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Cranial nerve I olfactory

Type Sensory Smell


Assessment findings/ results Client can identify scent such as perfume odor, etc. while closing her eyes. She has no problem in smelling.

II optic nerve


Visual and visual fields She cant read small printed handouts and cant see objects clearly in far distance, do wears a reading eye glasses. When looking straight ahead, client can see objects in the periphery. Extra ocular eyePupils constrict just a little when movement (EOM);looking at near objects; pupils movement ofdilate just also a little when sphincter of pupil;looking at far objects. Pupils are movement of cilliarypoorly round and not reactive to muscles of lens light and accommodation. EOM; specificallyBoth eyes are coordinated a moves eyeballlittle. Move in unison, with downward andparallel alignment, follows laterally objects when move downward and laterally. Sensation of cornea,While client looks upward, eye skin of face and nasalblinks when the lateral sclera andmucosa was lightly touched with piece of Sensation of skin ofcotton, able to sense foreign face and anterior oralobject as it touches her face, cavity feel pain on areas pointed by Muscles ofsharp edges. mastication, sensationClient can feel tickling sensation of skin of face as the tongue slide to the hard palate surface Client can chew the food properly with no discomfort, can clench teeth. EOM > moves eyeballAble to follow penlight as it laterally moves to lateral side without difficulty or discomfort but has right sided weakness on the eye. andFacial expression andClient cant smile, raise her taste( anterior 2/3 ofeyebrows, frown, puff out her the tongue) cheeks, and close her eyes tightly. But she can also identify various tastes while closing her eyes such as sweet, salt, sour and bitter. Equilibrium Hearing Negative Romberg: Client can sway slightly but able to maintain posture and foot stand. Can hear spoken words clearly and can repeat it correctly, can hear the ticking of the wrist watch.

III occulomotor


IV trochlear


V trigeminal ophthalmic branch Maxillary branch Mandibular branch

Sensory Sensory Sensory motor

VI abducens


VII facial

Motor sensory

VIII auditory Sensory vestibular branch Sensory Cochlear branch











tongue movement,tastes, can move her tongue taste(posterior from side to side, up and down tongue) with no discomforts, and can initiate swallowing with no difficulty. andSensation of pharynxClient cant communicate well, and larynx,cant speak words clearly, and swallowing, vocal cordcant initiate swallowing with movement difficulty. Head movement;Client can shrug her left shrugging of shoulders shoulder against resistance to the force applied by hands. Right shoulder has difficulty in shrugging against resistance. Can turn head side to side against resistance from my hand.

X vagus

Motor sensory

XI accessory


XII hypoglossal


Protrusion of tongue;Client can protrude her tongue moves tongue up andat midline and move it side to down and side to side side with difficulty going to the right. Can move her tongue up and down.

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