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The Law of Attraction Explained and Simplified

Understanding and Making the Law of Attraction Work for You

By Kanayo Okwuraiwe

Copyright 2007

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The topic of The Law of Attraction (LOA) is gaining increasing popularity amongst the majority of people, both online and off, and I believe sooner or later, an even greater number of people will be even more active and take extra measures to make LOA work for them in their lives. This write-up is my own little contribution to the greater and immutable topic of LOA. I seek to share my own personal opinion, tips, experience, and insight in trying to apply and make LOA work. Anyone can take this information and use it for themselves with a high degree of certainty that they will be the better off for it. Hope you find it useful. So just what is The Law of Attraction? And more importantly how can you make it work in your life? LOA has been described and defined in many ways, that to understand just one description is to understand them all. Some of those descriptions are I. What you sow you reap. II. Like attracts like III. What comes around goes around. IV. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7. V. Karma. And many other such definitions. An analysis of all these statements and their deeper meaning will conclude that they all say or imply the same thing. That we are all responsible, one way or another, and to a great extent, for the situations that exists in and around our lives. The main question that anyone would then ask is What must I do to make sure that I get only the things that I want in life or How can I make LOA work for me? In short, the answer to that question lies in being cautious and observant about all what you Say, Hear, Do, Think, and See. In other words, the things you say, do, hear, see and think about, are the actions that you must work on to attract the things in life that you want. The most important of those five acts, are what you say and hear, think about and what you do. This is where the topic of the mind and subconscious mind comes into play, and this why such phrases

such as "positive thinking" (what you think about,) "positive affirmation" (what you say,) and "take action" (What you do) came about. It is a 'relatively' established fact that whatever you are constantly in contact with, whether by hearing that thing, seeing it or in fact via any of your senses, your mind takes in these external stimuli and they are then picked up by the subconscious mind which then, together with the brain, translates it into its physical reality and meaning. This is basically what the promoters of those phrases mentioned above are talking about. The sum total of the idea is that for you to attract the things you want in your life, you have to constantly think about and continuously tell yourself (audibly or within yourself) that you will get the object of your desire. And ultimately to take the required physical action to bring about the realization of that thing in question. This IS the sum total of how the law of attraction works. I believe one of the reasons why many people still don't "get" the LOA and how it works is basically how the message is being presented to them, amongst other reasons of course. In my opinion, LOA can be looked at from two perspectives: from a religious viewpoint and from a scientific or 'secular' one. When talking about LOA from a religious angle, it is usually referred to as Faith, while a secular discussion will take it from a mind/subconscious mind angle. The truth of the matter is that both terms are one and the same and can even be used interchangeably.


The best 'secular' definition of faith I have heard is given by Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich, where he defines faith "a state of mind which can be induced or created through repeated affirmations or instructions to the subconscious mind through the principle of autosuggestion." I seriously doubt that there can ever be a better and concise definition of faith. The Bible describes Faith as that which "comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." The operative word in that statement is "hearing." This implies that it must be a continuous thing, which also corresponds to Mr. Hills definition to "repeatedly affirm." An analysis of both definitions of Faith will find some common denominators in them. One of them is the fact that the individual has a

(or perhaps THE) role to play. Another is the 'action' that both definitions refer to. "Hearing the word" implies that words have to be spoken before those words are to be heard -what you say and what you hear. Similarly "repeated affirmations or instructions" also implies that those instructions have to be given, either verbally -what you say- or otherwise. The above statements and what they imply is the underlying reason why I personally think that "saying" and consequently "hearing" what you want to attract in your life is the most important factor (of the earlier mentioned five) in making the LOA work for you. This conviction is also strengthened by my understanding of the creation story of Genesis and how God "spoke all things into creation." There is A LOT of power in the spoken word.


From all that has been said above, it would appear that it should be relatively easy for anyone to apply LOA in their lives and everything will be smooth sailing from there, because all you need to do is to say, hear, think about the things you want to get in your life and then take physical action. In truth, it should be that easy. The fact is it is not, or at least it is not for a 'first timer' or someone relatively new to the principle, and perhaps even for the majority of people. This is a simplified version of how it works. Whatever you hear, see, touch, taste and smell are carried in by the corresponding sense organs and these stimuli are transmitted to the mind. This is why the mind is such an important 'organ.' The thing is, the work doesn't stop there, when all these external stimuli reach the mind, they are then passed on to the subconscious mind, and it is in there that the real work of telling us that what we heard was a piano, or what we smelt was a rose, etc. etc. is done. Now with regards LOA and making it work for you, the underlying and important factor is not just in hearing or speaking etc. about it once or a few times, IT MUST BE A CONTINUOUS AND REPEATED THING. Only when the stimuli (for example, your desire for a new car) has been sufficiently passed onto the subconscious mind, then and only then will that car, or the physical reality of whatever stimuli, come to pass. This only goes to show you the importance of REPETITION in anything you do in life. This is what athletes, musicians and all such people do to become such masters in their field. They perform the act over and over and over again until it

has become a part of them, and that's why when you see them perform their act, it looks so easy. This also must be the same in the case of LOA and your desires. You MUST repeatedly say, hear, see, think about and ultimately do things that are related to the object of your desire. The Bible, Napoleon Hill, and many other authority figures have directly or indirectly attested to this fact. To give a few 'authority' statements and examples as to just how or why your subconscious mind is able to translate any stimuli you put into it, through your mind (via your five senses,) into it's physically equivalent, consider these statements. "Greater things than these shall you do." "Whatsoever things you desire when you pray, believe that you have them, and you shall have them." The question to ask here is just what is 'prayer.' My definition of prayer is "you talking to God and God listening and talking back to you"


My best answer to the above question is this. I believe the subconscious mind is the seat of, and has a direct communication with God, or Infinite Intelligence or however you refer to Higher Power in your religious or personal belief. The subconscious mind is where 'the God within' resides, and this very statement validates and perhaps will help explain why the subconscious mind is able to manifest anything that the mind constantly feeds it. Looking at it from another angle, it is more of the 'God within' each and every human being that actually gives us our desires, when we know how to make our desires known. The statement "know that ye are gods" and many other such statements found in bible will help you accept what I describe as "the God within." Therefore, whether you are looking at it from a religious standpoint and praying to a God in heaven and having faith that He will grant your request, or whether you are 'repeatedly affirming' your desires to the God within you, in this case your subconscious mind, both acts are one and the same. Hence I earlier said that both faith and the subconscious mind can be used interchangeably. It just depends on if you can see the 'big picture,' which ultimately leads back to the topic of our discussion; LOA, and how we can make it work for us.


Now that all is said and done and some light has been shed on LOA and how to make it work for you, it would be natural that you should go forth and start making this amazing principle work for you in your life. However, the truth of the matter is that a greater majority of people who try to practice LOA will still have a rather hard time at working this principle. A number of reasons are responsible, such as habit, society and more. People are steeped in a certain habitual way of thinking, or a certain way of talking, and acting, etc. While this can be a big problem and hinder or delay applying the principles of LOA, I believe an equally and perhaps bigger problem to applying the LOA has to do with our society and personal lives. Since the primary tool with which you are to make LOA work for you is your mind, via your five senses, the main question now is just how is your mind supposed to juggle between all the distractions and activities of everyday 21st century life and also constantly communicate your lifes desires to your subconscious mind through these same senses. It is a very hard task I tell you and I am sure you know that yourself. As you would agree, the mind is assaulted by so many cares, worries, and 'trash' that by the time it has taken care of these things there is not enough time and energy to effectively communicate your desires to your subconscious mind. The average human being has a job, business or education to contend with. A family, friends, recreation, getting stuck in traffic and all the hustle and bustle of everyday life outside your home. Advertising messages, television, the internet, bad and sad news and stories, and a host of other distractions that come to you in the about 15 hours of everyday that you are awake. For make no mistake about it, even though there are 24 hours in a day, nobody can possibly make use of the whole 24 hours, as sleep, rest and some other unavoidable 'time killers' take their share. To give an analogy that can make it clearer. Suppose that it is a scientific and religious fact that for you to have faith, or use LOA to attract anything you want, you must say (or think about) that thing 10 million times, whether audibly or in your mind. Now while 10 million is a rather high figure, we are only assuming here. Now for anyone who knows this fact, it shouldn't be particularly hard to get anything you want in life, for all you have to do is say it 10 million times so that your subconscious mind picks up the message.

Truth is, with all those factors and distractions of everyday life mentioned earlier, it will be VERY hard to attract the things you want because, while it is fairly simple, so to speak, to count to 10 million it will take you a much longer time to finish your count because of the many other distractions you face EACH AND EVERY DAY. Hence chances are high that you will give up the count, or more specifically, give up hope before you get your desire. This is the very reason why practicing LOA can seem and perhaps is a hard thing to do and this is the main reason why the majority of people who first come into contact with and try to practice LOA usually conclude that it doesn't work or any other reasons they give. Nevertheless, LOA works because it is an immutable law of nature and there are many people who are having great successes applying this law.


You have probably heard the phrase "visualize what you want" or however it is phrased. When people hear the word visualize, majority of them will immediately think that they must use their eyes or their 'minds eye' to visualize, but this is not so. There are three ways by which you can visualize what you want. They are (I) Auditory Visualization which involves the use of sounds to visualize the object of your desire. The objective here is that whatever you want to manifest using this means, you have to constantly talk about, and consequently hear about it. As has been said, repeatedly doing this will send the message to your subconscious mind or the God within you that this is what you want, and when this has been done sufficiently, or put differently, when your subconscious has been to a certain level, which no human being can determine, then and only then will that thing you want come about, one way or another. I personally think this method to be the most effective of the three methods. Again, among other reasons, this belief is strengthened by my belief in the power of the spoken word. (II) Visual Visualization: This is the type that most people reckon with and immediately think about when they are told to visualize their desires. As the name implies, it involves using your eyes or your minds eye to see the object of your desire. Like auditory visualization, this is also a powerful means of making LOA work for you. To make this work, you are simply to constantly see or look at

a physical or visual/pictorial representation of whatever you desire and that is basically all it takes, though this is a rather simplified way to explain it. To give you an idea of what or how you could make this work for you. Lets suppose what you desire to get is a new car. You can simply find a picture of that car and always have it in sight, or better still, you can find an actual car (maybe a friends or a car showroom) and have a picture taken of you while sitting in that car, and always and as often as possible fix your gaze and attention on that picture. Soon enough, your subconscious will pick this up and do what it does best. (III) Kinesthetic Visualization involves feelings and emotions. How do you feel about the object of your desire? How does it make you feel when you see someone else with what you want and you don't have it. How do you feel when you see or hear about what you desire but think how you don't have it. Simply communicate this feeling to your subconscious and when you do this well and strongly enough, you can be sure it will do it's job. These three methods are the broader categories by which you can make LOA work. When people talk about meditating, using subliminals, positive thinking and affirmations, etc. All these fall under these categories. Your job is to find which one best suits you, or find one of the methods being generally canvassed and that you think or feel has great potential to help you and achieve your aim and use it. Lastly, you can find and develop or invent your own personal method that is unique to you and use it. This is what I personally did and my method has been achieving fantastic results for me and those I have introduced it to. What's best about the technique I 'invented' is that there is also a lot of scientific, religious and common knowledge that can validate and give weight to the potentials of my method. But I digress. Ill talk more about this method of mine a little while later.


I believe there is, and perhaps even more than one particular way. A few of such specific methods being preached that I know of are meditation, hypnosis, subliminals, and perhaps some more purely scientific means and a few others. While I am sure each method will have it's uses and usefulness, I do now know enough about the above mentioned to comment in-dept about them, but I shall touch briefly on them.

(A) Meditation: If the general idea is that the mind is constantly assaulted by numerous distractions and therefore it cannot sufficiently and strongly communicate your desires to your subconscious mind. Then no doubt, meditation will help in no small measure, as the ultimate goal of meditation is to 'still the mind' so that majority of that 'trash' or unwanted stimuli is gotten rid of and only desired stimuli is communicated to the subconscious mind. To this end meditation is a desired and useful way of communicating with your subconscious mind. However, the question will remain just how often and how long can you meditate so as to sufficiently energize your subconscious mind with your desires. Most people will advocate meditating in the evenings or night and in a quiet and serene place when the atmosphere is calmer, and you are able to concentrate more. While this is true, I believe the percentage of people who will be able to do this on the long run is relatively small. Nevertheless, meditation is a desirable method of communicating with the God within you (B) Hypnosis: Over the past few years, I have read a lot of books, especially religious and spiritual books, and I have repeatedly come across advice and warnings not to entertain the thought of hypnosis. Looking at it from a religious or spiritual standpoint, hypnosis is 'bad' because it is somewhat like giving someone else the 'master key' to all your personal treasures, so to speak. Letting someone else take control over your mind, and consequently your subconscious mind, and what enters into it is dangerous not only because of the potential dangers of what the person can feed to your subconscious mind. It can also be viewed as surrendering your free will, even if only for a little while, which has been reputed to be one of the greatest gifts than a human being has. Lastly, my readings indicate that hypnosis and it's effect has some deeper meanings and consequences which are better understood purely from a religious/spiritual viewpoint and that is way beyond the scope of this write-up, and that is why I will limit myself to what I have written thus far. Nevertheless, I will say that hypnosis, and perhaps if it is self hypnosis can also have a role to play in helping to communicate with the subconscious mind and the desired objective of making LOA work, and at such it just might be a topic to look deeper into. It is left for you to determine which is suitable for you, and which method you can practice in the long run. (C.) Subliminals: I have increasingly been coming in contact with material that suggests that subliminals can also be a means of communicating with the subconscious mind and from what I understand this seems to have it's place. My understanding of it is that subliminals are small 'bursts' of messages or stimuli that are sent to you constantly and at several intervals, and that these messages are so quick so as not to be noticed by the conscious mind and it's senses, but

rather is picked up by the subconscious mind, which misses nothing, and which as I have said before, is the more important of the two. Studies and writings suggest that this method is used extensively in advertising and marketing. It seems to me that subliminals, as it is being promoted today, seems to depend a lot on the computer or a screen to do it's work. This to me is a drawback. However, just because I do not know much about subliminals is not good enough reason for me to rule it out or discountenance it. Perhaps you can even combine several methods to suit your personality and moods and situation. There is, however, a very promising technology that is in the making that I strongly believe will do a fantastic job of communicating with your subconscious. As at the time of writing, the product is still in beta stage and is not yet ready for the public. From what I have read about this technology, a great deal of research has been done to arrive at the conclusions the promoters and inventors of this subliminal technology are putting into it. More importantly perhaps, is the fact that their work is approached from a multifaceted angle. By that I mean that they are simply taking established knowledge in the areas of science and religion and more, and using 21st century technology to make this easier and more effective. When this subliminal technology is released in the not too distant future, I am sure you will one way or another hear about it, and if need be I will personally bring it to your attention. There however is a possibility that it may still be a long way coming. Lastly, if I can call it that, Nero Linguistic Programming, especially without the use of a computer screen, seems to me to be a "branch" of Subliminals (or is it the other way round) and there is strong evidence, some of which I reckon with, that suggests that it can be a useful means of making LOA work for you. Again, my limited knowledge of the topic, and space in this medium won't allow me talk on it further. (D.) Electronic means: This is my favorite method of communicating with my subconscious mind and this is what I do. I have been practicing it for over a year with fantastic results. Using this method, I communicate DIRECTLY with my subconscious mind and totally bypass my mind, which has been fingered as the major accomplice in many people's 'failure' to attract the things they want in their life. Using this method takes place, and this will probably shock you, WHILE I SLEEP, and

this is the very reason why in my opinion it is 10 times more effective than any of the methods mentioned above. Why and How does it happen while I sleep? The 'Why' has to do with the fact that while you are asleep, your mind is also asleep, hence the distractions that it normally encounters when it is awake is totally eliminated. Something you should know is that the subconscious mind NEVER sleeps, and this validates the reason for doing this when sleeping. The subconscious mind is 'spirit' and not of this physical world (even though it is 'encased' in the physical body) and it functions best when the mind and body has taken a break from it's physical and mental activities. This usually happens in the evenings/night when you have come home from your busy day outside. The evenings/night is usually the best and most effective time to communicate your desire to your subconscious mind, but unfortunately by this time you are physically and mentally tired, and most likely unable to effectively communicate your desires to your subconscious mind. This is where my method comes into play. The 'How' of communicating while you sleep takes place with the aid of an electronic device, a Discman, or other similar devices. I will quote some phrases from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich that will hopefully help you understand and see the effectiveness of this method. "Faith is a state of mind which may be induced through auto-suggestion." Also, he says that "Autosuggestion is a term which applies to all suggestions and self administered stimuli which reach the mind through the five sense." Yes there is mention of using the five sense, which corresponds to the mind, nevertheless my personal application of this method still by-passes the mind. "Repetition of affirmation of orders to the subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith." The connection and point I am trying to make here is that the Discman is simply the tool with which you use to auto-suggest or repeatedly affirm or continuously 'hear the word of God.' I hope that is clear? I will now briefly explain why it is best to do your 'subconscious mind exercise' in the evenings or night. It might be considered a little off-topic, but I say it only to give credence to my method. It is a well established scientific fact that EVERYTHING in Nature emits energy or a vibration. As for human beings, there are four measurable levels of vibrations we emit at different times of the day. The four levels are Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta. In Beta state, this is when we are awake and at our peak, the measurements at this state is anywhere between 14

and over 100 Hertz. Alpha varies between 8 and 13.9 Hertz and this is achieved in a relaxed state, such as when one is resting or taking a nap or in prayer. Next comes Theta at between 4 and 7.9 Hertz, which is attained during dream sleep state or meditation. And finally Delta, which is below 4 Hertz and this is gotten in dreamless or deep sleep or in a coma. When our vibrations or the brain are operating at high electrical rates such as during the day, it is in fact emitting lower energy frequencies than the Universe or Infinite Intelligence operates, and at such we cannot tap into or connect to that energy because we are not vibrating at the same or near same pulse. This works on the same principle that two different objects with the same vibrational tone work in harmony and ATTRACT others alike. The same way two magnets of the same polarity will attract each other and other things with the same properties. The vice versa is the case where we emit vibrations at lower rates which in turn emits high energy. The lower Hertz figures (Theta and Delta) are the vibrations at which the subconscious mind functions the most and at such the evening/night times are most suitable times for the subconscious mind to function, but more preferably, the night or sleep time. I hope you can see from there that when I advocate reaching and influencing your subconscious mind while you sleep, I know what I am talking about. This method of mine came about as a result of certain life experiences that I went through over the years, and it incorporates quite a few different things I have learnt from different sources and books I have read, top of the list being Think and Grow Rich.


There is a lot more to practicing LOA with the method I speak of, and to tell you about it in detail will require a separate book focused on the topic alone. Gladly I have done jus that. The book is titled Riches of The Mind and in it I pour out my heart and soul about this amazing technique of mine that I have been using, and which people who have read this book have come back to me with amazing stories of how it has helped them in their lives. Im certain that you are interested in attracting the things you want in your life, and to do that you need to start taking the required action to make this possible.

Any action is better than no action, and therefore any of the methods I mentioned above (or any other you can think of) just might be good enough for you. However anything worth doing is worth doing well. Wouldn't you rather choose an option and method that has the most potential to help you achieve your aim? You would agree with me that from my little analysis of the above methods by which you can try to practice the LOA, directly communicating with your subconscious mind while you sleep has the most potential. What is more, the simplicity and extreme effectiveness of the my method is a very desirable trait that I'm sure will make you want to read that book and start taking action towards making LOA work for you. This is the reason why you need to go over to and read that book because the earlier you do so, the sooner you will start attracting positive things and circumstances towards you. and your life will never be the same again, in a very positive way. I hope with all I have written so far, I have been able to shed more light on the topic of the subconscious mind, its powers and potentials, and how you can make it work for you? Go over now to and get that book and start reading it and putting the Law of Attraction to work for you.

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