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General Windows Shortcuts

F1 Start Windows Help F2 Rename a file/folder F3 Search for a file/folder Ctrl + Esc Display the Start Menu Alt + Tab Switch between open programs Delete Move the selected item to the Recycle Bin Shift + Delete Permanently delete the selected item

Crossprogram Shortcuts

Ctrl + C Copy selected text to clipboard Ctrl + V Paste contents of clipboard Ctrl + Z Undo Ctrl + Y Redo Ctrl + X Cut Ctrl + B Bold Ctrl + U Underline Ctrl + I Italics Ctrl + S Save changes Alt + F4 Close program

Firefox Shortcuts

Backspace Back (to previous page) Shift + Backspace Forward (to next page) Alt + Home To homepage F5 Reload/refresh page F6 Jump to address bar F11 Toggle full screen Esc Stop loading page Home Jump to top of page End Jump to bottom of page Ctrl + U View page source Ctrl + P Print current page Ctrl + + Zoom in Ctrl + - Zoom out Ctrl + 0 Reset zoom level Ctrl + D Bookmark current page Ctrl + J View downloads Ctrl + H View history

Gmail Shortcuts

C Compose new message / Move cursor to search box K Move to newer conversation J Move to older conversation U Close message E Archive conversation ! Report spam R Reply F Forward Shift + I Mark as read Shift + U Mark as unread ? Display all shortcuts

Google Reader Shortcuts

J Move to older item K Move to newer item S Star an item L Like an item E Email item Shift + S Share item Shift + D Share item with note M Mark item as read/unread Shift + A Mark all items as read R Refresh screen ? Display all shortcuts

MS Word

Ctrl + A Select all Ctrl + E Center selected text Ctrl + L Align selected text to the left Ctrl + R Align selected text to the right Ctrl + F Open find and replace Ctrl + K- Insert link Ctrl + M Indent paragraph Ctrl + N Create new document Ctrl + O Open new file Ctrl + P Open print window Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent Ctrl + Home Jump to beginning of document Ctrl + End Jump to end of document Ctrl + 2 Double-space lines

F7 Run spell and grammar check Shift + F7 Run thesaurus on selected word

MS Excel Shortcuts

F2 Edit the selected cell F11 Insert chart Ctrl + ; Insert current date Shift + F3 Open formula window Shift + K Insert link Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down Move between worksheets in the same document Ctrl + Shift + $ Use currency format Ctrl + Shift + # Use date format Ctrl + Shift + % Use percentage format Ctrl + Shift + ^ Use scientific format Ctrl + Shift + @ Use time format Ctrl + Space Select column Shift + Space Select row

Paint.Net Shortcuts

Shift + Scroll Up/Down Scroll Left/Right Esc or Enter Deselect Ctrl + I Invert selection E Switch to eraser tool F Switch to paint bucket tool H Switch to pan tool K Switch to color picker tool M Switch to move tool O Switch to box tool P Switch to pencil tool S Switch to selection tool X Swap primary/secondary colors Z Switch to zoom tool Ctrl + Shift + S Open Save As box Ctrl + Shift + Z Open rotate/zoom box

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