lord. You will also see another person dressed in his suit, you will tell him to stand aside with his pipe, it is the Lord. Brethren, you can now see why you are told that if there comes unto your assembly a man with a gold

ring, dresses well, and there comes also a poor man in vile raiment; and you have respect for him that dresses well, and say to the poor, stand thou there, or sit thou here in a good place, and say to the poor you stand thou there or sit thou here under my footstool. Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? Who is the one dressed in good apparel and who is the one dressed in vile raiment? It is the same Lord. Brethren, that is what has eluded you: you are told to watch in the morning, afternoon, and night; because He will come at a time when you least expected. Right now we look for the rich and we do not want Judas Iscariot. Who gave Judas the duty of a treasurer? Was it not the Lord? He was Judas himself. When the disciples reported to him that Judas was misappropriating the funds, did He say anything? If you are a king ruling over a big nation, and one city asks that you should send the police force to them, the other demands for customs officers, and other demand for the army, others seek for business men and others ask for a bank. When you succeed in satisfying the demands of each constituents of your kingdom, who has done all these for the various constituents of the kingdom? It is you, the king. You are the one who has done all these. It is not the people making the demands but it the king who supplies all their needs, who has done all these things. THE INFINITE WISDOM OF GOD What is the origin of the world? Since God created Adam and Eve, when was it said the world was no more? It is said that, "The world without an end," and again, "Till the end of the world." How can you reconcile these two statements? Do you know how we came about that statement? God created everything in pairs: male and female. Wherever there is male there must be female. I am going to show you how these statements are applicable and in which way they have confused the world. Firstly, it is said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Is it true that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle? Can a camel ever pass through the eye of a needle? It is the word of God. It is a story that prolongs a conversation. You will illustrate a small issue with stories to make it long. If you tell someone not to tell lies, this appears to be very short. And so, you have to tell him how a certain man told lies and what happened to him. That is why we speak in this way. It is food for thought for the person (the hearer). He has to sit down and wonder how a camel can pass through the eyes of needle, and that is an absolute impossibility. This only means that a rich man cannot enter into the kingdom of God. But if you had said this in plain and simple language, it would not be interesting, and so you have to bring in some other thing to prolong the story.

It is what the whites refer to as Diplomacy. If you ask a woman to marry, and she lashes out that she is not going to marry you, trouble has started because the man will think that she has disgraced him. He can do anything to her. In order to curtail and retaliatory action from the man, even though she knows she has already made up her mind not marry the man, she will ask him come tomorrow for the answer, if he shows up the next day she will continue her diplomacy by demanding that the man comes again tomorrow, come next week, she will keep postponing the time indefinitely. When the man is tired, he will stop bothering her. HUMAN BEINGS THRIVE ON DIPLOMACY It is also what is done by the governments and various employment agencies. When you put in your application for a job they will reply and advise you to keep writing to them because they are hoping to have vacancies in the position you are applying for in the future. With joy, you will show this letter to your friends, and you will be telling them that you have been promised a job. You will write to them again and again, only to receive the same reply. When you are fed up, you will begin to look for a job elsewhere. But remember that they have not denied you any job. That is the nature of the diplomacy you employ to avoid trouble for yourself. It is the same statement that whoever speaks evil against the Son of man shall be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven. WHO TOLD YOU THAT? WHO TOLD YOU THAT WHOEVER SPEAKS EVIL OF THE SON OF MAN SHALL BE FORGIVEN? WHO IS THE SON OF MAN, AND WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? ONLY A FOOL WILL BE DECEIVED. It is the same statement made after each Gospel: he who has ears, let him hear. Who is he that has no ears? It is only a means of explaining the WORD OF GOD. Every conversation which does not contain a story for the illustration of a point, is not very interesting. It is the illustrating story that the hearers will take home. That is why these idioms are added whenever we speak, and you are left to crack your brains because it sounds like a mathematical puzzle. That is why people do not like someone who is outspoken and straightforward and plain. Whatever somebody does not like, please do not do it. It is better for you to abstain from doing things that people do not like. And so you have to twist that person here and there, and when he is tired, he go on his way. It is only when he fails that you will ask him why he did not come on such and such a day because you had kept something for him. That is how you free yourself. Why was Christ hated? He openly told the world that their deeds were evil. Why did Christ speak in parables to the crowd, but in private he will speak in plain language and reveal everything to His disciples? The disciples asked Him, why do you always speak to them in parables and reveal everything to us? He told them: "To you it is given to

know the secrets of the kingdom of God but to them it is in parables. Because to him who has shall more be added, but to him who has not, even the little he has shall be taken away from him and given to the person who has." REVEAL THE TRUTH TO THE CHILDREN OF GOD: Since they do not believe, you cannot tell them the truth, but those who believe you have to tell them the truth. Christ told his disciples: "I have sent you out as sheep among wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves." And so when you go out declaring that Olumba Olumba Obu is Jesus, or God, you are causing trouble. The person you are talking to has a bottle of drink in his hand, he is smoking now, he is surrounded by women. He will push you out of his house and you will not have the chance to preach against what he is doing wrong. Today, every person calls on 'Jesus' and they say He is a friend of sinners. Is he a friend of sinners? Does he love sin or sinners? He has no business with sin or with sinners. Have you seen Christ commit any sin? The diplomacy Christ adopts does not allow you to know that Christ is not concerned with sin. That time was the time of Moses and the Jews were observing the Mosaic law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. And they were watching Christ. If He had said that people should no longer be killed, they would have arrested Him and accused Him of abrogating the laws of Moses. When you pick up the Bible you will conclude that he did not touch the laws of the Prophets: but did He not abrogate them all? Moses said that whoever kills should be killed. But Christ said: WHOEVER IS ANGRY WITH HIS BROTHER IS SHALL BE IN DANGER OF THE JUDGMENT. AND WHOSOEVER SHALL SAY TO HIS BROTHER RACA, SHALL BE IN DANGER OF HELL FIRE. Have you seen what Christ has done? But until today, the world says Christ has not destroyed the law. Moses said an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, but Christ said: "DO NOT RESIST AN EVIL DOER: BUT WHOSOEVER SHALL SMITE THEE ON THY RIGHT CHEEK, TURN TO HIM THE OTHER ALSO." Has Christ not destroyed the law? He has completely destroyed the laws of Moses. This work does not require a fool; it requires the highest wisdom. In your case, you will stand up and open your mouth and say thing like: Olumba is God. That is why they refer to you as a confusionist. They all regard me as a good man because I have never admitted that I am Jesus. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 28:19-20 Go ye therefore into all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of the world. Amen.

What we are told today is that He says, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." The first bible lesson says, "Ye shall see me and because I live, ye shall live also. All those who say that Christ is not here, but the speaker of these words says that He is with you always, even unto the end of the world, who is lying and who is speaking the truth? Since the world has no end, you can see that He is with you always. Have you not seen him now. He is in your house and He is everywhere with you. Converse with Him. Christ has never told you to converse with a tree. He says that you should converse with Him. Ask Him whatever you will. What is man whose breath is in his nostrils, what can he do to help you? What can man help you with? Only Christ, and Christ alone is the king of heaven and earth. You should converse with Christ and ask Christ whatever you desire. Have you asked Christ and Christ failed to answer you? BE OBEDIENT TO GOD: Right from this day, converse with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Believe in Christ, show him reverence as the King of Kings. Listen to him and obey Him and obey Him and He alone will grant all your requests. Believe at all times that you are before Christ, and that Christ is the one who is speaking to you. Listen attentively to Him, show Him reverence, serve Him, and do the right thing, according to teachings, and glorify Him. There is no time that Christ tells you to believe in your mother or father or your wife. Christ always tells you to believe in God, believe also in me. Right from this day believe in the Father, and believe also in Our Lord Jesus Christ. Do not believe in any other person. Whatever you need, Our Lord Jesus and The Father will give it to you, because they abide forever; but man does not abide forever. And those who believe in him have eternal life. I am not putting forward an argument but I am illustrating to you what Christ says: "Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more: but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also," which means that he is ever with us. The second bible lesson says: teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world." These two statements will show to you that Christ is always with you. It does not say that all eyes shall see him. But he says the world shall not see me, but you shall see me, because I live, ye shall live also... I am with you always even unto the end of the world." And so Christ is not referring to the world but only to His children. The world has no business with Christ. The thief has no business with Christ, the fornicator, the liar, the slanderer, an angry person, indeed no sinner will see Christ. It is only the Children of God who have been waiting for Christ who will see Him and rejoice in Him. He is with them always. That is why I tell you not

to believe in any person; believe in Christ and in Christ alone, tell Christ all your desires and problems because He is here. THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE, AND I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT BEFORE. MY BOAST IS IN HIM AND I GLORY IN HIM. O.O.O IS AN ENIGMA There is a proverb that if you see a bird dancing in the middle of road, you should know that there is somebody who is drumming for the bird. Take the case of Brotherhood for instance. I stay at 34 Ambo, I not educated, I am not tall, I am not huge, I am not anything, and I do not even go out, who then is doing the work throughout the world? IS IT NOT THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT? When I say I cannot read the letter A, that annoys the Bishops and the professors of religion and so they come up with the idea that whoever does not produce his educational qualification should not preach the WORD OF GOD. Have you heard another Gospel? When the head of the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Dr. Laoye came here, I asked him if he had refrained from fornication, and he said no. "What about drinking?" I asked. He confessed he had not forsaken that either. I then asked what the religion and philosophy he professed to be teaching was all about. He eventually confessed to me he was only working for his daily bread. He even admitted he was nothing. Another woman from the same department, Mrs. P.k. Roy, came to me and I asked her why she came out here in trousers. I quoted Deuteronomy 22: 4-5 to her and she apologized that she will not wear trousers again. That is how I toy with them. Brethren, you should not place your precious things before swine. Do not give a mirror to a blind man. Do not tell people about what you have found. The day their eyes will be opened, they will sing the same tune you are singing. Indirectly, the world believes that God is here on earth, Christ is here. Christ says that all powers have been given to Him in heaven and on earth. As a matter of fact all powers are given to Christ. Christ is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. There is no other person in heaven and on earth who has power, apart from Our Lord Jesus Christ. But now the world admits that there is power in Brotherhood of the Cross and star, but no one know the source of the power. Some claim that the power is not of God. If they acknowledge that there is power here, they have indirectly admitted that it is Christ who is working here. THE WORLD WILL KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT O.O.O. They have also confirmed what is written in Samuel 2:8 "The Lord killeth, and maketh alive, he bringeth down to the grave, and bring them up. The Lord maketh poor, and maketh rich."

And so they say that Olumba kills, Olumba keeps alive, Olumba lifts up and brings low. When somebody dies they say that Olumba has taken him. When somebody comes into Brotherhood, they say that Olumba has captured him. And they will even ask you if Olumba has given you money. THIS IS THE GLORY OF THE FATHER ALONE, BUT THEY DO NOT KNOW. FORTUNATELY HE IS HERE IN OUR MIDST BUT THE WORLD DOES NOT KNOW HIM. THAT IS WHY I TELL YOU THAT HE IS HERE; I DO NOT BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU TELL ME, BECAUSE I KNOW THAT HE IS HERE, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY OTHER PERSONS. I AM NOT THE ONE DOING THIS WORK, BUT IT IS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO IS DOING THE WORK. Who else could do this work? The whole world has waged wars against him and yet you have not heard any statement of defense from him. He has fought and he has overcome; who can fight such a battle. Who has ever overcome Satan apart from Christ alone? Who overcomes the world apart from the person who believes OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD? Christ says: WHOEVER PROFESSES TO BE A LEADER, BUT HE DOES NOT ABIDE BY THE DOCTRINES OF CHRIST, HATH NOT GOD. HE THAT ABIDETH IN THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST HATH BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON. From January First every year, I preach the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to you. I do not preach Olumba or any other person. CHRIST IS HERE AND HE IS THE ONE DOING THESE WORKS. This is the time of His reign and so you should glorify him for all that you see. I am rejoicing over Christ and I knock my head for Christ. I do not exist only Christ exist. Christ says: TEACH THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU: AND LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS." CHRIST IS WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. There has never been a time when Christ was not with us. That is why we should go and teach them all that Christ has commanded us. That is why I tell you not to fornicate, not to steal, not to kill, not to tell lies, for these are the things he commanded us not to do. He says a little while the world sees me no more, but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. Right now we live with Christ and we have seen Him. Christ is everywhere. If John did not see him would John have borne witness of Him? But the world has not seen and that is for all the world. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 1:26-27 John answered them, saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not, He it is who is coming after me, whose shoes latches I am not worthy to unloose,"

Have you heard that? John says that there stands one in your midst whom you do not know. He was before me; and I am not worthy to unloose his shoe latches. Now that you are calling Olumba Olumba Obu, there is one here in your midst whom you do not know, who was before me, and whose shoes latches I am not worthy to unloose. Do you now see how I prostrate on the ground for My Lord? CHRIST IS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW HIM. You are shouting on Olumba Olumba Obu to save you. But there is someone here in your midst. Have you seen Him? I have told him to come out so that you may see him but he refuses. It was said that he will be seen in the moon, and was he not seen in the moon? I ASKED JESUS TO APPEAR IN THE MOON FOR PEOPLE TO SEE HIM AND HE BROUGHT OUT OLUMBA. CAN THE WORLD SAY ANYTHING AGAIN? IT WAS SAID THAT ALL EYES SHALL SEE HIM, DID ALL EYES NOT SEE HIM? HE APPEARED IN THE MOON FOR THREE DAYS AND HE WAS SEEN EVERYWHERE. I am not the person but there is one in your midst whom you do not know, he is before you. He is behind you. He is everywhere, and He was before me. Let the whole world think of itself because there is someone in the world right now, whom the world does not know of, He was before me, and whose shoe latches I am not worthy to unloose. That is my pity for the inhabitants of the world- the whites and the blacks alike. They are looking up to the sky for Christ. He was before anything that God created and He also abides forever. Was the statement of John clear to the people? Olumba Olumba Obu who are you? Are you Jesus? Are you John? Are you Jehovah? There is one in your midst whom you do not know; He was before me and I am not worthy to unloose his shoe latchet. That was the statement of John. JESUS CHRIST THE ULTIMATE: He has made a statement which I will also repeat today or tomorrow that: I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit, when he the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he shall show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you." WHO TOLD YOU THAT CHRIST DIED; WHEN DID HE DIE? WHO TOLD YOU THAT HE IS NOT THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS? WHO TOLD YOU THAT HE IS NOT HERE? HE IS EVERYWHERE, LAVISHLY DOING HIS WORK. TILL ETERNITY CHRIST HAS NO PROBLEMS, HIS GLORY HAS NEITHER A

BEGINNING NOR AN END. Call on Christ wherever you are. Boast in Christ and Praise His name before the entire world. Wherever you go to, and they do not believe that He has come, tell them to wait, and insist that He is going to reveal Himself to them. Ask Christ to reveal Himself to them and He surely will reveal Himself to them instantly. Do not argue with anybody again. Call on him at any time. Ask the sick to believe that the king of kings and the Lord of lords has healed him; give him water to drink and tell him that his sickness is healed. He will testify immediately that he has seen Our Lord Jesus Christ. His sickness will be healed immediately. It is said that when the canoe is fast the face is bound to turn. The word of God is like a chain link, one ring fits into the other until you have the whole chain. Moses came, Elijah came, John the Baptist came, Jesus Christ came, Peter and the other Apostles all joined the same chain AND NOW I AM TO PULL ALL OF THEM TOGETHER. AS IT WAS SAID: "IF I DO NOT GO, HE WILL NOT COME." I HAVE TO FINALIZE THE RACE BY PUTTING ALL OF THEM TOGETHER. O.O.O. IS THE SECRET NAME OF GOD: Brethren, right from today, keep aside the name of Olumba Olumba Obu because it written He has a secret name written on His thigh. The name was sent to India, and the same name was sent to every part of the world, and they could not come out with anything. How then do you know Him? Brethren, you are students and a student is not greater than His teacher. Where Christ has asked you to stop, do not go beyond that point. Do not try to go beyond the limits Christ has set for you. I have asked you to stop here and do not go farther than that. Have you no ears? You heard what happened in Trinidad about one person who was investigating God. He took the picture of a great illumination which he saw and when the picture was developed, the picture of the Father appeared? You have seen that I have proved everything in the summary as a theory in geometry. Is the Father not here on earth? Is the Son not here? Is the Holy Spirit not on earth? Is Christ not on earth? Is Christ not the king? Have you not seen Him today? As you have opened your heart to receive him and serve Him, so will you see the glory of God in you. He will bestow various gifts on you as he pleases. It is said that as many as receive me, to them will I give the power to become children of God. This is not the kingdom of Olumba: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit must be glorified. Right from today, as you have heard this Gospel, do not ask for anything again. Glorify him and show Him reverence, and be sure to walk in His commandments, and you will see the Glory of God manifest in you.

It is only recent that the word of Christ started to be preached. All the time he was here, we were still in the era of Moses; that is why they accused Him of breaking the laws of Moses. That was the Era of Moses and so Christ did not speak out openly. He was in hiding. After 2000 years when he left, people started to preach about Christ. This is the era of Christ until the year 1999, and that is why when you preach another name, people pick up their machetes against you. But since this one is greater than them, because THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IS HERE JOINTLY THERE IS NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER. FROM THE YEAR 2000 AD ONWARD, IT IS THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND NO OTHER PERSON WILL BE HEARD OF. THE FATHER THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL ASSUME COMPLETE DOMINION. Brethren, one stroke of the cane is sufficient unto the wise. He who has ears let him hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER.



First Bible Lesson : John 8:57-58. "Then said the Jews unto him, Thou are not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." Second Bible Lesson: John 17:5. "And now, O Father, glorify me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." Golden Text: Hebrews: 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Brethren, this is what we want to reveal to you this morning. Very many people always compare somebody who is a child of God with one who belongs to man. At times, they try to mention the date or the period our Lord Jesus Christ was born. But I do not want to mention the date of His birth. I do not even want to discuss the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ since nobody can tell even the date of His birth. It would be better that we stopped publishing wrong information to the public, especially, on what you do not know or you may not be capable of explaining. We should always do only that which we have been assigned to do. More so, I am telling you that you must not say anything against the Son of God. It is not good that you should try to understand or search into the genealogy or birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. The sad thing about the whole story is that the entire population of the world does not know or understand the "person" of our Lord Jesus Christ. Have you heard of, or understood what He meant by the Saying Before Abraham was, I AM That is the statement I want to explain to you. It is not a statement which is established logically, but it is directly from the horse's mouth. As soon as He said unto the Jews, "Before Abraham was, I am," they became indignant saying, "Look at this man; He is not yet 50 years old; how is it possib1e that He should claim to be older than Abraham?" Our Lord Jesus Christ replied them, "Even your father, Abraham, himself, longed to see my own days." I am explaining this to you: now, that you want to understand or search the history of Christ, for you always finalize your investigation that He was older than Abraham. NOBODY KNOWS THE GENEALOGY OF CHRIST: Very many peop1e also say that our Lord Jesus Christ was the son of Abraham. But how can this fact be proved, now that He is stating, "Before Abraham was, I am." some other schools of thought will argue that the Lord Jesus Christ was the son of David. Count me out, brethren, if that is what you profess publicly. If that is your argument, how then did David in spirit call Him

Lord, saying, "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?"(Psalm 110:1). If David then called Him Lord, is He his son? Who was the Lord," whom David referred to? It was our Lord Jesus Christ. When the Jews said that Christ was the son or David, He reproved it, saying that David was even anxious to witness him. Therefore brethren let us refrain from tracing the genealogy of the Lord of lords. What troubles the whole world or the human race is that they do not realize that we are in the era or the Holy Spirit. He has come to reveal many things to mankind, in conformity with what was foretold about Him in the scriptures: I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of Truth, is come, He will guide you into all truth; for He shall not speak of Himself; hut whatever He shal1 hear, that shall He speak and He will show you things to come."(John 16:12-13). CHRIST EXISTED BEFORE THE WORLD WAS: Christ Jesus has already existed before the foundation the world was laid, and that was why God made this statement: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." If the Son was not with the Father, how could that statement then be made? How could such a statement come out of the Father? The matter concerning Christ must be taken very seriously. Now that you continue to shout "Jesus, Jesus!" He is the Son of Man, Son of God and He is God Himself. He is without beginning of days, nor end of life. He has no Birth Certificate. If you are one of those who had been investigating the genealogy of Christ, STOP FORTHWITH because He has none. As already said, Christ has existed before the world was. He is the Son of God, God is His Father. All angels were subjected under His rule. It is not that day as the Father said, "Today have I begotten Thee", that He came into existence; for If you examine the statement of Our Lord Jesus Christ, "I have glorified Thee on earth, I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do. And now, Oh Father, glorify Thou Me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was." That statement, when looked into, reveals that His glory had earlier been with the Father before the world was. This statement when looked into reveals that His glory had earlier been with the Father before the world was founded. THE PROBLEM OF THE ENTIRE WORLD IS THAT THEY DO KNOW THE FATHER OR THE SON: This means that since the father cannot die, the son also cannot die either. As God lives for eternity, his Son also lives eternally. We cannot declare to the world that Our Lord Jesus Christ died and that He is under the earth or He is in the sky. Such sayings if declared would make man to become down-hearted, and man would lose his implicit faith in Christ. In as much as he lives forever, He is the Head of all of God's creation, including the spirits and men. He is a human being as well as the spirit. He exists in all creations. Christ, the king and ruler of everything created, visible and invisible, exists in all places in heaven and on earth. Death, sickness, poverty has no power over him. There is nothing created that can change Him. THEREFORE ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO GO TO GOD MUST PASS THROUGH HIM. There is nothing created that can change Him. Why is it that all those who want to go to God must pass through Him? This is so because there is no other way except by Him. It is wrong to say, "Since our Lord Jesus Christ came." Where did He go, and at what

time did He not exist? Before the creation of the world was our Lord Jesus Christ existing; but people did not know him. He was moving about in all the places doing His work, and yet He was not known. During the days of Lot and Enoch, He was there. At the time of Adam, He was in existence. Therefore you should not speak any abominable word against Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is from Him that everything emanates. Christ and the Father are one. When you see the Father are one. When you see the Son, you will see the Father. In as much as you do not know the Son, how will you see the Father? Since you do not know the Father how then would you know the Son? This is the only problem that faces the whole world. As people look for their own glory, and set aside the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ, they cannot get the glory they look for. It is incumbent upon every person to know Him, and see Him because this is the end of time. Every person ought to believe in Him, that He is in existence, you have to believe whether you see Him or not. Whether He reveals Himself to you or not, it does not mean that He reveals Himself to everybody. You remember when Christ revealed Himself to eleven of His disciples, and the eleven told Thomas that the Lord had appeared to them. He refused to believe. For you to know the kind of person Our Lord Jesus Christ is, when the disciples were arguing over this issue, He was there physically and spiritually among them but they did not see Him. On the 8th day, He appeared to Thomas, who said, "Until I put my finger inside the nail prints on his hands and thrust his hand into his pierced side before I would believe it. When He appeared to Thomas, who said this He told Thomas to put his hands into His side. (John 20:27). CHRIST LIVES EVERYWHERE, AND HE IS THE HEAD OF EVERYTHING: Brethren it is surprising that when they were discussing among themselves, Christ was not there in the flesh, but He was in their midst because He is omnipresent. It is incumbent upon every person to think of this type of a being who exists everywhere: in the water, in the air, an in every other place. It is, vanity for as we are made of the dust of the earth, to search anything concerning Our Lord Jesus Christ, because He knows all our minds. People joke with the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, calling Him "Jesus, Jesus!" Why? It is because they do not know Him, and they cannot say Who He is. HE IS THE SON OF GOD, KING OF KINGS, LORD OF LORDS WHO EXISTED, and still exists, before the foundations of the world was laid. HE IS THE LIVING GOD. Do not make any mistake of saying He is a spirit only, for He is of both natures: He is spirit and He is man. Do not make the mistake of saying he is only a man, for he is both a man and a woman, a girl, a lady, and He is all in all. That is the mistake people make. Christ is the all in all. He is both the beginning and the end. He is the Son of God and God Himself. He is an angel, a spirit. He is everything. Every creation of God comes from Him, and all living things such as animals, fishes in the waters are all from Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and. He is the Son of God and God Himself. Why is it that you do not believe in Him? He is the Living God, and although all mankind will pass away, He alone lives forever and ever. He will never taste of death, hence He said, "Verily, verily I say unto you, If a man keep my sayings, he shall never see death."(John 8:51). He said that He is the way, the truth, and the life.(John 14:6) He is the resurrection and the life. Brethren do you now realize the problem of the entire world? We must believe Him that He is omnipresent. He is in your heart, your lungs, eyes, legs, house, and in your children. He is in front and behind you. All your problems and confrontations are openly before Him. He is the

only being who can solve them for you. Therefore Brethren, do not say in your heart, "I want to see Him face to face." If He wants to reveal Himself to you, He will do it. Right now at this moment that you are here, he can reveal himself to you both physically and spiritually. He can appear to you while you fall into a trance and you can see Him sitting with you. Should you not believe Him, just do not doubt His existence? All that is done in the world is of His own making. Hence He says you should call upon His name when you are in tribulation and difficulties, and He will answer you. Should you not believe in him, do not doubt his existence, at any time, call upon Him and He will answer you. He gave this piece of advice to us when He said, "Blessed is the man who does see and yet believes." (John 20:29). Why do you want to tempt God, investigating to know the genealogy of Christ? Has the scripture not told you, "For he said to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy."(Romans 9:15-16). Brethren, it does not cost you anything to BELIEVE THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORD, HE EXISTS ETERNALLY. Therefore, if you have this kind of faith and confidence in Him, whatever is your situation in life, call upon His name, since He sees everything; forget about your problems; for he will resolve all your problems for you, and He will also do everything for you, IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, AMEN. Remember how He told His disciples, "Henceforth I call you not servants, for the servants knoweth not what his lord doeth; But I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father had I made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go forth and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you."(John 15:15-16). OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE LIFE AND THE RESURRECTION. BELIEVE THIS STATEMENT FROM NOW ON THAT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENT, AND OMNIPRESENT. Sometimes you intend to go on a journey and you place it before Him, seeking His own companionship. You will hardly end that prayer when you will hear somebody knocking at your door. The person would ask if you would accompany him or her to where he or she was going. At times you intend to go to Port Harcourt, and believe you me, and that person will tell you he or she is going to Port Harcourt. You will wonder, what a wonderful God who sends in somebody to take you along to where you desired to go. Our Lord Jesus Christ is that stranger who offers you such a favor. He knows your problems, and He takes care of them all. Probably, you were traveling by sea and a storm arose, the storm was such that you almost lost your dear life, if you call on the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you will immediately find someone coming towards your direction to rescue you. Who do you think comes in that canoe to rescue you? It is Our Lord Jesus Christ. You may get lost in a thick forest, but by a mere knocking your forehead down and asking God for divine guidance to get back to your destination, you will see a hunter who will direct you out of the thick forest. Who is that hunter? It is Our Lord Jesus Christ. This morning

I make you realize that Our Lord Jesus Christ does not only exist physically and

spiritually but He also exist in all creations, though human beings cannot identify Him.
CHRIST IS THE LIVING GOD, A HUMAN BEING AS WELL AS A SPIRIT: Brethren, if you like, fast and pray for a whole month so that you may see Our Lord Jesus Christ, but I assure you that you will not see Him until it pleases Him to reveal Himself to you. Do you remember the two disciples who after Christ had resurrected, joined him to discuss His death, as they traveled on the way to Emmaus. He even asked them what the news was about. The two retorted, "Are you the only sojourner in this Jerusalem, and that you do not hear what happens in the town? How one Jesus whom people said was a prophet, in whom we had all our hope, was killed, now we hear that He had risen." With whom were they conversing? It was Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. He went on to preach to them. The disciples were annoyed with Him, and they were wondering what was wrong with Him, if He was not aware of the sad news in the town. At a point He was about to depart from them, they begged Him to stay with them. Since He wanted to reveal Himself to them, He broke bread and gave thanks to God and their eyes opened instantaneously and they saw Him face to face.(Luke 24:13-31). At that juncture, He disappeared. All our thoughts and ideas about Him are baseless. You say that the Christ is the Son of Joseph and Mary, Elizabeth, Abraham, David, Enoch, but it is advisable that you say nothing that you do not know, for our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. All that we have to do is to have implicit faith in Him and not say, "Until He heals me of my infirmities, or does this or that for me," before you will accept Him. ONLY BELIEVE IN HIM; FOR HE IS THE LIVING GOD. Whether you have practiced the word of God or not just have confidence in Him, that He is the Son of God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and that He is the Living God who will never taste of death. Therefore, your own duty is to praise and glorify His name. Whatever your request was, call on Him and test and see whether He will not answer you. If it is His intention, He can come out of the sky as people are looking for Him in the sky. He can appear on earth at the same time. He can come out of the depths of the water or He can appear in any form. He is the God who when He sends you on an errand, goes before and behind you. Very many people are of the opinion that when they pray, they should look at the Sun the Moon, the East, the North, the West, and the South. THAT IS MERE FOOLISHNESS. Who owns the North, the South, the East and the West? Who is He that owns the entire earth? GOD IS EVERYWHERE. PEOPLE SAY WHEN YOU WANT TO PRAY, THAT YOU HAVE TO GO INSIDE YOUR ROOM AND PRAY. IF YOU GO INSIDE ONE OF YOUR ROOMS TO PRAY, WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER ROOMS IN YOUR HOUSE? WHAT ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENTS THAT SURROUND YOUR HOUSE, WHO OCCUPIES THERE? IS IT NOT THIS VERY OMNIPRESENT GOD? Many people pray and say, "Until Jesus comes back again," and I am asking," WHERE DID OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST GO?" IF HE IS NOT OMNIPRESENT, NOBODY WOULD SURVIVE THIS WICKED WORLD. Can you imagine somebody hiding somewhere to kill you but Christ who is everywhere obstructs Him because He keeps watch over you and He does everything to protect you. WHEN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS IN INDIA AND HE PREACHED TO THEM ABOUT EQUALITY, THEY WANTED TO KILL HIM. HE ESCAPED FROM THE HANDS OF THE PLOTTERS AND DEPARTED FROM THEIR MIDST.

He liberates all his children all over the universe. Do not give glory to churches, government or individuals, but give glory and honor to God only, to Him alone be all glory, honor and dominion, because He alone does everything. When you are in a difficult situation and you realize that everyone has run away from you, and you happen to see a stranger who came to your aid, and he comforts you, who do you think was the stranger? That was our Lord Jesus Christ who helped you. Sometimes you think you have got no relations, no brother, nor sister, to take care of you. Who tells you that you are alone? Have you forgotten the promise of Christ that He will not leave you comfortless as orphans are, and that He will come back to you? There is none without the testimony about the protection, which Our Lord Jesus Christ has given him or her. Your major problem is that you do not have implicit faith in Christ. Since our Lord Jesus Christ did not come out physically to say," I gave you money on such and such a day or I did this for you on such and such a day," you do not believe in Him. But God will never do that. He always is and continues to be God. First Bible Lesson : John 8:57-58. "Then said the Jews unto him, Thou are not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." Most of you have been calling God as God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob, but who is the God of these personalities? HE IS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. Some say that Christ is in heaven. How can someone with so large a multitude of people whom he died for, leave them to go and stay in Heaven? All the benevolence, good health, and all the abundance we enjoy daily come from whom? This is the time that every person must realize that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Ruler of heaven and earth. He existed before the foundation of the world and He is the Supplier of every good thing of life. He is dwelling within you, walking along with you on the road, lying down with you in bed, driving in the car along with you, any moment in time, He is there with you, wherever you are. GOD'S WISDOM CONFOUNDS THAT OF HUMANITY: Never mind whether you go to church or not, he is with you always. He does His work whether you believe in Him or not. He is always there to save and to do everything for you equally, as He does for those who go to church. During the time of the Israelites, when Christ saved them, they wanted to see Him face to face. Any time that Moses told them what God did, they would reply, "Why does God not come to see us in person?" May I know if the time God Almighty personified Himself in Our Lord Jesus Christ, it was known to the any of the Israelites? What was the reason that Our Lord Jesus was killed? He said, "I and my father are one." This statement annoyed the Jews and they wanted to stone Him and said, "For the good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, and because that thou being man, makest thyself God." Our Lord Jesus Christ answered them saying, "IS IT NOT WRITTEN IN YOUR LAW, I SAID YE ARE GODS?"(John 10:3334). Christ told them that if they do not believe in Him that they should believe the work He did. Brethren, let us not look for Our Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh alone; for He is in the spirit and in all creations of God. Why did the Jews not believe in Him? If it were that Our Lord Jesus was born of Herod's kin or of any millionaire's house, they would have believed Him. Do you not see how the wisdom of God surpasses all? God made it possible for the FIRST BEGOTTEN SON, the Son of

God be born of an unidentified house. So it is with God. THE MORE YOU LOOK, THE LESS YOU SEE. He knows our mind and our thoughts; He is all in all for us. That is the reason His wisdom confounds that of man. Hence if you seek Christ, He will ask you to look for Him in the Moon, but when you arrive there, you will be disappointed. You will not see Him. WHEN I MENTION SPIRIT, I DO NOT REFER TO VISIONS AND DREAMS: If you live a righteous life, and you refrain from all vices, you are in spirit and that is when you will see Him. He is the holy and righteous Son of God, and so anything defiled cannot go near Him. If you want to see our Lord Jesus Christ in your house, office, family, church, farm, room, you must abide by His doctrine of "LOVE ONE ANOTHER." He made this proclamation, "Any person who does my will and keeps my commandment it is the one that loves me; my father I will love Him and we will come and make our abode in him. I will MANIFEST MYSELF TO HIM."(John 14:21). If you want to be identified with our Lord Jesus Christ, or to know that He is in you, in heaven above and everywhere, you have to know His commandment and abide by it. He will manifest Himself to you. His Law is "That ye Love one another as I have loved you."(John 15:12) THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST THAT IS IN US IS ANXIOUS ABOUT US AND OUR SINS: Love does no evil to his neighbor; love is the fulfillment of the law.(Romans 13:10). If you love somebody, you will not steal the person's property, neither will you speak blasphemous words about your loved ones. You will not impute sins on your loved one and you will always be benevolent and generous to your loved one. Christ abides in love, truth peace, humility, tolerance, meekness, self-control, temperance, and endurance. Christ is the embodiment of all godly virtues. DO NOT TELL ANYBODY TO GO TO THE MOON, LAGOS, IBADAN, IN ORDER TO SEE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. HE IS OMNIPRESENT. OUR LORD JESUS PER SE WAS NOT HANGED ON THE CROSS. What you saw on the cross was in essence sins. He was not killed. Heavenly things are used to illustrate earthly things. What is called flesh is all the vices in this world. That is why you are told not to look for Him in the flesh; for if you were a fornicator, a liar, a thief, a native doctor, a smoker, an alcoholic, or if you indulge in any kind of sin, then you are in the flesh, and you can never see Him. HOW DO YOU LOOK FOR GOD IN SPIRIT? It is only when you refrain from all vices; that is, when you are in spirit, that you can see Our Lord Jesus Christ. The scripture tells us, "Follow peace with all men, and holiness without which none can see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14). At the moment you move with Our Lord Jesus Christ wherever you go, but you cannot see Him because of the sins that dwell in you. Therefore brethren, do not say in your hearts, "Until Our Lord Jesus Christ comes back." This is because Christ is omnipresent. He is closer to you than your tongue is to your teeth. He is within you. But now is your heart pure? It is said that our heart is the temple of Christ, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are."(1 Corinthians 3:16-17). He redeemed us by His precious blood. A great many of us claim that their stars are extinguished, and that witchcraft had tampered with them. May I ask, What do you mean by Star? CHRIST IS YOUR STAR THAT SHINES, BUT WHEN YOU COMMIT SIN, THE SIN COVERS THE BRIGHTNESS OF THE STAR. You claim that when you were young, your star was bright, yes, that was the time when you did not indulge in sin. Now that you are knee-deep in sins, Christ hides from you, and your star disappears. Be

not called a king or a chief, FOR CHRIST IS THE ONLY KING AND CHIEF. WE DO NOT HAVE TWO KINGS, ONE IN HEAVEN AND THE OTHER ONE ON EARTH. WHAT IS GREATER THAN ALL THE CREATIONS OF GOD IS FOUND IN OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ALONE, AND THAT IS THE REASON HE IS THE ONLY KING AND LORD OF THE UNIVERSE. All Our confidence and faith are in money, government and mundane things of this world but if we were to have one tenth of such faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ, the entire world would have been in perfect peace. Right from this moment that you have heard this gospel, do not boast again about your academic qualifications, or your worldly position, but let all your boasting and glory be in Our Lord Jesus Christ alone. The Spirit of Christ that is in us is very envious about us and our sin. Every time Our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us love; and when he teaches us to do a particular thing, He urges us always to do that which is good. Whenever we intend to sin, Christ pulls us away from that sin, and He pushes us into a righteous path. At times we may claim our enemies have blocked us on our way. All the mundane things that we request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, if He had answered even one-tenth of one request, by now the world would have been in a terrible confusion. There is none that requests of Him righteousness and holiness. Our entire request centers on being made millionaires. We desire to have strings of magnificent buildings and other mundane things. Now imagine if all these things are given to you, what would be the outcome? He is not worried in any way whether we recognize His Deity or not. HE IS THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS; everything is in His hands. You are not the one who bestowed on Him the glory, and neither am I the one. He was born with it and all these things for Himself. John the Baptist bore witness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, when he said, He baptizes with water but that the one following behind him, is so great that he could not unloose the latchet of His shoes: "John answered saying unto them, all, I indeed baptize you unto repentance, but he that cometh after me, whose shoelace I am not worthy to unloose, he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire."(Matthew 3:11). MAN REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE THE DEITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: What is the position now? Very many people claimed that the Holy Spirit vanished on the day of Pentecost. Others claimed that they do not have any affiliations with any spiritual Churches, and that they go to the real church of God. Now if you profess to belong to the real church of God, are you saved? Christ bore witness, "GOD IS A SPIRIT AND THOSE WHO WORSHIP HIM MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH."(John 4:24) Does that statement of Christ not reveal to you that God is a spirit? Christ is a Spirit hence, He said, "I and my Father are one."(John 10:30) God sends Him out, and He speaks the word of God. God does not give Him the Spirit by measure. Brethren, look around the whole world, has the Spirit not come? WHO ELSE CAN GIVE YOU THE HOLY SPIRIT EXCEPT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST? AT THE MOMENT THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OMNIPRESENT. DO YOU WAIT FOR THE DAY THE HOLY SPIRIT PERSONIFIES AND HE WILL TELL YOU I AM BEFORE YOU, OR HE WILL TELL YOU TO ABSTAIN FROM SIN AND PRACTICE RIGHTEOUSNESS. Let us not behave like the people of ancient times, because ever since God created the world, people do not abide by the ordinances of God. People rather glory in vices. And because

of this, from time to time, God had to destroy the world and the people God created in the world. And irrespective of the man's position in life, if he disobeys the ordinances of God, he is a sinner in the eye of the Almighty God. You might desire to initiate into secret or esoteric societies and practice occultism. What is it that these societies would do for you? You may consult native doctors, soothsayers, necromancers, medical doctors. What will they do for you? Look at the end of your life. If you look for life, why not acknowledge Him so that you might have life? He heals us of our infirmities. WE ARE CLEANSED BECAUSE OF HIS WORD, AND OUR EYES ARE OPENED BECAUSE OF HIM. Let the second Lesson be read. Second Bible Lesson: John 17:5. "And now, O Father, glorify me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was." Brethren, have you heard that text? You said that Christ was born on a specific period or time. Do you not take care of yourself? There is no person who knows the date on which Our Lord Jesus Christ was born, nor His life history, not even His genealogy. Whoever makes such attempts, only gives false information to the world. So the people of the past generations were deceived. Instead of practicing the teachings of Christ, they admitted that they knew His Father; and that His father was Joseph and as such, He was not to be paid any attention. "And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? Others said, "These are not the words of Him that hath a devil. Can the devil open the eyes of the blind?" (John 10:20-22). Since He is the Son of Man, the Son of God and God Himself, He had no problems with His antagonists. He assured them that He is the Son of God and that He came from God. All those who are the Children of God from the lineage of God have no beginnings and they have no end, and they have no death in them. As you are trying to struggle over positions or what God should give you, it is a waste of time, because God had created everything, and fixed them in their proper positions. All those born of Spirit are spirit and all those born of the flesh are flesh. Let us beware for the time is so bad, it is not the time for one to struggle over positions or look for self glorification and personal honor. It is rather the time for us to look for the glory of Our Lord Jesus Christ because He alone has come to rule. Christs tactic of not revealing of Himself does not mean that He had not been living. For instance, one can stay in certain place, say in this Hall. If such a person does not tell people, none can know. So it is with Our Lord Jesus Christ. HE IS IN THE WORLD, BUT THIS WORLD DOES NOT KNOW HIM. All the creations of God know Our Lord Jesus Christ, and they all recognize His Deity. The only exception is the human race, yes, the human beings. CHRIST HIDES HIS IDENTITY IN DIVERSE FORMS: When Our Lord Jesus Christ is in heaven among the angels, He is SPIRIT. When He is among the fishes, He becomes water. When He is in the midst of people, He becomes a human being. When He is in Hell among the sinners, He is fire. Many contend that Christ is not found in Hell. WHO IS THAT ETERNAL FIRE THAT BURNS THE SINNERS? IS IT NOT OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST? Brethren, it is difficult to identify Our Lord Jesus Christ because when He is with the animals, He becomes an animal; while in the midst of the women folk, as Christ might have been claimed to be a man, He becomes a woman. Christ occupies space. He is omnipresent. Why do

you have unstable hearts? Why do you put your confidence in man, concoction, spirit or angel, money, and other things whatsoever? He is the King of kings, the king of Good people, of wicked people, of water, of fishes, and of created and uncreated things. Some say that they are waiting for the day Christ will reveal Himself. Do you know the meaning of the statement? Remember that a thousand years is to God just a day, and one day is thousand years unto the Lord.(2 Peter 3:8). It is said the Lord Jesus Christ is not slack in His promises, but He has long patience, since He does not want any of us to perish.(2 Peter 3:9). THOSE OF YOU WHO LOOK INTO THE SKY, DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS COMING OUT OF THE SKY? DO YOU KNOW THE NATURE HE IS COMING BACK IN, OUT OF THE SKY? REMEMBER SODOM AND GOMORRAH, AND WHAT HAPPENED THERE, AND REMEMBER WHAT I AM TELLING YOU NOW THAT IT IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN. KNOW THAT GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE. He had been showing you many signs and typical of them is the fire that caught the market places like Uyo, Aba, Lagos, even here at Calabar, and very many other places. These are examples. A lot of investigation conducted about the outbreaks of these fires revealed nothing tangible. What is responsible for the present situation of things in the entire world, or rather who is responsible? Can you the scientist, occultist, projectionist, and wise people of this world tell the whole world what is happening? On the day when God will manifest Himself as fire to the whole world, who are you, Oh man, and of what nature are you to stand the mere sight of Him? He was the first flood heard of in the days of Noah, that fire during the time of Lot, in Sodom and Gomorrah. Be reminded that God will never destroy the world with water anymore. At the moment, everything in the entire world is consumed by fire. TO THIS EFFECT, DO NOT LOOK FOR GOD IN THE SKY, OR ANYWHERE ELSE. GOD IS MNIPRESENT. SUPPOSE YOU WERE NOT INFORMED THAT CHRIST IS A CONSUMING FIRE, THE WIND THAT BLOWS, THE WATER YOU DRINK, AND BATH WITH, WOULD YOU HAVE KNOWN? THE MYSTERY OF MAN IN RELATION TO THE TRINITY GOD: WHAT WAS THE SIGN THAT REVEALED CHRIST AS THE SON OF GOD? AS OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WAS CRUCIFIED ON THE CROSS, A SOLDIER PIERCED HIS SIDE WITH A SWORD AND THERE CAME DOWN BLOOD AND WATER, (JOHN 19:34) AND THUS CHRIST WAS REVEALED AS THE SON OF MAN. WHEN HE SHOUTED TO HIS FATHER, SAYING, "INTO THY HAND I COMMEND MY SPIRIT"(LUKE 23:46) AT THAT POINT THE SPIRIT, WHICH IS GOD, WENT OUT OF HIM. THERE YOU ARE. WHO COULD SAY CATEGORICALLY THAT CHRIST WAS NAILED TO THE CROSS? FROM THE STATEMENT HE MADE, YOU CAN REALIZE THAT IT IS ONLY THE EARTHLY HOUSE OF SAND WHICH WAS NAILED ON THE CROSS. When Our Lord Jesus Christ was in the world, three things bore witness of Him: THE WATER AND THE BLOOD AND THE SPIRIT.(1 John 5:8). That is why if there is no more water in you, (that is if you become dehydrated) you will die. Also, if you run short of blood, (if you become anemic), that condition can cause death. Equally, if the spirit is out of you, there comes the end of your life. Hence Our Lord Jesus Christ is called: THE SON OF MAN, THE SON OF GOD AND GOD HIMSELF. Who is the son of man? Is it not the Blood? Who is the Son of God, is it not the Water? Who is God, is God not the SPIRIT? Today, you all look at a fellow human being, you beat and point accusing finger at your

neighbor, but you forget that the whole world is one. We are foolish; we bear grudges against each other. Do you know that Christ is a human being? Why do you not begrudge an animal in the bush, but Christ? Have you seen the pitiful state of man? He says, "I do not worship man, but I worship the true God." If you do not love your brethren whom you see with your naked eyes, how can you love God whom you cannot see? (1 John 4:20). IT IS SAID THAT GOD HAS NO SON, WHAT ABOUT ALL OF YOU, ARE YOU NOT THE CHILDREN OF GOD? EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD IS A CHILD OF GOD, AND THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD WHO IS DWELLING IN ALL OF YOU. Brethren do you realize the blindness that you are suffering from? Your body and your entire self is God. Have you not seen the likeness of Christ in you, the likeness of God? It is said that your own heart is the tabernacle of God, and that God dwells inside you. That is why you are advised not to defile the temple of God that is within you. Do you believe that whatever you do to man, you are doing it to God? HAVE YOU NOT KNOWN THAT ALL THE HUMAN RACE HAS ONE GOD AS THE FATHER. IT IS TO THIS EFFECT THAT CHRIST ADVISED US TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER EVEN AS HE HAS LOVED US. HENCE WE ARE ALL BRETHREN. Can you tell where blood comes from and where it goes back to? If you are operated upon right now, the water, the blood, the spirit will fill two basins each. But do you know where the water and the Spirit come from and where they return? THE WATER, THE BLOOD AND THE SPIRIT ALL COME FROM THE TRINITY GOD AND THEY ALL RETURN TO THE TRINITY GOD. Why do you keep enmity with the children of God? Why do you vow to retaliate your wife, even to the point of making her go naked? You say, "That my brother and the child I never forgive them." Did Christ not teach you that we are the children of God, and that Christ is the first-born Son, the King of kings and Lord of Lords. He takes dominion over everything in the world. Do you not see that since God created us in His own image and likeness, and since God does not die, none of us will die? Let the Golden Text be read. Golden Text: Hebrews: 7:3 Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually. Brethren, have you heard that? It is a mistaken belief to say that a child was born five years ago, or that a child is born today. Can you trace his genealogy? During the time of Christ, the mother of two sons of Zeebede came to Our Lord Jesus Christ, and their mother requested Christ to enable her two sons to sit, one on his left hand and the other on his right hand. Christ replied, Can they drink of my cup, and can they receive of the baptism that I receive? And they replied "Yes." Christ added that to sit on the right and left hand of God is not His to give but to those the Father had ordained before the foundation of the world was laid. A spiritual song says, "We of old have come back." How do you go about saying that someone is so and so years old, forty years old? It is worth keeping silent because as God has no limitation of age, the children of God have none either. Our main assignment is to: LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AND BE ABLE TO LOVE CHRIST. Anybody who professes to love the true God but hates his brethren is a liar. We are integral part of God.

WE ARE ALL BRETHREN, AND GOD IS OUR FATHER: You claim to fear nobody, except Christ, are you not a false prophet? What does the word of God say, "HONOR ALL MEN, LOVE THE BROTHERHOOD, FEAR GOD AND HONOR THE KING."(1 Peter 2:17). The word of God enjoins us to honor and respect every person. This includes a fornicator, a thief, a native doctor, an evil doer, all the righteous people, and the people in all walks of life. Are you not among these people? All human being throughout the entire universe, are all your brethren. Was our Lord Jesus Christ not included in the list of those born of women, and was He not man, was He not born of a woman? We are to honor and respect all brethren. About the honor to the king, are the chiefs of your village and community not representatives of God? They are ordained and kept by God and therefore, if you do not respect them, you do not respect God. Now that you say that you cannot respect anybody, but you profess to worship the real God; and as for the head of state, Governors, Secretaries and Commissioners, that you have no regard for them, not even your father and mother. Tell me the truth that is in your statement that you worship the real, true God? We read in the scripture that God created Adam and Eve, but who was an eye witness? We should abandon the history of creations, but we should take the simple instructions: "LOVE ONE ANOTHER." Today what happens in the world is that you want to identify a certain person with his family. Whose son are you? What is your fathers name? And that person will claim, "I am the son of A or B." What is the truth in that? Are you not the Son of God anymore? A child of God has no genealogy. If you want to tell the history of your birth, you are a liar. It is more worthwhile to trace the genealogy of man beginning with Adam and Eve, as the father and mother of all human beings. Bear in mind that all men and women in the entire world are the children of Adam and Eve. If we all are the legitimate children of Adam, we are the children of God. You often ask, "Where do you come from, who is your father and mother?" But do know that the children of God have neither a beginning nor an end? They have no other father and mother. These sorts of questions bring nothing good to humanity. ALL WE OUGHT TO DO IS TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER. WHAT WE SHOULD DO IS TO GLORIFY GOD EVERYDAY; FOR IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT CHRIST WAS BORN ON A SPECIFIC DAY. If we were not the children of God what is the reason that God came to die on our behalf? If you are not an integral part of God, why should He come to die for you. Many people openly acclaim that they are the Children of Satan, and they openly denounce God, the Creator. All the trees we put our hopes in are they not made by God? They are gods themselves. Even stones, sand, wind, and Lucifer, whom you always refer to as Satan, is god. THE MEANING OF SATAN IS OPPOSITION. NOW THAT CHRIST HAS GIVEN US INSTRUCTION THAT WE SHOULD LOVE ONE ANOTHER, ALL THOSE WHO HATE ONE ANOTHER ARE SATANIC BECAUSE THEY OPPOSE THE GOVERNMENT OF CHRIST. Therefore change your mind, and love one another; for all the churches, and everything in the world, are one. We are to love God, love one another, because if a child born today is revealed to you, you would realize that the child had existed before the foundation of the world. All the occurrences we now see, are repetitions of evolution. Equally we ourselves sitting down here now are all old people who had existed before the foundation of the world. There is no new

person in the world. From today, I do not want any of you to seek for his personal glory, everyone should seek the glory, honor of our Lord Jesus Christ alone. If our confidence is in Our Lord Jesus Christ alone, we will have no problems in life. Let those who have ears hear, and may God bless His Holy Words. Amen. THANK YOU HOLY FATHER.


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