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The Christian bible as we know it is a hodge-podge mixture of contradictions, ill

given advice, impossible scenarios, garbled legends/myths and massive amounts of text
that make no sense at all. The jews who assembled and edited it borrowed liberally
from Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Arabic sources and more or less smashed it all
together to the long lasting detriment of the rest of the people of the earth!
It is not the purpose of this book to dissect the origin of the bible piece by piece. In
depth research on that topic has been done (and is readily available online) by such
diverse organizations as the Joy Of Satan, the Creativity Movement, American
Atheists and many posters at the website.
I compiled this book to show what the bible might have looked like had it been
written from Satans point of view. As Dr. Anton LaVey so truthfully pointed out in
his Satanic Bible, The Devil has never been given the opportunity, short of in fiction,
to speak. I felt it was long over due to present the ultimate anti-Satan book in a format that gives the Devil His due and puts the shoe on the other foot, so to speak.
Read on now, and learn how Satan would have explained his role in the wretched
bible of the jews if he had been in charge when Sunday School was in session!
The words attributed to Satan are in blue while those of the jewish jehovah/YHVH
are in gray.


The Reverend John Pirog. Satanic Coven Of the Dark Goat.

1. Since his lowly

beginning, jehovah/
YHVH, the god of the
vile jewish people,
sought to take possession of the heavens
and the earth. 2. The
earth was lush and
lovely with greenery,
unspoiled fields of
grain and crystal clear
waters. 3. And he became jealous of this,
the creation of Lord
Satan. 4. And on the
first day, he said, Let
there be drought in
these fertile lands!
And the farmlands

unclean particles, and began to feast upon

may all who breath it the productive creasuffer accordingly!
tures both insect and
8. On the fourth day, otherwise, and savage
fanged rodents
jehovah beheld the
many creatures of the brought great woe to
earth; the mammals, all creatures on land.

the reptiles, the amphibians, fowl, insects, arachnids and

the various creatures
of the waters. 9. And
he declared, These
creatures shall now
become infested with
parasites! 10. So
saying, destructive
and vile forms of life
began to plague the
became cursed as the helpless beasts. 11.
crops began to fail.
Internal worms feast5. On the second day, ed on the animals organs and blood and
jehovah declared,
airborne forms of pesMay the waters of
the seas become pol- tilence devoured both
beast and fields alike.
luted, and may the
life therein suffer ac- 12. The creatures of
the waters became infested with under6. On the third day,
jehovah saw that the
air was clean and
pure. 7. He then declared, Let the air become befouled with

water parasites that

drained their life
source. 13. Ground
dwelling breeds of insects previously unknown to the earth

14. On the fifth day,

jehovah saw the race
of humans that Lord
Satan had created,
and his jealous nature
was inflamed at their
intelligence and beauty.
15. I shall impregnate the woman with
my seed, he declared
from his throne in the
inferior heavens, 16.
and she shall give
birth to a son and
shall name him Abel.
17. His seed shall
give rise to those people who will be called
YHWDY, the hebrew /
jewish people of the
earth! 18. And Abel
became man, and
burned alive a ewe as
a sacrifice to his blood
thirsty god. 19. Abel
then went out into

then spread his seed

amongst the woman
folk by threat, force
and deception.

impregnated Lilith
with her first born
son. 27. She would
call him Cain. 28.
20. On the sixth day, And Cain went out injehovah took notice of to the land and found
a young couple by the the miserable rapist
name of Adam and Lil- Abel, and slew his vile
half brother. 29.
ith. 21. And he saw
that they were faithful Satan smiled upon
and devoted disciples Cain, His son, in apof Lord Satan, and
proval of the sacrifice
this did not sit well
he had made. 30.
with him. 22. I shall Greatly angered at
plant a poisonous tree this action, jehovah
in their midst!, the
then unleashed a torgod of Abel spoke, So rent of plagues and
that both the man and pestilence across the
woman shall surely
area in which the coudie terrible deaths!
ple dwelled. 31. The
fruit of the land, the
23. Now, Lord Satan
was especially fond of life giving water and
the young couple and the once pure air behis wrath grew against came unbearable, 32.
and the couple and all
jehovah. 24. Satan
then appeared in the the friendly beasts of
the area migrated
form of a serpent to
warn Adam and Lilith forth into other lands.
against the actions be- 33. And Satan made a
promise to always be
ing plotted by jehowith them even in
times of distress and
25. And they avoided
despair. 34. Their
the tree which greatly
days were sometimes
angered jehovah. 26.
long and arduous even
And Lord Satan then

as their nights were

fraught with worry for
the next day. 35. jehovah had polluted
and despoiled much of
the earth in his raging
fit of jealousy against
his betters. 36. Yet
despite all that had
been arrayed against
them, Adam and his
lineage planted and
farmed the fields,
raised and cared for
the beasts, 37. cleared
the thorns and thistles of jehovah
and irrigated the arid
lands so that rich
greenery could again
flourish. 38. Proud of
their toil and great capacity, Satan reached
out His protective
hand so that no enemy could bring them
harm. 39. Life once
more was healthy and
prosperous for the
Gentile race. 40. And
Satan smiled upon
them, his children.

The Flood and the story of


Satans Perspective

1. And it came to pass

that the seed of Cain
began to multiply on
the earth, and daughters were born unto
them. 2. The sons of
Satan/Cain saw the
daughters were alluring and erotic, and
with them did they
fornicate. 3. And jehovah stated, My
spirit is not with these
carnal creatures. 4.
There were great giants of men in those
days; and their offspring were conceived
in pleasure and lust.
5. And jehovah saw
the mighty ways of Satans folk and it repented him that Satan
had created them. 6.
And jehovah said, I
will destroy man
whom Satan has created from the face of the
earth; both humans
and beast; creeping
things, fowls of the
air, for it maketh me
bitter that Satan hath
created them! 7. But
Lord Satan had other
plans for the earth and

its creatures. 8. An elderly jew by the name

of Noah had, in the
meantime, found favor
in the eyes of jehovah.

Thou shall save only

the louse, the tick,
the common roach,
the rabid rodents,
mosquitoes, tapeworms, maggots and
9. And jehovah had
seen that his interfer- parasites, as only
ence was about to be
those beings proceed
thwarted by Satan.
from me. 16. All other
10. And he saw that
beasts, which are of
much of his past cor- use to the human race
ruption had been rem- and which proceed
edied by the children from Satan, shall be
of Enoch. 11. And he destroyed in the
said unto Noah, The flood. 17. Thus did
end of Satans race is Noah, according to all
come before me; for
jehovah had comthe earth is filled with manded him, do. 18.
beauty and grace.
Once Noah and his he12. Thou shalt cut
brew tribe of jehovah
down the lovely trees had sealed themselves
and force thy gentile
in the ark, the rain beservants to make thee gan to fall from the inan ark of the wood.
ferior heavens above.
13. It shall be three
19. But Lord Satan, in
hundred cubits long
his benevolence,
and height thirty cuwould not allow such a
bits. 14. And behold, dastardly thing to ocI , corrupt and vile as I cur.
am, bring a flood upon 20. The gushing flood
the earth to destroy
waters of jehovah's
all flesh of Cains seed heaven rained down
under my heavens,
toward the earth, but
and everything on
before a single drop
earth shall die. 15.

could reach the soil,

the hand of Lord

the power of Lord Satan triumphed once

again on earth. 27.
This was to be one of
many times that the
power of water would
be used against the
jews. 28. The seas,
rivers and lakes, and
all of their powers,
would ever be a mysterious enemy to the
people of jehovah. 29.
This would come to be
proven throughout the
span of their lamentable existence on earth.

ing, This shall not be

thine heir; but he that
shall come forth out of
Satan stretched out
thine own bowels shall
and gathered it as one
be thine heir. 5. And
source. 21. Centering
Abram then did shit
the torrent over the
out a load onto the
ark, Satan allowed the
dessert sands, and jewater to then rain
hovah/YHVH saw that
down. 22. The resultit was good. 6. And
ing flood within the
the mad jehovah/
ark greatly troubled
YHVH did command,
Noah, and his sons
This [is] my covenant,
Shem, Ham and Jawhich ye shall keep,
pheth, and even the
between me and you
parasites that were
and thy seed after
akin to them in spirit.
thee; Every man child
23. Noah and his heamong you shall be
brew kin cried out un- ***********************
circumcised. 8. And
to their god jehovah/ 1. Now, Abram was a
Abram did circumcise
YHVH, Lord God of Iswandering, lying jew
himself at that time,
rael, we implore thee!
who had found favor
and Lord Satan comSave us, your chilwith his god jehomandeth, 9. Let the
dren! 24. But the invah.
blood of this meddleferior god of the jews
some jew flow as a rivcould only stand by in To him, jehovah did
er! 10. And Abram did
helpless impotence as promise, I will give
bleed then and there
Lord Satan permitted this land to thee and
the flood to continue. thy seed forever. 3. until even the final
drop of his contamiAnd Abram being
25. And the vile jew
nated blood did come
childless said,
Noah and his putrid
out of his body. 11.
kin were then drowned Behold, to me thou
And thus endeth the
to the last person. 26. hast given no seed:
life of Abram, who
and, lo, one born in
And jehovah was left
would not live to be
to wail and gnash his my house is mine
heir. 4 And, behold, named Abraham.
teeth in frustration
the word of the LORD
and helplessness as
[came] unto him, say-

The Drowning Of the Jews by Satan
(Exodus, Joshua, Leviticus, Nehemiah)

1 Now these [are] the

names of the children
of the corrupt people
of israel, which came
into Egypt as locust
into a field ; every man
and his household
came with that kike
Jacob. 2 Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah,
3 Issachar, Zebulun,
and Benjamin, 4 Dan,
and Naphtali, Gad, and
Asher. 5 And all the
souls that came out of
the cursed loins of Jacob were seventy
souls: for Joseph was
in Egypt [already]. 6
And Lord Satan
smiled as Joseph died,
and all his brethren,
and all that generation. 7 And the children of israel were
fruitful, and increased
abundantly like cockroaches, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and
the land was plagued
with them. 8 Now
there arose up a new
king over Egypt, which
knew the ways of Joseph and his corrupt

9 And this king said
unto his people,
Behold, the people of
the children of israel
[are] more and mightier than we: 10 Come
on, let us deal wisely
with them; lest they
multiply, and it come
to pass, that, when
there falleth out any
war, they join also unto our enemies, and
fight against us, and
[so] get them up out of
the land. 11. And the
jewish children of jehovah were made to do
manual labor, and this
pleased them not. 12.
And the wise Pharaoh
charged all his people
saying, Every child of
the jews born shall be
cast into the river.

ture, she took for him

an ark of wood sealed
with a mass of fat from
a helpless animal that
had been slaughtered
earlier that day. 15.
And a daughter of the
Pharaoh came down to
wash herself at the river, 16. and the jewess,
fearing discovery,
then and there snuck
up upon the woman
and slew her with a
sharp rock to the
head. 17. And the
child which would
grow to be called Moses was thus floated
out onto the rivers
current. 18. And its
vile and deformed
presence made the
very river itself bubble
forth with corruption.

19. Moses grew to be a

13. And a woman who young man of the hewas of the tribe of Levi brew tribe, and jehogave birth to an
vah found favor with
exceedingly vile offhim.
spring and hid him
20. And jehovah/YHVH
away for the space of
spoke unto him and
three months. 14. And
declared, Ye are my
when she could no
longer hide the crea-

chosen man, Moses,

that ye may lead my
people to triumph
over the people of

spoke to Moses and

asked, What is that
in thine hand ? 27.
And Moses answered,
A rod

hovah became angry.

35. I will send
plagues upon the ungodly nation of
Egypt, the jealous
Satan, Cain and
god spake. 36. They
Enoch. 21. And Mo- 28. And jehovah
shall be cursed with
ses answered jehovah, spoke:
blood, frogs, lice, flies,
Who am I that I
Cast it on the
pestilence, boils upon
should go unto Pharground. 29. And it
aoh and that I should became a serpent and their flesh, hail, locust, darkness during
bring forth my fellow Moses fled before it.
the day, and finally
kikes out of Egypt ?
30. And Lord Satan
the death of their first
22. And jehovah re(who had hearkened to born children. 37.
sponded, Certainly, I this situation) then
Lord Satan again felt
will be with thee; and spoke in the voice of
the need to intervene
this shall be a token
the jewish god jehoand rescue his people.
unto thee. 23. And
38. The gentiles of the
ye shall say unto
31. Moses, pick up
lineage of Satan/Cain/
them, my name is, I
the snake by the tail! Enoch became
And Moses responded Be not afraid! 32. So aroused with anger
to jehovah, My lord, Moses grasped the tail against the jewish
of this, the servant of parasites in their
there is no rhyme or
Lord Satan, and was
reason to such babmidst. 39. And, with
ble! 25. And jehovah promptly struck by its the mighty assistance
poisonous bite. 33.
said moreover unto
of Lord Satan Himself,
Moses, I am the lord And then and there
they did round up all
leadgod of your fathers,
members of the Hethe god of the jewish er of the hebrew tribe brew tribe in that
perish in prolonged
parasites, hath sent
land. 40. And they
agony, even as great
me unto you, my
herded them together
amounts of salivated
name is for ever and
as the jews themmy memorial is a gift foam did from his
selves herded sheep to
Seeunto all thy generathe slaughter.
trantions of jews. 26.
spired, the inferior jeAnd the jewish god

41. And they told the

hebrew elders, Leave
by the way in which we
show ye, lest all of ye
shall drown in thine
own blood! 42. And
the jews did cry unto
jehovah, and he did
stand by helplessly
with folded hands. 43.
And the hebrew tribe
was then made to approach a river bed in
that area. 44. And
Lord Satan did part the
waters and call to the
jews in their native
language, 45. Go forth
and leave the land of
Egypt, never to return! 46. And the
jewish tribe did venture into the region in
which water once
flowed freely. 47. And
they took with them
the parasitical beasts
of that region. 48. And
once all the jews of
that tribe had been assembled into the river
bed, Lord Satan

the walls of water closing in quickly upon

them. 50. And they
screamed unto their
god of holiness,
Lord, lord, save us
from the wrath of the
gentiles and their
Lord! 51. But jehovah
could neither help nor
hinder their cause at
this point. 52. The
last sound the hebrew
tribesmen heard was
the laughter of Lord
Satan as the flood waters closed upon them
from all sides. 53. In
that day, all hebrews of
that region were exterminated by the mighty
hand of Lord Satan and
his followers. 54. And
Satan saw this was just
and proper, 55. and His
demons sang praise
and glory to His infernal name.
The Book Of Joshua

1. And jehovah/YHVH
released his hold on
spoke the words, "My
the waters of the river. servant Moses is dead.
49. And there was
Ye, Joshua, shall
wailing and gnashing of taketh his place. 2.
teeth as the jews saw

And Joshua and his

tribesmen went into
the land of Jericho,
and Joshua said unto
his men, "Truly the
LORD hath delivered
into our hands all the
land; for even all the
inhabitants of the
country do faint because of the stench of
us. We shall now move
upon them and take
for ourselves what is
theirs!" 3. And hearing of this, Lord Satan
would not let it happen
to the innocent people
of Jericho. 4. So the
people shouted when
[the priests] blew with
the trumpets: and it
came to pass, when the
people heard the sound
of the trumpet, and the
people shouted with a
great anger, that the
gate to the city was
opened by Satan Himself, 5. So that the people went up out of the
city, every man
straight before him,
and they took Joshua's
men by their throats. .

. 6. And they utterly

destroyed all of them
with the edge of the
sword. 7. But Joshua
had run away and gone
into the harlot's house
that he might take advantage of them. 8.
And the women therein
did take hold of Joshua
and did circumcise him
to the very root of his
Book Of Leviticus
1 And Lord Satan
called to His people
saying, 2 Go unto the
children of israel, and
say unto them, "If any
man of you sacrifice an
innocent animal to
your god jehovah/
YHVH, ye shall likewise
be offered up as a sacrifice!" 3 If his offering
[be] a burnt sacrifice of
the herd, let him be
bound to the door of
the tabernacle of the
congregation before the
his god and put to the
torch! 4 And he shall
put his hand upon the
head of the burnt offer-

ing; and its death shall

thereby be verified. 5
And he shall kill the
bullock before Lord Satan: and the priests
shall bring the blood,
and sprinkle the blood
round about upon the
synagogue altar that [is
by] the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. 6 And he shall
flay the burnt offering,
and cut it into his pieces. 7 And the priest
shall put fire upon the
altar, and lay the wood
in order upon the fire:
8 And the priests shall
lay the parts, the head,
and the fat, in order
upon the wood that [is]
on the fire which [is]
upon the altar: 9 But
his inwards and his
legs shall he wash in
water: and the priest
shall burn all on the altar, [to be] a burnt sacrifice, an offering made
by fire, of a sweet savior unto Lord Satan
and to profane jehovah/YHVH and if his
offering [be] of the rabbi or cantor, for a burnt

sacrifice; he shall bring

it to the synagogue .
11 And he shall kill it
on the side of the altar
northward before Lord
Satan: and the priests
shall sprinkle his blood
round about upon the
altar. 12 And he shall
cut it into his pieces,
with his head and his
fat: and the priest shall
lay them in order on
the wood that [is] on
the fire which [is] upon
the altar: 13 But he
shall wash the inwards
and the legs with water: and the priest shall
bring [it] all, and burn
[it] upon the altar: it
[is] a burnt sacrifice, an
offering made by fire,
of a sweet savior unto
Lord Satan, and to profane jehovah/YHVH. 14
And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to
Lord Satan [be] of a lay
jew 15 And the priest
shall bring it unto the
altar, and wring off his
head, and burn [it] on
the altar; and the blood
thereof shall be wrung
out at the side of the

out at the side of the altar: 16 And he shall

strip away his flesh upon the head, and cast it
beside the altar on the
east part, by the place of
the ashes: 17 And he
shall cleave it with the
arms thereof, [but] shall
not divide [it] asunder:
and the priest shall burn
it upon the altar, upon
the wood that [is] upon
the fire: it [is] a burnt
sacrifice, an offering
made by fire, of a sweet
savior unto Lord Satan
and to profane jehovah/
The Book Of Nehemiah
1. And the rest of the
people, the priests, all
they that had separated
themselves from the
people of god, their
wives, their sons, and
their daughters, every
one having knowledge,
and having understanding; 2. They clave to
their beliefs, and entered into an oath, to
walk in Satan's law,

which was given to the

ancient Egyptians within the reign of Set; 3.
And that we would not
give our daughters unto
the people of the right
hand path, nor take
their daughters for our
sons: 4. And [if] the
jews of the land bring
ware or any victuals to
sell, [that] we would not
buy it of them. 5. For
the magic and witchcraft that comes to us
from Satan, and for the
offerings we make, of
the Satanic sabbaths, of
the new moons, for the
set feasts, and for the
unholy [things], and for
the sins we commit in
the name of the Dark
Prince. 6. Also we give
over to Satan the
firstborn of our sons,
and of our cattle, as [it
is] written in the law,
and the firstlings of our
herds and of our flocks,
to bring to the house of
our Satan, unto the
priests that minister in
the house of our Dark
Prince: 7. And [that] we

should bring the first

fruits of our dough, and
our offerings, and the
fruit of all manner of
trees, of wine and of oil,
and indulge in them in
Satan's great name!

Psalms Of Satan

1. Blessed is the
person who walketh
with Lord Satan and
standeth in the company of the sinners
and the scornful. 2.
For Lord Satan
knoweth the way of
the right hand path:
but such shall perish!
3. Why do the kikes
rage ? The wise leaders of the earth have
set themselves apart
from the jewish god,

in Lord Satan. 8. A
Psalm of David, one of
the kike kings:
Jehovah, how they
increased that trouble
me! 9. I cried unto
thee, jehovah/YHVH, I
will be afraid of all
people that have set
themselves against
myself and thee!

10. Save me, my jewish god, for mine enemies, those of Lord
Satans lineage, have
4. And he who sitteth broken mine teeth!
11. Satan judgeth the
on the throne of Hell
right hand path and
shall laugh: Lord
the jews, and He is anSatan shall have them
gry with them every
in his unholy grasp.
day. 12. Arise, O Lord
5. Ask of me, and I
Satan, in thine anger,
shall give thee the ho- lift up Thyself because
ly ones for thine inof the rage of the holy
heritance, and the ut- ones! 13. and awake
most parts of the
for me the judgment
earth for thy possesthou hast commandsion. 6. Thou shalt ed! 14. Oh let the hobreak the holy ones
liness of the holy
with a rod of steel;
come to an end; 15.
thou shalt dash them but establish the wickin pieces like a bit of
ed: For we art thy uninsignificant pottery! holy servants!
7. Blessed are they
who place their trust

16. Behold! Jehovah

doth travel with mal-

ice in his heart toward

thee, Lord Satan
17. Behold, he travails
with falsehood and his
lies restrain the entire
population of the
earth. 18. The mischief of jehovah shall
return upon his own
head, and violent dealings shall befall him in
due time. 19. Jehovah hath commanded
the world to sing
praises to his name.
20. Yet his mouth is
full of cursing and deceit and fraud: under
his tongue is mischief
and vanity. 21. He
hath said in his heart,
Jehovah hath forsaken me, he has attained true wisdom.
22. But he who believeth unto jehovah
shall rot day by day.
23. For the oppression
of the poor and the
needy, now will I assuage, sayeth Lord Satan, I will set them in
safety from the vengeful jehovah.

24. Lord Satan, who

shall abide in Thy tabernacle ? Who shall
dwell in Thy unholy
hill ? 25. Preserve
me, oh Lord Satan, for
in Thee do I put my
trust. 26. I will bless
Lord Satan, who hath
given me counsel: My
instinct also instructs
me in the night seasons. 27. Therefore
my heart is glad, and
my glory rejoiceth: my
flesh shall also fornicate in grand manner!
28. For Thou, Lord Satan, will leave my soul
in Hell; neither wilt
Thou allow the holy
ones to advance upon
me. 29. At Thy Left
Hand art there pleasures evermore. 30.
Hear the Left Hand
Path followers , O
LORD SATAN, attend
unto mine wishes, 31.
give ear unto mine desires that cometh from
mine lips of desire!
Thou art my God and
my source of replenishing! Hold up my goings, so my footsteps

will slip not. 32. Keep

me as the forbidden
fruit of Thy eye, and
protect me with the
shadow of Thine wings!
33. From the pious,
that oppress me, my
deadly enemies, who
compass about: 34.
They are enclosed in
their own wretchedness: With their
mouths they speaks piously. 35. Arise, Lord
Satan! 36. Disappoint
the holy ones! 37.
Cast them down and
deliver my soul from
the pious! 38. I have
beheld Thy glorious
face during mine scrying rituals; 39. when I
awake, I walketh with
Thee, O mighty and
eternal King Of Hell!
40. And Satan shall
deliver me from the
hand of all of his enemies, 41. and from the
hand of the demon
Sidragrosm, and I declared, I will love
Thee, oh Lord Satan,
my strength!
42. Satan is my rock

and my fortress and

my deliverer, my God,
my strength, in whom
I will trust; my buckler, and the twin goat
horns of my salvation,
and the my high towers like unto the seven
towers of Satan!
43. For I have kept
the ways of Lord
Satan, and have not piously departed from
my Lord. 44. The law
of Satan is perfect,
converting the soul:
The testimony of the
Dark Goat is sure,
making wise the simple. 45. Remember all
thy offerings, and accept Thy sacrifices
from our hands. 46.
Some trust in jehovah;
others in gambling; but
we ill remember the
name of our Lord Satan. 47. Save us, Lord
Satan! And hear us
when we call to Thy
great name! 48. For
we art thine children,
students and friends
until the end of time.

58. He restoreth my
pride and leadeth me
49. For the wise
trusteth in Lord Satan, down the Left Hand
and through the mercy Path. 59. Yeah, though
I walk through the valof Him shall he be
ley of the shad-ow of
moved. 50.. Thou
the pious, I will fear
shalt placeth the hebrews into a fiery oven not jehovah nor his
people, for thou Lord
in the time of thine
Satan am with me! 60.
anger: 51. The Lord
Thou prepares a table
Satan shall swallow
them up in His wrath, before me for mine
52. And the fire shall indulgence: Thou
devour them. 53. Keep anointest my head
my sword with the
with the mark of the
spirit of the Dog, as
beast; my joy runneth
the Dog is the best
over. 61. Surely vitalifriend we have ever
ty and victory shall
had and is, moreover, follow me all the days
a gift from Lord Satan! of my life; and I will
54. Let the Lions
dwell in the palace of
mouth devour the
Hell forevermore! 62.
children of israel and Lift up thine hands in
rend them limb from
the eternal sign of the
limb; 55. and may the horns! 63. and the
horn of the mythical
Prince of Hell shall
Unicorn pierce their
come to thee! 64. The
flesh from end to end! meek he shall make
56. Satan is my leader; strong! 65. He shall
I shall not want. 57.
teach the sinners to
He maketh beds of
sin all the more! 66.
carnal lust on which I Judge me, oh Lord Samay lie; He leadeth me tan! For I have not sat
be-side life giving wa-

with those of feeble

intelligence! 67. I have
hated the congregation of the cursed
jehovah! 68. Gather
not my soul with the
god adorers, nor my
life with puny men.
69. Satan is my
strength and my
shield; and my heart
trusteth in Him! 70.
Praise Lord Satan, and
damn he that is called
jehovah/YHVH! 71.
Praise Satan for his
mighty acts; praise
Him for His excellent
greatness! 72. Praise
Him with song and
dance! 73. Praise Him
with loud cymbals,
with bands, with great
joy in thine heart! 74.
For He alone is Lord;
He alone is worthy of
worship! 75. Satan
liveth within the flesh
and minds of His
followers. 76. I bless
Him, I praise Him, I
adore Him, now and
forever more! 77.
Diabolus Vobiscum!


sown. 8. Hear ye the

word of jehovah, o
house of Jacob, and
the families of the
house of israel...." 9.
And his fellow jews
looked on with great
disdain, for who was
this lunatic and from
whence has he came ?
10. At that point, the
mighty jehovah had no
more words with which
to fill the mouth of
Jeremiah. 11. The
mob there assembled
began to mock him
and to gather stones.
12. Within the space of
ten minutes time, the
prophet Jeremiah had
been put to death by
the uncouth hebrew
mob that had gathered. 13. And jehovah
had neither the ability
nor the will to intervene. 14. So ended
the life of the prophet

1. Jehovah said to Jeremiah, "Before thou

was formed in the
womb, I knew thee. I
ordained thee a prophet unto the nations."
2. Jeremiah responded, "I am but a child
and cannot speak!" 3.
Jehovah replied, "Thou
shalt go to all I send
thee, and whatsoever I
command thee thou
shalt speak." 4. Then
jehovah put forth his
hand, and touched Jeremiah's mouth. 5. Jehovah then said,
"Behold, I have put
words in thy mouth."
6. Jeremiah made his
way to Jerusalem and
opened his mouth that
the words of jehovah/
YHVH may be spoken
to the multitudes. 7.
"Thus saith the lord, I
remember thee, the
kindness of thy youth,
the love of thine espousals, when thou
wentest after me in
1 Now it came to pass
the wilderness, in a
in the thirtieth year,
land that was not

in the fourth [month],

in the fifth [day] of the
month, 2. as Ezekiel
consumed even forty
mushrooms of the
field, 3. In the fifth
[day] of the month,
which [was] the fifth
year of king Jehoiachin's captivity, 4.
The word of jehovah/
YWVH came expressly
unto Ezekiel the
priest, the son of Buzi,
in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the hand of jehovah/YHVH was there
upon him. 5. And he
looked, and, behold, a
whirlwind came out of
the north, a great
cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a
brightness [was] about
it, and out of the midst
thereof as the color of
amber, out of the
midst of the fire. 6.
Also out of the midst
thereof came] the likeness of four living
creatures. And this
[was] their appearance;
they had the likeness

7. And every one had

four faces, and every
one had four wings. 8.
And their feet [were]
straight feet; and the
sole of their feet [was]
like the sole of a calf's
foot: and they sparkled like the color of
burnished brass. 9.
And [they had] the
hands of a man under
their wings on their
four sides; and they
four had their faces
and their wings. 10.
Their wings [were]
joined one to another;
they turned not when
they went; they went
every one straight forward. 11. As for the
likeness of their faces,
they four had the face
of a man, and the face
of a lion, on the right
side: and they four had
the face of an ox on
the left side; they four
also had the face of an
eagle. 12. Thus [were]
their faces: and their
wings [were] stretched
upward; two [wings] of
every one [were] joined

one to another, and

two covered their bodies. 13. And they went
every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they
went; [and] they
turned not when they
went. 14. As for the
likeness of the living
creatures, their appearance [was] like
burning coals of fire,
[and] like the appearance of lamps: it went
up and down among
the living creatures;
and the fire was
bright, and out of the
fire went forth lightning. 15. And the living creatures ran and
returned as the appearance of a flash of
lightning. 16. Now as
he beheld the living
creatures, behold one
wheel upon the earth
by the living creatures, with his four
faces. 17. The appearance of the wheels and
their work [was] like
unto the color of a beryl: and they four had

one likeness: and their

appearance and their
work [was] as it were a
wheel in the middle of
a wheel. 18. When
they went, they went
upon their four sides:
[and] they turned not
when they went. 19
As for their rings, they
were so high that they
were dreadful; and
their rings [were] full
of eyes round about
them four. 20. Seeing
this, Ezekiel declared
in a loud voice, "Yea,
verily, I shall follow
thee visions into the
heavens. 21. So saying, he leapt out from
the cliff on whose edge
he had been standing.
22. And he did fall
like a rock to the
ground below, and
great clouds of silt and
sand did rise to greet
him upon his arrival.
23. And thus did end
the life of the great
prophet Ezekiel.
1. The vision of .

YHVH to the jewish
people; Arise ye, and
let us rise up against
the people of Satan in
battle. 2 Behold, I
have made thee small
among Satan's people,
just as I am small in
comparison to his
greatness: thou art
greatly despised, just
as the world despiseth
me for my iniquities.
3 I hath deceived thee,
thou that dwellest in
the clefts of the rock,
whose habitation [is]
high; that saith in his
heart, Who shall bring
me down to the
ground? 4 I exalt myself as the eagle, and
though thou set my
nest among the stars,
thence will they bring
me down, saith jehovah/YHVH. 5 I come
as a band of thieves
came to thee, as robbers by night, (how art
thou cut off!) would I
not have stolen till
they had enough? 6
How are [the things]

searched out! [how] are

his hidden things
sought up! 7. The men
that were at peace
have been by thee deceived. 8 Shall I not
in that day even destroy the wise [men]
out of all nations, and
understanding out of
the minds of the people ? 9 And thy
mighty [men] shall be
dismayed, to the end
that every one of the
Gentiles may be cut off
by slaughter. 10 For
[thy] violence, cowardice and deception shall
cover thee, and thou
shalt be cut off for ever. 11 For the day of
the jehovah/YHWH [is]
near upon all the people of Satan: as I will
it, it shall be done unto them. 12. For as
ye have become drunk
upon my holy mountain, [so] shall all the
Gentiles of Satan be
deprived of their own
life giving substances.
13. But upon mount
Zion shall be the tri-

umph of the jews, and

there shall be holiness;
and the jews shall possess the possessions of
all the people of the
earth. 15. And the
house of Satan shall be
a fire, and the house of
Cain a flame, and the
house of Enoch for
stubble, and they shall
kindle in them, and
devour them; and
there shall not be [any]
remaining of the house
of Satan; for I hath
spoken [it]. 16. And
the jews shall possess
the mountains and the
plains; 17. And they
shall possess the fields
of grain and the orchards. 17. And the
children of israel [shall
possess] that of the
White, Black, Brown,
Yellow and Red races.
18. And saviors shall
come up on mount Zion to judge even the
entire earth itself; and
the kingdom shall be
only for myself, jehovah, and the jews for
all time.

The Book of Nahum

1 The burden of Humankind. 2. Jehovah/
YVHA [is] jealous, and
he revengeth; Jehovah/
YHVH will take vengeance on his adversaries,
and he reserveth [wrath]
for his enemies. 3. Jehovah [is] quick to anger, and reckless in
power, and causeth
great trouble for the
peoples of the world. 4.
He urgeth the sea, as it
drowns his people, and
cheers the rivers as
they flow over the landscape. 5 The mountains laugh at him, as
do the hills, and the
earth is angered at his
presence, yea, the
world, and all that dwell
therein. 6. Who can
assuage his indignation? and who can
abide in the fierceness
of his anger? His fury is
poured out as that of a
spoiled child, and the
rocks are thrown down
by him. 7 Jehovah [is]
vengeful, and he
leadeth astray them
that trust in him. 8 But

with an overrunning
storm of fire, Satan will
make an utter end of
the empty heavens, and
Prince of Darkness shall
pursue his enemies. 9
What do ye imagine
against Lord Satan? he
will make an utter end:
the affliction of god
shall not rise up the second time. 10. Behold
upon the mountains the
feet of him that bringeth infernal tidings,
that publisheth peace!
O Satan, keep thy indulgent feasts, perform
thy deeds: for the pious
shall no more pass
through thee; they are
utterly cut off.

Typical fate of a prophet of jehovah/

Proverbs Of the Demons

The Proverbs Of the Demons Of Hell

1 The proverbs of the demons of the pit; 2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; 3. To understand
a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their
dark sayings. 4. The study of Satan the beginning of knowledge:
[but] right hand path fools despise wisdom and instruction. 5. My
son, hear the instruction of thy father Satan, and forsake not the
law of thy mother Ishtar: 6. My son, if right hand pathers entice
thee, consent thou not. 7. But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall
dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of god. 8. For Lord Satan
giveth wisdom: out of his mouth [cometh] knowledge and understanding. 9. To deliver thee unto the strange woman, [even] to the
stranger [which] flattereth with her words; 10. But the holy flock
shall be cut off from the earth, and the god adorers shall be rooted
out of it.

The Gospels Of the Apostles Of

the Bastard jesus christ

Hoc est Corpus Jesu Christi.

1 The book of the generation of jesus

christ, the bastard
son of Mary, the son
of the deceiver Abraham. 2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac
begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and
his brethren; 3 And
Judas begat Phares
and Zara of Thamar;
and Phares begat
Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; 4 And
Aram begat Aminadab;
and Aminadab begat
Naasson; and Naasson
begat Salmon; 5 And
Salmon begat Booz of
Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and
Obed begat Jesse; 6
And Jesse begat David
the king; and David
the king begat Solomon of her [that had
been the wife] of
Urias; 7 And Solomon
begat Roboam; and
Roboam begat Abia;
and Abia begat Asa; 8
And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat
begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; 9

And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz
begat Ezekias; 10
And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses
begat Amon; and
Amon begat Josias;
11 And Josias begat
Jechonias and his
brethren, 12 And after
they were brought to
Babylon, Jechonias
begat Salathiel; and
Salathiel begat Zorobabel; 13 And Zorobabel begat Abiud; and
Abiud begat Eliakim;
and Eliakim begat
Azor; 14 And Azor begat Sadoc; and Sadoc
begat Achim; and
Achim begat Eliud;
15 And Eliud begat
Eleazar; and Eleazar
begat Matthan; and
Matthan begat Jacob;
16 And Jacob begat
Joseph the husband
of Mary, who was not
the father of jesus (as
it was the foul jehovah who had impregnated her!)So all the
generations from
Abraham to David

[are] fourteen
wretched generations
of worthless jews; and
from David [are] fourteen equally wretched
generations of dirty
kikes; and unto Christ
[are] yet fourteen
more generations flea
bitten generations of
rabble rousers. 18
Now the birth of jesus
christ was on this
wise: When as his
mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found
with child of the jehovah/YHVH. 19 Then
Joseph her husband,
being a just [man],
and not willing to appear with her in public, was minded to put
her away privily. 20
But while he thought
on these things, behold, the angel of jehovah/YHVH appeared unto him in a
dream, and lied, saying, Joseph, thou son
of David, fear not to
take unto thee Mary
thy wife: for that

come unto thee Mary

thy wife: for that
which is conceived in
her is of thy seed. 21
And she shall bring
forth your son, and
thou shalt call him jesus, king of the jews:
for he shall save you
with his righteousness! 22. Now all this
was done, that it
might be fulfilled
which was spoken by
the degenerate prophet, saying, 23 Behold,
a diseased hag shall
be with child, and
shall bring forth a
bastard son, and the
Gentiles shall curse
his name. 24 Then
Joseph being raised
from sleep did go out
into the barn and fornicate with the cow
therein, rather than
touch the foul Mary.
25 And he remained
free of infection because he knew her not;
and she had brought
forth her firstborn son:
and he became the
lord only of fraud and
deception! 26. And in

those days the crazed

lunatic John the Baptist was preaching in
the slums of Judea.
27. And he was saying,
"Repent ye, for the
kingdom of heaven is
at hand! I am a lone
voice crying in the
slums, prepare ye the
way of
jehovah!" 28. And the
same John had his raiment of filthy hair
from a rabid jackal,
and a soiled girdle
about his loins; and he
ate locust, dessert rats
and rancid honey. 29.
Then he went into Jerusalem, preaching the
poisonous gospel of
1. I, a servant of
Satan, called to be an
apostle, separated unto the infernal gospel
of which we have received grace and
apostleship, for obedience to the faith

among all nations, for

His name. 2. Among
whom are ye also
called by Satan. 3. To
all that be on earth,
Satan called to be His
disciples: Victory to
you and peace from
Satan our Father and
the mighty demons of
the palace of Hell. 4.
First, I thank Satan
that my faith is spoken of throughout the
whole world. 5. For
Satan is my witness,
whom I serve with my
body and mind, that
without ceasing I
make mention of in
my thoughts and fantasies. 6. Making request, if by any means
now at length I might
have a prosperous
journey by the will of
Lord Satan. 7. For I
long to see you, that I
may impart unto you
some of the Satanic
wisdom to the end ye
may be established. 8.
For I am not ashamed
of the gospel of Satan,
for it is the power of
Him that brings us salvation from piety!

Incineration Of the Manger

ehold, a diseased
hag shall be with
child, and shall bring
forth a mixed and bastard offspring, and the
world shall rue the day
of his conception! 2.
Ye shall call him Rex
Servorum, the king of
the slaves!
3. In the sixth
month, Satan did the
demon Andras to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a diseased hag
pledged to be married
to a man named Joseph, a descendant of
David. 4. The hag's
name was Mary. 5.
The demon went to
her and said,
"Greetings, ye who are
of the lowest blood!
Your bastard child
shall be slain, as will
all those in its despicable presence, lest ye
abort it!"
6. Mary was greatly
troubled at his words
and wondered what
kind of greeting this
might be. 7. But Andras said to her, "Be

afraid, Mary, you are

not in the good graces
of Lord Satan! 8. You
are with a child who
shall corrupt and pollute all the peoples of
the earth with false
teachings! 9. He shall
be reviled and looked
upon with great contempt! The reign of
his followers will
mark the darkest passage in the history of
mankind! 10. Yet, his
time shall be but
brief; the Kingdom of
Lord Satan shall never end!"
11."How will this
be", Mary answered
Andras, "as my cunt is
overflowing with disease and no man will
touch me ?"
12. The demon answered, "The vile holy
spirit of jehovah has
come upon ye,
and the bilious sickness of him has overcome even thine own
wretchedness. 13. So
the cursed one to be
born will be called the

son of jehovah. 14.

For nothing beautiful
or worthwhile can
come from the jewish
15. "I am jehovah's
servant," Mary answered. "I shall therefore give birth to his
son in defiance of
your Satan." 16. Andras then spit in her
direction and left.
17. And it came to
pass in those days,
that there went out a
decree from Caesar
Augustus, that all the
world should be taxed.
18. And this taxing
was first made when
Cyrenius was governor
of Syria. 19. And all
went to be taxed, every one into his own
city. 20. And Joseph
also went up from Galilee, out from the city
of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of
David, which is called
Bethlehem; to be
taxed with his wife,
his degenerate wife
Mary, being obese with

the rancid fruit of her

womb. 21. And so it
was, that, while they
were there, the days
were accomplished
that she should be delivered.
22. And she
brought forth her bastard son, and wrapped
him in swaddling
clothes stained with
animal feces, and laid
him in a filthy manger; because there was
no room for untouchable creatures such as
herself in the inn.
23. And there were
in the same country
shepherds abiding in
the field, keeping
watch over their flock
by night. 24. And, lo,
the demon Andras of
Lord Satan came upon them, and the glory of His Infernal Majesty shone round
about them by night.
25. And, lo, the demon Andras of Lord
Satan came upon
them, and the glory of
His Infernal Majesty
shone round about


said one to another,

"Let us now go even
26. And the demon said unto them, unto Bethlehem, and
"Hearken! For, behold, see this thing which
I bring you warnings is come to pass,
which the demons of
of what is to come,
which shall be to all Hell hath made
known unto us."
people. 27. For in
32. And they came
this region is born
this day in the city of with haste, and found
David a pariah, which the diseased Mary,
is a false 'christ.' 28. and Joseph, and the
stinking babe lying in
And this [shall be] a
the manger. 33. They
sign unto you; Ye
fell to their knees and
shall find the babe
worshipped the son of
wrapped in dung
jehovah, and Lord Sastained swaddling
tan's wrath was kinclothes, lying in a
dled by their disobedimanger. 29. Go ye
ence. 34. Satan sent
now to this location
and slay the bastard His demon Andras to
Earth once more to
seed lest it spread!"
30. And suddenly
utterly destroy the
there was with the de- shameful event.
mon a multitude of
35. When Andras
the minions of Hell
came upon the
praising Satan, and
manger he cried out
saying, Glory to Satan to one of the shepin the highest, and on herds, "Hearken! Lord
earth lust, indulgence Satan has spoken!
and truth toward men. Take ye the beasts
31. And it came to
pass, as the demons
were gone away from
them into the palace
of Hell, the shepherds

from this manger and

depart from the cursed one and her bastard child, lest ye die
with them come!"

in the purging fire

that is to come!" 37.
And the shepherd
heard the words of the
demon and gathered
the sheep, ox and ass
and took them out of
the manger ahead of
the wrath of Satan.
38. Mary, Joseph
and the other shepherds mocked and
laughed at him even
as the wrath of Hell
rumbled across upon
the midnight sky. 39.
Once he and the
beasts had fled into
the surrounding land,
however, great sounds
came forth from the
blackened clouds
above. 40. While the
heavenly god jehovah
watched in helpless
dismay, a single lightning bolt flew from the
hand of Andras himself and struck the
manger with great

rections as the
48. Hail Satan!"
screams of jehovah's
chosen filled the night
An Epistle Of Warnair. 42. Andras then
ing To the Gentiles
proclaimed for all who
had ears to hear: "And 1. Think not that the
power of jehovah/
ye shall see that Lord
YHVH and the jews
Satan struck them all
was broken in its
dead that were in the
entirety on that
night. 2. Though an
43. Seeing this
inferior and meddlegreat and fierce deed
some spirit, jehofrom the distance, the
lone shepherd who
like the very people
had hearkened to the
warnings of the demon he represented, was
Andras rose his hands very devious and tenacious like a rat and
in the sign of the
horns and proclaimed, ruthless like the hor44. "Glory to thee, oh net! 3. Through his
guile and deceitful
mighty and eternal
Lord Satan! Unto us ways he created and
placed another christ
this night, thy glory
has been shown! 45. on the earth to plague
and despoil the GenOn this night, the
tile folk of that day.
child who had been
4. As it is written in
born has now been
consumed by thy fire! the Al Jilwah, howev46. What is of jehovah er, Satan is always
present to help us in
is corrupt, vile and
putrid! What springs our time of need, 5.
from thine Kingdom is And this he did do for
us yet again.
strong, truthful and

41. Flames of
bright orange and cinlasting. 47. Glory to
ders of charred holy
thee, oh God of gods!
flesh spread in all di-

Christ Speaks To

witness against his own

Deceive the Gentiles

infamy, and jesus the false reign of Satan lasteth for-

And seeing the

multitudes of various
people as they gazed
at him with suspicion,
he went up into a
mountain: and when
he was set, they gathered to hear him

christ then began to speak ever! 14. Fortunate are


Kingdom of Hell and the

the truth: 8. "Blessed are

we jews that ye gentiles

you gentiles who are poor

are merciful, for we shall

in spirit, for you are ours

exploit thy mercy for our

to fleece! 9. Blessed are

own gain! 15. The so

we when ye mourn, for we called 'prophets of god'

And he opened shall take full advantage

are charlatans! 16. Jeho-

his mouth, and taught

of your sorrow! 10.

vah art an unstable spirit

them, saying, 3 Blessed

Blessed are we when ye

of the lowest kind, and I

[are] the poor in spirit: for are meek, for we shall intheirs is the kingdom of

herit thy bounty! Blessed

heaven. 4 Blessed [are]

are we when ye are pure of

they that mourn: for they

heart, for we shall rob you

shall be comforted. 5

of all your earthly posses-

Blessed [are] the meek: for sions! 11. Blessed are the
they shall inherit the

jewish instigators, for

am his sickly and vile son!

17. The gentiles


among the crowd

were greatly moved
by these words and
moved against the

earth. 6. But at this point, they shall reap the profits

false christ. 18. Sa-

Lord Satan heard the lies

tan then moved the

that come with war! 12.

being taught for truth and The kingdom of heaven is

one called christ to

could take no more! 7.

a hebraic lie which we

Satan then opened the

have used to deceive ye!

mouth of jesus, that he

13. Heaven and earth

the true God of this

may compelled to bear

shall pass away, but the

earth by proclaiming,

confess the name of

19. True Father,

which art in Hell, glory to thy name! 20.
Thy kingdom is come
and thy will is done,
on earth as it is in
thy infernal realm!
21. Grant that the
Gentiles may be
awakened to thine unholy truth, and forgive them for trusting
in the false jehovah,
22. and lead them into victory against thy
enemies on earth and
in heaven. Amen!
23. Amidst the angry
shouts of the crowd,
jesus and his handful
of followers made a

hasty retreat unto the hill. 6. And christ did

then say to Satan, 7.
dessert. 24. Satan
If thou art truly the
mighty Prince of Darklaughed and flew as a
ness, command the
stones before you to
dark raven into the
turn to bread, so that I
arid land toward his
may eat! 8. But Satan replied calmly, Is
fated encounter with
it not written in your
scriptures that man
the false christ.
does not live by bread
alone ? Art thou not
the fulfillment of the
scriptures of thy fa1. Jesus and the disci- ther in heaven ? 9.
ples dared not return Jesus then attempted
to the village from
to trick Satan by rewhence they came, 2. plying, 10. But thou
And so they meanart said to be all powdered in the arid des- erful and mighty! 11.
sert in a quest for sus- If Moses were able to
tenance. 3. And it was cause water to flow
while they walked that from a stone, surely
the verily dehydrated thou can do the same
messiah of the jews
so that I may quench
proclaimed, 4. And so my lingering thirst!
it is like unto the days 12. But Satan replied
of Moses, whereby the to him, 13. You adprophecy of the jews
mit that I am all powcoming to redemption erful, yet your own
via the dessert shall
scriptures instruct
be fulfilled! 5. And on that the Lord should
the fortieth day, when not be tempted. Art
jesus could take no
thou not familiar with
more, he beheld Satan thine own doctrine, oh
standing atop a small pious one ? Must I in-

thine own doctrine, oh

pious one ? Must I instruct thee on even
this much ? 14. Miserable trickster! How
darest thou attempt to
outsmart the mighty
Dark Goat, the Prince
of Hell, with thine puny mind ? 15. Thou
teacheth that thou art
sent by the most high
to redeem man, yet
thou cannot even
findeth water in the
dessert, as even the
smallest of creatures
that survive out here
are capable ? 16. And
thou art said to be the
personification and
pinnacle of human
kind ? Vile wretch!
17. Thou hast created
thine own woes,
brought forth thine
own problems, and
this ye shall continue
to do all the days of
thine existence! 18.
Truly, I say unto thee,
ye are a waste of time
and of the very air ye
breath! 19. Get thee
behind me, oh foul off
spring of the putrid jehovah/YHVH! 20.

Thou art a pestilence

upon the minds of
men just as surely as
locust are a plague to
the crops! 21. Cursed
be thee and thy races
of dessert wandering
savages for all time!
22. At that point, jesus vainly tossed a
stone toward Satan,
but the Prince of Hell
merely laughed before
fading from view.

the lake by the power

of thine holy spirit ?
5. And jesus spake in
a stern voice, Oh, ye
of little faith! Ye with
a heart as that of the
Pharisees that blasphemeth upon the
name of god almighty!
6. I shall sufferth to
walk on the waters
surface, lest ye be
damned to the Devils
lair for thy iniquity toward the son of man!

7. And with those

words, jesus christ did
begin to climb over
1. It happened that
the side of the wooden
jesus and his discishipping boat. 8. But
ples Peter and a young the mighty demon of
man from the village
the waters, Dagon,
were fishing on the
heard his idle boast
lake in the evening
and rose from the
hours. 2. And jesus
depths to make the
did preach the ways of man called christ acjehovah unto them.
count for his words.
Verily, verily, I say
9. And at that mounto thee; I shall
ment, the waters bemaketh thee fishers of gan to churn with
mens souls. 3. But
great vigor. 10. And
the young man bechrist declared in a
lieved him not and
hoarse voice, Yea, it
asked if him, 4. If
is by my deeds that
thou art lord, can
thou shalt know the
thou walketh across
god of the heavens!
Jesus and the Fishers
Of Men

11. Dagon then caused

a swell to rise across
the lakes surface, and
it did strike the small
boat with great force.
12. And the christman tumbled as a bit
of gravel from a
hillside, and did pierce
the surface of the torrid waters. 13. There
was then much wailing
and gnashing of teeth
as jesus cried unto his
disciples, Thy god,
thy god am I! Why
hast thou forsaken
me ? 14. And Peter
and the young man
did manage to drag
the humiliated savior
aboard the boat once
more. 15. And in the
lapping and ebb of the
waves against the side
of the boat could be
heard the laughter of
the demon Dagon.

Bethany, the town of

Mary and her sister
Martha. 2 (It was
[that] Mary which
anointed the Lord
with the menstrual
blood of her flow, and
wiped his feet with
her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick.)
3 Therefore his sisters
sent unto him, saying,
Lord, behold, he
whom thou lovest is
sick. 4 When Jesus
heard [that], he said,
"This sickness is not
unto death." 5 Now
Jesus loved not Martha, nor her sister, nor
Lazarus, yet if he
could revive the dead,
jesus would then be
worshipped as lord on

ly dead. 8 [His] disciples say unto him,

Master, the Gentiles of
late sought to stone
thee; and goest thou
thither again? 9 Jesus answered, "Are
there not twelve hours
in the day? If any man
walk in the day, he
stumbleth not, because he seeth the
light of this world. 10
But if a man walk in
the night, he stumbleth, because there is
no light in him." 11.
And the disciples
made sense of this
not, yet neither did
they question their
lord. 12. Then when
Jesus came, he found
that Lazarus had lain
stinking in the grave
6 When he had heard four days already. 13
therefore that he was Now Bethany was nigh
unto Jerusalem, about
sick, he abode two
days still in the same fifteen furlongs off:
14. And many of the
The True Story Of Laz- place where he was. 7
Jews came to Martha
arus and the Resurrec- Then after that saith
and Mary, to comfort
he to [his] disciples,
tion From the Tomb
Let us go into Judaea them concerning their
1. 1 Now a certain
brother. 15. Then
again, as the man
[man] was sick,
Martha, as soon as she
which thinkest he is
[named] Lazarus, of
my friend is now sure- heard that Jesus was

heard that Jesus was

coming, went and met
him: but Mary sat
[still] in the house.
16. Then said Martha
unto Jesus, Lord, if
thou hadst been here,
my brother had not
died. 17. But I know,
that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of
jehovah, he will give
to thee. 18. Jesus
saith unto her, Thy
brother shall rise
again. 19. Martha
saith unto him, I know
that he shall rise again
in the resurrection at
the last day. 20. Jesus lied unto her, "I
am the resurrection,
and the life: he that
believeth in me,
though he were dead,
yet shall he live: 21.
And whosoever liveth
and believeth in me
shall never die. Believes thou this? 22.
She saith unto him,
"Yea, Lord: I believe
that thou art the
Christ, the Son of
God, which should
come into the world.",

though she understood not one bit of

what he had just stated. 23. And when she
had so said, she went
her way, and called
Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master
is come, and calleth
for thee.
24. When Jesus therefore saw Mary weeping, and the jews also
weeping which came
with her, he groaned
in the spirit, as he realized he would now
be required to prove
his worthiness. 25.
And said, "Where have
ye laid him?" They
said unto him, Lord,
come and see. 26. Jesus wept, for now he
knew he could not fulfill his empty promise.
27. Then said the
Jews, "Behold how he
loved him!" 28. And
some of them said,
"Could not this man,
which opened the eyes
of the blind, have
caused that even this
man should not have
died?" 29. Jesus

therefore again groaning in himself cometh

to the grave. It was a
cave, and a stone lay
upon it. 30. Some of
the jews removed the
stone as jesus stood
mute watch. 31. Martha, the sister of him
that was dead, saith
unto him, Lord, by
this time he stinketh:
for he hath been [dead]
four days. 32. Jesus
said nothing but only
looked at the ground.
33. Then they took
away the stone [from
the place] where the
dead was laid, and the
stench that came
forth was as vile as
that of the false lord
himself. 34. And jesus
lifted up [his] eyes,
and said, "Father, hast
thou not heard me ?"
35. In a vain effort to
save face, he cried
with a loud voice,
"Lazarus, come forth."
36. And the hollow
echo of his voice from
the tomb mocked his
crass impotence. 37.
It was then that the

demon Bifrons did hear

the voice of the false
messiah and resolved
to fulfill his wish. 38.
And he that was dead
came forth, bound
hand and foot with
grave clothes: and his
face was bound about
with a napkin. 39.
Clumps of rotten flesh
and viscera fell from
the decomposing frame
as the reanimated
corpse of Lazarus staggered slowly forward
toward the false
'christ.' 40. The jews
stood in awe at the
sight before them and
were unable to either
move nor speak. 41.
Bifrons then opened
the mouth of the
corpse , and it declared
to jesus: "Thou, thou
meddling fool!
Thinkest thou that any
good thing would come
from the raising of the
corrupted dead ?" 42.
And at that same moment in time, jesus did
turn around and run
out of fear for his life
toward a nearby

mound of dirt. 43.

And Mary and Martha
did curse bitterly at
their false messiah as
the jews in the ground
laughed with scorn.
44. And once the spectacle had been witnessed by all, Bifrons
withdrew his hold from
the rotting corpse, and
it did collapse motionless once more. 45
Then many of the jews
which came to Mary,
and had seen the
things which jesus had
done, believed him to
be of unsound character. 46 And some of
them went their ways
to the Pharisees, and
told them what things
jesus had done.

same year, said unto

them, "Ye know nothing at all, 50 Consider now that it is expedient for us, that one
unbalanced man
should die for the
jews, and that the
whole nation of israel
shall regard us as saviors unto them." 51
And this spake he not
of himself: but being
high priest that year,
he prophesied that jesus should die for that
nation; 52 And not for
that nation only, but
that also he should
gather together in one
the children of jehovah
that were scattered
abroad. 53 Then from
that day forth they
47 Then gathered the took counsel together
for to put him to
chief priests and the
death. 54 Jesus therePharisees a council,
and said, "What do we? fore walked no more
for this man is not of openly among the ela sane mind. 48 If we ders; but went thence
unto a ghetto, a city
let him thus alone,
called Ephraim, and
there is no telling
what he may do." 49 there continued with
his dwindling disciples.
And one of them,
[named] Caiaphas, be- 55 And the jews' passoing the high priest that ver was nigh at hand:

and many went out of

the country up to Jerusalem before the
passover, to purify
themselves. 56 Then
sought they for jesus,
and spake among
themselves, as they
stood in the temple,
What think ye, that
he will not come to
the feast? 57 Now
both the chief priests
and the Pharisees had
given a commandment, that, if any man
knew where he were,
he should shew [it],
that they might take
1. When jesus discovered that the high
priests and village elders sought to execute
him, he was greatly
troubled. 2. He sought
first to have Peter take
his place. 3. "Peter if
ye love me and believeth unto me, thou
shall weareth my garments and tell the
high priests, 'I am he
whom ye seek; I am jesus christ the king of

the jews!' 4. In this

way, the high priests
will deliver thee unto
death and spare my
own life so that I may
still preach the ways
of our father jehovah!", but Peter refused. 5. He then
sought to have Thomas take his place as
'christ' on the cross,
but Thomas also
turned him away. 6.
Lastly, he went to Judas and propositioned
that he disguise himself as the 'king of the
jews' and thereby relieve him of the burden of death. 7. But
jesus knew not at that
time that Judas had
already arranged his
betrayal for the price
of thirty pieces of silver. 8. As the soldiers
came forth to arrest
jesus, he cried out in a
loud voice, "Verily,
verily, I say unto ye
that I shall be denied
three times this day
before the cock
crows!" 9. And although no crow was

heard, the soldiers

bound the hands of jesus and took him away
to the council. 10.
And the former apostles of the self proclaimed 'christ' then
went their ways.
1 Jesus made his appearance before Pontius Pilate the governor. 2. And Pilate did
look upon him with
great disdain. 3 Then
Judas, which had betrayed him, when he
saw that he was condemned, rejoiced himself, and held the thirty pieces of silver in
his hands with great
relish. 4 Saying, "I
have done a fine deed
in that I have delivered an unbalanced
and dangerous self
proclaimed 'prophet.' "
5. And Jesus stood before the governor: and
the governor asked
him, saying, Art thou
the King of the Jews?
And Jesus said unto
him, "Thou sayest." 6.
And Martha, the sister

of Lazarus, then
stepped forward from
the crowd and declared, "Sir, this man
saith unto me "I am
the resurrection, and
the life", and my sister
and I did believe in
him, until he caused
my family great sorrow and shame by his
disgraceful actions at
the tomb of my brother!" 7. And then both
Peter and Thomas did
speak up to the council
and told them of his
despicable cowardice.
8. And to these accusations, he answered
nothing. 9. Then said
Pilate unto him,
"Hearest thou not how
many things they witness against thee?"
10. And he answered
him to never a word;
insomuch that the governor marveled greatly
at his feeblemindedness.
11. Now at [that] feast
the governor was wont
to release unto the
people a prisoner,

whom they would. 12.

And they had then a
notable prisoner, called
Barabbas. 13. Therefore when they were
gathered together, Pilate said unto them,
"Whom will ye that I
release unto you? Barabbas, or the lunatic
jesus which is called
christ?" 14. The crowd
yelled in unison,
"Barabbas!" 15. Pilate
saith unto them, What
shall I do then with Jesus which is called
Christ? [They] all say
unto him, "Let him be
crucified!" 23 And the
governor agreed wholeheartedly and himself
cheered, "Let him be
crucified!" 24 When Pilate saw the unclean
(both physically and
mentally speaking)
state of the self proclaimed 'christ', and
washed [his] hands before the multitude, saying, "I wash my hands
of the foul presence of
this bit of flotsam!" 25
Then answered all the
people, "Let his foul

presence be taken
away from us!" 26
Then released he Barabbas unto them: and
when he had scourged
jesus, he delivered
[him] to be crucified.
27 Then the Roman
soldiers of the governor
took jesus into the
common hall, and gathered unto him the
whole band [of soldiers]. 28 And they
stripped him, and put
on him a scarlet robe.
29 And when they had
platted a crown of
thorns, they put [it] upon his head, and a reed
in his right hand: and
they bowed the knee
before him, and
mocked him, saying,
Hail, King of the jews!
30 And they spit upon
him, and took the reed,
and smote him on the
head. 31 And after
that they had mocked
him, they took the
robe off from him, and
put his own raiment on
him, and led him away
to crucify [him]. 32
And the false christ did

then and there beg for

mercy and deny his
god: "I beseech thee,
fellow jews and good
Romans! I deny that I
am the savior! What I
spoketh before was an
untruth! I am but a
man like every last
one of you!" But they
heard him not. 33.
And when they were
come unto a place
called Golgotha, that is
to say, a place of a
skull, 34 They gave
him vinegar to drink
mingled with gall: and
when he had tasted
[thereof], he would not
drink. 35 And they
crucified him, and
burned his reeking garments. 36 And sitting
down they watched
him there; 37 And set
up over his head his
accusation written,
38 Then were there
two thieves crucified
with him, one on the
right hand, and another on the left. 39 And
they that passed by re-

viled him, wagging

their heads, 40 And
saying, "Thou that destroyest the temple,
and buildest [it] in
three days, save thyself. If thou be the
Son of God, come
down from the cross."
41. And jesus again
implored, "Verily, I say
again unto ye! I am
not the savior! I am
but a jew as are some
of you who hear my
voice! Release me
from the cross, I beg
thee!" 42. But the
crowd, neither Gentile
nor jew, paid his cries
no heed. 43 "He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he
will have him: for he
said, I am the Son of
God." 44 The thieves
also, which were crucified with him, cast the
same in his teeth. 45
And jehovah/YHVH
watched helplessly
throughout as he was
unable to decide a
course of action. 46
And about the ninth
hour Jesus cried with

a loud voice, saying,

"Eli, Eli, lama
sabachthani?" that is
to say, My God, my
God, why hast thou
forsaken me? 47 And
yet again, a third time,
jesus denied his past
claims of being the
messiah to the masses:
"I implore thee, I beg
thee with all my heart!
Release me from this
cross! I am but a man,
not the son of god, not
the savior! My
'miracles' were but
trickery! My prophecies were mere mouthings! I am mortal, and
I fear death! I ask
with contrite heart, let
me down and I shall
never more breathe a
word salvation!" 48 .
Jesus, when he had
cried again with a loud
voice, yielded up the
ghost. 49. And, at
that very moment, a
cock crowed in the distance. 50 And Satan
did laugh mightily as
the false christ was
banished to the molten
pits once more!

51 And, behold, the

veil of the temple was
rent in twain from the
top to the bottom; and
the earth did quake,
and the rocks rent
from the force of his
diabolical mirth. 52
And the graves were
opened; and many
bodies of the saints
therein burst into
flames in front of the
very multitudes, 53
And the earth swallowed up the remains
as the graves closed
yet again. 54 Now
when the centurion,
and they that were
with him, watching jesus, saw the earthquake, and those
things that were done,
they said: "Truly this
was a mad imposter
to the throne of god!"
55 And many were
there beholding afar
off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, cursing unto him: 56.
"Thou art a false
prophet and a failure
amongst men! " 57.
When the even was

come, there came a

rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph,
who once himself was
Jesus' disciple: 58 He
went to Pilate, and
asked for the body of
Jesus. Then Pilate
commanded the body
to be delivered. 59
And when Joseph had
taken the body, he
wrapped it in a horse's
blanket, 60 And laid it
in his own new tomb,
which he had hewn
out in the rock: and he
rolled a great stone to
the door of the sepulcher, and departed.
61 And there two
women guards from
the village sitting over
against the sepulcher.
62 Now the next day,
that followed the day
of the preparation, the
chief priests and Pharisees came together
unto Pilate, 63 Saying, "Sir, we remember
that that deceiver
said, while he was yet
alive, After three days
I will rise again. 64
Command therefore

that the sepulcher be

made sure until the
third day, lest his disciples come by night,
and steal him away,
and say unto the people, He is risen from
the dead." 65 Pilate
said unto them, "Ye
have a watch: go your
way, make [it] as sure
as ye can." 66 So they
went, and made the
sepulcher sure, sealing
the stone, and setting
a watch.
1 In the end of the
sabbath, as it began to
dawn toward the first
[day] of the week,
came the two women
who had previously
guarded the tomb to
see the sepulcher. 2
They then discovered
that christ's tomb had
been opened by parties
unknown. 3. And they
gazed upon the already decaying remains of the fallen jesus who would be
christ, and saw that
colonies of small black

beetles had already begun to strip away the

rancid meat from its
torso. 4. Rats of gray
matted fur chewed at
the bones of the feet
as a large brown vulture pecked at the remaining flesh of the
corpse's face. 5. And
the women saw that
this was good, and using the strength of
their bodies, they did
roll the stone back into place, leaving an
opening large enough
through which the vulture could exit.
6. And thus ended the
days of jesus the


less, take the side of

the jew, and these I do
Satan's Revelation
hate! 8. Behold, I will
Chapter One.
make them of the synagogue of jehovah,
1. The Revelation
which say they are
of Lord Satan to His
people. 2. And I come Gentiles but take the
side of the jew; beto you with words of
what is to be, words to hold, I will make them
to come and worship
which the wise shall
before thy feet, and to
take heed. 3. There
are many great events, know that I have loved
and many terrible
events, that will come
9. And I, Satan's
to be, and about which servant, beheld four
the Gentile people
beasts. 10. And the
need be aware. 4.
first beast [was] like a
Now, jehovah/YHVH is goat, and the second
afoot, and his people, beast like a snake, and
the jews, shall seek to the third beast had a
do ye great harm. 5.
face as a man, and the
Many will die on from fourth beast [was] like
their actions, and suf- a peacock. 10. And
fering will be the word the four beasts had
of the day when they great knowledge and
take power.
ability, saying, "Ave,

"Thou art worthy, O

Lord Satan, to receive
glory and honour and
power: for thou hast
created all things,
and for thy pleasure
they are and were created."
Revelation, Chapter

1 And I saw in the

left hand of him that
sat on the throne a
book written within
and on the backside,
sealed with seven
seals. 2. And I saw the
demon Marchosias
proclaiming with a
loud voice, "Who is
worthy to open the
book, and to loose the
seals thereof?" 3. And
no man in Hell, nor in
earth, neither in the
inferior heavens, was
Ave, Ave, Almighty
6. But hearken to
able to open the book,
Satan's words, as
neither to look therewas,
those jews, and even
on. 4. And I wept
their god, shall be
much, because no man
called to account for
was found worthy to
their ways. 7. There
open and to read the
are also those among
book, neither to look
ye who, while being of
thereon. 5. And the
thine blood, nonethe- ever and ever,12.
Goat saith unto me,

10. And when he had

opened the third seal,
I heard the third beast
say, "Come and see."
And I beheld, and lo a
black horse; and the
demon Maat, she that
sat on him, had a pair
of balances in his
hand. 11. And when
he had opened the
fourth seal, I heard
the voice of the peacock say, "Come and
see." 12. And I
looked, and behold a
white horse: and it
was the feared demon
Andras that sat on
him , and power was
given unto him over
the fourth part of the
earth, to kill with
sword, and with hunger, and with death,
those who deny Satan.
13. And when he had
opened the fifth seal, I
saw under the altar
the souls of them that
were slain for the word
Sidragrosm who sat
of Satan, and for the
thereon to place lust
testimony which they
upon the earth, and
held: 14. And they
that they should forni- cried with a loud
cate with one another. voice, saying, "How
"Weep not: behold, I
shall open the seven
seals and reveal
things of great wonder to thee." 6. And I
saw when the Goat
opened one of the
seals, and I heard, as
it were the noise of
thunder, and he said
unto me, "Come and
see." 7. And I saw,
and behold a blue
horse: and the demon
Ose sat on him had a
bow; and a crown was
given unto him: and
he went forth to
spread the word of Almighty Satan and to
put delusions into the
minds of the holy
ones. 8. And when he
had opened the second
seal, I heard the snake
say, "Come and see."
9. And there went out
another horse [that
was] red: and [power]
was given to

long, O Rex Infernus,

dost thou not judge
and avenge our blood
on them that dwell on
the earth?" 15. And
black robes were given
unto every one of
them; and it was said
unto them, that they
should rest yet for a
little season, until
their fellow servants
also and their brethren, that should be
killed as they [were],
should be fulfilled.
16. And I beheld when
he had opened the
sixth seal, and, lo,
there was a great
earthquake; and the
demon Khil had
caused this to be so.
Revelations Chapter
1. And after these
things I saw four demons standing on the
four corners of the
earth, holding them
fast that the earth
may be secured. 2
And I saw the demon
Hael ascending from
the east, having the

incense, [which came]

with the wishes of the
beloved, ascended before Satan out of the
demon's hand. 8. And
Crocell took the censer, and filled it with
fire of the altar, and
cast [it] into the earth:
and there were voices,
and thunderings, and
lightnings, and an
earthquake followed
by great sea waves. 9.
And the seven demons
which had the seven
trumpets prepared
themselves to sound.
10. The first demon,
Glasya-Labolas, sounded, and there followed
hail and fire mingled
with blood, and the
6. And the demon- jews in that area were
ess Crocell came and
burnt up.
stood at the altar, hav11. And the second
ing a golden censer;
demon, known as
and there was given
Halpas, sounded, and
unto her much incense, that she should as it were a great
offer [it] with the wish- mountain burning
es and wills of all peo- with fire was cast into
ple of Satan upon the the sea of galilee: and
black altar which was the jews in that area
before the throne. 7. were thereby drowned.
And the smoke of the 12. And the third dehaving the seal of Lord
Satan: and he cried
with a loud voice to
the four demons, to
whom it was given to
protect the earth and
the sea, 3. Saying,
"Hurt not the earth,
neither the sea, nor
the trees, till we have
sealed the servants of
our Lord Satan in
their loins." 4. And
when he had opened
the seventh seal, there
was silence in Hell
about the space of half
an hour. 5. And I saw
the seven Demons
which stood before Satan; and to them were
given seven trumpets.

mon Malphas sounded,

and there fell a great
star from heaven,
burning as it were a
lamp, and it fell upon
the sea and broke into
many sections. 13.
And the fourth demon
Raum then sounded,
and the sun was magnified. 14. And the
jews beneath it were
roasted as though in
an oven.
15. And I beheld,
and heard the demon
Sabnack flying
through the midst of
heaven, saying with a
loud voice, Woe, woe,
woe, to the inhabiters
of the heavens by reason of the other voices
of the trumpet of the
three demons, which
are yet to sound!
Revelations Chapter
1 And the fifth demon,
named Bifrons, sounded, and a key to the
pit of the earth containing the remains of
all who had ever died

ever died was given to

him. 2 And he opened
the bottomless pit;
and there arose a
stench out of the pit,
as the smell of immense rot; 3 And
there came out of the
pit all of the corpses
both corrupt and fresh
which had ever been
laid therein. 4. And
the billions of corpses
were then piled five
hundred feet high
across the entire jewish area of the land of
Palestine; and those
jews were suffocated
and crushed under the
noisome burden! 5.
And the sixth demon
sounded, and I heard a
voice from the four
horns of the blackened
altar which is before
Satan, 6. saying to the
sixth demon, Vepar,
which had the trumpet, "Loose the four
demons which are
bound in the dead
sea." 7. And the four
demons were loosed,
which were prepared
to slay the jews. 8.

And these jews repented not of their murders, nor of their

'christ' curse, nor of
their usury nor their
thefts. 9. By these
three was the third
part of men killed, by
the fire, and by the
smoke, and by the
brimstone, which issued out of their
mouths. 10. And
there was war in Hell:
Beelzebub and his demons fought against
jehovah/YHVH; and
the right hand path
god fought with his
angels. 10. And prevailed not; neither was
their place found any
more in Hell. 11. And
the great jehovah/
YHVH was cast out,
the false god which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast
back into the heavens,
and his angels were
cast out with him. 11.
And I heard Abaddon
say in a loud voice
from Hell, "Now is
come salvation, and
strength, and the

kingdom of our Lord

Satan, and the power
of his people: for the
accuser of our brethren is cast down,
which accused them
before our dark Lord
day and night."
Revelations Chapter
1 And I stood upon
the sand of the sea,
and saw an angel rise
up out of the sea, and
upon his head were
hebrew letters of disrespect toward Satan
and His people. 2.
And the angel which I
saw was like unto an
enormous water roach;
deadly sharp teeth
flanked its jaws, and
large pinchers jutted
from its face. 3. And
those not of Satan
worshipped jehovah/
YHVH which gave power unto the sea angel.
4. And there was given
unto him a mouth to
speak holy lies. 5.
And he opened his
mouth in hatred
against Satan, to dis-

churches of christ;
honor his name, and
his Kingdom of Hell,
11. And its conand them that dwell in tents caused the housHell.
es of god to burst into
6. And it was given flames, 12. And the
unto him to make war black smoke from
with the demons, and them roared forth in
mockery of the heavto overcome them:
ens above. 13. And I
and power was given
him over all kindreds, heard Cthulu, the demon of the waters,
and tongues, and nations. 7. Here is wis- say, Thou art aldom: Let he who has mighty, O Lord Satan,
eyes to read mark this which art, and wast,
fact! The name of the and shalt be, because
thou hast judged
enemy people is
thus. 14. For they
YHWDY, the eternal
have shed the blood of
jew. 8. And GlasyaLabolas went out, and warlocks and witches,
poured out his vial up- and thou hast given
them blood to drink;
on the earth; and
for they are worthy.
there fell a noisome
and grievous sore up- 15. And I heard anothon the followers of je- er out of the altar say,
Even so, Lord Satan
hovah/YHVH, and
Almighty, true and
[upon] them which
worshipped his image. righteous [are] thy
9. And Halpas poured judgments. 16. And
Raum poured out his
out his vial upon the
sea; and every jew on vial upon the sun; and
a ship thereby died in power was given unto
him to scorch the jews
the sea. 10. And
and their allies with
Malphas poured out
fire. 17. And they
his vial upon the
were scorched with

great heat, and cursed

the name of Satan,
which hath power over
these plagues: and
they repented not to
give him glory. 18.
And Bifrons poured
out his vial upon the
seat of the jehovah/
YHVH; and his kingdom was full of darkness; 19. And Vepar
poured out his vial upon the land of the
West, and the jews of
great power therein
were struck down. 20.
And I saw three holy
spirits like great mosquitos [come] out of
the mouth of an angel,
and out of the mouth
of jehovah/YHVH. 21.
For they are the spirits of the holy god,
working miracles,
[which] go forth unto
the kings of the earth
and of the whole
world, to gather them
to the battle of that
great day of Almighty

jehovah/YHVH 28.
And upon her forehead
[was] a name written,
29. And I saw jehovah/
YHVH, and the water
roach angel, and the
kings of the earth, and
their armies, gathered
together to make war
against him that sat on
the infernal throne,
and against his army of
demons and followers.
30. Astaroth/Ishtar,
sibbling of Beelzebub,
did at this time come
forward. 31. And with
a might born of a devil's rage, she did cast a
great and sharpened
stone at the water
roach angel, and it did
break into one thousand vile and putrid
pieces before being en27. And the hag was tirely blown away by
arrayed in pale blue
the breath of Astaroth/
and golden colors, and Ishtar.
decked with hebrew
32. And Azazel did
characters and crucifix
now arise from the
medallions, having a
golden cup in her hand South and send a black
full of the holy water of hound of hell against
Mary, the mother of
22. And they gathered
together in front of the
seven great Zariahs.
23. And there were
voices, and thunders,
and lightning; and
there was a great
earthquake, such as
was not since men
were upon the earth,
so mighty an earthquake, [and] so great.
24. And there fell upon
the remaining jews and
their allies a great hail
of fiery meteors out of
Hell, : 25. And those
jews cursed Satan for
the plague thereof was
exceeding great. 26.
So the Goat carried me
away: and I saw a hag
sit upon a sickly yellow
colored beast, full of
names of holiness, and
possessing a golden halo of heaven.

the false god. 33. The

hound did attack the
hag Mary at once, tearing her eyes from the
skull before biting her
across the neck. 34.
And the hideous, lice
ridden head of the false
virgin was thereby severed from the pallid
and diseased body, 35.
and the hound did then
rend the corpse into
pieces that grew smaller with each attack,
until it completely disappeared as a vapor.
Revelations Chapter
1. And I then beheld jehovah/YHVH
and Satan as they
faced each other and
knew this was to be the
final battle between
the forces of truth, justice and bliss and
those forces of hypocrisy, piety and deceit.
2. And Lord Satan declared at long last, "I
have been through
enough, I have heard
enough and I have seen
enough! This shall not

enough! This shall not

go on further! 3. And
He roused all of the
power from His mind,
and even to the very
marrow of his veins,
And every bit of His entire being focused upon the goal, 4. And He
then gestured toward
jehovah/YHVH and declared: Thou art an
abomination and a
plague upon all that
which makes life itself
worthwhile! 5. Thou
art a scourge upon every productive form of
life on planet earth!

generations, too many

innocents! 10. Thou
art as a tumor; as an
abscess on the body of
time itself! 11. My patience hath run out! I
shall now deal with
thee as others less
kind would have done
so eons ago!

12. So saying, Lord

Satan then stretched
out his left arm and declared in a voice that
shook the very foundations of the galaxy itself: 13. Begone, thou
foul and rancid spirit
of all that doth cause
6. Every grace, eve- misery, want and afflicry chance at repenttion! 14. An unstoppaance hath been issued ble and never before
to ye, but ye heeded
witnessed stream of
me not! 7. I shall not fire emitted then and
tolerate thy foul pres- there from Lord Satan's
ence for even a mofinger, 15. and it hit jement longer! 8. So
hovah/YHVH with the
saying, Lord Satan
force of a trillion torstretched out his arm nados, times a trillion
and declared the folearthquakes, times a
lowing toward the jew- trillion wood land fires,
ish jehovah/YHVH: 9. times a trillion tsunaThou art an aberration mis, times a trillion
amongst the gods;
meteor showers; 16.
Thou hast been the
And jehovah/YHVH
bane of far too many
was struck with said

force then and there;

17. And jehovah/YHVH
went the way of his
bastard son and was
then utterly exterminated;
18. The flash and
echo of jehovah/
YHVH's demise and his
final, wretched scream
could be heard
throughout Hell, earth
and the inferior heavens. 19. And Lord Satan then smiled upon
his disciples both past
and present. 20. And
Caim, the seventh demon poured out his vial into the air; and
there came a great
voice from out of the
Gates of Hell, saying, It
is done.
21. Satan then declared, Come forth, all
ye that have believed
in me! 22. For I have
at last eliminated the
scourge of jehovah/
YHVH root and branch!
23. With no more jehovah to plague them and
no more jewish parasites in their midst,
the Gentile folk will

dwelleth within a folkish

community from that
point forward. 24.
And never more will
they be troubled or
disturbed by alien
forces once the events
I have set forth take
place. 25. May the
power and greatness of
our Lord Satan be with
His folk forever.
Diabolus Vobiscum

And jehovah/
YHVH went the
way of his bastard son and
was then
exterminated Revelations


29, 30, 31, 46.
45, 50.
35, 36, 37, 47, 49.






34, 35.


47, 49.




47, 49.




47, 49.






47, 49.




17, 46.


48, 49.

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