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Chapter 10

A case lnvolvlng a buslness conLracL falls under whlch branch of law?

a C|v||
2 1he sclenLlflc developmenL whlch has found LhaL some persons convlcLed of murder and
senLenced Lo deaLh acLually dld noL commlL Lhe crlme ls
a - test|ng
3 Law made by [udges and whlch ls based on cusLom and usage golng back several cenLurles ls
a Common |aw
4 A sLaLe Lrooper apprehends a moLorlsL on 1exas Plghway 206 beLween Lhe clLy of Coleman and
Lhe unlncorporaLed vlllage of Lcho ln Coleman CounLy 1he sLop occurred ouLslde Lhe Coleman
clLy llmlLs 1he offlcer accuses Lhe moLorlsL of operaLlng hls vehlcle aL a speed of 83 mph3
mph over Lhe posLed speed llmlL Where would Lhe case be Lrled?
a Co|eman County [ust|ce of the peace court
3 A parLy Lo a clvll case who was dlssaLlsfled wlLh Lhe ouLcome ln Lhe Lrlal courL could nexL
proceed Lo a courL wlLh
a ppe||ate [ur|sd|ct|on
6 1hey Lype of case appealed dlrecLly Lo Lhe 1exas CourL of Crlmlnal Appeals ls
a Cap|ta| fe|ony where|n the death sentence was |mposed
7 1he ln[ured parLy ln a clvll Lrlal ls Lhe
a et|t|oner
8 ubllc lnLoxlcaLlon ls a class C mlsdemeanor Such an lnsLance occurs ln an unlncorporaLed
locaLlon ln 8rown CounLy Where would Lhe case be Lrled? (8rownwood ls Lhe seaL of 8rown)
a 8rown County Iust|ce of the eace
9 1he Lerm courL of record" means LhaL
a transcr|pt of court proceed|ngs |s made by a stenographer
0 A courL LhaL hears and decldes cases Lrled for Lhe flrsL Llme has
a Cr|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on
lf a person ls lnvolved ln car LhefL and crosses Lhe sLaLe llne boLh federal and sLaLe governmenLs
can prosecuLed buL lf so Lhe person has been held ln double [eopardy
a 1rue
2 1he sysLem of [usLlce pracLlced ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes ls
a -C1 the [ury system
b -C1 the M|randaescobedo systems
3 1he basls of [ury selecLlon ln 1exas has been changed Lo
a r|vers ||cense
4 1he lnLermedlaLe courL for crlmlnal appeals ls whaL courL?
a Court of cr|m|na| appea|s
3 Members of Lhe 1exas supreme courL are
a L|ected for terms of s|x years
6 An employer cannoL flre an employee for [ury duLy and musL compensaLe Lhe employee for losL
a Ia|se
7 nlneLy percenL of all [udlclal buslness ls conducLed ln federal courL
a Ia|se
8 1he counLy [udges duLles lnclude whlch of Lhe followlng?
a robat|ng w|||s
9 ln a crlmlnal [ury Lrlal Lhe declslon of Lhe [ury ls known as Lhe
a Verd|ct
20 All of Lhe followlng are mandaLory exempLlons from [ury duLy excepL one 1he excepLlon ls
a 1eachers |n state schoo|s or co||eges
2 1he flrsL appellaLe courL ln a caplLal felony where Lhe deaLh penalLy ls glven ls whaL courL?
a Court of cr|m|na| appea|s
22 ln a clvll case lnvolvlng a small amounL of money ln upald bllls or salary lL would be Lo Lhe
plalnLlff's flnanclal advanLage Lo orlglnaLe Lhe sulL ln whaL courL?
a Sma|| c|a|ms court
23 ollce may make arresLs wlLhouL a warranL when Lhey have probable cause and when
clrcumsLances do noL permlL Lhelr havlng one
a 1rue
24 under Lhe Lerms of Lhe caplLal murder sLaLuLe a person convlcLed of Lhls offense musL be glven
Lhe deaLh senLence lf all [urors flnd LhaL Lhe murderer
a || of the above
23 CuallflcaLlons for [udges and [usLlces on Lhe appellaLe courLs ln 1exas lnclude Lhe followlng
excepL one 1he excepLlon ls
a 1exas res|dent 10 years
26 opular elecLlon ls Lhe meLhod for selecLlng [udges ln 1exas for
a || of these
27 CourLs of orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon are llmlLed Lo Lrylng cases
a Ior the f|rst t|me
28 A clvll case beglns ln a counLy or dlsLrlcL courL when Lhe ln[ured parLy flles
a pet|t|on
29 1he chlef Lrlal courL ln 1exas ls whaL courL?
a |str|ct court
30 A clvll sulL for $300 would orlglnaLe ln whaL courL or courLs?
a L|ther a b or c (county court [ust|ce of the peace sma|| c|a|ms court)
3 !usLlces of Lhe peace are elecLed for regular Lerms of
a Iour years
32 AppellaLe [urlsdlcLlon ln Lhe counLy courL dlffers from oLher appellaLe courLs ln whlch of Lhe
followlng ways?
a -C1 a|| of the preced|ng
b -C1 on|y and C of the preced|ng
33 A [usLlce of Lhe peace ls a maglsLraLe conducLs prellmlnary hearlngs performs marrlages and
acLs as a coroner ln some counLles
a 1rue
34 AfLer convlcLlon a separaLe hearlng ls held before Lhe convlcLed person wlll be asslgned
a 1he pena|ty |s determ|ned
33 A clvll case of over $2000 lnvolvlng a quesLlon of Lhe 1exas ConsLlLuLlon could ulLlmaLely be
appealed Lo whaL courL?
a 1exas supreme court
36 1exas Supreme CourL would have Lhe flnal [urlsdlcLlon ln whlch of Lhe followlng cases?
a uest|ons of 1exas const|tut|ona| |aw
37 CuallflcaLlons for [urors ln Lhe sLaLe lnclude whlch of Lhe followlng?
a -one of these
38 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs are Lrue ln Lhe caplLol felony law ln 1exas?
a If the [ury fa||s to g|ve the death sentence there |s a mandatory sentence of ||fe |n
pr|son w|th the poss|b|||ty of paro|e
39 1he supreme courL ln crlmlnal cases ls whaL courL?
a Court of cr|m|na| appea|s
40 1he flrsL appellaLe courL open ln clvll cases where Lhe amounL of Lhe conLroversy exceeds $3000
ls whaL courL?
a -ot d|str|ct court
4 A federal felony commlLLed wlLhln 1exas would be Lrled ln whaL courL?
a Iedera| court
42 A crlmlnal case where Lhe flne was under $00 could go only as hlgh as whaL appellaLe courL?
a County court
43 ConsLlLuLlonal quallflcaLlons for Lhe 1exas dlsLrlcL [udge lnclude
a Lawyer
44 A vlolaLlon of a clLy ordlnance punlshable by a flne would orlglnaLe ln whaL courL?
a Mun|c|pa|
43 A class C mlsdemeanor wlLh a flne of $300 Lrled ln Lhe counLy courL could be appealed ln whaL
a Court of appea|s
46 under Lhe Lerms of 1exas law a murderer commlLs a caplLol offense lf he murders
a po||ce off|cer
47 lallure on Lhe parL of a grand [ury Lo reLurn an lndlcLmenL consLlLuLes
a no b|||
48 Mlsdemeanors punlshable by only a flne (class C mlsdemeanors) whlch occur ouLslde a clLy
llmlLs would begln orlglnally ln whlch courL?
a Iust|ce of the peace court
49 1he counLy commlssloner's courL Lrles only cases ln whlch counLy offlclals are parLles
a Ia|se
30 lea bargalnlng ls beneflclal Lo Lhe sLaLe courLs because
a It cuts the t|me and cost of prosecut|on

(3) 1he lnsLrumenL whlch formally accuses a person of havlng commlLLed a felony and orders
LhaL person Lo Lrlal ls a(n)
a 1rue b|||
2 (4) noL lncluded among Lhe duLles of a maglsLraLe ls
a eterm|n|ng |f an arrested person shou|d be re|eased on ba|| pend|ng tra|| and what
the amount of that ba|| shou|d be
3 (6) 1exas's response Lo Lhe cuLbacks ln federal fundlng for Lhe Legal Servlces CorporaLlon whlch
provldes legal asslsLance ln clvll maLLers Lo poor persons has been Lo
a -ot set up a state agency to prov|de those serv|ces
4 (8) noL lncluded wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlclLlon of a consLlLuLlonal counLy courL ls
a -C1 or|g|na| [ur|sd|ct|on over probate cases
3 (9) Cf Lhe [udges of local courLs whlch musL be an aLLorney llcensed Lo pracLlce law ln 1exas?
a County court at |aw [udge
6 A class C mlsdemeanor wlLh a flne of $300 Lrled ln Lhe counLy courL could be appealed ln whaL
a -C1 I court
7 (23) ConsLlLuLlonal quallflcaLlons for a counLy [udge lnclude Lhe followlng
a -one of the preced|ng
8 (43) 1he [usLlce of Lhe peace courLs ln each counLy are creaLed by
a 1he County Comm|ss|oners Court
9 CaplLal felonles are Lrled ln whaL courL?
a |str|ct court
0 (48) 1he counLy [udges duLles lnclude whlch of Lhe followlng?
a robat|ng w|||s

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