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Eurocor v propune o abordare complet nou de a nva i de a v perfeciona engleza, cea mai vorbit limb din ntreaga lume! Spunei adio deplasrilor obositoare la o sal de curs i chinului de a memora cuvinte scrise pe pagina nglbenit a unui caiet dictando ncepei chiar astzi Cursul EUROCOR de Englez nivel Intermediar Interactiv!

Avei la dispoziie o metod modern, ecient i relaxant de aprofundare i mbuntire a cunotinelor de limba englez! nvai comod! Primii acas, la cel mai apropiat ociu potal sau direct la birou pachetele de curs, pe care le parcurgei cnd vrei! Studiai fr stres, n confortul propriului cmin, n weekenduri, dup program, vara sau iarna... cnd i unde dorii! nvai prin ascultare! Pe lng caietele de curs avei la dispoziie CD-uri nregistrate cu vorbitori nativi. Acestea v vor ajuta s dobndii o pronunie excelent! Putei asculta vorbitorii nativi de limb englez n timp ce desfurai alte activiti gtii, facei sport, v plimbai, n pauza de mas, cnd suntei prini n trac... cnd dorii! Opional, putei studia i online! Avei la dispoziie aplicaia de nvare online MultiMedia Plus i Dicionarul online MemoPlus! Este att de simplu, ca un joc! Studiul devine o form de relaxare! MultiMediaPlus v ajut s avei o pronunie excelent, o gramatic perfect i un vocabular de invidiat nvnd cu ajutorul calculatorului. Beneciai de numeroase tipuri de exerciii interactive, nsoite de ilustraii atractive i nregistrri audio. Studiai rapid i ntr-un mod plcut! V vei bucura de o atenie deosebit! Beneciai de sprijinul unui profesor personal, un specialist cu experien, care poate contactat prin coresponden potal sau online. Protai acum de ansa de a conversa uent n englez, limba vorbit de milioane de persoane de pe tot mapamondul! Construii-v un viitor mai bun! Mult succes!

LECIA DEMONSTRATIV v ajut s v familiarizai cu materialele de studiu EUROCOR. Din punctul de vedere al numrului de pagini, aceasta reprezint aproximativ jumtate din coninutul unui caiet de curs. V prezentm cteva seciuni teoretice, exemple, exerciii i un model de tem, selectate din diverse lecii, pentru a vedea exact cum sunt structurate caietele. Lectur plcut!



STRUCTURA LECIILOR Studiul ecient al cursului nostru este garantat de structura unitar a celor 20 de caiete. Informaiile noi sunt prezentate ntr-un mod atractiv, astfel nct procesul de nvare devine simplu i rapid! Caietele se parcurg uor, ntr-un mod relaxat, datorit semnelor grace special concepute pentru a marca diverse componente ale leciilor. Scenariile unor situaii uzuale v ajut s v perfecionai uor vocabularul. V autovericai imediat cu ajutorul ltrului rou. Textul scris cu rou se acoper cu ltrul din plastic, tot de culoare roie. Dup rezolvarea exerciiilor propuse, comparai rezultatele dvs. cu textul din caietul de curs. nregistrrile cu vorbitori nativi disponibile pe CD-urile ce nsoesc caietele de curs v vor facilita nvarea pronuniei corecte.

PRIMIREA CURSULUI La Eurocor, cursanii aleg unde s primeasc pachetul de curs! Dumneavoastr ce alegei? 1. Acas, la cutia potal (Cutia potal trebuie s aib dimensiunile de minimum 22x30x1 cm.). 2. La serviciu. 3. La ociul potal de care aparinei (Adresa declarat la nscriere trebuie s e cea din buletin).

CONTUL DE CURSANT Fiecare cursant are propriul cont pe site-ul Aici gsii informaii despre stadiul trimiterii pachetelor de curs sau plile efectuate i nregistrate. Din contul de cursant se pot accesa i aplicaiile TemeOnline sau PlataOnline. ABSOLVIREA

Odat cu expedierea ultimului pachet de curs, vei primi i testul de evaluare

nal. Calicativele obinute pot : foarte bine, bine i insucient (n funcie de punctajul realizat). Odat promovat acest test, vei obine Certicatul de absolvire Eurocor.

Opional, dup absolvirea acestui curs, putei participa la un scurt program de

pregtire fa-n fa, de cteva zile, n urma cruia putei obine Certicatul de absolvire emis mpreun cu Ministerul Muncii i Ministerul Educaiei. Tradus i apostilat, acesta este recunoscut n alte peste 60 de ri, semnatare ale Conveniei de la Haga.



Programa cursului Englez nivel intermediar

Lecia 1: English around the world Vocabular: numele rilor i naionalitilor Gramatic: timpurile Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Simple Future; verbele speak, say, tell, talk Lecia 3: Family Fortunes Vocabular: grade de rudenie Gramatic: formele posesive; ntrebri despre subiect subject questions; neither, either i both Lecia 5: Memories Vocabular: discuii despre amintiri Gramatic: timpul Simple Past; expresia used to; adverbele de timp i frecven specice timpului trecut Lecia 7: Shopping Vocabular: cumprturi; scrisoarea de reclamaie Gramatic: substantivele numrabile i nenumrabile; articolul nehotrt; determinanii few, a few, little, a little Lecia 11: Car journeys Vocabular: prile componente ale unei maini; condusul mainii; cltoria cu maina Gramatic: verbele modale: can, could, may; perifrazele verbale be able to i be allowed to; exprimarea priceperii, posibilitii, interdiciei i permisiunii la prezent, trecut i viitor; accentul Lecia 13: Sport Vocabular: activiti sportive Gramatic: gradele comparativ i superlativ Lecia 15: The press politics, crime Vocabular: mass-media, politic i infracionalitate Gramatic: timpul Present Perfect Lecia 17: Must love dogs Vocabular: reclam, anunuri Gramatic: dening relative clauses; exerciii fonetice Lecia 2: Technology and Communication Vocabular: calculatorul, conversaiile la telefon Gramatic: Question Tags; cuvintele interogative: why, where, what, how etc.

Lecia 4: Look alike Vocabular: nfiarea unei persoane Gramatic: timpurile Present Simple i Present Continuous; verbele care nu au form continu Lecia 6 : Feelings Vocabular: informaii i preri despre evenimente din trecut Gramatic: timpurile Past Simple i Past Continuous; formarea adverbelor; antonime Lecia 8: Banking Vocabular: domeniul nanciar i bancar; numere i fracii Gramatic: articolul nehotrt a/an i articolul hotrt the; adverbele: all, most, no, none

Leciile 9-10: Lecii recapitulative (recapitularea cunotinelor din leciile 1-8) Lecia 12: Travelling by plane and train Vocabular: cltoriile cu avionul i trenul Gramatic: verbele de necesitate i obligativitate must, mustnt, have to, should, ought to, be supposed to

Lecia 14: Extreme sports Vocabular: sporturi extreme Gramatic: gradele comparativ i superlativ ale adverbelor Lecia 16: Leisure time Vocabular: modaliti de petrecere a timpului liber Gramatic: timpul Present Perfect Continuous; simbolurile fonetice Lecia 18: What business are you in? Vocabular: afaceri Gramatic: non-dening relative clauses



Leciile 19-20: Lecii recapitulative (recapitularea cunotinelor din leciile 11-18) Lecia 21: Touring the city Vocabular: turism; vizitarea diverselor obiective turistice Gramatic: timpurile Present Simple i Present Continuous cu referire la evenimente din viitor; perifrazele verbale be to i be about to Lecia 23: How does it work? Vocabular: funciile diferitelor aparate electrocasnice Gramatic: propoziii condiionale de tipul 0 if you; propoziiile impersonale cu pronumele you i one; verbe compuse Lecia 25: Having a hard time? Vocabular: trsturi de caracter; sfaturi Gramatic: propoziii condiionale de tipul II; adjective antonimice Lecia 27: Unusual places Vocabular: denumiri geograce Gramatic: timpurile Past Perfect, Past Perfect; semnele de punctuaie Lecia 31: Gossip Vocabular: relaii interumane Gramatic: vorbirea indirect; exerciii fonetice Lecia 33: Fit and healthy Vocabular: alimentaie corect, sntate Gramatic: folosirea corect a formelor verbale; conjunciile Lecia 22: The world ahead Vocabular: viitorul i tehnologia viitorului Gramatic: Future Simple; perifraza be going to; formele ll i wont; verbul compus make

Lecia 24: If I win, I will lower the taxes Vocabular: viaa politic; sistemele politice i electorale din Marea Britanie i Statele Unite Gramatic: propoziii condiionale

Lecia 26: How to behave well? Vocabular: etichet i bunele maniere; exprimri ale politeii Gramatic: ntrebrile indirecte Lecia 28: Unusual stories Vocabular: literatur Gramatic: timpurile naraiunii

Leciile 29-30: Lecii recapitulative (recapitularea cunotinelor din leciile 21-28) Lecia 32: TV serials Vocabular: lmul, televiziunea Gramatic: redarea n vorbire indirect a ntrebrilor, ordinelor i interdiciilor Lecia 34: Sleep well Vocabular: somnul Gramatic: formele de gerunziu (verbele n desinena -ing); formarea substantivelor de la verbe i adjective; formarea verbelor de la adjective Lecia 36: Discoveries and inventions Vocabular: invenii, descoperiri Gramatic: diateza pasiv Lecia 38: Catastrophes and ecology Vocabular: ecologie, catastrofe naturale Gramatic: propoziiile condiionale de tipul III; construciile cu wish + Past Perfect

Lecia 35: How coffee is made Vocabular: producia de cafea, hrtie Gramatic: diateza pasiv la timpul prezent i trecut Lecia 37: Luck is blind Vocabular: noroc, hazard Gramatic: construciile wish / if only / its time / Id rather; exerciii de fonetic

Leciile 39-40: Lecii recapitulative (recapitularea cunotinelor din leciile 31-38)



Obiectivele pe care trebuie s le atingei prin parcurgerea ecrei lecii v ajut s v ghidai ct mai bine nvarea.

Bifa i fiecare c su dup ce a i nv at:
s folosi i substantivele num rabile i nenum rabile; s folosi i corect articolul nehot rt; s folosi i n mod corect verbele cu substantive la num rul singular i plural; s folosi i n mod corect determinan ii few, a few, little, a little; vocabularul i expresiile legate de cump r turi i ntocmirea unor reclama ii; s scrie i o scrisoare de reclama ie.


Leciile debuteaz cu o mic nclzire, care v introduce n subiectul respectiv.


a. Privi i numele brand-urilor din imaginea urm toare. Ce vnd aceste companii? Scrie i cuvintele n spa iile libere.




b. _____________ ___


c. _____________ ___

d. _____________ ___



e. _____________ ___

f. _____________ ___

b. Care dintre aceste substantive sunt num rabile C (countable) sau nenum rabile UC (uncountable). Nota i C sau UC lng cuvinte. 3

(selecie din Lecia 7, pagina 3)



Grammar lab

O seciune special 1 prezint elemente de gramatic, precum i diverse exerciii de consolidare a acestora.

S ne reamintim acum regulile generale referitoare la substantivele din limba englez . Substantivele num rabile sunt substantivele de genul: car, book, town, T-shirt. Pot fi num rate, ceea ce nseamn c au att form de singular, ct i de plural: a car cars a book books

Substantivele nenum rabile reprezint cu prec dere materii sau produse n stare lichid sau solid , care nu pot fi cuantificate cu ajutorul numerelor, de ex. water, grass, sugar. Ele au doar num rul singular. Trebuie s re ine i c n fa a substantivelor nenum rabile nu folosim articolul nehot rt a, an i nici numeralul: (nu spunem: a water, three food). n schimb, articolul hot rt the poate fi folosit att cu substantive nenum rabile, ct i cu substantive num rabile la num rul singular i plural, dac ne referim la un lucru concret. I like tomatoes.

I like the tomatoes I bought yesterday.


Completa i spa iile cu a, an acolo unde este posibil:

an 1. _____ egg

2. ____ juice

3. ___________ meat

4. ________ chocolate

5. _____ milk

6. _____ bag

7. _____ salt

8. _____ tree

9. ___ orange

(selecie din Lecia 7, pagina 4)



Putem folosi verbul can i atunci cnd cerem sau acord m permisiunea. 8 Can I borrow your pen? You can smoke in here. Pot mprumuta stiloul t u? Po i fuma aici.


Atunci cnd cerem permisiunea, putem folosi, de asemenea, verbul could. n schimb, pentru a acorda sau refuza permisiunea, apel m la verbul can:

Regulile gramaticale i lexicale sunt evideniate distinct printr-un chenar albastru.

Could I borrow your pen? Of course, you can. Could I park here? Im afraid you cant.

A putea mprumuta stiloul t u? Binen eles c po i. A putea parca aici? M tem c nu po i.


May /me / este tot un verb modal i l putem folosi atunci cnd cerem sau acord m permisiunea i atunci cnd vorbim despre ea, cu singura diferen c may se folose te ntr-un context mult mai formal: May I see you again? Te mai pot vedea? You may write to me if you want to. Po i s -mi scrii, dac vrei. Compara i: Can I come in? Could I talk to you? May I call back later? Pot s intru? (rug minte neutr , neformal ) A putea vorbi cu tine? (rug minte politicoas ) Pot s sun mai trziu? (rug minte formal )


n schimb, dac vorbim despre ni te reguli impuse de o autoritate superioar , atunci n loc de can i could mai putem folosi i perifraza (to) be allowed to /bi alad t /. May I stop in front of your house? (Will you allow me?) dar Are we allowed to stop here? (Are there any rules?) Avem voie s ne oprim aici? (Exist cumva ni te reguli n sensul acesta?) M pot opri n fa a casei tale? (mi permi i?)

be allowed to


Scrie i ceea ce indic semnele. Apoi asculta i nregistrarea.

Page 6 You have to 1. ____________ turn left. ____________ 2. ____________ ____________ 3. ____________ ____________ 4. ____________ ____________

(selecie din Lecia 11, pagina 7)





De ni i cuvintele reprezentate de imagini. Asculta i apoi nregistrarea.

1. It is an animal which gives wool.

O subseciune asigur deprinderea unei bune pronunii n limba englez.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Uneori, cei care nva limba englez au probleme cu pronun area sonor a consoanelor nale ale cuvintelor. De aceea, este necesar s aloc m pu in timp exers rii pronun iei acestor consoane sonore. Un exemplu tipic, discutat la lec ia despre verbele regulate la timpul trecut, este pronun area contrastiv : worked /t/ moved /d/. 11
Exercise 9

a. ncercui i cuvintele pe care le auzi i pe nregistrarea audio. 1. loose lose 3. mat mad 4. got God 5. foot food 6. feed feet 7. Ms Miss 8. had hat 9. cabs caps 11. ice eyes 10. lid lit 12. let led

Un simbol aparte indic nregistrrile audio. Numrul v ajut s gsii respectivul fragment pe suportul audio.

2. bet bed 12 13

b. Asculta i i repeta i cuvintele.

Exercise 10

Asculta i enun urile i repeta i-le. 1. He let me know about it. 2. He closed the door. 3. He led me to believe that he was English. 4. She lit the lamp. 5. Where is the lid? 6. Is there any food in the kitchen? 7. I had a bad dream. 8. Do you believe in God? 9. Dont lose it. 10. He must be mad!

Un alt semn evideniaz particularitile limbii engleze.

Fi i atent la sunetele sonore, mai ales la cele care se g sesc la sfr itul cuvintelor, i str dui i-v s nv a i cuvintele corect, pronun nd consoanele sonore b, d, g, v, z n mod sonor.

(selecie din Lecia 18, pagina 9)



Tapescripts 17-18
Suplimentar, la 18 sfritul caietelor de curs sunt prezentate i textele ce apar pe CD-urile corespunztoare i care nu au fost incluse n cuprinsul materialului de studiu tiprit.
Exercise 15 My favourite advert is the one about an Alpha Romeo. It is set in a desert, a man arrives in a new Alpha Romeo at a petrol station and explains to the assistant why the car is fantastic it has a lot of functions it can turn very easily and works perfectly on slippery, icy roads. Of course they are in the desert so all these are useless. Its incredibly funny and well- lmed. It makes you want to test the car I like all adverts of perfumes because they show celebrities, beautiful people in their beautiful surroundings or romantic situations and you can almost smell the atmosphere I know that they appeal to our desires to be like them and we tend to think that by buying a bottle of perfume we will be able to make ourselves more attractive. Nevertheless, they appeal to me through their absolutely beautiful imagery everything: people, clothes, houses and I usually like the smell of the perfume that I see on TV. I hate most adverts but there is one or two that are worth seeing again and again probably because they have a unique idea and they are humorous they have fast action, good music and something funny. I think the best example is Kitkat a man gets into a taxi in India and the taxi driver is singing terribly, so the man puts a bar of Kitkat chocolate in his mouth and the man likes it so he switches on the radio with even more terrible music I like those ads which advertise food or drink, particularly chocolates and beer. They always make me want to taste them immediately so I think they must be successful they persuade people to buy the product. Apart from this, they are usually nice to watch chocolate ads are soft, romantic and delicate and those that advertise beer are meant especially for men they show macho qualities strength, courage and real friendship. I like any advertising that is good I mean if it has a catchy tune sometimes an old, 70s or 80s hit which sticks in my mind and I sing it all the time and I can hear other people singing it, too. I also like good slogans some of them make a lasting impression and I always remember them when Im doing my shopping and they probably somehow make me choose the right product thats the nature of advertising. Exercise 21


Today is May 8 the one hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the birth of Coca-Cola. Its history dates back to the year 1886 when Mr Pemberton, who was a pharmacist, carried a jug of syrup to his pharmacy. Frank M. Robinson, who was Mr Pembertons friend, coined the name Coca-Cola for it. Coca-Cola, which was meant to be a refreshing soda drink, was put on sale for ve cents a glass. He took it to the local newspaper which advertised the drink so the sales rose to nine glasses a day If you are interested in the history of coke today, visit our website www Exercise 31


Good morning to Business today. Well be talking about the recent trends we are observing on the job market namely people starting their companies and at the same time keeping their rst jobs just in case. We have Marie who is an advertising agent and runs her own business renting holiday equipment and Dan who has set up his jewellery company working as a tax consultant. Marie, tell us something about your two jobs. MARIE: I have been working in advertising since I graduated from school. In the meantime I had a baby, so it was sort of a turning point and I started thinking about something more exible which would let me both work and be a mother. Then I read about a start-up scheme called the New Entrepreneurship Scholarships where advisers help you during the start-up process. So I signed up and they helped me through the rst stage of the process it was tough because in the beginning I was a fulltime consultant, a full-time mother and spent every evening on learning new skills. HOST: So how do you manage to reconcile the three things when for most people two of them would be too much? MARIE: I keep repeating to myself that it is going to be an investment in my future, my sons future and my retirement plan, because with my own business and working much longer hours now Im planning to retire early. HOST: Dont you think that if youre taking on too much, something will have to give in your career, your business or your personal life? MARIE: Well, Im good at what I do after all, so


(selecie din Lecia 18, pagina 41)





Exercise 17

Citit i textul i descoperi i ce este un personal shopper. Apoi asculta i nregistrarea.

Elementele noi de vocabular sunt evideniate printr-o grac special.


adept apologetic haggler (to) browse embroidered (to) grab high street minefield on my behalf outfits stalls Glossary stock vintage

/ dept/ / pl d et k h gl / /braz/ / m br d d/ /gr b/ / ha stri t/ / ma n fi ld/ /n ma bi h f/ / atf ts/ /st lz/ /stk/ / v nt d /

expert, - , specialist, persoan /client care nu tie s se tocmeasc a c uta pe internet mpodobit, - , ornamentat, a n f ca, a apuca strad principal teren minat n numele meu haine, mbr c minte nte tarabe, standuri marf vechi, clasic, de bun calitate


(selecie din Lecia 7, pagina 15)




Seciunea dedicat comunicrii cuprinde cuvinte noi i exerciii de ascultare, citire, vorbire i scriere.

Word bank
V propunem acum s recapitula i vocabularul tematic legat de familie. 11
Exercise 11

Scrie i echivalentul masculin sau feminin al urm toarelor substantive referitoare la membrii familiei. Apoi verifica i-v ascultnd nregistrarea. stepfather 1. stepmother ___________________ 2. nephew ___________________

3. half-brother ___________________ 4. aunt 5. son 6. ex-wife ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

7. grandfather ___________________ 8. sister-in-law ___________________

Gsii i diverse sugestii pentru o nvare ecient.

Study Tip
Pentru a nv a limba englez , nu trebuie s uita i un lucru foarte important, i anume consultarea permanent a unui dic ionar bilingv sau monolingv. Lucrul cu dic ionarul este foarte necesar, dac vre i s v mbog i i n mod sistematic vocabularul n limba str in studiat . Totu i, deocamdat , pute i apela la dic ionarul de la sfr itul caietului pentru a efectua exerci iul de mai jos. Dup verificarea cuvintelor n dic ionar, pute i scrie n dreptul lor echivalentul n limba romn .


Exercise 12

Folosindu-v de Dic ionarul (Word List) de la sfr itul caietului, grupa i urm toarele cuvinte n func ie de eveniment. Apoi verifica i-v ascultnd nregistrarea. pregnant cemetery god mother reception coffin maternity leave honeymoon divorce widow bride christening best man wreath have a baby wedding funeral get engaged grave DEATH BIRTH pregnant MARRIAGE


(selecie din Lecia 3, pagina 11)





Scrie i n dreptul imaginilor cui apar in obiectele indicate, folosind forma posesiv cu s.
toys skateboard birthday



the childrens ______________ 2. ____________________ 3. toys ______________ ____________________


___________________ 4. ____________ ___________________ ____________


Mai jos apar ni te titluri de c r i i filme. Rescrie i-le la forma de genitiv folosind structura cu s sau cu of. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Roses name ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________

Exerciiile v ajut s punei n practic teoria.

Sper m c ti i deja s folosi i cu u urin formele genitivale posesive n s. Este momentul s discut m despre o alt chestiune de gramatic , pe care o introducem cu ajutorul a dou texte scurte. Citi i-le, apoi completa i propozi iile de dedesubtul lor astfel nct s fie adev rate. 2
Exercise 4

Citi i urm toarele dou texte i completa i enun urile de dedesubt cu informa ia corect . Asculta i apoi nregistrarea. 1. Fernando and his family live in Venezuela. He s got a farm, but he doesn t live there. He goes there to work. He owns a herd of cattle and he grows corn and sorghum. Every day he and his workers milk the cows and make cheese from the milk, which he then sells to the local warehouses. Sometimes, he goes to correo the bull fighting, which is a popular pastime in Venezuela. He s got three children, two boys and a girl. He is quite well-off because he owns a big farm. His children often help him on the farm and his wife takes care of the household. At the weekend they usually visit their families. 5

(selecie din Lecia 3, pagina 5)




Key 3-4
V autoevaluai rapid cu ajutorul rspunsurilor la exerciii.
Exercise 1 Joe is a student. He is 21. Joe s father is a bank manager. His name is Craig. His mother is a teacher. Her name is Helen. Judy is Joe s s younger sister. She goes to nursery. Jessica is g Joe s twin sister but she doesnt look like her brother. She is a student, too. Jimmy is Joe s father s brother. He lives in the country and he r s likes riding horses. His wife Sue doesnt work. She is a housewife and she looks after the kids and the house. Theyve got two children a daughter and a son. Chris is Joe s eldest s cousin. He is 16 and he loves motorbikes. Chris s sister s name is Chloe. She is a schoolgirl. She likes helping her mum and dad on the farm.

Exercise 6 2. 3. 4. 5. Neither John nor Tom passed the exam. I dont like either of them. / I like neither of them. Id like to visit both France and Spain this summer. Both the mother and the daughter have red hair.

Exercise 7 2. 3. 4. did she marry told phoned 5. 6. 7. did you see does this word mean wrote

Exercise 8 1. Who loves Ian? Who talked to you? Who plays football (with you)?

1. 2. 3.

Joe Chris Craig

4. 5. 6.

Chloe Jessica Jimmy

7. 8. 9.

Helen Judy Sue

2. 3.

Exercise 10 Exercise 2 2. 3. 4. the boys skateboard the girls birthday the mans bike both think month mouth thumb earth Exercise 11 2. 3. 4. 5. The Identity of Bourne Gods Fist The Flight over the Nest of the Cuckoo Egypts Prince 2. 3. 4. 5. niece half-sister uncle daughter 6. 7. 8. ex-husband grandmother brother-in-law through health thin thing birth

Exercise 3

Exercise 4 2. 3. 4. Fernando Fernandos children Ben 5. 6. 7. Ben Jenny, Bens wife Bens family

Exercise 12 birth pregnant god mother maternity leave marriage reception honeymoon divorce bride best man wedding get engaged death cemetery coffin widow wreath funeral grave

Exercise 5 2. 3. 4. do they have they got do they 5. 6. does he finish do they

christening have a baby


(selecie din Lecia 3, pagina 37)




Discutnd aspectele implicate de cele dou timpuri prezent din limba englez Present Simple i Continuous, nu putem s nu amintim existen a unei serii de verbe care de regul nu formeaz aspectul continuu (n -ing). Aceste verbe formeaz n general numai timpul Present Simple. Dac totu i le ntlni i la forma continu -ing, e bine s ti i c sensul lor a suferit o anumit modificare, deoarece descriu ni te situa ii particulare. Este vorba despre verbe care: arat procese mintale sau ac iuni ale sim urilor, de ex.: hear , smell exprim sentimente, de ex.: hate , like exprim opinii, de ex.: agree , mean exprim existen a, apartenen a, de ex.: belong , possess

Prezent m mai jos lista celor mai importante verbe care nu sunt folosite de regul la forma continu . Citi i-le cu aten ie i re ine i-le. Folosi i filtrul ro u pentru recapitularea verbelor. (to) believe (to) like (to) own (to) need (to) know (to) dislike (to) possess (to) remember (to) understand (to) hate (to) have (to) want (to) love (to) belong (to) seem (to) see (to) feel /b li v/ /la k/ / n/ /ni d/ /n / /d s la k/ /p zes/ /r memb / /nd st nd/ /he t/ /h v/ /w nt/ /lv/ /b l / /si m/ /si / /fi l/ a crede a pl cea, a iubi a poseda, a de ine, a avea a avea nevoie a ti, a cunoa te a displ cea, a nu-i pl cea a poseda a ine minte a n elege a ur a avea a vrea a iubi a ine, a apar ine a p rea a vedea a sim i (a avea sentimentul, a crede)


Pentru a v xa anumite cunotine vei folosi ltrul rou, ideal pentru studiul individual.


O parte a acestor verbe primesc forma -ing, schimbndu- i totodat sensul de baz , de ex.: think, have, look, feel, see. Compara i perechile de propozi ii de mai jos i traducerile lor: What do you think about? What are you thinking about? She has a house in the country. She is having a shower. Ce crezi despre? (cerem p rerea) La ce te gnde ti acum? (nu cerem p rerea persoanei) Ea are o cas la ar . (exprim m posesiunea) Ea face du acum. (se schimb sensul verbului)


(selecie din Lecia 3, pagina 21)






G si i drumul corect n urm torul labirint urm rind tipul de accent .o. Asculta i apoi nregistrarea.

Un simbol special indic momentul cnd v putei opri din studiu, fr ca pauza s afecteze nvarea.

(selecie din Lecia 11, pagina 9)




The world of English

O seciune aparte prezint secvene inedite din cultura i istoria rilor n 34 care engleza este limb ocial.

Unul dintre cei mai celebri monarhi englezi este Henric al VIII-lea. i datoreaz celebritatea mai ales faptului c a avut ase neveste. Citi i textul i ve i afla mai multe detalii despre rela iile sale mai mult sau mai pu in reu ite. If a lion knew his strength, it were hard for any man to hold him. - Sir Thomas More of Henry VIII
Exercise 43

Asculta i nregistrarea i apoi citi i povestea despre Henric al VIII-lea i cele ase so ii ale sale.


Henry VIII one of the most famous English kings was born on 28th June 1491, as the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. He became king in 1509 after his brother Prince Arthur s death. In his youth Henry was athletic: extremely fond of hunting and tennis. He was very intelligent, spoke good French, Latin and Spanish. Henry liked writing both books and music. He was a good player of many instruments and a composer. He was also very religious. Nowadays, Henry VIII is mainly known for his six marriages. He married his first wife Catherine of Aragon for political reasons, just after he became king. They had a daughter Mary I. By the end of the 1520s Henry s wife was in her forties and they still didn t have a son. The king was really desperate to have a male heir. He fell in love with Anne Boleyn, the sister of one of his many mistresses, so he decided to divorce Catherine and tried to persuade the Pope to allow him to do that. However, the Pope said no . So Henry VIII took England out of the Roman Catholic Church and made himself head of the Church of England. This was the start of Protestantism in England. In 1533, he married Anne Boleyn. Henry hoped finally to have a male heir. His wife, gave birth to another daughter, Princess Elizabeth. Henry decided to get rid of Anne. She was executed for adultery in 1536. In 1537, the king married his third wife the kind-hearted Jane Seymour. She finally gave birth to a son who later became Edward VI. Jane, however, died 12 days after the child s birth in 1537. He married his fourth wife, a German princess, Anne of Cleves for political reasons and soon divorced her. This marriage ended because Anne deliberately made herself unattractive so that she could be free to remarry her sweetheart. In 1540, Henry VIII married the beautiful and ambitious Lady Catherine Howard, but she also was executed for adultery. His last wife Catherine Parr outlived him and died in 1548. None of the last two wives gave birth to any children. King Henry VIII died on 28th January 1547. To some, Henry VIII was a strong and ruthless ruler. But he left the country in a weak and uncertain state. 30

(selecie din Lecia 6, pagina 30)




Grammar summary
O alt seciune sintetizeaz toate informaiile gramaticale dintr-o lecie.
Formele verbului la timpul Present Perfect Continuous have/has + been + ...-ing

I have been driving for three hours. Have you been feeling all right? I havent been sleeping well recently.


Timpul Present Perfect Continuous se folose te pentru redarea unei activit i care: a debutat n trecut, dar continu i n prezent, de ex.:

I have been watching TV for two hours.

a durat o perioad n trecut i s-a ncheiat tot n trecut, dar efectele sunt vizibile n prezent, de ex: They are tired because they have been playing tennis.


Acest timp verbal este folosit cu adverbe precum: for / since / how long (cu excep ia verbelor statice). How long have you been studying French? dar How long have you had this car? I have been reading for two hours/since 7 oclock. dar I have known him for seven years/since 2004.


Dac activitatea dureaz de ceva vreme, trebuie s i nu la prezent, de ex.: I have been here since Wednesday.

e exprimat la timpul Perfect,

Sunt aici de miercuri.

We have known each other for years. Ne cunoa tem de ani de zile.


(selecie din Lecia 16, pagina 35)





Word list 15-16

A (to) accuse sb of / kju z smb di v/ a acuza pe cineva de aquatic centre / kat k sent / aqua parc, parc acvatic advisory / dva z ri/ care consiliaz , care sf tuie te, care d sfaturi aimless / e ml s/ f r sens, f r scop, f r int amid / m d/ printre, ntre assailant / se l nt/ atacator assaulted / s lt d/ asaltat, - , atacat, B backbencher / b kbent / membru al parlamentului de pe b ncile din spate (to) be bored with /bi b d w / a plictisit, de ceva, a se plictisi (to) be elected /bi lekt d/ a ales, aleas (to) be fond of /bi fnd v/ a-i pl cea foarte mult ceva (to) be held up /bi held p/ a atacat, - , a luat, - cu asalt (to) be interested in /bi ntr st d n/ a se interesa de, a interesat, - de (to) be into /bi nt / a interesat, - de, a pasionat, - de (to) be keen on /bi ki n n/ a pasionat, - de (to) be mad about /bi m d bat/ a nebun, dup ceva (to) be published /bi pbl d/ a publicat, a ie i (despre publica ii) (to) be tried /bi tra d/ a judecat, bene ts system / ben f ts s st m/ sistemul de asigur ri sociale biased / ba st/ p rtinitor, -oare bill /b l/ hot rre (to) break into / bre k nt / a sparge, a intra prin efrac ie (to) bribe /bra b/ a mitui bribery / bra b ri/ mit broadsheet / br d i t/ ziar de format mare (to) burgle / b gl/ a jefui o cas business news / b zn s nju z/ tiri economice C Cabinet / k b n t/ cabinet candidate / k nd de t, k nd d t/ candidat, case /ke s/ caz championed / t mp nd/ sprijinit, (to) charge with / t d w / a nvinui, a acuza de Church of England /t t v i l nd/ Biserica Anglican (to) collect /k lekt/ a aduna, a strnge, a colec iona (to) come out /km at/ a ie i (despre o publica ie), a vedea lumina tiparului (to) commit a crime /k m t kra m/ a comite o crim , a comite o infrac iune council / kans l/ consiliu criminal / kr m n l/ infractor, -oare, criminal, D daily / de li/ pres care apare zilnic, jurnal, cotidian dance classes / d ns kl s z/ lec ii de dans deprived of /d pra vd v/ lipsit de, privat de (to) dissolve /d slv/ a dizolva, a desface, a anula DIY (do it yourself) /di a wa / f -o singur! E editorial /ed t r l/ editorial, nota editorului (to) eat out /i t at/ a mnca n ora embassy / emb si/ ambasad estimated / est me t d/ estimat, - apreciat, - , evaluat, F feature articles / fi t t klz/ / articole mai lungi (de ex.: despre mod , nu despre chestiuni curente) (to) ne /fa n/ a amenda pe cineva cu o sum de bani; amend tness freak / f tn s fri k/ fanatic al sportului, persoan obsedat de sport (to) ee /fli / a fugi, a evada, a sc pa (II i III forma: ed) G game arcade /ge m k d/ sal de jocuri (to) get away / get we / a sc pa, a fugi (to) give up /g v p/ a renun a la ceva, a abandona (o activitate) (to) go out /g at/ a ie i n ora (la restaurant, la cinema, la o petrecere) government / gv nm nt/ guvern governor / gv n / guvernator (to) grab /gr b/ a n f ca, a apuca, a prinde H headlines / hedla nz/ titluri (n ziare), tiri principale (pe scurt), rezumatul principalelor tiri hijacking / ha d k / deturnare a unui avion (to) hold up / h ld p/ a ataca, a lua cu asalt; atac, asalt (to) hang up / h p/ a amna (to) have a night out /h v na t at/) a ie i seara n ora (cu prietenii, la o petrecere) I illegal / li gl/ illegal, impartial / m p l/ impar ial, (to) indulge / n dld / a nceplini o nevoie, a satisface o nevoie.

Dicionarul de la nalul caietului cuprinde toate cuvintele noi din cele 2 lecii, traducerea i transcrierea lor fonetic.


(selecie din Lecia 16, pagina 47)




Homework 5-6
Temele v ajut s v xai cunotinele.
1. Completa i enun urile cu forma corect a verbelor. went were fighting 1. When I __________ (GO) in, the children _____________ (FIGHT). 2. When he __________ (SEE) me, I __________ (TALK) to John. 3. When you __________ (HEAR) them, __________ they __________ (SPEAK) German? 4. Yesterday at 8 p.m., I __________ (HAVE) dinner with my boyfriend. 5. At that time, a week ago we __________ (HAVE) a party. 6. Yesterday the sun __________ (SHINE) all day.

2. Completa i enun urile cu used to EXTREMELY REALLY

i adverbele din chenar. CAREFULLY WELL EARLY


used to regularly 1. I ________ go ________ to the gym but now I dont. 2. He ________ ask politely for help. Now he is __________ rude. 3. Mary __________ ride a horse very __________. 4. We __________ wake up really __________. 5. When I was younger, I __________ be __________ nervous before job interviews. 6. He never __________ drive __________. But look at him now!

Citi i textul i apoi r spunde i la ntreb ri.


William Shakespeare was born in April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His family were rather rich and he was quite lucky because he went to school. In 1582, when he was 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a woman from a nearby village. They lived happily together for a few years and they had 3 children. Suddenly, in the late 1580s, Shakespeare heard the call and left his family. He went to London with a group of travelling actors. His wife felt very unhappy. In London, he started writing the plays which made him famous. He became known both as a playwright and an actor. He performed in plays even for Queen Elizabeth I. Shakespeare left London about 1610 and returned to Stradford where, after six years, died of a fever on 23rd April.

1. Were Shakespeares parents poor? ________________________________________________


(selecie din Lecia 6, pagina 34)




Adresa: C.P 61-15 .: Cod 041293 - sect. 4 Bucure[ti

Codul profesorului


Temele se pot rezolva pe formularele speciale inserate n caiet (dac se trimit spre corectare prin pot) sau online, n contul de cursant de pe site-ul Un profesor personal v ndrum pe toat durata studiului.

Numele [i prenumele Adresa Cod po[tal Localitatea


[i 6 i

Nr. cursantului


1. Completai enunurile cu forma corect a verbelor.

went were fighting e __________ 1. When I __________ (GO) in, the children _____________ (FIGHT).

___ 2. When he __________ (SEE) me, I __________ (TALK) to J John.

m, 3. When you __________ (HEAR) them, __________ they __________ (SPEAK) German? ____ AVE 4. Yesterday at 8 p.m., I __________ (HAVE) dinner with my boyfriend. 5. At that time, a week ago we __________ (HAVE) a p party. _________ SHINE) all day. 6. Yesterday the sun __________ (S

ai 2. Completai enunurile cu used to i adverbele din chenar.


____ 1. I ________ go ________ to the gym but now I dont. 2. He ________ ask politely for help. Now he is __________ rude. _______ 3. Mary __________ ride a horse very __________. ____ 4. We __________ wake up really __________. 5. When I was younger, I __________ be __________ nervous before job interviews. 6. He never __________ drive __________. But look at him now!


Avei deja cunotine de limba englez, este pcat s v oprii la jumtatea drumului! ncepei chiar astzi cursul Eurocor de ENGLEZ NIVEL INTERMEDIAR INTERACTIV! Vei aprofunda limba englez contemporan, limba vorbit! V sunt prezentate articole din presa englez, teme interesante din viaa de zi cu zi, detalii istorice unice, cntece englezeti elemente care v ajut s descoperii nu doar limba, ci i ntregul univers cultural al English speakers... nchipuii-v cte oportuniti vei avea vorbind uent cea mai rspndit limb de pe ntreg mapamondul! Mult succes la studiu!

Tel. 021 33 225 33



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