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Company Background: Introduction

1he flrm naLlonal lnformaLlon Servlce CenLer (furLher referred Lo as nlSC) PosplLal and nurslng
lnsLlLuLe was consLlLuLed by Sh n 8 Slngh along wlLh Sh L !lLen Slngh ln order Lo consLrucL a super
speclalLy hosplLal and nurslng lnsLlLuLe 1he locaLlon of proposed hosplLal ls vlllage Pelrok parL 1
ulsLrlcL 1houbal Manlpur lndla lL ls proposed by nlSC reglsLered as a socleLy by Sh n 8 Slngh wlLh
Lhe name of nlSC (naLlonal lnformaLlon Servlce CenLer) Lhe socleLy ls reglsLered ln 26Lh day of
march 2007 nlSC wlll provlde healLh and medlcal servlces LhaL are good ln quallLy and low ln cosL
1he proposed name of Lhe hosplLal ls nlSC healLhcare cenLer and nurslng lnsLlLuLe
Sh n 8 Slngh ls quleL well known and lnfluenLlal person of Manlpur and has a rlch experlence ln
soclal upllfLmenL of Lhe socleLy Pe ls a buslnessman worklng ln Lhe fleld of soclal servlces Lelecom
and human resource consulLlng servlces 1oLal experlence for Mr Slngh ls more Lhan 6 years
Sh L !lLen Slngh ls a very well known personallLy ln Lhe reglon Pe served Lhe socleLy as Lx
Chalrperson ulsLrlcL lannlng commlLLee 1houbal ulsLrlcL Pe ls quallfled as graduaLe home sclence
(1993) from Curudas college kolkaLa he ls currenLly worklng as soclal acLlvlsL slnce pasL 14 years
ln order Lo caLer Lo Lhe needs of larger communlLy of dlsLrlcL Sh n8 Slngh wanLs Lo esLabllsh Lhls
PosplLal and nurslng Lralnlng lnsLlLuLe 1hls hosplLal wlll serve Lhe purpose of upllfLmenL of medlcare
faclllLles for Lhe dlsLrlcL local communlLy who have llmlLed opLlons avallable aL presenL for Lhe
hosplLal 1he only ma[or hosplLal ls currenLly slLuaLed aL lmphal around 22 kms away from Lhe
dlsLrlcL and around 28 kM away from Lhe proposed locaLlon CurrenL opLlons avallable for Lhe
locallLy are dlsLrlcL hosplLal and prlmary healLh cenLer only whlch are noL adequaLe for Lhe
populaLlon of more Lhan 3 lakhs 63 Lhousands 1he dlsLrlcLs and vlllages nearby can also beneflL from
Lhe proposed hosplLal along wlLh Lhe people from 1houbal dlsLrlcL 1he proposed locaLlon ls slLuaLed
hear hlghway and wlll caLer Lo Lhe needs of nearby and emergency slLuaLlons
Sh n 8 Slngh wanLs Lo malnLaln hosplLal wlLh compleLe lnfrasLrucLure Lralned docLors nurses and
skllled manpower wlLh emergency ward lCu unlL prlvaLe ward operaLlons LheaLer and oLher
necessary faclllLles ln order Lo generaLe beLLer nurslng sLaff Lhe proposed hosplLal wlll also sLarL a
nurslng lnsLlLuLe and Lralnlng cenLer

Idea for Hospital

Lveryday Lhe populaLlon aL 1houbal ulsLrlcL face dlfflculLles ln case of serlous dlseases acclenLs or
for general medlal needs 1he maln reason for Lhe same ls unavallablllLy of adequaLe medlcal
faclllLles ln Lhe dlsLrlcL PosplLal ls a place where one geLs Lhe LreaLmenL of ordlnary dlseases lllness
Lo a ma[or operaLlon
CovernmenL PosplLal provldes free LreaLmenL Lo paLlenLs buL due Lo large crowd as well as poor
malnLenance of lnfrasLrucLure lL ls noL a preferred cholce and very few paLlenLs are able Lo Lake Lhe
advanLage of governmenL faclllLles hence paLlenLs prefer Lo Lake LreaLmenL ln prlvaLe hosplLals
rlvaLe hosplLal ls requlred ln Lhe dlsLrlcL Lo provlde good lnfrasLrucLure wlLh Lralned docLors sLaff
1he ldea ls Lo keep Lhe servlces affordable Lo Lhe publlc Lo seL a very good example ln Lhe socleLy
1hls ldea exclLed Sh n 8 Slngh who already possess requlslLe necessary land whlch ls sLraLeglcally
slLuaLed aL maln Plghway and ls one of Lhe blggesL lands avallable nearby
ln order Lo fulfll Lhe ldea of servlng Lo Lhe manklnd Sh n 8 Slngh ls seeklng funds for Lhe proposed
hosplLal and nurslng lnsLlLuLe
Company Background - Business Description:

Sh n8 Slngh esLabllsh Lhe organlzaLlon Sh n 8 Slngh esLabllshed Lhe organlzaLlon nlSC ln 2007 for
Lhe soclal acLlvlLles and upllfLmenL of Lhe socleLy 1hls organlzaLlon has served Lo Lhe local
communlLy slnce lncepLlon aL varlous occaslons and needs and now ls a well known name ln Lhe
socleLy nlSC ls a lndependenLly worklng base on Lhe lmprovemenL Lowards communlLy and
educaLlonal changes LhroughouL Lhe sLaLe of Manlpur nlSC ls already worklng ln Lhe fleld of
Lravellng communlcaLlon educaLlon games and sporLs eLc for Lhe socleLy
Sh n 8 Slngh would llke Lhe hosplLal Lo Lake proper care of Lhe paLlenLs and provlde proper medlcal
faclllLles and asslsLance ln Llme and aL affordable raLes 1he locaLlon of proposed hosplLal ls
necessary for Lhe success of Lhe hosplLal 1he proposed PosplLal land ls slLuaLed aL naLlonal hlghway
a promlnenL locallLy wlLh ease of approach 1he planned hosplLal should be slmple Lo locaLed and
proper boards are planned Lo lnsLall Lo gulde Lhe way
1he hosplLal ls almed Lo caLer besL faclllLles where Lhe paLlenLs should be prompLly aLLended and
Laken care Llmely 1he hosplLal ls planned Lo caLer slmple effecLlve and proper medlcal care where
Lhe paLlenLs should be prompLly aLLended and Laken care Llmely
A sLudy conducLed by llccl and LrnsL ?oung suggesLs LhaL by Lhe end of 2023 lndla wlll need as
many as 173 mllllon addlLlonal beds and Lhe publlc secLor ls expecLed Lo conLrlbuLe only 1320 per
cenL Lo Lhe $86bllllon lnvesLmenL requlred AL presenL lndla has only 860 hosplLal beds per mllllon
populaLlon agalnsL a world average of 2600 per mllllon populaLlon (Source 8uslness SLandard
Mumbal !une 29 2010)
1he proposed hosplLal should have all Lhe faclllLles llke Lab room MaLernlLy ward Chlldren ward
Lye uenLal Ward or 8urn Ward Lmergency and medlcal faclllLles eLc Modern equlpmenLs and
machlnes such as x8ay LCC Cardlo unlL eLc are also requlred aL Lhe hosplLal 1he varlous speclallsL
docLors llke surgeons physlclans eye surgeons Ln1 speclallsL sychologlsLs chlld speclallsL
gynecologlsL musL also be appolnLed

Company Background- Company History:

nlSC ls reglsLered under secLlon 7(1) of Manlpur socleLy reglsLraLlon acL 1989 vla number 214 of
2007 on Lhe 26Lh day of 2007 Slnce lncepLlon nlSC and lLs members are fully lnLegraLed ln Lhe
servlce of Lhe socleLy nlSC ls already engaged ln Lhe fleld of Lravellng communlcaLlon educaLlon
games and sporLs and oLher socleLy needs ln Lhelr day Lo day llfe 1he buslness ls expandlng
buslness already servlng Lo Lhe socleLy aL large ln Lhe dlsLrlcL 1hls hosplLal ls however a proposed
new buslness based on Lhe opporLunlLy of Lhe local populaLlon nlSC ls servlng and engaged ln
servlce based acLlvlLles ln Lhe above menLloned flelds
1he locaLlon of proposed hosplLal ls vlllage Perlok parL 1 ulsLrlcL 1houbal Manlpur lndla 1he owner
of land ls Sh n8 Slngh s/o (L) 8ugnocha Slngh WlLh a land slze of abouL 20684 PecLors lL ls ample
of Lhe land for Lhe proposed hosplLal 1he proposed prlmary offlce for Lhe hosplLal wlll be locaLed aL
Lhe hosplLal faclllLy lLself for Lhe coordlnaLlon and admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe hosplLal acLlvlLles Cnce
esLabllshed Lhe proposed faclllLy ls expecLed Lo operaLed for aL leasL nexL 23 Lo 30 years wlLh
leadershlp poslLlon ln Lhe area
1he proposed land for Lhe hosplLal already reglsLered ln Lhe name of Sh n 8 Slngh vla local aLLa
no 314610/642/1273 by Lhe dlsLrlcL Lehsll 1he LoLal evaluaLlon of currenL land cosL ls more Lhan 3
crores All Lhe necessary ownershlp and llcenses are already under possesslon of Mr n 8 Slngh
WlLh ample work experlence ln Lhe local communlLy Lhe company ls confldenL enough of Lhe
success of Lhelr proposed hosplLal faclllLy lL also undersLand Lhe local lssues and requlremenLs very
well whlch can help ln plannlng Lhe requlred faclllLy Lo lead Lo Lhe success
Company Background - Current Position and Business Ub|ectives:

1hls buslness as already dlscussed was sLarLed aL abouL 4 years from now wlLh successful operaLlons
ln many secLlons of Lhe operaLlons AfLer Lhese successful year dlverslflcaLlon and expanslon of
buslness acLlvlLles ln Lhe nexL loglcal healLhcare and medlcal faclllLles ls planned ouL PosplLal
operaLlons ls a buslness sLarLup for nlSC Long Lerm goals of growLh wlLh Lhe soclal growLh and care
Lo Lhe socleLy ls a core Lo nlSC Clven below are mlsslon vlslon goals and ob[ecLlves for Lhe
Uur Corporate Strategy:

ln an ever changlng and challenglng envlronmenL for healLhcare lL ls lmporLanL for nlSC PosplLal Lo
bulld on our repuLaLlon as one of Lhe preemlnenL healLh cenLer ln Lhe locallLy ln order Lo achleve
Lhls we are plannlng Lo work wlLh local communlLy Lo beLLer poslLlon ourselves Lo serve Lhe
communlLy and Lo more clearly deflne our role of one sLop faclllLles for all healLhcare needs wlLhln
Lhe broader healLh care requlremenLs WlLh an aglng populaLlon and cosL of rlslng healLhcare we
wanL Lo ensure nlSC PosplLal ls poslLloned for susLalnablllLy and growLh ln Lhe fuLure as well as
presenL Cur sLraLegy ls Lo focus on Lransparency accounLablllLy and sysLem wlde lnLegraLlon We
are dedlcaLed Lo dlscoverlng and dellverlng Lhe besL paLlenL care wlLh Lhe hearL and values Lrue Lo
our herlLage
Urganization Coals:

Cur maln goals for Lhe proposed hosplLal and nurslng lnsLlLuLe are
OaLlenL and famllycenLered care
OLsLabllsh our role as academlc healLh cenLer and Leachlng hosplLal
OLnhanclng communlLy healLh parLnershlp
OuLLlng paLlenLs healLh flrsL

ission Statement:

nlSC PosplLal and nurslng lnsLlLuLe ls dedlcaLed Lo caLer Lo Lhe needs of local socleLy by provldlng
quallLy and affordable paLlenL care wlLh unrelenLlng aLLenLlon Lo paLlenL safeLy and excellence ln
healLh servlces Lo demonsLraLe soclal responslblllLy wlLh Lhe provlslon of hlghly speclallzed servlces
Lo a broader communlLy

ision Statement:

1he nlSC hosplLal vlslon ls Lo creaLe a new sLandard of communlLy healLh care wlLh ease of access
for medlcal faclllLles Lo Lhe socleLy Lhrough our culLure of carlng and commlLmenL Lo provlde mosL
advanced medlcal Lechnology and capablllLles avallable Lo Lhe local communlLy
nlSC also asplre Lo be a promlnenL communlLy member meeLlng Lhe healLhcare needs of enLlre


Cur organlzaLlon works on cerLaln prlnclples and values whlch are core Lo Lhe funcLlonlng of our
organlzaLlon 1hese values are
O ulgnlLy and 8everence Lach lndlvldual ls lnherenLly valued by dlgnlLy and we recognlze each
llfe as a glfL from Cod
O 1rusL 1rusL ls achleved by honesL and open operaLlons whlch are parL of our core values
O 1eamwork We belleve ln Leam work whlch ls lmporLanL Lo achleve Lhe hard Lask of
provldlng crlLlcal care Lo our paLlenLs
O CooperaLlon 8eLween paLlenL and sLaff beLween sLaff and managemenL beLween
managemenL and ownershlp and varlous professlonals All such cooperaLlon and lnLegraLlon
ls necessary Lo achleve our goal Lo serve Lhe communlLy
O lnLegrlLy PonesL falrness and self scruLlny ln everyLhlng we do and our core ldeas

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