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Jess Basics

Unpacking the Distribution

Supplied as a single .zip file, used on all supported platform Contains all thats needed except for a JVM Unpack to a folder Jess70p2\ containing

README: Quick start guide LICENSE: Info about your rights bin\ : Contains a Windows batch file (jess.bat) and a UNIX shell script (jess) to start the Jess command prompt lib\: Contains

Jess itself, as a Java archive file. Not "clickable" the JSR-94 (javax.rules) API in the file jsr94.jar

docs\: index.html is the entry point for the Jess manual. examples\jess\: Small example programs. examples\xml\: Small example programs in JessML, Jess's XML rule language. eclipse\: JessDE, Jess's Integrated Development Environment, plugins for Eclipse 3.0

Documentation in Jess70p2/docs/eclipse.html

src\ : source for Jess rule engine and development environment, including an Ant script

Command-line Interface

Go to the bin folder and execute jess.bat

C:\Program Files\Jess70p2\bin>jess Jess, the Rule Engine for the Java Platform Copyright (C) 2006 Sandia Corporation Jess Version 7.0p1 12/21/2006 Jess>

Could also go just to Jess70p2:

C:\Program Files\Jess70p2>bin\jess

Evaluate a simple math expression (prefix)

Jess> (+ 2 3) 5 Jess>

To execute a file of Jess code from the Jess prompt, use the batch command:
Jess> (batch "../examples/jess/sticks.clp") Who moves first (Computer: c Human: h)?

Can execute this Jess program from the operating-system prompt

Pass the name of the program as an argument to the Jess script Below, for variety, we go down only to the Jess70p2 folder

C:\Program Files\Jess70p2>bin\jess examples\jess\sticks.clp Jess, the Rule Engine for the Java Platform Copyright (C) 2006 Sandia Corporation Jess Version 7.0p1 12/21/2006 Who moves first (Computer: c Human: h)?

Class jess.Console is a simple graphical version of the Jess commandline interface.

C:\Program Files\Jess70p2>java -classpath lib\jess.jar jess.Console

Type expression Then Enter

3. Jess Language Basics

Input to Jess is free-format Newlines generally not significant

Treated as whitespace

3.1. Symbols

A symbol is like an identifier in other languages

Can contain letters, numbers, and any of $*=+/<>_?# Case sensitive May not begin with a number May begin with some punctuation marks

Some have special meanings as operators at start of a symbol

Dashes are traditional word separators Example valid symbols: foo first-value contestant#1 _abc

3 "magic" symbols interpreted specially

nil, akin to Java's null TRUE and FALSE

3.2. Numbers

Jess uses Java functions to parse numbers The following are all valid numbers: 3 4. 5.643 5654L 6.0E4 1D

3.3. Strings

Character strings are denoted using " \ used to escape embedded quote symbols No escape sequences recognized

E.g., cant embed a newline in a string using "\n"

But real newlines are allowed inside a double-quoted string and become part of it Some valid strings:
"foo" "Hello, World" "\"Nonsense,\" he said firmly." "Hello, There"

3.4. Lists

A list is () enclosing 0 symbols, numbers, strings, or other lists

No commas between elements

(+ 3 2) (a b c) ("Hello, World") () (deftemplate foo (slot bar))

The 1st element of a list is its head


Jess supports 2 kinds comments:

C-style block comments: /* */ Lisp-style line comments begin with a ; and go to the end of the linee.g.,. ; This is a list (a b c)

Comments can appear anywhere in a Jess program

3.6. Calling Functions

All code in Jess is in the form of a function call

No operators

But some functions names are like Java operators

Work like their Java counterparts

Function calls are lists using prefix notatione.g., (+ 2 3)

Can nest function callse.g., Jess> (* (+ 1 2 3) (- 5 3)) 12

Can define your own functions in the Jess language and in Java But many built-in functions

Function printout sends text to Jess's standard output or to a filee.g.,

Jess> (printout t "The answer is " (+ 12 15) "!" crlf) The answer is 27!

Function batch evaluates a file of Jess codee.g.,

Jess> (batch "../examples/jess/hello.clp") Hello, world!

For details, see the Jess function guide, Jess70p2/docs/functions.html

3.7. Variables

Variables are identifiers beginning with ?

Can contain letters, numbers, and the characters -, _, :, *

A variable can refer to a single symbol, number, or string, or to a list Assign a value to a variable using function binde.g., Jess> (bind ?x 12) 12

Variables arent declared except for defglobals To see the value of a variable, type it at the prompte.g., Jess> ?x 12

3.7.1. Global Variables (or defglobals)

Variables created

at the Jess> prompt or at the top level of a Jess program

are cleared when reset is issued

To create global variables not destroyed by reset, use the defglobal construct (defglobal [?<global-name> = <value>]+)

Global variable names begin (after the ?) and end with a *e.g., ?*a* ?*all-values* ?*counter* When reset is issued, global variable may be reset to their initial values

Depends on the current setting of the reset-globals property Function set-reset-globals sets this property

Jess> (defglobal ?*x* = 3 ?*y* = 6) TRUE Jess> (bind ?*x* 4) 4 Jess> (reset) TRUE Jess> ?*x* 3 Jess> (set-reset-globals nil) FALSE Jess> (bind ?*x* 4) 4 Jess> (reset) TRUE Jess> ?*x* 4

3.8. Control Flow

Control flow, like everything in Jess, is done by function calls Thus functions if, while, for, try

Work like Java constructs with the same names

Also new function, e.g., foreach

(while <expression> [do] <action>*)

Evaluates <expression> If true, evaluates all <action> arguments Repeats until <expression> evaluates to FALSE, then returns FALSE File while.clp:
(bind ?i 3) (while (> ?i 0) (printout t ?i crlf) (- ?i) ) Jess> (batch "../myExamples/while.clp") 3 2 1 FALSE

(for <initializer> <condition> <increment> <action>*)

Like the Java construct Loop continues until the condition is false or return is encountered

(return) or (return <expression>) In Jess, use constant nil

In Java, the initializer, condition, or increment can be empty

File for.clp:
(bind ?j 0) (for (bind ?i 3) (> ?i 0) (-- ?i) (printout t ?i crlf) (++ ?j) (printout t " " ?j crlf) ) Jess> (batch "../myExamples/for.clp") 3 1 2 2 1 3 FALSE

(foreach <variable> <list-expression> <action>*)

Set <variable> to each of the list elements in turn Exit when the list is exhausted or return is encountered File foreach.clp:
(foreach ?x (create$ a b c d) (printout t ?x crlf) ) Jess> (batch "../myExamples/foreach.clp") a b c d

3.8.2. Decisions and Branching

(if <expression> then <action>* [else <action>*])

The Boolean expression is evaluated If it doesnt evaluate to FALSE,

the 1st list of actions is evaluated and the return value is whats returned by the last action of the list

If the expression is FALSE and the else block is supplied, then

the 2nd list of actions is evaluated and the value of the last is returned

The new Jess has an elif keyword

File simple_if.clp:
(printout t "Enter an integer" crlf) (bind ?x (read t)) (if (> ?x 100) then (printout t "A big number" crlf) (* ?x ?x) ) Jess> (batch "../myExamples/simple_if.clp") Enter an integer 101 A big number 10201

File if_else.clp:
(printout t "Enter an integer" crlf) (bind ?x (read t)) (if (> ?x 100) then (printout t "A big number" crlf) (* ?x ?x) else (printout t "A little number" crlf) (sqrt ?x) ) Jess> (batch "../myExamples/if_else.clp") Enter an integer 49 A little number 7.0

Get if-else if-else by nesting an if in the else clause File if_elseif_else.clp:

(printout t "Enter an integer" crlf) (bind ?x (read t)) (if (> ?x 100) then (printout t "A big number" crlf) (* ?x ?x) else (if (> ?x 50) then (printout t "A medium number" crlf) (/ ?x 2) else (printout t "A little number" crlf) (sqrt ?x) ) )

Jess> (batch "../myExamples/if_elseif_else.clp") Enter an integer 80 A medium number 40.0

4. Defining Functions in Jess

4.1. Deffunctions
(deffunction <function-name> [<doc-comment>] (<parameter>*) <expr>* [<return-specifier>])

<function-name> must be a symbol Each <parameter> must be a variable name <doc-comment> is a double-quoted string describing the function Any number of <expr> expressions <return-specifier> gives the return value of the function

Either an explicit return or any value or expression last encountered in executing the function

Control flow is achieved via control-flow functions

(deffunction max "Return the larger of 2 numerical arguments" (?a ?b) (if (> ?a ?b) then (return ?a) else (return ?b)) ) Jess> (batch "myExamples/max.clp") TRUE Jess> (max 3 5) 5

This program could also be written as

(deffunction max (?a ?b) (if (> ?a ?b) then ?a else ?b) )

For a deffunction taking any number of arguments, make the last formal parameter be a multifield: a variable with '$' before the ?

When the deffunction is called, the multifield variable contains a list all remaining arguments passed No more than one such wildcard argument The last argument to the function

(deffunction max ($?args) (bind ?mx 0) (foreach ?x $?args (if (> ?x ?mx) then (bind ?mx ?x) ) ) (return ?mx) ) Jess> (batch "myExamples/max2.clp") TRUE Jess> (max 4 2 5 3) 5

4.2. defadvice

defadvice lets you wrap extra code around a Jess function so that

either it executes before the real function

to alter the argument list seen by the real function, or short-circuit it completely by returning a value of its own to see the return value of the real function and possibly alter it

or after the real function

Lets add-on authors extend Jess without changing internal code E.g., intercept calls to + and add an extra argument 1

$?argv is a magic variable containing a list of the function name and the arguments of the call

Jess> (defadvice before + (bind $?argv (create$ $?argv 1))) TRUE Jess> (+ 1 2) 4

E.g., keep the real function from being called, make all additions equal to 1
Jess> (defadvice before + (return 1)) TRUE Jess> (+ 1 2) 1

E.g., subtract 1 from the return value of +

?retval is a magic variable; its value is the real functions return value

Jess> (defadvice after + (return (- ?retval 1))) TRUE Jess> (+ 1 2) 2

undefadvice removes the advice

Jess> (undefadvice +) TRUE Jess> (+ 1 2) 3

List Functions
create$ or list

Returns a list whose elements are its arguments

If an argument is a list, its elements are included separately in the result

Jess> (bind ?list1 (create$ 1 2 3)) (1 2 3) Jess> (create$ ?list1 4) (1 2 3 4)


Returns the length of its list argument

Jess> (length$ ?list1) 3


Takes a list argument, returns a list containing only the 1st element of it
Jess> (first$ ?list1) (1)


Takes a list argument and returns a list of all its arguments but the 1 st
Jess> (rest$ ?list1) (2 3)


Takes and integer index and a list, returns the element at that index

Jess list indices start at 1 (base-1)

Jess> (nth$ 2 ?list1) 2


Returns TRUE if its argument is a list

Jess> (listp ?list1) TRUE Jess> (listp 5) FALSE


Passed 1 or more lists, returns their union (concatenation with duplicates removed)
Jess> (bind ?list2 (list 2 4 6)) (2 4 6) Jess> (bind ?list3 (list 1 3 5)) (1 3 5) Jess> (union$ ?list1 ?list2 ?list3) (1 2 3 4 6 5)


Passed 1 or more lists, returns their union (list of elements in all)

Jess> (intersection$ ?list1 ?list2 ?list3) (2) Jess> (intersection$ ?list2 ?list3) ()

(member$ <expression> <list>)

Returns the index of the value of the expression in the list or FALSE if this value is not in the list.

Note: A non-FALSE value generally counts as TRUE

Jess> (member$ 4 ?list2) 2 Jess> (member$ (+ 3 1) ?list2) 2 Jess> (member$ 5 ?list2) FALSE

(insert$ <list> <index> <single-or-list-expr>+)

Returns a new list like the original but with 1 or more values inserted starting at the index given

A list is inserted as a sequence of the values it contains

Jess> (insert$ ?list1 2 5) (1 5 2 3) Jess> ?list1 (1 2 3) Jess> (insert$ ?list1 4 ?list2) (1 2 3 2 4 6)

To append an element,
Jess> (insert$ ?list1 (+ 1 (length$ ?list1)) 9) (1 2 3 9)

To concatenate two lists,

Jess> (insert$ ?list1 (+ 1 (length$ ?list1)) ?list3) (1 2 3 1 3 5)

(delete$ <list > <begin-index> <end-index>)

Returns a new list like the original but with the elements from the beginning to the end index deleted

To delete a single element, have the 2 indices equal

Jess> (bind ?list4 (list 2 4 6 8 10 12)) (2 4 6 8 10 12) Jess> (delete$ ?list4 2 4) (2 10 12) Jess> (delete$ ?list4 2 2) (2 6 8 10 12) Jess> (delete$ ?list1 1 1) (2 3) Jess> (delete$ ?list1 2 (length$ ?list1)) (1)

(replace$ <list> <begin-index> <end-index> <list>+)

Returns a new list like the original but with

the elements from the beginning to the end index replaced by the elements in the one or more lists at the end

Jess> (replace$ ?list4 2 4 (list 0 1 0)) (2 0 1 0 10 12) Jess> (replace$ ?list4 2 4 (list 0 1 0) (list 1 0 1)) (2 0 1 0 1 0 1 10 12) Jess> (replace$ ?list4 2 4 (list)) (2 10 12)

Testing Equality (and other numerical

eq takes 2 or more arguments


Returns TRUE if the 1st argument is equal in type and value to all subsequent arguments.

eq* also takes 2 or more arguments

But returns TRUE if the 1st argument is merely equivalent to all the otherssupports type conversion

= is like eq* but restricted to numerical values neq if the negation of eq

<> is the negation of = There is no neq*

Other numerical relations: <, <=, >, >=

Jess> (bind ?lis ?list1) (1 2 3) Jess> (eq ?lis ?list1) TRUE Jess> (eq* ?list1 (list 1 2 3)) TRUE Jess> (= 2 2.0) TRUE Jess> (eq* 2 2.0) TRUE Jess> (eq 2 2.0) FALSE

Arithmetic Operators

Add 1 or more numbers

Multiply 1 or more numbers

Passed 1 or more numbers, subtracts from the first all the rest

Passed 1 or more numbers, divides the first by all the rest

Return value is a FLOAT

Jess> (/ 2) 2.0 Jess> (/ 16 4 2) 2.0


Passed 2 integers, returns remainder of dividing the 1st by the 2nd


Takes 2 numbers, returns a FLOAT thats the 1st raised to the 2nd Passed 1 or more numbers, returns the smallest



Passed 1 or more numbers, returns the largest

Auto-increment and (++ <variable>) decrement Increments the value of the variable (must be numerical), returns the

result (-- <variable>)

Decrements the value of the variable (must be numerical), returns the result

Boolean Functions

Returns TRUE if its sole argument evaluates to FALSE

Else returns FALSE

Jess> (not (< 3 2)) TRUE


Returns TRUE if all its 1 or more arguments evaluate to a non-FALSE value

Else returns FALSE

Jess> (bind ?x 5) 5 Jess> (and (< 3 ?x) (< ?x 7)) TRUE


Returns TRUE if any of its 1 or more arguments evaluate to a nonFALSE value

Else returns FALSE

Jess> (or (< ?x 3) (< 7 ?x)) FALSE


Returns result of calling the 1st argument, as a Jess function, on all the remaining arguments

1st argument may be a variable whose value is the name (a string) of a Jess or user-defined function

Jess> (bind ?op "+") "+" Jess> (apply ?op 5 2 1) 8 Jess> (bind ?op "-") "-" Jess> (apply ?op 5 2 1) 2 Jess> (deffunction inc2 (?x) (+ 2 ?x)) TRUE Jess> (bind ?f_name "inc2") "inc2" Jess> (apply ?f_name 3) 5

(map <function> <list>)

Calls the function on each item in the list

Returns a list of all the results

The function can be the name of a built-in or user-defined function

Can also be a lambda expression (below)

Jess> (map "inc2" (list 1 2 3)) (3 4 5) Jess> (map ?f_name (list 1 2 3)) (3 4 5) Jess> (map "abs" (list -1 2 -3)) (1 2 3)

lambda Used like deffunction to define a function

But not given a name

Such an anonymous functions is useful if used only once, as with map Jess> (map (lambda (?x) (+ 2 ?x)) ?list1) (3 4 5)

eval and build

eval Its sole argument is a string whose content is Jess code

The string is parsed, the expression evaluated, the result returned

Jess> (bind ?x "(length$ (list 1 2 3 4))") "(length$ (list 1 2 3 4))" Jess> (eval ?x) 4 build is a synonym for eval

For historical reasons, build is generally used with rules, eval with function calls This functionality lets Jess create and incorporate new rules as it runs

Essentially, it can learn

Facts in Jess Manipulating the Working Memory The watch and facts Functions

The working memory (or fact base) is a collection of facts (in the technical sense) watch tells Jess to print messages when various interesting things happen

Different arguments get Jess to report on different kinds of events (watch facts) gets Jess to report when facts are added or removed

Function reset initializes the working memory and creates fact (MAIN::initial-fact)

Jess signals

addition of a fact with ==> removal of a fact with <==

unwatch reverses the effect of watch

Jess> (watch facts) TRUE Jess> (reset) ==> f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) TRUE Jess> (unwatch facts) TRUE

facts gets Jess to list all facts in the working memory

Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) For a total of 1 facts in module MAIN

Creating Facts with assert

Add new facts to the working memory with assert

Jess> (reset) TRUE Jess> (assert (groceries milk eggs bread)) <Fact-1> Jess> f-0 f-1 For a (facts) (MAIN::initial-fact) (MAIN::groceries milk eggs bread) total of 2 facts in module MAIN.

A fact has a fact-id: here 0 and 1

Lets you easily refer to the fact for changing or removing it Jess uses fact-ids when deciding the order for firing rules

MAIN:: is the facts head, the current (default) module

A module is a named collection rules, facts, and other constructs

assert takes one or more facts as arguments

Returns the fact-id of the last asserted fact Or FALSE if the last fact couldnt be asserted

Usually because its a duplicate of a fact already in the working memory

Removing Facts with retract

Remove an individual fact with retract, passing

a numeric fact-id or an actual fact, i.e., a jess.Value object of type RU.FACT

Holds a reference to a jess.Fact Java object

Function fact-id takes a fact-id and returns a Fact object

Jess> (fact-id 1) <Fact-1>

Jess> (retract 1) TRUE Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) For a total of 1 facts in module MAIN. Jess> (bind ?f (fact-id 0)) <Fact-0> Jess> (retract ?f) TRUE Jess> (facts) For a total of 0 facts in module MAIN.

Using fact-ids is easier when working interactively

Using a reference (if you already have it) is faster for Jess

Clearing and Initializing Working Memory

Working interactively, working memory fills up with irrelevant info

And a running program periodically must restart from a known state

clear removes from working memory all facts and variables, rules, and deffunctions

Generally used only interactively

To restore the initial state without erasing entire application, use reset

Puts working memory into a known state Includes at least initial fact (MAIN::initial-fact) Jess uses this fact internally Many rules dont work without it

Before using working memory, issue reset

Issue it again to reinitialize working memory

The deffacts Construct

A deffacts is a list of facts asserted into working memory when reset is issued

Can define any number of deffacts constructs

Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (deffacts catalog "Product catalog" (product 354 sticky-notes "$1.99") (product 355 paper-clips "$0.99") (product 356 blue-pens "$2.99")) TRUE Jess> (facts) For a total of 0 facts in module MAIN.


Jess> (reset) TRUE Jess> f-0 f-1 f-2 f-3 For a (facts) (MAIN::initial-fact) (MAIN::product 354 sticky-notes "$1.99") (MAIN::product 355 paper-clips "$0.99") (MAIN::product 356 blue-pens "$2.99") total of 4 facts in module MAIN.

Kinds of Facts

Working memory is like a relational DB

Facts are like rows

3 kinds of facts An unordered fact has named data fields like a DB tables columns

Specify the slots in any ordere.g., Most common kind of fact

(person (name John Doe) (age 34) (height 5 11) (weight 225))

An ordered fact is a flat liste.g., (person John Doe 34 5 11 225)

Convenient for simple bits of info

A shadow fact is an unordered fact linked to a Java object

Lets us reason about events outside Jess

Unordered Facts
The deftemplate Construct

Before asserting an unordered fact, use a deftemplate to define the slots for the kind of fact
Jess> (deftemplate person "People in actuarial database" (slot name) (slot age) (slot gender)) TRUE Jess> (assert (person (age 34) (name "Bill Jones") (gender Male))) <Fact-1>


Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) f-1 (MAIN::person (name "Bill Jones") (age 34) (gender Male)) For a total of 2 facts in module MAIN.

The name of the deftemplate (here person) provides the head of the facts Can omit slots in asserting an unordered fact

Filled in using default values

Default Slot Values

Omitting a slot when asserting a fact, Jess provides a default value

By default, its nil

Jess> (assert (person (age 30) (gender Female))) <Fact-2> Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) f-1 (MAIN::person (name "Bill Jones") (age 34) (gender

f-2 (MAIN::person (name nil) (age 30) (gender Female)) For a total of 3 facts in module MAIN.

If nil isnt an acceptable default value, specify one with a slot qualifier

Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (deftemplate person "People in actuarial database" (slot name (default OCCUPANT)) (slot age) (slot gender)) TRUE Jess> (assert (person (age 30) (gender Female))) <Fact-0> Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::person (name OCCUPANT) (age 30) (gender Female)) For a total of 1 facts in module MAIN.

If default changes over time, in place of default, use default-dynamic

Value then usually given by a function call

E.g., for a timestamp, (default-dynamic (time))


Create a slot with a list of values with keyword multislot

Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (deftemplate person "People in actuarial database" (slot name (default OCCUPANT)) (slot age) (slot gender) (multislot hobbies)) TRUE Jess> (assert (person (name "Jane Doe") (age 22) (hobbies skiing "collecting antiques") (gender Female))) <Fact-0>

The default default value for a multislot is nil

Can specify a different default

Changing Slot Values with modify

Often a rule acts on a fact to change slot values modify takes as its first argument a Fact object or a numeric fact-id

All other arguments are slot/multislot name, value pairs It modifies the slots/multislots of the fact as per the given values

Jess> (modify 0 (age 23)) <Fact-0> Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::person (name "Jane Doe") (age 23) (gender Female) (hobbies skiing "collecting antiques")) For a total of 1 facts in module MAIN.

The fact-id of a modified fact isnt changed

A slot of one fact can hold the fact-id of another fact

Build structures of related facts

Copying Facts with duplicate

duplicate is like modify but creates a new fact like the old but modified as specified

Returns the fact-id of the new fact or FALSE if no duplicate fact created

Jess> (duplicate 0 (name "John Doe") (gender Male)) <Fact-1> Jess> (facts) f-0 (MAIN::person (name "Jane Doe") (age 23) (gender Female) (hobbies skiing collecting antiques")) f-1 (MAIN::person (name "John Doe") (age 23) (gender Male) (hobbies skiing "collecting antiques")) For a total of 2 facts in module MAIN.

modify and duplicate require slot names as arguments

Work only for unordered facts

Can assert ordered facts as long as no deftemplate using the same head has been defined
Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (assert (number 123)) <Fact-0>

Ordered Facts

When you assert the 1st ordered fact with a given head, Jess generates an implied deftemplate for it ppdeftemplate takes a fact head, returns the implied template as a string, embedded quotes escaped
Jess> (ppdeftemplate number) "(deftemplate MAIN::number \"(Implied)\" (multislot __data))"

Ordered facts are unordered facts with a single multislot, __data

show-deftemplates lists implied deftemplates along with explicitly created ones

Jess> (show-deftemplates) (deftemplate MAIN::__clear "(Implied)") (deftemplate MAIN::__fact "Parent template") (deftemplate MAIN::__not_or_test_CE "(Implied)") (deftemplate MAIN::initial-fact "(Implied)") (deftemplate MAIN::number "(Implied)" (multislot __data)) FALSE

Note the 3 special templates used internally by Jess: __clear, __fact, __not_or_test_CE

Writing Rules in Jess

The knowledge base is the collection of rules making up a rulebased system Rules take actions based on the contents of working memory 2 main classes of rules: forward-chaining and backwardchaining Access working memory directly with queries

Syntax similar to that of rules Search working memory, find specific facts, explore their relationships

Forward-chaining Rules

A rules then part can be executed whenever the if part is satisfied Define a rule with the defrule construct Simplest possible rule:
Jess> (defrule null-rule "A rule that does nothing" => ) TRUE

null-rule is the rules name

If you define another rule named null-rule, original is deleted Also an undefrule to delete a rule by name

Symbol => separates the rules LHS (if part) from its RHS (then part)

null-rule has empty LHS and RHS

Always executes, doing nothing

Two new arguments for watch:

(watch activations) gets Jess to print a message when an activation record is placed on or removed from the agenda

An activation record associates a set of facts with a rule When the facts match the rules LHS, the rule should be executed

(watch rules) gets Jess to print a message when a rules is fired

I.e., when the actions on its RHS are executed

run tells Jess to start firing rules, returns number of rules fired

Rule engine fires the rules on the agenda, one at a time, until the agendas empty

Jess> (watch facts) TRUE Jess> (watch activations) TRUE Jess> (watch rules) TRUE Jess> (reset) ==> f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) ==> Activation: MAIN::null-rule : TRUE Jess> (run) FIRE 1 MAIN::null-rule f-0 1


Since null-rule hasnt a LHS, Jess makes it conditional on the presence of the initial fact

Show that null-rule is conditional on (initial-fact) by calling ppdefrule on null-rule:

Jess> (ppdefrule null-rule) "(defrule MAIN::null-rule \"A rule that does nothing\" (initial-fact) =>)"

A more complex rule:

Jess> (defrule change-baby-if-wet "If baby is wet, change its diaper" ?wet <- (baby-is-wet) => (change-baby) (retract ?wet)) TRUE

LHS is a pattern (to match a fact in working memory), RHS is function calls No function call on LHS

Following doesnt work

Jess> (defrule wrong-rule (eq 1 1) ==> (printout t Just as I thought, 1 == 1! crlf))

Jess tries to find a fact (eq 1 1) in working memory To fire a rule based on evaluation of a function, use the test conditional element (later)

(watch all) gets Jess to print info on everything important that happens while the program runs
Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (watch all) TRUE Jess> (reset) ==> Focus MAIN ==> f-0 (MAIN::initial-fact) TRUE Jess> (deffunction change-baby () (printout t "Baby is now dry" crlf)) TRUE


Jess> (defrule change-baby-if-wet "If baby is wet, change its diaper" ?wet <- (baby-is-wet) Store a reference to fact (baby-is-wet) => in the pattern binding ?wet (change-baby) How Jess interprets (retract ?wet)) the rule internally MAIN::change-baby-if-wet: +1+1+1+t TRUE All LHS conditions of the rule are Jess> (assert (baby-is-wet)) ==> f-1 (MAIN::baby-is-wet) ==> Activation: MAIN::change-baby-if-wet : <Fact-1> Jess> (run) FIRE 1 MAIN::change-baby-if-wet f-1 Baby is now dry <== f-1 (MAIN::baby-is-wet) <== Focus MAIN 1
met by this list of factsjust 1 here


Rules not only react to the contents of working memory but also change it

One run can put info into working memory causing another to fire

Nothing happens if we issue (run) again

Jess activates a run only once for a given working memory state Dont change baby again until a new baby-is-wet fact is asserted

Constraining Slot Data

Most patterns specify some set of slot values for the facts they match

These specifications are constraints

Kinds of constraints

Literal constraint: Exact slot value Variable constraint: Bind a matched value to a variable Connective constraint: Combine conditions to match A and B or A or B Predicate constraint: Call a function to test a match Return value constraint: Test for an exact match between a slots contents and the result of a function call

Literal Constraints

A pattern including a literal value matches only facts that include that value
Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (defrule literal-values (letters b c) =>) TRUE Jess> (watch activations) TRUE Jess> (assert (letters b d)) <Fact-0> Jess> (assert (letters b c)) ==> Activation: MAIN::literal-values : <Fact-1> f-1

Everything that applies to ordered facts applies to the multislots of unordered facts

Likewise for the regular slots of unordered facts (but they hold only 1 value)

Matching literal constraints cant convert types

E.g., floating-point literal 1.0 doesnt match integer 1

Variables as Constraints

Can use variables in place of literals for any part of the slot data A variable matches any value in that position in the facts matching the pattern

E.g., the following is activated each time an ordered fact with head a and 2 fields is asserted

Jess> (defrule simple-variables (a ?x ?y) => (printout t "'Saw 'a " ?x " " ?y "'" crlf))

Variables matched on the LHS of a rule are input for its RHS You can mix literal values and variables in the same pattern The same variable may occur in more than 1 pattern and more than once in a given pattern

All occurrences must match the same value

Jess> (defrule repeated-variables (a ?x) (b ?x) => (printout t "?x is " ?x crlf)) TRUE Jess> (watch activations) TRUE Jess> (deffacts repeated-variable-facts (a 1) (a 2) (b 2) (b 3)) TRUE Jess> (reset) ==> Activation: MAIN::repeated-variables : TRUE Jess> (run) ?x is 2 1 f-2, f-3


A multifield matches 0 or more values

Begins with $?e.g., $?mf Used only in multislots

Can be used alone Used with single values, a multifield expands to match all thats not matched by other values

E.g., the pattern in the following matches any shopping-cart fact with a contents slot containing milk

preceded by 0 or more items and followed by 0 or more items

(defrule cart-containing-milk (shopping-cart (contents $?before milk $?after)) => (printout t The cart contains milk. crlf))

A multifield contains the matched values as a (possibly empty) list On the RHS, can (and should, for style) omit the $ since there the multifield acts as a normal variable

Blank Variables

? is a wildcard, matching a field without binding a variable

Used to specify that a multifield contains a certain arrangement of values E.g., (poker-hand ten ? ? ? ace)

$? is the wildcard for multifields

Matches some or all the valuese.g.,

(shopping-cart (contents $? milk $?))

Matching Globals Variables

In, e.g., (score ?*x*), the match considers the value of the defglobal when the fact is first asserted Subsequent changes to the defglobals value dont invalidate the match

Connective Constraints

In order of precedence: ~ (not) & (and) | (or)


Match any client fact with a city slot not containing Bangor
(client (city ~Bangor))

Match any client from Boston or Hartford

(client (city Boston|Hartford)

Match any client not from Bangor but remember the city in ?c
(client (city ?x&~Bangor))

Match any client from neither Bangor nor Portland:

(client (city ~Bangor&~Portland))

No grouping symbols for constraints

Cant override precedence with ()

If you cant express what you want with connective constraints, use predicate constraints

Constraining Matches with Predicate Functions

A predicate function is a Boolean function (returns TRUE or FALSE)

Actually, any value except FALSE counts as TRUE

Use any predicate function as a constraint by preceding it with a : To use a slot value as a function argument,

bind the value to a variable then connect that binding to the function using &

Jess> (defrule small-order (shopping-cart (customer-id ?id) (contents $?c&:(< (length$ $?c) 5))) (checking-out-now ?id) => (printout t Wouldnt you like to buy more? crlf))

To express complex logical conditions, use not, and, or

Jess> (defrule large-order-and-no-dairy (shopping-cart (customer-id ?id) (contents $?c& :(and (> (length$ $?c) 50) (not (or (member$ milk $?c) (member$ butter $?c)))))) (checking-out-now ?id) => (printout t Dont you need dairy products? crlf))

Return Value Constraints

Precede a function call in a slot with =

The slot data then must match what the function returns

E.g., find a pair of items s.t. the price of the 1st is 2 that of the 2nd
(item (price ?x)) (item (price =(* ?x 2)))

This is equivalent to
(item (price ?x)) (item (price ?y&:(eq ?y (* ?x 2))))

Pretty-printing a rule transforms the former into the latter

Pattern Bindings

To use retract, modify, or duplicate on a fact matched by a rules LHS, pass a handle to the fact to its RHS

Use a pattern-binding variable

Jess> (defrule pattern-binding ?fact <- (a "retract me") => (retract ?fact))

A reference to the jess.Fact object activating this rule is bound to ?fact when the rule is fired

To retrieve the facts name, its integer ID, and other data, call the Java member functions of the jess.Fact class directly

Jess> (defrule call-fact-methods ?fact <- (initial-fact) => (printout t "Name is " (call ?fact getName) crlf) (printout t "Id is " (call ?fact getFactId) crlf)) ==> Activation: MAIN::call-fact-methods : f-0 TRUE Jess> (reset) ==> Activation: MAIN::call-fact-methods : TRUE Jess> (run) Name is MAIN::initial-fact Id is 0 1 f-0

Pattern bindings must refer to specific facts Need care when using them with the grouping conditional elements in the following sections

Cant use them with not or test conditional elements When using them with or and and conditional elements, make sure the binding applies to only 1 fact

Qualifying Patterns with Conditional Elements

Conditional elements (CEs) are pattern modifiers

Group patterns into logical structures Indicate the meaning of a match

Many conditional elements have same names as predicate functions

But, e.g., the and predicate function works on Boolean expressions while the and CE works on patterns The context always distinguishes

Jesss conditional elements:

and matches multiple facts or matches alternative facts not matches if no facts match exists matches if at least 1 fact matches test matches if a function call doesnt evaluate to FALSE logical lets matching facts offer logical support to new facts

The and Conditional Element

Express the intersection of a group of patters using and

Jess> (defrule ready-to-fly (and (flaps-up) (engine-on)) =>)

But the entire LHS of any rule is enclosed in an implicit and

So the and in the above rule isnt needed

and is only of interest when used with other CEs

The or Conditional Element

Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (deftemplate used-car (slot price) (slot mileage)) TRUE Jess> (deftemplate new-car (slot price) (slot warrantyPeriod)) TRUE Jess> (defrule might-buy-car ?candidate <- (or (used-car (mileage ?m&:(< ?m 50000))) (new-car (price ?p&:(< ?p 20000)))) => (assert (candidate ?candidate))) TRUE


Jess> (assert (new-car (price 18000))) <Fact-0> Jess> (assert (used-car (mileage 30000))) <Fact-1> Jess> (run) 2 Jess> f-0 f-1 f-2 f-3 For a (facts) (MAIN::new-car (price 18000) (warrantyPeriod nil)) (MAIN::used-car (price nil) (mileage 30000)) (MAIN::candidate <Fact-1>) (MAIN::candidate <Fact-0>) total of 4 facts in module MAIN.

Only 1 of the 2 branches of the or CE match at a time

The rule can be activated as many times as there are facts to match

If the rules RHS tried to modify the mileage slot of the used-car template, runtime errors would occur whenever ?candidate is bound to a new-car fact

The new-car template doesnt have a mileage slot

If a rules RHS uses a variable defined by matching on the LHS and the variable is defined by some but not all branches of an or pattern, then a runtime error may occur

and and or groups may be nested inside each other

Jess rearranges the pattern so that theres a single or at the top levele.g.,

Jess> (defrule prepare-sandwich (and (or (mustard) (mayo)) (bread)) =>) TRUE Jess> (ppdefrule prepare-sandwich) "(defrule MAIN::prepare-sandwich (or (and (mustard) (bread)) (and (mayo) (bread))) =>)"

Subrule Generation and the or Conditional Element

A rule containing an or CE with n branches is equivalent to n rules, each with 1 of the branches on its LHS

This is how Jess implements the or conditional element

But Jess remembers the association of the created rules

E.g., if the original rule is removed, all associated subrules are removed

The not Conditional Element

Most patterns can be enclosed in a list with not as the head

Then the pattern matches if a fact (or set of facts) the enclosed patter is not found

E.g., the following fires if there are no cars at all or if there are only cars of colors other than red
Jess> (defrule no-red-cars (not (auto (color red))) => )

The pattern in the LHS here is not the same as

(auto (color ~red))

Because a not pattern matches the absence of a fact, it cant define any variables used one the RHS or in subsequent patterns on the LHS

But variables can be introduced in a not pattern as long as theyre used in that patterne.g.,
Jess> (defrule no-odd-number (not (number ?n&:(oddp ?n))) => (printout t There are no odd numbers. crlf))

And a not pattern cant have a pattern binding: it doesnt match an actual fact

Weve seen that pattern matching is driven by facts being asserted

The matching happens during the assert, definstance, modify, duplicate, or reset function call creating the fact

A not CE is evaluated in only 3 cases:

When a fact matching what it encloses is asserted (the pattern match fails) When a fact matching what it encloses is removed ( the pattern match succeeds) When the pattern immediately before the non on the rules LHS is evaluated

If a not CE is

the 1st pattern on a rules LHS, the 1st pattern in an and group, or the 1st pattern on a given branch of an or group, then the pattern (initial-fact) is inserted before the not to become the preceding pattern in question

So its important to issue (reset) before running the rule engine The not CE can be used in arbitrary combination with the and and or CEs

E.g., the following fires once and only once if, for every car of a given color, theres a bus of the same color

Jess> (defrule forall-example (not (and (car (color ?c)) (not (bus (color ?c))))) =>)

The exists Conditional Element

The exists CE is shorthand for 2 nots nested one inside the other An exists CE is true if there exist any facts matching the enclosed pattern Its useful when you want a rule to fire only once even though there may be many facts that cold activate it
Jess> (defrule exists-an-honest-man (exists (honest ?)) => (printout t There is at least 1 honest man. crlf))

Cant bind any variables in an exists CE for later in the rule Cant use pattern bindings with exists

The test Conditional Element

The body of a test pattern isnt a pattern to match against working memory but a Boolean function

It fails iff the function evaluates to FALSE

Jess> (deftemplate person (slot age)) TRUE Jess> (defrule find-trusworthy-people-1 (person (age ?x)) (test (< ?x 30)) => (printout t ?x is under 30. crlf))

A test CE cant contain any variables not bound before it It cant have a pattern binding

A test CE is evaluated every time the preceding rule on the LHS is evaluated (like not)

So the following is equivalent to the preceding rule

Jess> (defrule find-trustworth-people-2 (person (age ?x&:(< ?x 30))) => (printout t ?x is under 30. crlf))

The test CE can also be used to write tests unrelated to facts

(import java.util.Date) (defrule fire-next-century (test ((newDate) after (new Date Dec 31 2009))) => (printout t Welcome to the 22nd century! crlf))

Jess inserts the pattern (initial-fact) as a preceding pattern for the test when a test CE is

the 1st pattern on the LHS, the 1st pattern in an and CE, or the 1st pattern in the branch of an or CE

Another reason for (reset)

The logical Conditional Element

Water flowing from a faucet has a logical dependency on the faucet being open
Jess> (defrule turn-water-on (faucet open) => (assert (water flowing)) TRUE Jess> (defrule turn-water-off (not (faucet open)) ?water <- (water flowing) => (retract ?water)) TRUE

Here (water flowing) logically depends on (faucet open)

The logical CE lets you specify logical dependencies concisely

All facts asserted on the RHS logically depend on any facts matching a pattern inside a logical CE on the LHS If any of the matches later become invalid, the dependent facts are retracted

Jess> (clear) TRUE Jess> (defrule water-flows-while-faucet-is-open (logical (faucet open)) => (assert (water flowing))) TRUE Jess> (assert (faucet open)) <Fact-0> Jess> (run) 1 Jess> f-0 f-1 For a (facts) (MAIN::faucet open) (MAIN::water flowing) total of 2 facts in module MAIN.


Jess> (watch facts) TRUE Jess> (retract 0) <== f-0 (MAIN::faucet open) <== f-1 (MAIN::water flowing) TRUE Jess> (facts) For a total of 0 facts in module MAIN.

If fact 1 logically depends on fact 2, fact 1 receives logical support from fact 2

A fact asserted without explicit logical support is unconditionally supported

A fact may receive logical support from multiple sources

It isnt retracted unless each of its logical supports is removed

If an unconditionally supported fact also receives explicit logical support, removing that support doesnt cause the fact to be retracted

Find a facts logical support with dependencies

Find what it logically supports with dependents

Jess> (call (nth$ 1 (dependents 0)) getName) "MAIN::water" Jess> (call (call (nth$ 1 (dependencies 1)) fact 1) getName) "MAIN::faucet"

Backward-chaining Rules

So far weve seen forward-chaining rules In backward-chaining (goal seeking), if the LHS is only partially matched and the engine determines that firing some other rule would cause it to be fully matched, then the engine tries to fire the 2nd rule

Jesss backward chaining isnt transparent to the programmer and is simulated with forward-chaining rules

Sketch of the Example

Use backward chaining to avoid computing the factorial of a number more than once The deftemplate factorial stores computed factorialse.g., (factorial 5 125) Rule print-factorial-10 has in its LHS (factorial 10 ?r1) Register factorial for backward chaining so this pattern causes Jess to assert (need-factorial 10 nil) Theres a do-factorial rule with LHS (need-factorial ?x ?) to compute the factorial of ?x and assert the result as a factorial fact

To use backward chaining, first declare certain deftemplates as backward-chaining reactive

Use function do-backward-chaining

Jess> (do-backward-chaining factorial) TRUE

If the template is unordered, must define it before this

Then may define rules with patterns matching corresponding facts

Jess> (defrule print-factorial-10 (factorial 10 ?r1) => (printout t "The factorial of 10 is " ?r1 crlf)) TRUE

Patterns that match backward-chaining reactive deftemplates are goals If, after (reset), nothing matches the goal, a fact is inserted into working memory like (need-factorial 10 nil)

The facts head is constructed by adding need- to the goals head need-x facts are goal-seeking or trigger facts

Write a rule matching need-factorial trigger facts to compute and assert factorial facts

Jess> (defrule do-factorial (need-factorial ?x ?) => (bind ?r 1) (bind ?n ?x) (while (> ?n 1) (bind ?r (* ?r ?n)) (bind ?n (- ?n 1))) (assert (factorial ?x ?r))) TRUE

The rule compiler adds a negated match for the factorial pattern to the LHS

So the rule doesnt fire if the fact is already present

Jess> (reset) TRUE Jess> (watch all) TRUE Jess> (run) FIRE 1 MAIN::do-factorial f-1, ==> f-2 (MAIN::factorial 10 3628800) ==> Activation: MAIN::print-factorial-10 : FIRE 2 MAIN::print-factorial-10 f-0, f-2 The factorial of 10 is 3628800 <== Focus MAIN

f-0, f-2

Managing the Agenda

A rule is activated when its LHS matches working memory

But it doesnt fire immediately

The agenda is the list of activated but not-yet-fired rules

Conflict Resolution

The set of activated rules eligible to be fired is the conflict set Putting the rules in firing order is conflict resolution The output of conflict resolution is the ordered list of activations, the agenda

Function agenda shows this ordered list

Jesss conflict resolution is controlled by pluggable conflictresolution strategies Jess comes with 2:

depth (default): fire most recently activated rule first breadth: fire in activation order
(set-strategy breadth)

Function set-strategy changes the strategye.g., The strategy often makes no difference, but sometimes it does The depth strategy is intuitive and correct in most cases

But has problems if every rule that fires activates another

The oldest activations never get a chance to fire

But breadth can be confusing

To write your own strategies in java, implement the jess.Strategy interface

Then call set-strategy with the name of your class as the argument

The Strategy interface has a single non-trivial method, compare

Compare 2 activations Return -1, 1, or 0 indicating 1st, 2nd, or either should fire 1st

Changing Rule Priority with Salience

Use rule salience to tell the conflict resolver to treat special rules (e.g., ones reporting security breaches) specially Each rule has a salience property giving its priority

Rules with higher salience fire earlier

Ties broken as determined by the strategy (as above)

Default salience is 0

Use a salience declaration to set a rules salience

Jess> (defrule defer-exit-until-agenda-empty (declare (salience -100)) (command exit-when-idle) => (printout t exiting crlf)) TRUE

Specify salience using literal integers, global variables, or function calls Current salience evaluation method determines how salience values are evaluated: 3 possible values:

when-defined (default): fixed salience value computed when the rules defined when-activated: salience reevaluated each time the rule is activated every-cycle: salience of every rule on the agenda recomputed after every rule firing (computational expensive)

Query or set this method with functions get-salienceevaluation, set-salience-evaluation

Extensive use of salience is discouraged

Negative impact on performance Bad style in rule-based programming to force an order on rule firings

If youre using more than 2 or 3 salience values, consider implementing your algorithm with deffunctions or Java

Scripting Java with Jess

Jess can be used as a kind of scripting language for Java


To find out what a given API method does with a given argument, its faster to start Jess and type one line of Jess code than to write, compile and run a small Java program

Or, to experiment with arrangements of a GUI, create the graphical components with a few lines of Jess code then interactively assemble and arrange them

Creating Java Objects

Jesss new function lets you create instances of Java classes

Jess> (import java.util.*) TRUE Jess> (bind ?prices (new HashMap)) <Java-Object:java.util.HashMap>

Like Java, Jess implicitly imports the entire java.lang package

Can create Integer and String objects without explicitly importing that package

HashMap has a constructor that takes a Java int and a Java float as arguments

You can invoke this in Jess, passing it normal Jess numbers

Jess> (bind ?prices (new HashMap 20 0.5)) <Java-Object:java.util.HashMap>

When you call a Java method, Jess converts the arguments from Jess data types to Java types as per the following table
Possible Java types The wrapped object a null reference String, java.lang.Boolean, or boolean String, char, or java.lang.Character float, double, and their wrappers long, short, int, byte, char, and their wrappers long, short, int, byte, char, and their wrappers A Java array

Jess type RU.Java-Object The symbol nil The symbol TRUE or FALSE RU.ATOM (a symbol), RU.STING RU.FLOAT RU.INTEGER RU.LONG RU.LIST

If an argument is passed to a Java constructor or method, Jess has the java.lang.Class object representing the formal parameters type a jess.Value object containing the value passed

It turns the Values contents into something assignable to the Class

E.g., symbol TRUE can be passed to a function expecting a boolean argument or to one expecting a String argument

The proper conversion is made in either case

Calling Jess Methods

Given a reference to a Java object in a Jess variable, you can invoke any of the objects methods using the call function

The 1st argument to call is a Java object The 2nd argument is the name of the invoked method The remaining arguments are the arguments passed to the method

The arguments are converted as per the above table E.g., use HashMap.put to associate some keys with values in our example, and HashMap.get to look up a value by key:
Jess> (call ?prices put bread 0.99) Jess> (call ?prices put peas 1.99) Jess> (call ?prices put beans 1.79) Jess> (call ?prices get peas) 1.99

Any Java method can be called this way except

static methods methods returning or being passed arrays overloaded methods

Values returned by Java methods are converted to Jess types as per the following table
Jess type The symbol nil The symbol nil RU.STRING The symbol TRUE or FALSE RU.INTEGER RU.LONG RU.FLOAT RU.ATOM (a symbol) A list RU. Java-Object

Java type A null reference A void return value String boolean or java.lang.Boolean byte, short, int, or their wrappers long or java.lang.Long double, float, or their wrappers char or java.lang.Character An array Anything else

Nesting Function Calls, and a Shortcut

When the 1st element of a function call is a Java object, Jess assumes an implicit initial call

Instead of (call ?prices get beans)

can use simply (?prices get beans)

This works even if the 1st element of a function call is another function call

as long as it returns a Java objete.g.,

((bind ?prices (new HashMap) put bread 0.99)

Calling Static Methods

In both Java and Jess, can use the name of the Java class to invoke its static methodse.g.,
Jess> (call Thread sleep 1000)

Cant omit call when calling a static method

Most common use of call is to invoke static methods

Calling set and get Methods

JavaBeans are used for shadow facts in Jess

Facts connecting working memory with the Java application in which Jess is running

One tool Jess includes for working with JavaBeans is a pair of methods to simplify accessing their data: (set Java-Object property value) (get Java-Object property)

Alternatively, (Java-Object setter value) (Java-Object getter)

Jess uses the JavaBeans convention for the names

To derive the property name, take the Java method name

Make the first letter uppercase ad the rest lower case

For setters and getters, add set or get to the property name

Example Start with

Jess> (bind ?b (new javax.swing.JButton)) <Java-Object:javax.swing.JButton>

Using get and set

Jess> (set ?b text "Press me") Jess> (get ?b text) "Press me"

Equivalently, using a setter and a getter

Jess> (?b setText "Press Me") Jess> (?b getText) "Press me"

Working with Arrays

Jess automatically converts Java arrays to plain lists (Values of type RU.LIST)cf. the 2 tables above E.g., call method keySet on our ?prices HashMap, then call method toArray on the result

Jess converts the result to a list

Jess> (bind ?grocery-list ((?prices keySet) toArray)) ("beans" "bread" "peas")

To put the grocery list into a pop-up menu, pass the list as a constructor argument to the javax.swing.JComboBox class

Expects an array, Jess converts

Jess> (import javax.swing.JComboBox) TRUE Jess> (bind ?jcb (new JComboBox ?grocery-list)) <Java-Object:javax.swing.JComboBox>

For big or multi-dimension arrays, stick to Java

How Jess Chooses among Overloaded Methods

Jess is much less picky about data types than is Java E.g., in Java, cant store a float into a HashMap

But can store a Jess float: converted to a java.lang.Double

A java method name is overloaded if there are multiple methods with that name for that class with different parameter lists The Java compiler, faced with an overloaded methods name, chooses the most specific methods based on the parameter types But Jess hasnt the strict type info Java has

It chooses the 1st overload it finds matching the parameter types So many ways to convert between Jess and Java values

Notion of best match is too vague

A set of overloaded methods usually do the same thing

So overloading usually isnt an issue

But sometimes you cant get the overload you need

Then use an explicit wrapper

E.g., a Java method is overloaded to take a boolean or String

You want the boolean overload , but Jess calls the String one Create and pass a java.lang.Boolean object

Converted by Jess to boolean

Accessing Java Member Data

Jess accesses public instance variables of Java objects using the get-member and set-member functions
Jess> (bind ?pt (new java.awt.Point)) <Java-Object:java.awt.Point> Jess> (set-member ?pt x 37) 37 Jess> (set-member ?pt y 42) 42 Jess> (get-member ?pt x) 37

These functions also work with static (class) variables

Use the name of the class instead of the object

Jess> (get-member System out) <> Jess> ((get-member System out) println "Hi") Hi Jess> (get-member java.awt.BorderLayout NORTH) "North"

Jess converts values for all kinds of member variables as it does with method arguments and return values

Cf. the above tables

Working with Exceptions

When a Java method throws an exception (an object), Jess catches it and makes it available Jess also signals errors in your Jess code and in its own functions using exceptions When Jess catches an exception, its default action is to print a message, including 1 or 2 stack traces

If 1 trace, it shows where in Jesss own Java code the problem occurred If the exception occurs in a Java method called from Jess, a second trace locates the error in that method

In deployed code, whenever you call a method that might throw an exception, supply a handler to execute a response

The try function evaluates the expressions in its 1st block If one throws an exception, that block is abandoned

Evaluates expressions following the symbol catch (if it appears)

Optional finally block after the catch block

Evaluated whether or not an exception is thrown

Jess> (deffunction parseInt (?String) (try (bind ?i (call Integer parseInt ?String)) (printout t "The answer is " ?i crlf) catch (printout t "Invalid argument" crlf))) TRUE Jess> (parseInt "10") The answer is 10 Jess> (parseInt "1O") Invalid argument

A good use for finally is to close a file

Jess> (import*) TRUE Jess> (bind ?file nil) Jess> (try (bind ?file (new BufferedReader (new "C:/try.txt"))) (while (neq nil (bind ?line (?file readLine))) (printout t ?line crlf)) catch (printout t "Error processing file" crlf) finally (if (neq nil ?file) then (?file close))) The cat sat on the mat FALSE

Special variable ?ERROR is defined in every catch block

Its initialized by Jess to point to the caught exception Several methods can be called on it to get parts of the default message

Jess> (try (/ 2 "a") catch (bind ?ex ?ERROR)) <Java-Object:jess.JessException> Jess> (?ex toString) "Jess reported an error in routine Value.numericValue while executing (/ 2 \"a\"). Message: '\"a\"' is a string, not a number." Jess> (?ex getCause) Jess> (?ex getContext) " while executing (/ 2 \"a\")"


Jess> (?ex getData) "a number" Jess> (?ex getDetail) "'\"a\"' is a string, not " Jess> (?ex getLineNumber) -1

Function (instanceof Java-Object Class) returns TRUE if Java-Object can be assigned to a variable whose type is Class

Its implemented using java.lang.Class.isInstance()

Trivially, we have
Jess> (instanceof ?ex Exception) TRUE

In Java, define multiple catch blocks, differentiated by exception type

But only one catch block in Jess But can use (instanceof Exception-Object Exception-Class) in multiple conditional branches

Jesss throw function throws Java exceptions from Jess code

Works like throw in Java Its argument must be an extension of a Java class that extends java.lang.Throwable

Jess> (try (throw (new Exception "This went wrong")) catch (printout t (call ?ERROR getDetail) crlf)) Exception thrown from Jess language code

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