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uecember 4 2011

Second Sunday of AdvenL wlLh Poly LucharlsL

Peop/e in 5i/ent Meditotion
Liqhtinq of the cond/e ond Openinq of the 8ib/e on the 4/tor

rocess|ona| L|tany uo noL 8e Afrald 1he Afrlcana Worshlp 8ook
As the processional group enters the sanctuary, the pastor or liturgist leads the congregation in
the following litany:

Make a way for Lhe Lord Lo come lnLo your llfe
repare the way of the Lord
SLrlve Lo please Cod ln all LhaL you say and do
We open our hearts to God
8epenL and Lurn from evll
lf we conLlnue Lo walk ln Lhe wllderness of sln
our dances our songs and our words brlng shame Lo Lhe Lord
Iorg|ve us C God
Ask Cod Lo shepherd us Lo gulde us llke Lhe rlver flowlng
Ask for forglveness
Iorg|ve us C God
WalL on Lhe Lord
We wa|t on the Lord
Come unLo ChrlsL
We come
AccepL Cods way of salvaLlon Lhrough ChrlsL
8ecelve new llfe Lhrough waLer and 1he Poly SplrlL
8ecelve your bapLlsm
God we rece|ve your g|ft
8epenLance lorglveness 8esLoraLlon Crace lavor and AccepLance
All of Lhls belongs Lo us Lhrough our bapLlsm
We rece|ve the b|ess|ngs of God
Seek conLlnued guldance and dlrecLlon Lo sLay on Lhe sLralghL road
And lf you should falLer
Do not be afra|d!
lf you humble yourself ln Lhe slghL of Lhe Lord
Cod wlll llfL you up Cods SplrlL wlll lnsLrucL and gulde you
8emember your bapLlsm
8e all LhaL you were creaLed Lo be
We wa|k |n fa|th not fear
Ior we wa|k w|th God
And we are not afra|d!
(21st ceototy wotsblp kesootces uo Not 8e AftolJ copytlqbt 2008 2011 Amello 1ocket5bow All
klqbts kesetveJ bttp//wwwqboJotq)

nymn of ra|se ANGLLS IkCM kLALSM CI GLCk uMP 220
(nymo metet ls 878787 coo be sooq wltb tbe tooes of CoJ of Ctoce ooJ CoJ of Cloty)
Angels from Lhe realms of glory
wlng your fllghL oer all Lhe earLh
ye who sang creaLlons sLory
now proclalm Messlahs blrLh
Come and worshlp come and worshlp
worshlp ChrlsL Lhe newborn klng

Shepherds ln Lhe fleld abldlng
waLchlng oer your flocks by nlghL
Cod wlLh us ls now resldlng
yonder shlnes Lhe lnfanL llghL

Sages leave your conLemplaLlons
brlghLer vlslons beam afar
seek Lhe greaL ueslre of naLlons
ye have seen hls naLal sLar

SalnLs before Lhe alLar bendlng
waLchlng long ln hope and fear
suddenly Lhe Lord descendlng
ln hls Lemple shall appear

Cpen|ng rayer uMP 201 unlson
Merclful Cod
?ou senL your messengers Lhe propheLs
Lo preach repenLance and prepare Lhe way for our salvaLlon
Clve us grace Lo heed Lhelr warnlngs and forsake our slns
LhaL we may celebraLe arlghL Lhe commemoraLlon of Lhe naLlvlLy
and may awalL wlLh [oy
Lhe comlng ln glory of !esus ChrlsL our 8edeemer
who llves and relgns wlLh you and Lhe Poly SplrlL
Cne Cod for ever and ever Amen

L|ght|ng of the Second Cand|e of Advent kLAkL
LlsLen Lo Lhe volce of one crylng ouL ln Lhe wllderness
repare the way of the Lord
1he Llme ls comlng !ohn Lhe bapLlzer Lells us now ls Lhe Llme Lo prepare for Lhe comlng of Lhe ChrlsL
repare the way of the Lord
Make Lhe rough places smooLh SLralghLen Lhe crooked places repare all Lhe paLhs so LhaL hope may
flnd lLs way
repare the way of the Lord
Make room for Lhe Poly Cne LmpLy ouL a space ln Lhe lnn ln Lhe sLable ln Lhe corners of our hearLs
Make room ln Lhe busyness ln Lhe crowds ln our fllledup franLlc llves
repare the way of the Lord
Peed Lhe call Lo prepare space ln our hearLs and llves for ChrlsL's blrLh As we llghL hls second candle of
AdvenL leL us pray for wlsdom and courage Lo prepare ourselves Lo recelve Cod's holy chlld LlsLen Lo
Lhe volce of Lhe one crylng ouL ln Lhe wllderness repare Lhe way
repare the way of the Lord Amen
(8etb A klcbotJsoo 2011 Allve Now Novembet/uecembet uppet koom Nosbvllle 1eooessee)

kespoose lo 5ooq C Come C Come Lmmanue| uMP 211
(nymo metet ls lM wltb keftolo 1bls bymo coo be sooq to tbe tooe of ne leoJetb Me O 8lesseJ
C come C come Lmmanuel
And ransom capLlve lsrael
1haL mourns ln lonely exlle here
unLll Lhe Son of Cod appear

8e[olce! 8e[olce!
Lmmanuel shall come Lo Lhee C lsrael

rayer of I||um|nat|on uMP 602 unlson
8lessed Lord you have caused all Poly ScrlpLures Lo be wrlLLen for our learnlng CranL us so Lo hear
Lhem read mark learn and lnwardly dlgesL Lhem LhaL we may embrace and ever hold fasL Lhe blessed
hope of everlasLlng llfe whlch you have glven us ln our Savlor !esus ChrlsL who llves and relgns wlLh you
and Lhe Poly SplrlL Cne Cod forever and ever Amen

kead|ng of the Scr|ptures 8evlsed Common LecLlonary ?ear 8
Cld 1esLamenL lsalah 40111
salm salm 8312 813 (uMP 806)
LplsLle 2 eLer 3813a
Cospel Mark 118

nymn kesponse DCWN 8 1nL ICkDAN WSL 3043
(ocb stoozo moy be sooq oftet evety teoJloq nymo metet ls14 14478 lt coo be sooq to tbe tooe of
ltolse to tbe lotJ tbe Almlqbty uMn 1J9 )
uown by Lhe !ordan a propheL named !ohn was bapLlzlng
reachlng a message Lhe people found bold and surprlslng
Cod wlll forglve! Show LhaL youll change how you llve!
Surely Cods new day ls rlslng!

1here by Lhe rlver Lhe crowd came wlLh greaL expecLaLlon
Are you Cods Chosen Cne senL here Lo rescue our naLlon?
no! !ohn replled Pe who ls mlghLler Lhan l
!udges and offers salvaLlon

!esus you wenL Lo be bapLlzed along wlLh Lhe oLhers
1aklng your place among slnners Cods losL sons and daughLers
1hen wlLh greaL love Cods SplrlL came as a dove!
?our work began ln Lhose waLers

Pere ln Lhe Church we are bapLlzed and fllled wlLh Cods SplrlL
lreed and forglven were welcomed wlLh [oy! Can you hear lL?
1hls ls Cods slgn! 1hls ls how Cod says ?oure mlne!
LeLs Lake Lhe good news and share lL!

Message 1hrough Song
Message of L|fe]Sermon
rayers of the eop|e ICk ALL LCLL
(AJopteJ ftom No looqet 5ttooqets A kesootce fot womeo ooJ wotsblp)
Llvlng Cod
We pray for all people
lor Lhose men and women shuL off from a full llfe by LradlLlon and pracLlce
lor Lhose people who are oppressed and explolLed
lor Lhose denled Lhelr freedom and dlgnlLy by sysLems and auLhorlLles
lor Lhose forced Lo leave Lhelr homelands because of Lhelr ldeologles
lor Lhose seeklng answers and meanlng Lo Lhelr llves wlLhln Lhelr own culLures and rellglons
lor Lhose who labor Loo long and Loo hard only Lo barely feed and cloLhe Lhemselves and Lhelr famllles
lor Lhose forced Lo sell Lhelr bodles Lo survlve
lor Lhose women and men who llve llves of quleL desperaLlon aL Lhe hands of Lhe powerful and
lor Lhese and all who suffer
We pray
Asklng LhaL Lhe Church be once agaln
Clve [oyful expresslon Lo your creaLlve love
Whlch breaks down barrlers and unlLes person Lo person woman Lo man and communlLy Lo communlLy
Whlch glves meanlng and hope Lo empLy llves
And makes us reach ouL Lo each oLher ln generous selfglvlng
Whlch makes us more compleLe ourselves
So God
Iu|f||| your prom|se |n us
Ior the sake of a|| human be|ngs through Iesus Chr|st Amen

astora| rayer
1he ass|ng of eace

Ca|| to Cffer|ng 2 CorlnLhlans 967
1he one who sows a small number of seeds wlll also reap a small crop and Lhe one who sows a
generous amounL of seeds wlll also reap a generous crop Lveryone should glve whaLever Lhey have
declded ln Lhelr hearL 1hey shouldn'L glve wlLh heslLaLlon or because of pressure Cod loves a cheerful

Cffertory rayer unlson
Lovlng Cod you powerfully proclalm Lhrough your propheL !ohn Lhe need for us Lo repenL of our slns
and Lo prepare Lhe way of Lhe Lord We place Lhese offerlngs upon your alLar wlLh Lhe knowledge LhaL
Lhey wlll supporL many mlnlsLrles LhaL proclalm your good news and lead people on your paLh 8y
offerlng you Lhese generous glfLs we prepare ourselves Lo be led along your paLh of grace and love We
pray wlLh your guldlng presence Amen (opyright General Board of Discipleship.
Used by permission.)

Confess|on uM8CW 477
LeL us all confess our slns Lo Lhe Lord
A|m|ghty and most merc|fu| God you know the thoughts of our hearts
We confess that we have s|nned aga|nst you and done ev|| |n your s|ght
We have transgressed your Word and Sacraments
Iorg|ve us C Lord
G|ve us grace and power to put away a|| hurtfu| th|ngs
that be|ng de||vered from the bondage of s|n
we may br|ng forth fru|t worthy of repentance
and from henceforth may ever wa|k |n your ho|y ways
1hrough Iesus Chr|st our Lord

S||ent Confess|on
ardon uM8CW 473
1he Lord ls graclous and merclful slow Lo anger and aboundlng ln sLeadfasL love
May Lhe almlghLy and merclful Lord granL us remlsslon of all our slns
Lrue repenLance amendmenL of llfe
and Lhe grace and consolaLlon of Lhe Poly SplrlL Amen

1he Great 1hanksg|v|ng for Advent uM8CW 3433
1he Lord be wlLh you
And a|so w|th you
LlfL up your hearLs
We ||ft them up to the Lord
LeL us glve Lhanks Lo Lhe Lord our Cod
It |s r|ght to g|ve our thanks and pra|se
lL ls rlghL and a good and [oyful Lhlng
always and everywhere Lo glve Lhanks Lo you
laLher AlmlghLy creaLor of heaven and earLh
?ou formed us ln your lmage and breaLhed lnLo us Lhe breaLh of llfe
When we Lurned away and our love falled your love remalned sLeadfasL
?ou dellver us from capLlvlLy made covenanL Lo be our soverelgn Cod
and spoke Lo us Lhrough your propheLs who looked for LhaL day
when [usLlce shall roll down llke waLers
and rlghLeousness llke an everflowlng sLream
when naLlon shall noL llfL up sword agalnsL naLlon
nelLher shall Lhey learn war anymore
And so wlLh your people on earLh and all Lhe company of heaven
we pralse your name and [oln Lhelr unendlng hymn
no|y ho|y ho|y God of power and m|ght
heaven and earth are fu|| of your g|ory nosanna |n the h|ghest
8|essed |s he who comes |n the name of the Lord nosanna |n the h|ghest
Poly are you and blessed ls your Son !esus ChrlsL
whom you senL ln Lhe fullness of Llme Lo be a llghL Lo Lhe naLlons
?ou scaLLer Lhe proud ln Lhe lmaglnaLlon of Lhelr hearLs
and have mercy on Lhose who fear you from generaLlon Lo generaLlon
?ou puL down Lhe mlghLy form Lhelr Lhrones and exalL Lhose of low degree
?ou flll Lhe hungry wlLh good Lhlngs and Lhe rlch you send empLy away
?our own Son came among us as a servanL
Lo be Lmmanuel your presence wlLh us
Pe humbled hlmself ln obedlence Lo your wlll
and freely accepLed deaLh on a cross
8y Lhe bapLlsm of hls sufferlng deaLh and resurrecLlon
you gave blrLh Lo your Church
dellvered us from slavery Lo sln and deaLh
and made wlLh us new covenanL by waLer and splrlL
Cn Lhe nlghL ln whlch he gave hlmself up for us he Look bread
gave Lhanks Lo you broke Lhe bread gave lL Lo hls dlsclples and sald
1ake eaL Lhls ls my body whlch ls glven for you
uo Lhls ln remembrance of me
When Lhe supper was over he Look Lhe cup
gave Lhanks Lo you gave lL Lo hls dlsclples and sald
urlnk from Lhls all of you Lhls ls my blood of Lhe new covenanL
poured ouL for you and for many for Lhe forglveness of slns
uo Lhls as ofLen as you drlnk lL ln remembrance of me
And so ln remembrance of Lhese your mlghLy acLs ln !esus ChrlsL
we offer ourselves ln pralse and Lhanksglvlng
as a holy and llvlng sacrlflce ln unlon wlLh ChrlsLs offerlng for us
as we proclalm Lhe mysLery of falLh
Chr|st has d|ed Chr|st |s r|sen Chr|st w||| come aga|n
our ouL your Poly SplrlL on us gaLhered here
and on Lhese glfLs of bread and wlne
Make Lhem be for us Lhe body and blood of ChrlsL
LhaL we may be for Lhe world Lhe body of ChrlsL redeemed by hls blood
8y your SplrlL make us one wlLh ChrlsL
one wlLh each oLher and one ln mlnlsLry Lo all Lhe world
unLll ChrlsL comes ln flnal vlcLory and we feaL aL hls heavenly banqueL
1hrough your Son !esus ChrlsL wlLh Lhe Poly SplrlL ln your holy Church
all honor and glory ls yours AlmlghLy Cod now and forever

1he Lord's rayer unlson
artak|ng of the 8read and W|ne

Commun|on nymns
CCML SnAkL 1nL LCkD 1lWS 2269
We gaLher here ln !esus name
Pls love ls burnlng ln our hearLs llke llvlng flame
lor Lhru Lhe lovlng Son Lhe laLher makes us one
Come Lake Lhe break come drlnk Lhe wlne come share Lhe Lord

no one ls a sLranger here everyone belongs
llndlng our forglveness here we ln Lurn forglve all wrongs

Pe [olns us here Pe breaks Lhe bread
1he Lord who pours Lhe cup ls rlsen from Lhe dead
1he one we love Lhe mosL ls now our graclous hosL
Come Lake Lhe break come drlnk Lhe wlne come share Lhe Lord

We are now a famlly of whlch Lhe Lord ls head
1hough unseen he meeLs us here ln Lhe breaklng of Lhe bread

Well gaLher soon where angels slng

Well see Lhe glory of our Lord and comlng klng
now we anLlclpaLe Lhe feasL for whlch we walL
Come Lake Lhe break come drlnk Lhe wlne come share Lhe Lord

(Pymn meLer ls 7676 u lL can be sung Lo Lhe Lune of C !esus l Pave romlsed)
?ou feed us genLle Savlor Lhe bread LhaL makes us whole
1he wlne of your compasslon poured ouL lnLo Lhe soul
1he food of your own presence your SplrlL sLrong wlLhln
1he grace LhaL heals us deeply and overcomes our sln

?ou blnd us genLle Savlor and weave us lnLo one
Cne flesh and blood made holy Lhe 8ody of your Son
We gaLher here ln hunger one hunger all Lhe same
And wlLh one grace you bless us LogeLher ln hls name

?ou call us genLle Savlor and send us ln your name
?ou Leach and heal and show us how we can do Lhe same
So sLrengLhened by your SplrlL and nourlshed by your grace
We go Lo be your presence ln love ln every place

1hanksg|v|ng After Commun|on unlson
LLernal Cod we glve you Lhanks for Lhls holy mysLery
ln whlch you have glven yourself for us
CranL LhaL we may go lnLo Lhe world
ln Lhe sLrengLh of your SplrlL
Lo glve ourselves for oLher
ln Lhe name of !esus ChrlsL our Lord Amen

C|os|ng nymn 8LLSSLD 8L 1nL GCD CI ISkALL uMP 209
(nymo metet ls 7676 u lt coo be sooq to tbe tooe of 1be cbotcb Ooe loooJotloo ooJ nosoooo looJ
nosoooo )
8lessed be Lhe Cod of lsrael who comes Lo seL us free
and ralses up new hope for us a branch from uavld's Lree
So have Lhe propheLs long declared LhaL wlLh a mlghLy arm
Cod would Lurn back our enemles and all who wlsh us harm

WlLh promlsed mercy wlll Cod sLlll Lhe covenanL recall
Lhe oaLh once sworn Lo Abraham from foes Lo save us all
LhaL we mlghL worshlp wlLhouL fear and offer llves of pralse
ln hollness and rlghLeousness Lo serve Cod all our days

My chlld as propheL of Lhe Lord you wlll prepare Lhe way
Lo Lell Cod's people Lhey are saved from sln's eLernal sway
1hen shall Cod's mercy from on hlgh shlne forLh and never cease
Lo drlve away Lhe gloom of deaLh and lead us lnLo peace

Co forLh ln peace
1he grace of Lhe Lord !esus ChrlsL
and Lhe love of Cod
and Lhe communlon of Lhe Poly SplrlL
be wlLh you all Amen


uMP unlLed MeLhodlsL Pymnal
uM8CW unlLed MeLhodlsL 8ook of Worshlp
WSL Worshlp and Song Leader's LdlLlon
1lWS 1he lalLh We Slng

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