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1.Identificar a aplicao da lngua inglesa em processos de comunicao administrativa e empresarial. 2.Compreender o contedo de documentos escritos em lngua inglesa. 3. Identificar a utilizao da lngua inglesa na aplicao de negociao comercial com pases estrangeiros. 4. Reconhecer a lngua inglesa como diferencial em negociao com empresas estrangeiras e nos processos administrativos de exportao e importao.

1.Utilizar a lngua inglesa nas atividades administrativas e empresariais. 2. Comunicar-se em lngua inglesa. 3. Aplicar a lngua inglesa em processos de elaborao e interpretao de documentos. 4.Traduzir oralmente ou por escrito documentos em lngua inglesa. 5. Realizar negociaes em lngua inglesa por meio de documentos escritos ou comunicao oral. 6. Aplicar lngua inglesa nos processos administrativos.

1.Conscientizao sobre leitura e compreenso ( Skimming, scanning e seletividade). -Facilitadores de leitura : prediction, cognates, Repeated words, typographical evidences and use of dictionary Texts for comprehension. 2.Simple Present Tense (active and passive) 3.Simple Past Tense (active and passive) 4.Contextual Reference. Texts for comprehension. 5.Word Formation: Suffixes. Texts for comprehension 6.Word Formation: Prefixes. Texts for comprehension. 7.Simple Future Tense 8.Plural of nouns. Texts for comprehension 9.Comparison (Adjectives). Comparison of quantities (of the same type) 10.Comparison (Adverbs) .Texts for comprehension.

Carga horria: 50 horas/semestre



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O ato de ler ativa uma srie de aes na mente do leitor, por meio das quais ele extrai informaes. Essas aes so denominadas estratgias de leitura e, na sua maioria, passam despercebidas pela conscincia. Elas ocorrem simultaneamente, podendo ser mantidas, modificadas ou desenvolvidas durante a apropriao do contedo. Ao ler um texto qualquer, a mente da pessoa seleciona o que lhe interessa: nem tudo o que est escrito igualmente til. Escolhem-se alguns aspectos, chamados relevantes, ignoram-se outros, irrelevantes ou desinteressantes, e faz-se uma seleo, isto , presta-se a ateno aos aspectos que interessam, ou seja, queles sem os quais seria impossvel compreender o texto. So hipteses que o leitor levanta, antecipando informaes com base nas pistas que vai percebendo durante a leitura. Pode-se dizer que leitor eficiente aquele que: formula perguntas enquanto l e se mantm atento; seleciona ndices relevantes para a compreenso; supre os elementos ausentes, complementando informaes; antecipa fatos; critica o contedo; reformula hipteses; estabelece relaes com outros aspectos do conhecimento; transforma ou reconstri o texto lido; atribui intenes ao escritor. (adaptado de LEITURA - UM DESAFIO SEMPRE ATUAL, de Maria de Lurdes Kriegl)

Algumas estratgias: Skimming ou skim reading consiste em ler rapidamente em busca dos fatos principais ou a viso geral do assunto abordado. To skim em ingls significa correr os olhos ou passar os olhos por. A tcnica de skimming nos leva a ler um texto superficialmente. Utilizar esta tcnica significa que no precisamos ler cada sentena detalhadamente, mas sim passarmos os olhos por sobre o texto, lendo algumas frases aqui e ali, procurando reconhecer certas palavras e expresses que sirvam como dicas na obteno de informaes sobre o texto. Scanning consiste em localizar uma informao especifica no texto. Muito usado durante provas quando se procura a resposta parar uma questo especfica, por exemplo. To scan em Ingls significa examinar, sondar, explorar. O que faz um scanner? Uma varredura, no ?! Logo, com a tcnica de scanning voc ir fazer uma varredura do texto, procurando informaes especficas. Deduction (Deduo) Com o que uma frase est relacionada? Com quais palavras a palavra desconhecida parece estar relacionada? O que as palavras prximas da palavra desconhecida significam? Como a palavra desconhecida poderia estar relacionada a estas palavras? Part of Speech (Parte do Discurso) Em que parte do discurso est a palavra desconhecida? um verbo, substantivo, preposio, adjetivo, Ingls Instrumental Pgina 5

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expresso de tempo ou alguma outra coisa? Vocabulary Activation (Ativao de vocabulrio) Passando rapidamente os olhos pelo texto, a o que ele parece estar relacionado? O aspecto visual do texto d alguma dica? A publicao (livro, revista, etc) ou tipo de livro do alguma pista sobre o que o texto poderia ser? Quais palavras voc acha que pertenceriam a esta categoria de vocabulrio? Audience (Pblico) Para quem o texto foi escrito? Os leitores so pessoas na rea de negcios ou pblico geral? Adultos ou crianas? Saber quem o leitor vai influenciar o vocabulrio, estilo e tom do texto e ajuda voc a entender qual o objetivo do autor. Type of text (Tipo de texto) um relatrio, carta, artigo ou anncio? Isto tambm ajuda voc a perceber a meta do autor (para descrever, informar, explicar, persuadir e assim por diante) e o contedo geral do texto. Structure (Estrutura) A estrutura da maioria dos textos consiste numa introduo (o pargrafo de abertura, que antecede o assunto do texto), o corpo ou seo principal e, por ltimo, a concluso ou resumo. Entender a estrutura do texto pode ajud-lo a encontrar informaes com mais facilidade. Cognates (Cognatos) De 20 a 30% das palavras da lngua inglesa so cognatas em Portugus, ou seja, tais palavras tm uma origem comum: o Latim. Tais palavras so parecidas ou at mesmo iguais nas duas lnguas, possuindo o mesmo significado. Podemos citar como exemplo a palavra current, que significa corrente. De modo geral, podemos dizer que os cognatos abrem caminhos para a compreenso do texto e devem ser um recurso valioso a ser explorado. Lembramos ainda que os cognatos podem ser IGUAIS s palavras em Portugus (ex. resistor), MUITO PARECIDOS (ex. component, diagram, system, positive) ou apenas PARECIDOS (ex. connected). Typographical clues (Dicas tipogrficas) Veja quais so estes importantes elementos e habitue-se a tirar proveito deles ao ler um texto em ingls. negrito itlico sublinhado figuras, fotos, desenhos, quadros, tabelas, diagramas, grficos, logotipos, mapas smbolos: @, %, $, *, #, +, -, 32, pontuao: ( ), , !, ?, LETRAS MAISCULAS espaamento : novos pargrafos, novas partes

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EXERCISES 1) No trecho abaixo, assinalamos os cognatos com um fundo cinza para destac-los e facilitar a compreenso. Utilize o quadro abaixo do texto para escrever cinco informaes extradas deste texto: Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of Mechanical engineering, Electronic engineering, Computer engineering, Control engineering, and Systems Design engineering to create, design, and manufacture useful products. Due to development of fiber optics and other light technology, optical engineering and fiber optics are being integrated into the course and are replacing some electronics courses. The term mechatronics is defined as a multidisciplinary engineering system design, that is to say it rejects splitting engineering into separate disciplines. French standard NF E 01-010 gives the following definition: approach aiming at the synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics, control theory, and computer science within product design and manufacturing, in order to improve and/or optimize its functionality".

a b c d e

2) Skimming exercise: Leia os textos abaixo e escreva, em Portugus, as idias principais de cada um (no traduo!). Leve em conta as palavras cognatas, nomes prprios e nmeros, bem como o seu conhecimento prvio sobre o assunto. Ingls Instrumental Pgina 7

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a) The president of the United States refused to have electrical lighting in the White House when it first became commercially available because he considered it unsafe, preferring the known fire hazard of oil lamps to the mysterious dangers of electricity.

b) Did You Know? Did you know that Thomas Edison worked on electric car batteries in the early 1900s? He thought it would be the car of the future. His wife's favorite car to drive was a Detroit Electric. Today, Thomas Edison National Historical Park has three electric cars dating from 1908 to 1914.

c) Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. Radio-frequency identification comprises interrogators (also known as readers), and tags (also known as labels).

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Parte 1 - Contextualizao: A) Reflita sobre os questionamentos abaixo e em seguida redija um pargrafo em Portugus relatando suas reflexes: Quem escreve um Curriculum Vitae (CV)? Para que as pessoas escrevem um CV? Para quem as pessoas escrevem um CV? Por que pessoas lem um CV? Que informaes podem ser encontradas em um CV? Que linguagem utilizada? O CV segue algum padro especfico? Onde o CV circula? Que papel o CV ocupa na sociedade?

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B) Leia o texto extrado do site sobre CVs e em seguida assinale na lista mais abaixo as caractersticas importantes para um bom Curriculum Vitae. Faa isso tendo em mente a frase: Um bom Curriculum Vitae deve ser... How to write a CV
Colorado College's Career Center lists important points to consider when preparing an effective Curriculum Vitae. It should be:

Clear - well-organized and logical Concise - relevant and necessary Complete - includes everything you need Consistent - don't mix styles or fonts

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

atraente visualmente atual bem humorado claro completo conciso consistente extenso genrico

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

ilustrado inconsistente informal objetivo organizado resumido srio tradicional verdadeiro

CURRICULUM VITAE: Um currculo essencial para quem deseja conseguir um emprego. Deste modo, se voc desejar, poder aprender a formular um Curriculum Vitae em Ingls, a partir das orientaes dadas a seguir. Um Curriculum Vitae deve ter: a) INFORMAES PESSOAIS (Personal Information), incluindo nome completo (em letras maisculas), endereo residencial, endereo para correspondncia (se for diferente do residencial), nmero de telefone com cdigo, data de nascimento, nacionalidade, estado civil, emprego atual. b) EDUCAO E QUALIFICAES (Education and Qualifications), em ordem cronolgica. c) EXPERINCIA PROFISSIONAL (Professional Experience): destacar os empregos que possam favorecer o cargo para o qual voc est se candidatando. d) OUTROS (Others): Nesta parte voc pode informar sobre lnguas, cursos de Informtica, carteira de habilitao (dependendo do cargo), etc. e) REFERNCIAS (References): fornea pelo menos duas. A seguir preencha, em Ingls, o Curriculum Vitae com os seus dados: Ingls Instrumental Pgina 10

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CURRICULUM VITAE Reference:________________________________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________________ Marital Status: ________________________________________________________________ Present Occupation: ________________________________________________________________ EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ OTHER Languages:_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ REFERENCES 1) ______________________________________________________________ 2) ______________________________________________________________

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Parte 2 Mais exemplos de C. V. Modelo1

From: Ingls Instrumental Pgina 12

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Modelo 2
John Smith 234 Elm Street * Anytown, ST 12345 * 123-456-7890 * Summary Fifteen years experience installing, testing, upgrading, and maintaining electrical systems, including security and communications, in both residential and manufacturing environments Five years experience repairing and maintaining machinery, mechanical equipment, and buildings, working on plumbing, air conditioning and heating systems, and performing general carpentry and maintenance work in a manufacturing environment Six years experience as project lead / supervisor for a manufacturer of electronic racks and subassemblies Work Experience Factory Technician, NAME OF COMPANY, Anytown, ST 02/05 - 09/05 Assembled fixtures, sent parts to secondary operations, kept other assemblers supplied with parts and the production line moving Installation Technician, NAME OF COMPANY, Anytown, ST 08/03 - 02/05 Installed and serviced alarm, fire, card access, CCTV satellite and home theater systems Set up recording, control devices and taught clients how to operate them Maintenance Mechanic, NAME OF COMPANY, Anytown, ST 11/00 - 08/03 Installed, maintained, and made routine and emergency repairs to buildings, plumbing, machinery, and electrical systems for this manufacturer of auto parts Worked in accordance with OSHA standards and maintained OSHA and MSDS records Satellite Installer, NAME OF COMPANY, Anytown, ST 03/97 - 09/99 Installed, maintained, and repaired satellite systems in accordance with electrical codes and taught customers how to operate them Project Lead, NAME OF COMPANY, Anytown, ST 02/91 - 01/97 Project Lead for Acme Supercomputers, APC, Ericson and others for this manufacturer of electronic racks and subassemblies Scheduled and coordinated production, testing, troubleshooting and inspection in an ISO manufacturing environment Interviewed, hired, fired, and routinely supervised 15 assemblers Liaison between quality control, sales and engineering Always exceeded production and quality goals Education Became certified in electronics while in the United States Navy Completed approximately one year of college towards a degree in engineering Proficient in Windows XP, MS Word, MS Excel, Internet Explorer, Outlook, WordPerfect

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Completed on-the-job training classes in electronics, safety, tow motor, CPR, and First Aid

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Modelo 3





Name Address Telephone Fax E-mail Nationality Date of birth

[ SURNAME, other name(s) ] [ House number, street name, postcode, city, country ]

[ Day, month, year ]



Dates (from to) Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

[ Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting with the most recent. ]



Dates (from to) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Title of qualification awarded Level in national classification (if appropriate)

[ Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting with the most recent. ]

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Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.



[ Specify mother tongue ]


[ Specify language ] Reading skills Writing skills Verbal skills [ Indicate level: excellent, good, basic. ] [ Indicate level: excellent, good, basic. ] [ Indicate level: excellent, good, basic. ] [ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]




Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.




[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]

Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.




[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]

With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.




[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]

Music, writing, design, etc.




[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]

Competences not mentioned above.



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[ Include here any other information that may be relevant, for example contact persons, references, etc. ] [ List any attached annexes. ]


From: Parte 3 Levantamento das partes principais Tomando como ponto de partida as amostras de C.V. apresentadas, relacione abaixo juntamente com seu colega, as partes que os constituem.

Parte 4 Levantamento Lexical: Relacione abaixo as palavras chave de cada um dos trs modelos de Curriculum Vitae apresentados. Modelo 1

Modelo 2

Modelo 3

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Ingls Instrumental

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The cover letter should always be included when sending your resume or CV for a possible job interview. This letter of application serves the purpose or introducing you and asking for an interview. To the right of the letter, look for important notes concerning the layout of the letter signaled by a small number. Cover Letter Outline

(1) Begin your cover letter by placing your address first, followed by the address of the company you are writing to. (2) Use complete title and address; don't abbreviate. (3) Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring. (4) Always sign letters.
2520 Vista Avenue (1) Olympia, Washington 98501 April 19, 2001 Mr. Bob Trimm, Personnel Manager (2) Ideas Inc. 587 Lilly Road Dear Mr. Trimm: (3) Opening paragraph - Use one of the following to bring yourself to the attention of the reader and make clear what job you are applying for: A. B. C. D. Summarize the opening Name the opening Request an opening Question the availability of an opening

Middle paragraph(s)- Use one of the following in each of your middle paragraphs to provide the reader with plenty of reasons to invite you to an interview: A. B. C. D. E. F. Education Work experience Ability to work with others and/or alone Interest in your field Interest in the company Responsibilities in previous positions

Closing paragraph - Use the closing paragraph to ensure action on the part of the reader - The last paragraph needs to help ensure that action is Ingls Instrumental Pgina 19

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taken. You can ask for an interview appointment time, stating that you will be happy to come to the employer's office when convenient. Make it easy for the reader to follow-up by providing your telephone number and email address. Sincerely, Jos da Silva (4)

Useful Key Phrases: here are some useful key phrases to use in your own cover letters.

I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for... As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements. I would like to point out... immediately upon his return. During ...., I improved (furthered, extended, etc.) my knowledge of..., I look forward to an opportunity to speak with you in person. (OR to speak with you personally) Cover Letter: Example

2520 Vista Avenue Olympia, Washington 98501 April 19, 2001 Mr. Bob Trimm, Personnel Manager Importers Inc. 587 Lilly Road Dear Mr. Trimm: I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a Legal Assistant specializing in Port Regulatory Law, which appeared in the Seattle Times on Sunday, June 15. As you can see from my enclosed resume, my experience and qualifications match this position's requirements. I especially would like to point out that I graduated Cum Laude from The University of Tacoma and was hired directly upon graduation due to my expertise in port authority regulations. During the four years that I worked for Shoreman and Co., I furthered deepened my knowledge of the fast changing regulatory laws in our state. My employer also thought highly enough of my abilities to promote me to head legal researcher after my first year of employment. I look forward to an opportunity to personally discuss the position with you. I will call you within the next five days to arrange an interview. Sincerely, Jos da Silva Ingls Instrumental Pgina 20

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EXERCISE Escreva abaixo o esboo (draft) da cover letter referente ao seu prprio CV: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

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A seguir voc ler os resumos dos resultados obtidos no site para as palavras chave electronics technician, CNC technician ecomputer technician e aps isso dois dos quatro anncios em detalhes, nos quais voc dever observar as informaes sobre a empresa que est anunciando a vaga, a descrio da vaga, condies de trabalho, as habilidades do candidato, experincia exigida, salrio, etc. e completar o quadro com as semelhanas e diferenas entre eles.
CNC Technician Salary: 20k to 25k Location: West Midlands, Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield Job Type: Permanent Date Posted: 14-Jul-2010 16:14Add to My Shortlist CNC Technician Salary: 20k to 25k Hours: Monday to Friday (8am to 5pm) Job Summary: Responsible for programming, setting and running CNC machines. Professional Profile * Self-motivated * Ability to use own initiative * Flexible and Adaptable * Team Worker Skills Competent in setting and programming of CNC machines. Use of dimensional measuring instruments. Understanding of manufacturing drawings and tolerances.... Electro-Mechanical Technician Salary: 10.00 - 13.00 p hour Location: Camberley Job Type: Contract/Temp Date Posted: 16-Jul-2010 08:47Add to My Shortlist To build at component level through to sub-assemblies a wide range of electronic and electrical assemblies and systems, including surface mount and through-hole pcbs, power supplies, harnesses, motors and rack modules. The circuits are both digital and analogue. Align, fit, and assemble component parts, using hand tools, power tools, fixtures, templates, and microscopes. Inspect parts for surface defects. Install electrical.. Software Technician Salary: 18,000 - 20,000 Location: Telford Job Type: Permanent Date Posted: 19-Jul-2010 15:30Add to My Shortlist SOFTWARE TECHNICIAN TELFORD 18,000 - 20,000 We are pleased to be recruiting on behalf of a privately owned and successful technology company dealing Electronics Technician Salary: 16,500 - 20,500 Location: Bedworth, Coleshill, Nuneaton, Meriden, Berkswell, Kenilworth, Coventry, Solihull, Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, Lutterworth, Rugby, Daventry Job Type: Permanent Date Posted: 15-Jul-2010 00:00Add to My Shortlist Electronics Technician Due to exciting developments in our company history we are seeking to recruit a proven electronics technician to undertake diagnostic and repair of electronic devices. Working with some of the most up to date devices on the market you will be required to fault find down to board and or component level, utilising multi meters and oscilloscopes. You...

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CNC Technician
CNC Technician Salary: 20k to 25k Hours: Monday to Friday (8am to 5pm) Job Summary: Responsible for programming, setting and running CNC machines. Professional Profile * Self-motivated * Ability to use own initiative * Flexible and Adaptable * Team Worker Skills Competent in setting and programming of CNC machines. Use of dimensional measuring instruments. Understanding of manufacturing drawings and tolerances. Effective Communication and interpersonal skills. Good IT and keyboard skills. Key Experiences * Tooling manufacture. * Acramatic 2100 Control (Siemens). * Fanuc 18ti Control. * Turning and Milling machining. * Auto-CAD/CAM software. * Cutting tooling and Calculating of speeds and Feeds. * Working within a Quality System. * Coordinate measuring machine. Core Objective * Manufacture of tooling Jigs and Fixtures. * Manufacture of finished product to drawing. * Maintain output to the production schedule. * Maintain a Safe Working Environment. Key Tasks * Programming CNC turning and milling machines. * Supporting operators in the running and program proving on CNC machines. * Specifying and ordering of tooling and work holding. * Coordination of Heat Treatment process. Working Relationships * Responsible to the Production Manager. * Working with Design Engineer, Production Engineer, Machine operators and Toolmakers Interested applicants please forward a copy of your CV details to (Agy) Ingls Instrumental Pgina 23

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Electro-Mechanical Technician
Knowledge Requirements for: "Electro-Mechanical Technician" Mechanical Knowledge of machines and tools, including their designs, uses, repair, and maintenance. Engineering and Technology Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services. Production and Processing Knowledge of raw materials, production processes, quality control, costs, and other techniques for maximizing the effective manufacture of goods. Computers and Electronics Knowledge of techniques for the assembly of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including soldering and crimping. Ability Requirements for: "Electro-Mechanical Technician" Manual Dexterity The ability to keep your hand and arm steady and to quickly move your hand together with your arm, or your two hands to grasp, manipulate, or assemble objects. Near Vision The ability to see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer). Visualization The ability to imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts are moved or rearranged. Problem Sensitivity The ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a problem. Written Comprehension The ability to read and understand information and ideas presented in writing. Control Precision The ability to quickly and repeatedly adjust the controls of a machine or a vehicle to exact positions. Written Expression The ability to communicate information and ideas in writing so others will understand. Job Activities for: "Electro-Mechanical Technician" Handling and Moving Objects Using hands and arms in handling, installing, positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things. Controlling Machines and Processes Using either control mechanisms or direct physical activity to operate machines or processes (not including computers or vehicles). Getting Information Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources. Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings Monitoring and reviewing information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess problems. Documenting/Recording Information Entering, transcribing, recording, storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form. Due to the high volumes of applications we are currently receiving, unfortunately we are only able to contact candidates who are successful in progressing to the next stage. If you have not been contacted within 7 days of your application, then please presume that you have not been successful on this occasion.

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Complete o quadro abaixo com as semelhanas e diferenas entre os dois anncios de emprego: Semelhanas (Similarities)

Diferenas (Differences )

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Email is much less formal than a written letter. Emails are usually short and concise. If you are writing to someone you don't know, a simple "Hello" is adequate. Using a salutation such as "Dear Mr Smith," is too formal. When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person. Use abbreviated verb forms (He's, We're, He'd, etc.) Include a telephone number to the signature of the email. This will give the recipient the chance to telephone if necessary. It is not necessary to include your email address as the recipient can just reply to the email. When replying eliminate all the information that is not necessary. Only leave the sections of text that are related to your reply. This will save your reader time when reading your email. Example 1: Formal Hello, I read on your web site that you offer Music CD copying for large quantities of CDs. I'd like to inquire about the procedures involved in these services. Are the files transferred online, or are the titles sent by CD to you by standard mail? How long does it usually take to produce approximately 500 copies? Are there any discounts on such a large quantity? Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to your response. Jack Finley Sales Manager, Young Talent Inc. (709) 567 - 3498 Example 2: Informal At 16.22 01/07/2002 +0000, you wrote: I hear you're working on the Smith account. If you need any information don't hesitate to get in > contact with me. Hi Tom, Listen, we've been working on the Smith account and I was wondering if you could give me a hand? I need some inside information on recent developments over there. Do you think you could pass on any information you might have? Thanks Peter Thompsen Account Manager, Tri-State Accounting (698) 345 - 7843 Ingls Instrumental Pgina 26

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EXERCISE Escreva nos espaos abaixo emails envolvendo situaes ligadas administrao de uma empresa, seguindo as orientaes dadas anteriormente. O primeiro email dever ser formal e o segundo informal. Email formal

Email informal

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Every lab report must consist of: 1) Title: The title should indicate what the laboratory report is about. It should be brief, start with a key word, and indicate the nature of the investigation. 2) Introduction / Purpose: In one paragraph, explain the objectives, or purpose of the investigation. In one clear sentence, state your hypothesis. You may also briefly summarize how the experiment was conducted, the findings of the experiment, and the conclusions of the experiment. 3) Materials: This is a complete list of everything you needed to complete your experiment. 4) Methods: This section is a detailed narrative describing the steps you completed during the lab. It is your procedure. Any random person should be able to read this section and duplicate your experiment. Write it as if you are writing instructions for someone else to complete the lab. 5) Results: In this part of the laboratory report, you organize and summarize the data generated by your experiment. You should discuss your data table in words. Data Table: often times, a data table is used to represent the results of an experiment. Any numbers entered into the data table must be complete with units. Your table must also be labeled with a descriptive title. 6) Discussion / Analysis: In this section you must discuss and interpret the results of your investigation. It is important to reflect back on your hypothesis in this section - Can you support your hypothesis? Must you reject it? Also, use this section to discuss any mistakes you may have made while performing the experiment. If your data is "weird" try to figure out where you went wrong. Finally, suggest how the investigation might have been improved. 7) Conclusions: This section should be one good paragraph. It is the most important part of the report. For every report you must answer the following questions in the conclusion section: What does your data tell you about the experiment? What happened in the experiment? What did you learn from completing this experiment?

8) Figures & Graphs: Graphs and figures must both be labeled with a descriptive title. Both axes on a graph must be labeled with specific units of measure. The independent variable should always be recorded on the X-axis. The dependent variable is recorded on the Y-axis. Write below a report of an experiment you did in the lab recently:

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1) Title:

2) Introduction / Purpose:

3) Materials:

4) Methods:

5) Results:.

6) Discussion / Analysis:

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8) Figures & Graphs:

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Em um texto, algumas palavras de uma sentena so freqentemente repetidas em outras sentenas. O autor tenta evitar repeties e para isso recorre a pronomes, expresses, etc. Esta relao chamada referncia. Esta referncia pode ocorrer em trs situaes diferentes:

A referncia se d em relao a uma palavra que veio anteriormente.

The term globalization has taken on a life of its own. It has become a sort of mystical, romantic term.

A referncia se d em relao a um grupo de palavras ou a uma sentena inteira.

The flowers are pollinated by wind, insects or water and then fruit are formed. After that the flowers die.

A referncia se d em relao a uma palavra que vem posteriormente.

... there is a definite polarization of society into two components: a scientific culture and an intellectual culture. In the scientific technologists. culture he included both scientists and

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Subject Pronouns I You He, she, it We You They Object Pronouns Me You Him, her, it Us You Them Possessive Pronouns Mine Yours His, Hers, its Ours Yours Theirs Possessive adjectives My Your His, her, its Our Your Their

Substitua as palavras/ expresses abaixo por pronomes (Na primeira coluna por subjective pronouns e na segunda por objective pronouns): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Multinational companies Basic information globalization simple equations employees Factory workers He and she Her boss Its employees Its office Job description enterprises Most RFID tags e-commerce world wide web relationships Our Mechatronics teacher integrated circuit International Organization for Standardization 20 signal transmission 21 method of data transport 22 external source 23 Several companies 24 many applications 25 professional skills 26 wireless technology and wired


27 28 29 30 31 32

The Brazilian company The boss and I The boss and the secretary The engineer and you The English teacher My mechatronics course

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33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Our goal

a piece of hardware
your reports The researcher The scientist The user better decisions

a 10-foot cable wireless connectors of sufficient power

You and he You and I You and they Your boss

Faa a referncia contextual dos trechos abaixo extrados do texto All About

RFID - radio frequency identification ( p). Faa Crculos e linhas como nos exemplos da pgina anterior.

All About RFID radio frequency identification

What is RFID
The term RFID is used to describe various technologies that use radio waves to automatically identify people or objects. RFID technology is similar to the bar code identification systems we see in retail stores everyday; however one big difference between RFID and bar code technology is that RFID does not rely on the line-of-sight reading that bar code scanning requires to work. The Technology Behind RFID In RFID systems, the tags that hold the data are broken down into two different types. Passive tags use the radio frequency from the reader to transmit their signal. Passive tags will generally have their data permanently burned into the tag when it is made, although some can be rewritten. Active tags are much more sophisticated and have on-board battery for power to transmit their data signal over a greater distance and power random access memory (RAM) giving them the ability to store up to 32,000 bytes of data. Ingls Instrumental Pgina 34

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RFID Frequencies
Much like tuning in to your favorite radio station, RFID tags and readers must be tuned into the same frequency to enable communications. RFID systems can use a variety of frequencies to communicate, but because radio waves work and act differently at different frequencies, a frequency for a specific RFID system is often dependant on its application. High frequency RFID systems (850 MHz to 950 MHz and 2.4 GHz to 2.5 GHz) offer transmission ranges of more than 90 feet, although wavelengths in the 2.4 GHz range are absorbed by water, which includes the human body, and therefore has limitations.

Common Uses of RFID

RFID systems are being used in some hospitals to track a patient's location, and to provide real-time tracking of the location of doctors and nurses in the hospital. In addition, the system can be used to track the whereabouts of expensive and critical equipment, and even to control access to drugs, pediatrics, and other areas of the hospital that are considered "restricted access" areas. RFID chips for animals are extremely small devices injected via syringe under skin. Under a government initiative to control rabies, all Portuguese dogs must be RFID tagged by 2007. When scanned the tag can provide information relevant to the dog's history and its owner's information.

The Future of RFID

RFID is said by many in the industry to be the frontrunner technology for automatic identification and data collection. The biggest, as of yet unproven, benefit would ultimately be in the consumer goods supply chain where an RFID tag attached to a consumer product could be tracked from manufacturing to the retail store right to the consumer's home. Many see RFID as a technology in its infancy with an untapped potential. While we may talk of its existence and the amazing ways in which this technology can be put to use, until there are more standards set within the industry and the cost of RFID technology comes down we won't see RFID systems reaching near their full potential anytime soon.

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Definies de ZIGBEE TECHNOLOGY na web em ingls:
What is ZigBee? - Definition from
21 Sep 2005 ... ZigBee is a specification for wireless personal area networks (WPANs) operating at 868 MHz, 902-928 MHz, and 2.4 GHz. - Em cache - Similares

ZigBee Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia

Definition of: ZigBee. A wireless network used for home, building and industrial control. It conforms to the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard for low data ... Solutions Encyclopedia - Em cache - Similares

Glossary Definition for ZIGBEE

Glossary Definition for ZIGBEE. Glossary Term: ZIGBEE. Definition: A standard for short-distance, low-data-rate communications using the frequencies and ... - Em cache - Similares

ZigBee - Definition
14 Dec 2004 ... ZigBee is aimed at applications with low data rates and low power consumption. ZigBee's current focus is to define a general-purpose, ... - Em cache

What Is ZigBee?
ZigBee is the set of specs built around the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless protocol. The IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a non-profit ... - Em cache - Similares

ZigBee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios based on the IEEE 802.15.4-2003 standard ... Overview - Licensing - Uses - Device types - Em cache - Similares

What's Up With ZigBee

11 Jan 2007 ... ZigBee is the wireless-mesh networking technology based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. It adds a stack that builds various mesh ... - Em cache

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A partir das definies acima, crie abaixo a definio mais completa possvel de ZIGBEE, em Ingls e em Portugus.

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A biography is simply the story of a life. Biographies can be just a few sentences long, or they can fill an entire bookor two. Very short biographies tell the basic facts of someone's life and importance. Longer biographies include that basic information of course, with a lot more detail, but they also tell a good story. Biographies analyze and interpret the events in a person's life. They try to find connections, explain the meaning of unexpected actions or mysteries, and make arguments about the significance of the person's accomplishments or life activities.

Leia abaixo as biografias de Thomas Alva Edison, James Watt e AndrMarie Ampre e complete o quadro, em Portugus, com as informaes mais relevantes sobre cada uma dessas importantes pessoas. Aps isso, circule os verbos regulares e sublinhe os verbos irregulares. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio; the seventh and last child of Samuel and Nancy Edison. When Edison was seven his family moved to Port Huron, Michigan. Edison lived here until he struck out on his own at the age of sixteen. Edison had very little formal education as a child, attending school only for a few months. He was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic by his mother, but was always a very curious child and taught himself much by reading on his own. This belief in self-improvement remained throughout his life.

James Watt (1736-1819) A Scottish instrument maker, mechanical

engineer and inventor, who contributed to the Industrial Revolution with his improvements of the steam engine. James Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. At the age of 17, while becoming intrigued with Thomas Newcomen's steam engine, he decided to become a maker of mathematical

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instruments. Two years later, he became interested in improving the NewcomenSavery steam engines that were used to pump water from mines at the time. The Watt, the electrical unit (or unit of Power), was named in his honor. He died on August 19, 1819, in Heathfield, England.

John T. Parsons (October 13, 1913 April 19, 2007) pioneered numerical control for machine tools in the 1940s. These developments were done in collaboration with his employee Frank L. Stulen, who Parsons hired when he was head of the Rotary Wing Branch of the Propeller Lab at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, in April 1946. Together, they were the first to use computer methods to solve machining problems, more in particular, the accurate interpolation of the curves describing helicopter blades.

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FORMAO: Acrescenta-se "ed" ao infinitivo dos verbos regulares I worked You worked He, She, It worked We worked You worked They worked USADO PARA INDICAR: Aes acabadas em um tempo definido. Ex. I walked to school yesterday. / Helen washed her car. Um hbito que parou no passado (mesmo significado de used to) Ex.: I always walked to school when I was younger. They never went to school, they always skipped. Uma srie de aes completadas no passado. Ex.: John finished work, walked to the park, and found a nice place to play soccer. He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met his friends at 10:00. O SIMPLE PAST geralmente empregado com advrbios de tempo: yesterday, a month ago, last year, last month, in 1992, etc. FORMAS NEGATIVAS E INTERROGATIVAS Usa-se o verbo auxiliar did e o verbo principal fica no infinitivo sem to. Forma negativa She did not walk to school yesterday. Forma interrogativa Did she walk to school yesterday?

FORMA ABREVIADA: didnt (did not) SIMPLE PAST VERBOS IRREGULARES Os verbos irregulares no seguem as regras de formao do passado. preciso conhecer a lista de verbos irregulares (segunda coluna Apndice D) Ex.: buy bought; drink drank; find found; eat ate; put - put

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usada quando: A nfase est na ao e no aquele que a pratica (agente) O agente no conhecido O agente no importante na orao Verbo auxiliar to be (no tempo verbal em que aparece o verbo principal na voz ativa) ( +) verbo principal no Past participle

formada por:

O objeto da voz ativa torna-se sujeito na voz passiva. O sujeito da voz ativa aparece na voz passiva precedido pela preposio by sendo chamado de Agente da Voz passiva. Em geral este termo omitido*. Resumindo: Voz Ativa Objeto Sujeito Exemplo: Voz Ativa
Passive tags use

Voz Passiva Sujeito Agente da Passiva

radio frequency from the reader to transmit a signal.

Voz Passiva Radio frequency from the reader are used by passive tags to transmit a signal. * Geralmente omitem-se os seguintes agentes: people, somebody, someone, nobody, no one, them, us, you. Exemplo: Voz Ativa: Someone kidnapped the mayor of that city last night. Voz Passiva: The mayor of that city was kidnapped last night.

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PASSIVE VOICE EXERCISES Supply the correct form of the verbs in the Passive Voice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The secretary writes many reports every day. Many reports_____________________________ by the secretary every day. The trainees have finished the report. The report _____________________________ by the trainees. This section describes the terms of the job. The terms of the job _____________________________ by this section. She will read the text message. The text message _____________________________ by her. They had opened a small electronics company. A small electronics company _____________________________ by them. We would invite her. She _____________________________ by us. The text provides all the necessary details. All the necessary details _____________________________ by the text. John is printing the computing report. The sales report _____________________________ by John. They were disturbing the boss. The boss _____________________________ by them. We can easily see rigid macroscopic bodies. Rigid macroscopic bodies _____________________________ by us. The president of the company is going to invite her. She _____________________________ by the president of the company. The old man was going to contact you. You _____________________________ by the old man. They could help you. You _____________________________ by them. Kinematics studies motion. Motion _____________________________ by kinematics. We can choose a capacitor according to our needs. A capacitor _____________________________ by us according to our needs. The diagrams will show different arrangements of cells. Different arrangements of cells _____________________________ by the diagram. A capacitor must store energy between two conductors. Energy between two conductors _____________________________ by a capacitor. People use Polystyrene Film Capacitors as filter circuits. Polystyrene Film Capacitors _____________________________ by people as filter circuits.

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Observe as seguintes expresses extradas do texto Circuits in Plastic (CiP):




Elas so formadas de um adjetivo e um substantivo e recebem o nome de GRUPOS NOMINAIS (NOMINAL GROUPS ou NOUN PHRASES). Lembre-se que os adjetivos em Ingls so invariveis e vm sempre antes do substantivo. J em Portugus, o mais comum a ordem inversa, ou seja, substantivo seguido de adjetivo. Veja como ficam as tradues das expresses acima: COMPONENTES DE CIRCUITO MTODO DE PESQUISA PROCESSO TRMICO

Escolha agora 10 expresses do texto destacadas com fundo cinza no texto Circuits in Plastic (CiP) e traduza-as nos espaos abaixo. Em seguida, faa um resumo do texto, em Portugus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Circuits in Plastic (CiP)

CiP is a new method of electronics manufacture for circuits and systems. The circuit board is a plastic sheet. All components are placed in divots in the sheet. The conductor is screen printed onto a thin cover sheet which is then thermally bonded to the circuit board to form the complete electronic system. Some advantages include: o Recycled plastic can be used for the circuit board. o The circuit is water-proof o The thermal process is at a much lower temperature compared to the solder Ingls Instrumental Pgina 43

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process so lower carbon foot-print during manufacture. o There is no etching or soldering requirement. o The enclosure is formed at the same time as the circuit is formed. o At end-of-life, the cover sheet is mechanically removed and the circuit components are then removed. The plastic board can be recycled. (lower carbon footprint when compared to shredding and incineration of traditional printed circuit board construction)

About the Inventor

David Thiel is a Professor at Griffith University and Heads the Centre for Wireless Monitoring and Applications (CWMA). He teaches in the areas of electromagnetics, practical electronics, mathematics and research methods. He is also heavily involved in industry placements for final year engineering students at Griffith University. MadhusudanRao Neeli is a Mechanical Engineering in the CWMA. He provides mechanical engineering services to a wide variety of projects conducted in the research centre. He has worked on mass-manufacturing electronics projects in Australia and Singapore. The CWMA provides research and development services to industry in addition to conducting pure research in novel circuits and wireless technologies. The major areas of application include athlete monitoring (including cricket, tennis, swimming, running etc) and services to the mining and mineral exploration industries. Corporate partners include Cricket Australia, The Queensland Academy of Sport, Boeing, Geoconsult and the Australia Winter Olympics Council.

For more information about Circuits in Plastic (CiP), contact the following:

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RESUMO DO TEXTO CIRCUITS IN PLASTIC (CIP) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

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Before the advent of the assembly line, when a commercial good was manufactured, it was usually created by hand, from individually fabricated parts. Factory production was limited by available floorspace, as only so many products could be made at once, and workers tended to see a project through from beginning to end. By the mid-nineteenth century, many companies in the food industry had begun to set up something resembling an assembly line to make the process more efficient, but it was not entirely streamlined. Goods like the early automobile and steam engines were still made by hand. In 1908, Henry Ford was trying to find a way to bring automobiles to the masses. Ford was confident that if the cars could be made affordable, they would become popular, but the slow and painstaking method of manufacture being used did not allow Ford to bring the cost of the cars down. Working in consultation with others at the company, Ford conceived of a production line, where the labor of workers would be divided into specific tasks which would contribute to the finished whole. The inspiration for this early assembly line likely came from several industries, but many historians credit the disassembly line at a Chicago slaughterhouse with the idea of dividing the labor. An assembly line is designed to be highly efficient, and very cost effective. The workers focus on a small part of the overall whole, meaning that they do not require extensive training. Parts are fed along a conveyor belt or series of belts for workers to handle, creating a continuous flow of the desired product. At the peak of production, Ford's assembly line turned out a new automobile every three minutes, and modern assembly lines can be even more rapid, especially when they combine automated machinery with human handlers. There are dangers associated with an assembly line. The first is the risk to workers, as repetitive movement can be harmful to the body. After the Second World War, a growing awareness of this issue led to reforms in assembly line environments. The second issue is that if there is a snarl in production at one work station, it will have an impact on the entire assembly line, potentially bringing it to a halt until the situation can be fixed. However, most modern manufacturers work to prevent this with regular inspection, and some manufacturers, especially of cars, welcome worker input and thoughts on ways to make the assembly line, and the product, better. Marcamos com negrito no texto, quatro expresses de tempo. Escreva no espao abaixo a qual acontecimento ou situao cada uma delas se refere. Before the advent of the assembly line

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By the mid-nineteenth century

In 1908

After the Second World War

O ltimo pargrafo do texto nos fala sobre os perigos de uma linha de montagem. Responda as questes abaixo sobre este tpico. Qual o primeiro perigo associado a uma linha de montagem?

Qual o segundo perigo associado a uma linha de montagem?

O que os fabricantes modernos fazem para resolver este perigo?

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Participar de Feiras Nacionais ou Internacionais uma das atividades que o profissional da rea de Mecatrnica certamente realizar. Nestas feiras comum a distribuio de folhetos referentes a produtos e servios de todos os tipos de empresas. Estes folhetos so um misto de texto informativo(*) e propaganda (**), pois tanto descrevem o produto, empresa ou servios como tambm tentam nos levar a comprar o produto ou usar os servios. Destacamos abaixo as caractersticas dos dois tipos de textos e os exemplos extrados dos mais de vinte folhetos em que nos baseamos. (*) Textos informativos: nfase no contexto que est sendo expresso tendncia objetividade pessoas do discurso: it ou they encontrado mais freqentemente em jornais peridicos, jornais e revistas especializadas, ou em escritos acadmicos como artigos, teses e dissertaes tendncia a ocultar a opinio do autor ou sua posio pessoal em relao ao assunto que est sendo discutido ou apresentado no texto uso da voz passiva para evitar que se enfatize a primeira pessoa. (**) Textos apelativos (propaganda): nfase no receptor da mensagem tendncia a apelar aos sentimentos humanos (amor, cimes, orgulho, etc) pessoa do discurso: you tendncia a usar comparaes implcitas e explcitas favorecendo o produto que est sendo anunciado uso de adjetivos nas formas comparativas e superlativas tendncia a proporcionar apoio de outras vozes como por exemplo citaes de cientistas conhecidos ou citaes de fontes reconhecidas ou de consumidores satisfeitos ou de consumidores famosos como cantores ou atores.

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HISTRICO DA EMPRESA Muitos folhetos apresentam um breve histrico da empresa e os servios de que dispem e o segmento de atuao. Vejam os exemplos: Grupo Authomathika arose in 1999 with the mission to develop new concepts in industrial automation, systems integration and electric projects offering to the market customized solutions according to the needs of every client. CSense Systems has been established in 1997, and is a rapidly growing company with offices in the USA, Europe and South Africa. It has a growing global distribution and solution partner network of highly professional industrial software distribution and engineering companies with deep domain skills. Apart from software products, it also offers continuous improvement services and global solution support. Expo Tecnologies applies more than 30 years experience to provide solutions for a customer se spanning major end users, OEMs and process industries. Expo enables operating electrical equipment and instrumentation in hazardous locations, harsh environments, hygienic conditions and other challenging applications. Complete o quadro abaixo com as informaes solicitadas: Authomathika Tempo no mercado Servios oferecidos CSense Systems Expo Tecnologies

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DE AUTOMAO INDUSTRIAL E COMPLETE O QUADRO QUE VEM A SEGUIR COM O NMERO RELATIVO A CADA UMA DELAS: (1) Rense Instruments is an industry leader in the manufacture of humidity and temperature measuring sensors, instruments and calibration transfer standards. Rense offers a wide range of products including: relative humidity transmitters humidity/temperature transmitters handheld indicators humidity generators (2) ELEQ manufactures a broad programme of transformers, transducers, meters and connection techniques. Standard products and made-to-measure products. Simple of design and solidly built for long, hard work in the field. Eleq's product range includes electricity metres, current transformers and transducers and current switches. (3) Sarian Systems Ltd is the UKs leading manufacturer of wired and wireless communication products for mission critical applications. Their product range covers: Wired Routers (PSTN, ISDN, ADSL) Sarians wired routers are designed to offer reliable, effective communication over PSTN, ISDN or ADSL networks with the added security of VPN technology and Stateful firewalling. Wireless Routers (GPRS, EDGE, 3G (UMTS), HSDPA Sarians wireless routers offer advanced connectivity with GPRS, EDGE, UMTS (3G) and HSDPA (Super 3G) networks. These products have been designed with the added benefit being able to overcome physical and logistical obstacles. Combination Routers Sarians combination routers offer advanced connectivity to PSTN, ISDN and ADSL networks with automatic failover to GSM technology should the landline fail. (4) SIXNET is a privately-held Total Quality (ISO9001) manufacturer of industrial automation, data-acquisition, control and connectivity products designed for the harsh conditions found on plant floors and other extreme environments. Sixnet offers a wide range of products including: Remote Terminal Units I/O Modules Phone Modems Ethernet Switches (5) Panasonic, known throughout the world for their household electronics, is also the manufacturer of PLCs and Operator Interface Panels. (Matsushita is the parent company of Panasonic) The PLCs are ideal for small applications with attractive pricing for combined systems (OIP & PLC). The Operator Interface Panels are available in a range of monochrome and colour versions with or without touchscreen functions. (6) VAF CSI Control Systems B.V. is the specialist for the development, manufacturing and world wide supply of alarm, measurement and control systems for the process and marine industry. With an extensive range of alarm, control and monitoring systems, as well as watch alarm systems, we have a complete program to support these specialisms. We offer the following VAF CSI products: Analogue & Digital Annunciators

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Safety Systems Monitoring & Alarm Systems

(7) Aeration Control Australia (the parent company of Industrial Automation) supplies dedicated grain aeration controllers for use in the bulk handling and on-farm control and monitoring of aerated storage. Each controller provides drying, cooling and maintenance functions using ambient air. EMPRESA N.

Produtos para comunicao com ou sem fio Produtos para agricultura utilizando o ar ambiente Produo de painis com preos atrativos em verses monocromticas e coloridas Produtos robustos como transformadores e transdutores Produtos para a indstria marinha como sistemas de alarme, controle e monitoramento Sensores de medio de temperatura e umidade Produtos para ambientes extremos como unidades remotas

CONTATOS Outra parte importante dos folhetos promocionais refere-se a como entrar em contato com a empresa. Vejam os exemplos: Visit for: Reference Architectures Embedded Solution Providers Technical Reference and Support
You will find a list of contacts near you at For further information, visit: www.siemens,com/sitrans To locate your Siemens partners worldwide contact us at our homepage and look under Contact

Additional resources For more information, please visit the GE Fanuc web site at:

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DESCRIO DO PRODUTO / SERVIOS Para descrever os produtos e servios apresentados nos folhetos, o tempo verbal mais adequado o Simple Present e h o predomnio de sujeitos em terceira pessoa, tanto do singular como do plural. EXAMPLES OF SIMPLE PRESENT MAXUM edition II utilizes a variety of modules MAXUM edition II offers a wide range of detectors The Efficiency module enables you to monitor ad control OEE We offer you a long-term experience Does your application involve high temperatures ?

PROPAGANDA Na tentativa de levar o leitor do folheto a comprar o produto e se utilizar dos servios apresentados, a empresa lana mo de alguns recursos. Um deles conversar com o leitor. Podemos perceber este recurso pelo uso do pronome YOU e pelo adjetivo possessivo YOUR. Alm disso, usa-se tambm o Modo imperativo. EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF YOU/YOUR - From revolutionary biomedical devices to cutting-edge consumer electronics, graphical system design gives YOU the power to rapidly design - With this approach, YOU can easily incorporate additional algorithm design tools, - allowing for easy integration with other design tools and reuse of YOUR intellectual property. - What does proMtec achieve for YOU? - With ICC 2.45 YOU will get the highest standard for precise inline concentration measurement - Hereby YOU always find the optimal installation place for the controller. - Even if YOU only operate one measurement - YOU can adapt the system parameters and the calibration data to YOUR specific measurement task Ingls Instrumental Pgina 52

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EXAMPLES IMPERATIVE - Please contact your local Sales representative! - Understand what impacts production by analyzing detailed data - Make faster, better business decisions by collecting data - Capture electronic signatures - Visit - contact us at our homepage - please visit the GE Fanuc web site at: APOIO DE OUTRAS VOZES So citaes de cientistas conhecidos ou citaes de fontes reconhecidas ou de consumidores satisfeitos ou famosos. Isto feito para dar maior credibilidade ao produto ou servio que est sendo divulgado.
With graphical system design through NI LabVIEW ADN CompactRIO, we designed a motorcycle ECU prototyping system in three months versus two and a half years with traditional tools.
Carroll Dase, Sesin Engineer, Drivven Inc.

We couldnt afford to develop a high level of skill sets to support our systems. We wanted to minimize the number of systems and leverage our higher skilled people across the sites.
Process Information and Control Technology Center Coordinator

We were able to reduce our batch cycle time by greater than 50%. Not only that, we were able to accomplish those improvements while the physical plant was still under construction. Overall, we have increased our output capability by over 150%.
Electrical Systems Engineer

We can deploy pre-programmed objects to gain time and cost savings in a variety of areas of the enterprise.

National Manufacturing Systems Manager

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I - WORD ORDER 1 Em Ingls, a ordem das palavras em uma frase SUJEITO + VERBO + OBJETO: SUBJECT I The engineer She + VERB like is programming designed + OBJECT this company. the new machine. an innovative product

2 Alguns verbos (ex. go) no tem um objeto (apresentam sentido completo): The secretary has gone. The bus didnt arrive. The boss children are swimming. Alguns verbos sempre precisam de um objeto: She wants a good job. I like Computer Sciences. 3 Depois do verbo to be, ns podemos usar um substantivo ou um adjetivo. She is a supervisor. (noun) The worker is tired. (adjective) Ns tambm podemos colocar adjetivos depois dos verbos look, seem e feel. The worker looks tired.

Coloque as palavras entre parnteses na ordem correta: Ex.: (bought she a TV) She bought a TV. 1 (the match won they) 2 (is eating he a pizza) 3 (Anna films loves) 4 (saw a new client I) 5 (tennis we played) 6 (wants a new house Steve) 7 (forgot my passport I) 8 (a photo she is taking) 9 (drank an orange juice he) Ingls Instrumental Pgina 54


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10 (golf they like) 11 (Joe Mexico visited) 12 (lost we our money) 4 Depois de alguns verbos (ex. give, send, bring), ns podemos falar de uma pessoa (Mary, her) e um objeto: SUBJECT He Ann Meredith The boss She + VERB sent made bought left wrote + PERSON Jane Tom him us him + OBJECT an e-mail. a favour. a magazine some money. a letter.

5 Ns geralmente colocamos informaes referentes a tempo (time) e lugares (places) no final da orao. I had a holiday in Spain. Place They gave their son a watch yesterday. Time

Escreva frases, colocando a palavra entre parnteses no local correto. Ex.: She wrote a letter. (me) She wrote me a letter 1 They sent an invitation by e-mail. (us) 2 Sheyla gave a present. (Mike) 3 I made a sandwich. (her) 4 Tom brought a newspaper. (Sally) 5 My uncle gave a job. (me) 6 She left a message. (you) 7 Mary is sending some e-cards. (them) 8 She brings a sandwich every day. (him)

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II - NOUNS, VERBS, ADJECTIVES, ETC (SUBSTANTIVOS, VERBOS, ADJETIVOS, ETC) 1 Substantivos descrevem coisas ou pessoas ou animais: factory car employees mouse - work Alguns substantivos (nomes prprios) so os nomes das pessoas, lugares e coisas. ETEc Getlio Vargas So Paulo Moreira e Costa Street April Space Fox Morumbi Shopping 2 Verbos descrevem aes ou situaes: work play live meet stay see - control Ex.: They work hard. (work = verbo) / I saw Peter (saw = verbo)

3 Verbos auxiliares (be, have, do, will, can, may, must etc) so usados antes de um outro verbo: Ex.: They are working hard / I have seen Peter / I must go now 4 Ns colocamos adjetivos (ex. wonderful) antes de substantivos: Ex.: We had a wonderful day. Ns tambm podemos usar adjetivos aps os verbos be, look, seem, feel: Ex.: Hes hungry. She looks tired. s vezes ns colocamos very antes dos adjetivos: Ex.: Its very hot today. He bought a very expensive car. 5 Ns normalmente usamos advrbios para descrever verbos: Ex.: She walked quickly. He sings well. A maioria dos advrbios termina em ly (= -mente): clearly slowly - badly 6 Usamos pronomes (I, he, she, it, etc) para substituir substantivos: Ex.: David has a new job. He is enjoying it.

7 Usamos preposies (in, on, at, etc) quando estamos falando sobre lugares e tempo. - PLACE: She is at home. / Its in the box. - TIME: Ill see you on Monday. / They went on holiday in June.

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A - Coloque as palavras grifadas nos lugares corretos. Noun Spain Verb auxiliary Adjective adverb pronoun preposition


Ex.: I had a wonderful holiday in Spain last year. She lives in a large flat in New York. Peter walked quickly to work. We met them in Greece Street on Friday. You must come and visit me in Ireland. My teacher spoke slowly but I didnt understand her. Mary and Jackie are studying Japanese at college. I have lost my bag. They bought a big, old house in the country. She swims fast, and she can ski well too.

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B Coloque as palavras do quadro nas frases. Use cada palavra uma vez. Noun Job Match Saturday Verb Find pass Auxiliary has must do Adjective Beautiful sick Adverb badly easily carefully Pronoun I you Preposition On At in

Ex. Paul HAS just started a new JOB. : 1 Youll ___________ the books __________ the table. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ___________ bought some ___________ flowers and gave them to my wife. She played ___________ and lost the tennis ___________. ___________ havent seen your grandfather for a long time. You ___________ visit him at the weekend. Dont worry! Youll ___________ the exam ___________. Listen ___________! The money is ___________ the box. Im playing golf on ___________. ___________ you want to play with me? I feel ___________. What did we eat ___________ the restaurant?

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

ACTUALLY: na verdade, realmente

(atualmente = nowadays) ATTEND: assistir, freqentar ( atender = to answer) AVAILABLE: disponvel (avaliado = evaluated) AVOCADO: abacate (advogado = lawyer, conselor) COLLAR: colarinho, coleira Colar = necklace, glue) COLLEGE: faculdade (colgio = school, high school) COMMODITY: produto, mercadoria (Comodidade = comfort) CONTEST: concurso, competio (contestar = to protest, to complain) CONVICT: condenado Convicto = sure, confident) DATA: dados, informaes (data = date) EDITOR: redator (editor = Publisher) ENROLL: matricular-se Enrolar = to roll up, to twist, to curl) ESTATE: propriedade, patrimnio Estado = state) EVENTUALLY: finalmente (eventualmente = probably)

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

LECTURE: conferncia, palestra

(leitura = reading) LIBRARY: biblioteca (livraria = book shop, book store) LUNCH: almoo (lanche = snack) MAGAZINE: revista (magazine = departmente store) MAYOR: prefeito (maior = larger, bigger) NOTICE: perceber (notcia = news) PARENTS: pais (parentes = relatives) PETROL: gasolina (petrleo = oil) PORTER: carregador de malas (porteiro = doorkeeper, door-man) PREJUDICE: preconceito (prejuzo = loss, damage) PRESENTLY: logo, em breve (presentemente = nowadays) PRETEND: fingir (pretender = to intend) PREVENT: evitar, impedir (prevenir = to warn) PUSH: empurrar (puxar = to pull)

EXIT: sada xito = success) EXPERT: especialista, perito (esperto = smart) ESQUISITE: extico (esquisito = odd, strange) FABRIC: tecido ( fbrica = plant, factory) GRATUITY: gorjeta (gratuito = free, free of charge) GUARDIAN: tutor (guarda = policeman, cop) INTEND: pretender (entender = to understand) LARGE: grande (largo = wide)

43 44

REALIZE: perceber (realizar = to do, to accomplish) RECORD: gravar (recordar = to remember, to recall) RESUME: retomar, voltar a (resumir = to sum up) RETIRE: aposentar-se (retirar = to take out) SENSIBLE: sensato (sensvel = sensitive) SUCCEED: ter sucesso (suceder = to happen) SUPPORT: sustentar, apoiar

(suportar = to bear, to stand)

SYMPATHETIC: solidrio (simptico = nice)

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n. the place to which a letter is to be sent friendly close to a letter - Kind regards, Best wishes first word of most SALUTATIONS, formal or not [eg: Dear Sir, Dear Mr Won, Dear Jo] 4 Dear Madam formal SALUTATION to an unnamed woman 5 Dear Sir formal SALUTATION to an unnamed man UK 6 Dear Sirs SALUTATION when writing to a firm and not to any particular individual in the firm 7 dictate v. to say or read aloud words to be written down - dictation n. 8 enc. abbr. enclosure; enclosed [indicating something that is included with a letter] US 9 Gentlemen SALUTATION when writing to a firm and not to any particular individual in the firm 10 letterhead n. a sheet of letter paper printed with a person or firms (name and) address 11 Mr Ms Mrs abbr. of title for man, woman (married or not), married woman, Miss unmarried woman 12 p.s. abbr. postscript [used to indicate a note added at the very end of a letter] 13 per pro abbr. through the agency of; p.p. [eg: A per pro B (where B is signing for A)] 14 registered mail n. a secure postal service for important or valuable letters or packages 15 salutation n. opening or first line of a letter, usually commencing with 'Dear...' 16 shorthand n. a system of speed writing, esp. when taking dictation 17 sign v. to write ones name at the end of a document - signature n. 18 Yours polite close to a letter not naming the recipient as in Dear Sir; UK faithfully Yours trulyUS 19 Yours polite close to a letter naming the recipient as in Dear Mr Smith; UK sincerely Yours trulyUS 20 Yours trulyUS polite close to a letter; Sincerely yoursUS 1 address 2 Best regards 3 Dear

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n. the whole of one's education, training and experience adj. able to use two languages with equal ease - see FLUENT n. the course of one's (professional) life n. a difficult or demanding task that needs special effort challenging adj. 5 cover letter n. a letter that is sent with one's CV; letter of application 6 date of birth n. the day on which one was born, usually as day/month/year [eg: 05/11/76] 7 education n. training and instruction at school, university etc - to educate v. 8 experience n. jobs held, including dates, posts etc; work history - professional experience n. 9 fluent adj. able to speak and write a foreign language easily - see BILINGUAL 10 graphology n. study of handwriting as a guide to the character of the writer graphologist n. 11 interest n. an activity outside work in which one is interested or concerned; hobby 12 job objective n. the kind of work or challenge that one is looking for 13 miscellaneous adj. various; mixed [eg: nationality, languages spoken, marital status] 14 nationality n. the status of belonging to a particular country [eg: Japanese nationality] 15 native n. the language one first learned to speak; mother tongue language 16 qualifications n. the education and experience that make one suitable for a particular job 17 reference n. a written statement by another person about one's character and ability 18 skill n. an ability, expertness or aptitude in a particular activity [eg: language skill] 19 training n. the process of learning a particular SKILL [eg: sales training] 20 work history n. jobs held, inc. dates, posts etc; EXPERIENCE 1 background 2 bi-lingual 3 career 4 challenge

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n. additional pay given to employee as incentive or reward n. short account of ones education, career etc; CVUK; rsumUS; resumeUS v. to remove or discharge from employment; to sack [colloq.]; to fireUS 4 employer n. person or firm who employs people - employee n. person employed 5 fireUS v. [colloq.] to dismiss 6 interview v. an oral examination of an applicant for a job - also v. 7 make v. [made, made] to dismiss because of not being needed UK redundant redundancyUK n. 8 maternity leave n. period of absence from work (for a woman) when having a baby 9 notice n. advance warning of intention to resign - to give or tender ones notice v. 10 perk abbr. perquisite; something additional to regular salary [eg: free meals; a car] 11 personnel n. the people who work for a firm 12 personnel officer n. manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel 13 promotion n. advancement in rank or position - to promote v. 14 prospects n. opportunity for success, promotion etc 15 recruit n. to look for and employ personnel - recruitment n. 16 resign v. to give up a job - letter of resignation n. 17 retire v. to leave employment, esp. because of age - retirement n. 18 salary n. a fixed, regular payment, usually monthly, made by employer to employee 19 staff n. the people who work for a firm or a particular department; employees 20 take on v. [took, taken] to employ; to hire 1 bonus 2 curriculum vitaeUK 3 dismiss

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One of the more frustrating things about learning English is learning the irregular verbs by heart (by memory). As you know regular verbs end in -ed or d, however irregular verbs just need to be learnt. To help you with this task here is a list of the most important irregular verbs.

infinitive to be to beat to become to begin to bind to bleed to bring to build to buy to catch to choose to come to cost to deal to do to draw to drink to drive to eat to fall to feed to feel to find to forbid to forget to forgive to get
to to to to to to to give go grow have hear hurt keep

past was/were beat became began bound bled brought built bought caught chose came cost dealt did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt found forbade forgot forgave got
gave went grew had heard hurt kept

participle been beaten become begun bound bled brought built bought caught chosen come cost dealt done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt found forbidden forgotten forgiven got/gotten
given gone grown had heard hurt kept

translation ser, estar bater, derrotar, pulsar tornar-se comear, principiar ligar, encadernar, contratar sangrar trazer construir comprar agarrar, apanhar escolher vir, chegar, acontecer custar negociar, distribuir, tratar fazer, executar, efetuar desenhar, puxar, arrastar beber, embriagar-se guiar, impelir comer cair alimentar (se), suprir sentir achar, encontrar proibir esquecer (se) perdoar ganhar, obter, conseguir, adquirir dar, conceder ir crescer, cultivar ter, possuir ouvir ferir guardar, manter, ficar, continuar
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to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to know lead learn leave lend let make mean meet pay put read say see seek sell send set sit sleep speak spend spread spring stand take teach tell think understand write knew known led led learnt, learned learnt, learned left left lent lent let let made made meant meant met paid put read said saw sought sold sent set sat slept spoke spent spread sprang stood took taught told thought understood wrote met paid put read said seen sought sold sent set sat slept spoken spent spread sprung stood taken taught told thought understood written saber, conhecer conduzir, guiar, comandar aprender deixar, sair, abandonar emprestar deixar, permitir fazer, produzir, fabricar significar, querer dizer, pretender encontrar (se) pagar por, colocar ler dizer ver procurar, buscar vender enviar, remeter, expedir por, fixar, arrumar sentar dormir falar passar, gastar, consumir difundir, divulgar, espalhar brotar, nascer, saltar, jorrar ficar de p, suster, aguentar tomar, pegar ensinar dizer, contar pensar, achar entender, compreender escrever


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Verbo no infinitivo sem "to"; na 3a. pessoa do singular recebe "s" I work You work He, She, It works We work You work They work


Fatos ou generalizaes: Ex.: Classes start at seven. / Cats like milk. / So Paulo is in Brazil. Aes repetidas (uma ao habitual, um acontecimento dirio, um hobby, verdades universais ou algo que freqentemente ocorre.): Ex.: Bob works everyday. / The Earth circles the Sun. / I play tennis every week. O SIMPLE PRESENT geralmente empregado com advrbios de tempo ou expresses de tempo: always, often, usually, frequently, sometimes, never, everyday, on Mondays, etc. FORMAO DA 3. PESSOA DO SINGULAR: a maioria dos verbos recebe s Ex. work works; love loves; sing - sings verbos terminados em ss, sh, ch, x, z e o recebem es Ex. kiss- kisses; wash washes; watch watches; fix fixes; buzz buzzes; go - goes FORMAS NEGATIVAS E INTERROGATIVAS Uso do verbo auxiliar do (do/does), com o verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to.

Negativa He does not study. They do not study.

FORMAS ABREVIADAS dont (do not) e doesnt (does not)

Interrogativa Does he study? Do they study?

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FORMAO: Forma afirmativa: Infinitivo do verbo sem o to Forma Negativa: Do not (Dont) + Infinitivo do verbo sem o to H apenas uma forma de Imperativo tanto para o you singular e o you plural. Go there! Dont go there! Open the door! Dont open the door! USADO PARA: Dar instrues ou ordens Ex.: Take the first left, go straight on and the Museum is on the left. Quando a pessoa que est dando a instruo ou ordem se inclui nela, usa-se let s ou lets not + o infinitivo do verbo. Ex.: Lets go to the Park with the kids. Lets not make noise here. No IMPERATIVE geralmente usa-se please no incio ou no final da frase. Ex.: Dont smoke in this building, please. Please, turn the music down.

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FORMAO: "will" + verbo principal sem "to" I will drink You will drink He, She, It will drink We will drink You will drink They will drink USADO PARA INDICAR: Fatos e acontecimentos que certamente ocorrero. Ex.: They will arrive tomorrow.

FORMAS NEGATIVAS E INTERROGATIVAS Usa-se o verbo auxiliar will com o verbo principal no infinitivo sem to Forma negativa They will not drink it. Forma interrogativa Will they drink it? FORMAS ABREVIADAS ll (will) e wont (will not)

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The ball and plate system is somewhat similar in nature to the inverted pendulum system. The object is to balance a ball on a flat metal plate by tilting the plate to move the ball. This problem will be discussed in one dimension only. The diagram shows the layout of the system. Motors tilt the plate via an arm attached to it, and the ball rolls in the appropriate direction under the force of gravity.

A cascaded control system will be used to control the ball and plate apparatus, as shown in the diagram below. Ingls Instrumental Pgina 68

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