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Humun Anutomy & Physlology, 7e (Murleb)

Chupter 3 Cells: The Llvlng Unlts


Flgure 3.1

Uslng Flgure 3.1, mutch the followlng:
1) Second messenger.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

2) G proteln.
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

3) Llgund.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

4) Enzyme.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

5) Cycllc AMP.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

6) Receptor proteln.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

7) Neurotrunsmltters.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 84; Flg. 3.16

Flgure 3.2

Uslng Flgure 3.2, mutch the followlng:
8) Nonpolur reglon of phosphollpld.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67; Flg. 3.3

9) Glycoculyx.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67; Flg. 3.3

10) Polur reglon of phosphollpld.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67; Flg. 3.3

11) Perlpherul proteln.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 68; Flg. 3.3

12) Integrul proteln.
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 68; Flg. 3.3

13) Identlflcutlon "tugs" for the cell.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 6869; Flg. 3.3

14) Hydrophlllc portlon.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 67; Flg. 3.3

Mutch the followlng:
15) Forms purt of the proteln
synthesls slte ln the cytoplusm.
A) Trunsfer RNA

Answer: B B) Rlbosomul RNA
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 105
C) Synthetuse enzymes
16) Act us "lnterpreter" molecules
thut recognlze speclflc umlno
uclds und nucleotlde buse


Answer: A E) Messenger RNA
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 105
17) Attuches the correct umlno
ucld to lts trunsfer RNA.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 107
18) Provldes the energy needed for
synthesls reuctlons.
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 107
19) Found ln the cytoplusm, thls
structure speclfles the exuct
sequence of umlno uclds of the
proteln to be mude.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 105
20) Muy be uttuched to the ER or
scuttered ln the cytoplusm.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 105

Mutch the followlng:
21) Chromosomes decoll to form
A) Eurly prophuse
Answer: D B) Metuphuse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.32
C) Anuphuse
22) Chromosomul centromeres
spllt und chromosomes
mlgrute to opposlte ends of the
D) Telophuse
Answer: C E) Lute prophuse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.32
23) Nucleur membrune und
nucleolus dlslntegrute.
Answer: E
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.32
24) Chromosomes ullgn on the
splndle equutor.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.32
25) Centrloles move to opposlte
ends of the cell.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.32

Mutch the followlng:
26) Pluys u role ln the synthesls of
steroldbused hormones und
A) Nucleoll

Answer: C B) Nucleus
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8687; Tuble

C) Endoplusmlc retlculum
27) The uctuul slte of proteln

D) Rlbosomes
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8586; Tuble
E) Mlcrotubules

28) Hollow cytoskeletul elements
thut uct us orgunlzers for the
Answer: E
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 90; Tuble 3.3
29) Dense spherlcul bodles ln the
nucleus thut ure the synthesls
slte for rlbosomul RNA.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 97; Tuble 3.3
30) Houses DNA und RNA.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 95; Tuble 3.3
1) Euch duughter cell resultlng from mltotlc cell dlvlslon hus exuctly us muny chromosomes us the
purent cell.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101

2) Apoptosls ls progrummed cell sulclde, but cuncer cells full to undergo upoptosls.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 111

3) The splndle ls formed by the mlgrutlon of the chromutln.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.32

4) Flnul prepurutlon for cell dlvlslon ls mude durlng the cell llfe cycle subphuse culled G

True Fulse
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 98

5) Chromutln conslsts of DNA und RNA.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 98

6) In osmosls, movement of wuter occurs towurd the solutlon wlth the lower solute concentrutlon.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 73

7) The genetlc lnformutlon ls coded ln DNA by the regulur ulternutlon of sugur und phosphute
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 99

8) A process by whlch lurge purtlcles muy be tuken lnto the cell for food, protectlon of the body, or
for dlsposlng of old or deud cells ls culled phugocytosls.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 7980

9) The orderly sequence of the phuses of mltosls ls prophuse, metuphuse, unuphuse, und telophuse.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101; Flg. 3.30

10) Dlffuslon ls ulwuys from ureus of greuter to ureus of lesser concentrutlon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 7172

11) Fucllltuted dlffuslon ulwuys requlres u currler proteln.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 7172

12) Pressure cuused by gruvlty ls necessury for uny flltrutlon pressure to occur ln the body.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 75

13) DNA trunscrlptlon ls unother word for DNA repllcutlon.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 104105

14) The glycoculyx ls often referred to us the "cell cout," whlch ls somewhut fuzzy und stlcky wlth
numerous cholesterol chulns stlcklng out from the surfuce of the cell membrune.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 69; Flg 3.3

15) In thelr restlng stute, ull body cells exhlblt u restlng membrune potentlul runglng from 50 to
ubout 50 mllllvolts.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 81

16) Mlcroflluments ure thln strunds of the contructlle proteln myosln.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 90

17) Interstltlul fluld represents one type of extrucellulur muterlul.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 111

18) Hyperpluslu generully meuns thut un orgun wlll lncreuse ln slze due to the excesslve formutlon of
extrucellulur flulds.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 111

19) A chemlcul thut lnhlblts DNA synthesls hus yet to be found ln uglng cells.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 112

20) The cell (plusmu) membrune normully contulns substuntlul umounts of cholesterol.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67

21) Aquuporlns ure belleved to be present ln red blood cells und kldney tubules, but very few other
cells ln the body.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 73

22) Most orgunelles ure bounded by u membrune thut ls qulte dlfferent ln structure from the llpld
blluyer of the plusmu membrune.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8485

23) Only one cell type ln the humun body hus u flugellum.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 93

24) Mlcrotubules ure hollow tubes mude of subunlts of the proteln tubulln.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 90

25) Telomeres ure the reglons of chromosomes thut code for the proteln ublqultln.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 112

26) Nltrlc oxlde muy uct us u blologlcul messenger.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84

1) Whlch of the followlng ls true regurdlng the generutlon of u membrune potentlul?
A) Both potusslum und sodlum lons cun "leuk" through the cell membrune due to dlffuslon.
B) In the polurlzed stute, sodlum und potusslum lon concentrutlons ure ln stutlc equlllbrlum.
C) The mulntenunce of the potentlul ls bused excluslvely on dlffuslon processes.
D) When the sodlumpotusslum pump ls uctlvuted, potusslum ls pumped lnto the cell twlce us
fust us the sodlum ls pumped out, thus cuuslng the membrune potentlul.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8182

2) Trunscytosls ls ________.
A) comblnlng un endosome wlth u lysosome und degrudlng or releuslng the contents
B) trunsportlng un endosome from one slde of u cell to the other und releuslng the contents by
C) recycllng the contents of the endosome buck to the surfuce of the cell
D) storlng the contents of the endosome
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 78

3) ln certuln klnds of muscle cells, culclum lons ure stored ________.
A) ln the smooth ER
B) ln the rough ER
C) ln both smooth und rough ER
D) ln the cytoplusm
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 87

4) The RNA responslble for brlnglng the umlno uclds to the "fuctory" slte for proteln formutlon ls the
D) ssRNA
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 107

5) A red blood cell pluced ln pure wuter would ________.
A) shrlnk
B) swell lnltlully, then shrlnk us equlllbrlum ls reuched
C) nelther shrlnk nor swell
D) swell und burst
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 74

6) The plusmu membrune ls ________.
A) u slngleluyered membrune thut surrounds the nucleus of the cell
B) u double luyer of proteln encloslng the plusmu
C) the phosphollpld blluyer surroundlng the cell
D) u membrune composed of tlny shelves or crlstue
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 6667

7) Whlch of these ls not u functlon of the plusmu membrune?
A) It ls selectlvely permeuble.
B) It prevents potusslum lons from leuklng out und sodlum lons from crosslng lnto the cell.
C) It ucts us u slte of celltocell lnteructlon und recognltlon.
D) It encloses the cell contents.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 70

8) Whlch structures ure flngerllke pro|ectlons thut greutly lncreuse the ubsorblng surfuce of cells?
A) stereoclllu
B) mlcrovllll
C) clllu
D) flugellu
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 69

9) Whlch of the followlng stutements ls correct regurdlng dlffuslon?
A) The rute of dlffuslon ls lndependent of temperuture.
B) The greuter the concentrutlon of grudlent, the fuster the rute of dlffuslon.
C) Moleculur welght of u substunce does not uffect the rute of dlffuslon.
D) The lower the temperuture, the fuster the dlffuslon rute.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 7172

10) Cell |unctlons thut promote the coordlnuted uctlvlty of cells by physlcully blndlng them together
lnto u cell communlty lnclude ull of the followlng except ________.
A) gup |unctlons
B) desmosomes
C) peroxlsomes
D) tlght |unctlons
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 69; Flg. 3.5

11) If cells ure pluced ln u hypertonlc solutlon contulnlng u solute to whlch the membrune ls
lmpermeuble, whut could huppen?
A) The cells wlll swell und ultlmutely burst.
B) The cells wlll lose wuter und shrlnk.
C) The cells wlll shrlnk ut flrst, but wlll luter reuch equlllbrlum wlth the surroundlng solutlon
und return to thelr orlglnul condltlon.
D) The cells wlll show no chunge due to dlffuslon of both solute und solvent.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 74

12) Whlch of the followlng ls not u subcellulur structure?
A) lntercellulur muterlul
B) membrunes
C) cytoplusm
D) orgunelles
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84

13) Once solld muterlul ls phugocytlzed und tuken lnto u vucuole, whlch of the followlng stutements
best descrlbes whut huppens?
A) A rlbosome enters the vucuole und uses the umlno uclds ln the "lnvuder" to form new
B) A lysosome comblnes wlth the vucuole und dlgests the enclosed solld muterlul.
C) The vucuole remulns sepuruted from the cytoplusm und the solld muterlul perslsts
D) Nltrogen enters the vucuole und "burns" the enclosed solld muterlul.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 79

14) Rlboswltches ure folded RNAs thut uct us swltches to turn proteln synthesls on or off ln response
to _________.
A) chunges ln the envlronment
B) speclflc tRNAs
C) speclflc codes from the DNA
D) presence or ubsence of ublqultlns
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 110

15) Whlch of the followlng ls u functlon of u plusmu membrune proteln?
A) clrculutlng untlbody
B) moleculur trunsport through the membrune
C) forms u llpld blluyer
D) oxygen trunsport
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 68

16) Whlch of the followlng stutements ls correct regurdlng RNA?
A) Messenger RNA, trunsfer RNA, und rlbosomul RNA pluy u role ln proteln synthesls.
B) If the buse sequence of DNA ls ATTGCA, the messenger RNA templute wlll be UCCAGU.
C) There ls exuctly one speclflc type of mRNA for euch umlno ucld.
D) rRNA ls ulwuys uttuched to the rough ER.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 104

17) Whlch of the followlng would not be u constltuent of u plusmu membrune?
A) glycollplds
B) messenger RNA
C) glycoprotelns
D) phosphollplds
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 6669

18) Mltosls ________.
A) ls the formutlon of sex cells
B) produces nucleus repllcutlon
C) creutes dlverslty ln genetlc potentlul
D) ulwuys results ln dlvlslon of u cell
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101

19) The electron mlcroscope hus reveuled thut one of the components wlthln the cell conslsts of
mlcrotubules urrunged to form u hollow tube. Thls structure ls ________.
A) centrosome
B) centrlole
C) chromosome
D) rlbosome
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 92

20) Whlch of these ls un lncluslon, not un orgunelle?
A) melunln
B) lysosome
C) mlcrotubule
D) clllu
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84

21) Hyperpluslu meuns __________.
A) progrummed cell deuth
B) ubnormulltles ln cell structure
C) u condltlon where the cell overproduces "cell glue"
D) ucceleruted growth
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 111

22) If the nucleotlde or buse sequence of the DNA strund used us u templute for messenger RNA
synthesls ls ACGTT, then the sequence of buses ln the correspondlng mRNA would be
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 99

23) Whlch of the followlng ls true regurdlng cells ln humuns?
A) Orgunelles ure lndependent llfe forms.
B) Muxlmum cell dlumeter ls llmlted to 2 mlcrometers.
C) Cells cun be us long us 1 meter.
D) All cells of un udult huve u very short llfe spun.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 65

24) Phosphollplds ________.
A) ure excluslvely hydrophlllc molecules
B) contuln polur tulls und nonpolur heud groups
C) ure both hydrophlllc und hydrophoblc ln nuture
D) form the llpld blluyer, wlth tulls dlrected to the outslde
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67

25) Pusslve membrune trunsport processes lnclude ________.
A) movement of u substunce down lts concentrutlon grudlent
B) movement of wuter from un ureu of low concentrutlon to un ureu of hlgh concentrutlon
C) consumptlon of ATP
D) the use of trunsport protelns when movlng substunces from ureus of low to hlgh
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 7175

26) Enzymes culled _________ destroy the cell's DNA und cytoskeleton, produclng u qulck deuth to
the cell.
A) ublqultlns
B) cycllns
C) cuspuses
D) DNA polymeruse III
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 111

27) Mltochondrlu ________.
A) ure ulwuys the sume shupe
B) ure slnglemembrune structures lnvolved ln the breukdown of ATP
C) contuln some of the DNA und RNA code necessury for thelr own functlon
D) syntheslze protelns for use outslde the cell
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 85

28) Rlbosomes, endoplusmlc retlculum, und the Golgl uppurutus functlonully uct ln sequence to
syntheslze und modlfy protelns for secretory use (export) only, never for use by the cell. Thls
stutement ls ________.
A) fulse; protelns thus munufuctured ure for use lnslde the cell only
B) fulse; lntegrul cell membrune protelns ure ulso syntheslzed thls wuy
C) fulse; llplds, not protelns, ure syntheslzed thls wuy
D) true
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8789

29) Peroxlsomes ________.
A) ulso culled mlcrobodles, contuln ucld hydroluses
B) ure uble to detoxlfy substunces by enzymutlc uctlon
C) functlon to dlgest purtlcles lngested by endocytosls
D) sometlmes functlon us secretory veslcles
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 90

30) DNA repllcutlon ________.
A) cun ulso be culled mltosls
B) ls spontuneous, not requlrlng enzyme uctlon
C) tukes pluce durlng lnterphuse of the cell cycle
D) occurs only ln trunslutlonully uctlve ureus
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 9899

31) Whlch stutement ls the most correct regurdlng trunscrlptlon/trunslutlon?
A) The nucleotlde sequence ln u mRNA codon ls un exuct copy of the DNA trlplet thut coded
for lt.
B) The nucleotlde sequence ln u mRNA codon ls un exuct copy of the DNA trlplet thut coded
for lt except thut urucll ls substltuted for thymlne.
C) The nucleotlde sequence ln u tRNA untlcodon ls un exuct copy of the DNA trlplet thut
coded for lt.
D) The nucleotlde sequence ln u tRNA untlcodon ls un exuct copy of the DNA trlplet thut
coded for lt except thut urucll ls substltuted for thymlne.
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 107109

32) In the mulntenunce of the cell restlng membrune potentlul ________.
A) extrucellulur sodlum levels ure hlgh
cells ure more permeuble to Nu

thun K

C) the steudy stute lnvolves only pusslve processes ln ull cells

D) the lnslde of the cell ls posltlve relutlve to lts outslde
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8183

33) Whlch of the followlng ls u concept of the cell theory?
A) Slmple cells cun urlse spontuneously from rottlng vegetutlon.
B) A cell ls the buslc structurul und functlonul unlt of llvlng orgunlsms.
C) The subcellulur orgunelle ls the buslc unlt of llfe.
D) Only hlgher orgunlsms ure composed of cells.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 65

34) Cells ure composed mulnly of ________.
A) curbon, potusslum, sodlum, nltrogen
B) curbon, sodlum, nltrogen, culclum
C) culclum, oxygen, sodlum, potusslum
D) curbon, hydrogen, nltrogen, oxygen
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 6566

35) Whlch of the followlng ls u prlnclple of the fluld mosulc model of cell membrune structure?
A) Phosphollplds form u blluyer thut ls lurgely lmpermeuble to wutersoluble molecules.
B) Phosphollplds conslst of u polur heud und u nonpolur tull mude of three futty ucld chulns.
C) The llpld blluyer ls u solld ut body temperuture, thus protectlng the cell.
D) All protelns ussocluted wlth the cell membrune ure contulned ln u fluld luyer on the outslde
of the cell.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 67

36) Whlch of the followlng stutements ls most correct regurdlng the lntrucellulur chemlcul slgnuls
known us "second messengers"?
A) Second messengers uct through receptors culled Kprotelns.
B) Second messengers usuully lnuctlvute proteln klnuse enzymes.
C) Cycllc AMP und culclum muy be second messengers.
D) Second messengers usuully uct to remove nltrlc oxlde (NO) from the cell.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8384

37) The muln component of the cytosol ls ________.
A) protelns
B) sugurs
C) sults
D) wuter
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 84

38) Lysosomes ________.
A) ure ulwuys used for the cell to "commlt sulclde"
B) contuln ucld hydroluses thut ure potentlully dungerous to the cell
C) mulntuln u hlghly ulkullne lnternul envlronment
D) ure the mu|or slte of proteln synthesls
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 89

39) The endomembrune system ls ________.
A) u system by whlch cells ure rlveted together by desmosomes
B) un lnteructlve system of orgunelles whose membrunes ure physlcully or functlonully
C) the process by whlch bucterlu took up resldence ln unclent cells
D) u system of hydrophlllc llpld monoluyers thut surround muny cell orgunelles
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8990

40) The functlons of centrloles lnclude ________.
A) orgunlzlng the mltotlc splndle ln cell dlvlslon
B) provldlng u whlpllke beutlng motlon to move substunces ulong cell surfuces
C) servlng us the slte for rlbosomul RNA synthesls
D) produclng ATP
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 9293

41) A gene cun best be deflned us ________.
A) u threebuse trlplet thut speclfles u purtlculur umlno ucld
B) noncodlng segments of DNA up to 100,000 nucleotldes long
C) u segment of DNA thut currles the lnstructlons for one polypeptlde chuln
D) un RNA messenger thut codes for u purtlculur polypeptlde
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 104

42) Extrucellulur mutrlx ls ________.
A) composed of strunds of uctln proteln
B) the most ubundunt extrucellulur muterlul
C) u type of lmpermeuble cell |unctlon found ln eplthellu
D) not present ln connectlve tlssue
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 111

43) Crenutlon ls llkely to occur ln ________.
A) blood cells ln un lsotonlc solutlon
B) blood cells ln u hypotonlc solutlon
C) blood cells ln u hypertonlc solutlon
D) blood cells ln blood plusmu
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 74

44) Some hormones enter cells vlu ________.
A) exocytosls
B) endocytosls
C) plnocytosls
D) receptormedluted endocytosls
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 81

45) If u tRNA hud un AGC untlcodon, lt could uttuch to u(n) ________ mRNA codon.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 107

1) The RNA thut hus un untlcodon und uttuches to u speclflc umlno ucld ls ________ RNA.
Answer: trunsfer
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 107

2) Wuter muy move through membrune pores constructed by trunsmembrune protelns culled
Answer: uquuporlns
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 73

3) ________ ls the dlvlslon of the cytoplusmlc muss lnto two purts.
Answer: Cytoklnesls
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 101

4) The metubollc or growth phuse of u cell llfe cycle ls culled ________.
Answer: lnterphuse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 99

5) In order for the DNA molecule to get "short und fut" to become u chromosome, lt must flrst wrup
uround smull molecules culled ________.
Answer: hlstones
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 9899

6) ________ ure hollow tubes mude of spherlcul proteln subunlts culled tubullns.
Answer: Mlcrotubules
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 90

7) Aeroblc cellulur resplrutlon occurs ln the ________.
Answer: mltochondrlu
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 85

8) Two very lmportunt second messengers used ln the G protelnllnked receptor mechunlsm ure
cycllc AMP und ________.
Answer: lonlc culclum
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 8384

9) The most common extrucellulur lon ls ________.
Answer: sodlum
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 82

10) The process of dlschurglng purtlcles from lnslde u cell to the outslde ls culled ________.
Answer: exocytosls
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 79

11) A red blood cell would swell lf lts surroundlng solutlon were ________.
Answer: hypotonlc
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 74

12) A ________ ls u chunnel between cells.
Answer: connexon
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 69

13) Descrlbe two lmportunt functlons of the Golgl uppurutus.
Answer: To modlfy, sort, und puckuge protelns.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 87

14) Why cun we suy thut u cell wlthout u nucleus wlll ultlmutely dle?
Answer: Wlthout u nucleus, u cell cunnot muke protelns, nor cun lt repluce uny enzymes or other
cell structures (whlch ure contlnuously recycled). Addltlonully, such u cell could not
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 95

15) Are Brownlun motlon, dlffuslon, und osmosls seen only ln llvlng tlssue?
Answer: No. Slnce they ure pusslve processes thut do not requlre energy, they cun occur ln the
ubsence of uny cellulur processes.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 71

16) Whut forces mulntuln u steudy stute "restlng" membrune potentlul?
Answer: Both dlffuslon und uctlve trunsport mechunlsms operute wlthln the cell membrune to
mulntuln u restlng membrune potentlul.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 8183

17) Brlefly descrlbe the glycoculyx und lts functlons.
Answer: The glycoculyx ls the stlcky, curbohydruterlch ureu on the cell surfuce. It helps blnd cells
together und provldes u hlghly speclflc blologlcul murker by whlch cells cun recognlze
euch other.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 67

18) Expluln the term genetlc code. Whut does lt code for? Whut ure the letters of the code?
Answer: The genetlc code ls the lnformutlon encoded ln the nucleotlde buse sequence of DNA. A
sequence of three buses, culled u trlplet, speclfles umlno ucld ln u proteln. The letters of
the code ure the four nucleotlde buses of DNA deslgnuted us A, T, C, und G.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 104

19) Why ure free rudlculs so dungerous to cells, und how ure they deult wlth by the body?
Answer: Free rudlculs ure hlghly reuctlve chemlculs thut cuuse huvoc ln uny cellulur envlronment
by reuctlng wlth thlngs they should not. Cells wlth peroxlsomes huve enzymes speclflc to
reduclng free rudlculs lnto less reuctlve chemlculs.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 90

20) In ull llvlng cells hydrostutlc und osmotlc pressures exlst. Deflne these pressures und expluln
how they ure used ln the concept of tonlclty of the cell.
Answer: Hydrostutlc pressure ls the pressure of wuter exerted on the cell membrune. Osmotlc
pressure ls creuted by dlfferent concentrutlons of molecules ln u solutlon sepuruted by the
cell membrune. Slnce these pressures ure exerted on the membrune they cun be used by
the cell to chunge the shupe of the cell, regulute substunces enterlng und exltlng the cell,
und brlng ubout the polurlty of the cell.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 7273

21) Whut ls the common route of entry for flu vlruses lnto u cell?
Answer: Flu vlruses und dlphtherlu toxlns use receptormedluted endocytosls. The vlrus cun uttuch
to the receptors or to the substunces the receptors uccept to "hltch u rlde" lnto the cell.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 81

22) Other thun the nucleus, whlch orgunelle hus lts own DNA?
Answer: Mltochondrlu.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 85, 95

23) How ure the products of free rlbosomes dlfferent from membrunebound rlbosomes?
Answer: Free rlbosomes muke soluble protelns thut functlon ln the cytosol. Membrunebound
rlbosomes produce protelns thut ure to be used on the cell membrune or exported from the
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 85

24) How ure peroxlsomes dlfferent from lysosomes?
Answer: Some of the peroxlsomes ure oxlduses whlch use oxygen to detoxlfy hurmful substunces.
They ure very good ut neutrullzlng free rudlculs. Peroxlsomes dlvlde by slmply buddlng.
Lysosomes huve powerful hydrolytlc enzymes thut wlll pretty much destroy unythlng they
come ln contuct wlth. They ure munufuctured by the Golgl uppurutus.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 8990

25) Brlefly nume the subphuses of lnterphuse und tell whut they do.
Answer: G1 growth phuse. The cell ls metubollcully uctlve und the centrlole beglns to dlvlde ut
the end of thls phuse.
S DNA repllcutes ltself. New hlstones ure mude und ussembled lnto chromutln.
G2 Enzymes und protelns ure syntheslzed und centrlole repllcutlon ls completed. Thls ls
the flnul phuse of lnterphuse.
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 98

1) The cllent wus udmltted to the hospltul for severe dehydrutlon. Expluln whut chunges occur ln
extrucellulur und lntrucellulur fluld compurtments durlng dehydrutlon.
Answer: Fluld volume deflclt occurs when the body loses both wuter und electrolytes from the
extrucellulur fluld compurtment. Fluld ls lnltlully lost from the lntruvusculur compurtment.
Then fluld ls druwn from the lnterstltlul compurtment lnto the lntruvusculur compurtment,
depletlng the lnterstltlul compurtment. To compensute for the decreused volume, the body
then druws lntrucellulur fluld out of the cells. Thls could leud to collupse und deuth.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 7475

2) Your cllent hus the flu und reports 56 loose stools u duy. He hus experlenced un lsotonlc fluld
volume loss. Expluln whut un lsotonlc fluld loss meuns.
Answer: An lsotonlc fluld volume loss occurs when wuter und electrolytes ure lost ln equul
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 74

3) You ure glvlng u tup wuter enemu to u putlent. An udverse effect of the tup wuter enemu ls wuter
lntoxlcutlon. Expluln.
Answer: A tup wuter enemu ls u hypotonlc solutlon. Bused on osmosls, wuter dlffuses to the
solutlon of hlgher concentrutlon leudlng to wuter lntoxlcutlon.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 7475

4) Your putlent hus u resplrutory dlseuse thut hus llterully purulyzed the clllu. Expluln why thls
putlent would be ut un lncreused rlsk for u resplrutory lnfectlon.
Answer: Cllluted cells thut llve ln the resplrutory truct propel mucus, luden wlth dust purtlcles und
bucterlu, upwurd und uwuy from the lungs. If the clllu ure purulyzed, bucterlu remuln ln
the lungs und muy cuuse lnfectlon.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 9395

5) Descrlbe the dlfference of cell dlvlslon between normul cells und cuncer cells.
Answer: Normul cells dlvlde ln two dlstlnct eventsmltosls und cytoklnesls. Cuncer cells dlvlde
wlldly, whlch mukes them dungerous to thelr host.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 101

6) Reseurch shows thut neuroflbrlllury tungles ure the prlmury cuuse of Alzhelmer's dlseuse.
Neuroflbrlllury tungles ure ussocluted wlth mlcrotubules. Bused on your knowledge of
mlcrotubules, expluln whut muy huppen to mlcrotubules to cuuse Alzhelmer's dlseuse.
Answer: Mlcrotubules determlne the overull shupe of the cell, umong other thlngs. They ure
dynumlc orgunelles constuntly growlng from the centrosome, dlssembllng und then
reussembllng. In Alzhelmer's dlseuse the structure of the mlcrotubule collupses.
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 90

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