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The accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

1. Introduction

The aim of this article is to provide full (or more or less full) lists of i-verbs for
various Croatian dialects. The existence of full lists of examples from various
language systems is crucial in the reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic accentual
paradigms. In order for some dialectal data to be really useful in reconstructing
the Proto-Slavic system, there has to be a sufficient number of examples. For
instance, if one has to operate with ten or so examples in various systems, it is of
course impossible to reconstruct a proto-system in which one is able to
prosodically classify all (or almost all) examples. If one cannot convincingly
reconstruct the Proto-Slavic system, then reconstructions of a deeper level,
Balto-Slavic and Indo-European, are even more difficult. Thus, it is absolutely
necessary to have as much dialectal data as possible in order to make our
reconstructions more precise. Unfortunately, the list gathering methodology is
not very popular in Croatian dialectology. Usually only a couple of examples for
each accentual paradigm are given, the rest being dismissed with etc. Because of
this, it is practically impossible to find more than a few full lists of i-verbs for
Croatian dialects (and for other verbs, nouns etc. as well). Even in big dialectal
dictionaries or descriptions some examples tend to be missing. Such lists are
usually not available even for those most archaic dialects which would really
contribute to the reconstruction of the Proto-Slavic system (like some Posavina
dialects, some Kajkavian and akavian dialects). With this article I have tried to
remedy that and have collected more or less full lists of i-verbs for 24 Croatian
1. tuparje Kajkavian (zagorsko-meimurski dialect)
2. Zabok Kajkavian (zagorsko-meimurski dialect)
3. Konjina Kajkavian (zagorsko-meimurski dialect)

I would like to thank Kristina Mareni who read the text carefully and especially to Sergei L.
Nikolaev who readily discussed many issues concerning i-verbs with me and helped me in
many ways during my research. However, I must note that all the views expressed and possible
mistakes made in this article are my own.

4. Drinje kajkavized akavian (donjosutlanski dialect)
5. Mahino - kajkavized akavian-Kajkavian (prigorski dialect)
6. Nova Drenina Neo-tokavian (istonohercegovaki dialect)
7. ainci Neo-tokavian (istonohercegovaki dialect)
8. Sie Old tokavian (posavski dialect)
9. Magi Mala - Old tokavian (posavski dialect)
10. Orubica Old tokavian (posavski dialect)
11. Velika Kopanica Old tokavian (posavski dialect)
12. Matulji akavian (sjevernoakavski dialect)
13. Sunger/Mrkopalj tokavized akavian/tokavian (srednjoakavski/zapadni
ikavski dialect)
14. Filipjakov tokavized akavian (junoakavski dialect)
15. Tisno - tokavized akavian (junoakavski dialect)
16. Sinj/Brnaze Neo-tokavian (zapadni ikavski dialect)
17. Stobre - Neo-tokavian (zapadni ikavski dialect)
18. Prapatnice - Neo-tokavian (zapadni ikavski dialect)
19. Klobuk - Neo-tokavian (zapadni ikavski dialect)
20. Opuzen - Neo-tokavian (zapadni ikavski dialect)
21. Puia akavian (junoakavski dialect)
22. Pitve akavian (junoakavski dialect)
23. Smokvica tokavized akavian (junoakavski dialect)
24. Trpanj - tokavized akavian (junoakavski dialect)
In addition to these dialects, for which more or less full lists are available, I have
also added rather scarce data from a couple of other Old tokavian Slavonian
(posavski and podravski) dialects which are meant to serve as basic information
on what can be expected to be found in these dialects. These additional dialects
are: Batina, ljivoevci, Sikerevci, Davor and Slavonski Koba. From these
dialects, the most important for the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic are the
Kajkavian dialects and the Posavina dialects of Sie and Magi Mala. They have
more or less preserved the old accentual paradigm c in verbs like *suiti, *xolditi
where most other Croatian dialects have innovated. However, all these dialects
are important as models that show us in what direction the accentual
development of i-verbs might have gone. The aim of this article is of course not
only to provide data for the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic but also to try to
show how Proto-Slavic accentual paradigms were reflected in different Croatian
dialects. However, since the list of the dialects is mostly completely random (i.e.
I tried to get as much material from as many dialects as I could), one should not
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

think of this article as the last word on i-verbs in Croatian dialects
. This article
should rather serve as an introduction to the problem of the i-verb accentuation
in Croatian dialects
. I will try to publish more data on i-verbs in separate
publications in future. The article is structured in the following way: first, the
lists of i-verbs in separate dialects are given (together with an introductory
description of prosody and phonology for every dialect) and then we look at
how Croatian data corresponds to Proto-Slavic reconstructed forms and discuss
some inner-Croatian problems concerning i-verbs. I have to note that the aim
of this article is not to reconstruct Proto-Slavic accentual system of i-verbs. The
aim of this article, besides providing the previously unknown dialectal material,
is to determine the basic rules on how the Proto-Slavic system developed to
various Croatian dialectal systems (e.g. what happened to the Proto-Slavic
paradigms, how they were reflected, what the innovations that have occurred
are and how to explain them etc.). The actual reconstruction of the full Proto-

One should also bear in mind that even the best informants (and linguists!) sometimes make
mistakes when asked how they say/pronounce something. Sometimes they mispronounce the
word by accident, sometimes they claim that they have a word in the dialect even if they really
do not (and vice versa), sometimes individuals have their own idiosyncrasies and idiolects,
sometimes they do not mention (or do not know) other variants which are in use as well etc.
There is one more thing that must be mentioned. It is quite clear that getting the data for 24
dialects by normal fieldwork would require a lot more time and big financial expenses. This is
why only Posavian data (except for the majority of the Orubica data), i.e. the data for Sie,
Magi Mala, Velika Kopanica and additional lists, was gathered during a regular field
expedition in Slavonia from middle-aged and older dialectal speakers (the data was collected in
the 2006 and 2007 expeditions the participants of the expedition were, besides the author of
this article, Sergei L. Nikolaev, Marfa N. Tolstoi, Martina Perai and, in 2007, Vladimir A.
Dybo). For practical purposes, all other data was collected in Zagreb from younger dialectal
speakers (in their twenties). The exception is in the case of Prapatnice, where the informant was
middle-aged. In the case of Puia and Drinje, I obtained the data interviewing native speakers
that are professional linguists and in the case of Filipjakov I got the data from a native speaker
and a professional linguist via e-mail. The reason I could obtain the data from younger speakers
is the fact that in Croatia, fortunately, there are still a lot of fully dialectally competent young
speakers. I have made special care to select only those speakers that were completely fluent in
their dialect. The upsides and downsides of working with younger speakers are obvious. The
upside is that one can find a lot of them outside of their place of origin and thus save time and
money while getting the dialectal data, that they know how to discriminate the dialect from the
standard better than older speakers and that there is much less code-switching, that they are
familiar with grammatical terms and that one can ask them questions like how do you make
an imperative form from this verb? etc. The downside is that in most cases younger speakers
will be less archaic than older speakers. How much younger people may differ form older
depends, of course, from case to case but in general the differences are usually not great. In our
case, the difference could perhaps be in a couple of verbs. Of course, it is always possible to
check the data with older speakers if necessary. The system provided by younger speakers is in
any case a good start for later inquiries.

Slavic system of i-verbs is beyond the scope of this work since it would, of
course, have to include the addition of the vast material from other Slavic
2. Slavic i-verbs
In the classic approach to the reconstruction of Proto-Slavic accentuation, the
i-verbs belong to three accentual paradigms:
A.p. a *praviti - *pravi; *gotoviti - *gotovi
A.p. b *voziti - *vozi; *ljubiti - *ljbi
A.p. c *loviti - *lov; *gubiti - *gub
However, there were some problems with this reconstruction concerning the
affiliation of certain verbs to accentual paradigms. For instance, in some
tokavian dialects we find the verbs sl, trub (A.p. C) which correlate with
the words slo, truba (A.p. B) a clear violation of the rules of Slavic word
derivation accentuation. Cases like these occur in many Slavic dialects verbs
that are expected to belong to A.p. b through regular rules of derivational
accentuation in fact belong to A.p. c in some dialects (and to A.p. b in others).
Because of this curious phenomenon, post-1988 Moscow Accentological School
operates with A.p. b1 and A.p. b2 in i-verbs (cf. , &
1990: 112-121). The verbs that belong to A.p. b1 are those like *nos or *voz
(mostly iteratives) which belong to A.p. B in all Slavic languages/dialects, while
the verbs that belong to A.p. b2 belong to A.p. B in some Slavic
languages/dialects and to A.p. C in other. These are the verbs like *lo/lo
or *sl/sel (mostly causatives and denominatives). The Russian scholars
explain A.p. b1 and A.p. b2 by assuming different prosodic properties of the
suffix -i- (i.e. two different suffixes, one dominant and one recessive) which
then caused different progressive shifts and/or retractions in various Slavic
dialects. The outcomes also depended on the length of the root and thus there
are four different dialectal groups concerning the reflexes of A.p. b2 verbs:
*lo/xvl, *lo/xval, *lo/xvl and *lo/xval (,
& 1990: 112). One has to note that the expected reflex of
A.p. b2 in those dialects that do have the accent on the thematic -i- is not
supposed to be identical to the reflex of the original A.p. c, cf. expected *lote in
A.p. b2 but *lovte in A.p. c. However, for all practical purposes we can say that
A.p. b2 yields either A.p. B or A.p. C since there is no dialect that would
distinguish old A.p. b2 verbs with the accent on the thematic vowel and old A.p.
c verbs. Of course, it is not to be excluded that such dialect will eventually be
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

. If we leave the actual explanation of the A.p. b1 and A.p. b2 problem
aside (we shall not deal with the origin of this phenomenon here), we can still
conclude that the existence of A.p. b2 verbs (a group of verbs in which one
would expect A.p. b but which are A.p. B in some but A.p. C in other Slavic
dialects) is a real phenomenon
. One of the main reasons for writing this article
was to shed some light on the reflexes of Proto-Slavic A.p. b2 verbs in Croatian.
The meaning of the verb is given only when differing in one way or the other
from the meaning in Standard Croatian
, when there is no given verb in the
standard language and in the case of homographs/homophones. In order to
make the lists more user-friendly reconstructions are given in [] parentheses
when the dialects exhibit forms phonologically different from the standard
language. The verbs are usually adduced in the infinitive and some form of the
present tense (occasionally other forms are provided as well the data
presented here is not always ideal, due to objective and not so objective
reasons). In most cases, when the full i-verb list is given, if a verb is missing in
the list it means that it does not exist in the dialect (or that the informant does
not know it or cannot pronounce it). Usually, only historical i-verbs were
included in the lists. In many Croatian dialects, old -verbs become i-verbs (in
ikavian dialects, this occurs because both *i and * yield i but verbs can shift
from i-to -verbs even if their reflexes are different) but are not included here
since these tend to act differently concerning the accent
and should be treated
separately. In some cases, it is not clear whether one is dealing with an old i- or
-verb (in this case, we adduce these verbs
). The amount of data available for
some dialects is larger than that for the others (for instance the amount of side
information) due to objective circumstances. In some cases, the data is

There are some Croatian dialects that have accents like lmo besides accents like lovimo.
However, this could easily be an innovation, not an archaism.
Of course, even if one does not believe it to be a special class of verbs, it is still useful to observe
the reflexes of the verbs with the apparent vacillation in the reflexes of the accentual paradigms.
One should note that the verb kazniti is not really relevant since it is a Russian loanword in
Croatian (and then probably loaned from the standard language to the dialects) and that the
verb oriti se reverberate (not to be confused with raz-oriti destroy).
For instance, many dialects have a system like slijediti - slijed - slijd with a stem-fixation of
the accent in prefixed i-verbs, but utjeti - ut - uut with no stem-fixation (poluotmetnos) in
-verbs (but t as well in other dialects). Also, the long A.p. C type (um, tp etc.) is very
common in -verbs but mostly exceptional in i-verbs (many dialects, especially akavian and
Kajkavian, lack the long A.p. C type in i-verbs altogether).
i- and -verbs can occasionally be formed from the same root (sometimes with a different
meaning cf. Standard Croatian causative bijeliti make something white and bijeljeti se be

inconclusive because some verbs are not used in all forms or because
informants provided contradictory data and the author was not able to check it
later. The verbs are categorized to the synchronic A.p. A, B and C (as opposed
to historical A.p. a, b and c) with practically divided short
and long A.p. B (for
instance, nos and mlt; and short, long and shortened
C stems (for instance,
zvn, cur and n
; there are no long A.p. A stems
). Vacillating verbs are
usually listed separately
(except in the case where one variant is obviously
secondary historically) and biparadigmatic transitivity pair A.p. B/C stems,
which exist in some dialects, as well (for instance, the verb roditi is in some
dialects A.p. B when transitive and A.p. C when intransitive). If a prefixed verb
belongs to another paradigm (for instance, the verb lomiti is A.p. C and
polomiti is A.p. B), the prefixed verb is adduced in parentheses after the non-
prefixed verb (even though it really belongs to another paradigm), except when
only the prefixed form exists then it is listed in its own paradigm list.
forms are in most cases given as actually uttered for instance, if a dialect has a
neo-acute , which is sometimes, due to intonation, position or other
circumstances realized as , this is the form given here; the same goes for
posttonic length in some dialects it is not realized in all the cases where it is
expected due to various reasons (sometimes with idiolectal differences). Thus,
what is phonologically nos can sometimes be realized phonetically as nos,
sometimes as nosi (and sometimes as nosi with a half-length).
In these cases, I
have always given the actually pronounced form in spite of the fact that the

First non-prefixed and then prefixed verbs.
Here we presume old shortening of all long vowels in front of two or more morae (Kapovi
2005a: 101, Holzer 2007: 74-75). Later shortened vowels (like r > r in various dialects) do not
enter this group in the lists.
The verbs with the original *e, *o, *, * have, of course, originally short stems, all other
vowels are originally long, then shortened (like gb;, but in some cases the length was
reintroduced (like slijed;, cf. Kapovi 2005a, Kapovi 2008.
In the A.p. A lists, sometimes I set apart secondary A.p. A (< A.p. B) verbs or A.p. A verbs
with non-initial accent.
In some cases, the classification is difficult, sometimes even arbitrary. Thus, one should look
at the forms, not just the practical classification.
In the dialects that have the phenomenon of poluotmetnos , i.e. in which we have lvm but
lovm, the verbs that are attested only in prefixed form are not really relevant since it is
impossible to know which accentual paradigm (A.p. b or A.p. c) is original (because one expects
nlom from both lm and lom). Of the dialects presented here, the dialects without
poluotmetnos are the Kajkavian ones (tuparje, Zabok, Konjina, Drinje, Mahino) and two
akavian dialects (Matulji and, in most cases, Pitve). All other dialects have poluotmetnos in i-
verbs. The historical origin of this phenomenon is far from being clear.
Of course, there are also dialects in which the acute is always pronounced as acute and
posttonic long vowels are always pronounced long.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

length could be written there phonologically in all cases without any problems.
The non-accentual part of dialectal data is sometimes, for various reasons, given
in phonetic rather then phonological shape. The signs and are used for
Standard Croatian nj and lj and for d. The signs and are also used for the
middle and for practical purposes.
Abbreviations: A. accusative, adj. adjective, A.p. accentual paradigm, D.
dative, def. definite, f. feminine, G. genitive, I. instrumental, imp.
imperative, inf. infinitive, L. locative, m. masculine, n. neutral, N.
nominative, nx used more than once by the informant, part. participle, pl.
plural, pres. present tense, sg. singular, sup. supine
If there is no special mark for sg. or pl. the form is in the singular. The
imperative is always followed by exclamation mark. The first form listed is
always the infinitive, followed by a present tense form after the hyphen. In the
case of participles, the order is always,,,,, Of
course, not all the forms need to be listed in all the examples.
2.1 Prapatnice (near Vrgorac, Dalmatia) Neo-tokavian (Western Ikavian

The dialect has the usual four-accent system with stable posttonic length. is
always short and sharply, canonically pronounced. Accent shifts to the
proclitic occur very often, in some cases with no exceptions, cf. od kokoi, u loze,
u zoru, also Prapatnican, Vrgorac, z vidila during day-light etc. Old *
yields i, there is no phoneme h, syllabic r can be both short and long (with a few
sporadic cases of shortening), and are different, v is a labiodental
approximant (with the allophone [w]), -m > -n in the end of the word, long
and are usually phonetically closed or diphthongized (, or
) infinitive
ends in -t, l-participle in -ij;a (< *-il).
a.p. A
bavit se - bav se, bavija se; zabuit - zabu [*bliti]; blatit - blat (cf. blato,
blato); stit - st; udit se - ud se (cf. udo, udu); dmit se -dm se (cf.
dm, G. dma); gadit se - gad se (cf. gad, G. gada); gazit - gaz; gladit - glad;
grabit - grab; zgrbit - zgrb; grlit - grl; vatit - vat [*xvatiti]; jarit se - jar se
(cf. jare, jareta); skrit se - skr se; kudit - kud; kupit - kup; kvait - kva; kasnit
- kasn
; ktit - kt; kselit se - ksel se; lit - l; lupit - lup; mrit - mr (cf.

Vla m
omu ispitanku J
zi Kpoviu.
A.p. A is obviously secondary for A.p. b, since the verb is etymologically *ksniti and thus
cannot belong to A.p. A. Kasniti instead of ksniti (as attested in other dialects) is due to


mra, G. mr) [*mriti]; mlit se - ml se; mslit - msl; smstit - smst [*mstiti];
nudit - nud; pazit - paz; plait - pla; plazit - plaz; pratit - prat; pravit - prav,
pravija; pruit - pru; puit - pu, puili; punit - pun; prtit - prt; ranit - ran be
early; wound (cf. rano early; rana wound); ruit - ru, rue; stit se - st se
[*stiti s]; slit - sl (cf. sla); slavit - slav (cf. slava); slnit - sln (cf. slna); stavit
- stav; strait - stra; tetit - tet (cf. teta); tit - t [*titi]; tlait - tla (cf.
tlaka); trapit - trap, trape dig out stones from the ground; vadit - vad; vsit
- vs; vlait - vla (cf. vlaga); udit - ud harm; rlit - rl [*xrliti]; alit - al
bgatit se - bgat se (cf. bgat, bgata); zgtovit - zgtov (cf. gtov, gtova);
kristit - krist (cf. also i-noun krist, G. kristi); prtivit se - prtiv se (cf. the
preposition prtiv); tvarit - tvar (cf. tvar, G. tvara); darit - dar; tmait
explain - tma (note the special development *| > o)
a.p. B
kznit - kazn; gnit - gon; klnit se - klon se; lit - lo; mlit - mol; nsit -
nos; prsit - pros; skit - sko; vzit - voz; nit se; - en se; (cf. na, nu);
govrit - gvor; svidit - svdo (cf. svdok, svidka); vdit - vod
zgrmit - zgrom; sklit - skol; blagosvit - blagsov [*blagosloviti]; okamnit -
okmen (cf. kamn, na kamn
); uklnit - klon; zaklpit - zklop; ponsit se -
pnos se; oslobdit - oslbod; naslnit - nslon; potvrit - ptvor blame
someone for something; pokrit se - pkor se (cf. pkora)
bilit - bl bl; [*bliti]; branit - brn, branila; brusit - brus; budit - bud; buit
- bu; cidit - cd [*cditi]; cinit - cn [*cniti]; cipit - cp; cvilit - cvl; davit -
dv; dilit - dl cf. dja/dja, G. dila; [*dliti]; diit se - d se; drait - dr;
driit - dr untie; druit se - dru se; duit - du let air out, deflate; gasit -
gs; glumit - glum; gnizdit se - gnzd se cf. gnizdo, gnizda;; gospodarit -
gospdr cf. gospdr, G. gospodara;; gradit - grd; griit - gr [*griti]; gulit
- gul; pogdit - pgr; javit - jv; kadit - kd; kalit - kl; krasit - krs; kratit -
krt; k
osit - k
s make something slant; kripit se - krp se [*krpiti]; krivit
se; - krv se;; kruit - kru cf. krug, G. kruga;; krvavit - krvv; dokuit -
dk; kupit - kup; ukvasit - kvs; kit - kr; liit - l [*liti]; lipit - lp
[*lpiti]; libit se - lb se; ubit - ub; utit - ut; mamit - mm; mastit - mst cf.

analogy with the present kasnn or to analogy with the semantically related verb raniti, rann
(be late and be early).
The last syllable was lengthened in front of a sonant and the word was subsequently
transferred to A.p. C (cf. Kapovi 2005b, Kapovi 2008).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

mst, msti;; misit - ms [*msiti]; mirit se - mr se; mladit se - mld se; mlatit -
mlt; mrait se - mr se; mutit - mut; mlait se - ml se; msit - mrs;
prominit - prmn [*mniti]; naglit se - ngl se; oblait se - bl se cloud cf.
oblk, G. oblka;; oblait se - bln se dress; palit - pl; zaplinit - zpln
[*pelniti]; zapriit - zpr [*priti]; platit - plt; prasit se -prs se; prait se -
pr se; pritit - prt [*pertiti]; radit - rd; riit - r [*riti]; porubit - prb;
sadit - sd; slipit - slp [*slpiti]; sluit - slu; suzit - suz [*ziti]; snubit - snub;
sladit se - sld se; sudit - sud, prsd cf. sud, G. suda;; stupit - stup; suit se -
su se; svetit se - svet se take revenge; svetit - svet bless; sdit se; - srd se;;
irit - r se cf. irna, A. rinu, u irinu; rok, irka;; tribit - trb [*terbiti];
tuit se - tu se; trait - tr; trusit - trus; trudit se - trud se; tvdit - tvrd; vabit
- vb; varit - vr; vratit - vrt; ladit - ld cf. ld, G. lda; ldan, ladna, ldno -
ldn, ldn, ldn; [*xolditi]; ranit - rn cf. rana, A. ranu; [*xorniti]; valit -
vl cf. vala, A. valu; [*xvaliti]; zrait - zr; dribit se - drb se, drb se cf.
drbe, G. drbeta; [*erbiti]
a.p. C
brit se - br se zbor se;, brili; brjit - brj cf. brj, G. broja;; brstit - brst;
stit - st; djit - dj; drbit - drb; dvrit - dvr; gjit - gj dgoj;; glbit -
glb; gjit - gj cf. gj, G. goja, A. u gj;; gdit - gd; gjit se - gj se get
fat; gstit - gst; krit - kr; ksit - ks mow pkos, cf. ksa, A. kosu
scythe;; ktit se - kt se; krjit - krj; krstit - krst; ldit se - ld se cf. led, G.
leda;; lmit - lm slom;; lvit - lv lov;; mdit se - md se cf. med, G.
meda;; mit - mn, m smo;; mkrit - mkr se; mrit - mr mor;;
mtrit - mtr; mglit se - mgl se cf. mgla, A. maglu;; nit - n cf. n, G.
noi, prko noi;; r se; trit - tr; pldit - pld; plvit - plv; pjit - pj; ppit
se - pp se be ordained to priesthood cf. pop, G. ppa;; pstit - pst; prstit -
prst prost;; pprit - ppr cf. ppar, G. ppra;; rjit se - rj se; rnit - rn;
rpit se - rp se; rsit se - rs se; slit se - sl se cf. slo, sla, sel;;
kpit - kp; krpit - krp; szit - sz [*slziti]; smlit se - sml se cf. smla,
A. smolu;; slvit - slv cf. slovo, slva;; slit - sl psol, cf. s, G. soli, L.
u sli;; sramtit se - sramt se osrmot se;; cklit se - ckl se cf. cklo,
ckla; [*stklit s]; tlit se - tl se cf. tle, G. tleta;; tplit se - tpl se; tpit se;
-tp se; top;; tvit - tv; trit - tr; vdrit se - vdr se; veslit se - vesl se;
znjit se - znj se; zrit - zr ripen; zvnit - zvn cf. zvono, zvna,
zvon;; alstit se; - alst se;

nit - n in;; gbit - gb, gbija zgub;; pstit - pst
npust;; it -
brujit - bruj; jurit - jur zjr;; pilit - pil cf. pila, A. pilu;; rudit - zra se rud;
sjajit - sjaj; slait - sla mu it is sweet to him [*sladiti] [intransitive]; sniit -
sni cf. sng, G. snga; [*sniti]; slidit - slid [*slditi]; sramit se - sram se
psrm se;; svitlit se; - svitl se; [*svtliti]; titit - tit; tajit - taj; trubit -
trub cf. truba, A. trubu;; vridit - vrid; virit - vir; ulit - ul [*xuliti]; znait -
zna cf. znk, G. znka;; arit se - ar se; urit se - ur se
a.p. B-C transitivity pairs
rdit - rod [transitive] ako rod dite;, rd [intransitive] ako groe rd;; tit
- to [transitive] n to vino;, t se [intransitive] vino se t;; tupit - tupn
[transitive] tupn n;, tup se [intransitive] tup se n;; zlatit - zltn
[transitive] j t zltn;, zlat se [intransitive] cf. zlto, G. zlta, od zlta; the
former is probably an old -verb;; zvnr zvon [transitive] . zvono zvn
2.2 Klobuk (west Herzegovina) - Neo-tokavian (Western Ikavian dialect)

The dialect has the usual four-accent system with stable posttonic length. is
pronounced canonically. Old * yields i, there is no phoneme h, and are
differed, syllabic r can be both short and long, v is mostly fricative, -m > -n in
the end of the word, infinitive ends in -t, l-participle in -ij;a (< *-il),
unaccented i and u tend to be reduced. The words with je for * and with h are
due to the influence of the standard language.
a.p. A
bavit se - se bavmo; blatit - blatmo; bratit se - bratmo se; cerit se - cermo se;
stit - stmo; udit se - udmo se; desit - des; dmit se - se dm; gadit - gadmo;
gazit - gazmo; grabit - grabmo; grlit - grlmo; jedrit - jedrmo; jait - ja; jarit
se - jar; kamenit se - kamenmo se; kaznit - kazn, kaznmo se; ktit - ktmo se;
kupit - kupmo; kasnit - kasnmo; lit - l, lmo; lupit - lupmo; mlit - ml,
mlmo; mrit - mrmo [*mriti]; muit - mumo; mslit - mslmo; mrvit -

The preservation of A.p. c here is remarkable. In most other dialects, this verb became A.p. B,
sometimes without reintroducing the length (cf. Standard Croatian pstiti - pust;, sometimes
with the length (dial. pustiti - pust;.
The village is situated some 10 km from the village of Prapatnice.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

mrvmo; nudit - nudmo; pazit - pazmo; pjenit - pjenmo; plait - plamo; plazit
- plazmo; pratit - pratmo; pravit - pravmo; pruit - prumo; puit - pumo;
paprit - paprmo
; prtit - prtmo; ranit - ranmo; ruit - rumo; stit se - stmo se
[*stiti]; slit - slmo; slavit - slavmo; stavit - stavmo; strait - stramo; suzit -
suzmo cf. sza; [*slziti]; srit - srmo; alit se - almo se; tjeit - tjemo; trit -
trmo; vadit - vadmo; vjerit se - vjermo se; vlait - vlamo; alt (sic!) - almo;
bstrit - bstr [transitive]; slabit - slab [transitive]
bgatit se - se bgatmo; bravit - bravmo; kristit - kristmo; kusit - k
okrvavit - okrvavmo; lazit - lazmo; meit - memo; nudit - nudmo;
pganit - pganmo become bad; ponosit - ponosmo se; zratit - zratmo;
zsitit se - zsitmo; zdravit - zdravmo; darit - darmo; zvisit - zvismo
a.p. B
brjit - broj, brojmo, brojte; gnit - gon, gonmo; klnit se - klon, klonmo se,
klonte; krstit - krst, krstmo, krstte; kisl
t - kselmo; ljit - loj; lmit - lom,
lommo, lomte; lvit - lov, lovmo, lovte; lit - lo, lomo; mit - mon,
mo, momo; ml
t - molmo; mrit - mor, mormo; mtrit - motrmo; nsit -
nosmo; prstit - da prost, da prostte (also prstmo, but probably by mistake);
pstit - pust, pustmo; pustit - pstomo; rdit - rod, rodmo; rnit - ronn,
ron, ron, ronmo, ronte, ron also rn?;; sl
t se - se sel, selmo se; skit -
skomo; sl
t - sol, solmo; sramtit - srmotmo; svidit - svdomo
[*svdoiti]; tvit - tov, tovmo, tovte; trit - tro, tromo; tvrit - tvormo
?;; vzit - vozmo; zor it dawns; alstit - lostmo; nit se - se en, enmo
blagoslvit - blagslovmo; zaklpit - zklopmo; prilagdit - prilgodmo;
primstit - prmostmo; obnvit - bnovmo; pokrit - pkormo; prepolvit -
preplovmo; rasprit - rspormo; upozrit - upzormo; sprijatit se -
sprijtemo se; ustanvit - ustnovmo; pstrojmo; osvjit - svojmo; tvarit -
tvarmo; otvrit, zatvrit - tvormo, ztvormo; ozaknit - ozkonmo
ublait - blmo; branit - brnmo; brusit - brusmo; budit - budmo; buit -
bumo; cidit - cdmo [*cditi]; cjepit - cjepmo; uvstit - vrstmo; cpit -
crpmo; udait - dmo; davit - dvmo; dilit - dlmo [*dliti]; diit - d,

Probably A.p. A by analogy to the present tense form since the stem vowel is etymologically

dmo; divit - dvmo; druit se - drumo se; odv se; duit - dumo; duit -
dumo; gasit - gsmo; se ogluit; gnjezdit - gnjezdmo se; gavit - gvmo; glas
- gls; gradit - grdmo; gospodarit - gospdrmo; govorit - gvr, gvormo,
; griit - grmo [*griti]; grozit se - grzmo se; gulit - gulmo; gdit -
grdmo; ladit - ldmo cf. ladan - ldn; [*xolditi]; hrabrit - hrbrmo; ranit -
rnmo [*xorniti]; falit - flmo [*xvaliti]; objasnit - bjsnmo; javit - jvmo;
ujedinit - ujdn; kadit - kdmo; zakuit - zkmo; kratit - krtmo; se ks it
goes against; krasit - krsmo; raskrilit - rskrlmo; krivit - krvmo; prikriit -
prkrmo; ukrutit se - krtmo se; kruit - krumo; kudit - kudmo; kupit -
kupmo; kvasit - kvsmo; kit - krmo; liit - lmo [*liti]; ulinit se - lnmo
se [*lniti]; lipit - lpmo se [*lpiti]; liit - lmo; ubit - ubmo; utit - utmo;
luit - lumo; utit - utmo; mamit - mmmo; marit - mrmo; mastit -
mstmo; misit - msmo [*msiti]; mesarit - msrmo; mirit se - mrmo se;
mlait - mlmo; mrait - mrmo; mlatit - mltmo; msit - mrsmo; mutit -
mutmo; umtvit - mrtvmo; naglit - nglmo; snizit - snzmo; oblait -
blmo dress; oblait se - bl se cloud; pal
t - plmo; opametit se -
opmtmo se; pilit - plmo; platit - pltmo; prait - prmo; pritit - prtmo
[*pertiti]; protivit - prtvmo; radit - rdmo; ridit - rdmo [*rditi]; riit -
rmo [*riti]; priredit - prrdmo; rubit - rubmo; sadit - sdmo; snait -
snmo; sladit - sldmo [transitive]; sramit se - srmmo se; sudit - sudmo;
stupit - stupmo; ustrilit - strlmo [*strliti]; suit - sumo; svetit se - svetmo se
take revenge; svetit - svet bless; sdit - srdmo; irit - rmo; tajit - tjmo;
tribit - trbmo [*terbiti]; tlait - tlmo torture; tupit - tup se;, tupmo; tuit -
tumo; tratit - se trt, trtmo; trait - trmo; trubit - trub, trubmo; trusit -
trusmo; trudit se - trudmo se; triznit se - trznmo se [*terzniti]; zaustit -
zstmo; vabit - vbmo; razvalt (sic!) - rzvlmo; varit - vrmo; izvjestit -
zvjstmo; povlait - pvlmo; vratit - vrtmo; izvit - zvrmo; ozarit se -
zrmo se; znait - zn; ar
t se - se r ara se r;; ocnit - crnn
[transitive]; gustit - gust [transitive]; ludit - lud [transitive]; v [transitive]
a.p. C
brit se - brmo se; brstit - brstmo; stit - stmo; djit - djmo; drb
t - drb,
drbmo, drbte; dvj
t - dvjmo; gnj
t - gnjmo; gdit - gd; gj
t - gjmo;
gstit - gstmo; krit - krn, kr, kr, krmo, krte, kr also kor?); ksit -
ksn, ks, ks, ksmo, kste, ks mow (also kos?); ktit - kt; krjit -
krjn, krj, krj, krjmo, krjte, krj; krtit - krt, krtmo, krtte; krit -
krmo; ldit - ld se; mkrit - mkrmo; mnit - mnmo; mglit - mgl (cf.

The form without the first length is of course older.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

mgla, A. mglu, mgle;; nit - nn, n, n, nmo, nte, n;
rit se - r se; trit - trmo, trm, tr se; pstit - pst, pstmo; prsit -
prs, prsmo; rjit - rj; rsit - rs ka rs drizzle); ckl
t - ckl; srbrit -
srbrmo se; tl
t - tl; tpit - tpn, tp, tpmo; trsit - trsmo; znjit - znj,
nit - nmo; gbit - gb, gbmo; it - mo
buit - bumo; curit - cur; glumit - glum, glummo; jurit - jurn; suzit - suz,
suzmo [*ziti]; slidit - slid, slidmo; svitlit - svitl [*svtliti]; titit - titmo; teit
- temo cf. teak - tek;; vait - va; vridit - vridn, vrid, vrid, vridmo,
vridte, vrid; urit - se ur, urmo se
a.p. B/C transitivity pairs
bln zd [transitive], grd se bil [intransitive] (but this is probably an old -
a.p. B-C vacillation/inconclusive

pldit - pldmo, se plodmo; plvit - plvn, plov, plov/plv, plovmo, plvte,
plv; pjit - pojn, poj, poj, pojmo/pjmo, pojte, pj; kpit - kpn, kp,
kp, kpmo/kopmo, kpte/kopte, kp/kop; t
t - ton, t, t
se;/to se;, tomo, tote, t; zvnit - zvonn, zvon, zvon/zvn,
zvonmo/zvnmo, zvonte, zvon dzvon;; veslit se - vesl se/vsel se,
vselmo se (both variants exist side by side)
2.3 Opuzen (near Neretva river, in Dalmatia) Neo-tokavian (Western
Ikavian dialect)
The dialect has the usual four-accent system with stable posttonic length. is
always short and sharply, canonically pronounced. The accent is often
shifted to the proclitic, cf. juva od msa, na mre, o zltu, also d vrn,
mlncu. Old * yields i, there is no phoneme h (the word hrabrit is an exception,
as in many other dialects, probably due to the influence of the standard),
syllabic r is always short, and are distinct, v is realized as a fricative, -m > -n
in the end of the word, infinitive ends in -t, l-participle in -ij;a (< *-il), often
yields j (cf. kuja but voa).

Some of the examples can probably be attributed to mistake.

a.p. A
bavit se - se bav; blatit - blat; bratit se - bratmo, brat; cerit - cer, cermo; stit
- st; udit se - udmo se, ud, zud; desit - se des; dmit se - se dm; gadit se
- se gad, se gad; gazit - gaz, gazmo, gazte; gdit - gd, n sebi gd, gd
enjoy life (an Italian loanword); grabit - grab, grabmo, grabte; grbit - se grb;
grlit - grl, grlmo; jedrit - jedrmo, jedrte; kaznit - kazn , kazn; klatit se - klat
cf. klatno;; krmit - krm se sleep; kupit - kup; kvait - kva, kvamo; kvasit -
kvas, kvasilo; ktit - kt, kt br; kselit se - se ksel; lit - l; lupit (present
tense lupn;; mrit - mr, mrmo [*mriti]; mslit - msl; mrvit - mrv, mrvmo;
muit - mu, mumo; nudit - nud, nudmo; pazit - paz, pazmo; plait - pla;
plazit - plaz; pratit - prat, pratmo; pravit - pravmo, pravte; pruit - prumo
cf. pru se;; puit - pu, pumo; prtit - prt, prtmo; ranit - se ran, se
ranmo wound; ruit - ru, rumo; stit se - st se, stmo se [*stiti]; slit - sl,
slmo; slavit - slav, slavmo; strait - se stra; alit se - se al, se almo; tjeit -
tje, tjemo (with the standard -je-!); tlait - tla, tlamo; trapit - trap wander
for a long time; tratit - trat, tratmo; trit - tr; vadit - vad; vjerit se - se vjer
with -je-;; vlait - se vla; alit - al, almo, alte
bgatit se - bgat se; bravit; zgtovit - zgtov; itit - it [*xytiti]; kristit -
krist, kristmo, kristte; kusit - kus, kusmo; lazit - lazmo; tvarit -
tvar, tvarmo; tmait - tma; darit - dar, darmo, darte; pustoit -
pusto se;; zratit - zrat se; zsitit - zsit, zsitmo; zvisit - zvis [*vsiti];
zdravit - zdrav (trans.); ozakonit - ozakonmo, ozakonte
caklit se - cakl se; kasnit - kasn, kasnmo; lomit - lom, lommo; lovit - lov,
lovmo; loit - lo, lomo; paprit, zpaprit - zpapr, zpaprmo; topit - top,
a.p. B
blagoslvit - blagslov cf. blagsv;; brit se - bormo, bor; crpit - crp, crpili;
drbit - drobn, drobmo, drob; gjit - goj; gnit - gonmo; klnit se - klon,
klon; ksit - kos, kosmo, koste, kos mow; ktit - kot, kot; mit - mo,
mo; mlit - mol, molmo, molte; mrit - mor; nsit - nos, nosmo; rit se - se
or; trit - otrn, se otr; plvit - plov, plovmo; prsit - pros, prosmo; prstit -
da prost, da prostte; pstit - pust, pustmo; rit - ro, ro; rdit - rod; rjit -
roj; rnit - ron, ronmo; slit se - se sel, se selmo; skit - sko, skomo; slit -
sol; svjedit - svjdomo (with the standard -je-!); kpit - kopmo, kop; tit
- se; to; vzit - vozmo; znjit - znoj, znojmo; nit se - se en, se enmo
vrst (with a shortened -r-); oglit - gol, golmo; zgrmit - zgrom; skamnit
se - skmen; zaklpit - zklop cf. zklp;; prilagdit - se prilgod; polakmit -
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

polkom se; premstit - prmost, prmostmo (with the standard pre-!);
ob/ponvit - b/pnov, b/pnovmo; pokrit - pkor; ponsit se - se pnos cf.
ponos;; pripitmit - priptom; oplemnit - oplmen; pripolvit - priplov,
priplovmo; upozrit - upzor, upzormo; sprijatjit se - sprijtemo se;
ustanvit - ustnov; postrjit - pstroj; utlit - tol; otvrit - tvor, ztvor;
izvrit - zvrte (with a shortened -r-)
ublait - bl; branit - brnmo, brn; brusit - brusmo, brus; budit - budmo,
bud; buit - bumo, bute; cidit - cdmo, cdte, cd [*cditi]; cjenit - cjenmo,
cjente (with the standard -je-); cjepit - cjepmo (with the standard -je-); udait -
d; davit - dvmo, dvte; dilit - dl, dlmo, dlte [*dliti]; diit - dte, d;
divit - dv; drait - drmo, dr; druit se - dru, drumo, drute; dubit -
dubmo, dubte; durit se - dur, dur, durmo; oduvit se - odev se; duit -
du, d; duit - du; gasit - gs, gsmo; uglavit - glvmo; ogluit - gl;
gizdit - gzd [*gnzditi]; gavit - gv, gvmo; glasit - gls; gradit -
grdmo; griit - grte duu [*griti]; gulit - gul, gl; ladit - ld, ldmo,
ld [*xolditi]; hrabrit - hrbrmo, hrbr; ranit - rn, rnmo [*xorniti]; falit -
fl, flmo [*xvaliti]; objasnit - bjsn, bjsnmo; javit - jv; ujedinit - ujdn;
kadit - kd, kdmo; zakuit - zk; skratit - skrt; se ks it goes against;
krasit - krs; raskrilit - se rskrl; krivit - n krvn; kripit - krp se [*krpiti];
prikriit - prkr; ukrutit se - se krt; kruit - krumo, kru; okrvavit - se;
okrvv, okrvvmo; kupit - kupmo, kupte; libit se - se lb; liit - l, lmo
[*liti]; ulinit se - ln, lnmo [*lniti]; lipit - se lp [*lpiti]; jubit - jub
[*ljubiti]; jutit - se jut [*ljutiti]; jutit - jut [*ljuiti]; mamit - mm, mmmo;
mastit - mst, zmst; misit - ms, msmo [*msiti]; mirit se - mrmo, mr;
mrait - mr; mutit - mut; naglit - ngl; snizit - snz, snzmo; oblait - se
bln dress; oblait se - se bl cloud; palit - pl, plmo; opametit se -
opmt se, opmtmo se; preplavit - prplv; platit - plt, pltmo; prait -
pr se; pritit - prt [*pertiti]; protivit - se prtv; radit - rd, rdmo; ridit - rd
se [*rditi]; rjeit - rje with -je-;; priredit - prrd; sadit - sd, sdmo; sudit -
sud; zastranit - zstrn; stupit - stup; ustrjelit - strjl with -je-;; suit - su se;
suzit - suz, suzmo [*ziti]; svetit se - se svet take revenge; irit - r, rmo se;
tribit - trb moune (mahune) [*terbiti]; tupit - se tup; tuit - tu, tumo;
trait - tr, trmo; trubit - trubmo, trubte; trusit - trus, trusmo, truste eat
or drink a lot; trudit se - trud, trudmo; triznit se - trznmo, trznte, trznmo
[*terzniti]; vabit - vb, vbmo; privalit - prvl; varit - vr se;; povlait -
pvl, pvl; vratit - se vrt, vrtmo; znait - zn, znmo

a.p. C
brjit also brjat; - brj, brjmo, brj; stit - stmo, stte, past; djit -
dj; dvrit - dvr, dvrmo; glbit - glb, glbmo, glbte; gjit - gj, goj;
gstit - se gst, se gstmo; krit - kr, krmo; krjit -krj, krjmo, krj; krtit
- krt, krot; krstit - krst, krstmo; ldit - ld, sled, zled; mnit - mn;
nit - n, nmo, nte; pjit - pj; pstit - pst se; rsit - ka rs drizzle;
sramtit - se sramt; tlit - tl se; tvit - tv, tvmo; trsit - se trs; trit - tr,
trmo; veslit se - se veslmo; zvnit - zvn, zvnmo cf. zvono, zvona;;
alstit - alstmo, alstte
nit - n, nmo, in; gbit - gb, gbmo, zgub; it - , mo
brstit - brstmo, brst; krit - kr, krmo, krte; krit - kr, krmo; umrtvit -
mrtv, mrtvmo; trsit - se trs; izvrit - zvrte
bludit - blud; curit - cur; cvilit - cvil, cvilmo; gajit - gaj, gajmo, gajte; glumit -
glum, glummo; jurit - jur, jurmo; zasladit - slad, zsld; sedit - sed, sedmo
(with -je- from the standard language); sramit se -se sram; svitlit - svitl
[*svtliti]; titit - tit, titmo cf. tt, tta, ttovi;; tajit - taj, taj, tajmo; teit
- te; vait - ne va, ne vate; vridit -vrid; arit se - ar se; urit - se ur, se
govorit - gvor, gvormo
lapit - lapilo, lapila (no present) [*xlapiti]; porubit; pomladit; ozlidit; osvjit;
2.4 Brnaze/Sinj Neo-tokavian (Western Ikavian Dialect)
Dialect has the usual four-accent system with stable posttonic length. is
canonical. Old * yields i, in general there is no phoneme h, syllabic r is mostly
shortened (cf. krv) with some exceptions (msit), and are distinct, v is a
fricative, -m > -n in the end of the word, infinitive ends in -t (-i- in -it is often
reduced in fast speech), l-participle ends in -io (< *-il).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. A
bavit se - bavmo se; blatit - blat; cerit se - cer se; stit - st; udit se - ud se;
desit se - des se; dmit se - dm se; gadit - gad; gazit - gaz; grabit - grab; grlit -
grl; jarila se; kamenit se - kamen se; ktit - kt; kupit - kup, skupmo; kurit -
kur it sells well; kuit - ku, kumo; kselit - ksel; slit - sl, slmo; lupit -
lup; ml mi se; mrit - mrmo [*mriti]; muit - mu; mslit - msl; mrvit -
mrv; nudit - nud; nudit - nud; pazit - paz; pnit se - pn se be angry
[*pniti]; plait - pla; plazit - plaz; pratit - prat; pravit - prav; pruit - pru;
puit - pu; paprit - papr; ranit - ran; ruit - ru; stit se - st se [*stiti]; slit se
- se sl act all important cf. adj. slena;; slavit - slav; stavit - stav; strait -
stra; srit - sr, sirilo; alit se - al se; tjeit; tlait - tla; vadit - vad; vlait -
vla; alit - al
bgatit - bgat; bravit - brav; zgtovit - zgtov; kristit - krist; prkait -
prka; lazit - laz; meit - me cf. ma, mu, me;; pnosit
- ponos (sic!); pustoit - pusto; nprtit - nprt; zratit - zrat; zsitit se - se
zsit; zdravit - zdrav; tvarit - tvar; tmait - tma; zvisit - zvis;
prvitrit - prvitr [*vtriti]; ozakonit - ozakon
a.p. B
blagoslvit - blagslov; govrit - gvorn, gvor; kznit - kazn; mlit - mol,
molmo; nsit - nos; pstit - pust, pustte; rdit - rod; skit - sko, skomo;
svidit - svdo; vzit - voz; nit - en, enmo
uvrstit - vrst; oglit - gol; zaklpit - zklop, aor. zaklop; prilagdit -
prilgod; ponvit - pnov; oplemnit - oplmen; pokrit - pkor; pripolvit -
priplov; upozrit - upzor; sprijatit - sprijte; urtit - rot; ustanvit -
ustnov; osvjit - svoj; tvor
ublait - bl; branit - brn; brusit - brus; budit - bud; buit - bu; cjedit -
cjed; cjenit - cjen; cjepit - cjep; udait se - d; davit se - se dv; dilit - dl
[*dliti]; divit - dv; drait - dr; druit se - drun se, dru se; oduevit -
odv; duit - du, zd; gasit - gs; gizdit - gzd [*gnzditi]; gavit -
gv; gradit - grd; gospodarit - gospdr; grjeit - grje; grozit - grz; gulit -
gul; ladit - ld [*xolditi]; hrabrit - hrbr; ranit - rnn, rn [*xorniti]; falit -
fl [*xvaliti]; objasnit - bjsn; javit - jv; ujedinit - ujdn; zakuit - zk;
kratit - krt; kripit - krp, krpmo [*krpiti]; raskrilit - rskrl; krivit - krv;
prikriit - prkr; kruit - kru; kupit - kup, kupmo; kvasit - kruv se kvs; liit
- l [*liti]; ulinit se - lnmo se [*lniti]; lipit - lp, lpmo [*lpiti]; ubit -
ub, ubmo; utit - ut; utit - ut; mamit - mm; zamastio; misit - ms

[*msiti]; mirit se - mr se; mlatit - mlt; mrait - mr; mutit - mut; oblait -
bln dress; oblait se - se bl cloud; suzit - suz [*ziti]; palit - pl;
opametit - opmt; platit - plt; prait - pr lozu; pritit - prt [*pertiti];
protivit - prtv; radit - rd; razridit - rzrd [*rditi]; rjeit - rje; priredit -
prrd; ruit - ru speak ill of someone; sadit - sd; sladit - sld; sudit - sud;
zastranit - zstrn; stupit - stup; suit - su; irit - r; tribit - trb [*terbiti];
tupit - tupn, tup; tuit - tun; trait - tr; trudit se - trud se; triznit - trzn
[*terzniti]; provalit - prvl; varit - vr; povlait - pvl; vrt; znait - zn
(also zna?); dribit - drb [*erbiti]; oivit - vn (trans.)
a.p. C
brit se - br se, brmo se; brdit - brd; brjit - brjn, brj; stit - stn,
st; djit - djn, dj; drbit - drbn, drb; dvjit - dvj; dvrit - dvrn,
dvr; gjit - gjn, gj, pgoj; gstit - gstn, gst; jdrit - jdrn, jdr/jdr;
ksit - ks, ksmo, pkos, pkos; krjit - krj, krjmo; krpit - krp; krtit
- krt, krtmo; krstit - krst; ksnit - ksn; ldit - ld; lmit - lm, lmmo,
lmte, plom, slom, slom, slomte; lvit - lv, lvmo, lvte, lov; lit - l,
lmo, nlote; mstit - mst thresh grapes; mit - m; nit - n; rit se -
r se; trit - trn, tr se; sz [*slziti]; plvit - plv; pjit - pj, npoj;
pstit - pst, pstmo; prsit - prs, prsmo; prstit - da prst, prost; r he
serves time in the army; rjit - rj se; rnit - rn, rnmo, zron; slit se - sl
se, slmo se, prsel se; slit - sl; sramtit - sramt; cklit se - ckl se; szit -
sz [*slziti]; kpit - kp; tit - t; tpit - tp, top; tvit - tv; trit -
trn, tr; veslit se - vesl se; znjit se - znj se; zvnit - zvn; alstit - alst
nit - n, in; gbit - gbn, gb, zgub; it -
brstit - brst; crpit - crp; krit - kr; krit - kr; krmit - krm sleep (derogative);
trsit se - trs se za ps
brujit - bruj; cvilit - cvil; curit - cur; dubit - dubn, dub, dub, zdbmo; glumit
- glum; jurit - jur; milit - mil stroke/fondle a cat; msit - ms cheat; snizit -
sniz (2x); sljedit - sljed (also sljed); sramit se - sram se; svitlit - svitl, zsvtl
[*svtliti]; titit - tit; tratit - trat; trubit - trubn, trub, ztrb; vait - va;
vridit - vrid [*verditi]; arit - ar; urit se - ur se
gnit - gon/gn, gnmo; libit se- lb se, libmo se; tlit - tl/tel, tel
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

klnit se - klni me se! (no present tense); zatplit - zatplilo
2.5 Stobre (near Split) Neo-tokavian (Western Ikavian Dialect)
The dialect has the usual Neo-tokavian four accents but posttonic length is
preserved only in the syllable immediately after the rising accents (with
sporadic shortenings in that position as well). is short, canonical. Old *
yields i, in general there is no phoneme h, syllabic r is usually shortened (cf.
uvrstit), but is occasionally preserved (kit), there is only one (pronounced
as , as in nearby Split, and here written like that), v is a fricative, infinitive ends
in -t.
NOTE: The dialect of Stobre is usually classified as akavian (cf. Mogu 1977:
103), however I could not find basis for such a claim in the limited material I
obtained from my young Stobre informant (who is in his twenties). The loss of
posttonic length is frequent in akavian dialects (the length after Neo-
tokavian rising accents being old stressed length, of course), although north of
Split tokavized akavian dialects of Katila preserve it well. There is no typical
akavian lengthening in the examples like dm, star. I noted the form jsn
which does exhibit lengthening in front of a final sonorant (cf. Kapovi 2008)
but this form does not exclusively point to akavian at all since it is found in
the neighboring tokavian dialects of Gornja Poljica (cf. jsn in Dolac Donji),
as well as in Neo-tokavian dialects of Imotska krajina (imundi 1971) and
Makarsko primorje. I shall leave the problem of the classification of the dialect
of Stobre outside the scope of this work since it is not really relevant in our
a.p. A
bavit se - bavimo se; blatit - blatimo; cerit se - cerimo se; stit - stimo; udit se -
udimo se; desit se - desi se; dmit se - se dmi; gadit - gadimo, se gadi; gazit -
gazimo; gladit - gladimo; godit - godi; grabit - grabimo; grbit - grbi; grlit - grlimo;
jedrit - jedrimo; jait se - se jai; jarit se - se jari; kaznit - kaznimo; ktit -
ktimo; kupit - skupimo; kvait - kvaimo; kvasit - kvasimo; slit - slimo; mlit -
mli mi se; mrit - mrimo [*mriti]; muit - muimo; mslit - mslimo; mrvit -
mrvimo; nudit - nudimo; pazit - pazimo; pnit - pnimo [*pniti]; plait -
plaimo; plazit - plazimo; pratit - pratimo; pravit - pravimo; pruit - pruimo;
puit - puimo; prtit - prtimo; ranit - ranimo; ruit - ruimo; stit se - se sti
[*stiti]; slit - slimo; slavit - slavimo; srit se - se sri; alit se - alimo se; tjeit -
tjeimo; tlait - tlaimo; tratit - tratimo; vadit - vadimo; vrit se - vrimo se
[*vriti]; vtrit - vtri se, vtrimo [*vtriti]; vlait - vlai, vlaimo; alit - alimo

bgatit se - se bgatimo; bravit - bravimo; kristit - kristimo; kusit - kusimo;
lazit - lazimo; nudit - nudimo; pustoit - pustoimo; zratit - zratimo;
zsitit - zsitimo; zdravit - zdravimo; tvarit - tvarimo; zvisit - zvisimo;
ozakonit - ozakonimo
a.p. B
blagoslvit - blagslovimo; gnit - goni; govrit - gvorimo; mlit - molimo; nsit
- nosimo; pldit - plodimo; plvit - plovimo; pstit - pustimo; rdit - rodi, rodimo;
skit - skoimo; vzit - vozimo; nit - eni
uvrstit - vrstimo; oglit - goli; zgrmit - zgromimo; klnit se - se kloni;
zaklpit - zklopimo; rasklit - rskolimo; prilagdit - prilgodimo; primstit -
primost; umrtvit - mrtvimo; ponvit - pnovimo; oplemnit - oplmeni;
upokjit - upkojimo; pokrit - pkorimo; pripolvit - priplovimo; ponsit se -
pnosimo se; zappit se - se zpopi; rasprit - rsporimo; upozrit - upzorimo;
sprijatit - sprijteimo; osvjit - svojimo; zatvrit - ztvorimo; izvrit - zvrimo
ublait - blimo; branit - brnimo; brusit - brusimo; budit - budimo; buit -
buimo; cidit - cdimo [*cditi]; cjenit - cjenimo; cjepit - cjepimo; udait se -
dimo; davit se - se dvimo; dilit - dlimo [*dliti]; divit - dvimo; druit se - se
druimo; durit - duri; duit - guma dui; gasit - gsimo; gluit - glui; gezdit -
gezdimo; gavit - gvimo; glasit - glsi; uglavit - glvi; gradit - grdimo;
gospodarit - gospdrimo; grjeit - grjeimo; gulit - gulimo; gdit - grdimo; ladit -
ldimo [*xolditi]; lapit - lpi [*xlapiti]; hrabrit - hrbrimo; ranit - rnimo
[*xorniti]; falit - flimo [*xvaliti]; objasnit - bjsnimo; javit - jvimo; ujedinit -
ujdnimo; zakuit - zkimo; kratit - krtimo; kripit - krpimo [*krpiti];
krisit - krsimo [*krsiti]; krivit - krvimo; prekriit - prkrimo; ukrutit se -
krtimo se; kruit - kruimo; kupit - kupimo; liit - limo [*liti]; ulinit se -
lnimo se [*lniti]; lipit - lpimo [*lpiti]; ubit - ubimo; utit - utimo; utit -
utimo; mastit - mstimo; misit - msimo [*msiti]; mirit se - se mru; mlatit -
mltimo; mrait - mri; mutit - mutimo; naglit - nglimo; snizit - snzimo;
oblait - blimo dress; oblait - se bli cloud; suzit - suzimo [*ziti]; palit -
plimo; opametit se - opmtimo se; penit - penimo; platit - plti; poganit -
pgnimo; prait - primo; pritit - prtimo [*pertiti]; protivit - prtvimo; radit -
rdimo; ridit - rdimo [*rditi]; riit - rimo [*riti]; priredit - prrdi; rubit -
rubimo; sadit - sdimo; sladit - sldimo; sudit - sudimo; ustrilit - strlimo
[*strliti]; suit - suimo; osvetit - svtimo revenge; psvti blesses; idit - di
[*diti]; titit - ttimo; irit - rimo; tribit - trbimo [*terbiti]; tupit - se tupi,
tupimo; tuit - tuimo; trait - trimo; trusit - trusimo; trudit se - trudimo se;
triznit - trznimo [*terzniti]; provalit - prvlimo; varit - vrimo; povlait -
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

pvlimo; vratit - vrtimo; znait - zni, znimo; zlatit - zlti se;; arit -
a.p. C
brit se - brmo se; stit - stmo; djit - djmo; drbit - drbmo; glbit -
glbmo; gjit - gj; gstit se - se gst; kamnit se - se kamn; ksit - ksmo;
ktit - kt, koti cf. ka;; krjit - krj; krpit - krpmo; krtit - krtmo;
krstit - krstmo; ksnit - ksnmo; ldit - ldmo; lmit - lm; lvit - lvmo; lit -
lmo; mit - mmo [*moiti]; mrit - mr; mtrit - mtr; mnit -
mnmo; nit - nmo; rit se - se ri; trit - tri; pjit - pjmo; pstit -
pstmo; ptit - ptmo; prsit - prsmo; pprit - pprmo; rjit se - rj se; rnit
- rnmo; slit - sli, slmo; slit - slmo; sramtit - sramtmo; strjit - strjmo;
cklit se - ckli se, cklmo se; svjedit - svjed; tlit - tl; tplit - tplmo; tit
- tmo; tpit - tp; tvit - tv; trit - trmo; veslit se - veslmo se; znjit se -
znj se; zrit - zri; zvnit - zvnmo; alstit - alstmo
nit - nmo; gbit - gbmo; it -
brstit - brstmo; crpit - crpmo; krit - krmo; mrsit - mrs; trsit - trsmo
cvilit - cvilimo; curit - curi; dubit - dubmo; glumit - glummo; jurit - jurmo; kit
- k [*kriti]; sljedit - sljedmo; smjeit - smjemo; sramit se - srammo se;
svitlit - svitlmo [*svtliti]; teit - temo; trubit - trubimo; vait - va; vridit -
vrid [*verditi]; urit se - ur se
oduvit - odvi; kislit - kselimo
suzi/sz [*slziti]
2.6 ainci (North Central Slavonia) Neo-tokavian (East Herzegovinian
The dialect has four Neo-tokavian accents but no posttonic length. is
pronounced canonically. Syllabic r can be both short and long, there is only one
middle and (written here as and ), v is a fricative, * yield je and x is
preserved. The infinitive ends in -ti or -t.

a.p. A
baviti se - bavimo se; blatiti - blatimo; bstriti - bstrimo; stiti - stimo; uditi se
- udimo se; duriti se - durimo se; dmiti se - dmi se; gaditi se - gadimo se, gdi se
secondary;; gaziti - gazimo; gladiti - gladimo; grabiti - grabimo; hrliti - hrlimo;
jaiti se - jai se; jariti se - jari se; skri se; kazniti - kaznimo; ktiti - ktimo;
kupiti - kupimo; kseliti - kselimo; liti - limo; liti - limo; lupiti - lupimo;
mjeriti - mjerimo; muiti - muimo; msliti - mslimo; mrviti - mrvimo; nuditi -
nudimo; paziti - pazimo; pjeniti - pjenimo; plaiti - plaimo; pratiti - pratimo;
praviti - pravimo; pruiti - pruimo; puiti - puimo; papriti, zpapriti - paprimo,
zpaprimo; prtiti - prtimo; raniti - ranimo; ruiti - ruimo; sjetiti se - sjetimo se,
sjeti se; sliti - slimo; slaviti - slavimo; slabiti - slabimo; staviti - stavimo; straiti -
straimo; sriti se - sri se; aliti se - alimo se; tjeiti - tjeimo; tlaiti - tlaimo;
tratiti - tratimo; triti - trimo; vaditi - vadimo; vedriti se - vedri se
; vlaiti -
vlaimo; aliti - alimo
bgatiti se - bgatimo se; braviti - bravimo; kristiti - kristimo; kusiti -
kusimo; laziti - lazimo; meiti - meimo; nuditi - nudimo; pustoiti -
pustoimo; zratiti - zrati; pspjeiti - pspjeimo; zsititi se - zsitimo se;
zdraviti - zdravimo [transitive]; tvariti - tvarimo; dariti - darimo; zvjesiti
- zvjesimo; ozakniti secondary; - ozakonimo
a.p. B
gniti - gonimo; govriti - gvorimo; grbiti
- grbi, grbimo; grliti - grlimo; klniti
se - klonimo se; krjiti - krojim, prkrojimo; krtiti - krotimo; kvaiti - kvaimo;
kvasiti - kvasimo; lditi se - ledi se; miti - moimo; mliti - molimo; nsiti -
nosimo; pitmiti - ptomimo; prsiti - prosimo; pstiti - pustimo; rditi - rodim,
rodi, rodi se; rnit - ronimo; sliti - solimo; sramtiti - srmotimo; ckliti se -
cakli se; trjiti - trojimo castrate; svjediti - svjdoimo; vesliti se - vselimo
se; vziti - vozimo; alstiti - lostimo
blagoslviti - blagslovimo; zgrmiti - zgromimo; skamniti se - skmeni;
zaklpiti - zklopimo; raskliti - rskolimo; prilagditi - prilgodimo; premstiti -
prmostimo; ponviti - pnovimo; oplemniti se - oplmeni se; pokriti -
pkorimo; prepolviti - preplovimo; ponsiti se - pnosimo se; raspriti -
rsporimo; upozriti - upzorimo; sprijatiti se - sprijteimo se; skiti -
skoimo; ustanviti - ustnovimo; osvjiti - svoji; zatmiti - ztomimo; zastiti -
zustimo; otvriti, zatvriti - tvorimo, ztvorimo

Vedriti probably by analogy to the present tense since the root has the etymological *-e-.
Obviously secondary for grbiti attested elsewhere.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

bluditi - bludimo; bjeliti - bjelimo; ublaiti - blaimo; braniti - brnimo; brusiti
- brusimo; bstiti - brstimo; buditi - budimo; buiti - buimo; cjediti - cjedimo;
cjeliti - cjelimo; cjeniti - cjenimo; cjepiti - cjepimo; ceriti se - cerimo se; cviliti -
cvlimo; cniti - crnimo; uvstiti - vrstimo; udaiti se - daimo se; daviti -
dvimo; djeliti - djelimo; diiti se - dimo se; diviti se - dvimo se; draiti -
drimo; druiti se - druimo se; odueviti se - odevimo se; gasiti - gsimo;
glui; gnjezdi; gaviti - gvimo; ogliti - goli; glsi; graditi - grdimo;
gospodariti - gospdarimo; grjeiti - grjeimo; groziti se - grzimo se; guliti -
gulimo; gditi - grdimo; hladiti - hldimo; hlapiti - hlpi; hrabriti - hrbrimo;
hraniti - hrnimo; huliti - hulimo; hvaliti - hvlimo; objasniti - bjasnimo; javiti -
jvimo; ujediniti - ujdinimo; kaditi - kdimo; kaliti se - kli se; zakuiti -
zkuimo; klatiti - klti; kratiti - krtimo; krjepiti - krjepimo; krjesiti se - krjesi
se; krasiti - krsimo; raskriliti - rskrili; kriviti - krvi; prekriiti - prkriimo;
ukrutiti se - krutimo se; kruiti - kruimo; kuditi - kudimo; kupiti - kupimo;
kuriti - kurimo; kmiti - krmimo; ljeiti - ljeimo; uljeniti se - enimo se; epiti -
ljepimo; libiti se - lbimo se; ubiti - ubimo; utiti - utimo; utiti - utimo;
mamiti - mmimo; mariti - mrimo; mastiti - mstimo; mjesiti - mjesimo;
mesariti - msarimo; miriti se - mrimo se; mlaiti - mlimo; mladiti - mldi;
mlatiti - mltimo; mraiti se - mri se; mutiti - mutimo; nagliti - nglimo; sniziti
- snzimo; oblaiti se - blaimo se, blai se dress; oblaiti se - blai se cloud;
suziti - suzi [*ziti]; paliti - plimo; opametiti - opmetimo; peniti - penimo;
piliti - plimo; platiti - pltimo; plaziti - plzimo; prasiti se - prsi se; praiti se -
pri se; prjetiti - prjetimo; protivit se - prtivimo se; raditi - rdimo; rjeiti -
rjeimo; prirediti - prredimo; rubiti - rubimo; saditi - sdimo; sljediti - sljedimo;
smjeiti se - smjeimo se; snaiti - snimo; snubiti - snubimo; sladiti - sldimo;
suditi - sudimo; zastraniti - zstranimo; stupiti - stupimo; ustrjeliti - strjelimo;
suiti - suimo; svetiti se - svetim se, sveti se take revenge; svetiti - svetim, sveti
bless; sditi - srdimo; tititi - ttimo; iriti - rimo; tajiti - tjimo; trjebiti -
trjebimo; teiti - teimo; tupiti - tupi, tupi se; tuiti - tuimo; traiti - trimo;
trubiti - trubimo; truditi se - trudimo se; trjezniti se - trjeznimo se; vabiti -
vbimo; provaliti - prvalimo; variti - vrimo; povlaiti - pvlaimo; vratiti -
vrtimo; izviti - zvrimo; ozariti se - zarimo se; znaiti - zni, znimo; ariti
- rimo; drjebiti - drjebimo; uriti se - urimo se, urim se
a.p. C
briti se - brimo se; stiti - stimo; djiti - dji, djimo; drbiti - drbimo;
gnjiti - gnjimo; gjiti - gjimo; gstiti - gstimo; kriti - krimo; ksiti - ksimo
mow; ksiti se - ksi se go against; ktiti - ktimo; krpiti - krpimo; kriti -

krimo; kstiti (secondary) - krstimo; kriti - krimo; ksniti - ksnimo; lmiti -
lmim, lmimo; lviti - lvimo; liti - limo; mkriti - mkrimo; mriti -
mrimo; mtriti - mtrimo; mniti - mnimo; mgliti se - mgli se; niti - ni
se ?;; riti se - ri se; triti - trim, trimo notrim;; plditi - pldimo;
plviti - plvimo; pjiti - pjimo; pstiti - pstimo; prstiti - da prsti, da
prostite; rjit - rje; rsiti - rsi se; tliti se - tli se; tpliti se - tpli se; titi -
timo, ti, ti se; tpimo, tpimo; triti - trimo, tri se; trsiti - trsimo;
znjiti se - znji se, znjimo se; zriti - zri ripen; zvniti - zvni, zvnimo;
niti se - nimo se
niti - nimo; gbiti - gbimo; iti - imo
brujiti - brujimo; curiti - curi; cpiti - cpimo; glumiti - glumimo; juriti - jurimo;
kuiti - kuimo; luiti - lui; msiti - msimo; sramiti se - sramimo se; svjetliti -
svjetli; vaiti - vai; vrjediti - vrjedimo
a.p. B-C vacillation
sliti se - slimo se, seli se; toviti - tovimo, se tve

suzi (A.p. A or B) [*slziti]
2.7 Nova Drenina (South-West Slavonia) Neo-tokavian (East
Herzegovinian Dialect)
The dialect has the usual Neo-tokavian four accents but no posttonic length.
is usually pronounced in the classical manner, short, but perhaps not as
sharp as elsewhere. Old * yields je, in general there is no phoneme h, syllabic
r can be both short and long, and are distinct, v is a fricative, infinitive ends
in -t.
a.p. A
bavit - bavim se; blatit - blatim; cerit se - cerim se; stit - stim; udit se - udim
se; crpit - crpim; desit - desi; durit - duri se; dmit - dmi se; gadit - gadi se; gazit -
gazim; gladit - gladim; grabit - grabim; grlit - grlim; kaznit - kaznim; ktit - kti;
klatit - klati; kupit - kupim; kuit - kuim; kvait - kvai; kasnit - kasnim; kselit -
kseli; latit se - se lati; lit - li; lupit - lupi; mjerit - mjerim; muit - muim;

The long vowel is unexpected as well of course.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

mslit - mslim; mrvit - mrvim; nudit - nudi; suzit - suzi [*slziti]; pazit - pazim;
pjenit - pjeni se; plait - plai; plazit - plazi; pratit - prati; pravim; pruit - prui,
prui!, pruite!; puit - pui; ranit - ranim; ruit - rui; sjetit se - sjeti se; slit -
slim; slavit - slavim; stavit - stavimo; strait - strai; srit - sri se; alit se - alim
se; ttit - ttim cf. tt, G. tta;; tjeit - tjei; tlait - tlai; tratit - tratimo; vadit -
vadimo; vlait - vlai; alit - alimo
bgatit se - bgatim se; bravit - bravi; kristit - kristi; okrvavit - okrvavi; lazit
- lazim; nudit - nudim; pustoit - pustoi; zratit - zrati; zsitit - zsitim se;
zdravit - zdravim, zdravi; tvarit - tvarimo; tmait - tmaimo; darit -
dari; zvjesit - zvjesi
a.p. B
blagoslvit - blagslovim; dvjit - dvojim; gdit - godi; gnit - goni; klnit se -
kloni; krtit - kroti; lvit - lovim, lovimo; mlit - moli; mrit - more; nit -
noim; nsit - nosim; trit - otrim, otri; plvit - plovi, plovimo; prsit - prosim,
prsimo; pstit - pusti; pprit - papri cf. papar;; rdit - rodim, rodi; slit se -
selim se, se selimo; skit - skoi; sramtit - srmotim, srmoti; svjedit -
svjdoi; tit - toi; tpit - topi se; it - uim; vzit - vozimo; zvnit - zvoni; nit
- ene se
oduvit - odevim; zgotvit - zgtovim; zgrmit - zgromim; skamnit se -
skmenim se; zaklpit - zklopi; rasklit - rskoli; prilagdit - prilgodi; premstit
- prmostim; umrtvit - mrtvi; obnvit - bnovi; pokrit - pkori; prepolvit -
preplovi; ponsit - ponosim se (sic!); rasprit - rspori; upozrit - upzori;
sprijatit se - se sprijatei; ustanvit - ustnovim; osvjit - svoji; zatvrit -
bludit - bludim; ublait - blaim; branit - brnim; brusit - brusim; budit -
budim; buit - buim; cjedit - cjedim; cjenit - cjeni; cjepit - cjepi; uvstit -
vrstim; udait - daim; davit - dvi; djelit - djelim; diit - dim; divit - dvim;
drait - drim, dri; druit - druimo se; gasit - gsim; zagutit - guti ?; (the
informants grandmother used this verb); gezdit se - gezdi se; gavit - gvi;
glasit - glsi; uglavit - glavi; gradit - grdim; gospodarit - gospdarim; govorit -
gvorim; grjeit - grjeim; grozit se - grzim se; gulit - gulim; gbit - grbim; ladit -
se ldi, oladilo [*xolditi]; hrabrit - hrbrim; ranit - rnim, naranio cf. rana;
[*xorniti]; falit - flim cf. fala; [*xvaliti]; objasnit - bjasne; javit - jvi; ujedinit
- ujdini; jurit - jurim; kanit - knim; zakuit - zkui; kratit - krti; krjepit -
krjepi; okusit - kusi; krasit - krsi; raskrilit - rskrili; krivit - krvi; prekriit -
prkrii; kruit - krui; kudit - kudi; kupit - kupim; kurit - kurim vatru; ljeit/eit

- ljei/ei; uenit se - enim se; epit - epim; libit se - lbim se; ubit - ubi; utit -
uti; utit - uti; mamit - mmi; marit - mrim; mastit - msti; omeit - mei
cf. ma, mu, me;; milit - mli mi se; mjesit - mjesim; mesarit -
msarim; mirit se - mrimo se; mlait - mli; pomladit - pmladi; mlatit - mlti;
mrait - mri; msit - mrsi; mutit - mutim; naglit - ngli; snizit - snzi; oblait -
blaim se dress; oblait - blai se cloud; suzit - suzi [*ziti]; palit - pli;
opametit se - opmeti se; platit - plti; preplavit - prplavi; prasit - prsi se; prait
- pri se; prjetit - prjetim; protivit - prtivim; radit - rdim; prorjedit - prrjedi;
rjeit - rjeim; priredit - prredim; rubit - rubim; sadit - sdi; sedit -
sedim/sljedim; smjeit se - smjei se; snait - sni; sladit - sldi; sudit - sudim;
zastranit - zstrani; stupit - stupi; ustrjelit - strjeli; suit - sui; svetit se - sveti se;
irit - rim; trjebit - trjebi; tupit - tupi; tuit - tuim, tuimo; trait - trim;
trusit - trusi; trudit se - trudimo se; trjeznit se - trjeznimo se; zaustit - zustim;
vabit - vbimo; razvalit - rzvalim; varit - vri; povlait - pvlai; vratit - vrtim;
izvit - zvri; ozarit se - zari se; znait - znim; zlatit - zlti; arit - ri;
drjebit - drjebi
a.p. C
brit se - brim se; stit - ste; djit - dji, dji!; drbit - drbi; dvrit - dvrim;
gnjit - gnji; gstit - gstim, se gstimo; krit - kri; ksit - ksim; ktit - kti;
krjit - krji, krjimo; krpit - krpi; krstit - krsti; ldit - ldi; lmit - lmim,
lmimo; mit - mi; mtrit - mtrim, mtrimo; mnit - mnim; rit se - ri
se; pldit - pldi; pjit - blgo pjimo; ppit se - se ppi; pstit - psti cf. pst, psta;; da prsti, da prostite; rjit - rje; rnit - rnim; rsit - rsi; slit -
sli; cklit se - ckli se; kpit - kpi; tlit - tli se; tvit - tvi, tvimo; trit -
trim; triti - trimo; veslit se - veslim se; znjit - znji; alstit - alsti
nit - nimo, inim; gbit - gbim; krit - kri; krit - kri; krmit - krmi
cvilit - cvilim; curit - curi; dubit - dubim; glumit - glumim; jari se cf. jare;; pilit -
pilim; sramit se - sramim se; svjetlit - svjetli; tajit - tajim, tajimo; teit - teim;
trubit - trubi, trubimo; vait - vai; vrjedit - vrjedi; urit se - urim se
jait se/jait se - jai se/jai se
ozaknit - ozakoni
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

2.8 Sie (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)
Sie is one of the most western Posavina dialects with many interesting traits.
is very well preserved when preceded by length, especially in the end of the
word, cf. krlo, but krilima. In the middle of the word, is also found (cf.
mala mixed) but it is not as stable as in the end of the word where is much
less frequent than . In general, can be analyzed as an allotone of . is also
always preserved in the middle of the word when preceded by a short syllable,
but is retracted in the final position cf. pro. However, cases of double-accent
like kac appear occasionally and even old end-stress can be found, though
very rarely, cf. aren, utut. One should also note the existence of a special half-
long (falling?) allotone of `, which appears sporadically (written as here), cf.
tuit. It can be part of the double-accent as well: sramota. This allotonic type
exists also in Orubica but is more frequent there than in Sie.
is in Sie in polysyllabic words pronounced almost always canonically, i.e.
very short and falling. In the monosyllables, however, the allotone appears
regularly, cf. d, but eda, st but sta. This allotone is sometimes very long,
almost like real long syllables, and sometimes it is shorter and phonetically
similar to the ` accent. Additional phonetic research will give us more
information here. The neoacute is stable in Sie, except for the fact that it
regularly changes to after pretonic length, as elsewhere in Posavina, cf. se sv,
ngl hasty, r. In the middle of the word the sequence is possible, cf.
sstl sam. Unlike in the rest of Posavina, the lengthening caused by resonants
in the coda yields (like in Magi Mala) a neoacute, cf. posl, evojka, sr, l but
the expected length is often missing due to the leveling of the shortness in the
paradigm, cf. k (not **k), pgan (not **pogn), jlen (not **jeln), jsam
(not **jesm the exact analogy here is somewhat strange though) etc.
The dialect has both pretonic and posttonic length. Pretonic length is always
preserved and there can even be two of them, cf. Mldnc (a local custom). As
usual in Posavina, posttonic length is sometimes shortened phonetically, cf.
bolestan instead of bolestn. The length of the thematic -- in verbs is very well
preserved (even afer ), while thematic -a- and -e- are usually short (especially -
e-, cf. dem, lae, also potkva, otpja). The posttonic length sometimes has a
very level tone and is very similar to the neoacute.
In this dialect, and are distinguished, v is usually a fricative, final -l is, like
in Magi Mala and unlike in the rest of tokavian, preserved (cf. rodl, posl)
and e, when short and accented, is often pronounced open, like , cf. pem.
There is no phoneme h, except in the usual cases under the influence of the
standard language. The phonemes l and n are palatalized in some positions,
both in front of i (cf. vomo, naslit), and l also after consonants (mtt) but
not in all the words (cf. veslit, brnt, povlt). The prefix pri- is always pre- in

The reflex of the jat is quite complex in Sie. When long, it is always
(mlko), except in a few loans from the standard language (cf. rjt). When
short, it is always je in nouns (cf. jelo, svjetlo) and A.p. A verbs (cf. rezat with e
for je after r, pjevali, sjetit etc.) but always i in A.p. C shortened stem verbs (lpit,
grit) and as the reflex of the thematic *-- (cf. vdit, ltit). There are only a
couple of exceptions to these rules (cf. Se, sikra; trat and drbit -dreb;. In
nouns, one also finds alternations like tlo, tjeles. The reason for this kind
of reflexes are not clear. One possible explanation is that the dialect was
originally completely ikavian (as nearby Magi Mala, which is in other ways
also close to Sie) and that all the je-forms are the result of the dialect contact or
a.p. A
bavit se - se bavm; objesi!; obogatit - bogatim se; blatit - blatm; boravit -
boravim; pobratit se - pobrati, su se pobratili; stit - stm (2x), st; udm se,
udmo se cf. iuvam;; ufatit - ufatm (2x), ufatl (2x), ufatilo cf. fatat,
fatmo; [*xvatiti]; lupit, lupiu te po klcama Ill slap you on the mouth - lupl
sam se cf. lpamo;; dsit - des se, desilo se; dmit se - se dm (2x) cf.
, dma;; gadit se - gad mi se, se gadi; gazit - gazi; gladi (2x);
zgotovit - zgotovm; grabit - grabim, grab; grlit - se grlmo; ojait e se - ovca se
ja (3x), se jai, ojaila se (2x); skamenit (2x) - skamenil sam se (2x); kudit -
kudm; kupit, pokupiu ve ae - kupim; okusit - okusm; kvait - se kvai, de
zakvai!; kvasit - kvasi, nakvasili; ktit - ktmo; kselit - t se sad kseli; lakomit se
cf. lakomica kad se na tavanu rupa onako za kukruz...;; lazit, dolazit - lazi,
dolazil, zalazili; l na da, lmo (3x) cf. sln, sln mu je;; mrit - mr
[*mriti]; mli mi se; mslit - mslm, mslmo; omravit; mrvit - mrv; nudit -
nudmo; naudit - naudm; pazit - pazm, pazi!; pjenit se - se pjen/pjeni; plait -
po/zaplam; pratit, pratiu te - prat, prat; pravit - prav (2x), naprav,
napravi/napravi!, napravi posl!; pruit - ako mi pru; pustoit - pustoi; puit -
pum; prtit sng - se prti; punit - se pun cf. pn, puna, puno, puni;; paprit - se
papr; ranit - rani, urani be early; rant (3x) wounded; ruit - ru, rue; sjetit -
se sjetm; slavit - slavi; slnit - sln (3x); stavit - stav, o;stavi!; srit se - mliko se
sr cf. sr, sra;; alit se - ali; ttit - tt; tjeit - tjei; tlait - tlai; trapit -
trap speak nonsense; tovarit - tovari (cf. tvar, tovara;; tratit - tratm,
trat vrme; trsit se - se trsi; vadit - vadm krompr; izvjesit - izvjes; vjetrit - se
vjetr; vlait - se vla; vjesit - vjesmo cf. vjeamo;; vrit pout, sulk - se vr,
nafrl koji si se kurac nafrl why the fuck are you sulking; alit - ali

A younger, middle-aged informant insisted on pronouncing it short (and he even stated
explicitly that it is short), but the older informant pronounced it as dm.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. B
blagosvit - blagosovm [*bolgosloviti]; skrit - skr se cf. skra, skre,
skrica;; jvit (2x) - javm
(2x); kalem se; klnit se - se klonmo, klo se zla!
(nx); korstit - korstmo
cf. korst (nx), korsno;; ksit - kosm, kosmo (nx) cf.
kosr;; lot (2x)/lit - lom/loim, loi, slol; mit - mom cf. mobu;;
nit - noi cf. nova;; nsit/nst - nosm (2x), nosli; pstit - postm, posti (nx);
prsit - prosim, pros, isprosi, prosli cf. de u pru;; pstit, pstit krave da du
pst let the cows go grazing - ako mi pust, pustmo, psti ga! (3x) let him go!;
sit - sem, se sei, preseite [*sedliti]; slit - se sli
; skit - skom, sko; tit,
utoit - toi, se; toi (nx); vzit (2x)/vozt - vozm, vozmo; nt/nit - ene
(2x) cf. na, ne;
prebrdit - prebrodi; oduvit - oduvi, oduvil; dogdit; odgjt - odgojl sam
tle; zaklpit - zaklop; raskt - raskom [*koliti]; prekrstt se - ako se
prekrstm; prelagdit - prelagodi; ponvit - ponovm; razrit - razorm;
prepitmit/prepitmt - prepitomm, prepitoml sam ga cf. prepitomvamo;;
na;pjit - napoji, jsi napojl ka? did you give water to the horse? cf.
napja;; u;pokort (2x)- upokorm; prepolovit - prepolovm; upozrit - upozorm;
rasprit - rasporm cf. raspramo;; sprijatit/sprijatit se, sprijatiemo se -
ako se sprijatem; oprstit, oproste mi - da mi oprost (3x), oprost mi!;
oslobdit - ako ga oslobodm; naslit - naslom; otvrit - otvorm
izbct; blt, izblt - blm (trans.), bl/bli, bl se [*bliti]; bldt - bldim;
brnt - brnim, brni; brd (2x); brjt - brj (3x); brst - brs; bt - bi;
zacl (nx) [*cliti]; rascp se cf. cpmo; [*cpiti]; kls, klsmo, isklsl
simper; cvlt - cvl/cvli, cvle; crnt - crnm (trans.) (2x), se crn; uvrstt -
uvrsti; crpt vodu - crp, iscrpt tired; udt - udi; dt - di, dimo; dvt -
dvi se; dbt na glave - dbi stand on one's head; drt se - se dre cf.
drga;; dvomi; ft - fi, fi [*xvaliti]; glmt - glmi; gzd, gzdi (2x)
cf. gzdo/gizdo, gzda; [*gnzditi]; za;gvt - gvi; gospodrt -
gospodrim (2x); govrt (4x) - govormo/govorimo, govori; o;gt - gmo;
grdt; grdt na pasja kol; vdi ga kak je, izgdiu ga - grdim, izgrdi; hrbrt -
hrbri; hlt - hli na boga; pojrt chase someone away - vatra se razjri (used

Obviously older *javm - *objavm (A.p. C) and then javm (A.p. B) by analogy to the prefixed
A.p. B is obviously secondary for older A.p. A (*korstit instead of korstit). For the mobility
of the i-stem korst cf. Kapovi 2007, Kapovi 2009.
Obviously older *slit (A.p. A).

only for fire, not for people), vatra se razjarila, a vjek se raspzdi; ujednt -
ujednmo, ujedinili; jzdt - jzdi, jzd, grom jzde keni svatovi (from a
song); jr, projrl (perhaps not an old word, ltit - let, poleti was used more
often for this in the old days according to the informants); ne knim, o;kn
me se; zakuit (2x) - zakm; ktt (2x) - kt se, suka se kt, oktm
[*koltiti]; kt [*koliti]; zakort - zakori; ukrst - ukrsm, vdi to se
zakrsl; p;okrpt, pokripit se - pokrpmo [*krpiti]; krt - krm; zakrvvt -
zakrvvl, zakrvvt; doki, de dokui!; kpt - kpm, kp, kpi; dem nakrt
poret; krt - krmo; lt - l se (2x) [*liti]; ulnt - uln [*lniti]; lbt - lbm
se, se lbm (2x); lt slobod - le; bt - bm, bi; raztt - ti; odlt -
odlim; mmt - mmi; mrt - mri, on ne mri; pomrt- mre se, pomirili;
mst - msm, msi [*msiti]; mesrt - mesri; mtt - mtmo (3x), se mte
[*moltiti]; se mri, smrailo se; mtt - mtm, eta se mti, vda se mti,
vrime se mti (2x), jjc se mte; mrgdt - mrgodi, vrime se mrgodi, vrime se
namrgdlo; mrtt - mrti se; mrst - mrsm; nglt - nglmo (5x) cf. ngl;; se
oblim, obli se dress cf. ob;; za/pot;pt - pm, pmo, popi cf.
potpaujemo; [*paliti]; opametit - opamti; plnt - plnmo, pln, plnli
[*pelniti] (probably a loanword from an ekavian dialect); zaprt/zapriit (2x) -
zapri [*periti]; pzdt/pizdit - pzd, popzdl je; pltt - pltm/pltim, plti;
poplvt - poplvi; plzt - plz/plzi; prtt - se; prti, prt mi se (2x) [*pertiti];
preprmt, prepremiu - preprmm also with pri-, cf. priprmamo;; protivit se,
usprotvt - se protv; opst/opsti become deserted; rdt - rdi, rdi, rdmo,
zardi; rnt/ranit - rnm [*xorniti]; rjt - rji, rjeili (a loanword from the
standard); rdt - se; rdi, ne rde, se zardl; rdt - zra rdi, jabuka rdi;
na;rt - rim (2x), re me grdt; sdt - sdi, sdi, nasdl -je- from the
standard); oslipit - oslpi [*slpiti]; slt - slm, sl, slimo; smji (from the
standard language); smiji cf. smje, podsmijva;; osnt - osnim; sng si
(2x); srmt - se srm; std (3x); sdt - sdm, sudac sd; stpt - stpi; svtt -
svti, svjetlo svt [*svtiti]; rt - se ri; trbt, koce trbt - na trbi krompr
[*terbiti]; tt - ti; utt/utait cf. utavamo e;; tt - ona se t;
otrvt; trt - tri, trmo, trli su me; trbt - trb; trst - trs (3x);
utvrdt - utvrdm; vrdt - vrd [*verditi]; povlt - povlm, povli, izvlli;
vrtt/vratit, vrte ti - vrtm, vrt, se vrti, vrtlo; vrt - to se vr; prezmt
- prezmi; znt - zn; rt - se r (2x)
a.p. C
bort se, izbrit - bor, bormo, izbori; brjit - brojm, izbrojm, izbrojl sam,
izbrojla; brstit - brst, krave brst; crvnit - se crven; stit - astm, astmo,
poastm, poasti; djit kravu (nx) - doj (3x), podojim, podoj/podoji, podojl
(2x) milk; z;drbit - drob, udrobi, zdrobl; dvjit - dvoj, dvojmo (2x); glbit -
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

glob; gjit - goj, pogoj [*gnojiti]; god mi, sk mi god, ugod (sic!, a
mistake?), ugodl; u;gstit - gostmo, pogostm (3x), pogoste, pogostli se cf.
gosti, gost, u goste;; krit - kor, ukorm, ukor; oktit - zeca se kot
(2x); kuja se en bitch pups, oenla se [*eniti]; krjit - kroj, skroj;
pokrpit - krop se, pokropm; ksnit - kasn, zakasni; se led, zaledi, zaledlo se;
lojt, naljit - loj se cf. lj, ko po lju, lojem;; lmit/lomt - lomm, lom,
lom (nx), lomimo, slomm, slom, polomm, polomi; lvit - lovm, lov (nx), lovl;
mit/mot - mo, mo se, smoi (3x), namoi, smol (nx), smol sam se,
molo cf. namkat - name, ume;; mrit - mor me brge; mtrit - motrm,
promotrm; mnit - mno se, pomnom cf. razmnova;; mglt - se magl cf.
mgla, maglu (2x), magle;; pjesma se or; trit - otrm (trans.), se
otr, otr; opldit - se plod; o;plvit - plov, oplovi; rjit - ele se roj bees are
swarming; rumnit - lpo se rumen, narumenla se, narumen se!; oko mi suz
cf. suza/sza, sze;; sit - so; sramtit - sramot, osramot, osramot;
cakl; trjit - troj castrate [*strojiti]; toplt - topl; o;tit - te se, krava se te,
otei, otela se [*teliti]; po;tpit - mst se top, istopi, istopl se sng, istoplo se;
rvit - krompr se rov, rovmo, i repa se rovla; tvit - se tov, svia se tov, sve
se tov; trit - tro, tromo (2x), trote (2x); trudit - se trd; vbt - sve ili
kokoi vbi; veslit - veselm, veselmo (2x), razveselm, proveselmo; navtit -
vot se, vot se knci, navot, knci su se votli cf. voskom;; znojt - se
znoj, uznoj; zra zor; po;zvnit - zvono zvon, zvonr zvon, pozvonim; alost
se; (3x)
pro;bdit (2x) - se bud, bud, probud, probudi, bud ga!, probud me!;
raz;bstrit - se bistr; pro;cdit - cid, procd [*cditi]; cin, cin, zacinl
[*cniti]; nit - in, inmo, un; dt/po;dit - dim, di, podm, podi
[*dliti]; grdit, o/zagrdit - gradm (2x), grad (2x), plt se grad, ne grad se,
gradmo, ogradm (2x)/ogradim, zagradm, zagrdi t!, zagrdi tu meu!,
izgrdto (sic!); grit (2x) - grim (2x), zgrm (2x), zgril sam [*griti]; gbit
se - gub, gub, pogub/pogubi, izgub, izgubl; kad, u crkve kad; o;klit skiru -
eezo se kal; skrtit - krat; krvit - kriv, okrvm; krut, ukrut cf. ako se
skrutne (2x);; krit - kr; ldit - lad, se razladi [*xolditi]; lpit - lipm, lip,
polpm, zalpm (2x), slpm, zalpi [*lpiti]; maka se mac cat kittens;
mstit/za;mstit - mast, zamastim (2x), zamasti; po;mldit - t se mlad
(during a local custom mldnc), se pomladi, mladlo, pomladl cf.
pomlauje;; naoblit - se obla cloud; o;prsit, oprase se (2x) - svia se
pras; zaprit - pram, pra (4x), zapral cf. pranu;; rdit - se rid, se
prordi [*rditi]; sdit - sadm, sad, sad, posadm, usadi, sdi!; sldit - slad;
suit/sit - su, osui, posu (3x), posulo se; svtit - svet get revenge; bless;
tjit - tajm, taj, taj nam, zatajm, zataj; istpit - tupm (trans., 2x), se tup,
istupm, istupl sam ga; tt/tuit, utut/utit/utuit - tum, u vode se tu,

tuimo, utum, utui, utui, utul se, utu ga!, utute ga!; it - ecu um, u,
umo (2x), ute (2x), u, nau, i! (3x), eco, ute!; vrit - varm, var,
zavarm; drbit - kobla se dreb [*erbiti]; rit - se ur, kud ur?
prefixed shortened a.p. B < *a.p. c
zaglit, zaglie me - zaglum, zaglui (2x) cf. oglunut, oglunuu become
deaf;; objsnit - ako mu objasnm; promit - promi [*mniti]; previt -
prevaim [*valiti]; zarit se - se zarumo engage to get married
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
rdit - rod (trans.), ako na rodi, ako to rod, urodi (intrans.), rodl, rodla;
zltit - on kuu zlti, se zlat (intrans.)
2.9 Magi Mala (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)
The dialect is spoken in West Posavina and has many common traits with its
neighboring dialect of Sie both villages have preserved the -l in the end of the
word, both develop as the result of the lengthening before consonants (cf.
Magi Mala tke), they share some lexical items (like jjce/jajce for egg) etc.
Some of these characteristics connect them to Kajkavian.
Today, the dialect of Magi Mala, at least the one spoken by our informants,
is not so phonetically archaic as the one of Sie. Te accent (pronounced
mostly canonically, short, only sometimes as ) is always retracted from the
final syllable when preceded by a short syllable (cf. deblo) and frequently when
preceded by length as well (cf. truba), where Sie mostly preserves the old
accentuation. The old appears in Magi Mala as well (cf. glva), but is not so
frequent as in Sie (at least in the speech of our informants). The exact nature of
the retractions is complex - for instance, in the infinitives like branit, the accent
is retracted in most cases; however, in cases like brojmo, brojte, the accent is
almost never retracted. The neo-acute is very stable and rarely changes to . In
Magi Mala, unlike Sie and most other dialects in Posavina, the old sequence
in the end of the word does occasionally appear, cf. prg (2x), m (but
kl;, izmtl, sd grows grey etc. The posttonic lengths are shortened in most
cases, unlike in Sie, the thematic -i- in the present tense is mostly short for
instance. Of course, there are still some cases of it, cf. pametn, mokr.
In the dialect, and are distinguished, v is a fricative, is pronounced
somewhat closed, there is no h except in the usual cases, and li, ni and Cl
palatalize sporadically (cf. mit, naslit, ktt). Unlike Sie, the dialect is
consistently ikavian, cf. Magi Mala lsa gate, rpa but Sie esa, repa.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. A
bavit - bavi; obsit - obsi [*vsiti]; bogatit - bogati cf. bgat;; ublatit - ublati;
boravit - boravi; stit - sti; udit se - se udi; se desi, desilo se; dmit - se dmi;
gadit - mi se gadi; gazit - gazi; gladit, gladiu ga - gladim, gladi; zgotovit - zgotovi,
zgotovila cf. gotovo je;; grabit - grabi; grlit - grli; grbit - se zgrbi; jait se - ovca se
jai; jarit - se jari; se skameni, skamenit; korstit - korsti cf. korst;; okusit - ne
okusi; kudit - kudi; kupit - kupi; kvaim, kvai; ktit - se kti; kselit - se kseli;
lakomit - se lakomi cf. lakm/lakom, lakoma je;; ulazi cf. lz, G. lzi little
foot-bridge, Laze - a village name;; slit - sli cf. sln;; lupit - lupi; mrit -
mri [*mriti]; smstit - smsti, smstl [*mstiti]; ml mi se; muit - se mui;
mslit - msli; nudit - nudi; naudit - naudim; pazit - pazi; se pi [*pniti];
u;plait - se uplail; pratit - prati; pravit - pravi; pruit - prui; puit - pi; prtit -
ne naprti; punit - puni; ranit - rani be early; ruit - rui; stit se - se sti [*stiti];
se zasti [*sytiti]; slit - se usli; slavit - slavi; slit - sli [*sliniti]; suzit - oko mi
suzi [*slziti]; starit - starim, ostarila; stavit - ne stavim; srit - se sri sr; ozdravit
- ne ozdravi; alit - se ali; tetit - na;teti; ttit - tti; tit - ti [*titi]; tvarit -
tovari; trsit se - se trsi; udarit - ako me udari; vadit - vadi; prevarit - ako me
prevari; vtrit - se vtri [*vtriti]; povlait - povlai, povlailo; vsi; uvatit - uvati
[*xvatiti]; alit - ali
a.p. B
blagosvit - blagsovi (with the standard shifted accent) [*sloviti]; ksit - travu
kosi; lit - loi; sit - sei; oduev/oduevi, oduevn je; jvit - javim (2x)
javimo/javmo, javito, javla, javlo, jvi! (2x); mit - mi; mit - moi; mrvit -
; nit - noi; nsit - nosi; pstit - posti cf. pst;; prsit - prosi; oprstit - da
prosti, oprosti; pstit - ne pusti, popusti, pustl, pustla, pustlo; skit - ski;
tit - toi; vzit - se vozi; it - se ei [*eniti]
odgjit - ugoji; oglit - ogoli; zaklpit - zaklopi; raskit - ne raskoi; prenagdit -
prenagodi prilagoditi; ponvit - ne ponovi; razrit - razori; prepitmit -
prepitomi; pokrit - pokori; prepolvit - prepolovi; ponsit - ponos se; rasprit -
raspori cf. raspra;; upozrit - upozorim; sprijatee; skit - skoi drvo procpi
[*koliti]; oslobdit - oslobodi; naslit - nasloi [*sloniti]; ustanvit -
ustanovimo; osvjit - osvojim; otvrit - otvori

With A.p. C > A.p. B, as in Sie.
Obviously older A.p. a.

ublt (2x) - ubli, ubleno; zabldi; branit - brne, obranili; zabrzdt -
zabrzde; brd me, zabrdi; brusit - brsi; buit - bi; uvrstt - uvrsti; iscpit -
crpi; udi; di (2x); divit se - se dvi; dubit - dbi; druit se - dri; napundri se
sulks; fait - se uvik fi [*xvaliti]; glumit - glmi; gizdit - gzde; gavit - gvi;
glasit - o;glsi; uglavit - uglvi (3x); govorit - govorim, ne govori; ne zgrozim,
zgrozila sam se; gi [*guliti]; gdit - grdi; hrbri; sjedinit - se sjedne; jurit - jri;
zakt - zaki; ktt - kti [*koltiti]; zakorait - zakori (2x); uskratit -
uskrti; ukrasit - ne ukrsi; pokripit - krpi, pokrpi [*krpiti]; prekriit - prekri;
kruit - kri; se zakrvvi; dokuit - ne doki; kupit - ne kpi; potkrim; liit -
li [*liti]; ladit - se ldi [*xolditi]; ubit - se be; utit - se ti; odlt - ne
odli; ludit - ldi; mamit - mmi; utit - se ti, raztt/raztit, raztita sam
(cf. ut); mni, mani ga se; marit - mri; pomirit - se mre; misit/mst - msi, kvs
podms! [*msiti]; mesarit - mesri; smlait - smli; matit - mte, izmtl
[*moltiti]; mrait - mri, smrailo; mutit - mti; msit - se mrsi, zamsilo; naglit
- ngli; zanimit - zanmi [*nmiti]; snizit - snzi; suzit - szi [*ziti]; pait - pi
[*paliti]; opametit - opamti; prepriit - prepri [*periti]; unaprdi (a loanword
from an ekavian dialect); platit - plti; pait - pi; poplavit - poplvi become
blue; zapriti - prti [*pertiti]; protivit se - se protvi; radit - rdi; ranit - rne
[*xorniti]; reit - ri (a loanword from an ekavian dialect); rubit - rbim; rudit -
rdi va ili voka; ruit - ri, ree gossip about somebody; oslipit - oslpi
cf. slp; [*slpiti]; sluit, poslt - sli; sudit - sdi; stupit - stpim; tupit -
tpim; strt - ustrim; svitit - svti cf. svia; [*svtiti]; sdit - se srdi; irit - se
ri; tribit - trbi [*terbiti]; teit za nkim - ti; tuit - ti; trait - tri; trusit -
trsi eats a lot; trudit - se trdi puno; utvdit - utvrdi; s;tait - sti; tit - tri;
vait - vi; povlait - povli; vratit - se vrti, se opovrti; vit - kad se to vri;
zni; zrait - zri; arit - se r
a.p. C
izbrit - bor, bormo, izbore; brjit - broj, brojmo, brojte, broj, izbroji; stit -
ast; djit - doj, podoji; drbit - drob, udrobi; dvjit - dvoj, odvoji; gjit -
goj, se pogoji [*gnojiti]; gdit - mi god, ugodi; gstit - gostmo, ugostmo; krit
- kor, ukori (2x); oktit - maka se sad kot, ne okoti; krjit - kroj, iskroji;
po;krpit - krop, pokropi; krstit - se krst, pokrstmo; ksnit - kasn, zakasni;
zaldit - se led, ne zaledi; lmit - lom, ulomi; lvit - lov, ulovi; mnit - mno,
pomnoi; se magl, raz/zamagli; mrit - brge me mor, odmorim; mtrit - motr,
promotri; psma se or; trit - otrm, se otr, naotrim; plvit - plov, oplovi;
pjit - poj, napoji; e se, oei pup [*eniti]; rjit - ela se roj; rnit - ron;
rpit - rop kad umre vata zrk i izde; rsit - ros se t o travu kad de kro
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

u, se orosi cf. trava je rosna;; rumnit - se rumen, se zarumeni; sit - som,
posoim [*soliti]; sramtit - sramot, osramoti; cklit - cakl ko stklo, ne zacakli;
svidit - svido, osvidoi [*svdoiti]; trvit - trov, utrovi, potrovi
castrate; krava se te, otei [*teliti]; tplit - se topl, zatopli cf. toplo;; tpit - se
top, utopi, otopi; tvit sve - tov, natove; trit - puno tro, potroi; vdrit - se
vedr, razvedri, se razvedrlo; veslit - se vesel; zelnit - se zelen; znjit - znoj,
uznoji; zvnit - zvono sad zvon, zvonr zvon, zazvoni; alstit - se alost,
oalosti cf. alostan;
brstit - brst, pobrsti; bdit - bud, probudi; bstrit - bistr (trans.), razbstri; cdit -
cidm, cid (2x), procdim, procdi, cdi! [*cditi]; cinm te, cinmo [*cniti]; it
- i, imo, ite, ui [*initi]; dit - di, diimo (2x), dite, podi [*dliti];
grdit - grad
, ugradi, grdi!; za;gstit - gust, zagusti; grit - gri, ne zgri, ne
gri! [*griti]; gbit - gub, gubmo, gub, izgubi; kdit - kad; klit - kol se
kal, zakali; skrvit - kriv, krivmo, okrvim; s;krtit - krut, skruti; krit - kr,
prekri; ulni, ulinl [*lniti]; za;lpit - lip, zalpi, odlpi, zalipl cf. slpa;
[*lpiti]; maka se mac, omaci; zamstit - mast, zamasti; mldit - se mlad,
pomladi; oblit - nebo se obla; prsit - krmaa se pras, se oprasi; za;prit - se
pra, ne zaprai; rdit - rid, prordi cf. rdak, rtka; [*rditi]; za;sdit - sad,
sad, posadi, posadi, zasadi; sldit - se slad, zasladim; slastm, poslastim; sit -
se su, ne osui; vrit - se var, ne zavari za mliko;; svtit - svet, ne posveti
revenge; bless; zatjit - taj, zataji (2x); utit - tu, utui; it - u, naui;
zltit - se zlat, se pozlatlo; rit - se ur, se pouri; kobla se drib, se odrbi
prefixed shortened a.p. B < *a.p. c
zaglit - zaglui; objsnit - ne objasne; promit - promi [*mniti]
cvilit - cvl (most likely an old -verb); plavit - vda plv (3x); sn (2x), zasni
[*sniti]; vridit - vrd [*verditi]
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
bilit - zd bli (trans.), se bl (intrans., an old -verb) [*bliti]; cnit - o;crnim
(trans.), se crn (intrans.); rdit - dite rodi, ako to dbro rod, rodta born (f.)

Ivi (1913/II: 82) mistakenly notes grad for Magi Mala.

prepremit (3x) - preprmim, preprmi

pprit, but also zapaprit - papri
2.10 Orubica (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)

The dialect of Orubica is spoken near the Sava river in West Posavina. It is one
of the most archaic dialects concerning prosody and morphology. In the system
of middle-aged and older speaker, there is practically no accent so it is a four
accent system ( , , ,`). In the speech of younger people, is more frequent
since the list of i-verbs was obtained from a younger speaker (and later partially
checked with older speakers), there are quite a few examples with in it.
However, in the speech of middle-aged and older speakers all of the examples
would have in it. This sequence is very strong and stable in Orubica, as in
Sie, one can note that some of the younger speakers use it even when speaking
the standard language. Cf. sma, sdac, sca, nu (but u). In Orubica,
the pretonic length has a falling tone (additional experimental research is
needed here), which might be the reason why the old accentuation is preserved.
usually retracts from a final syllable to a preceding short vowel, cf. topla,
pi, ma, dska etc. In a few cases, the old accent is preserved (this is
quite rare): nou, krsta, sada, udesa, danas, gotov. Double-accent is quite
frequent in words with the final closed syllables, cf. bost, te, mat,
rma etc. ` has a special half-long (and probably falling!) allotone , cf.
stolu, jzik etc. This allotone is especially frequent in double-accents, cf. slo, u slu, upast, mogu, dobro, ga etc. The posttonic lengths are often
shortened (especially after long accents), as can be seen in the case of the verbal
thematic -i-, but appear quite frequently in general. Cf. spomnmo, slkmo, godn, jasn (and jasin), mor but gromov, koev, reko, pod
korom. The neo-acute usually changes to after pretonic length, cf. Svm, de, d. However, I have noted also lj it lays eggs.
and are distinguished, h is usually missing (gluv), v is a fricative, the
dialect is ikavian (cf. vst, jst eat). Long and can be quite closed, even
diphthongized: ko, sok, nuo, plut, med etc., but some speakers do not
pronounce them closed. It is possible that the closed vowels are a conservative

In tokavian, there are variants spremiti and spremiti, sometimes even in the same dialect.
I would like to thank the Gali family for their hospitality.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

feature in receding
. The usual palatalization of li and ni occurs in Orubica as
well (mit), the infinitive ends in -t, and 3. person pl. of the present tense in -u.
NOTE: Ivi (1913/II: 82) notes the forms plat, slumo for Orubica while I have
pltim and sli (see below). It is not certain whether this feature has changed
in the last hundred years, or Ivi's information is wrong (since we know that
his data on Orubica is incorrect in other cases).
a.p. A
bavit se - bavm se; blatit - blatim; kalemit; stit - stim; udit - udm se; desit
cf. devat, deva;; gadit se - se gadi, gad mi se; gazit - gazim; grabit - grabim;
uvatit - uvatim; jait se - jaim (but also se ji, ojaila se;; jarit se - jari se;
kladit - kladim; kaznit - kaznim; ktit - ktim; kupit - kupim; kvait - kvaim;
kselit - kselim se, se kseli; lakomit se - lakomim se, se lakomi; lit - lim, l;
lupit - lupim; mrit, izmrit - mrm, izmrm [*mriti]; muit - muim; mslit -
mslim, mslio; nudit - nudim; zapaprit - zapapri; pazit - pazim; pnit - pn se cf.
pna; [*pna]; preplavit - kad je Sava plavila, preplavilo je (also poplavilo; cf.
poplava;; plait - u;plam, uplaio; poganit - poganim, pogan/pogani be bad
cf. pogn;; pratit - pratm; pravit - pravm se, pravim, napravm; pruit -
pruim; puit - puim, popuio; na;prtit - na;prtim; ranit - ranim, ran je
wound; zaratit - zaratim, zaratilo se, zaratili smo; ruit - po;ruim; pri;slit -
pri;slm; stit se - stm se, stili su se cf. sat se, sm se, sae; [*stiti]; slavit
- slavm; stavit - stavm; alit se - alm se, se al; ttit - ttm, zattm; tlait -
tlaim; udarit - udario teme; udit - udm catch fish [*diti]; vadit - vadim;
vlait - vlam; alit - alm se, alim
bogatit - bogatim; zgotovit - zgotovim; okusit - okusim; ulazit - ulazim cf. lst,
jsi ulzo?, ulizuje;; uvatit [*xvatiti]; usrit - usrijo; pozdravit, ozdravit -
pozdravim, odzdravim, ozdravio, ozdravila; tovarit - tovarim; izvsit - izvsim,
izvsila, izvsilo [*vsiti]; provtrit - provtr [*vtriti]; ozarit - ozarim se (the
informant knows the verb but does not know its meaning)

The diphthong je in Orubica was noted by Ivi as well (Ivi 1913/I: 171).
For instance, Ivi (1913/I: 171) classifies Orubica as an ekavian dialect (although adding that
he has also noted podosta ikavizama there), even though it is very clear that Orubica is an
ikavian dialect.

a.p. B
blagoslvt - blagoslovim; gnit - gonim; govrit - govorim; klit, poklt - se
kloi, pokloim cf. poklaam se;; ksit - kosim, pokosi, also kos?
cf. ksa, kosu, kose;; na;lit, loit - na;loim, loi; iz;mit - mom,
izmoim; nsit - nosim; pstit/pit - pustim/puim, pusti, pui; sit - seim
(also sem?;, sei [*sedliti]; skt/skot, preskot - skoim, skou; trsit - trsm se,
trsi; vzit - vozim; nit - enm se
oglt - ogolim; objsnit - objasnim; zaklpit - zaklopim; raskit - raskoim;
prilagdt - prilagodim; umkrit - umokrim, umokro wet something; upokrit -
upokorim; ponsit - ponosm/ponosim se; ponvit - ponovim, se ponovlo (cf.
obnva se); prepolvit - prepolovim; rasprit - rasporim, rasporlo mi se, rasporle
su mi se; postrjit - postrojim; zatvrt - zatvorim
blt - blim (trans.) [*bliti]; oblt - oblim, obli, se naobli, oblailo se get
cloudy; dress; branit - brnim se, se brnimo; brst - brsim; bdt - bdim,
bdi; bt - bim; cdt - cdim, cdi [*cditi]; crt - crim, crimo; dvt -
dvim, dvi, udvo/udavio se; dt - dim, di [*dliti]; dt (2x) - dim, du;
dvt (2x) - dvim, dvu; drt - drim se, se dru; gasit - gsim; glmt -
glmim; ugt; gzdt - gzdim se [*gnzditi]; gavit - gvim; glst - glsim;
uglvt - uglvim; grdt, ogrdt - grdim; gospodarit - gospodrim; grt -
grim [*griti]; guit - gim [*guliti]; gdit - grdim; ladit - ldim, ldi [*xolditi];
izlpt - lpim, izlpi [*xlapiti]; ranit - rnim [*xorniti]; fait - fim; javit -
jvim; jrt - jrim, jri; kadit - kdim, kdi; klt - klim; knt - knim; kltt -
kltim; kratit - krtim; kripit - krpim [*krpiti]; krasit/ukrst - u;krsim; krvt
- krvim, krvi; prekriit - prekrim, prekriio ga je; kruit - krim; ako se
ukrvvim; raskrvrim; kupit - kpim cf. kupvat - kupujem;; kurit - krim; kit
- krim, iskrim; kmit - krmim, zakmio sleep (derogative); fish with corn; lt
- lim, li [*liti]; ulinit se - ulnim se [*lniti]; lpt (2x) - za;lpim, lpi
[*lpiti]; ubit - bim; tt - tim; na;mmt - mmi, namamila; marit - ne
mrim; mastit, namstt - na;mstim; misit - msim [*msiti]; mrt se (2x) - se
mru; pomldt se - pomldi, pomldo se; mltt/mlatit - mltim, mlti se,
mltimo; mrait - mri se; mrst - mrsim; mutit - mtim, zamutilo se; naglit -
nglim; za;pait, pript - za;pim [*paliti]; opametit - se opamtim; platit -
pltim; prasit - se prsi; prait - zaprim; pritit - prtim [*pertiti]; protivit -
protvim se; radit - rdim, rdmo cf. radovi;; prordt - prordim, prord!
[*rditi]; priredit - prirdim; riit - rim, rio (also with -je-; [*riti]; rbt,

One of the informants said kos but it might have been a mistake.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

porubit - rbim; sdt - po;sdim, sdi; snizit - snzim; slidit - sldim, sldo
(rare) [*slditi]; snait - snim; sldt - sldi, zasldim; slt - sli; sramit se -
srmim se cf. srm i std te blo you should be ashamed of yourself; zastranit -
zastrno; sudit - sdim; suzit - szim [*ziti]; suit - sim; o;svtt - osvtim se
revenge; svetit - svti, se svtu bless; svitlit - svtlim, prisvtlo [*svtliti];
za;tajit - za;tjim; trbt - o;trbim [*terbiti]; tupit - tpim, tpi, se tpi,
potupio; tuit - tim se; trait - trim; trusit - trsim; trudit se - trdim se; tt
- ti, tu, uto, utuilo se bug/annoy someone; choke (when speaking of
hens/geese); triznit - trznim se [*terzniti]; t - im, i; do;vbt -
do;vbim; razvait - razvim; varit - vrim; vait - vi; povlait - povlim;
vrtt - vrtim; vrt - vrim to; prezmt - prezmim, znt - znim, zni;
zlatit - se zlti; arit - rim; dribit - odribilo se [*erbiti]; rt se (2x) - rim
se, ri, ru
a.p. C
brit - borm se, bormo, izborim; brjt - brojm, izbrojim; brstit - brstm; stit -
astm, ast, astmo, poastimo; djt, dot - dojm, doj, podoji; drbit - drobm;
gojt/gjit - goj, uzgojim; gstit - gostm, pogostimo; u;krit - korm, kor, ukori;
korstit - koristm (2x) cf. korst, korsti;; ktt - se kot, se kot, se okoti, se
okotu; krjit - krojm, skroji; krtit - krot; krpit - kropm, pokropim, pokropi;
po;krstit - krstm, pokrstim; ksnit - kasnm, zakasnim; ldit - ledm se, se led, se
sledi, se zaledla; s;lmit - lomm, slomim; na;mit, smot - mo, smoi,
namoim, namlo; mrit - brge me mor (2x) (the informant says that his
grandmother used to say that); po;mnt - mnom; nit - nom; rit - or se,
se zaori; trit - otrm, otr, naotrim; oplodt - plod, oplodi; plvit - plovm,
preplovim; na;pjit - pojm, napojim cf. napja;
; pstt/pstit - postm, post;
oprstit - da prost, da prostte, oprostimo; rjit - rojm se, ele se roj, orojim se,
oroo se; rnit - ronm, zaronim; rsit - se ros, porosim, trava je porosla;
sit/st - som, so [*soliti]; sramotit - sramotm se cf. sramota;; potrvt -
trov, potrovim, potrovo castrate; tpit - topm, top, otopim, otopi; tvit -
tov, otovi; trit - trom, potroim; vesit - vesem se; znjit - znoj se; zvnit -
zonr sad zvon, zvono sad zvon
nit - inm, inmo, unim, unimo (perhaps not really a native word); gbt -
gubm, gub, izgubim, izgubi; krit - krm, skrim, skro je; tjit - taj, zatji

One informant claimed that there is no present pojm, only napja.

cvilit - cvlm, cvl, cvl, cvlmo; t t (2x) it weighs; vridit - vrd, vrd
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
rdit - rodi (trans.), rod (intrans.), rodlo; tit - toim, se to but also se toi;
priptomit/pripitmt - priptomim/pripitomim; prsit - prosm, pros and pros;
tit - te se, tem se; alstit - alostm se/alostim cf. alst;
mglit - zamagllo (maybe not a native word)
2.11 Velika Kopanica (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina
The village of Velika Kopanica is in the East of Posavina. Te accent is usually
short, canonical, but longer appears as well. is usually retracted from the
final syllable, cf. pro, vino, also almost always in the middle of the word if the
syllable is long uriti. With the short syllable as well (though not as often):
keno. Double accent is not infrequent, cf. nsloni, sometimes also in the end vretna, dovedna. Occasionally, old accent is preserved: drva, utut,
podvort, glva, zrje, krde etc. Unusual double accent ` appears regularly, cf.
mtm, mtmo, drb etc. The posttonic length is shortened almost always
(thematic verbal -i- is for instance always short), I have noted just a few cases of
posttonic length: korta, lopta, pola, udla, it is obviously at the
verge of extinction (at least in the speech of my informant).
and are distinguished, v is a fricative, h usually disappears, the infinitive
ends in -t and -ti, * yields /j.
a.p. A
baviti se - bavi; bogatiti - bogati se, obogatio, boraviti - bravi; stiti - sti; uditi
- udi se; dsit - desi; gaditi se - gadi; gazit - gazi; gladiti - gladi; zgotovit - ne
zgotovi se; grbit - zgrbi; grliti - se grli; se jai; skameniti se - se skameni; ktiti -
kti; korstiti - krsti cf. korist;; kuditi - kudi uvik, kudio; kupiti - kupi; ulaziti -
lazi; lupiti - lupi; smjestiti - smjesti; mliti se - mli mi se; msliti - msli; naudit -
ne naudi; nuditi - nudi; paziti - pazi; pjenit se - se pjeni, opjenilo; plait se plai;
plazit - se plazi jzik; pratit - prati; pravit - pravi; pruiti - prui; puit - pui; prtit
- prti; punit - puni; raniti - rani wound; get up early; ruit - rui; slit - sli se;
sjetit se - ne sjeti; slaviti - slavi; slnit - zaslni; staviti - stavi; aliti - ali; tjeit -
tjei; tvarit - tvari; udariti - udari; vaditi - vadi
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. B
blagosvit - ne blagosovi; gnit - goni; objsniti; - objasni (3x); ksniti -
kasni/kasni; ksiti - kosi; mlit - moli; nit - noi; nsit - nosi; prsiti - prosi; da
prosti, oprosti; pstit - ne pusti, psto; rdit - rodi (trans.), rodi/urodi; slit se
- selim; skit - ski; vzit - vozi; nit - eni
pokrit - ne pokori; obnvit - ne obnovi; razrit - ne razore; oslobdit - oslobodi;
naslnit - nsloni; ustanviti; - ustanove; zaklpiti - zaklopi; raskolti - raskoli
bludit - bldi; braniti - brni; bridit - brdi; brusit - brsi; buit - bi; cidit - cdi
[*cditi]; cvilit - cvli (4x); cnit - se crni; uvstit - uvrsti; dilit - dli [*dliti];
diit - di; divit - dvi; druiti se - dri; falit - fli [*xvaliti]; gasit - gsi; glasit -
glsi; glumit - glmi; zaglibit - zaglbi; gavit - gvi; nagizdit - gzdi se
[*gnzditi]; gospodarit - gospodri; govorit - gvori; gradit - grdi; griit - gri
[*griti]; gulit - gli; hrabrit - se hrbri; javit - jvi; juriti; - jri; kadit - kdi;
kalit - kli; klatit - klti; zakuit - zaki; zakorait - zakori; krasit - krsi;
kratit - krti, skratila; kripit - krpi [*krpiti]; krivit - krvi; dokuiti - ne doki;
kupiti - kpi; ladit - ldi [*xolditi]; liit - li [*liti]; ulinit - ulni [*lniti]; lipit -
lpi [*lpiti]; maka mci; mariti - mri; misit - msi [*msiti]; mlatiti - mlti;
msit - mrsi; mutiti - mti; zanimit - zanmi [*nmiti]; oblait - nebo se sad
obli, naoblailo; opametit - ne opamti; palit - pli; platit - ne plti; poplavit -
ne poplvi; pritit - prti [*pertiti]; protivit - protvi; krmaa prsi, svia se prasila;
prait - pri; radit - rdi; ranit - rni [*xorniti]; redit - rdi cf. ureuje;; reit -
ri [*riti] (a loanword from an ekavian dialect); ridit - rdi cf. rdak, rtka,
rtko; [*rditi]; ruit - ri gossip; sadit - sdi; sladit - sldi; oslipit - oslpi
[*slpiti]; smjeit - smji (a loanword from the standard language); sramit -
srmi; stidit - stdi; sudit - sdimo; suit - si, osuilo; stupit - stpi; ustreit -
ustri (a loanword from an ekavian dialect); svetit - svti; svitlit - svtli
[*svtliti]; irit - ri; zatititi - tti; trait - tri; tribit - se trbi, se otribio
[*terbiti]; trubit - trbi; trudit - trdi; tuit - ti; uit - i, nai, !; vabit -
vbi; varit - vri; vridit - vrdi [*verditi]; vit - vri; zraiti - zri; arit - ri se;
kobla se drbi [*erbiti]; uriti - ri
a.p. C
brit se - br se (3x), izbori; brj, brjmo, ne izbrojimo; stit - st (2x), ne
poasti; djit - dj, podoji; drbit - drb, izdrobi; dvrit, podvort - dvr,
podvori; glbit - glob, globi; gnjit - gnj, ngnoji; gdit - gd, godi; gjiti -
gj, goji get fat; gstit - gst, ne ugoste; krit - kr (2x); kuka kt (3x); se

kz (3x)/koz ; krjit - krj; krstit - krst; lmti - lm, zlomi, prilomi; lvit -
lv, ne ulovi; liti - lm (2x), ne naloim; mglit - mgl; mit - m, ne
namoi, smilo; mriti - mr, morim; pro;mtrit - mtr, promotri; pjesma se
r; trit - tr (2x), ne naotri, naotro; pjiti - pj, napoji cf. napja;; pldit
- pld, oplodi, opldilo; plvit - plv, isplovi; pstit - pst (2x); rjiti - rj; rnit
- rn; rsit - rs, se orosi; slit - sl, ne posoli; sramtit - sramt, osramoti; sz
(2x), zasuzi cf. sza; [*slziti]; svjedit - svjed, posvjedoi; krpit - krp;
trjit - trj ga, utroji, otrjio, trojli [*strojiti]; se tl, oteli; tit - t (2x),
na natoi, ne otoi; tpit - tp (2x), ne otopi; tplit - tpl, se ne otopli; tvit - tv
(2x), utovi (2x); trit - tr, potroi; vdrit - vdr, izvedri; veslit se - vesl,
poveseli; znjit - znj, ne uznoji; zrit - zr (2x) sve zora; zvnit - zvn (2x),
pozvoni; alstiti - alst, raalosti
nit - n; gbit - gb, zgubi; krit - kr; tjit - tj, zataji; tit, utut - t, ne
biit - se bl (an old -verb); brujit - brj; mzit - mrz, zamrzi (an old -verb);
sn (2x) [*sniti]; tedit - td (2x) (an old -verb)
klniti se - se kln/kloni cf. klaa;
2.12 Gundinci (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)
The dialect has five accents ( , , , , `), , as well as pre- and posttonic length,
with the questionable status of `. Neo-tokavian rising accents could be
analyzed as allotones of the accent on the next syllable. That would especially
apply to `, which is not very frequent. However, is, due to its frequency, best
perceived as a separate toneme. There is a lot of vacillation in the dialect, as is
usual in Posavina, with older and newer forms appearing side by side.
has usually preserved its original place when preceded by a short syllable, cf.
eca children, ko. is sometimes retracted to the preceding short
syllable (more often from the final syllable), but rarely, cf. slo instead of the
usual selo. One could perceive this as forms influenced by the standard language
and Neo-tokavian dialects and exclude it from the real, pure dialect but
that does not seem to be so. In Gundinci, one notes a tendency for the
development of ` that does not look artificial (although more research is
needed) pretonic syllables sometimes develop a trace of ` even when it is still
not really there, for instance in words like topti. The form is not yet tpti (or
tpiti) but the emergence of ` on the first syllable can be noted.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

In many cases, the sequence has yielded , cf. mlada, narod, mzjela,
nasaivali. However, the old is not rare in the middle of the word, cf.
zastela ashamed. is usually retracted from the fnal syllable but forms like
sjevrac, mlka also appear, although rarely. Transitional forms like
zadivo appear occasionally as well.
The acute is regularly changed to after the pretonic length in the end of the
word, as almost everywhere in present-day Posavina, cf. snme, kol.
can also facultatively change to in all positions (vice-versa is not possible), cf.
dvi but zadvi. can be pronounced like tromi naglasak , as usual in Posavina
(cf. Kapovi 2008). As in all Posavina, all vowels are lengthened (to if
accented) in front of a sonorant in the coda, cf. sr, jesm, dobr.
The long accents usually preserve their place (cf. vodom, muk pos
mans job). However, occasional retraction is attested here as well, cf. zv
instead of the usual zov, kp se instead of the usual kop etc. The status of
these allotones is also questionable - they could simply be due to code-
Posttonic lengths are sporadically shortened, as is usually the case in present-
day Posavina
, cf. umre, s koprvom, rakje, dem, svaaju, adj. drga,
but novc, ekaji, zavzno, mmo, bolst etc. However, the posttonic
length is preserved better in Gundinci than in many other Posavian dialects.
The second posttonic length is, again as usual in present-day Posavina, regularly
shortened, cf. nareznog, Gundinca, jabka, kalotna etc.
The accent-shift to the proclitic (preskakanje naglaska) is quite frequent
(even in cases where it is not expected), cf. na utvj, estero, u eto, u Zgreb, z
Zgreba, na Badk, do zda, u oak in the corner (a Turkish loanword), but
also u Brd (together with u Brd), iz akova, bez snga etc.
The dialect distinguishes and , v is a fricative, r can be both short and long,
as everywhere in Slavonia (cf. umla), * yields in long syllables but je in short
ones (cf. sjedmo, but ponila she brought)
, *-l yields -o (cf. vdio), -li- and -
ni- yield -i-(often) and -i- (not as often) but not always (cf. soti but veselti,
zamiit but inti), -je- < *-- causes the third yotation (cf. eca, pokpelo,
ozdravet, leela with standard djca, pokipjelo, ltjela), h usually disappears (cf.
kru, gra, str, sn with standard kruh, grah, strh, snha, but also u
kuhie). The infinitive ends in both -ti (quite frequently) and -t. Long and

Perhaps unlike Posavina in Ivis times Ivi does not mention any shortenings of
posttonic length in Posavina. Nowadays however, they are present in all the dialects in Posavian
in one way or the other. Of course, in most cases the length is still there in the deep structure
but is sometimes phonetically realized and sometimes not (unlike, for instance, the Western
Ikavian Neo-tokavian dialects like Prapatnice, Opuzen, Klobuk, Sinj etc. where the posttonic
length is always clearly pronounced).
There are also cases of secondary jats like sjeromanji poorer.

are sometimes phonetically diphthongized, although in a very strange fashion
for instance, I have attested grue, gud (name of a local festival), na gud
(2x) and mjeso (also po mesu), but also pdnea noon, voda, posav
work (together with pos) etc. More data is needed here.
NOTE: the verb list is not complete.
a.p. A
se ost; kvasiti, okvasite grlo! cf. kvs;; nakupi, skupmo; dolazi, izlazi,
dolazila; lup (2x); zamjerit; zapmtio; praviti - se pravi; spremit - spremila;
osjetmo; ostavi, ostavio; pro;tumaiti - tumae nam
a.p. B
gnit - gonm, gon; kost - kosim (2x), pokosi, koslo cf. kose;; moti; -
mom, moo, molo cf. moltve;; nosti drv - nosim drv, noso; prosti -
pros; na;pustti - pust, pustte, otpusti, napustli; skoti - skom, sko; seti -
se seim u Brd, sei; vodti - vodim za rku; vozti - vozm, vozi; enti - eni,
poenli cf. ena, ene, enu;
pribrodi, pribrodla je bolst; dogodi, dogodlo; umorti - umorm; oplodti
krmau - oplodi; napojti - napoji; oprostti se - se oprosti; otvorti; - zatvorim,
biliti (2x), biliu, obilit - bli (2x), zabl cf. adj. n. bilo; [*bliti]; braniti -
za;brnim; probudit - probdi; cidit - cdi, procdi, ocdi [*cditi]; ucniu cf.
adj. crn;; diiti - u;di [*dliti]; divit se - dvim, dvi, dvi, zadvi, zadivo;
drait; dubit - dbi, dbu se, izdbi; faiti - fm [*xvaliti]; govoriti - govori,
govorio; graditi; - grdm, sagrdm; gdit - grdim, grdi, izgrdi; griit - gr,
sagri [*griti]; javiti - do;jvi; jdi se; klti, klatila; skratit - skrtim; okripiti -
okrpm (2x)/okrpim [*krpiti]; kriviti - krvim, krvi; kruiti - krim; kiti -
krim tre; lipit - lpim [*lpiti]; llo; kupiti, kupiu - kpim, kupi! cf.
kupovala;; liiti - li [*liti]; ubiti - ubi; ukim; utit; za;misiti - za;msm,
misio [*msiti]; za;mastiti, zamastiemo kru - msti, zamsti; zamiit
[*mniti]; miriti se, pomiriti - mrim, pomr, pomri; smraiti se - smri;
mlatiti - mlti, mltmo; mutiti - mtm; paliti, paliu - plim, plim po mesu I
am stuffing myself with meat, pli, zaplim, priplim, palila; platiti - pltim;
poplavti - uplvmo vodu; prsi, prasila; radit - rd/rdi (2x), rdi, rde,
urdla; prirdim; rjeiti - rjm (2x) with the standard -je-;; rubiti, porubiti; -
porbm; saditi - sdim; sluiti - sl; ko e mu suditi - sdi; ustupiti - ustpim;
suiti - sm, s, smo; sditi se - srdim se, se srdi, se rasrdi; svetti; rari;
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

tribit - trbim [*terbiti]; zatrvm, zatravila sow grass; tuiti - tim; truditi se -
trdim se; uiti - im; uvait se u blato fall into the mud - uvi [*valiti];
za;variti - vrim, vri se, vrimo, vre; vratiti - vrti; raniti kokoe feed the
hens - rnim [*xorniti]; zimio cf. zmu, za zmu, zme;; znaiti -
zn (4x); pozlatie mi posa;v work; - po;zlti; ori, oarila; drbi,
odribila [*erbiti]
a.p. C
izbrojt; dojti, dot - do
m, doj, podojm, dola; god mi (2x), ugodm, ugodmo,
godlo mi je; ugostemo - gostm, ugostmo; se klonti - klonm; komti; gra,
pokomti - komm, kommo, pokomm (2x); lot - lom (2x), lo, nalom,
slo!; s;lomti - lom, slomi; u;lovti - lov, ulovi; na;moti - mo, nmo;
postti - post, postmo; ronti - ronm, ron, eca ron u vod the children are
diving in the water, rona, uron; rojti - ele se roj; po;soti - som (3x), so,
posoi [*soliti]; teti, oteu se - te se krava, otei [*teliti]; (o)topti, topemo
mst - topm, sad se sng top the snow is melting now, otopi (se), utopo he
drowned; na;tot, natou, natoemo voda - to, natoi; po;veselti
se/poveslti, vesliti, veselemo se - veselm, poveselimo (2x); (po)zvonti - zvon,
zvona zvon, zvon mi, pozvoni, zvonlo, zvonli, zvoe (cf. zvono, zvona)
inti, uinu - on in dobro, ako; un dobro; aor. zgubi; za;tajti - tajm,
zataji (2x); utut suffocate, utue ga, utue se
pliviti, plivit krv u vrtlu - plvm, oplvim [*plviti]
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
rodti - ako rodm dite, ako zema rod, urodi, rodla
2.13 Duboac (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)
The dialect of Duboac is innovative, compared to other Posavina dialects. As
some of the other villages on the river Sava west of Slavonski Brod (like the
village of Slavonski Koba for example), it has some peculiarities (for instance
vocabulary, to name just one) that differ them from most other Posavian
is always retracted, cf. vino, vslo, gvedo, n vidi, z kiu, svatovim.
Long accents often remain on the old place, cf. dont, prod, vod, Svilj,
but can also be retracted, cf. rnm, rj, z zdrve, zm. Transitional
forms like lvm also appear. The posttonic length is sporadically shortened, as

usual in Posavian, cf. el and ela (different informants), neudna,
eprkli, ser, pl, perd but krva, se, etvrti etc. Pretonic length
also exists in front of , cf. crv. The second posttonic length is regularly
shortened, cf. bedra, kona, patka etc. The neo-acute is
facultatively changed to , cf. stra and stra. The accent shift to the proclitic
(preskakanje naglaska) occurs quite often, cf. u blato, na mre (but also na
mru), po pou, po sve, pr svtom pred svijetom, jutro ver, dn dnas,
but cf. also na stn. Long * yields , short je, cf. tlo but tjelsa (secondary jats
like vjeme udder also appear), v is a fricative, h usually disappears (cf. kuvm I
bake, kruva), long is often closed (cf. mst, teld). The infinitive ends in
NOTE: the verb list is (obviously) only partial
a.p. A
furit - fur (a loanword from German); zamjerila; n prav, pravmo
a.p. B
nsit - nosm, nos; lit - lom (3x)/loim; mlit - molm/molim, molm te,
molmo (3x); pstit - postm/postim, n postim; prsit - prosi; pstit - pustim;
tit - toim (2x), toi; vdit - vodim; vzit - vozim; nit - eni;
dogdilo; ugstit - gosti; opldit - plodi; prstit - prostm, prost
falit - flim [*xvaliti]; gasit - gsim/gsim, ugsi; govori!; gradit - grdim,
grdimo; te; pl, zapli; rdi; ne rnimo [*xorniti]; sveenik posvti priest
blesses; zatajit - zatjim; varit - vrm/vrim, vri, vrimo weld; po;zlatit -
zltim; zne
a.p. C
doj; lmit - lmm (2x), lm; lvit - lvm, lvm; pjit - pjmo, npojim; rjit -
rj; rnit - rnm, rnmo; tpit - tpm, top, tpmo; veslit - veslm se; zvnit
- zvon se; (3x)/zvn, cf. zvna;
nit - nm, inim; kad se sad
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

arit - r/ar, r r, re
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
rdit - ako sutra rodm, ako to dbro rd, rodi
gdit - god/gd and godi; klnit se - klnm and klonm, klni se od rava
drutva! stay away from bad company!; ksit - ksm and kosm
2.14 Sikerevci (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)
The village of Sikrvci (officially Sikirevci) is situated in East Posavina. This is
one of the most archaic Posavian dialects since it succumbed to a very limited
amount of retractions. It has a five accent system with pre- and posttonic length
but the accents and ` can be interpreted as allotones of and since these
sequences occur frequently in almost all positions. Cf. tga, amac, tga,
kov, gloga, groba, nizina etc. but also usula, pa (and epa),
priat, dha (and duha) etc. This kind of vacillation appears in the middle
of the word as well, cf. oeka/eka, domovi/dmovi, lkovi (but
likova), and also with long syllables: nrav/narv. However, in spite of the
possible retractions (it is difficult to tell how much of the vacillation is due to
code-switching), the old position of the stress is maintained in many cases.
is very frequently pronounced as which tends to be very long, often longer
than the real long tonemes and . However, it differs from them
intonationally and additionally by vowel colouring the long , , are closed
e, , in Sikerevci (red, znak, nos) and are always pronounced closed when
under , or unaccented length. Under , no matter how phonetically long it
can be, it is never closed. can facultatively change to and it occurs regularly
after pretonic length, cf. pt, laktova etc. The posttonic length is
sometimes shortened (very often in the case of thematic vowels in the present
tense for instance), cf. Sikerevaca, poslgana, mjesec (more often mjesec)
etc., sometimes preserving the closeness of the vowel: vjetr besides vjetar.
The dialect distinguishes and , v is a resonant except in the end of the
word where it is a fricative, h is often lost but not always (gra but vrh), the reflex
of the jat is /j (dte, eteta with the third palatalization as well), in the
infinitive both -ti and -t appear and final - < *-l in the l-participles is always
long (cf. tu < *tuil by analogy to upo < *upao < *upal).

a.p. A
bavit se - se bavim; stit - st; grabm; kupit - kupimo ve, pokupmo; msla
[*myslila]; plait se - plai, uplaio; pravit, napravit - pravi (2x)/pravi; ruiti -
rui; ostavit - ostavi; ali
a.p. B
kosti - ksi; mliti - molimo se; nst - nosi; pstiti; - psti cf. post;; prsi;
pustti - pstim; selt se - sel se; skit - ski, skio; vdit/vodt - vdim; vzit -
vzi; en se
brni se, obrani se, obranila; bdt - budi, probudi; cdt - cdi [*cditi]; dilit -
po;dli [*dliti]; falt - fli [*xvaliti]; govrim, govori!; sagradt - grdi se,
zagradi; griit - grim [*griti]; javti - jvi; kupit - kpim, kupi; bt - be;
mltt - mlte; mtt, zamutiti - mti; platt - pltim, platio; prait - pri se;
rdt - rdi (3x); plt - pli; pori; rant - rni [*xorniti]; riiti; - ri [*riti];
sluit ekoga - sli; sadt - sdi; suditi - sdi; suit - s; tribit - trbi [*terbiti];
tuit - ti; nati, t - i; vratit - vrti; znat - zni; ri; dribit - drbi,
odribila [*erbiti]; urit - ri, pouri!
a.p. C
djit - doj; lmit - lom; lvit - lov; lo vatru (2x); mor; da prost, oprosti;
roj; rniti - ron; tom vodu; otpiti - top se mast; veselm se, vesel se, vesli se;
zvon, zvon zvon cf. zvono, zvon;
tuti, utut - tu se, tu se
prefixed shortened a.p. B < *a.p. c
izgubi, izgub (2x), izgubla sam; zatajti, zatjit - zataji, zatajo
bl se [*bliti] (probably an old -verb)
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
rdi (trans.), rod (intrans.), rodla
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

umot, pomoti - pomolo cf. name;; napjit cf. napja;
2.15 Slavonski Koba (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina
The dialect has the usual five accents and unaccented length. It is quite
innovative retractions-wise but preserves posttonic length in cases where it is
not so usual elsewhere in Posavina (cf. tp, crn, rdosn, ku, sel etc.). Only does not retract (let, pou), there are occasional
examples like lv besides lov but these could be due to code-switching (forms
like pku, zvu are probably analogical to other persons). For the retraction of
and , cf. glava, nga, lpata, tt, gltk. However, now and then older accents
can be heard: snovat, sovat curse (cf. also kpat), gork. After pretonic length,
changes to , cf. glve, iza l, m.
The dialect distinguishes and , v is a fricative, h tends to disappear but
sporadically (cf. suv but tx), long , , are closed , , (zln, tv, starst),
the dialect is ikavian (mlt, lp), the infinitive ends in both -ti and -t.
a.p. A
a.p. B
ksit - kos; lit vatru - lo; mlit - mol; pstit - pusti; slit - sel
ciditi - cdmo [*cditi]; grdi se kua cf. gra;; paliti - plmo; saditi - sdimo;
tajit - tj
a.p. C
brit se - br (2x)/bor; lvit - lv/lov
it - (2x), nui
2.16 Davor (in Posavina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Posavina dialect)
Davor (formerly Svinjar) is a village in West Posavina, near Orubica. It has a
five accent system with many retractions. is always retracted, cf. kza, ovca. In

the middle of the word the retraction is usually only partial: lpata, mtka, but
also klino. Long accent can be preserved and half-retracted, cf. lopt, zem, sestr, zvizd, vlas, grm, pem but also klb, le, kze, ksm, pltem. For the retraction to the long syllables
cf. kle, glav, tugm. As usual in Posavian, posttonic lengths can be
shortened, especially afer , cf. def. adj. gldno, tko, but also gldn, pjm,
krj, mst, ku etc. Some of these forms usually lose their length in
other Posavian dialects.
and are distinguished, v is a fricative, there is no h (cf. mja fly), the
reflex of the jat is ikavian (cf. kla, msto).
a.p. B
ksit - kos; lit - lo; slit - seli/sli
cidit - cdi [*cditi]; lipit - lpi [*lpiti]; sadit - sdi; tajit - tji; ri
2.17 ljivoevci (in Podravina) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Podravina dialect)
50 years ago (cf. Sekere 1977), the older speakers of this dialect had a system of
four accents - , , , (the absence of ` being characteristic for the north of the
Slavonian Old tokavian dialect). However, even then it was noted (in the year
1960) that the younger speakers did indeed have ` in their system. Today, in the
speech of our 1931 born informant we find a fully fledged system with five
accents, cf. vda, slo, vretno, imna but also kopat, oprat with the older accent
and reeto, ovjek (with the standard -je-), Boi, donese (present tense), zove
with the old retraction type which yielded and not ` (which did not exist in
the system before). The accent develops in all positions, cf. glava, tresemo,
tumo, kazati etc. There is a lot of vacillation, cf. jezkom, imali, vratlo
spinning wheel, kalotne but also pnica, mtika, lpata etc. Long accents can
be retracted as well: vd, lvi < *lov, dvjke but also donesmo,
pripovtka, udla, nat. Te accent is ofen realized as (rat), can
sporadically change to (cf. rebra and rbra, vno/vno) but not very often.
The cases of posttonic length usually appear in the context of Neo-tokavian
retraction (zvnr), rarely otherwise (cf. grebenli, motli, brd but also
brd/brd). Te vowels in front of resonants are lengthened with as the result
(cf. tka < *tkanja) as usual in Podravina. There is usually no h, and are
distinguished, the dialect is ekavian (lep, testo, crevo), the infinitive ends in both
-ti and -t (cf. zvati, prati).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. B
j kosim travu; lit - lim; mimo konopu; nosla; pojim koe, ka poji; rdit
- rodi; j se selim; soim, posoim [*soliti]; otvorli; vzit; zvoni podn
braniti - brnim; kupiti; ladit - ldi [*xolditi]; platit - pltim; raditi - rde;
narni [*xorniti]; sdi; tajiti - za;tji, zatajio; vratit - vrtim
a.p. C
lvit - lvi jlena
gbi (2x), izgubim (3x)/zgubim, izgbila sam; naula
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
djit - na dji djete (should be *dte) (2x), krava se doji (the informant herself
admits the difference in the accent, although a different distribution of accent
types would be expected))
2.18 Batina (in Baranja) Old tokavian (Slavonian/Podravina dialect)
Batina is a village in North Baranja, whose dialect is nowadays almost extinct
(our informant is one of the last people who can speak the dialect but she does
not speak it herself in everyday life anymore). The dialect has five accents , ,
, and , but the short rising accent is, like in ljivoevci, sporadic (and
probably a later intrusion from Neo-tokavian), cf. glava, slo, ovek/vek,
koi/ki. The accent is retracted from all fnal syllables (there are a few
remnants like na vode, na daske), yielding in every position (except in
cases like tj), cf. cvitovi, but motka. The neo-acute is not very stable and
often changes to , cf. vode, divjka, zovem but also kov, vodom, u
cidku. The resonant-closed syllables obtain the neo-acute when lengthened, cf.
otarak, sa otrkom. As usual in Podravina, there is no posttonic length.
The dialect distinguishes and , v is a fricative, short accented o is usually
phonetically and short accented e is . The dialect is consistently ikavian, cf.
tsto, diteta.
a.p. A
bavi; zaboravila; uplaila

a.p. B
dojit - doji; gstimo, pogostli; ksim, pokosli travu [*kositi]; ne krji, skrojo
[*krojiti]; krstit - krsti; lvit - lvi, ulovo [*loviti]; lim, naloo [*loiti]; moit -
mim ti lpo [*modliti]; nsi, nsi, noso [*nositi]; pstit - pstim, psti
[*postiti]; pojim, napojo koe; prsit - prsi [*prositi]; skit - ski [*skoiti];
ti, otela se krava [*teliti]; ti, nati mi! [*toiti]; vzit - sno vti [*voziti];
nit - ni, se oeno [*eniti]
pobilila cf. bilo; [*bliti]; obranit - se brnim; bdim, probudio; cdim, cdi,
procidila [*cditi]; cpim, nacipio si jabuku [*cpiti]; po;diit - dii!, lpo podiite
sve jednako! [*dliti]; divanit - divni speak (a Turkish loanword, cf. tvj
divn je dosadan); zafait - fi [*xvaliti]; grdim; grdi; uguie mi you will
strangle me; jvi, javio; skratila suku cf. skravam;; jesi se okripila cf. okripa,
krpost; [*krpiti]; krivit - ne krvim; kupit - kpi; liit - li cf. lk, lika,
likovto; [*liti]; omacit; misit - msi [*msiti]; mlatit - mlti, izmlatio; vrime se
mti, uzmutio; u;pait - pi, u;paio [*paliti]; sdim, posadila; simo se (2x)
(the source of the length is unclear) [*sedliti]; posluit - sli; pristupit - stpi;
ustoboio; rasrdit make someone angry; trbi se gra, tribila [*terbiti]; uit - i,
nauila; se ri
a.p. C
ta se bor, borte; ba mi t god; tpit - mst se top [*topiti]; veseit - vese,
veseu se [*veseliti]; zvnit - zvon, zvon sad zvonu
ne i, uio
tj, zatajila
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
dite rdi, pordi, kad to dobro rod, porodla [*roditi]
skloo mi se s puta, sklola sam se, skloli su se, skloi mi se s puta! [*kloniti];
izlomo, prilomo; svaj si se smoo you got yourself all wet, smolo, smoi!
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

2.19 Sunger/Mrkopalj (in Gorski kotar) tokavized Central
akavian/tokavian (Western Ikavian Dialect)

Mrkopalj and Sunger are two places in Gorski kotar, just 3.5 km away from each
other and in close proximity to the akavian village of Brestova Draga. Genetic
classification of the bigger Mrkopalj and the smaller Sunger appears somewhat
difficult. Mogu (1977: 104) classifies Sunger as akavian, while Lisac (2003: 51,
162) classifies both Sunger and Mrkopalj as Western Ikavian Neo-tokavian. In
fact, Mrkopalj is genetically a Western Ikavian Neo-tokavian dialect and
Sunger is genetically a Central akavian dialect. Today, however, these two
dialects are very similar and share many properties (and that is why we list them
together here) with originally akavian Sunger being heavily tokavized. Here
are some of the differences between Sunger and Mrkopalj, according to my
informant (who is fluent in both dialects): phonological Mrkopalj is ikavian
(blo mliko), while Sunger has Jakubinski-Meyer governed reflexes of the jat
(belo mliko), -l in Sunger (podilil), -a in Mrkopalj podilija); prosodic - is more
cut off (sharply falling) and is a bit longer in Mrkopalj than in Sunger (both
typical for tokavian : akavian); lexical differences - Sunger smo, Mrkopalj
mo etc. Both dialects have just to, cf. also ma but mja for the reflex of *,
some words clearly point to akavian origin (maa mass, crkva, delat, vlsi
The dialects have usual Neo-tokavian four accent systems but no posttonic
length (cf. nge, sstre, golub, korak). Occasionally one finds falling
syllables in the middle of the word (mrkopski, sestrna/sstrina). The
phoneme x is preserved, and are differed ( usually being quite soft [t]), v
is a fricative, r can be both short and long, final -m > -n. There is no akavian-
style lengthenings in star, dm, san I am etc.
NOTE: Lukei 2008 records the posttonic length in the Mrkopalj accentual
a.p. A
bavit se - bavin; blatit - blatin; bratit se - bratin, bratimo; stit - stin, stimo;
udit se - udin se, udimo se; dmit se - se dmi; gadit; gazit - gazi, zgazin; gladit -
gladi; grabit - pgrabi, n grabi!; zgrlin; jait se - se jai; skri, ziskrilo;
skamenit se - se skameni; kaznit - kazne; ktit, kitit - kiti; kupit, pkupit - kupi;
krit, pkrit - kri; kselit - se kseli cf. kselina sour milk, kselica common
sorrel (a plant that grows in the spring and has berries); lakomit - lakomi,
lakomi cf. lakomina;; slit - sli; lupit, lupiete - lupi; zmirit - mri [*mriti];
muit - muimo; mrvit - mrvi; nudit - nudin; pazin, pazija; pjeni (with the

I would like to thank my informant Daniel Jedrko and his sharp hearing.

standard -je-); plazit - plazi; strait - strain; pratit, spratit - pratin, pratimo;
pruit - prui; puit - pui; prtit - prti sng; ranit - rani; zruit - rui; stit - stin
[*stiti]; slavit - slavi; srit - se sri; tlait - tlai; trsit - trsi; vadit - vadi, vadimo;
vrit se - se vri; vlai; alit - alin, alimo, alite, ale
bgatit - bgatin; ujdiniemo se - se ujdinimo; kristit - kristin; kusit - kusi;
zkvait - zkvai; lazit - lazin, lazimo; mslin, mslil/mslel/mslija; npravit;
zratit - zrati; zsitit se - zsitimo; natvarit - tvari, natvarin; zvisi, zvisija
[*vsiti]; prvitri [*vtriti]
a.p. B
blagoslvit - blagslovin; gnit - gonimo; govrit - gvorin, gvori; hdit - hodi,
hodimo; kloni, klonimo, klni me se!; ksit - kosin, kosi, kosi, kosimo, kosite,
kose; ktit - koti; mdit - medin, medi put honey on something; mlit - moli,
molimo, molite; nsit - nosimo; sprijteim, sprijatija; pstit - pusti; se; rodi;
skit - skoi cf. ske;; svidit - svdoi [*svdoiti]; otlit - teli, tele cf. the
noun tle;; tplit - topli; vzit - se vozin; nit se - se; eni
oglbit - globi; objsnit (2x) - bjasni; zaklpit - zklopin; prilagdit - prilgodi;
umrtvija - mrtvi; obnvit - bnovimo; oplemnit - oplmeni, oplemni!;
pripolviu - priplovin; ponsit - pnosi; upzori; zatvrit - ztvorin
bilit zd - blin (trans.) [*bliti]; ublait - blain; branit - brnin, brnimo;
brusit - brusin, brusimo; budit - budin, budimo; buit - buin, buimo; cinit -
cnin also cjenit - cjenin; [*cniti]; cvilit - cvlin, cvli, cvlimo; davit - dvin,
dvi, dvi, dvimo; dilit - dlin, dli, dlimo, podilil (S.), podilija (M.) [*dliti];
diit - din, di, dimo; druit - druin, drui, druimo; gasit - gsin, gsi,
gsimo; gavit - gvi; gradit - grdi; sagriila, gri/grei (both S. and M.),
grimo [*griti]; gulit - gulimo, gulimo; ohladilo, hldi; hrbri; hrni; pofalili,
fli, fli (also with hv-) [*xvaliti]; javiu - jvi; klatit - n klti okoli he
wanders around (not reflexive!); krasit - krsi; krivit - krvi, krvimo; prikriit -
prkrii; ukrutit se - krutin; kruit - krui; okrvavit - okrvavin; kstit - se krstin,
se krsti, pkrstin; kupit - kupi; kvasit - kvsi; izliie - li [*liti]; ulinit - lini
[*lniti]; lipit - lpin, zalipil/zalipija [*lpiti]; ubit - ubi; jadit se - se jdi, jdimo,
jde [*diti]; namamit - mmi; mastit - msti; zamisit - msi [*msiti]; pomirie
se - mre se; mlait - se mli; mlatit - mltin, mltimo; mri, zamrailo; smutit -
muti; snizit - snzi; se blai; se blain; suzit - suzi, suzi se! [*ziti]; zapalit -
pli; opmeti, opametija; naplatit - plti; prsi; protivit - prtivin, prtivi,
prtivimo; proredit - prredi [*rditi]; priredit - prredi [*rditi]; zasadit - sdi;
silit - sli; sudit - sudi; ustrelit - strelin [*strliti]; suit - se sui, se suimo; irit -
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

ri; tuit - tui; trudit se - trudi se; trzni, triznija [*terzniti]; vbin, vabili;
provalit - prvalin; zavarit - vri; vratit - vrtin, n vrati, vrtite, vratite!, vratil
(S.)/vratija (M.); prizimit - przimi; n znai
a.p. C
brit se - bri se, brimo se; brjit - brjin, brjimo; drbit - drbi, drbimo;
dvrit - dvri; zagjit - gji, zgoji; zagjit - gji, gje (wounds) heal; gstit -
gstimo; krjit - krji, krjimo, skrojin, skroji; pokrpit - krpi; krtit - krtin;
ksnit, zaksnit - ksni, ksnimo; odldit - ldi; ljit - se lji; lmit - lmi,
lmimo, slomi; lvit - lvi, lovi; lin, li, limo, nalili; mit - mi,
mimo; mnit - mnimo; se mgli cf. mgla, maglu, magle;; ni;
se ri; natrit - trin, se; tri; pldi, opldija, pldi!; plvi, plvimo; napjit -
pji; pstit - pstin; popprit - ppri; rjit - rje se ose; rnit - rni; rsit - rsi se
trava, rse se; odslit - sli, slimo; slit - sli; sramtit - se sramti, se sramtimo;
ukpit - kpi; se; ti, timo; tpit - tpi; utvit - prasca tvi; vesli, veslimo;
znjin, znjia; zri se; zvni, zvnija; alstit - alsti
gbit - gbi; krit - kr i; it - in, nuin
cidit - cidin, cidimo, prcidi [*cditi]; curit - curi, prcuri; cpit - cpi bother;
astit - astin, asti; glumit - glumi, ne glumi!; gizdit - gizdi, gizde; odjurili,
juri; nagli, naglija cf. pringuje;; suzi mi (3x), zsuzi cf. suza, suzu;
[*slziti]; sramit se - se srami; svetit - sveti (?); svitlit - svitli [*svtliti]; titit -
titi; tajit - taji; trubit - trubi, trubimo; vait - vai; vridit/vredit/vrjedit - vredi
[*verditi]; se ari, zaarila; urit se - se uri, se urimo
vacillation B-C
zaprsit - prosi/prsi
krjepit; raskrilit; n mari; mrsit - vlse; pripitmit; prjetit (with -je-);
odriit/odreit [*riti]; urtija; zasladit; trjebit; utrapiu ti; tupit; pozlatile
desit (2x) - desi, desilo; gdit - gdi (2x) (probably the result of the mixing of
Slavic *goditi and the loan from the Italian godere)

2.20 Tisno (on the island of Murter) Central akavian (tokavized)
This is a tokavized akavian dialect (cf. the pronoun ta, zato). It has a five
accent system - ` with no unaccented length - posttonic length has
disappeared (cf. golub, korak, oblak, molite, G. rbe)
and the accent has
retracted to pretonic length. is pronounced short, canonically. Te old
almost always yields (cf. glava, trava, ruka, zima, cviliti but prsac/prasac)
and the old internal is also retracted in most cases (cf. nga, vda, sstra, mliti,
bgatimo), but not without exceptions (cf. okusiti, prasca, kosti, otac, mstti;
Vowels in front of resonants in the coda are lengthened, with as the result (cf.
dm, jesn, pogn, non). is not very stable, it tends to change to
facultatively under certain conditions for instance in the end of a phrase or a
. There is no : difference, both are pronounced the same
(sometimes hard, sometimes soft) here written (with its voiced
counterpart ). The phoneme l is pronounced as palatalized [], -m > -n in the
end of the word, v is a fricative, phoneme [x] is partially preserved (or
reintroduced), syllabic r is always short, the dialect is ikavian (* > i, in loans
from the standard je also occurs). The infinitive ends in -ti, 3. person plural of i-
verbs in -u and *-il > -ija in l-participle.
a.p. A
baviti se - se bavimo, se bavi; blatiti - blatimo, blati; bratiti se - bratimo se, se
brati; ceriti se - se cerimo, se ceri; stiti - stimo, sti; uditi se - udimo se, se
udi; dmiti - dmi, dmimo; gaditi - gadimo, gadi; gaziti - gazimo, gazi, ugazija;
gladiti - gladimo, gladi; grabiti - grabimo, grabi; grbiti - grbimo, grbi se; grliti -
grlimo, grli; driti - drimo, dri; skriti se - skri se; kazniti - kaznimo, kazni; ktiti
- ktimo, kti; kupiti - kupi; kuiti - kuimo, kui; kseliti - kselimo, kseli; sliti -
sli, slimo; lupiti - lupimo, lupi; mriti - mrimo, mri [*mriti]; muiti -
muimo, mui; msliti - mslimo, msli; mrviti - mrvimo, mrvi; nuditi - nudimo,
nudi; paziti - pazimo, pazi; pniti - pnimo se, pni t si se zapnija?; be angry
[*pniti]; plaziti - plazimo, plazi; pratiti - pratimo, prati; praviti - pravimo, pravi;
pruiti - pruimo, prui; puiti - puimo, pui; prtiti - prtimo, prti; raniti -
ranimo, rani; ruiti - ruimo, rui; stiti se - stimo se, sti se; sliti - slimo, sli;

However, there are some marginal examples like n, I. vdn where the facultative
retraction occurred. Long accents are usually not retracted (cf. I. sestron, ber).
In Stojanov 1937, the situation with is the same as today. , on the other hand, is mostly
preserved in the old position in his examples, except in a few examples.
This was obvious while eliciting forms for this i-verb list if there were two forms with the
neo-acute, it was fairly probable that the second one would be pronounced with the circumflex
or that its neo-acute would be articulated in a fashion that makes it closer to . Thus, I have
maintained the original order of elicitation in the list.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

slaviti - slavimo, slavi; staviti - stavimo, stavi; straiti - straimo, strai; sriti - se
sri, sirili sri se mliko;; aliti se - alimo se, ali se; teliti - teli se, otelila
; tjeiti -
tjeimo, tjei; tlaiti - tlaimo, tlai; vaditi - vadimo, vadi; vlaiti - vlaimo, vlai;
aliti - alimo, ali
bgatiti - bgatimo, bgati; boraviti - boravimo, bravi; gotviti - gotovimo,
gotovi; kza se jarila; kristiti - kristimo, kristi; okusiti - okusimo, okusi;
laziti - lazimo, lazi; nuditi - nudimo, nudi; ponositi - ponosimo, ponosi;
pustoiti - pustoimo, pustoi; zratiti - zratimo, zrati; zastiti se - zastimo se,
zasti se; tvariti - tvarimo, tvari; izvsiti - izvsimo, zvisi, izvsili, zvisija;
prvitriti, zvitrivilo, zvitrivi
a.p. B
gniti - goni, gonimo, gonu; mliti - molimo, moli; nsit - nosimo, nosi; pstiti -
pustimo, pusti; rdit - rodimo, rodi se;; skiti - skoimo, skoi; vditi - vodi,
vdi me!, vdite me!; vziti - vozimo, vozi; niti - enimo se, eni se
blagoslviti - blagoslovimo, blagoslovi cf. blagoslvamo, blagoslva;; uvrstiti -
uvrsti, uvrstimo cf. uvrvamo;; oduviti - oduevi cf. oduevva,
oduevvamo;; ogliti - ogoli cf. ogovamo;; zaklpiti - zaklopimo, zklopi;
prilagditi - prilagodimo, prilagodi; umori se; primstiti - prmostimo, primosti;
umrtviti - umrtvimo, umrtvi; obnvit - obnovimo, obnovi; pripitmiti - pripitomi;
oplemniti - oplemenimo, oplemeni; oplodi; pokriti - pkorimo, pkori;
pripolviti - priplovimo, pripolovi; upozriti - upzorimo, upzori; sprijatiti se
- sprijateimo se, sprijatei se; ustanviti - ustanovimo, ustanovi; postrjiti - se
postroju; osvjiti - svojimo, svoji; otvriti - tvori
bluditi - bldimo, bldi; ublaiti - ubli cf. ublavamo, ublava;; braniti -
brnimo, brni; brusiti - brsimo, brsi, brsu; buiti - bimo, bi, bu; buditi
- bdimo, bdi; buiti - bimo, bi; ciditi - cdimo, cdi [*cditi]; cjeniti -
cjenimo, cjeni; cjepiti - cjepimo, cjepi; cviliti - cvlimo, cvli; curiti - cri; udaiti se
cf. se udavamo;; daviti - dvimo, dvi; desiti - se dsi; diliti - dlimo, dli
[*dliti]; diiti - dimo, di; diviti - dvimo, dvi; draiti - drimo, dri; dubiti
- dubimo, dubi; druiti se - drimo se, se dri; duiti - dimo, di choke;
duiti - dimo, di; gajiti - gjimo, gji; gasiti - gsimo, gsi; glumiti -
glmimo, glmi; ogluija je, ogli; gnjezditi se - gnjezdimo se, se gnjezdu; gaviti
- gvimo, gvi; neto mi godi; glasiti - glsi; graditi - grdimo, grdi;

A.p. A by analogy to the present tense forms.

gospodariti - gospodrimo, gospodri; govoriti - govorimo, govri; griiti - grimo,
gri; groziti - grozimo se, grozi se; guliti - gulimo, guli; laditi - ldimo, ldi
[*xolditi]; hlapiti - hlpi, ishlpi; hrabriti - hrbrimo, hrbri; hraniti - hrnimo,
hrni; hulit - hulimo, huli; faliti - flimo, fli [*xvaliti]; jaiti se - ovca se ji;
jariti psa najariti; - jri dca jru psa; tease, irritate; objasniti - objsnu cf.
objavamo;; javiti - jvimo, jvi; ujediniti - ujedni, ujedinite se! cf.
ujedivamo;; juriti - jri, jrimo; kaditi - kdimo, kdi; zakuiti - zaki;
klatiti - kltimo, klti maka se klti;; kratiti - krtimo, krti; t se kosi it goes
against; kripiti - krpimo, krpi [*krpiti]; krasiti - krsimo, krsi; raskriliti -
raskrlimo, raskrli; kriviti - krvimo, krvi; prikriiti - prikrimo, prikri;
ukrutiti se - ukrtimo, ukruti; kruiti - krimo, krui; okrvaviti - okrvvimo,
okrvvi; kuditi - kudimo, kudi; kupiti - kupimo, kupi; liiti - limo, li [*liti];
uliniti se - se ulni; lipiti - lpimo, lpi [*lpiti]; ubiti - bimo, bi; utiti - timo,
ti; utiti - timo, ti; mamiti - mmimo, mmi; mariti - mrimo, mri;
namastiti - mstimo, msti grease; misiti - msimo, msi [*msiti]; mesariti -
mesrimo, mesri; miriti - mrimo, mri; smlaiti - se smli; pomladiti; mlatiti -
mltimo, mlti; mraiti - mri se; mutiti - mtimo, mti; mniti - mnomo,
mno; nagliti - nglimo, ngli; sniziti - snzimo, snzi; oblaiti - obli se, se
oblin dress; oblaiti se - se obli cloud; suziti - szi, suzimo, suzi [*ziti];
szi [*slziti]; paliti - plimo, pli; opametiti se - opamtimo se, opamti se; piliti
- pli, plimo, pli saw; be a bother; platiti - pltimo, plti; prasiti/prajiti - prsi;
praiti - primo, pri; zarediti se - zardimo se, zaredi se; prititi - prtimo, prti
[*pertiti]; protiviti - protvimo, protvi; raditi - rdimo, rdi; rjeiti - rjeimo,
rjei; prirediti - prrdimo, prrdi
; porubiti - porbimo cf. porubvamo;; ruiti
- rimo, ri, ri grow ugly; saditi - sdimo, sdi; slaviti, raslaviti sk ili
vino; sljediti - sljdimo, sljedi; snaiti - snimo, sni; sladiti, zasladiti - sldimo,
sldi; sramiti se - srmimo se, srmi se; suditi - sdimo, sudi; zastraniti - zastrni;
stupiti - stpimo, stupi; suiti - simo, sui; svetiti se - svtimo se, sveti se take
revenge; svitliti - svtlimo, svtli [*svtliti]; tititi - ttimo, tti; iriti - rimo,
ri; tribiti - trbimo, trbi [*terbiti]; teiti - timo, tei; trapiti - trpimo, trpi
neto utrapiti; fob off; tupiti - tupimo, tupi; tuiti - timo, tui; traiti -
trimo, tri; trubiti - trbimo, trubi; truditi se - trdimo se, trudi; trizniti se -
trznimo se, trzni se [*terzniti]; vabiti - vbimo, vbi; razvaliti - razvlimo,
razvli; variti - vrimo, vri; vaiti - vi; vriditi - vrdimo, vrdi; vratiti -
vrtimo, vrti; ozariti se - ozrimo se, ozri se, se ozarija; znaiti - znimo,
zni; zlti, se zlti cf. pozlava;; ariti - rimo, ri; uriti - rimo se, ri se;
biliti - blimo, bli, blin [transitive]; utiti - tin peel

A loanword from the standard/tokavian obviously.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. C
briti se - bormo se, se bor, se bor, bor se; brj;iti - brojmo, broj; brstiti -
brstmo, brst, brst; rpiti - erpmo, erp/crpiti - crpmo, crp [*rpiti]; djiti -
dojmo, doj; drbiti - drobmo, drob; dvriti - dvormo, dvor; gjiti - gojmo,
goj; gjiti - gojmo, goj; gstiti - gostmo, gost; grditi - grdmo, grd; klniti se -
klonmo se, klon, klonn, klon, klni! klnite! klnimo!; kriti - kormo, kor;
ksiti - kosmo, kos; kotti - kot, ukotla; krj;iti - kromo, kro; krpiti - krop,
kropmo; krtiti - krotmo, krot krot ga vdn;; kriti - krmo, kr; krstiti -
krstmo, krst; miti - momo, mo; kriti - krmo, kr; ksniti - kasnmo,
kasn; lditi - vda se led; se loj; ?;; lmiti - lommo, lom, lom se; lviti -
lovmo, lov, lov; liti naliti vatru; - lomo, lo vatra se l;; mstti -
mastmo, mast crush grapes; mrsiti - mrsmo, mrs eat meat; ruffle; mgliti -
se magl; riti - se or; triti - otrmo, otr, otrn; plviti, zaplviti - plovmo,
plov zaplovi;; piti, napiti - pomo, po napoi; [*pojiti]; pstiti - postmo,
post; ptiti se - potmo se, pot se, se potn sptili smo se, se spotimo, spotin;;
prsiti - prosmo, pros; oprstti - da prost, da prostte; ppriti - paprmo, papr;
rjiti - se roj; rniti - ronmo, ron; rsiti - se ros be dewy; sliti se - selmo se,
sel se se priseli;; sliti - solmo, sol; sramtiti - sramotmo, sramot; ckliti se -
cakl; kpiti - kopmo, kop; sviditi - svidomo, svido; srditi - srdmo, srd;
tpliti - teplmo, tepl; tpiti - topmo, top utopi, rastopi;; tviti - tovmo, tov,
tvi; triti - tromo, tro ptroi;; vesliti se - veselmo, vesl se; znjiti -
znojmo, znoj, znoj; zvniti - zvonmo, zvon; alstiti - alostmo, alost
niti - inmo, in, ne ni t!, ne nite t!; gbiti - gubmo, gub, gbi se!, gbite
se!; iti - umo, u, i!, ite!
a.p. B-C vacillation
skamniti se - skamen/skmeni; titi - tomo/toimo, to/toi, toi se/to se,
ton/toin, toite, to (both variants exist), ti!, tite!
mixed a.p.
hrliti - hrlmo, hrl
dit (present tense is suppletive: emo, e) [*xoditi]

2.21 Filipjakov (near Biograd in Dalmatia) South akavian

This is a coastal tokavized akavian dialect. It has a four accent system ( , , ,
) and pretonic length but with a lot of variation. The neo-acute is preserved
only facultatively, it can always be changed to (unlike neighboring Turanj
where is stable), cf. glav and glave. Sometimes this < can be
lexicalized. The neo-acutes are more frequent in fast speech. Te dialect
preserves the old accent place except for the fact that usually retracts from the
final syllable together with kanovako duljenje in the lower, sea-side part of
Filipjakov named Selo, but there is a lot of variation here as well. Different
solutions are lexicalized in different words, cf. glva, glava and glva, as well as
kza, koza and koza. As is obvious, the retracted accent is either or . This type
of variation is not unusual in this area. In Ulica, the upper part of Filipjakov
(away from the sea), the older accentuation like glva, slo is preserved (but
with kanovako duljenje). For the accent on the final syllable cf. art little
cape, vrtla, zrna. The accent can be optionally retracted in other
positions as well, cf. rarer platiti besides common pltti, also pee besides pe
(for the variation, cf. also peemo/pemo/peemo/pemo!). The new retraction-
made kanovaki does not seem to change to ever. The result of the
lengthening before sonorants is , which later changes to , cf. Filipjakov sunce,
divjka but Turanj snce, divojka.
The dialect distinguishes and (tokavian style) , h disappears, * > i, the
infinitive ends in -ti and l-participle in -a (*-il > -ija).
a.p. A
baviti se - se bavimo; blatiti - blatimo; bratmiti se; buiti - bui; ceriti se - cerimo
se; stiti - stimo; uditi se - udimo se; dmiti se - se dmi; gaditi se - gadi mi se;
gaziti - gazimo; grabiti - grabimo; grliti - grlimo; driti - drimo; jaiti se - jai se;
jariti se - jari se; skameniti se - skamenimo se; kazniti - kazni; ktiti - ktimo;
kupiti - kupimo; kuriti - kuri oga, dte mu kuri od febre his child is burning
with fever; sliti - sli; lupiti - lupimo; mliti se - mli mi se; mriti - mrimo
[*mriti]; mrviti - mrvi; muiti - muimo; msliti - mslimo; mrviti - mrvimo;
nuditi - nudimo; paziti - pazimo; pniti se - pnimo se [*pniti]; plaiti - plaimo;
plaziti - plazimo; pratiti - pratimo; praviti - pravimo; pruiti - pruimo; prtiti -
prtimo; raniti - ranimo; ruiti - ruimo; stiti se - stimo se [*stiti]; sliti - slimo;
slaviti - slavimo; staviti - stavimo; straiti - straimo; sriti se - sri se; suziti - suzi
mi oko; aliti se - alimo se; titi - timo [*titi]; triti - trija bought (only
these forms exist); vaditi - vadimo; vriti se - vrimo se [*vriti]; vlaiti - vlaimo;
aliti- alimo

Zafaivan se Nikoli Vletiu na podcman.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

bogatiti se - se bogatimo; boraviti - boravimo; okusiti - okusimo; ulaziti - ulazimo;
nauditi - naudimo; zaratiti - zaratimo; zastiti se - zastimo se; ozdraviti -
ozdravimo; izvsiti - izvsimo [*vsiti]
a.p. B
govorti - govori; klonti se - se kloni, klon me se! (older people), kln me se!
(younger people)
; moti - moi, moi!; molti - moli, moli!, zamolte ga! (older
people); nosti - nosi, nosi!, noste! (older people), nste! (younger people);
prosti - prosi; rodti - rodi; puti, pti/puti!, ptte/ptite! (with a secondary
infinitive putati); skoti - skoi, priskoi, priskoja, skote/skte! (younger
people always have the length, older people have it occasionally); sramotti -
sramoti; vodti - vodi, vodte ga! (older people), vdte! (younger people); vozti -
vozi, vozi!, vozte! (older people), vzte! (younger people); svidoti - svidoi;
enti se - eni se, ente se! (older people), nte se! (younger people)
dogodti se - dogodi se; otvorti - otvori, stvori, otvorte!
brnti/braniti - brni/brni; bdti/buditi - budi/bdi, bdte se!; cdti/ciditi -
cdi/cdi [*cditi]; cnti/ciniti - cni/cni [*cniti]; cpti/cipiti - cpi/cpi [*cpiti];
dvti/daviti - dvi/dvi; dlti/diliti - dli/dli, podilite! [*dliti]; dvti/diviti -
dvi/dvi; drti se/druiti se - drui se/dri se; flti/faliti - fli/fli [*xvaliti];
gzdti/gizditi - gdi/gzdi [*gnzditi]; gsti/gasiti - gsi, ugste/ugasite!;
gospodrti/gospodariti - gospodri/gospodri; grdti/graditi - grdi/grdi,
gradite!; grti/griiti - gri/gri, ne grte/griite! [*griti]; glti/guliti - guli/
gli; gti/guiti - gui/gi; hlti/huliti - huli/hli; jvti/javiti - jvi/jvi;
kdti/kaditi - kdi/kdi; knti/kaniti - knin/knin; kltti/klatiti - klti/klti;
krsti/krasiti - krsi/krsi; krpti/kripiti - krpi/krpi [*krpiti]; krvti/kriviti -
krvi/krvi; krti/kruiti - krui/kri; kpti/kupiti - kupi/kpi, kupite!;
ldti/laditi - ldi/ldi, oladite! [*xolditi]; lti/liiti - li/li, izliite ga! [*liti];
lpti/lipiti - lpi/lpi [*lpiti]; bti/ubiti - ubi/bi; tti/utiti - uti/ti;
mmti/mamiti - mmi rarely mmi;; mstti/mastiti - msti/msti; mrti/
miriti - mri/mri; msti/misiti - msi/msi [*msiti]; mltti/mlatiti - mltite/
mltite, mlatite!; mtti/mutiti - muti/mti, izmutite!; oblti se/oblaiti se -
obli se/obli se cloud; plti/paliti - pli/pli, zapalite!; pltti/platiti - plti

Older people still preserve the length/shortness opposition of the imperative/rest of the forms
(cf. Kapovi 2008), while younger people generalize the length in all the imperative forms
regardless of the etymology. The pivotal points were not only the verbs with the inherited
length/shortness opposition, but singular forms with kanovako duljenje as well.

rarely plti;, platite!; prsti se/prasiti se - prsi se/prsi se; prti/praiti -
pri/pri; rdti/raditi - rdi/rdi, ne radite/rdte!; rnti/raniti - rni/rni
feed (animals) [*xorniti]; rti/riiti - ri/ri, riite! [*riti]; rbti/rubiti -
rubi/rbi; sdti/saditi - sdi/sdi cf. sd small vineyard); sldti se/sladiti se -
sldi se/sldi se; slti se occur, happen; slti/sluiti - slui/sli; sdti/suditi
- sudi/sdi, sdte mu! one informant says sudte mu!
;; stpti/stupiti -
stupi/stpi; ti/uiti - ui/i [*suiti]; trbti/tribiti - trbi/trbi [*terbiti];
tpti se/tupiti se - tupi se/tpi se; tti/tuiti - tui/ti; zatrvti/zatraviti -
trvi/trvi, zatrvla ga je sasma; trdti se/truditi se - trudi se/trdi se, ne trudite
se!; vrti/variti - vri rarely vri;; vrtti/vratiti - vrti/vrti, vratite se!; zltti
se/zlatiti se - zlti se/zlti se; rti se/ariti se - ri se/ri se; drbti se/dribiti
se - drbi se/drbi se [*erbiti]
a.p. C
borti - bor se rarely bor se;, izbori se; brojti - broj/broj, izbroji, izbrojte!
(older people); brstti - brst/brst, pobrsti, brstte! (older people); caklti se - cakl
se/cakl se; astti - ast/ast, poasti; dadti - dad/dad, zadadi imenica -
dd, G. dada;; dojti - doj/doj, podoji; dvorti - dvor/dvor, podvori; gnojti -
gnoj/gnoj, pognoji; gojti - goj/goj, uzgoji; gonti - gon/gon, progoni, gonte!
(older people); gostti se - gostimo se, ugostimo; kasnti - kasnn/kasnn,
zakasnin, ne kasnte! (older people); kiselti - kisel/kisel, ukiseli; korti -
kor/kor, ukori; kosti - kos/kos, pokosi, koste! (older people); kotti se - kot
se/kot se; krotti - krot/krot, ukroti; krstti - krst/krst, pokrsti, krstte! (older
people); lomti - lom/lom, polomi, slomte! (older people); lovti - lov/lov,
ulovi; loti - lo/lo, naloi, loi/loi! (not so often), lote! (younger people
have analogical loite!); maglti - magl/magl, zamagli; mastti - mast/mast
squash grapes; orti se - se or psma;, se zaori; otrti - otr/otr, naotri,
naotrte! (older people); plodti - plod se/plod se, oplodi; pojti - poj/poj,
napoji, napojte! (older people); popti se - pop se/pop se, se zapopi; potti se -
pot se/pot se, se upoti; paprti - papr/papr, zapapri, zapaprte! (older people);
prostti - prost/prost, prostite, oprosti; rojti se - ele se roju/roj bees are

The form sudte! is either an archaism (the short vowel is expected in the imperative plural)
or it is due to the analogy with the originally short root verbs. Due to kanovako duljenje, the
singular forms like i/ui! are equal to those like loi/loi! That they were originally *! but
*lo! is seen only by the plural forms (in the speech of older people) te! but lote!, where
te! is analogical to the old *! In lote! there was no analogy because the old singular was
*lo! Thus sudte! could be due either to analogy with lote! or it could be an archaism. It is
possible that Filipjakov had the even more archaic system of *! - *ute! and *lo! - *lote!
not so long ago.

Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

swarming; ronti - ron/ron, izroni; rosti - ros/ros; selti se - sel se rarely sel
se;, priseli se; solti - sol/sol, posoli, posolte! (older people); postti - post/post;
kopti - kop/kop, ukopi, ukopte! (older people); kropti - krop/krop,
pokropi, pokropte! (older people); telti se - tel se/tel se, se oteli; teplti se -
tepl se/tepl se; toti - to/to, natoi, natote! (older people); topti -
topimo/topmo, utopimo; tovti - tov/tov, utovi; troti - tro/tro, potroi, troi!,
trote! (younger people say troite!;; veselti - vesel/vesel, razveseli; zvonti -
zvon/zvon, pozvoni
inti - in/in, uni (no imperative); gubti - gub/gub, gubte/gubte, izgubi,
gbi!, gubi se/gbi se!, gubite se/gbte se! (the latter form only by older people);
krti - kr, iskri, iskite/iskrte ot!; uti - u/u, ute/ute, naui, i
tovare jedan! learn, you ass, ui!, ui se!, uite/te! (older people)

blti/biliti - bl (trans.), obli/obli [*bliti]; cvlti/cviliti - cvl, zacvli/zacvli;
rti/iriti - r, prori/prori peer out; dbti/dubiti - db, nadbi stand on
one's head; glmti/glumiti - glm, odglumi/odglmi; rti/iriti - r,
prori/prori peer out; sldti/sliditi - sld, usldi, sldte! (older people)
[*slditi]; snti/sniiti - sn, zasni; srmti se/sramiti se - srm se, sramite
se/srmte se! (older people); svtlti/svitliti - svtl, zasvtli/zasvtli [*svtliti];
tti/ititi - t (now rare, the forms with t- are more frequent; younger
people usually say tti); tjti/tajiti - tj, zatji/zatji; trbti/trubiti -
trub/trb, potrubi/potrbi, trbi!, trubite/trbite!; vrdti/vriditi - vrd,
zavrdi/zavrdi [*vrditi]; znti/znaiti - zn also zni/zni;, ozni/ozni
tumaiti, also tumti/tumaiti - tumai, also tumi/tumi
2.22 Puia (on the island of Bra) South akavian

The dialect has a three accent system , and with pretonic length. is
always pronounced short, canonically and is stable and does not change to
in any position. Non-final a yields in this dialect (krava > krva). There is
some tokavian influence, internal is facultatively pronounced as ` (a double

As already mentioned, older people in Filipjakov still preserve the old quantitative pattern of
ute but te! (cf. Kapovi 2008). The length in te! is by analogy to *!, where the length
today (i/ui!) is not relevant because of kanovako duljenje. Forms like lote! (in the speech
of older people) prove that the forms like te! are not secondary (i.e. analogical to the singular
with kanovako duljenje).

Zafaljen se Domagoju Vdoviu, pola ovku, pola Broninu.

accent) but with a prominent second part (one could say that there is just a
notion of ` on the preceding syllable) and sometimes it is completely retracted
to` . Te combination is facultatively pronounced as with a Neo-
tokavian long rising accent. becomes in front of resonants in the coda (cf.
zaln se < *zalnl se). Syllabic r is always short, * yields i, * yields , * yields
u and * yields j. In the end of the word -m > -n, changes to j everywhere
and x is preserved. is pronounced the akavian way []. The infinitive ends in
-t which tends to be dropped, 3rd person plural ends in -idu
and *-il in l-
participle yields -i (- when accented).
a.p. A
bvit se - bvin se; besdit - besdin [*besditi]; bogtit - bogtin; bltit - bltin;
brodit - brodin; stit - stin; udi se [infinitive] - udimo se; crpt - crpin;
oduevit - oduevin
; dmit; se - dmimo; gdit - gdimo, gdi mi se; gzit -
gzimo; gldit - gldimo; grbit - grbin, grbimo; grbit - grbimo; grlit - grlimo;
hulit - hulimo; uhtit - uhtimo cf. also an a-verb htomo;; jdrit - jdrimo; ktit -
ktimo; kristit - kristimo; okusit - okusi; kupit - kupimo; kurit - kurimo, kuri;
kuit - kuimo; kvit - kvimo; ulzit - ulzimo cf. lst - ulzemo;; slit -
slimo; lupit - lupimo; mrit - mrimo [*mriti]; muit - muimo; mslit -
mslimo; umrtvit - umrtvi se;
mrvit - mrvi; nudit - nudi; iznurit - iznuri; nudit
- nudin; suzit - suzin ako oko zasuzi; [*slziti]; pzit - pzin; pnit - pnin, se
pni [*pniti]; pognit - pognin speak in a foul manner; strit - strin, stri;
lzit - lzin [*polziti]; prtit - prti; pruit - prui; pustoit - pustoi; puit -
puin; prtit - prtimo; ltit - ltin work; rnit - rnimo; zartit - se zarti; ruit -
ruin, rui; sti se [infinitive] - stin se; slit - slin; slvit - slvimo; stvit - stvin;
srit - sri; zastit se - zasti se; tit - ti [*titi]; tlit - tli; tovrit - tovri;
trtit - trti; tumiti - tumin; udrit - udri; vdit - vdi; vlit - vli; lit -
li; slbit - slbi [transitive]
a.p. B
brstt - brstin; drbt - drobin; dvrt - dvorimo; globt - globimo; gnojt - gnojin;
godt - godi; gont - gonin; gotvt - gotovin; govrt - govorin, govorimo; grdt -
grdimo; kln se [infinitive] - klonimo, uklonimo; krt - korimo; kott - koti se;
ulovt - lovi, ulovi; lot - loi, loimo; mt - moimo; mlt - molimo; mokrt -
mokrimo; mrst - mrsi, zamrsi; moridu [no infinitive]; motrt - motrin; nost -

This ending originally stems from -du in dadu < *dadt.
Obviously secondary, probably analogy to the present form.
Obviously secondary, probably analogy to the present form.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

nosi, nosimo; pitmt - pitomin; plodt - plodin; plovt - plovin; rot - roin; rodt
- rodin, rodi; sel se [infinitive] - selin se; skot - skoin; sramott - sramoti; strjt
- stroji; kopt - kopi; svidot - svidoi; telt - teli se; teplt - tepli se; tovt - tovi;
vodt - vodin; vozt - vozimo; alstit - alosti, alostin se; ent se - eni se
blagoslvt - blagoslovin; zgrmit - zgromimo [*gromiti]; zaklpt - zaklopimo;
rasklt - raskolimo; omejimo (?) [*meiti]; primstt - primostimo; obnvt -
obnovi; oplemnt - oplemenin; pripolvt - pripolovi; pokrt - pokorin; ponos se
[infinitive] - ponosin se; rasprt - raspori; razort - razorim destroy; upozrt -
upzori; sprijatji se [infinitive] - sprijateji se; osvjit - osvoji; zatvort - zatvori;
izvrt - izvrimo
brst - brsin; bt - bin; bdt - bdin; bt - bin; cdt - cdin [*cditi];
cvlt - cvlin; crt - crin; dlt - dlin [*dliti]; dt - din se; dvt - dvin se;
dbt - dbin; drt se - drin se; dt - dimo; dt - din; gst - gosimo,
ugosimo [*gasiti]; glmt - glmin; glt - glin; gnzdt - gnzdin se [*gnzditi];
grdt - grodin [*graditi]; gospodrt - gospodorin, gospodoridu [*gospodariti];
grt - grimo [*griti]; gruzt - gruozimo [*groziti]; glt - glimo; gt -
gin; hldt - hlodimo [*xolditi]; hrnt - hronimo hide [*xorniti]; flt - folimo
[*xvaliti]; hnt - hnimo;
dt - se jdi, se jdimo [*diti]; objsnt - objosnimo
[*jasniti]; jvt - jovimo [*javiti]; ujednt - ujednimo; jzdt - jzdimo; pzdin -
pzdimo; zakjt - zakjimo [*kljuiti]; krtt - krotimo [*kratiti]; se kuosi it
goes against krpt - krpi se [*krpiti]; raskrilit - raskrlimo; krivit - krvimo;
prikriit - prikrimo; ukrutit - ukrtimo; krt - krimo; okrvovi - okrvovimo
[*krvaviti]; kpt - kpimo; lt - lin, limo [*liti]; zalni [present], zaln se
[l-participle]; lpt - lpimo [*lpiti]; jbt - jbimo, se zajbi [*ljubiti]; odlt -
odlimo; jtt - jtimo [*ljuiti]; mst - msimo [*msiti]; mesrt - mesorimo
[*mesariti]; mrt - mrimo; mlt - mloimo, mloi se [*mlaiti]; mltt - mloti
[*moltiti]; mtt - mtimo; nglt, pringlt - nogli, prinogli [*nagliti]; snzt -
snzi; obloit se - obloi se cloud [*obvoliti]; obloit se - obloin se dress;
povlt - povloimo [*voliti]; szt - szin [*ziti]; plt - polin [*paliti];
opamjeti se [infinitive] - opamjti [*pamtiti]; plnt - plnin [*pelniti]; pltt -
plotin [*poltiti]; priplvt - priplovin [*plaviti]; prt - proi [*poriti]; prtt -
prti, prtimo [*pertiti]; protvt se - se protvi; pstt - pstin; rdt - rodi, rodimo
[*raditi]; rdt - rdi, rdi se, rdimo [*rditi]; rt - rin [*riti]; prirjdt -
prirjdin [*rditi]; rbt - rbi se; sdt - sodi se, posodin [*saditi]; sldt - sldimo
[*slditi]; slt - slin; srmt se - se sromi [*sormiti]; sdt - sdi, sdimo;
zastrnt - zastroni [*storniti]; stpt - stpi; ustrlt - ustrli [*strliti]; st - si
se; svjtt se - se svjti take revenge [*svtiti]; svjtt se - se svjti be blessed;
svtlt - svtli [*svtliti]; ttt - tti, ttimo; rt - ri se, rimo se; trbt - trbi
[*terbiti]; tpt - tpi se;; tt - ti, timo se; trvt - trovi, trovimo [*traviti];

trbt - trbi; trst - trsi; trzn se [infinitive] - se trzni [*terzniti]; zaustt -
zausti; razvlt - razvoli, privoli [*valiti]; vrdt - vrdi, vrdimo [*verditi];
ozkonit - ozkonimo [*zakoniti]; ozori se [infinitive] - ozori se [*zariti]; zmt -
zmi se, zazmi, zazimlo je winter has come; n kuu zloti pozloti; - kua se
zloti [*zoltiti]; rbt - rbin, rbi n se orbi, oribla se; [*erbiti]; blt - bli
[transitive] [*bliti]; gstt - gsti [transitive]; ovt - ovin [transitive]
a.p. C
bort se - born se zborin;; brjt - brojn izbrojin;; dajt - daj [*dzdjiti];
gostt se - gostn se ako te gostin;; hdt - hodmo pohodin, dohodi;; kost -
kosmo pokosi;; krjit - krojmo prikroji;; kropt - kropmo pokropi;; krt -
krmo prikrimo;; krstt - krstmo pokrsti;; krt - krmo iskrimo;; ledt -
ledmo - led zaledimo, zaldla;; maglt - magl se cf. magla, A. maglu;; rit -
or se; otrmo, se otrdu, otr se; popt se, zappt se - se pop zapopi se; be
ordained to priesthood; ptt - pot se, se potmo spoti;; prstt - prostmo, da
prost, da prostte oprostimo;; rjit - roj se, ose se rojdu; solt - sol se posoli;;
caklt se - cakl se; znojt - znojmo se, se znoj
int - inn unin;; gubt - gubmo izgubimo;; ut - umo - se u poui;
brjt - brjn
a.p. B-C transitivity pairs
tot - toi [transitive], vno se to [intransitive] istoi, pritoi;
a.p. B/C vacillation
gojt - gojimo se, gojn se ugoji;; djit - dojn/dojin podojin;; krtit - krotimo/
krotmo ukrotimo;; lomt - lomimo/lommo, se lomi, lomi se plomi, slomi,
slmilo;; mnt - mnoimo/mnomo; not - noi/no; pokjt - pokojin (?),
pokoj se upkoji/upokoji; calm down; pjit - pojin (?)/pojn, poj se pjila;;
postt - posti/post, postmo/postimo; prst - prosi/pros, prosimo/prosmo; rost -
rosi/ros, rosimo/rosmo rosla; be dewy (for grass); pour on easily; topt -
topi/top [transitive], top se [intransitive]; trot - troimo/tromo - troi/tro, se
troi/tro; vesel se [infinitive] - se veseli, veseldu, veselmo, veseli,
veselite/veselte; zvont - zvon pozvoni; zvono zvoni/zvon, zvona zvondu;
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. A/C vacillation
ksnit, kasnt - ksnimo/kasnmo; pprit - pprimo, papr zapprimo/
a.p. A/B mixed paradigm
kselit - kiselimo
2.23 Pitve (on the island of Hvar) South akavian
The dialect has a three accent system with pretonic lengths (Neo-tokavian
accents appear in code-switching) and no phonetic retractions. Old *a > in
non-final syllables (cf. krva, rna) but with some exceptions (cf. Kapovi
2008). The sequence of pretonic length and neo-acute is generally not tolerated
(cf. glva, trva, zvzda and glav, trav but zvzde) but is generally
extremely stable. lengthens to when closed by a voiced consonant (cf. obrz
face, sr, bubrg, obrza, syra, bubrga). Otherwise, is pronounce
canonically. Old * yielded (cf. jje) but after the shortening of posttonic
lengths (cf. gran se). Old * yielded closed (cf. nos)
. Typically for South
akavian, sporadically changes to y in non-final syllables (cf. mysto, dd but dyda). The jat yields , v is a fricative, h is preserved, is [] phonetically,
syllabic r > ar (cf. brdo), d changes to l in front of a consonant (cf. rlko
rarely), -m > -n in auslaut, > j (cf. jut angry), -l > -o in auslaut (cf. osvoj
conquered). The infinitive ends in -t, the 3rd person plural of present tense in -
du and the imperative in -0/te.
a.p. A
bvit se - bvin se; bltit - blti; cerit se - se cerin; stit - stin; udit se - se udin;
stit - stin, stidu; dmit - dmin se;; gadit - gadin se (no lengthening!); gzit
- gzin; gldit - gldin; t mi gdi (an Italian loanword), ugod mi!; grbit -
grbin; grlit - grlin [*grliti];
drit -
drin [*driti]; kaznit - kaznin, kaznila (a
loanword from the standard language, dialectal: katigat - katigla); ktit - kti;
kldit se - se kldin; kupit - kupin; slit - slin; mrit - mrin [*mriti]; muit -
muin; mslit - mslin; mrvit - mrvi, ne marv! [*mrviti]; nudit - nudin,
nudimo; pazit - pazin (no lengthening!, a loanword from the standard
language?); pnit - se pnin [*pniti]; prtit - prtin; isprav t!; prin I am in a
hurry (an Italian loanword); pruit - prui cf. pran;; rnit - rni, ren,
rena; zaratyli (sic!); ruit - sruilo se; stit se - stin se, stila; slit - slin se; slnit

Interestingly, Hraste (1935: 5-6) claims that * yields the diphthong ao in Pitve (ali jedva
primetno) and that * yields uo. However, he notes ali se prvi deo neto mae primeuje nego
u Starom Gradu i po tom taj diftong lii negde vie negde mae na veoma zatvoreno o.

- slnin; slvit - slvin; stvit - stvin; strit - strin; srit - srin, se sri, usrila;
zastit - zastila cf. syta san;; ozdrvit; tjit - tjin
; trtit - trtin waste; vdit -
vdin; vtrit - vtrin, izvtrilo [*vtriti]; vlait - vlain cf. vlaga - no
lengthening!); lit - lin
bogtit se - jo san se bogti; okusit - okusin, okusila cf. kuat - kuan;; korstit -
korstin; tumit - tumin, tumi, tumidu, ne tuma!; tovrit - tovrin
a.p. B
blagoslovt - blagoslovi, blagoslvla (sic!); drobt - drobin; gont - gonin; govort -
govorin; po;klont se - kloni, klon me se!; kost - kosin, kosi, kosidu; po;kropt -
kropin, kropidu; u;krott - ukroti, ukrot l-part.; ?, perhaps not an original
dialectal word;; lomt - lomin; u;lovt - lovin, ulovin; lot - loin; mot - moin;
molt - molin; mnot - mnoin; nost - nosin; otrt - otrin; plovt - plovin,
plovidu; prost - prosin; ront - ronin; skot - skoi, je sko; solt - solin, soli,
solimo, solidu; svidot - svidoi, posvidoin, posvidoi; teplt - teplin; tit - tin
[*titi]; tot - toin, se; toi; tovt - tovin; vodt - vodin, izvodi; vozt - vozin,
voz!; ent - se enin
dogodt, pogodt - dogodi; zaklopt - zaklopin cf. zaklopa se, poklopa se;; raskolt
- raskolin; prilagodt - prilagodi, prilagodla; ponovt - ponovimo cf. ponovjan;;
pokort - pokorin (?); pripolovt - pripolovin; upozort - upozorin; ustanovt -
ustanovin; osvojt - osvojin, je osvoj; zatvort - zatvorin cf. zatvoran;
blt - blin, blimo, obilili (sic!) kuu [*bliti]; brnt - bronin, bronidu [*borniti];
brst - brsin, brsidu; bdt - bdin; bt - bin; cdt - cdin [*cditi]; cnt -
cnin [*cniti]; cvlt - cvlin; dvt - dovin [*daviti]; dlt - dlin [*dliti]; dt -
din; dvt - dvin; dbt - dbin; drt se - drin se; dt - din se; gst -
gosin [*gasiti]; glmt - glmin, ne glm!; glt - glin, ne gl!; gt - gin;
gzdt se - gzdin, ne gs se!, ne gste se! [*gnzditi]; grdt - grodin [*gorditi];
gospodrt - gospodorin, gospodrla [*gospodariti]; zavrt finish; grt - grin
(cf. grh, grs) [*griti]; glt - glin; hldt - hlodin, ohlol t! [*xolditi]; hrnt -
hronin djen erat [*xorniti]; hlt - hli, n se uhl l-part.; he farted, ne

The unexpected A.p. A here is not clear. It could be a loanword from the standard language
loaned perhaps through written media, thus tajiti interpreted as tjiti. If tokavian (standard)
tajiti was loaned through spoken language it would probably be adapted as **tjt. However, the
shortness could be due to the old shortening in A.p. c. In that case, A.p. A would be some kind
of innovation in the dialect itself (e.g. *tajt - *tajm > *tajt - *tajim > *tajit - *tajim > tajit
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

hl!; flt - folin [*xvaliti];
dt -
din, nadyli cf.
dna; [*diti]; jvt - se
jovin, javju/jovidu (3pl.), jvyli [*aviti]; ujednt - ujednin; jrt - jrin; kdt -
kodin [*kaditi]; krtt - krotin, krotidu [*kortiti]; krpt - krpin, ukrp l- part.;
got fat, pokrpli; krvt - krvin, ne krv me!; prikrla, prikr!; je iskarvr bled
out cf. tee mu kr he is bleeding;; kpt - kpin cf. kupujen;; lt - lin
[*liti]; ulnt se - se ulnin [*lniti]; lpt se - lpin [*lpiti]; jbt - jbin
[*ljubiti]; mostin, omstla san [*mastiti]; mst - msin [*msiti]; mesori (?)
[*mesariti]; po;mrt se - se mrin; mltt - mlotin [*moltiti]; mtt - mtin;
obloi se, naobllo se cloud; szt - szin [*ziti]; plt - polin [*paliti];
opamtt - opamtin, opamtla; pltt - plotin cf. ploan; [*platiti]; pobdin
[*pobditi]; zard se je za popa he was ordained; proin, proi, ne pro!
[*poriti]; plvi, oplv l-part.; [*pelviti]; zaprt - zapri [*periti]; prtt -
prtin [*pertiti]; protvt - protvin, protvi; pstt - psti, pst! cf. pan;;
prordt [*rditi]; sdt - sodin [*saditi]; slt - slin; sldt - slodin [*solditi];
srmt - sromin [*sormiti]; sdt - sdin; stpt - stpin; st - sin; osvtt;
svtlt - svtlin [*svtliti]; rt - rin; trbt - trbin [*terbiti]; tpt - tpin, se
tpi cf. tup;; tt - tin; trbt - trbin; trst - trsin; trdin se; trznt se - se
trznin [*terzniti]; navlt [*valiti]; vrdt - vrdin [*verditi]; vrtt - vrotin cf.
[*vortiti]; zat kapulu! braise the onion
a.p. C
bort se - se born, bormo, borte, bordu; brojt - brojn, brojdu, na/izbrojn,
nabrojla, iz/nabroj!; dojt - dojn, dojdu; dvojt - dvojn; dvort - dvor, dvoryla
cf. dvr, dvora, na dvoru;; po/za;gojt - gojn, zagoj cf. gj;; gojt - gojn,
uzgojn; ogolt - ogoln, ogolyla; ugostt - gostn, ugostin (sic!), ugostla; s;krojt -
krojn, skrojn, krojla; karstt - karst, prikarstn, prikarstli [*krstiti]; kasnt -
kasnn, kasndu, zakasnn, zakasnmo; se zaled, voda se zaledla; mort, umort -
mordu, umorin (sic!), umorli; maglt se - magl se, zamagl; suz [*slziti]; postt
- postn; pott se - se potn, pot, ispot; sprijatejt se - se sprijatej make friends;
da prost, oprost; rodt - rodn, rod cf. rojan;; rost - ros drizzle; selt se - seln
doselin or doseln?;; sramott - sramotn, osramotn; caklt se - cakln, cakl se
[*stkliti]; snt - snn, snlo mi se, snla san; veselt se - se veseln; zvonn,
int - inn, uin; gubt - gubn, izgubn; ut - un, u, no < 'nau
contraction -au- > -o-;, u!, ute! < 'ute!

Cf. tokavian vram.

hodt - hodyla (suppletive present: grn); skri se; napoj ga! dj mu lokat;
ukpyli (sic!) su ga (3x); telt - otlyla (sic!); topt - se otop u vod
2.24 Smokvica (on the island of Korula) South akavian (tokavized)
Accentuation-wise, Smokvica is a heavily tokavized akavian dialect of
Korula and is in this way similar to the dialect of the town of Korula. The
dialect has a four accent Neo-tokavian system with posttonic length. There is
no neo-acute, but the older place of the accent is occasionally (though rarely)
preserved, cf. bormo, izmrvilo, naudt. Posttonic length is sometimes shortened
(especially after ), which is clearly seen in the i-verb material, cf. also golb,
kork, oblk, rb, dobr but krva etc. is always very short,
The dialect preserves h, v is a fricative, * always yields i, the and
distinction is partially preserved ( being akavian []) but mixing occurs, cf.
n/n, kl, nit beside n, thus the tendency to unite and exists (cf.
the town of Korula where there is only [t]), > j, final -m > -n, 3rd person
plural of the present tense ends in -du, l-participle ends in - < *-il (the length
there is always preserved).
a.p. A
bavt - bav se; blatt - blat; bratt se - brat; stit - st; udit se - ud; desit -
des se; dmt - dm se; gadit - gad se n gad;; gazit - gaz, gazmo; gladt -
glad, gladmo; grabt - grabmo, grab je; grbt - grb, zgrb se je; grlt - grl; jedrt
- jedr je; ktt - kt je; kupt - kup, kup se je; lt - l, l je; lupt - lup, lup je;
mrt, mre - mr je, zmir je [*mriti]; mut - mu me, mu ga je; mslt -
msl san/je; mrvt - mrv se, izmrvilo se; nudt - nud, nudmo, nud je; naudt -
naud; pazt - paz, paz san; pnt - pn se, pn je bja je ljut, pnilo se [*pniti];
s;plat - s;pla se je, pla se je (present tense does not exist); plazit - plazi,
plaz je; pratt - prat me, prat ga je; pravit - pravi, prav je; prut - prui, prui,
prui!; put - pun; paprt - se zapapri, zpapr je; prtt - nprt je/se je/san se/se;
rant wound - ran, ran ga je, ran se l-part.;; rut - ru, rumo, s;ru je;
stt se - stn, st, st [*stiti]; slt - sl ga je; slavt - slavi, slav je; stavt,
stavemo - stav je/san; stupt (?) step on; strat - stra se, stra ga je/san se;
caklt - cakl se, cakl se je but: cklilo se;; tjet - tje with -je- < '--!;; trapt -
trap je foist; trst - trs se, trs se je; vadt - vadmo, vad je/san; vrt - vrn,
vr se to; alt - almo, al san cf. alostn san, alosni smo;;
bgatit - bgati se; lazit - lazimo; mejit - se mej; zdravit; tvarit - tvar je;
bisit [*vsiti]; prvitrit [*vtriti]
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. B
kznit - kazni, kzn je cf. u kazni je he is punished;; klnit se, uklnit se -
klon, ukln se je; mlit - molmo, ml je; nsit, nsie - nosi, nosmo, ns
je/san; rdit - rodi, rd se je; skit - skoi, sk je; vzit - vozn, voz, vozmo;
nit se - enn se, en se, enmo, on se je
blagoslvit - blagoslovimo; oduvit - odevi, oduv se je; oglit - ogl je;
zgotvit - zgtovimo; zaklpit - zklop, zaklp je; pokrpit - pkrop;
pripolvit, pripolviemo - priplovimo, pripolv je; sprijatjit se - sprijtejimo;
za/otklpit - zklopn, za/otklp je/san
bludit - bludi; branit - brni; brusit - brusimo, brus l-part.;; budit - bud se je;
buit - bui; udajit - djimo, udaj se je [*daiti]; dvi, dav, udav se je; djelit -
dli [*dliti]; diit - di l-part.;; divit - dvi se; drait - dra l-part.;; druit se -
drui cf. druba friends); duit - du se je, podu se je; duit - d je; gasit -
gsimo, gas l-part.); gavit - gvi; gradit - grad (l-part.); griit - grimo,
z;gri je [*griti]; gulit - guli; hladit - hldi; hranit - hran se je; falit, pofalit -
fli se, pofal se je [*xvaliti]; javie se - jvi, jav se je; zakjuit - zkji, zakju je
[*kuiti]; kripit - krpimo se, p;okrip se je, krip se je [*krpiti]; krivit se cry -
krvi se, kriv se je; kruit - krui; kupit - kupi, kup je, kup san; ukvasilo se; liit -
li, li je, izli je [*liti]; ulinit se - lni, ulin se je [*lniti]; lipit - lpi se;, lip
se je [*lpiti]; jubit - jubi me, jubidu se, jubili su se [*ubiti]; jutit - jut [*utiti];
jidit -
di se,
id se l-part.; [*diti]; misit - msi, mis je [*msiti]; mirit - mrin
se, se mrimo, mridu, mirili su se; smrailo se; mutit - mut, za;mut je,
zamutila je; oblait - blin se; oblait - naoblailo se; suzit - suz je [*ziti];
palit - plin, pal je, za;palilo se; platit - plti, plat je; pritit - prti, prit je
[*pertiti]; pustit - pusti me! more often: mlj me!;; radit - rd more often:
fatgat;; riit - ako me ri tega, ri me je [*riti]; sadit - sdi, sdimo, sad je;
sramit - srmi se, sram se, srami se!; sudit - sudi, sud je; suit - sui se; titit - tti
ga; irit - ri se, rair se je; tribit - trbi se, trib je [*terbiti]; tuit - tui, tu me
je, tuila me; trait - tri, tra ga je; trubit - trubi, trub je; trudit se - trudin se,
trudi se, trud se je cf. trudan san/je I am/he is tired;; triznit se - trznin,
trznin [*terzniti]; provalit - prvlu, proval je, razval je; vridit - vrdi, vrid je,
vridilo [*verditi]; vratit - vrtn, vrat se je; znait - zn; urit se - urin se
a.p. C
brit se - bor se, bormo; brdit - brod; brjit - brj, brjmo/brojmo; brstit -
brst; crpit - crp; stit - st, st je, post je; djit - dj; drbit - drb,

drbmo; glbit - glob; gnjit - gnj; gjit - gj, gjmo; gnit - gn, gnmo;
ksit - ks, ksmo, ks je; krjit - krj, krjmo; krstit - krst se, krst se je;
ksnit, ksniu - ksnn, ksn je; lmit - lm, lm je, slm je; lit, nalit - l
se, lmo, nal je g; mit - m se, u/s;m je, smilo se; mrit - mr
me t, mrilo me; mrsit - mrs mi se, zamrsilo se; mnit - mn; mglit - mgl
se; nit - n, n je (sic!) [*nokiti]; plv (more often: navgat); na;pjit -
pj, pjdu se; pstit - pst; ptit se - ptn se, opt san se; prsit - prs,
prsmo, prs je (rarely used?); prstit - da prst, da prstte, boe mi prsti!;
rnit - rnn, rnmo, rn je; rsit - rs kad sitno gr da; slit - sl, slmo;
slit - sl, slmo, sl san; sramtit se - sramti se, sramt se je; tplit - tpl se,
stpl je, stplilo; tpit - tp se; tvit - tv; trit - tr, trmo, po;tr je;
veslit - vesl se, veslmo se; znjit - znj se, znj san se; zvnit - zvn
nit - nn, n, in/n (sic!), inmo/nmo, nte, uin je; gbit - gbmo,
gb je, gb se je; it - , mo, je/san
curit - cur; glumit - glum; gnizdit - gnizd [*gnzditi]; svitlit - svitl, svitlmo
a.p. B-C transitivity pairs
tit - toin, toi, vino se t, nat san
dvrit - dvor se (2x), dodvr se je; godit - gdi (an Italian loanword); govrit -
govor je; suzt (3x) - suz mi oko [*slziti]
hdit suppletive present gren, gre and future u p, pe;; ktit - kt se je,
okt se je, oktila (no present tense attested); raskril se je; okrvavit - okrvav se
je; smkrit - smkr je, smkrilo se; trit - tr je, natr san; osml san se
pork san se sa smoln; zaslad san se neto san slatko poija; ukpit,
ukpie ga - ukp se je, ukpili; snt - sn san (rarely); alit se - al san se;
tupit - istup je n, tup se je, istup se
2.25 Trpanj (on Peljeac peninsula) South akavian (tokavized)
The dialect of Trpanj is a tokavized akavian dialect. It has a five accent system
with no unaccented lengths (the stress has been retracted to pretonic long
vowels and posttonic long vowels shortened), cf. slama, zlto, nga, ruka, sa
and golub, korak, oblak. is almost always retracted, save for the rare examples
like vesli se. Long accents preserved their old positions, cf. navigje sails,
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

kol, umrt. is pronounced generally short but not as sharp as in tokavian.
changes facultatively to , especially in final syllable, cf. nog, but vode,
sestre. There is only one , v is a fricative, h is preserved, > j (not consistent),
final -m > -n, * > i, long is pronounced normally (not as in some other
parts of Peljeac or in the nearby town of Korula) and e is usually pronounced
open -, cf. peki, slo, n znan.
NOTE: Milas 1891 records the posttonic length for Trpanj and a Dubrovnik type
of kanovaki naglasak like ena. However, he does not (by mistake) distinguish
the neoacute and the Neo-tokavian rising accent (cf. Milas's ruke).
a.p. A
bavit se - bavimo se; blatit - blatimo; bratimimo se; cerit - cerimo; stit - stimo;
udit se udimo se; dmit se - dmi se; gadit - gadi se, gadimo se; gazit - gazimo;
gladit - gladimo; gdit - t mi gdi (an Italian loanword, rare); grabit - grabimo;
grbit - grbimo; grlit - grlimo; kaznit - kaznimo; ktit - ktimo; s;kupit - kupimo;
kvasit - kvasi, kvasimo; krit - krimo umu (also krimo?); kasnit - kasnimo;
slit - slimo; lupit - lupimo cf. lpamo;; mjerit - mjerimo with -je-!;; muit -
muimo; mslit - mslimo; mrvit - mrvimo; nudit - nudimo; pazit - pazimo; pjenit
- pjenimo with -je-!;; plait - plaimo; plazit - plazimo; pratit - pratimo; pravit -
pravimo; pruit - prui cf. pramo;; puit - puimo; paprit - paprimo; prtit -
prtimo; ranit - ranimo; ruit - rui se, ruimo; stit - stimo cf. samo; [*stiti];
slit - slimo se; slavit - slavimo; stavit - stavimo; strait - straimo; srit - srimo;
alit se - alimo se; tjeit - tjeimo with -je-!;; tlait - tlaimo; trapit - trapimo;
trit - trimo; vadit - vadimo; vrit se - vrimo se [*vriti]; vlait - vlaimo; alit -
bgatit - bgatimo; hitit - hitimo; kristit - kristimo; lazit - lazimo; pnosit
se - pnosimo se; zratit - zratimo; zdravit - zdravimo; tvarit - tvarimo;
ozakonit - ozakonimo
a.p. B
moli, molite; blagoslvit - blagslovimo; brit se - borimo se; stit - astimo;
drbit - drobimo; oduvit - odevi; dvrit - dvorimo; glbit - globi, globimo;
gnit - goni; gstit - gostimo; govrit - gvorimo; jdrit - jedrimo; klnit se -
klonimo se; ksit - kosimo; ktit - koti se, kote; krjit - kroji, krojimo; krpit -
kropimo; krtit - krotimo; lmit - lomi, lomimo; lvit - lovi, lovimo, lovite; lit -
loi, loimo; mit - moi, moimo; mlit - moli, molimo; mrit - morimo; mrsit -
mrsimo; mnit - mnoimo; nit - noi se [*noktiti]; nsit - nosimo; rit se - ori
se; pstit - posti, postimo also postimo?;; prsit - prosi, prosimo; prstit -
prostimo, prostite, prostimo; rdit - rodi, rodimo; rjit - roji se; rnit - roni,

ronimo; rsit - rosi se; slit se - sli se, slimo se; skit - skoimo cf. skemo;;
slit - soli, solimo; sramtit - srmotimo; caklimo se; kpit - kopi, kopimo; tlit
se - tli se; tit - toi, toimo; tpit - topi, topimo; tvit - tovi, tovimo; trit -
troi, troimo; trsit - trsimo; veslit se - vesli se, veslimo se; vzit - vozi, vozimo;
alstit - lostimo; nit se - enimo se; studnit - stdeni
zgrmit - zgromimo; zaklpit - zklopimo; rasklit - rskolimo; kusit - kusimo;
smkrit - smokri, smokrimo; pokrit - pkoru cf. pokorvamo;; pripolvit -
priplovimo; rasprit - rsporimo; upozrit - upzore not -u!?; cf.
upozorvamo;; sprijatjit se - sprijtejimo; ustanvit - ustnovimo; osvjit -
svojimo; zatvrit - ztvorimo cf. zatvramo;; izvrit - zvrimo
branit - brnimo; brusit - brsimo; budit - bdimo; buit - bimo; cidit - cdimo
[*cditi]; cjenit - cjnimo with -je-!;; cjepit - cjpimo with -je-!;; cvilit - cvlimo;
curit - cri; davit - dvimo; dilit - dlimo [*dliti]; divit - dvimo; drait -
drimo; dubit - dbimo; druit - drimo; durit - drimo; duit - dimo; gajit -
gji se, gjimo se; gasit - gsimo; glumit - glmimo; gluit - glui se, gluimo;
gizdit se - gzde; gavit - gvi, gvimo; glasit - glsi/glsi, glsimo; gradit -
grdimo; gospodarit - gospodrimo; griit - grimo [*griti]; gulit - glimo;
hladit - hldimo; hrabrit - hrbrimo; hranit - hrnimo; falit - flimo [*xvaliti];
javit - jvimo; jurit - jrimo; kadit - kdimo; zakuit - zakimo; klatit se - klti
se, kltimo se; kratit - krtimo; kripit - krpi [*krpiti]; krasit - krsimo; krivit -
krvimo; prekriit - prekrimo (should be with pri-); kruit - krimo; okrvavit -
okrvvimo; kudit - kdimo; kupit - kupimo cf. kpujemo;; liit - limo [*liti];
ulinili smo se [*lniti]; lipit - lpimo [*lpiti]; jubit - jbimo [*ljubiti]; jidit -
dimo [*diti]; luit - limo se; mamit - mmimo; marit - ne mrin, mrimo;
mastit - mstimo; misit - msimo [*msiti]; mirit - mrimo; mlatit - mltin,
mltimo; mutit - mtimo; oblait - obli se cloud; oblait - oblimo dress;
suzit - szi se, szimo [*ziti]; szi [*slziti]; palit - plimo; opametit - opamti,
opamtimo; platit - pltimo cf. plamo;; priplavit - priplvi se; prait - pri se,
primo; pritit - prti, prtimo [*pertiti]; protivit - protvimo; pustit - pstimo;
radit - rdimo; ridit - rdimo [*rditi]; riit - rimo [*riti]; sadit - sdimo; slidit
- sldimo [*slditi]; sladit -sldimo; sramit se - srmimo se; sudit - sdimo; stupit
- stpimo; suit - simo; svitlit - svtli [*svtliti]; titit - tti se; irit - ri se;
tribit - trbi se, trbimo se [*terbiti]; teit - timo; tupit - tupi, tpimo; tuit -
timo; trait - trimo; trubit - trbimo; trudit se - trudimo se; triznit - trznimo
[*terzniti]; vabit - vbimo; provalit - provlimo; varit - vrimo; vait - vi; vridit
- vrdi, vrdimo [*verditi]; povlait - povlimo; vratit - vrtin, vrtimo, vrtite;
ozarit se - ozrimo se; znait - zni, znimo; arit - rimo; obilit zd [*bliti];
utit kapulu - tin braise the onion; oivit - ovimo
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

a.p. C
brjit - brojimo; dvjit - dvojimo; gjit - gojimo; krstit - krst, krstimo; tplit -
topl se; znjit - znoj, znojimo; zvnit - zvon, zvonimo, zvonu
nit - inn, in, in, inimo, inte (sic!); crpit - crpimo; gbit - gub, gubimo;
it - u, uimo
a.p. B-C transitivity pairs
trit - otrin (trans.), otr se (intrans.)
kislit - kselimo

hdit (suppletive present demo); umrtvit; ppit se - ppio se (no present)
vacillation B/C
brstit - brstimo/brstimo; djit - doji se;, dojimo/dojimo; gjit -
gojimo/gojimo; krit - krimo/krimo; ldit - ldi/led, ldimo; plvit -
plovi/plov, plovimo/plovimo, plovite/plovte (sic!), plovu
2.26 Matulji (near Rijeka) North akavian

This dialect has a three accent system with pre- and posttonic length and no
phonetic retractions. The neo-acute is stable but changes regularly to in the
last syllable (cf. en, trv, kz, verbs peen, vn). Pretonic lengths are not
limited to direct pretonic syllable but occur in second pretonic syllable as well
(cf. skbemo pull out, smjemo, semo, krdete, pjemo) and two pretonic
lengths are also possible (cf. vmo, htmo, tmo;. Posttonic lengths are often
shortened in fast speech (which is clearly seen in the verb list) but are always
there in the deep structure, cf. bmo kiss, delamo/delmo, samo, z
grdn, vojnkn, grdh, grd, spekl. The neo-circumflex
occurs only in the -uj-presents (cf. hiujemo). * yields , v is a fricative, h is
preserved, and [] are distinguished, > j, * > j.

The accent in the infinitive is new while the present tense preserves the old A.p. a accent.
I would like to thank my informant Zlatko Zmajla.

a.p. A
bavit se - bavn se, bav se, bav se, bavmo/bavimo se, bavte, bav se; blatit se -
blatimo; udit se - udmo se, udl, udila, udilo; stit - stmo, stl, stila,
stilo, stili, stile, stila (; gladit - gladmo, gladl, gladila; gdit - gdi,
gdimo se (an Italian loanword); grabit - grabimo, grabl, grabila; gbit - gbi
hump (an Italian loanword); grdit - grd, grdl, grdela (sic!); grlit se - grlimo se;
htit - ht, htl, htila, hti! cf. hiujemo;; ktit - ktimo, ktl, ktila; krit -
krimo; merit - merimo, merl, odmerl [*mriti]; muit - muimo; mslet (a
secondary -verb?)
- mslimo, msll, mslela; mrvit - mrvimo, mrvl, mrvila;
pazit - pazimo, pazl; penit se - penimo [*pniti]; strait - strai, stramo,
pre;stral; plazit - plazimo, plazl, plazila; pratit - pratimo, pratl, pratila;
pospravit cf. posprvjat; tidy up; puit - pumo, pul, puila; prtit -prtmo,
oprtl, oprtila climb; zaratit se - se zarat cf. zaraujemo se;; ruit - rumo;
zastit - zastimo se; stavit - stav cf. stvjamo;; tlait - tlaimo; talit - taln, led se
tal; vadit - vadmo learn; vadit - vadl, vadila bail; vetrit -vetrimo, provetr,
izvetr cf. provetrujemo;; vlait - vlaimo; alit se - alimo se
bogatit se - bogatimo se; bratmit - bratmimo; gotovit - gotovimo, zgotovl;
tumait - tuma (2x)
debelit - debelimo cf. debel, debela, debelo;
; globit - globimo, globe; zaklopit -
zaklopi, zaklopilo; ledit (2x) - se led; maglit se - magl se cf. magla;; pre;noit -
noimo, nol, prenol, noila; obnovit, ponovit - obnovi cf. obnovjujemo;
(perhaps not a native word); plovit - plovimo, plovl, oplovl, plovila; popit - se
za;pop, popmo se, se je zapopl (2x), zapopili be ordained (as priest); ronit -
ronimo; alostit - alostimo se
a.p. B
blagoslovt - blagoslovi; po;gostt se - gostimo se, gostl, pogostl, gostila, pogostili
(2x); govort - govor; hodet (a secondary -verb?) - hodimo, hodl, hodla;
lakomit se - lakomimo se cf. lakm, lakoma, lakomi;; lomt - lom, lomimo,
loml, razloml, lomla, lomli; udrt - udr cf. udrvamo;; mastt - mast tread
on; mot - mo, moimo, moli; molet (a secondary -verb?) - molimo, moll
(2x), pomolel; mnot - mnoimo, mnol, pomnol, mnola; nost - nosmo,
nosl, nosla, non, noena cf. nosa pregnant;; sprijatejt se - sprijatel,

It seems that -verbs are rather frequent in Matulji and they seem to have spread to some of
the original i-verbs.
The verb is A.p. A by analogy with the adjective where the place of the accent is generalized
according to the masculine form.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

sprijatejl, sprijateli cf. sprijatelujemo se;; prost - pros, prosmo, prosl, prosli;
za;paprt also paprit?;- papr, zapaprl, zapaprila, zapaprili cf. zapaprujemo;;
selit se - sel, selimo se, sell, presell, presella, selili; skot - sko, skomo, skote,
skol, preskol, skola, preskola cf. skkat - skemo;; sramott se - sramot,
sramotimo se, osramotl, osramotla; kopt - kopmo, ukopl; prisvojt - osvoji
cf. osvjamo;; telt - telimo (?) cf. telac, tlca;; teplt - tepl, teplimo cf.
tepl, tepla, teplo;; tot - to, toimo, natol, natola; trot - tro, troimo,
potrol, potrola; veselt se - vesel, veselimo se, vesell, veselli; vozt -vozimo
(perhaps not a dialectal word, usually: pejat - pejmo); ent se - enimo se,
oenl, oenli
blt - blimo [*bliti]; brnt se - brnimo se; brsimo, brsl, brsla; bdt -
bdimo se; cdt - cdin, cdi, cdi, cdimo, cdite, cd, cdl, cdla, cd!
[*cditi]; cnt - cnimo [*cniti]; cpt - cpimo [*cpiti]; stt - stimo, stl,
astla (?); dvt - dvimo; dlt - dlimo [*dliti]; gst - gsimo se, po;gs!,
gsl, gsla, pogen, pogena, pogeno; gvt - gvimo se, gvl; grdt -
grdi se;, grdl, grdli, grd!; gospodrt - gospodrimo; grt - grimo, grl,
ne zgr! [*griti]; gbt - gbimo; glt - glimo; hldet (a secondary -verb?) -
hldi, hldlo; hrnt se - hrnimo se, hrnl, hrnla, nahren, nahrena;
hvlt - hvlimo; jvt - jvi, jvl, jvjen, jvjeno cf. jvjamo;; jdt - jdimo
[*diti]; klt - klimo, keno elezo; kltt - klt, kltimo; krtt - krtimo;
krpt - krpi, krpimo [*krpiti]; krst - krs; prekrt - prekimo cf.
kramo;; krt - krimo; kpt - kpimo, kpjen, kpjena; krt - krimo; lt
- limo [*liti]; ulnt se - u;lnimo se [*lniti]; lpt - lpimo [*lpiti]; ne lbin
se, lbimo se; jdt se - se jdimo, se jdi [*diti]; mstt - mst, mstimo; mst -
msimo [*msiti]; mrt - mrimo; mltt - mltimo, z;mltl; mrimo; mtt -
mtimo; ntt - nt stoke; ntt - nt, ntmo/ntimo offer; oblt - obli se
cloud; szt - se szi cf. suujemo; [*ziti]; plt - plimo; pltt - plt, pltl,
plt!, plen cf. plamo;; prt - primo; prtt - prtimo [*pertiti]; rbt -
rbi, rbl use; raz;rdt - rdimo [*rditi]; rt - ri cf. revamo; [*riti];
rbt - rb, rbimo; rt - rimo; sdt - sdimo; slt se - slimo se; srmt se -
srmimo se; sdt - sdimo; st - sn, s, s, smo, ste, s cf. suh,
suha, suho;; svtt - svtimo se, posvt cf. osveujemo se, posveujemo;; svtt -
svtimo, posvt mi! light [*svtiti]; pro;pt drill, bore; tjt - tjimo; trbt -
trbi [*terbiti]; strdt se - strdi get tired; tpt - tpn, tp, tpimo; tt -
timo; trbt - trbimo; trst - trsimo; trdt se - trdimo se; trznt se -
trznimo se [*terzniti]; trst se - trsmo se; vbt - vbimo; provlt - provli; vrt
- vrimo; vrdt - vrdimo [*verditi]; znt - znimo; zltt - zlt, zltimo; rt
- rimo

a.p. C
z;brojt - brojn, broj, broj, brojmo, brojte, broje, zbrojmo, brojl, brojla,
brojli; dajt - daj, dajlo cf. da, daja; rain [*dsdjiti]; dojt -
dojmo, dojl, dojla, dojli, doj!; drobt - drobmo, drobl
, podrobl (2x),
drobla, droblo, drobli, droble, drobla (, zdrobjn, zdrobjena; dvojt -
dvojmo, odvojmo, dvojl, odvojl, dvojla, odvojla, dvojlo, dvojli, odvojen;
gnojt - gnojmo, pognoj, gnojl, pognojl, gnojla, gnojlo; dogodt se - dogod,
dogodlo; gojt se - se goj, gojmo se, ugojl (3x), ugojla; kost - kos, kosmo (2x),
pokos!, koste!, kosl, pokosl (2x), po;kosla, koslo, kosli, kosle, kosla (;
kott - kot, okotl (2x), okotla; krojt - kroj, krojmo, skrojmo, krojl, krojla,
skrojn, skrojena; polot - polo, polol, polola; kropt - kropmo,
pokropmo, kropl, pokropl (2x), pokropla; krstt also pokrstet; - krstmo,
krstl, krstla, krn, krena; mot - mo, mol, umol, mola, umola; pojt -
poj, napoj, pojl, napojl, napojila; prepolovt - prepolov, prepolovl, prepolovli
cf. prepolvjamo;; postt - post, postmo, postl, postli; pott - pot, potmo, potl,
potla; oprostt - oprost (2x), oprostl, oprostla cf. oprmo;; rodt - rod, se;
rod, rodl, porodl, porodla cf. rjamo;; solt - sol, solmo (2x); strojmo (?);
kropt - krop, kropmo; topt - topn, top, topmo, led se top; stort - stor
[*tvoriti]; s;pott se - potmo, se spot; strojt - roba postroj (2x) accidentally get
colored during washing (of clothes); zvont - po;zvon, zvonmo, zvonl,
pozvonl, pozvonli
po;brstt - brstmo, brstl (2x), pobrstl, brstla, brstlo, brstli, brstle, brstla
(; pustt - pust, pustl, prepustl, prepustla
kasnt/kasnit - kasnimo/kasnmo, zakasn, zakasnmo, kasnl, zakasnl, kasnla,
2.27 Drinje (near Zagreb) kajkavized akavian (donjosutlanski dialect)

The dialect has a three accent system with pretonic length and no phonetic
retractions. is ofen short (though never really as sharp as tokavian ) but

In this dialect, like in many other North akavian dialects, a remnant of the old A.p. c l-
participle accent is preserved in forms like drobl, podrobl. However, this accentuation has
spread to many A.p. A (cf. grabl) and A.p. B verbs (not always in the same manner, cf. zapopl
but razloml), while some of the A.p. C stems do not have it (brojl, cf. also pokropl not
I would like to thank my informant Petra otari for her unprecedented patience and help.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

can also be realized as (but is not so long here). The sequence of pretonic
length and is not tolerated (cf. glve;. changes facultatively to
occasionally (cf. spm but sp). The reflex of the * is always , the dialect has
only one middle , v is a fricative, x is preserved, final -l changes to -u.
a.p. A
bavit se - bavim se, baviu, bavila; buit - buim, buiu, buila (a loan from the
standard language?); stit - stim, stiu, stila; udit se - udiu se je, udila;
dmit se - dmim se, dmiu se je, dmila se je; gadit se - gadim se, gadiu se je,
gadila se je; gazit - gazim, gaziu, gazila; gladit - gladim, gladiu, gladila; grabit -
grabim, grabiu, grabila; ktit - ktim, ktiu, ktila; kladit se - kladim se, kladiu,
kladila; kvait, zakvait - zakvaim, zakvaiu, zakvaila; slit - slim, sliu,
slila; lupit - lupim, lupiu, lupila kick; mrit, zmrit - mrim, mriu, mrila;
muit - muim, muiu, muila; mslit - mslim, msliu, mslila; mrvit - mrvim,
mrviu, mrvila; nudit - nudim, nudiu, nudila; pazit - pazim, paziu, pazila; pratit -
pratim, pratiu, pratila; pravit se - pravim, praviu, pravila; puit - puim, puiu,
puila; ruit, zruit - ruim, ruiu, ruila; slit - slim, sli, slila; slnit - slnim,
slniu, slnila; tlait - tlaim, tlaiu, tlaila; tratit - tratim, tratiu, tratila; vadit -
vadim, vadiu, vadila; alit - alim, aliu, alila
obogatit - obogatim se, obogatiu se je, obogatila; zablatit - zablatim, zablatiu,
zablatila; zgotovit - zgotovim, zgotoviu, zgotovila cf. gotov, gotova;; objasnit -
objasnim, objasniu, objasnila (probably a loanword from the standard
language); korstit - korstim, korstiu, korstila cf. korist, G. koristi;; okusit -
okusim, okusiu, okusila; zaratit - zaratim, zaratiu, zaratila; prestrait -
prestraim, prestraiu, prestraila; tovarit - tovarim, tovariu, tovarila;
blagoslovit - blagoslovi, blagosloviu, blagoslovila; borit se - borim se, boriu se,
borila; brojit, zbrojit - brojim, zbrojim, zbrojiu, zbrojila; dojit - dojim, dojiu,
dojila; dvorit - dvorim, dvoriu, dvorila; gnojit - gnojim, gnojiu, gnojila; gonit -
gonim, goniu, gonila; zaklopit - zaklopim, zaklopiu, zaklopila; krojit - krojim,
krojiu, krojila; zakasnit - zakasnim, zakasniu, zakasnila; prepolovit - prepolovim,
prepoloviu/prepoloviu (both occur), prepolovila; popaprit - popaprim, popapriu,
popaprila cf. papar, G. papra;; stvorit - stvorim, stvoriu, stvorila; vodim, vodiu;
znojit se - znojim se, znojiu se je, znojila se je; skiselit - skiselim, skiseliu/skseliu,
a.p. B
zgrozt se - zgrozim, zgroziu, zgrozila; hodt - hodim, hodiu, hodla, hodlo, hodli;
namot - namoim, namou, namola; nost - nosim, nosiu, nosla, ns!; prost
- prosim, prosiu, prosla, prosli; skot - skoim, skoiu, skola, skoi!; tot,

natot - toi, se toi, toiu/natou, natola, toi!, nato!; vozim, voziu, vozla,
vozli, vozi!; oent se - oenim, eni, eniu se je, oenu
, oenla; selt se - selim,
seliu, preselu, sella, presella, preselli cf. selo, sla;; posolt - solim, soliu,
solla, posolla
bldt - bldim, bldu, bldla get lost; brnt - brnim, brni, brni, brnu,
brnla; brst - brsim, brsu, brsla; cpt - cpi, cpu, cpla [*cpiti]; cvlt -
cvli, cvlu, cvlla; stt, postt - stim, sti, stu, stla; dvt, zadvt -
dvim, dvu, dvla; drt - drim, dru, drla; drt se - drim se,
dru, drla; drt se - drim se, dru se je, drla se je; glmt - glmim,
glmu, glmla; gtt - gtim, gtu, gtla; gzdt - gzdim, gzdu, gzdla
cf. gzdo, gzda; [*gnzditi]; gvt - gvim, gvu, gvla;
gospodrt - gospodrim, gospodri, gospodru, gospodrla; govrt - govorim,
govru, govrla; zgrt - zgrim, zgru, zgrla, gr!, grte!; glt - glim,
glu, glla; hlpt, shlpt - hlpi, hlpu, hlpla, shlplo ; hrnt, nahrnt -
hrnim, hrnu, nahraniu (secondary), hrnla, nahrnla, hrnlo, nahrnlo cf.
hrna, A. hrnu;; flt - flim, flu, flla [*xvaliti]; jrt - jrim, jru, jrla;
kltt se - klti se, kltu, kltla; skrtt - skrtim, skrtu, skrtla; okrpt se -
okrpi se, okrpu, okrpla; prekrt - prekrim, prekru, prekrla; kpt -
kpim, kpu, kpla; krt - krim, kru, krla; lpt - lpim, lpu, lpla peel
off; mst, omst - omsim, omsu, omsla [*msiti]; mrt, pomrt - pomrim,
pomru, pomrla; mltt, zmltt - mltim, mltu, mltla; mtt - mtim,
mtu, mtla; oblt - oblim, oblu, oblla dress; oblt - obli,
naoblailo se je
cloud; plt - plim, plu, plla; opamtt se - se opamti,
opamtu se je, opamtla; plt - plim, plu, plla; prt - prim, pri, pri,
pru, zapru, prla, prlo; sprt - sprim, spru, sprla [*periti];
rezrdt - rezrdim, rezrdu, rezrdla [*rditi]; rt - rim, ru, rla [*riti];
prirdt - prirdim, prirdu, prirdla; rbt, porbt - porbim, porbu,
porbla; slvt - slvim, slvu, slvla, slvlo cf. Konjina;; slt - slim,
slu, slla serve; earn cf. sluga, A. slugu;; srmt se - se srmim, srmu se,
se srmla cf. srm, G. srma;; sdt - sdim, sdu, sdla cf. sud, G. suda a
loanword?); svtt - svti, svtu, svtla [*svtiti]; srdt, resrdt - resrdim, resrdu,
resrdla; rt - rim, ru, rla; tpt - tpim, tpu, tpla; tt - tim, tu,
tla; trbt - trbim, trbu, trbla; trznt se - trznim, trznu, trznla

The forms like eniu, hodiu are probably due to partial analogy to the A.p. C forms. However,
the old accent is preserved with the prefix - oenu. The verbs that have transferred to A.p. A
completely have probably just taken changes like this one step further by generalizing the to all
the forms.
The l-participle points to the older A.p. C (cf. obla se in Kajkavian dialects, for instance
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

[*terzniti]; trt - trim, tru, trla; tumt - tumim, tumu, tumla;
vrdt - vrdi, vrdu, vrdla; znt - zni, znu, znla; rt - ri se; rt se
- rim, ru, rla se je; blt, oblt - blim, blu, blla, obl! [*bliti]; zvzt -
zvzim, zvzi, zvz mi! cf. vski, vska, vsko; [*ziti]
a.p. C
drobt, zdrob - drobm, zdrob, drobiu, drobla, zdrb!, zdrbte!; dogodt - se
dogod, dogodiu se je, dogodila/dogodla se je, dogodilo se je; kost, pokost -
kosm, pokosm, kosiu , pokosiu, kosla, pokosla, poks!, pokste!; hlovt -
hlovm, hloviu, hlovla cf. lv;; oprostm, oprost, oprostiu, oprostla, oprst!;
restopt - restop, restopiu, restopla, restp!, restpte!; trot - trom, troiu,
trola, potrola, tr!, trte!; veselt se - veselm se, veseliu se, rezveseliu,
rezvesella; zvon, zvoniu, zvonla; alostt - alostm, alostiu, realostiu,
inla kaj si inla?;; zgubt - zgubm, zgubil, zgubla; platt - platm, platiu,
platla, plt!, pltte!; pustt - pustm, pustiu, pustla, pst!, pstte!; posadt,
presadt but sdt; - sadm, sadiu, sadla, sd!, sdte!; strilm, strliu, strilla (no
infinitive?); tajt - tajm, tajiu, tajla, tj!, tjte!; posut - posu, posuiu,
posula, pos!, poste!; vut se - vum se, vuil, nafil, vula, nafla, v
se!, vte se! [*uiti]
shortened/long inf.
zbdt - budm se, zbudm, zbudiu, zbudla, se zbudili, zbd se!, zbdte se!; cdt
- cidm, scid, cdiu, cidla, scdiu, scidla, cd!, cdte! [*cditi]; dlt, podlt -
dilm, dil, dil, podilm, podilmo, dliu, dilla, dl!, dlte! cf. du, G. dla;
[*dliti]; gst - gasm, zgas, gasmo, zgasmo, gasil, gasla, gs!, gste!; zgrdt
(?) - zgradm, zgradiu, zgradla, zgrd!, zgrdte!; hldt, prehldt se - hladm,
prehladmo, hladil, prehladiu, hladla, prehladla, hld!, hldte!; hjvt - hjavm,
hjavmo, hjaviu, hjavla, hjavilo, hjv!, hjvte!; kdt - kadm, kad se, kadiu,
kadla, kd!, kdte! smoke; krvt, okrvt - okrivm, okriviu, okrivla, okrv!,
okrvte! cf. krv, krva, krvo, krvi;; ?krstt - krstm, krstiu/krstu , krstila cf.
krten, krtena, krteno;; mstt - mastm, zamast, mastiu, mastila, zamastla,
mst!, mstte! cf. mst, G. masti;; glbt - globm, glob (the length in glbt is
from the imperative)
a.p. B-C transitivity pairs
rodt - rodim [transitive], rodi [transitive], rodi/rod [intransitive], rodiu, rodla

napojit (?) - napojim, napojiu/napoju, napojla (A.p. B/C); crt, scrt - cur,
scur, cru, crla, scrlo
NOTE: I have set apart the old A.p. B short stems, which are now
synchronically A.p. A, strictly on historical basis in order to facilitate historical
2.28 Mahino (near Karlovac) Kajkavian-akavian (prigorski dialect)
The dialect has three accents and pretonic length. According to my informant,
it is in transitional phase considering various retractions, cf. the examples glva,
trva, zma, stola, kza, slo but also vno, vna, gzdo, dte, gran
sinful. The patterns like vik, ovka exist. Cf. in the infinitives flti but
grditi. is very ofen realized as and can be quite long or even facultatively
changed to . yields in the final syllable, cf. n, noa, pu, pa, na stol, noge, glave, glv, trv, en, zm etc. ofen
facultatively changes to elsewhere as well (pla and pla). Basic accentuation
is mostly akavian, cf. gnem, vdim, vdila, kolna, sta, korta, mlnar,
rbak, pauk, gavran, jastreb, govdina, otava, slga, svra, rka, va, svadba,
krala, dlam, bdem, u smrti, sti (def.), stri (def.) etc. with no Kajkavian
neo-circumflex. However, cf. u pe, po no and -ujemu in the material.
The dialect has the Jakubinski-Meyer reflexes of the * (cf. lp - lpo, vik,
si cut - sup. s, beli sng, msta). The distinction of and (tokavian-
style [t]) is facultatively preserved (facultatively at least in the speech of my
informant), cf. pla, emu, tre vineyard but si cut, le leaves, povli
pull. There are some unaccented vowel reduction (however, rarely seen in the
verb material presented here either due to analogy or the influence of the
standard), cf. -mu in the 1st person (also -mo probably from the standard
language), pandak Monday, pandka etc. H sporadically disappears, v is
a fricative, the reflex of the jers is a (nokat, daske; but cf. also oge
(probably a loanword from Kajkavian), there is only one e sound (na, pti,
ja, led, leda). 3rd person plural of the present tense ends in -ju.
a.p. A
blatiti - blatimu; boravimu; bratiti se - brati se, bratimu se; stiti - stimu; uditi
se - udimu se; astiti - astimu se; dmiti se - dmi se, zakaj dmiju?; gaditi - gadi;
gaziti - gazimu; gladiti - gladimu; grabiti - grabimu; grliti - grlimu; grditi -
grdimu; htiti - htimu, htiju throw; jariti - jari se, jarila; kazniti - kazniju; ktiti
- ktiju; kriti - kriju; kvaiti - kvaiju; kvasiti - kvasiju also kvas?;; kseliti -
kseli, kseliju; sliti - slimu; lupiti - lupim, lupimu, lupiju hit somebody; mli;
mriti - mrimu [*mriti]; kmiti se - kmi get dark (of night); muiti - muiju;
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

msliti - mslimu; mrviti - mrvimu; nuditi - nudimu, nudil, nudila, nudili; paziti -
pazimu; plazimu; pratiti - pratimu; praviti - pravimu; puiti - puimu; prtiti -
prtimu; raniti - ranimu cf. rana;; ruiti - ruimu; setiti - setim se [*stiti]; sliti -
slimu se; slaviti - slavimu; straiti - straiju; sriti - presrilo se; tlaiti - tlaimu,
tlaiju; vaditi - vadimu, vadiju; vlaiti - vlaimu, vlaiju; aliti - ali se, alimu
se, aliju se
zgotoviti - zgotovimu; ulaziti - ulazimu; zastiti - zastimu, zastili su se; ozdraviti
- ozdravimu; tovariti - tovarimu, tovariju
boriti se - borimu, bori; kloniti - kloni, kloniju; otriti - otrimu; ploviti - plovimu
(2x); postiti - postimu; papriti - paprimu
a.p. B
gonti - goni, gonimu; grbti - grbimu; hodti - hodimu; kotti - koti, kotiju; lomti
- lomi, lomiju; moti - moi, moimu; noi se; nosti - nosi, nosimu, nsil,
nosla/nosla, noslo, nosli, nosle; ponosimu, ponosiju; prosti - prosi, prosimu;
roni, ronimu; selti se - selimu se; skoti - skoimu; toti - un toi vno, toimu,
toiju; trti - tri, trimu; trsti - trsimu, trsiju cf. tre vineyard;; vozti - vozi,
vozimu, vozlo; alostimu; enti se - se eni, enimu se
long (short inf.)
branti also brniti?; - brnim, brni, brnimu; brusti - brsimu; cipti -
cpimu, cpee [*cpiti]; crimu se; davti - dvimu; drati - drimu; druti -
drimu se; durti - drimu se; glumti - glmimu; gutti - gtimu se; jurti - jri,
jrimu, jril, jurla; prikriti - prikriju; kruti - krimu, kruiju; kupti -
kpimu; kurti - krimu, kriju; libti - lbimu se; liti - limu; ubti - bimu;
utti - timu se; misti - msimu [*msiti]; mesarti meserti?; - mesrimu;
mirti - mrimu; mlatti - mlti, mltimu, mltiju; mutti - mtimu; oblati -
obli se cloud cf. obliti dress below;; suzti - szimu [*ziti]; palti -
plimu; rubti - rbimu; snati - snimu; sudti - sdi, sdiju; svetti - svtimu
se, svtiju se revenge; srdti - srdiju se; alti se - lim se, liju se; tupti - se;
tpi, tpiju; tuti - timu, tiju; trusti - trsi, trsimu, trsiju; trudti - trudi,
trdimu se; povlati - povli, povlimu, povliju; znati - zni, znimu;
arti - rimu se; urti se - rimu se, riju se
long (long inf.)
bti - bimu zd [*bliti]; flti - flimu [*xvaliti]
cniti - cnimu [*cniti]; uditi se - udimu cf. udaujemu se;; grditi (2x) -
grdimu; gospodriti - gospodrimu; giti (?) - gimu, gula; rniti (2x) -
rnimu, rnil, rnila, ranlo/ranlo [*xorniti]; hniti (2x) - hnimu; zakiti -

zakiju; kltiti - klti, kltiju; liti - limu, liju [*liti]; lpiti - lpimu,
lpiju [*lpiti]; lpiti - lpimu peel; mmiti - mmi, mmimu; mriti - mrimu;
mstiti - msti, mstimu, mstiju; obliti
- obli, obliju dress cf. oblati
cloud above;; opamtiti - opamtimu; prtimu (?) [*pertiti]; riti - rimu
[*riti]; rditi - rdimu se decorate, adorn, zardil se je he was ordained
[*rditi]; slditi - sldimu [*slditi]; slditi - sldimu; srmiti se - srmi,
srmimu; trtiti - trtimu; trzniti - trezni, trzniju se [*terzniti]; vriti - vri se
it boils, vrimu, vriju; vrditi - vrdiju [*verditi]
long (no inf.)
snbimu; rimu, riju
a.p. C
brujti - brojmu [*brojiti]; brstti - brstmu; dojti - doj, dojmu; drobti -
drobmu; dvorti - dvormu; gnojti - gnojmu; godti - godmu; gojti - gojmu;
grozmu se; kosti - kos, kosju cf. s kosum;; krojti - kroj, krojju; kropti -
krop, kropju; krstti - krstmu, krstju; kasnti - kasnmu, kasnju; lovti - lov,
lovju, lvil, lvila, lvilo, lvili, lvile; loti - lo oge, lomu, loju, naloili
smo cf. nalemu;; molti - mol, un se mol he prays, molju, mollo; maglti -
magl se, se magl; suzti - suz [*slziti]; pojti - pojmu; prepolovti - prepolov,
prepolovmu; rodti - rod, rodmu, rodil sam se, rodila se; in the neighboring
village of Tukani: rodla;, rodilo se, rodili su; rojju (?); rosti se - se ros; solti -
solmu; sramotti - sramot, sramotmu se, sramotju se; suti - sumu, suju;
kopti - kop, kopju, kopila, skopila, kopili su castrate; kropti - kropju; topti
- top, topmu; troti - tro, tromu; veselti se - se vesel, veselmu, veselju; zorti
- zor, zor mu, sazorlo ripen; zvonti - zvon, zvonmu, zvona zvonju; tamnti -
tamn se
budti - budmu; cjedti - cjedmu (with the standard -je-); cvilti - cvilmu; curti
- cur; djelti (with the standard -je-) - dimu [*dliti]; diti - dimu; divti -
divmu; dubti - dubmu; duti - dumu choke; gasti - gasmu; gubti -
gubmu, zgubila; ladti - lad se;, ladmu, ladlo, ladla [*xolditi]; lapti - lap,
lapmu [*xlapiti]; javti - javmu; kresti - kres se [*krsiti]; krivti - kriv, krivju
se; kudti - kudmu; naglti - naglmu se; platti - ne plat cf. plamu;; preplav
(2x) cf. preplavujemu;; prasca se pras; prati - pra se, pramu; pustti -
pust, pustmu; sadti - sadmu; tajti - taj, tajmu; trubti - trub, trubmu,

An innovative accent, cf. povlati - povli pull.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

trubju; vuti - vu, vumu; vrti - vrmu thresh; zlatti - ha se zlat; oivti
- oivm, oiv, oiv
shortened (long inf.)
brjiti - brujmu; bti - bumu
raskolti - raskolli su; kriju
gostiti (2x) - gost (trans.), gostimu se (intrans.), gostla; hrliti - hrlmu, hrlju;
vedriti - vedr se
svitti - svit, but svtimu, svtiju [*svtiti]; tel se, se teliju (cf. tele); tovti - tov,
2.29 Zabok (in Hrvatsko zagorje) Kajkavian (zagorsko-meimurski dialect)
The dialect has a three accent system with pretonic length. is usually realized
as long which facultatively becomes equal (or almost equal) to (experimental
data would be needed here). The neo-acute facultatively changes to . The
problem of retractions is quite complex in the infinitives one frequently finds
the type brniti together with brsti. However in this case, the accentuation
might be due to analogy with the present tense and l-participle feminine
singular where is expected. For the retractions, cf. also -me in the verbs,
vna, djte, mljke, dme we give, v rukah but kra, trva, koli,
dska, na etc. The dialect, at least according to my informant, seems to be in a
transitional phase.
Common Kajkavian * (< *, */) yields e when unaccented (dober, cenme;
and short accented (sei), j when under a long accent (sup. sje, ljpi; and or
j when long and unaccented (trzneti se but vrjdeti;. Common Kajkavian *o
(< *, *|) yields u (zub, ptnik, gtiti), for the reflex of open o cf. ka, dojti. The
reflex of * and *e is open , cf. pti, sdmi. Final -o > -e, cf. oke eye. The
phoneme x is preserved.
a.p. A
baviti se - se bvime; blatiti - bltime; boraviti - borvime; stiti - stime; diti
se - udime se; driti - durime; dmiti se - dmi se, dmime; gaditi - gdi se; gaziti
- gzime; gladiti - gldime; goditi - gdi; grabiti - grbime; grbiti - grbi, grbime;
grliti - grlim, grli, grlime; htiti - htime, sme htili; kzni, kznime cf.
kavame;; ktiti - ktim, ktime; kvaiti - kvim, kvime; kriti - krim,
krime; ulaziti - ulzim, ulzime; mliti - se mli; meriti - merim, merime; muiti

- se; muim, muime; msliti, zmsliti se - mslim, se zmslim, mslime, se
zmslime; mrviti - mrvim, mrvime; nditi - nudim, nudime; paziti - pzim,
pzime; plaiti - plim, plime; plaziti - plzim, plzime; pratiti - prtim,
prtime; puiti - puim, puime; raniti - rnim, rnil, rnili; ruiti - ruim; ruiti -
ruim, se; rui, ruime make noise; sliti - slim, slime; slaviti - slvim, slvime;
se im, se ime
bogatiti - bogtime; zgotoviti - zgotvime cf. zgotvame;; korstiti - korstim,
korstime; opamtiti se - opamtim, opamtil, opamtili; tovariti - tovrim,
tovrime; izvesiti - izvesil;
a.p. B
blagosloviti - blagoslovime cf. blagoslvame;; borti se - borime, boril, borili;
brojiti - se brojime, se broji, zbrojil; dojti - dojime, dojim; gnojti - gnojime;
govorti - govoril, govorila; hodti - hodim, hodi, hodime; kloniti se - klonim,
klonime; zaklopiti - zaklopi; raskoli; ksiti - kosim, kosime; krojti - krojim,
krojime, krojila; hkroti, hkrotil; lojti - loji; loti - lim, loime, lil, lila;
miti - mim, mi, mime cf. name;; moti - se moim, se moime
[*modliti]; morti - hmori, hmoril ga je; mnoti - mnim, mnime;
meglti/megliti - megli se [*mgliti]; nosti - nosim, nosime; ponovti - ponovim,
ponovi cf. ponvati, ponvam, obnvam;; pojti - pojim, pojime; prepolovi cf.
prepolvati;; prosti - prosim, prosime; postiti (?) - postim, postime; znojiti se - se
znjim; upozori cf. upozrjam;; papriti - paprim, paprime (probably a
loanword from the standard language, cf. -a- instead of -e-;; rojti - rojiju;
ronim, ronil, ronili; rosi se (?); skoti - skoim, skoi, skoime cf. skkati,
skem, skeme;; kopi, hkopi, kopil, kopili; osvojil cf. osvjati, osvjam;;
tliti - tli [*teliti]; toti - toim, toi, toime natoi mi vna pour me some
wine;; vozti - vzim, vzil; znojti se - znojim, oznojil; enti se - se ni, se nil
also se enm, se en, se enme?;
brniti - brnime; brsiti - brsime; biti - bime; cjpime [*cpiti]; cvliti -
cvlime; dviti - dvime; bjliti - bjlime [*bliti]; udi; dime (?); dvime;
driti - drime; dbiti - dbime; driti - drime; glmti - glmime; gtiti -
gtime; srditi - srdime; gnjzdime; glsi; gospodriti - gospodrime; grjiti -
grjime, zgrjil [*griti]; gliti - gli, glime; hrniti - hrnim, hrnime; flti -
flime; objsniti - objsnime; skrti, krtime; krpti - se krjpim, se krjpime
[*krpiti]; krsti se - se krjsim, se krjsime [*krsiti]; ukrsi; prekri; kpti -
kpim, kpime, kpili; krti - krim, krime, krili; ljiti - ljim, ljime;
uljnti se - se uljnl; mmiti - mmim; mastti (short!) - mstim, mstime;
mjsiti - mjsim, mjsime [*msiti]; mesrime; se mrim, se mrime; mltti -
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

mltim, mltime; se mri; mtiti - mtim, mtime; oblim, oblime dress;
obli cloud; brsti - brsim, brsime; stti make thinner; plti - plim,
plime; pliti - plim, plime; prim, prime; prtti - prjtim, prjtime [*pertiti];
rjdti - rjdim, rjdime [*rditi]; rjti - rjil, rjli [*riti]; prirdti -
prirdime, prirdil [*rditi]; rbti - rbim, rbime; sldim, sldime; srmiti se -
se srmim, se srmime; sdti - sdim, sdime; svtti - svtim, svtime avenge;
svjtlti se - se svjtlim, svjtlime; rti - se rim, se rime; tjti - tjim, tjime;
trjbti - trjbim, trjbi, trjbime; tpiti - tpim, tpi, tpime no se tpi a knife
is getting blunt;; tti - tim, time; trbti - trbim, trbime; trsti -
trsim, trsime; trdti se - se trdim, se trdime; zniti - zni; se rim, se
ri, rime
a.p. C
dogodti - dogod, sme se dogodili; drobti - drobme; dvorti - dvorme; gostti -
se; gostme; kropti - kropm (?); krstti - se krstm, se krstme; kesnti - kesnm,
kesnme, kesnili; lovti - lovm, lovme; oprostti - oprost, oprostme; pustti -
pust, pustil cf. pam;; rodti - rod, rodla; selti se - selm, selme; solti -
solm, solme; se cakl [*stkliti]; topti - topm, top, topme; se tov; troti -
trom, se tro, trome; veselti se - se veselm, se vesel, se veselme; zvonti -
zvonm, zvonme
brujme cf. brjame;; budti, zbudti - budme; cenme [*cniti]; duti - dum
se, dume choke; gubti - gub, gubme; hladti, hladti - hlad, hladme del sam
hldit I have left it to cool); javti - javm, se javili; epti - epm, epme
[*lpiti]; slim, sli, slime; penti - se penm, se pen be angry [*pniti]; platti
- platm, platil cf. plam;; sadti - sadm, sadme; sledm, sledme [*slditi];
suti - sum, sume; vuti - se vum, se vume, vuil, vula; se urm, se
shortened (long infinitive)
cjditi - cedme [*cditi]; criti - curme; djliti - delme; gsiti - gas, gasme;
krvti - se krivm, se krivme also krvime?;
2.30 tuparje (in Hrvatsko zagorje) Kajkavian (zagorski dialect)
The village of tuparje is situated in Hrvatsko zagorje near the town of Krapina.
The dialect has a three accent system with pretonic length. The very long
allotone occurs in most cases and it is often so long that it is longer than the
real (phonologically) long accents (especially longer than the not-so-long ).
However, always remains distinct (intonationally) from and . In spite of

their phonetic length, the vowels with are phonologically short, unlike the
vowels with , and pretonic length. Tat is clear from the fact that vowels with
are never phonetically closed/diphthongized, unlike those which are truly long
(cf. o ppu but na kusti). The short, rarer, allotone regularly
appears after pretonic length (cf. kort but jrt), in monosyllabic words with
a closed syllable (cf. jas but ja I, brat - brata, pop - ppa, bop -
bba, krof - krva) and sometimes in other positions (baba but babe,
zgnuti). The fact that can sometimes be pronounced as also distinguishes it
from the real long tonemes.
The state of retractions seems to point to a transitional, but still quite
archaic, phase (at least according to my informant). Cf. glva, na glva (2x)
but glvami, sstra, sl village (with kanovako duljenje), grdu, kra, vn, but also stla, vla, grma, pa, zma, bka (also bka;,
zvm we call (but trsem) etc. from the last syllable is obviously retracted
to the previous short syllable (cf. ovek) if it is not lengthened by kanovako
duljenje. The sequence is phonetically quite close to (occasionally, it is very
difficult to distinguish them), which explains the tendency of > we have
seen. The cases of the infinitives like dbit together with trbt could be (at
least partly) due to analogy rather than phonetic retraction of the stress.
In tuparje, like in nearby Bednja (Jedvaj 1956), progressive shift of the old
circumflex occurs, cf. grda, vuka, dena, zuba, sveta, grde, zvono, zmu, brl (, dli etc. with no shift, but ngu (by analogy to
*k nog > x ngu
), ng (also analogically nga), desku (from *n
dsk, cf. also analogical deska), pua, rdil (from *porodil) etc. with the
accent from the original prepositional phrases or prefixed verbal forms (also
mt - mda, t - G. da either from *do leda etc. or by analogy to the
N.) and radl (*rodilo), radli (*rodili), lavl (*lovil), arl (*orl), arl
(*orlo) etc. with the clear progressive shift. Based on this small corpus, we can
provisorily conclude that the old * shifts to the next middle of final closed
syllable. Tere is no shif to the fnal open syllable but the original is ofen
changed to in these forms due to analogy to prepositional phrases.
In the consonantism, one has to note that the phoneme is pronounced as
in front of i (but not consistently), cf. x pi, pa ni, obla, inf. pei,
p em, and that the phoneme l is palatalized in some positions, cf. pel knitted,
paec thumb. The distinction of l (phonetically palatalized) and seems to be
very unstable.

If resulting from *k nog and not from *n nog, this is not a good example for the
progressive shift of the circumflex. In these cases, cf. also xpa < *v poe, the lengthening is
due to the dropping of the jer in the previous syllable and the subsequent shift of stress. This
occurs in tokavian also cf. st < *sto.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

The vocalism of tuparje is quite complicated and the interpretation here is
just provisory more data from more speakers is needed. Common Kajkavian
* (< *, */) yields e when short (sen, lonec, mriti), which is sometimes
closed sei, ssti, rarely diphthongized te/tje (< *t), and or j when long
bli, lpi, cvet, delam, se krjsi, pondjeka etc. Common Kajkavian open e
(from *e and *) remains open pta heel, z (*zelje), pti fifth, sdmi
seventh, thirst, rd order, row, trsti shake, nog, m name
(final -o yields -!). Common Kajkavian open o (< *o) is reflected as middle o,
pronounced sometimes closed of diphthongized when long, cf. mura,
guri upper, vua, kua etc. These facultative diphthongs are the
representatives of the phonological //. Common Kajkavian closed *o (< * and
*|) always yields u, cf. p, vuk, puni, zup, ruka, ti, sstru, trvu etc.
Unstressed non-final *o changes to a but not consistently, either due to inner
dialectal development, analogy or the influence of the standard language and/or
code-switching (more data is needed) cf. naguj, nagmi (cf. N. nga), z gaspadrem, lavl, radli, arla (*orala), garela (*gorla), atva (*otava),
bagti rich, gavdina beef, kalf cakes etc. Final -o usually changes to
- (usually different from - < *-e/, cf. ng
), cf. -m in the 1st person of
the present tense, vn, brl (l-part.,, grdf/grdf, vkf, kavf,
krf but cf. also vrgaf, volf, stolf, z vukam, s ppm, nasla (l-part., etc. Thus, in final open syllables we usually find - < *-o, but also -a-/--
in closed syllables (-a etc. perhaps sometimes in open syllables as well). The
system does not look very stable, a lot of vacillation and variation occur. Final -i
in open syllables often yields -, regularly in trisyllabic and sporadically in
disyllabic words, cf. the numerous infinitives in -t, but also z babami,
bagti. The example gzdi se but se gzd is illustrative. The exact processes
that occur in tuparje vocalism are yet to be researched in order to distinguish
and resolve the phonetic and the phonological side of it, the inner dialectal
tendencies and possible influence of the standard language etc.
a.p. A
baviti se - se bvimo; blatiti; bratit se also bratt?; - brtimo; cerit se - cerim
se; stiti - stim; uditi se - udim; drit se - durim, duri, durim; dmit se -
dmi se; gaditi se; gaziti - gzim, zgazil; gladit - gldi; grabiti - grbimo; kaznit
(a loanword from the standard); ktiti - ktim, ktimo; kupit buy (4x) cf.
kupujemo, perhaps kupit is a loanword from the standard language?); se mli
(3x); z;mriti - merim, merimo, merijo, zmeril, zmerila [*mriti]; miti - mui,
muim, zmil, zmuil ( [*miti]; mslit/mslit - mslim, mslim,

However, it is quite possible that and can be equalized at least facultatively.

mslite; nudi, nudim, po;nudili; pazit - pzi, pzim; plaiti se - pli, plim,
splail; plazit - plzi, plzim; pratit - prtim, prti, prtimo; prit - pruim,
pri!; pit - pui, puim, puite; raniti - rni, rnijo, ranil; rit - ruim,
ruite; slit - sli; srdit [*srditi]; vadit - vdim, vdite; z;vetriti - vjetrim
[*vtriti]; alit/alit - li
bogatiti se - se bogtimo; blagoslvit - blagoslvim se; korstiti - korstim,
korstim; zastiti se - zasti, zastila; azdravit - azdrvim, azdrvite (intrans.);
tavarit - tovri, tovrim, tovrite
a.p. B
bort se - borimo se; brojt - broji, brojimo; dvort - dvori, dvorimo, dvorite;
gojt - gojimo (2x); gont - gni se;; hodt - hdim, hdimo, hdila (2x);
kort - kori, korimo, korite; katt se - koti, skotila [*kotiti]; s;krojt - kroji,
krojim; krstt - krsti, krstim, krstil j'-lo], krstili; lot/nalat - lim,
li, limo, lite; mat se - mi, moim, zmoli sm se [*moiti]; malt se -
moli, molim, molite, malli sm se; z;nost - nosim, nosim, nosite,
z;nosil/nsil, nosila/nasla (2x), nasla/nosil (3x) (, nasl (, nosl
(; na;pojt - na;pji; rasport - raspri/raspr, raspril (; pastt -
psti, pstim, pstite, postl ( [*postiti]; apazart - apazri, apazril
warn [*pozoriti]; prast - prsi, prsite [*prositi]; rajt - se rojijo [*rojiti]; selt
se - sli, sim se, odsil; skat - ski, skim cf. skem, ske, skem;
[*skoiti]; na;salt - solim, soli, solim; sramatt - sramti; na;tat - tim,
toim, toite, natoila [*toiti]; tavt se - tvi, stovil se je [*toviti]; vazt - vzi,
vozim [*voziti]; znajt se - znjim, znjite [*znojiti]; zart se - zri se ripe;
ent se - ni, nim, enijo
glast - glsi; govort - govorim, govori, govorimo
cvlti - cvlimo; jrt (3x) - jri, jrimo; krvt - krvi, krvimo; zljnt se -
zljnil; s;plt - plimo, pli; rjdt - rjdim, rjdim, rjdite [*rditi]; sdt -
sdi, sdite; svjtlt - svjtli, svjtlimo, svjtlite [*svtliti]; rt - ri, rim,
rite; s;trjbt - trjbim, tjbil [*terbiti]; tpt/tpit - no se tpi, stpil;
trbti - trbi, trbite; trjznt se - trjzni, trjznim [*terzniti]; vrjdti -
vrjdim, vrjdi, vrjdite [*verditi]; rt se - rim, rite; pobjlt/abjlit -
bjlim, bjli, bjlim
brnit (3x) - brnimo se; brsit - brsimo; but/bit (both occurs) - bimo;
drit - dri, drimo; dbit - dbim, dbi, dbim/dbimo; drit se (2x) -
drim, drite; z;gsit (nx) - gsi, gsimo, gsite; glmit - glmi, glmimo;
gtit se - gtim, gti, gtimo; gzdi se/se gzd [*gnzditi]; gospodrit (3x) -
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

gospodrim, gospodrimo; z;glit (3x) - glimo, zglili; hlpit (2x) - se hlpi,
shlpla/shlpila (n.); hrniti (2x) - hrnimo, hrnite, hrnila (2x); hulit (3x) -
huli, hulimo [*xvaliti]; s;krtit - skrtim; krjsiti se - se krjsi [*krsiti];
raskrliti - se raskrli, raskrlila; prekriti - prekrimo, prekrili, prekrila;
skrtit se - skrtil (n.); krit - krimo, krili; kriti - kri, krili/kril;
slit - sli, slim; tit (3x) - ti, tim se; z;lpiti - lpi, lpili peel;
mmit - mmi, mmi, mmimo; z;msit - msi, msim, msite [*msiti];
mesrit - mesri, mesrim; mltit - mlti, mlti, zmltil, zmltil (;
mtit (3x) - mti, mtim; oblit - n se obl, oblimo, oblite dress;
szit - szi, szil; x/za;plit - pli, plimo; prit - pri; prjtit se - prjti,
prjtite, prjtili [*pertiti]; rjit - rjim cf. rjeva; [*riti]; z;rbit - rbi;
z;rit - rim; srmit se - srmi, srmim, srmite; liti se - li, lim;
tit se - ti, tim; trsiti - trsim, trsite; vbit (2x) - vbi; se prevri,
prevril se [*variti]; oznit - ozni
a.p. C
dajt - doji, dojim, dojite [*dojiti]; drobt - drobm, drob, drobmo, drobte;
kast - kasm, kasma, kaste [*kositi]; kasnt - kasn, kasmo, kasnte,
zakasnla; skiselt - skisel;
lept - lep, lepmo, lepte [*lpiti]; h;lavt - lav, lavm, lavte, lavl, lavla,
lavl, lavli, lavl ( [*loviti]; radt - rad, rdil sam se, radla sam se/me je,
radl (, radli [*roditi]; trva se ros; tapt - tap, tapm [*topiti]; trat -
tra, tram, trate [*troiti]; veselt se - veselm, veselm, veseljo; zvant -
zvanm, zvan, zvanjo [*zvoniti]
budt se, zbudt se (2x) - budmo/budmo; cedt - ced, cedmo [*cditi]; delt -
del, delmo [*dliti]; dut - se dum, se du, se duma; z;gubt - gub,
gubmo, gubte, zgubla, smo zgubili; hladt - se hlad, hladmo, hladte; javt -
jav, javmo, javte, javili bumo se; kadt - se kad; namastt - se namast; mirt
- mirm, mirm, mirjo; neb se obla sky is getting cloudy; platt - plat,
platmo, platte, pltil (; pustt - pust, pustm, pustte; sadt - sad,
sadm, sadte; strelti - strel, strelmo, strelte, strelili (2x) [*strliti]; sut, deti
sut (supinum) (2x) - su, sum; vut - vum, vu, vum, vute, vula,
vuli, nvilo [*uiti]
crt - cur, curmo

asvjtit se - asvet, asvetmo, asvette, asvjtil [*svtiti]; teliti se/atelt se - atelil
se je
xkapt/xkopt - xkpi (?) cf. xkpam; [*kopiti]
2.31 Konjina Kajkavian (zagorski dialect)

The dialect has a system of three accents but no pretonic length. is almost
always pronounced very shortly, almost tokavian-like, is a little bit shorter
than tokavian but the contrast with is stable (the diference of and on the
diphthong ou is, however, quite subtle). yields in the last syllable, cf.
glf, krl, okrvav, cur, kov. normally retracts from final syllables
together with kanovako duljenje, cf. koza, voda, noga, gora, mtla, pre < *pero,
sup. kopat (cf. kopati), sup. borit < *bort (but sup. lovit < *lovit) etc. is always
retracted to the old pretonic length, cf. djte, krati, trva, glva, svja, vne,
gldeti, kova, pripovjdati, zgrati etc.
* and * (< *, *), i.e. Common Kajkavian *, yields unaccented e (kesnti,
centi) and accented /j (de rain, meriti, prjtiti), sometimes ie
. (Common
Kajkavian *o < *|, *) yields u (cf. doubiti, zub, mouka), u when unaccented
(cf. nogu, zaruti). Old long open * yields u, cf. nus, nu, lakuoma.
Old short open *o is pronounced like middle o, cf. nosa, noi. Old
open * yields long ( imna, sla, ja) and short e ( meda,
sometimes pronounced as as well, cf. lda). The vowels e and o
lengthened by kanovako duljenje do not change in any manner (the new o and
, i.e. , are phonetically open
), cf. osa < *osa but us < *os. Old *-o in the
auslaut yields -e (cf. oke, potek brook, stream) and thus merges with old *-e (cf.
me) however, old *-o can be facultatively preserved as well (cf. both le and
lo). Phoneme h is preserved only facultatively, it often disappears. Before
syllabic r, a trace of e (i.e.
r) can sometimes be noticed, long is phonetically

I would like to thank my informant Vedrana Gudek.
Cf. len < *ln, nem < *nm like in some tokavian dialects ljen, njem instead of li;jen,
Thus one gets also mgla < *megla < *mgla, dska < *deska < *dska with on the place of
the old * (cf. mtla < *metla with the old *e). But this is just a consequence of a late
deoxytonesis during which all previously unaccented e-sounds became phonetically open (no
matter what their origin is) and thus have merged with original long , cf. sle < *selo =
sla < *sla. The new o is also phonetically open (which I here do not specially note) but does
not coincide with the old long open * since this yielded uo. Cf. the imperatives lomi! < *lom!
(A.p. B) and druobi! < *drb! (A.p. C).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

slightly closed. Old prefixes *orz- and *v- are rez-/res- and v-/f-. 2
person pl.
in the imperative ends in -ete or -ite.
a.p. A
baviti se - bvim, bavil, bvila, bavile; bogatiti - bogtim, bogatil, bogtila; brstiti
- brstim (2x), brstila, brstili; buiti - buim, bil, buila, zbuen, zbuena,
zbuene (n.), zbueni, zbuene (, zbuena (, buee, zbui!, z;buite!;
stiti, dem stit - stim, stil, stila, stile (n.), stili, stile (, oen,
oena, oene (n.), oeni, oene (, oena (, ee,
, stete!, ostite!; uditi se - se udim, se je udil, se udila, se udile
(n.), zauen, zauena, zauene (n.), zaueni, uee, udi se!, ne udite se!;
dmiti se - dmi, dmil, dmila, dmile (n.); gaditi se - se gdi, zgadil, zgdila,
gadile; gaziti - gzim, zgazil, gzila (2x), zgazile (n.), zgen, zgena, zgene
(n.), zgeni, gee, gazi!, gazite/gazete!; gladiti - gldime, gladil, gldila, gladile
(n.), gladili; zgotoviti - zgotuvi, zgotovil, zgotuvila, zgotovile (n.), zgotovili,
zgotuvi!, zgotuvite/zgotuvete!, zgotuven, zgotuvena; grabiti - grbim,
grabil, grbila; grliti - grlime, grlil, grlila; h;titi - h;tim, h;til, h;tila (2x),
h;tile n.;, h;tili, h;ti! (2x), h;tite/h;tete!; objasniti - objsnim, objsnime,
objasnil, objsnila, objen; ktiti - ktim, ktil, ktila, ktile (n.), ktili, ktile
( kti!, ktite/ktete!, oken, okena, okene (n.), okeni, kee; kladiti se -
kldim, kladil, kldila; korstiti - korstim, korstila, korstile cf. korist;, skorsti!,
s;korstete!, skoren, skorena; pokoriti/pokorti - pokurim, pokuri, pokoril
also pokuril?;, pokurila, pokorile (n.), pokurili (3x)
; kuditi - kudim, kudil,
kudila, kudi! (2x), kudite!; kvaiti - kvi, kvila, kvaili; kvasiti - kvsi, kvsila,
kvasile (n.); zakriti - zakri; dokuiti - dokui (2x), dokuila, dokuile (n.); latiti
se - lti, latil, ltila; liti - li, lil, lila (2x) look alike; mariti - ne mri, maril,
mrila, marili; meriti - mjerim, mjerila, merili [*mrili]; mouiti - muim,
muila, mouili, muee cf. mouka; [*miti]; msliti - z;mslim, mslila,
mslili, msli/msli!, mslite! cf. msel, msli, msli;; zmrviti - zmrvi,
zmrvila, zmrvile (n.); paziti - pzi, pazil, pzila, pazili; plaiti - pli, plila,
plaili; plaziti - plzi, plzila, plazili; spraiti - spri plough; pratiti - prti,
pratil, prtila, prati!, pratite/pratete!, pree; pouniti - puni, pounil, punila,
puni!, pounite/pounete!, napuen [*plniti]; puiti - puim, puila, puili;
raniti - rni, rnila, ranili wound; zaratiti - se zarti; ruiti - rui, ruila, ruile
(n.); ruiti - rui, ruile (n.) yell; sliti - sli; slniti - slni; zastiti se - se zasti;

In the imperative of A.p. A, mostly is found, but sometimes also . The situation is not
completely clear.
The unexpected forms with -uo-, if not mistakes, could be due to analogy to the noun

kuditi - kudi
harm; tovariti - tovri; obesiti - se objesi [*vsiti]; vlaiti -
vli cf. vlaga;; aliti - li
a.p. B
blagoslovti - blagoslovi, blagoslovil (2x), blagoslovila, blagoslovi!, blagoslovite!,
blagosloven (2x), blagoslovena; borti se, dem se borit - borim, borime, borite,
boriju, boril, borila, borile (n.)
, borli, borle (, bori se! (2x), borite se/borete
se! (2x); prebrodti - prebrodim, prebrodila; brojti, dem brojit - brojim, brojime,
zbroji, brojil, brojila, brojli, brojle (, broji!, brojite/brojete!, zbrojen,
zbrojena (2x), zbrojene (n.), zbrojeni, zbrojene (, zbrojena (, brojee;
deti - dei, je deile (n.) rain cf. the noun de;; dojti - doji, dojila;
odvojti - odvoji, odvojle, odvoji!, odvojite/odvojete!, odvojen, odvojena, odvojene
(n.), odvojeni, odvojene (, odvojena (; dvorti - dvorim, dvoril, dvorila
(2x), dvorile (n.), dvorili; gnojti - gnoji, gnojile (n.); vgojti - vgoji; gonti - gonim,
gonil, gonila, gonile (n.), gonili/gonli, gonle (; h;odti - h;odi, h;odila,
h;odile (n.), h;odili/h;odli, h;odile/h;odle, odi!, odite!; klonti se - kloni,
klonil, klonila, klonile (n.), klonili/klonli, kloni se!, klonite se/klonete se!, skloen
(2x), skloena, skloeni; zaklopti - zaklopi, zaklopil, zaklopila,
zaklopili/zaklopli, zakluopi!, zakluopete! (sic!), zaklupen (sic!)/zaklopn (2x),
zaklopna, zaklopene (n.), zaklopeni/zaklopni (rarer)
(the imperative and
n-part. have side A.p. C forms); reskolti - reskoli, reskolila, reskolle (n.),
reskolli, reskoli!, reskolite/reskolete!, reskoen, reskoena, reskoene (n.), reskoeni,
reskoene (, reskoena (; kotti - koti, kotile (n.), kotili; krojti - kroji,
skroji, krojila, krojili/krojli; krotti - kroti, krotila, krotili/krotli; krstiti - krsti,
krstile (n.), krstili; lepti - lepi, epil, epila/lepla, zepen, zepena, zepeni, pi!,
pite! [*lpiti]
; lojti - loji (trans.), lojil, lojila, lojili; lomti, dem lomit - lomi,
zlomila, zlomili (2x), but also rezlomla, rezlomili, lomi! (2x), lomite/lomete! (2x),
zlomen, zlomena, zlomene (n.), zlomeni, zlomene (, lomee; loti -
loim, loila, loili, loi!, loete/loite!, naloena, naloene (n.), naloeni; moti -
na;moi, moil, moila, moile (n.), moili; molti - moli, molila, molili/molli;
motrti - motri, motrila, motrili; mnoti - mnoi, mnoili, mnoi!,

Derived from the noun *kuoda, whence the accent.
In the A.p. B, the stem stress forms often appear. They are especially common in the f. and Their origin is probably to be sought in the analogy to the present tense and perhaps to the
long A.p. B stems where the retraction was phonetic (brnim = brnila, thus also brojim =
brojila), cf. 2000: 28. In the plural, the old accent is preserved more often.
The forms zaklopn, zaklopna etc. were obviously made by analogy to the A.p. C type.
Shortness of the root perhaps points to secondary C > B. A loanword from the standard
language is a possibility as well.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

mnoite/mnoete!, pomnoen, pomnoena, mnoee; prenoti - prenoi,
prenoila cf. nu, G. noi, nu; [*nokiti]; nesti - nesi, nesil, nesila, nesile
(n.), nesili/nesli, nesile/nesle ( [*nositi] vocalism after 'nesti, cf. nesel,
nesla;; napojti - napoji, napojila, napojli, napoji!, napojite!, napojen; prepolovti
- prepolovi, prepolovli, prepolovi! (2x), prepolovete/prepolovite! (2x), prepoloven;
ponosti - ponosi, ponosila/ponosla, ponosili; resporti - respori, resporile (n.),
resporli; postti - posti, postila, postili/postli; fpozorti - fpozori, fpozorila,
fpozorili/fpozorli; presti - presi, presila, presli (2x) [*prositi]; ronti - roni,
ronila, ronili (maybe not a native word); selti se - sli, slime, slite, slila/sella
(rarer), slile (n.), slili/selli, slile/selle (; skoti - skoi, skoila (2x),
skoile/skole (n.), skoili/skoli, skoile/skole (, skola (, skoi!,
skoete/skoite!; naslonti - nasloni, naslonila, naslonili; solti - soli, solila;
sramotti - sramoti (2x), sramotil, sramotili/sramotli; osvojti - osvoji; svedoti -
svedoi [*svdoiti]; toti - se; toi (3x), natoila/natola, toili, natoili,
natoen; stvorti - stvori, stvorili/stvorli; vodti - vodi; voti - voi vax; vojzti -
vojzi, vojzli [*voziti]; znojti - znoji, znojila; enti se - se niju, enli (2x)
bjliti - bjlime (trans.) [*bliti]; vblati/vbliti - vbli, vblil, vblila;
brniti, dem se brnit - brnim, brnime, brnil, brnila, brnile, brni se!,
brnite se!, obren, obrena, obrene (n.), obreni, obrene (,
obrena (, bree; brsiti, dem brsit - brsim, brsil, brsila, brsile
(n.), brsili, brsi!, brsete/brsite!, bren, brena, bruene (n.), breni,
brene (, brena (; cjpiti, dem cjpit - cjpim, cjpil, cjpila, cjpile
(n.) [*cpiti]; cvliti - cvli, cvlil, cvlila, cvlile (n.); vditi se - e se vdi, se
vdil (3x), vdila/vdala, vdile; dviti (2x) - dvim, dvila, dvile (n.),
vdven, vdvena, vdvene (n.), vdveni; driti - dri, drila; doubiti -
doubi, zdouben, zdoubena, zdoubene (n.) [*dlbiti]; driti se - drim,
drila; predouiti - predoui, predouile [*dliti]; glmiti - glmim, glmila;
goutiti - goutim, goutila [*gltiti]; gviti - gvi, gvila; o;gliti - gli, oglim,
oglil, o;glila; gospodriti - gospodri, gospodrila; grjiti (2x) - grji, grjil,
grjila [*griti]; z;lpiti - lpi, lpile (n.) [*xlapiti]; h;rniti - rnim, rnila,
rnili, rni!, rnete/rnite!, ree, naren, narena, narene (n.) [*xorniti];
nahouditi/nahditi - nahoudi harm somebody; fliti - flim, flila, fli!,
flete/flite!, pofen, pofena, fee [*xvaliti]; zjedniti - zjedniju; kniti - kni,
naknila intend; kzniti - kznim (a loanword from the standard); krtiti -
krtim, krtila, krti!, krtete!, kree, skren, skrena; maka se mci;
krjpiti - krjpime, krjpili, krjpi!, krjpite/krjpete!, okrjpen, okrjpena,

[*krpiti]; krjsiti - oge se krjsi, krjsil, krjsili [*krsiti]; krsiti -
krsi; reskrliti - reskrli, reskrlile cf. krle, krla, krl;; prekriti -
prekri, prekrila, prekri!, prekrete/prekrite!, prekren; krouiti - krouim,
krouila [*kriti]; kpiti - kpi, kpil, kpi!, kpite/kpete!, kpen, kpena;
kriti - kri, kril, krila, kri!, krete/krite!, skren; zakoriti - zakori,
zakorila, zakori!, zakorete/zakorite!; lakuomiti se - lakuomi cf. lakum,
lakuoma, lakuome (n.); [*olkomiti] (the source of the length is unclear); ljiti,
sup. ljit - lji, ljila, lji!, ljite/ljete!, zljen, zljena, ljee [*liti];
odlouiti - odlouim, odlouila [*liti]; iti - im, ila; mmiti - mmi,
mmila (2x); mniti se - mni; mjsiti - mjsime, mjsila, mjsili, mjsi!,
mjsite/mjsete! cf. zmjan; [*msiti]; mesriti - mesri, mesrili; mltiti -
mltiju, mltili, mlti!, mltete/mltite!, zmlen, mlee; mriti - mri;
moutiti - moutim, moutila, mouti!, moutete/moutite!, zmouen, zmouena,
mouee [*mtiti]; souziti - souzi, souzila [*ziti]; opamtiti - opamti,
opamtila; pliti, dem plit - pli, plil; pljviti - pljvi, pljvili [*pelviti]; priti -
se zapri; preprjiti - preprji [*periti]; prjtiti - prjti, prjtila, prjti!,
prjtite/prjtete! [*pertiti]; rjditi - rjdi, rjdile [*rditi]; rjiti - rji [*riti];
prirditi - se prirdi [*rditi]; roubiti - roubi, roubili [*rbiti]; zora se roudi
[*rditi]; slviti - slvime, slvili celebrate; slouiti - sloui, slouila (secondary
-ou-?) [*sluiti]; snoubiti - snoubi, snoubila [*snu/biti]
; srmiti se - srmi,
srmila; souditi - soudi, soudila [*sditi]; stoupiti - stoupim, stoupila [*stpiti];
svjtliti - svjtli [*svtliti]; srditi se, resrditi - srdim, srdi, srdila; liti se - se li
joke; trjbiti - trjbi peel [*terbiti]; toupiti - se; toupi [*tpiti]; touiti - se
touiju [*titi]; troubiti - troubi cf. trouba, troubu; [*trbiti]; trousiti -
trousi [*trsiti]; trjzniti se - se trjzni [*terzniti]; vbiti - vbi; prezriti - se
prezri; povliti - povli; zniti - zni; reriti - reri [*ariti]
a.p. C
dogodti - dogod, se dogodla, dogodile (n.), dogodili; drobti - drob, drobme,
zdrob, zdrobil, zdrobla, zdrobile (n.), zdrobili, zdrobile (, druobi! (2x),
druobete/druobite! (2x), zdroben, zdrobna, zdrobene (n.),
, zdrobne/zdrobene (, zdrobna/zdrobena (;
godti - god, godile (n.); gostti se - se gostme, se pogostme, pogostil, pogostla,
pogostili, poguosti ga!, poguostite ga!; skamenti se - skamen, skamenil,

The aberrant accent is due to the nominalization of the form, cf. the Neo-tokavian noun
okrepee besides the normal verbal noun krijepe.
For secondary *snbiti instead of *snubiti cf. Slovene dialectal snobiti, Polish snbi.
Zdrobeni instead of zdrobni by analogy to zdroben of course. The same goes for other A.p.
C participles with on the root.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

skamenla; kesnti, zakesniti - kesn, kesnme, zakesnme, zakesnla/zakesnila
[*ksniti]; fkopti - fkop, fkopla castrate [*kopiti]; kosti, dem kosit - kos,
kosme, koste, pokosm, kosil, pokosil, kosla, pokosla, kosile (n.), pokosile (n.),
kosili, pokosili, kosile (, pokosile (, kuosi! (2x), pokuosi!,
kuosete/kuosite!, pokon (3x) (more frequent)/pokoen
, pokona (2x),
pokone (n.), pokoni, pokone (, pokona ( cf. kosa, kosu, kose, kus;; kropti - krop, pokrop, pokropla, pokropile (n.),
pokropili, kruopi!, kruopete/kruopite!, pokropen (2x), pokropna,
pokropene (n.), pokropeni/pokropni, pokropene (, pokropna
(; krti - kr, kril, krla; prilagodti - prilagod, prilagodla, but prilagodile
(n.); ledti se - led, ledla, ledile (n.) cf. ld, l da;; vlovti, dem lovit -
vlovm, vlovme, vlovla, vlovili, luovi!, luovite/luovete!, vluoven (2x) (with
secondary -uo-), vluovena/vlovna, vluovene (n.), vluoveni/vlovni,
vluovene/vlovne (; vmorti - vmor, vmorme, umorla tired, se vmorla
killed herself, vmorena, vmorene (n.), vmoreni, vmorene (, vmorena
(, but brge me moriju; mrgodti - mrgod, mrgodla, mrgodile (n.),
mrguodi!, mrguodete/mrguodite!, namrgoen, namrgoena; premostti - premost,
premostla, premostili; meglti - megl se (2x), se meglla (2x), se meglile (n.) cf.
mgla, A. meglu/mglu, mgle; [*mgliti]; omejti - omej, omejil, omejla,
omejno [*meiti]; ponovti - ponov, ponovla, ponovile (n.), ponovili, ponuovi!,
ponuovete/ponuovite!, ponoven
, ponovena/ponovna, ponovene (n.),
ponoveni/ponovni, ponovene/ponovne (, ponovena/ponovna (;
oplementi - oplemen, oplemenla, oplemenili, oplemen, oplemena,
oplemene (n.), oplemeni/oplemeni, oplemene/oplemene (,
oplemena/oplemena (; pripitomti - pripitom, pripitomla, prpitomili,
pripituomi! (2x), pripituomete/pripituomite! (2x), pripituomen (with secondary -
uo-), pripitomna/pripitomena, pripituomene (n.), pripituomene/ pripitomne
(; pripituomeni/pripitomni plodti - plod, oplod, oplodla, oplodili;
spokojti - spokoj, spokojla, spokojili calm down; oprostti - oprost, oprostme,
oprostla, oprostili, oproen, oproene (n.) (4x), s su mu dugi oproni all his
debts are forgiven, oprone (; pustoti - pusto; rodti - rod (2x), rodju,
rodla, rodile (, roen/ron, roena/rona, roene/rone (n.),
roeni/roni, roe; rojti se - ple se rojju, su se rojile; rosti - ros, je rosile, je
rosla (rain) falls; steklti - stekl, steklile [*stkliti]; toplti - topl/tupl; topti -
top, topla; fuoviti
- ftov [*toviti]; troti - tro, trola; veselti se - se vesel,

The accent pokoen is, of course, what is expected (from *pokon), cf. also zdroben. The
accent pokon is analogous to pokona (from *pokoena), pokone (< *pokoeno) etc.
Probably by analogy to A.p. B type.
Length from the imperative?

vesella; zvonti - zvone zvon (intrans.), zvon (trans.), zvonju, pozvonil, zvonla,
zvonile (n.), zvonili, pozvonili cf. zvone, zvona;; alostti - alost, alostla
budti, dem budit - budm, bud (3x), budme, budte, budju, budil, budla,
budile (n.), budili, budile (, bdi!, bdete/bdite!, zbdete se!, zbun,
zbuna, zbune (n.), zbuni, zbune (, zbuna (; cedti, dem cedit
- cedm, cedme, preced, cedil, cedla, cedile, cedili, cedila, cjdi!, cjdite/cjdete!,
, ocjena, ocjene (n.), ocjeni/oceni, ocene [*cditi]; centi, dem
cenit - cenm, cenme, cente, precen, cenil, cenla, cenile (n.), cenili, cenile (,
cjni!, cjnete/cjnite!, cjen, cena, cjene (n.), cjeni/ceni, cjene/cene
( [*cniti]; delti - delm, delme, delte, podelme, delil, della, delile (n.),
delili, djli!, djlete/djlite!, djlee, podjlen, podelna, podelne (n.),
podelni/podjleni, podelne/podjlene ( [*dliti]; durti se - se dur, durla,
durile (n.), durili, dri se!, drete se/drite se!, zdren, zdurna, zdrene/zdurne
(n.), zdreni/zdurni, zdrene/zdurne (; gasti, sup. gasit - gas, gasme,
gaste, gasju, zgas, gasil, gasla, gasile (n.), gasili, gasile, gsi!, gsete/gsite!,
gae, zgen, zgana, zgane (n.), zgeni/zgani, zgene/zgane (,
zgana (; ogluti - oglu, ogluil, oglula, ogluile (n.), ogluili;
gradti/grditi, sup. gradit/grdit - gradm, gradil, gradla, gradile (n.), gradili,
zgren/zgran, pregren, zgrena/zgrana, zgrene/zgrane (n.), gree,
grdi!, grdete/grdite!; guti - gu, guil, gula, guile (n.), gi!, gete/gite!,
gue; vglavti - vglav, vglvil, vglvila, vglvile (n.) (3x); zgubti - zgub (3x),
zgubil, zgubla, zgubili; h;ladti - h;lad, h;ladme, zlad, zladla, zladile (n.),
oldi t!, ldi!, ldete/ldite!, zlen, zlena/zlana, zlena/zlana (n.)
[*xolditi]; jarti se - jar, ojarla kid; javti - jav, dojav, dojavil, dojavla,
dojavili, jvi!, jvete/jvite!, javn, jvena/javna, jvene/javne (n.);
jurti/jriti - jurm, zjur, zjurme, zjurla/zjrila, zjurile (n.), zjrili, zjurile
(; kadti - kad, zakad, kadile (n.), kdi!, kdete/kdite!; krivti - kriv,
krivme, okriv, okrivla, okrivili, krvi!, krvete/krvite!, okrven,
okrvena/okrivna, okrvene/okrivne (n.), okrveni/okrivni; fkrutti/fkrtiti
se - fkrut, fkrutla, frutile (n.), frutili/fkrtili (?), fkren/fkrun,
fkruna/fkrena, fkrouti!, fkroutete se! [*krtiti]; vlenti se - vlen, vlenme,
vlente, vlenil, vlenla/vljnila, vlenile/vljnile (n.) cf. len, ljna, lene, leni,
lene, ljna; ljnost; [*lniti]; zamastti - zamast, zamastla, zamastile (n.),

The forms with the neo-acute on the root are either by analogy to the A.p. B type in general
(which is not really convincing) or by analogy to the masculine form in which the length may
be original: ocjen < *cdjen like Croatian standard trese < *trse (cf. Kapovi 2005a: 97-
98). The former supposition is confirmed by the fact that in Konjina one finds the reflex of a
long vowel in forms (compared to penultimate accent in other forms) quite often.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

zamsti!, zamstete/zamstite!, zaman, zamana/zamena,
zamana/zamene (n.), zamani/meni; prementi - premen, premenla,
premenile (n.), premenili, premjni!, premjnete/premjnite!, premjen,
premena, premene (n.) [*mniti]; zmirti se - zmir, zmril, zmirla, zmrili,
zmri se!, zmrete/zmrite se!, zmren, zmirna, zmrene/zmirne (n.),
zmreni/zmirni calm down; pomladti - se pomlad, pomladil, pomladla;
mrti/mriti - mr, mrla, mrili, namrili; platti - plat, naplat,
naplatla, naplatili, plti!, pltete/pltite!, naplan, naplana,
naplane/naplene (n.); preplavti - preplav, preplavla, preplavili, preplavn,
preplavna, preplvene/preplavne (n.); prasti - se pras, opras, oprasla,
oprasile (; pustti - pust, pustla, pustili, psti!, pstete/pstite!,
pen/pun, puna, pene/pune (n.), peni/puni, puene/pene
(; ranti - vran, vranla/vrnila be early cf. v rnu zoru;; zaruti, poruti
- zaruju, zarula, zaruili, zaruile ( [*riti]; sadti - sad, posad, zasad,
posadil, zasadil, posadla, zasadla, posadile (n.), posadili, posadile (,
posadla (, posdi!, posdete/posdite!; slastti se - slast, slstil,
slstila/slastla; sneti - sne, sneile (n.) [*sniti]; sladti - slad, sladil, sladla,
posladil, zasladil; strelti - strel, strelil cf. 3 sg. strja; [*strliti]; suti - su,
sula, suili, si!, sete/site!, osun, osuna, osene/osune (n.), sue;
svetti bless, osvetti se revenge - svet, svetla; tajti - taj, tajla; tjiti (2x) -
te, tela [*titi]; se tal, talile; vuti - vume, vuil, vula, nafili [*uiti];
prevalti, rezvalti also rezvliti?; - rezval, rezvalla, rezvalili; varti - var,
zvarili; zavrti - se zavr, zavrla, zavrili, zavri!, zavrite!; pozlatti - se zlat,
pozlat, pozlatla; drebti - se dreb, kobla se era odrebla cf. drjebe,
drebeta; [*erbiti]; urti se - se ur, urla, se urili
a.p. B:C transitivity pairs
otrti - se otr, otr se (intrans.), otrim (2x), otrime (2x) (trans.), se otril
(intrans.), otrila (trans.), otrili (trans.), su se naotrili/naotrli (intrans.),
naotrli (trans.)
gnjzditi se - se gnjzdi, gezdju, gezdil, gnjzdila/gezdla, gezdile (;
korti/koriti - kuri, kurila, also kori (2x), korila, korili (2x)?; mrsiti - mrs,
mrsila/mrsla; zanjmiti - zanem also zanjmi;, zanemil, zanemla cf. nem,
njma, njme (n.), njmi, njme; [*nmiti]; oslobodti - oslobodi/oslobod,
oslobodile/oslobodile; pljniti - pljni/plen, plenla, pljnili [*pelniti]; souziti -
oke mi souzi, oke mi suz, souzile (2x) (n.) cf. souza, souzu; [*slziti]
kseliti se (2x) - kisel, kisella, kselile (n.); smestiti - smest (?) [*mstiti]; peniti se
- pen (2x), penla, penili [*pniti]

3. The Reflexes of Proto-Slavic accentual paradigms in Croatian
Here, using the form of tables we shall try to present how Proto-Slavic i-verb
accentual paradigms developed in Croatian dialects. A.p. a is left out due to its
pretty much straightforward reflexes. Thus we shall look at short and long A.p.
b1, A.p. b2 and A.p. c verbs. The listed verbs are those for which the Proto-Slavic
reconstruction of the A.p. is certain (based on all relevant Slavic sources). The
verbs adduced are from Nikolaev ms.
First, we list short, then long verbs, in the following order: Neo-tokavian,
Old tokavian, akavian, Kajkavian.
a, b1, b2, c reconstructed, Proto-Slavic accentual paradigms
A, B, C synchronic, local accentual paradigms
B/C etc. vacillation of paradigms
B-C transitivity pairs (B transitive, C intransitive)
B, C short stems
B:, C: - long stems
B. half-long stems, short inf./long present tense
C. half-long stems, long inf./short present tense
A<*B etc. the paradigm with the asterisk is internally reconstructable
B ? the paradigm of a verb is not certain or the existence of the verb itself in
the dialect is not certain
*C the paradigm is not directly attested in the data but can be restored as such
A' a special modification of a synchronic paradigm
3.1 short a.p. b1 verbs
TOK. Op. Prap. Klob. Brn./S. Stob. N. Dr. a.
*goniti B B B B/C B B B
*modliti B B B B B B B
*nositi B B B B B B B
*prositi B B C C C B B
*skoiti B B B B B B B
*voditi B B
*voziti B B B B B B B
*eniti B B B B B B C

One may note that there are no deadjectival verbs in the tables. That is because these are very
unreliable in Slavic and their accentual paradigms are reconstructable only formally, via the
A.p. of the basic adjective from which they derive (Sergei L. Nikolaev, p. c.).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

OLD TOK. Orubica Velika Kopanica Sie Magi Mala

AK. Trp. Smkv. Pitve Pu. Tisno Fil. Mat. S./Mrk.
*goniti B C B B B C B
*xoditi C B B
*modliti B B B B B B B B
*nositi A<*B B B B B B B B
*prositi B C ? B B/C C B B B/C
*skoiti B B B B B B B B
*voditi B B B B
*voziti B B B B B B B B
*eniti B B B B B B B B

Mahino Drinje Zabok tuparje Konjina
*goniti B A<*B B B
*xoditi B B B B B
*modliti C B B B
*nositi B B B B B
*prositi B B B B B
*skoiti B B B B B
*voditi A<*B B
*voziti B B B B B
*eniti B B B/C B B
Short A.p. b1 verbs yield A.p. B everywhere (with sporadic exceptions). The
verb prositi seems to be the most prone to shift to A.p. C.

As we have already said, the dialects of Mahino and Drinje are not really genetically
Kajkavian (Mahino at least partly). However, concerning the development of i-verbs they act
like the real Kajkavian dialects. This is not strange since the dialect of Mahino, even if not
real Kajkavian, is close to Kajkavian and that of Drinje is originally a akavian dialect spoken
probably somewhere in North-Western Bosnia (around Biha), which is also an adjacent area
to the Kajkavian territory.

3.2 long a.p. b1 verbs
TOK. Op. Prap. Klob. Brn./S. Stob. N. Dr. a.
*daviti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*koltiti A A B:
*ljubiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*msiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*moltiti B: ? B: B: B: B: B: B:
*rbiti B: B: B: B:
*sluiti B:
*sditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*stpiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:

OLD TOK. Orubica Velika Kopanica Sie Magi Mala
*daviti B:
*koltiti B: B: B: B:
*ljubiti B: B: B:
*msiti B: B: B: B:
*moltiti B: B: B: B:
*rbiti B: B:
*sluiti B: B:
*sditi B: B: B: B:
*stpiti B: B: B:

AK. Trp. Smkv. Pitve Pu. Tisno Fil. Mat. S./Mrk.
*daviti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*koltiti B: B: B: B: B:
*ljubiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*msiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*moltiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*rbiti B: B: B: B:
*sluiti B: B: B:
*sditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*stpiti B: A ? B: B: B: B:
*traviti B: B:

KAJK. Mahino Drinje Zabok tuparje Konjina
*daviti B. B: B: B:
*koltiti B: B:
*ljubiti B:
*msiti B. B: B: B: B:
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

*moltiti B. B: B: B: B:
*rbiti B. B: B: B: B:
*sluiti B: B:
*sditi B. B: B: B: B:
Long A.p. b1 verbs yield A.p. B: everywhere with virtually no exceptions.
3.3 short a.p. b2 verbs
TOK. Op. Prap. Klob. Brn./S. Stob. N.Dr. a.
*boriti B C C C C C C
*brojiti C C B C
*dvoriti C C C C
*kositi B C B/C C C C C
*kotiti B C C C C C
*krstiti C C B C C C C
*loiti A<*B B B C C B C
*ploditi C B/C B C C
*popiti C C
*postiti C C C C C C C
*ppriti A<*B C A < *B A < *B C
*roniti B C B/C C C C B
*seliti B C B C C B B/C
*stkliti A<*B C C C C C B
*svdoiti B B B B C B B
*teliti C C C B/C C C
In Neo-tokavian, certain dialects (Prapatnice, Brnaze, Stobre, probably
ainci as well)
seem to point to A.p. C as the regular reflex of the Proto-
Slavic A.p. b2 in short root verbs. In other dialects, the reflexes are mixed and
. Of course, it is not impossible that even in dialects like Prapatnice
(where all the reflexes but two are A.p. C) one is dealing with a secondary
spread of A.p. C and that these two examples are archaic. However, that does
not seem very likely and is, in any case, unprovable. If one would be dealing
with a massive change of A.p. B > A.p. C, it would be very difficult to explain
why the A.p. B verbs (< Slavic A.p. b1) like nositi, goniti never (or very seldom)
shifted to A.p. C (see above). One possible explanation could be that the old

Cf. also the system of Dubrovnik in Ligorio forthc.
Cf. also the Neo-tokavian ijekavian dialect of Vidonje (near Metkovi in Dalmatia) with
kosm, pop, selm, dom but brm, dvrm, pst, nr dives, krstm, lm (data by Domagoj

A.p. b1 verbs are mostly old iteratives and are thus somehow different from the
old A.p. b2 verbs
. For instance, all the old A.p. b2 verbs become perfective
when prefixed, cf. loiti (imperfective) > naloiti (perfective). However, in the
case of some of the old A.p. b1 verbs like goniti, nositi, voditi, voziti the prefixed
forms remain imperfective. This is an interesting possibility but does not seem
very convincing. First of all, old iteratives goniti, nositi, voditi, voziti are not
really perceived as iteratives nowadays in Croatian
and, secondly, the A.p. B is
stable in moliti, prositi, skoiti, eniti as well (which are perfectivicized by
prefixation). Synchronically, I do not really see a big difference in these two
classes of verbs. Another possibility is that kos > ks in some dialects is due
to the analogy of pkos with lov : lv (A.p. C), i.e. kos : pkos ~ lv :
lov > ks : pkos by analogy. However, it is strange that this never occurs
in the old A.p. b1 verbs. In cases like these, there should be no difference
between these verbs. It is difficult to imagine why such analogy would have
occurred only in the old A.p. b2 verbs. However, one needs to note that A.p. b2
verbs are far more numerous than A.p. b1 verbs, thus there is more chance for
analogy to occur.
It is possible that in some dialects the cause of the mixed reflexes of A.p. b2 is
some historical dialect mixing. In the case of old A.p. b1 verbs, the A.p. B would
be stable because A.p. b1 yielded A.p. B everywhere (and thus no dialect mixing
could disrupt that). In the case of A.p. b2, some dialects could have had A.p. B
as a reflex and some A.p. C. In the case of population mixing, it is possible that
these reflexes were also mixed
OLD TOK. Orubica Velika Kopanica Sie Magi Mala
*boriti C C C C
*brojiti C C C C
*dvoriti C
*kositi B B B B
*kotiti C C C C
*krstiti C C C
*loiti B/C C B B
*ploditi C C

This was suggested to me by Sergei L. Nikolaev (p. c.).
Cf. the newly created iteratives like proganjati, donaati, izvaati, razvaati (the last three
being non-standard).
Of course, it is also possible to be sceptical concerning the whole A.p. b1/b2 concept altogether
and claim that A.p. b2 is just a group of verbs (although quite numerous, which would be rather
strange) with accentual vacillation already in Proto-Slavic and that the mixed reflexes are thus
to be expected. In either case, it is useful to see what happens with this group of verbs, leaving
the question of its actual origin aside.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

*postiti C C B B
*ppriti A<*B A<*B A/B
*roniti C C C
*seliti B B B B
*stkliti C C
*svdoiti C C
*teliti B/C C C C
In Posavina, the reflex of the short A.p. b2 verbs is difficult to establish. The
prototypical examples of kositi, loiti, seliti belong to A.p. B in most cases (cf.
also the partial material of the other presented Posavian dialects), but the
majority of other verbs seems to belong to A.p. C. It is possible that there was a
major A.p. B > A.p. C change there (perhaps due to the poluotmetnos
phenomenon), but same problems we have encountered in Neo-tokavian
concerning this suggestion exist here as well (the old A.p. b1 verbs have stable
A.p. B reflexes in Posavina). Of course, one could try to find a solution for every
supposed A.p. B > A.p. C change
but these are, strictly speaking, impossible to
prove. On the other hand, if one suggests that A.p. C is the regular outcome, the
examples kositi, loiti, seliti are difficult to explain since old A.p. c regularly
yields A.p. C with almost no instances of secondary A.p. B there (see below).
Finding a Posavian dialect with more instances of A.p. B for A.p. b2 might solve
this problem. For now the supposition that short A.p. b2 yielded Posavina A.p.
B seems possible, perhaps even likely, but is still not completely certain.
AK. Trp. Smkv. Pitve Pu. Tisno Fil. Mat. S./M.
*boriti B C C C C C C
*brojiti C C C C C C C C
*dvoriti B C C B C C C
*dzdjiti C C C
*kositi B C B C C C C B
*kotiti B C B C C C B
*krstiti C C C C C C C B:
*loiti B C B B C C C C
*ploditi B C ? C C
*popiti C C A<*B
*postiti B C C B/C C C C C
*potiti C C C C C C
*ppriti A<*B A<*B A<*B/C C C B/A C

For instance, cakliti could have shifted to A.p. C due to the unstability of its first syllable (a
weak jer), brojiti could be analogical to krojiti, dojiti (A.p. C) etc. (Sergei L. Nikolaev, p. c.).

*roniti B C B C C A<*B C
*seliti B C C B C C B/A C
*stkliti B A<*B C C C C
*svdoiti B B C B B
*teliti B (B/C?) B A<*B C B ? B
In akavian, the old short A.p. b2 verbs undoubtedly yield A.p. C in the dialects
of Smokvica, Tisno and Filipjakov
(this seems to be in agreement with Neo-
tokavian). Elsewhere, the reflexes are mixed, thus mostly unrevealing.
tendency of the old A.p. c to shift to A.p. B in Trpanj, Pitve and Puia makes it
impossible to tell which reflexes of A.p. b2 are original. The dialects which
preserve A.p. C from the old A.p. c are exactly those which show a clear reflex of
A.p. C for A.p. b2 Smokvica, Tisno, Filipjakov, plus Sunger. The perfect
reflexes of A.p. c in Sunger as A.p. C but both A.p. B and A.p. C for A.p. b2
might perhaps point to the conclusion that the original reflex of A.p. b2 was A.p.
B in Sunger and that some verbs later shifted to A.p. C via the poluotmetnos
phenomenon (cf. above the similar case in Posavina). The same could be true
for Matulji as well, except for the fact that there is no poluotmetnos in that
dialect and that it cannot be responsible for the supposed secondary shift to A.p.
KAJK. Mahino Drinje Zabok tuparje Konjina
*boriti B A<*B B B B
*brojiti C A<*B B B B
*dvoriti C A<*B C B B
*kositi C C B C C
*kotiti B B B
*krstiti C C C B B
*loiti C B B B
*postiti B B B B
*ppriti A<*B A<*B
*roniti B B B
*seliti B B C B
*stkliti C B
*svdoiti B ? B
*teliti B/C B B

Cf. also for instance the perfectly clear A.p. C reflexes in the dialect of Metajna on the island
of Pag (Vrani 2004: 239).
The mixed reflexes one sees for A.p. b2 and A.p. c in Puia seems to be confirmed by the
somewhat sparse data from Selca on the island of Bra (Vukovi 2001).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

Short A.p. b2 verbs yield A.p. B in Kajkavian, the clearest situation being in
tuparje and Konjina where all the examples are A.p. B except kositi. The verb
kositi, however, seems to shift to A.p. C in most dialects, most likely by analogy
to the A.p. C noun (cf. Konjina kosa, kosu)
. In Kajkavian, the lack of
the poluotmetnos phenomenon probably works for the preservation of the old
A.p. B < A.p. b2.
3.4 long a.p. b2 verbs
TOK. Op. Prap. Klob. Brn./S. Stob. N. Dr. a.
*borniti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*cpiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*gajiti C:
*gnzditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*gospodariti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*xorniti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*xuliti B: C: B:
*xvaliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kriti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kupiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kuriti A B: B:
C B: B: C C: C C
*liti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*ljutiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*mesariti B: C: ? B: B:
*mtiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*paliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*piliti C: B: C: B:
*poriti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*raditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*riti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*slditi C: C: C: B:/C: C: B: B:
*smiti C: B: B:
*sormiti C: C: B: C: C: C: C:
*srditi B: B:
*ititi C: C: C: C: B: A B:
*terbiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:

This supposition seems to be confirmed by the sparse material of Velika Rakovica (March
1981) where postiti and roniti are A.p. B but kositi is A.p. C.
The verb kriti seems to show reflexes of A.p. c in many Croatian dialects and should be
considered a special case.

*titi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*trsiti B: B: B: B: B:
*truditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*triti A C A
*vortiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*znaiti B: C: B: B: B:/C: B: B:
Long A.p. b2 verbs yield A.p. B: in most cases in Neo-tokavian. However, these
reflexes are not really reliable since in Neo-tokavian old A.p. c verbs also yield
A.p. B: in most cases (see below) by the known process of su s. However,
in Neo-tokavian, there is a group of i-verbs (up to 20 of them) which has the
A.p. C:. Cf. in the table above such reflexes in the verbs gajiti (common), huliti,
slijediti (very common), sramiti (very common), tititi (very common), znaiti.
In my opinion, these verbs are archaisms which preserve the old A.p. C but with
the reintroduced length. These verbs remained in the middle phase of the
change su s s. This would mean that in most Neo-tokavian dialects
(if not in all) old long A.p. b2 verbs yielded originally A.p. C which was later
mostly eliminated by the su s process that occurred in the old A.p. c verbs
as well. The verbs that belong to A.p. C: are thus an archaism pointing to the
old A.p. C reflex of A.p. b2 in Neo-tokavian.
As already said, the A.p. C: type in Neo-tokavian
does not include a great
number of verbs, only twenty or so (depending on the dialect), leaving the exact
origin of particular verbs aside. These verbs are often intransitive. Besides the
ones already mentioned, cf. also vir, mir, jur, ur se, pir, ar, trub, sjaj se,
cvil, cur, glum, zna, sip, te, sram se, vrijed, hlad se, snije, tul etc. Some
of them are probably originally -verbs or influenced by the parallel -verbs (in
-verbs, the A.p. C: type is much more usual than in i-verbs), for instance uriti,
trubiti, cviliti (cf. Matulji cvlet - cvlimo), curiti (cf. Konjina creti - cur;,
vrijediti (cf. Konjina vrjdeti - vrjdi) etc. In some cases, the A.p. B:C
transitivity pairs like Prapatnice tupn n - tup se n, j t zltn - zlat se or
Klobuk bl - bil se are probably due to the old i-/-verb pairs, the old i-verb
being transitive and having A.p. B: reflex and the old -verb being intransitive
(since -- is originally the stative and -i- the causative suffix) and having the
A.p. C: reflex (usual in -verbs, cf. tpjeti - tp, utjeti - ut etc.).
OLD TOK. Orubica Velika Kopanica Sie Magi Mala
*borniti B: B: B: B:
*cpiti B:

And some tokavian-like akavian dialects, like Filipjakov.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

*gnzditi B: B: B: B:
*gospodariti B: B: B:
*xorniti B: B: B: B:
*xuliti B:
*xvaliti B: B: B: B:
*kriti B: B: B:
*kupiti B: B: B: B:
*kuriti B: B: B:
*kriti B: B:
*liti B: B: B: B:
*ljutiti B: B: B:
*mesariti B: B:
*mtiti B: B: B: B:
*paliti B: B: B: B:
*poriti B: B: C C
*raditi B: B: B: B:
*riti B: B: B: B:
*slditi B:
*smiti B: B:
*sormiti B: B: B:
*srditi B:
*ititi A B:
*terbiti B: B: B: B:
*titi B: B: B: B:
*trsiti B: B: B:
*truditi B: B: B:
*tuiti B: C C C
*triti B:
*vortiti B: B: B:
*znaiti B: B: B:
In the case of Posavina dialects, one can safely assume that the old long A.p. b2
verbs yield A.p. B:. The examples praiti and tuiti are probably not exceptions
but a dialectal feature of Posavina where these verbs belong to A.p. c. It is
remarkable that in Posavina there is practically no A.p. C: i-verbs (with some
exceptions) unlike in Neo-tokavian. This is probably a consequence of the fact
that the old long A.p. b2 verbs yielded originally A.p. B: in Posavian dialects but
A.p. C in (most) Neo-tokavian dialects. This proposition should be verified on
additional Posavina and Neo-tokavian dialects.
Posavina examples of A.p. C: like Orubica cvl, vrd, Velika Kopanica se bl,
mrz, td, are old -verbs (cf. standard Croatian bijeljeti se, mzjeti, tedjeti).

Velika Kopanica form brj was probably influenced by the parallel -verb
brujati and the only real A.p. C: i-verb example I have attested is Velika
Kopanica sn (this verb is also frequently A.p. C: in Neo-tokavian as well).
AK. Trp. Smkv. Pitve Pu. Tisno Fil. Mat. S./Mrk.
*borniti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*cpiti B: B: B: B:
*gajiti B: B:
*gnzditi B: B: ? B: B: B: B: C:
*gospodariti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*xorniti B: B: ? B: B: B: B: B: B:
*xuliti B: B: B:
*xvaliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kriti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kupiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kuriti A A B:
*kriti A/C C C C A A
*liti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*ljutiti B: B:
*mesariti B:? B: B:
*mtiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*paliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*piliti B: B:
*poriti B: B: ? B: B: B: B: B:
*raditi B: B: B: B: B:
*riti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*slditi B: B: B: C:
*sormiti B: B: B: B: B: C: B: C:
*ititi B: B: B: B: C: C:
*terbiti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*titi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*trsiti B: ? B: B: B:
*truditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*triti A A
*vortiti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*znaiti B: B: B: B: C:/B: B: B:
The long A.p. b2 verbs yielded A.p. B: in most akavian dialects. However, this
is not really relevant since old long A.p. c yielded A.p. B: in most akavian
dialects as well by the process of su s (see below). However, the dialects of
Filipjakov and Sunger/Mrkopalj (which is not strange considering that
Mrkopalj is genetically tokavian) go hand in hand with Neo-tokavian and
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

sometimes have A.p. C: as the reflex
which would point to the conclusion that
in those dialects the original reflex of the old long A.p. b2 verbs was indeed A.p.
C, later changed to A.p. C: and, in most verbs, even further to A.p. B:. In the
other akavian dialects, one cannot say if the original reflex of the long A.p. b2
verbs was A.p. B: from the start, or A.p. C which was later completely
eliminated by the process of su s. One has to note that akavian tolerates
sequences of pretonic length and long accents in a much lesser degree than
KAJK. Mahino Drinje Zabok tuparje Konjina
*borniti B: B: B: B: B:
*cpiti B: B: B: B:
*gnzditi B: B: B: B:/C
*gospodariti B: B: B: B: B:
*xorniti B: B: B: B: B:
*xvaliti B: B: B: B: B:
*kriti B. B: B:
*kupiti B. B: B: A' B:
*kuriti B. B: B: B: B:
*kriti A A
*liti B: B: B:
*ljutiti B. B:
*mesariti B. B: B:
*mtiti B. B: B: B: B:
*paliti B. B: B:
*piliti B: B: B: B:
*poriti C B: B: B: B:
*riti B: B: B: B: B:
*rditi B: B: B:
*slditi B: C
*sormiti B: B: B: B: B:
*srditi B. B: B B:
*terbiti B: B: B:
*titi B. B: B: B: B:
*trsiti B. B: B: B:

The same is also true for the dialect of Kukljica on the island of Ugljan (cf. Beni 2011).
Note that many akavian dialects with glva, glav, while in tokavian only the
diaspora dialect of Molise has glava, glve (everywhere else it is secondary glav). Also, the
old A.p. c adjectival type like suh, drag (or sh, drg; is found here and there in tokavian,
while it is practically gone from akavian (where only innovative sh, drg exist).

*truditi B. B:
*triti B B:
*znaiti B. B: B: B: B:
*ariti B. B: B: B:
In Kajkavian, the old long A.p. b2 verbs obviously yield A.p. B:. The exceptions
are very rare. The Mahino A.p. C form of praiti could be related to the same
A.p. in Sie and Magi Mala in Posavina.
3.5 short a.p. c verbs
TOK. Op. Prap. Klob. Brn./S. Stob. N. Dr. a.
*stiti C C C C C C C
*dojiti C C C C C C C
*drobiti B C C C C C C
*dvojiti C C B
*gnojiti C C C C C C C
*goditi C C B B
*gojiti B C C C
*gostiti C C C C C C
*krojiti C C C C C C B
*kropiti C C C C C
*krotiti C C C C C B B
*ksniti A<*B A<*B A<*B C C A<*B C
*loviti A<*B C B C C B C
*moriti B C B C B C
*pojiti C C C C C C C
*prostiti B C B C C C
*roditi B B-C B B B B B
*rositi C C C C C
*topiti A<*B C C C C B C
*toviti C C B C C C B:/C:
The old short A.p. c verbs are well preserved in most Neo-tokavian dialects.
The only dialects in which the shift to A.p. B is more frequent are Opuzen,
Klobuk and Nova Drenina. The apparent shift of the verb roditi to A.p. B in
most dialects is not a real shift to A.p. B. This verb is a B:C verb (A.p. B when
transitive and A.p. C when intransitive) in many dialects cf. Prapatnice for
Neo-tokavian, Vrgada (Jurii 1973) for akavian. In Posavina, this verb is B:C
in practically all the dialects. The reason for this transitivity variation is not
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

but we can assume that all, or most, of the tokavian and akavian
dialects once had a B:C transitivity variation here and that some dialects (for
instance, most Neo-tokavian ones) only later generalized the A.p. B variant.
OLD TOK. Orubica Velika Kopanica Sie Magi Mala
*stiti C C C C
*dojiti C C C C
*drobiti C C C C
*dvojiti C C
*gnojiti C ? C C C
*goditi C C C
*gojiti C
*gostiti C C C C
*krojiti C C C C
*kropiti C C C C
*ksniti C B C C
*loviti C C C
*moriti C C C C
*pojiti C C C
*prostiti C B B
*roditi B-C B B-C B-C
*rositi C C C
*topiti C C C C
*toviti C C C
In Posavina, the old A.p. c is very stable and remains A.p. C in almost all the
examples. As already mentioned, the verb roditi is B:C in Posavina (in Velika
Kopanica there is no intransitive roditi without a prefix so the transitivity
variation cannot be observed there).
AK. Trp. Smkv. Pitve Pu. Tisno Fil. Mat. S./Mrk.
*stiti B C A<*B C B: C:
*dojiti B C C B/C C C C C ?
*drobiti B C B B C C C C
*dvojiti C C C
*gnojiti B/C C C B C C C C
*goditi B B C C

There is a parallel in Ukrainian, where roditi is A.p. C when transitive but A.p. B when
intransitive, thus the opposite from Croatian (Sergei L. Nikolaev, p. c.).

*gojiti C C C B/C C C C
*gostiti B C C C C B C
*krojiti B C C C C C ? C C
*kropiti B B C C C C
*krotiti B B C C C
*ksniti A<*B C C A/C C C A/C C
*loviti B B B C C C
*moriti B C B/C? B C
*pojiti C C C C C
*prostiti B C C C C C C C
*roditi B B C B B B C B
*rositi B C C B/C C C C
*topiti B B/C? B/C C C C C
*toviti B C B B C C C
The old A.p. c is well preserved in Smokvica, Tisno, Filipjakov, Matulji and
Sunger (the verb roditi is often a special case because it is a B:C verb in other
dialects and the present A.p. B in most dialects is to be regarded as the
generalization of the old transitive form). In other dialects, one finds a fair
amount of secondary A.p. C > A.p. B, especially in Trpanj where A.p. B seems
to be almost generalized
KAJK. Mahino Drinje Zabok tuparje Konjina
*stiti A<*B B:
*dojiti C A<*B B B B
*drobiti C C C C C
*gnojiti C A<*B B B B
*goditi C C A C
*gojiti C B
*gostiti A<*B C C
*krojiti C A<*B B B B
*kropiti C C ? C
*krotiti C ? B
*ksniti C A<*B C C C/(B)
*loviti C C C C C
*pojiti C B-C B B B
*prostiti C C

The same tendency for the generalization of A.p. B is seen in the dialects of the island of Cres,
cf. Veli 2003 for Bejska Tramuntana (with a practically complete list of i-verbs attested) and
Houtzagers 1985 for Orlec.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

*roditi C B-C/B C C C
*rositi C B ? C C
*topiti C C C C C
*toviti B/C B C
In Kajkavian, the old short A.p. c verbs are well preserved only in Mahino
. In
all the other dialects there is a tendency for A.p. C to shift to A.p. B. The
rhyming verbs dojiti, gnojiti, krojiti, pojiti especially tend to become A.p. B.
3.6 long a.p. c verbs
TOK. Op. Prap. Klob. Brn./S. Stob. N. Dr. a.
*aviti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*buditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*cditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*cniti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*initi C C C C C C C
*dliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*diviti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*druiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*duriti B: B: A A
*duiti B: B: B: B: B:
*gasiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*golsiti B: B: B: B: B:
*gorditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*griti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*gubiti C C C C C C C
*kaditi B: B: B: B:
*krasiti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*krpiti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*lpiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*mastiti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*miriti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*obvoliti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*platiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*porsiti B: B: ? B: B:
*pustiti B C B B B B B
*saditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B:

However, cf. the preserved A.p. C of drobiti, roditi, topiti, gostiti, loviti, dojiti, oprostiti,
gnojiti, pojiti in Velika Rakovica (March 1981: 272-273).

*svtliti C: C: C: C: C: C: C:
*sniti C:
*tajiti C: C: B: C: B:
*uiti C C C C C B C
*variti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*erbiti B: B: B:
In Neo-tokavian, most of the old long A.p. c verbs have A.p. B: reflexes via the
su s change (see below). The words that preserved the old expected
reflex in practically all the dialects, A.p. C, are initi, gubiti and uiti. The verb
pustiti also preserves the old accentuation in Prapatnice but is secondarily
shifted to A.p. B in other dialects (the shortness of the root points to the old
A.p. c though). This verb is rarely A.p. B: in tokavian (for instance in
Dubrovnik). In some verbs, a middle stage has been preserved A.p. C:, with
the introduced length but without the shift to A.p. B:, cf. the words svijetliti,
snijeiti, tajiti.
OLD TOK. Orubica Velika Kopanica Sie Magi Mala
*aviti B: B: B<*C B<*C
*buditi B: C C
*cditi B: B: C C
*cniti C C
*initi C C C C
*dliti B: B: C C
*diviti B: B: B: B:
*druiti B: B: B: B:
*duriti B: ?
*gasiti B: B:
*golsiti B: B:
*gorditi B: B: C C
*griti B: B: C C
*gubiti C C C C
*kaditi B: B: C C
*krasiti B: B: B: B:
*krpiti B: B: B: B:
*lpiti B: B: C C
*mastiti B: C C
*mniti B<*C B<*C
*miriti B: B: B:
*obvoliti B: B: C C
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

*platiti B: B: B: B:
*porsiti B: B: C C
*pustiti B<*C B<*C B<*C B<*C
*saditi B: B: C C
*svtliti B: B:
*sniti B:
*tajiti C C C C
*uiti B: B: C C
*variti B: B: C C
*erbiti B: C C
In Posavina, two dialects, that of Magi Mala and Sie stand aside from all
others. These dialects are perhaps the only tokavian dialects that preserve the
old A.p. C from the long Proto-Slavic A.p. c words. A couple of words shifted to
A.p. B: there as well these are either dialectal differences or sporadic
occurrences of the su s change (which is to be expected since that is
basically an analogical change, not a sound law). The verbs pustiti and javiti
shift secondarily to A.p. B in Sie and Magi Mala (the original A.p. c is clear
because of the shortened root).
In the rest of Posavina, the results are the same as in Neo-tokavian, mostly
A.p. B:. However, Posavina is again different from Neo-tokavian dialects. The
word uiti is not as often an exception to the su s change as in Neo-
tokavian (the words initi and gubiti are) but other words are often tuiti
(Gundinci, Velika Kopanica, Sikerevci)
, tajiti (Gundinci, Velika Kopanica,
Orubica), saditi (Duboac). Generally, more A.p. C reflexes are preserved than
in Neo-tokavian, even in those Posavian dialects that do have a regular su
s change in most verbs.
AK. Trp. Smkv. Pitve Pu. Tisno Fil. Mat. S./Mrk.
*aviti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*buditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*cditi B: B: B: B: B: B: C:
*cniti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*initi C C C C C C
*dliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*diviti B: B: B: B: B: B:
*druiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*duriti B:
*duiti B: B: B: B: B:

The verb tuiti is A.p. c in Posavina, which is perhaps a dialectal peculiarity.

*gasiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*golsiti B: B:
*gorditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*griti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*gubiti C C C C C C B: C
*kaditi B: B: B: B:
*krasiti B: B: B: B: B:
*krpiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*kriviti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*lpiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*mastiti B: B: B: B: B:
*miriti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*obvoliti B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*platiti B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*porsiti B: B: B:
*pustiti B: B: B: B: B B C B
*saditi B: B: B: B: B: B: B: B:
*svtliti B: B:/C: B: B: B: C: C:
*sniti C:
*tajiti A<*B C: B: C:
*uiti C C C C C C C
*variti B: B: B: B: B:
*erbiti B: B:
In akavian, the old long A.p. c verbs yield A.p. B: in most cases via the su
s change. The verbs exempt of this are initi, gubiti and uiti in most dialects,
as in Neo-tokavian. However, the verb pustiti is often A.p. B: (but cf. A.p. B in
Tisno and Filipjakov and A.p. C in Matulji), which is not so frequent in Neo-
tokavian. Some dialects have A.p. B here, like Neo-tokavian. The dialects of
Filipjakov and Sunger act like tokavian (like they usually do) and preserve the
middle stage of A.p. C: in a few verbs. Some akavian dialects are much more
archaic and preserve A.p. C (or A.p. C:) in many forms, for instance the dialect
of Kukljica on Ugljan (cf. Beni 2011).
KAJK. Mahino Drinje Zabok tuparje Konjina
*aviti C C. C C C
*buditi C C. C C C
*cditi C C. C C C
*cniti B: C C
*initi C
*dliti C C. C. C C
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

*diviti C B:
*druiti B. B: B: B: B:
*duriti B. B: A A C
*duiti C C C
*gasiti C C. C. B: C
*golsiti B.
*gorditi B: C. C/C.
*griti B: B: B:
*gubiti C C C C C
*kaditi C. B:/C ? C C
*krpiti B: B: B:
*lpiti B: C C B<*C
*mastiti B: C. B. C C
*mniti C
*miriti B. B: B: C C
*obvoliti B. B:/C B: C
*platiti C C C C C
*pustiti C C C C C
*saditi C C/C. C C C
*svtliti B: B: B:
*strliti C C
*tajiti C B: C
*uiti C C C C C
*variti B: B: C
*erbiti C
The original A.p. C reflex of the old long A.p. c is preserved in many verbs in
Kajkavian, especially well in Konjina and tuparje. However, there seems to
be quite a bit of the secondary change to A.p. B: as well by the su s
change (which is perhaps younger than and unrelated to the same process in
tokavian and akavian). Some words, like druiti, griti, krpiti, svtliti appear
to be always A.p. B: in Kajkavian,
which could perhaps be an old dialectal
4. Conclusion
The A.p. b1 yield A.p. B everywhere (both short and long). In Neo-tokavian,
the reflexes of the short A.p. b2 are either A.p. C or unreliable (mixed). In
Posavian, the short A.p. b2 most likely yields A.p. B but with a lot of secondary

Cf. the A.p. C of griti but A.p. B: of krpiti in Velika Rakovica (March 1981: 273).

shifts to A.p. C. In akavian, several dialects point to A.p. C as the reflex of the
short A.p. b2, Sunger perhaps points to A.p. B (with later massive shift to A.p.
C). In Kajkavian, both short and long A.p. b2 yield A.p. B. The long A.p. b2
reflected as A.p. C in Neo-tokavian originally but most of the verbs shifted to
A.p. B: later by the su s process. In Posavina, the regular reflex of the old
A.p. b2 is A.p. B:. In akavian, some dialects point to the old A.p. C as the reflex
of the A.p. b2, later changed by the su s change (in others, the data is
ambiguous). In Neo-tokavian, most dialects preserve the short A.p. c well. The
same goes for Posavina. In akavian, half of the dialects preserve it well, while
in others there are a lot of secondary shifts to A.p. B. In Kajkavian, only the
dialect of Mahino preserves A.p. c well. The long A.p. c yields regular A.p. C in
part of Posavina (Sie, Magi Mala) and Kajkavian in most cases. In Neo-
tokavian and akavian, it yields mostly A.p. B: by the su s process (not
including some exceptions which preserve the old A.p. C or A.p. C:).
5. The su s change
It has been long known that in most tokavian and akavian dialects the old
Proto-Slavic A.p. c with the etymologically long root vowel does not yield the
expected short A.p. C (e.g. suti - su as it is in Kajkavian and the most archaic
tokavian and akavian dialect
) but long A.p. B: (i.e. sti/suiti - s/su;.
The new s must derive from the older *s with the length reintroduced to
the root. The sequence of length and neo-acute was unstable and there was a
tendency to change the accentual paradigm to A.p. B: in order to stabilize the
length in the root (cf. the same applies to definite adjectives, where the old suh
*shi by analogy to suh and finally sh;. As already said, not all
tokavian and akavian dialects underwent this change, it did not operate (in
most cases) in Posavian villages of Sie and Magi Mala and in some akavian
dialects like Kukljica on the island of Ugljan. In the rest of tokavian and
akavian, there are usually four verbs which did not reintroduce the length to
the root uiti, initi, gubiti and pustiti (the latter later shifted to A.p. B in most
dialects). There are also a couple of words, like tajiti, which reintroduced the
length but did not shift to A.p. B: from A.p. C:.
The question is: where did the reintroduced length, the cause of the A.p. C
A.p. B: shift, come from? If one looks at the expected reflexes, one would
expect the following shortenings and preservation of length in A.p. c i-verbs.
The length would be shortened in the majority of forms in the infinitive suti,
the supine suit, the present tense from 2
sg. to 3
dual (su... su etc.), the

For the regular and expected shortening of the old long vowels in suti and su, cf. for
instance Kapovi 2005a: 93-95, 100-101. Pretonic length is always shortened in front of two or
more moras.
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

aorist 1
sg. (suh) and plural/dual (susmo... sue), the l-participle (sul...
sula or transformed sul... sula), most of the n-participle forms (f. and n.
suena, sueno and all the oblique forms), the imperative plural (sumo!,
sute!), the imperfect, in the f. and the oblique stems of the active present
participle and in some polysyllabic oblique forms of the active preterite
participle. However, in other forms, which were not so numerous, one would
expect the length of the root to be preserved in the 1
sg. of the present tense
(*suu), in the imperative sg. (2
s!, 3
, in the 2
and 3
sg. of the
aorist (sui), in the m. of the n-participle (*sn), in the m. of the
active present participle (*sue) and in the most forms of the active preterite
participle (*su, *s etc.)
. The question is how the majority of shortened
forms could reintroduce the length from just a few forms in which we expect
the retention of the old length. First of all, these forms were not the only ones
which had length. A role in the reintroduction of the length to verbs like suti,
gradti must have been played by the length in the root of the non-verbal forms
like the adjective suh, sha, suho, the noun sa, the nouns grd, gra, grda
etc. This is also part of the answer why the length was not reintroduced to initi,
gubiti, uiti, pustiti (note that all four of them have either -i- or -u- in the root!),
except for the fact that we are dealing with common, high frequency words.
There were simply no non-verbal forms of the same root that could have
influenced the verbs (the noun n is literary or rare in Croatian and the
adjective pust has no real semantic relation to pustiti). There is still the question
of how the forms with the length, which were in minority, influenced all the
other forms. The reintroduction of the length must have been slow. First, the
length was probably generalized in the whole of the imperative, spreading from
the singular (thus smo!, ste!). In this way, the length has become the mark
of the imperative in A.p. c (as it still is in some Kajkavian and akavian dialects,
see below). The same could have occurred in the aorist as well, the 2
and the
sg. persons being very frequent (the same kind of analogy probably occurred
in the A.p. b as well). When the length was once secured in the imperative and
the aorist (as well as in other forms, like 1
sg. of the present tense etc.), it could
have been introduced first to the infinitive (formally built from the same stem
as the imperative and aorist forms), then later to the present tense which caused
the whole verb to shift to A.p. B: (this is contradicted by Molise forms like dlt -
dlim, Piccoli & Sammartino 2000 here the infinitive root remained short in

Some other Slavic languages point to enclinomenon in these forms but there is no evidence
for that in Croatian.
At the very beginning, this kind of short/long alternation could have survived for some time
since it was synchronically impossible for length to occur before (as is still the rule in many
Kajkavian and akavian dialects) and in polysyllabic forms.

all accent types). A role was perhaps played by the reshuffled l-participles as
well. In tokavian and South akavian, the expected A.p. c forms (sul, sula,
sulo) were probably very early changed to the forms sul, sula, sulo
analogically to A.p. b verbs. It is possible that together with the new accent the
length was also introduced (the analogy of the imperative s! = mlt! could
have caused the appearance of the length in the new sl by analogy to
, which later helped in the overall generalization of the length in A.p. c.
In Kajkavian, where the A.p. B and A.p. C are distinguished in the l-participle as
well, this only strengthens the short/long difference in the infinitive/present
tense. When the l-participles of A.p. B and A.p. C collapsed together in
tokavian and South akavian, it was much easier for the short/long difference
in the infinitives to collapse as well (the infinitive in the A.p. B introduced its
length from the present tense).
This kind of scenario is not only imaginary. One can find concrete examples
of the same kind of development in some Kajkavian modern dialects as we shall
see. The long vowel in the imperative but a short vowel in the infinitive/present
tense is preserved in some akavian and Kajkavian dialects. We shall list just a
few examples, for more, see the verbs lists in this article and Kapovi 2008. Cf.
Filipjakov uti - ute - te! (in a couple of verbs)
, also in Kukljica
, in
Drinje this pattern is regular in A.p. C and has spread to the originally short
verbs as well: platt - platm - plt!, drobt - drobm - zdrb!, and the same is
true in Konjina: broji! < *broj! (A.p. B) but luovi! < *lv! (A.p. C) (by
analogy to *bd! etc.
). In the two Kajkavian dialects, the length has become a
mark of the A.p. C imperative
, spreading from sg. to pl. and from originally
long stems (like suiti, buditi) to originally short stems (like loviti, drobiti).
Sometimes, this long vowel from the imperative (backed up by other long

The length is not expected in the l-participles of the A.p. b as well, but there it could have
been reintroduced from the present tense (mlt etc.) without any problem. Another common
point of departure could have been the aorist if the original 2
sg. *mlt in A.p. b had been
changed analogically to *mlti by then (and thus the same as sui in A.p. c).
It is a pity that this dialect has developed kanovako duljenje, which has made its singular
forms irrelevant.
Beni 2011.
In Konjina, the old length in the imperative is seen only in *o since in other vowels (except
in *e for which there is no examples in A.p. C) the length difference disappeared due to
kanovako duljenje. Thus bdi! could be from both *bud! and *bd! But since the old * yields
u, while *o lengthened by kanovako duljenje yields , we see the difference in the vocalism in
the examples like poguosti! (A.p. C) and loi! (A.p. B) and thus we can reconstruct the
generalized long vowel in A.p. C imperative forms.
In that way, the rather complicated short/long alternation survived. In other dialects, it was
completely eliminated, either by generalizing the length everywhere (like in Neo-tokavian) or
by generalizing the shortness (like in Sie and Magi Mala).
Accentuation of i-verbs in Croatian dialects

forms, like suh, grd, budan and other verbal forms etc.) could spread to other
forms, like it did in the history of tokavian and akavian. These changes are
probably younger in the mentioned Kajkavian dialects and are just typological
parallels to the tokavian/akavian change (although we cannot be certain,
these changes might have begun a long time ago in Kajkavian as well). For
instance, cf. Konjina gradti and the secondary grditi < *grdti with the
introduction of the length. This is especially clearly seen in Drinje, where we see
different phases in the spread of the length in A.p. C:
1. inf.vut se - pres. vum se - imp. v se!, vte se! C
2. inf. gst - pres. gasm - imp. gs!, gste! C.
3. inf. zgrt - pres. zgrim - imp. zgr!, zgrte! B:
In the first phase, we see the inherited pattern (spread to the whole imperative
and to the imperative plural of course). In the second phase, the length is
reintroduced to the infinitive, the rule length in front of , shortness in front
of . In the third phase, the length is analogically transferred to the present tense
and the verb shifts to A.p. B in order to preserve it (because the sequence of is
not stable). Therefore today in Drinje one can see how the spread of the length
in tokavian/akavian could have operated (at least in some dialects). We can
show the supposed developments through phases like this:
1. *budti - *bud - *bd! - *budte! (also aor. *budx, *budi, pres. *buu etc.)
2. *budti - *bud - *bd! - *bdte! (*bdx, *budi)
3. *bdti - *bud - *bd! - *bdte! (*bdx, *budi) (cf. also adj. *budan)
4. *bdti - *bd - *bd! - *bdte!
5. *bdti - *bd - *bd! - *bdte! (also *budla *bdla, if not earlier)

The su s change occurred in almost all the examples in Neo-tokavian
and many akavian dialects. However, it is important to note that it has in
some cases occurred even in those dialects (Sie and Magi Mala, Kajkavian,
Kukljica) which preserve the original short A.p. C in many instances.
University of Zagreb

Of course, the introduction of length could have operated in a different way as well. It is
possible that it was different in different dialects and it is very likely that it did not occur at the
same time in all the dialects. According to Sergei L. Nikolaev (p.c.), in the Old Serbian
manuscript (NBKM 680) the infinitive of both A.p. B and A.p. C was short in many cases (as
well as the aorist except for the 2
and 3
person singular), while the su s change had
been mostly carried through in the old A.p. c by then (or the length was there on the root but
the accent was still on the thematic vowel). This case is very difficult to explain.

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