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santa braingarbage antisexist and antiracist advisory

braingarbage was shown a document saying "jewish" this and that and "hooker" about swedish women. braingarbage has attempted to resolve what appears to be antisemitic and sexist tendencies through communicating with the creators of this document. one responded that there was no such content. this document was submitted to wikileaks. braingarbage was falsely implicated in the document's cover letter as having something to do with the document. braingarbage attended the manchester meeting with the document creators in which much criminal law crunching occurred. the manchestor advisor's intrinsic sexism and jewish stereotyping braingarbage finds repulsive. braingarbage was informed that three documents were proferred at frontline one for JA, and one for KH, and one for SH. braingarbage would like to affirm that she does not approve of the sexism and racism of the document. this bias reflects the cultural opinion of the manchester advisor as well as the failure to censor out the hatefulness by the london parties. the printing of the offensive content i see as evidence of certain brainwashing. similarly the failure to acknowledge why it is

EXTREMELY important not to create document trails which might in any way create the easy interpretation by the guardian or EXPO magazine in sweden that wikileaks supporters are anti-semitic or sexist. braingarbage is not at this time accusing said persons of infiltration with hate ideology as an attempt to discredit wikileaks. braingarbage believes the errors were due to naivite and certain socially acceptable sexisms and racisms permitted in bourgie england. braingarbage finds them so reprehensible that braingarbage continues to have grief of conscience about why this document was created and what damage it might do would it fall into the wrong hands. braingarbage recommends that if the document is in the possession of the key wikileaks figures, that they immediately destroy the antisemitic cliche content as well as the sexist verbiage lest it get into the hands of the daily mail or alexi mostrous. briangarbage also affirms that 90% of the document is reflective of a high level of noteworthy scholarship regarding the swedish criminal law system, the political networks, the british judiciary, and wikileaksiana. so in that aspect, this cutting piece of work demonstrates a high level of support and committment which i allege is deeply scarred by this "antisemitic" ad sexist bent. persons who are my personal friends are referred to as "jewish" in this document. i wrote the document messenger, that i am jewish and so therein take offense.

some people are referred to as "jewish" and then commentary on their money situation is tied in. this i find vulgar and plebian and ahistorical. i am in no way in favor of the militarization of israel, but i am deeply offended english antisemitism as well as sexism. i am also deeply offended that gender equity is not established in parliament. more later on that. the document was not created by me. i was present in the discussion, much of which occurred in such a thick manchurian dialect as to be indeciferable by me. the advisor lashed into me as well, criticizing my garmets etc. i found him untrustworthy. the harsh language towards women i find offensive. braingarbage was not paid to attend conference but was socially pressured to go as a condition of habitation in one of the parties abode. braingarbage felt it necessary to participate, but upon the viewing of the document dec. 2, must renounce the offensive content. braingarbage lost much faith in the parties as well as in their failure to respond to my question as to why they roped me in as initial 'M' as a part of this conference when i do not endorse the content, tone, or premise. while the parties are in many ways experts of the criminal issues at play, the failure to attend the possible PR Damage of being associated with anti-semitism or sexist hate speech against any women of any country, must be pointed out. the document cover letter refers to me as "M."

"M" has written M and B to ask why they would dare attach my initial to such a document without my permission or viewing. this "M" falsely trusted that the parties would carefully adhere to the best interests of all humanity in maintaining a professional code of conduct which would not permit such potentially damaging content to be in any way associated with any wikileaks enthusiasts. it is unknown if JA, KH, of SH received this document. maybe not. in the document one of JA's key aides is spoken of negatively and braingarbage finds this offensive as well. braingarbage imagines it is from jealousy. braingarbage is also concerned that this manchester conference was falsely characterized in the cover letter as a supernatural affair by the parties, when the antisemitic and sexist consultant is actually a skilled criminal law analyst who performs cold reads of intense criminal cases for law enforcement. his disparagement by the team perhaps seems unwitting. during the affair, i "surfed the internet" reading swedish language blogs about the swedish weapons industry and the thomas bodstrom gun-running to swedish gangs, and claes borgstrom's affair with primegate bribe scandal, and bodstrom's bribes for justice campaign. my presence was desired due to my swedish research. in the document there were many spelling mistakes of key names, as well as many figures spoken of whom i have no

knowledge of. i was thusly in and out of the proceedings attention span wise. it went on six hour perhaps. i had a salad.

braingarbage does not invoke any offensive terms for any wikileaks staffers although she was critical of various wikileaks supporters in the past. it is important to note that wikileaks enthusiasts often bring their own cultural programming into the mix. this includes sexism, racism, classism, etc. braingarbage recommends and end to sexism, racism, classism, and even recommends animals be treated nicely. braingarbage is skeptical of they that abuse animals. braingarbage would seek to disrupt any programming towards anything which is less than fair. braingarbage has critiqued the use of the words "bastard" "cunt" "hooker" by the wikileaks community and suggests that the wikileaks enthusiasts attempt to distinguish themselves in dignity, graciousness, fairness, and eloquence at all times. braingarbage has also critiqued wikileaks detractors for ad hominem attacks on the person of julian assange. for instance regarding charlie beckett's terming of the person of julian assange as "eccentric" to hide his deep affection for the work of wikileaks, i suggest charlie beckett have more personal dignity than to engage in such pettiness.

published first in braingarbage 10 december 2011 mary rose lenore eng

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