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USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID FROM HumanResources.Employee; GO

SELECT command for SQL Server

Below is the sample result set: Overview If you are starting to learn the T-SQL language then starting with the SELECT statement makes a great deal of sense. The SELECT statement is the core command to access data in SQL Server. The main components of a SELECT statement are:

Column listing - either specific columns or * (SELECT list) o When * is specified, then all columns from the tables included in the FROM clause are included Table listing (FROM clause) Filter logic (WHERE clause) Summarize values (GROUP BY) Filters the GROUP BY values (HAVING) Sorting logic (ORDER BY)

SELECT can be combine with other statements to do the following:

JOINing data from multiple tables to build a single result set INSERT with a SELECT statement to add records into an existing table SELECT...INTO statement to create a new table based on the column list specification and enter records into the new table UNION or UNION ALL command to have multiple set of logic returned in a single result set Include an index hint to force a particular lock level or index usage for the query

You can either use the outline on the left or click on the arrows to the right or below to scroll through each of these topics.

Multiple column SELECT example

Overview To expand on the previous tutorial, multiple columns can be accessed from a single SELECT statement. In this circumstance we will select a few different columns from a table and all of the associated rows will be returned. Let's take a look at a simple example. Explanation In the example below we are selecting the EmployeeID, LoginID and HireDatecolumn columns from the HumanResources.Employee table. Here is the sample code:
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT EmployeeID, LoginID,

SELECT basics
Overview At the most basic level, a single column can be accessed from a SELECT statement. In this circumstance all of the values from the column will be returned from the table. Let's take a look at an example. Explanation In the example below we are selecting the LoginID column from the HumanResources.Employee table without any other logic to restrict the result set.

HireDate FROM HumanResources.Employee; GO


Below is the sample result set:

Below is the sample result set:


Overview In this tutorial we will issue a variety of SELECT statements with ORDER BY clauses to show how data can be sorted in both ascending and descending. We are going to offer examples with character, numeric and date based columns. We will also provide some examples on combinations of these columns and ORDER BY logic. Let's take a look at an example. Explanation In the examples below we are selecting a variety of columns from the HumanResources.Employee table and ordering the data in a variety of ways to show the various options available in SQL Server. In the first example, we are ordering the data by the HireDate column in ascending order. In the second example, we are ordering the data by the LoginID column in descending order. In the third example, we are first ordering the data by the LoginID column in ascending order and then by the HireDate column in descending order.
Data in ascending order USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID, EmployeeID, HireDate FROM HumanResources.Employee ORDER BY HireDate ASC; GO


Overview In this example we will return a single column in our SELECT statement and add a WHERE clause to limit the records being returned. In this circumstance all of the values from the column will be returned from the table only when the WHERE criteria is met. Let's take a look at an example. Explanation In the example below we are selecting the LoginID column from the HumanResources.Employee table where the VacationHours column equals 8.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE VacationHours = 8;

Data in descending order USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID, EmployeeID, HireDate FROM HumanResources.Employee ORDER BY LoginID DESC; GO

A column in ascending order and a separate column in descending order USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID, EmployeeID, HireDate FROM HumanResources.Employee ORDER BY LoginID ASC, HireDate DESC; GO

Aliasing columns in a SELECT statement example

Overview The purpose for aliasing a column is to have a friendly name for the column. This name might differ from the physical design to business terms or remove issues such as spacing in the column name. Let's take a look at an example.


Overview Let's bring the WHERE and ORDER BY concepts together in this tutorial. Explanation In the example below we are selecting the LoginID column from the HumanResources.Employee table where the VacationHours column equals 8 and we are ordering the data by the HireDate in ascending order which is implied.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE VacationHours = 8 ORDER BY HireDate; GO

Explanation Let's use the same query from an earlier tutorial with one minor modification for the column alias. In the example below, we are selecting the LoginID column from the HumanResources.Employee table where the VacationHours column equals 8 and we are ordering the data by the HireDate in ascending order which is implied. What is different is that we are aliasing the LoginID column as 'Domain\LoginName' to be a little bit more specific.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT LoginID AS 'Domain\LoginName' FROM HumanResources.Employee WHERE VacationHours = 8 ORDER BY HireDate; GO

Below is the sample result set, which shows the column name returned as 'Domain\LoginName' (alias) rather than LoginID (physical design):

Below is the sample result set:

Aliasing tables in a SELECT statement example

Overview The purpose for aliasing a table is to have a short abbreviation for the table. Typically a long table name can easily be aliased with one to three characters. By doing so the code is typically much shorter and easier to read when troubleshooting. Taking this small step will hopefully lead to a simpler next step with JOINs where table aliasing is key. Let's take a look at an example. Explanation Let's use the same query from an earlier tutorial with a few minor modifications for table aliasing. In the example below, we are selecting the LoginID column aliased as 'Domain\LoginName' from the HumanResources.Employee table where the VacationHours column equals 8 and we are ordering the data by the HireDate in ascending order which is implied. What is different is that we are aliasing the HumanResources.Employee table as 'E' to simplify the code in preparation for the JOIN examples.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT E.LoginID AS 'Domain\LoginName' FROM HumanResources.Employee E WHERE E.VacationHours = 8 ORDER BY E.HireDate; GO

Join tables in a SELECT statement example

Overview The JOIN syntax in SQL Server is used to build a single result set from more than 1 table. At the most basic level, two tables are joined based on a common set of columns between the tables. Joins can be coded in a few different manners, but in this example we will use INNER JOIN logic to return matching rows from both tables. The tables included in the JOIN logic are specified in the FROM clause. An ON statement is used to indicate the matching columns. Let's dig in. Explanation Let's use the same query from an earlier tutorial with a few different modifications to the FROM clause. In the example below, we are selecting the columns from five different tables to show that data is returned from each table in the JOIN logic. In the example below we are joining between these tables:

HumanResources.Employee HumanResources.EmployeeAddress Person.Address Person.StateProvince

In each of these circumstances the unique identifiers between the tables are used in the ON clause to join between the tables to return matching rows. As you can see in the example below, aliasing is valuable because it makes the code compact and saves on a great deal of typing for each column specified in the SELECT, FROM, JOIN, WHERE and ORDER BY logic.
USE AdventureWorks;

Below is the sample result set:

GO SELECT E.EmployeeID, E.LoginID AS 'Domain\LoginName', E.HireDate, EA.AddressID, A.AddressID, A.AddressLine1, A.AddressLine2, A.City, S.[Name] AS 'State', A.PostalCode FROM HumanResources.Employee E INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress EA ON E.EmployeeID = EA.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Address A ON EA.AddressID = A.AddressID INNER JOIN Person.StateProvince S ON A.StateProvinceID = S.StateProvinceID WHERE E.VacationHours = 8 ORDER BY E.HireDate; GO

Problem I am new to SQL Server and want to learn about the JOIN options. What are all of the JOIN options in SQL Server? What is the significance of each of the options? I am a little confused on the differences and syntax, can you provide some examples and explanations? Are JOINs only for SELECT statements? Solution Joining tables to obtain the needed data for a query, script or stored stored procedure is a key concept as you learn about SQL Server development. In a nutshell, joins are typically performed in the FROM clause of a table or view for the SELECT, INSERT...SELECT, SELECT...INTO, UPDATE and DELETE statements. In previous versions of SQL Server, join logic could also have been included in the WHERE clause with = (INNER JOIN), *= (LEFT OUTER JOIN), =* (RIGHT OUTER JOIN), etc. syntax, but the support has been reduced and the best practice in SQL Server is to use the syntax outlined in the examples below. Before we jump into code, let's provide some baseline information on the joins options in SQL Server:

Below is the sample result set:

INNER JOIN - Match rows between the two tables specified in the INNER JOIN statement based on one or more columns having matching data. Preferably the join is based on referential integrity enforcing the relationship between the tables to ensure data integrity. o Just to add a little commentary to the basic definitions above, in general the INNER JOIN option is considered to be the most common join needed in applications and/or queries. Although that is the case in some environments, it is really dependent on the database design, referential integrity and data needed for the application. As such, please take the time to understand the data being requested then select the proper join option. o Although most join logic is based on matching values between the two columns specified, it is possible to also include logic using greater than, less than, not equals, etc. LEFT OUTER JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, all data is returned from the left table. On the right table, the matching data is returned in addition to NULL values where a record exists in the left table, but not in the right table. o Another item to keep in mind is that the LEFT and RIGHT OUTER JOIN logic is opposite of one another. So you can change either the order of the tables in the specific join statement or change the JOIN from left to right or vice versa and get the same results. RIGHT OUTER JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, all data is returned from the right table. On the left table, the matching data is returned in addition to NULL values where a record exists in the right table but not in the left table. Self -Join - In this circumstance, the same table is specified twice with two different aliases in order to match the data within the same table. CROSS JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, a Cartesian product is created if a WHERE clause does filter the rows. The size of the Cartesian product is based on multiplying the number of rows from the left table by the number of rows in the right table. Please heed caution when using a CROSS JOIN. FULL JOIN - Based on the two tables specified in the join clause, all data is returned from both tables regardless of matching data.

Additional Information :

SQL Server Join Examples

By: Jeremy Kadlec server join examples/

Let's walk through examples from the AdventureWorks sample database that is available for SQL Server to provide examples of each type of join then provide some insight into the usage and sample result sets.

INNER JOIN Example In this example we are joining between the Sales.SalesOrderDetail and Production.Product tables. The tables are aliased with the following: SOD for Sales.SalesOrderDetail and P for Production.Product. The JOIN logic is based on matching records in the SOD.ProductID and P.ProductID columns. The records are filtered by only returning records with the SOD.UnitPrice greater than 1000. Finally, the result set is returned in order with the most expensive first based on the ORDER BY clause and only the highest 100 products based on the TOP clause.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT TOP 100 P.ProductID, P.Name, P.ListPrice, P.Size, P.ModifiedDate, SOD.UnitPrice, SOD.UnitPriceDiscount, SOD.OrderQty, SOD.LineTotal FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD INNER JOIN Production.Product P ON SOD.ProductID = P.ProductID WHERE SOD.UnitPrice > 1000 ORDER BY SOD.UnitPrice DESC GO

USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT C.ContactID, C.FirstName, C.LastName, SP.SalesPersonID, SP.CommissionPct, SP.SalesYTD, SP.SalesLastYear, SP.Bonus, ST.TerritoryID, ST.Name, ST.[Group], ST.SalesYTD FROM Person.Contact C INNER JOIN Sales.SalesPerson SP ON C.ContactID = SP.SalesPersonID LEFT OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory ST ON ST.TerritoryID = SP.TerritoryID ORDER BY ST.TerritoryID, C.LastName GO

RIGHT OUTER JOIN Example In an effort to explain how the RIGHT OUTER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN is logically a reciprocal on one another, the code below is re-written version of the LEFT OUTER JOIN above. As you can see the JOIN order and tables are different, but the final result set matches the LEFT OUTER JOIN logic. In the sample code below, we are retrieving the matching data between the Person.Contact and Sales.SalesPerson tables in conjunction with all of the data from the Sales.SalesPerson table and matching data in the Sales.SalesTerritory table. For records that exist Sales.SalesPerson table and not in the Sales.SalesTerritory table, NULL values are returned for the columns in the Sales.SalesTerritory.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT C.ContactID, C.FirstName, C.LastName, SP.SalesPersonID, SP.CommissionPct, SP.SalesYTD, SP.SalesLastYear, SP.Bonus, ST.TerritoryID, ST.Name, ST.[Group], ST.SalesYTD FROM Sales.SalesTerritory ST

LEFT OUTER JOIN Example In this example we are combining two concepts to show that more than two tables can be JOINed in one SELECT statement and more than one JOIN type can be used in a single SELECT statement. In the sample code below, we are retrieving the matching data between the Person.Contact and Sales.SalesPerson tables in conjunction with all of the data from the Sales.SalesPerson table and matching data in the Sales.SalesTerritory table. For records that exist Sales.SalesPerson table and not in the Sales.SalesTerritory table, NULL values are returned for the columns in the Sales.SalesTerritory. In addition, this code uses two columns to order the data i.e. ST.TerritoryID and C.LastName.

RIGHT OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesPerson SP ON ST.TerritoryID = SP.TerritoryID INNER JOIN Person.Contact C ON C.ContactID = SP.SalesPersonID ORDER BY ST.TerritoryID, C.LastName GO

Server database environment. The result set is intentionally limited by the TOP 100 clause and the WHERE clause to prevent a Cartesian product, which is the result of each of the rows from the left table multiplied by the number of rows in the right table.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT TOP 100 P.ProductID, P.Name, P.ListPrice, P.Size, P.ModifiedDate, SOD.UnitPrice, SOD.UnitPriceDiscount, SOD.OrderQty, SOD.LineTotal FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD CROSS JOIN Production.Product P WHERE SOD.UnitPrice > 3500 ORDER BY SOD.UnitPrice DESC GO

Self Join Example In this example, we are actually self joining to the HumanResources.Employee table. We are doing this to obtain the information about the Employee and Manager relationship in the HumanResources.Employee table. In conjunction with that JOIN logic we are also joining to the Person.Contact twice in order to capture the name and title data based on the original Employee and Manager relationships. In addition, another new concept introduced in this query is aliasing each of the columns. Although we could have done so in the previous examples, we made point of doing so in this query to differentiate between the Employee and Manager related data.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT M.ManagerID AS 'ManagerID', M1.ContactID AS 'ManagerContactID', M1.FirstName AS 'ManagerFirstName', M1.LastName AS 'ManagerLastName', M.Title AS 'ManagerTitle', E.EmployeeID AS 'EmployeeID', E1.ContactID AS 'EmployeeContactID', E1.FirstName AS 'EmployeeFirstName', E1.LastName AS 'EmployeeLastName', E.Title AS 'EmployeeTitle' FROM HumanResources.Employee E INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employee M ON E.ManagerID = M.ManagerID INNER JOIN Person.Contact E1 ON E1.ContactID = E.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Contact M1 ON M1.ContactID = M.ContactID ORDER BY M1.LastName GO

FULL OUTER JOIN Example In our last example, we have modified the logic from the LEFT OUTER JOIN example above and converted the LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax to a FULL OUTER JOIN. In this circumstance, the result set is the same as the LEFT OUTER JOIN where we are returning all of the data between both tables and data not available in the Sales.SalesTerritory is returned as NULL.
USE AdventureWorks; GO SELECT C.ContactID, C.FirstName, C.LastName, SP.SalesPersonID, SP.CommissionPct, SP.SalesYTD, SP.SalesLastYear, SP.Bonus, ST.TerritoryID, ST.Name, ST.[Group], ST.SalesYTD FROM Person.Contact C INNER JOIN Sales.SalesPerson SP ON C.ContactID = SP.SalesPersonID FULL OUTER JOIN Sales.SalesTerritory ST ON ST.TerritoryID = SP.TerritoryID

CROSS JOIN Example As indicated above, please heed caution when running or modifying this query in any SQL

ORDER BY ST.TerritoryID, C.LastName GO

the SET ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT OFF and SET ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON OFF option. These settings change the behavior of how a table is created if you do not specify NULL or NOT NULL when creating a table. The following examples show you how a table would get created differently with each of these options, but by default SQL Server sets columns to allow nulls. Example 1: When these two options are OFF the default nullable value is set to no, meaning no null values are acceptable.

Next Steps

As you begin to start coding in SQL Server be sure to have a firm understanding of the JOIN options available as well as the associated data that is retrieved. Be sure to select the correct JOIN logic based on the data that needs to be retrieved. Once you have a firm grasp of the JOIN logic with SELECT statements, progress to using the logic with INSERT...SELECT, SELECT...INTO, UPDATE and DELETE statements In your learning process progresses, be sure to check out some of the alternatives to JOINs such as: o Joining data and differences of using UNION and UNION ALL in SQL Server o Comparing Multiple SQL Server Datasets with the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators Special thanks to Dave of the MSSQLTips community for suggesting this tip. If you have a SQL Server problem you would like answered, please email to see if we can provide the solution to you. Check out the related MSSQLTips: o SQL Server Cursor Examples o SQL Server T-SQL Aggregate Functions o Getting started with SQL Server stored procedures o SQL Server 2000 Text Data Manipulation o Date/Time Conversions Using SQL Server

The screen shot below shows that the column does not allow NULLs.

Join SQL Server tables where columns include NULL values

By: Greg Robidoux

Example 2: When these two options are ON the default nullable value is set to yes, meaning null values are acceptable.

Problem When building database tables you are faced with the decision of whether to allow NULL values or to not allow NULL values in your columns. By default SQL Server sets the column value to allow NULL values when creating new tables, unless other options are set. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but dealing with NULL values especially when joining tables can become a challenge. Let's take a look at this issue and how this can be resolved. Solution In most cases your columns in your tables probably allow NULL values unless you consciously changed them when you created a table or changed the default setting for your database by using

The screen shot below shows that the this column does allow NULLs.

So now that we have that covered let's get down to the issue at hand. So based on how tables and columns are setup and how data is stored you may run into an issue where you have data stored in tables that have NULL values and you need to join on these values. Sounds pretty easy, but let's see what happens when this occurs. Setup Test First let's create two tables and load some sample data. (This is not a very practical example, but it does help illustrate the issue.)
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CarModels]( [Make] [varchar](50) NULL, [Model] [varchar](50) NULL, [Trim] [varchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Orders]( [Make] [varchar](50) NULL, [Model] [varchar](50) NULL, [Trim] [varchar](50) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO dbo.Orders dbo.Orders dbo.Orders dbo.Orders VALUES VALUES VALUES VALUES ('Nissan','Altima','2-door 2.5 S Coupe') ('Nissan','Altima','4-door 3.5 SE Sedan') ('Nissan','Altima','') ('Nissan','Altima',NULL) ('Nissan','Altima','') ('Nissan','Altima','2-door ('Nissan','Altima','2-door ('Nissan','Altima','4-door ('Nissan','Altima','4-door ('Nissan','Altima','4-door ('Nissan','Altima','4-door ('Nissan','Altima',NULL)

SELECT * FROM dbo.CarModels b

The first query does a straight join of these tables based on all three columns.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders a INNER JOIN dbo.CarModels b ON a.Make = b.Make AND a.Model = b.Model AND a.Trim = b.Trim

dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels dbo.CarModels


2.5 S Coupe') 3.5 SE Coupe') 2.5 S Sedan') 3.5 SE Sedan') 3.5 SL Sedan') HYBRID Sedan')

The result of the above query matches only three of the four records from the Orders table. The records that have a NULL value for Trim do not show up in the resultset.

Selecting data The first thing we will do is show the data in these two tables. The idea here is that we want to join the tables based on Make, Model and Trim. For most of the records there is some value, but there are a few records where the Trim value is NULL.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders a

This next example introduces the ISNULL function in the join clause. The ISNULL function takes two parameters, the first is the value to interrogate to see if it is NULL and it if is NULL the second parameter specifies what the value should be converted to. So in this example if any value is NULL it will be converted to a space ''.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders a INNER JOIN dbo.CarModels b ON a.Make = b.Make

AND a.Model = b.Model AND isnull(a.Trim,'') = isnull(b.Trim,'')

In the results below we can see that we now have more rows, but one of the issues we are facing is that there are also values of space in the table and therefore we are picking up additional joins that we do not want. The rows that should not be included are highlighted below.

When dealing with NULL values don't forget about the ISNULL function Be aware when creating tables whether you want to allow NULL values or not. By allowing NULL values you introduce other issues that you may need to face at a later time. Although the ISNULL function is handy, if you are doing large joins having this function in the join clause will slow down the query. A lot of this will also depend on the indexes you have setup and how the indexes are used for the join. In general it is not a good idea to use functions in your joins or on the left side of your WHERE clause, because SQL Server needs to interrogate each value and therefore may negate the use of the index. Although in some cases there are no other options, so you need to do what you need to do.

To take this a step further we are using the ISNULL function again, but this time we are converting the NULL values to '999999'. This is a value that we know does not exist in our table and therefore will not cause any unwanted joins.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders a INNER JOIN dbo.CarModels b ON a.Make = b.Make AND a.Model = b.Model AND isnull(a.Trim,'999999') = isnull(b.Trim,'999999')

Joining data using UNION and UNION ALL in SQL Server

By: Greg Robidoux

Problem Sometimes there is a need to combine data from multiple tables or views into one comprehensive dataset. This may be for like tables within the same database or maybe there is a need to combine like data across databases or even across servers. I have read about the UNION and UNION ALL commands, but how do these work and how do they differ? Solution In SQL Server you have the ability to combine multiple datasets into one comprehensive dataset by using the UNION or UNION ALL operators. There is a big difference in how these work as well as the final result set that is returned, but basically these commands join multiple datasets that have similar structures into one combined dataset. Here is a brief description:

Here is our final result with the four rows we are expecting.

Summary As we have seen from the above examples joining NULL values does not work. Even though you have two NULL values SQL Server does not treat these as the same value. Internally a value of NULL is an unknown value and therefore SQL Server does not equate an unknown value being equal to another unknown value. Another design decision is to not allow NULL values and therefore you will not run into these issues. Next Steps

UNION - this command will allow you to join multiple datasets into one dataset and will remove any duplicates that exist. Basically it is performing a DISTINCT operation across all columns in the result set. UNION ALL - this command again allows you to join multiple datasets into one dataset, but it does not remove any duplicate rows. Because this does not remove duplicate rows this process is faster, but if you don't want duplicate records you will need to use the UNION operator instead.

Rules to union data:

Each query must have the same number of columns Each column must have compatible data types Column names for the final result set are taken from the first query

ORDER BY and COMPUTE clauses can only be issued for the overall result set and not within each individual result set GROUP BY and HAVING clauses can only be issued for each individual result set and not for the overall result set
Tip If you don't have the exact same columns in all queries use a default value or a NULL value such as: SELECT firstName, lastName, company FROM businessContacts UNION ALL SELECT firstName, lastName, NULL FROM nonBusinessContacts or SELECT firstName, lastName, createDate FROM businessContacts UNION ALL SELECT firstName, lastName, getdate() FROM nonBusinessContacts

Examples: Let's take a look at a few simple examples of how these commands work and how they differ. As you will see the final resultsets will differ, but there is some interesting info on how SQL Server actually completes the process. In this first example we are using the UNION ALL operator against the Employee table from the AdventureWorks database. This is probably not something you would do, but this helps illustrate the differences of these two operators. There are 290 rows in table dbo.Employee.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee UNION ALL SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee UNION ALL SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee

In this next example we are using the UNION operator against the Employee table again from the AdventureWorks database.
SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee UNION SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee UNION SELECT * FROM dbo.Employee

When this query is run the result set has 290 rows. Even though we combined the data three times the UNION operator removed the duplicate records and therefore returns just the 290 unique rows. Here is the execution plan for this query. We can see that SQL Server first queried 2 of the tables, then did a Merge Join operation to combine the first two tables and then it did another Merge Join along with querying the third table in the query. So we can see there was much more worked that had to be performed to get this result set compared to the UNION ALL.

When this query is run the result set has 870 rows. This is the 290 rows returned 3 times. The data is just put together one dataset on top of the other dataset. Here is the execution plan for this query. We can see that the table was queried 3 times and SQL Server did a Concatenation step to concatenate all of the data.

If we take this a step further and do a SORT of the data using the Clustered Index column we get these execution plans. From this we can see that the execution plan that SQL Server is using is identical for each of these operations even though the final result sets will still contain 870 rows for the UNION ALL and 290 rows for the UNION. UNION ALL query

Here is another example doing the same thing, but this time doing a SORT on a non indexed column. As you can see the execution plans are again identical for these two queries, but this time instead of using a MERGE JOIN, a CONCATENATION and SORT operations are used. UNION ALL query

UNION query

UNION query

With SQL Server 2005, Microsoft introduced the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators to further extend what you could already do with the UNION and UNION ALL operators.

INTERSECT - gives you the final result set where values in both of the tables match EXCEPT - gives you the final result set where data exists in the first dataset and not in the second dataset

The advantage of these commands is that it allows you to get a distinct listing across all of the columns such as the UNION and UNION ALL operators do without having to do a group by or do a comparison of every single column. Like the UNION and UNION ALL operators the table structures need to be consistent as well as the columns need to have compatible data types. Let's take for example we have two tables manager and customer. Both of these tables have somewhat the same structure such as the following columns:

Next Steps

Take a look at these other tips that may be useful for using the union operators o Comparing Multiple Datasets with the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators o SQL Server Four-part naming

FirstName LastName AddressLine1 City StateProvinceCode PostalCode

Manager table sample data

Compare SQL Server Datasets with INTERSECT and EXCEPT

By: Greg Robidoux Problem When joining multiple datasets you have always had the ability to use the UNION and UNION ALL operator to allow you to pull a distinct result set (union) or a complete result set (union all). These are very helpful commands when you need to pull data from different tables and show the results as one unified distinct result set. On the opposite side of this it would be helpful to only show a result set where both sets of data match or only where data exists in one of the tables and not the other. This could be done with using different join types, but what other options does SQL Server offer? Solution


Here is the result set:

Customer table sample data

To do this same thing with a regular T-SQL command we would have to write the following:

We want to do two queries: 1. Find the occurrences where a manager is a customer (intersect) 2. Find the occurrences where the manager is not a customer (except) INTERSECT If we want to find out which people exist in both the customer table and the manager table and get a distinct list back we can issue the following command:

EXCEPT If we want to find out which people exists in the manager table, but not in the customer table and get a distinct list back we can issue the following command:


To take this a step further if we had a third table (or forth...) that listed sales reps and we wanted to find out which managers were customers, but not sales reps we could do the following. SalesRep table sample data

Here is the result set:

To do this same thing with a regular T-SQL command we would have to write the following:


Here is the result set:

From the two examples above we can see that using the EXCEPT and INTERSECT commands are much simpler to write then having to write the join or exists statements.

As you can see this is pretty simple to mix and match these statements. In addition, you could also use the UNION and UNION ALL operators to further extend your final result sets. Next Steps

Take a look at your existing code to see how the INTERSECT and EXCEPT operators could be used Keep these new operators in mind next time you need to compare different datasets with like data

Automatically generate a SELECT statement in SQL Server Management Studio for a table example
Overview From your previous examples, I want to find out how to get SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to do the work for me. How can I have this tool generate a SELECT statement rather than typing out each of the columns? Explanation SQL Server Management Studio does have a simple means to automatically generate a SELECT statement from a single table. Let's follow the steps below:
Once you are in SQL Server Management Studio, right click on the table you which you would like to have the SELECT statement generated for.

On the subsequent interface, select the 'SELECT To' option.

On the subsequent interface, select the 'Script Table as' option.

On the subsequent interface, select the 'New Query Editor Window' option.

Below is a sample image of the SELECT code generated for a table.

Getting started with SQL Server stored procedures

By: Greg Robidoux

Problem I have been using SQL Server for some time, but all of the code that is issued against the database is embedded in the application code. I know that you can create stored procedures, but I am not exactly sure where to start or what I need to do to implement stored procedures. Solution Stored procedures are nothing more that a batch of T-SQL statements that are stored in the database. Instead of having to issues multiple statements from your application you can issue one command to call the stored procedure to do a batch of work instead of just one statement. In addition, since the code is stored in the database you can issue the same set of code over and over again even from different applications or a query window. To get started the rest of this tip looks at some sample stored procedures and how you can get started and build upon them. The below examples show you how simple it is to create stored procedures. All of these examples use the AdventureWorks database, but these should be pretty straightforward that you can apply these concepts to your own databases and applications.
Example 1 - simple stored procedure This first example creates a simple stored procedure that gets the TOP 1 record from the Person.Contact table.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetContact AS SELECT TOP 1 ContactID, FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Contact

After the above has been created use the command below to execute this stored procedure.
EXEC uspGetContact

This is the results from this first query.

Example 2 - stored procedure with a parameter This next example is a modification of the first example, but this time adding a parameter that is passed into the procedure to dynamically select the records. Instead of using CREATE PROCEDURE we are using ALTER PROCEDURE to modify the procedure that we created in Example 1 instead of dropping it first and then recreating it.
ALTER PROCEDURE uspGetContact @LastName NVARCHAR(50)

AS SELECT TOP 1 ContactID, FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Contact WHERE LastName = @LastName

Below shows two different ways the stored procedure can be run. The first example just passes the parameter value we want to use and the second example also includes the parameter name along with the value. You can run the stored procedure with either one of these commands.
EXEC uspGetContact 'Alberts' EXEC uspGetContact @LastName='Alberts'

This is the results from this first query.

Example 4 - stored procedure using the RAISERROR statement In this example we are combining the two steps in Example 3 into one stored procedure. The first step is to get the ContactID and then the second part of the procedure will lookup the persons name and address info. We also added in code to use the RAISERROR statement to return an error if no records are found.

Example 3 - stored procedure with a parameter and output parameter In this example we have both an input parameter as well as an OUTPUT parameter. The output parameter will be used to pass back the ContactID that we are looking up in the stored procedure. This output parameter will then be used to select the persons ContactID, FirstName and LastName along with any address records for this person. Again we are altering the stored procedure uspGetContact and then secondly we are running the next set of code that executes procedure uspGetContact and then based on the return value it gets it will also query for the persons name and address info.
ALTER PROCEDURE uspGetContact @LastName NVARCHAR(50), @ContactID INT output AS SELECT TOP 1 @ContactID = c.ContactID FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.LastName = @LastName

This is then being run twice to show what it looks like when data is found and when no data is found. The RAISERROR statement can be used to control how your application handles no data or any other error that may occur.
ALTER PROCEDURE uspGetContact @LastName NVARCHAR(50) AS DECLARE @ContactID INT SELECT TOP 1 @ContactID = c.ContactID FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.LastName = @LastName IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN SELECT ContactID, FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Contact WHERE ContactID = @ContactID SELECT d.AddressLine1, d.City, d.PostalCode FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.ContactID = @ContactID END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR ('No record found',10,1) END EXEC uspGetContact @LastName='Walters'

After the stored procedure has been altered run the below block of code. This will execute the above stored procedure and if the ContactID has a value it will also return the person and address info.
DECLARE @ContactID INT SET @ContactID = 0 EXEC uspGetContact @LastName='Smith', @ContactID=@ContactID OUTPUT IF @ContactID <> 0 BEGIN SELECT ContactID, FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Contact WHERE ContactID = @ContactID SELECT d.AddressLine1, d.City, d.PostalCode FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.ContactID = @ContactID END

This is the results from this first query.

This is the results from this first query.

END EXEC uspGetContact @LastName='Walters'

This is the results from this first query.

EXEC uspGetContact @LastName='Job'

This is the results from this first query when no data is found.
EXEC uspGetContact @LastName='Job'

This is the results from this first query. Example 5 - stored procedure with a separate calling stored procedure Here is another example where we have two stored procedures. The first stored procedure uspFindContact lookups the first record that has an address record and then returns the ContactID to the calling stored procedure to again display the person and address info.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspFindContact @LastName NVARCHAR(50), @ContactID INT output AS SELECT TOP 1 @ContactID = c.ContactID FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.LastName = @LastName

Example 6 - stored procedure with comments This last example takes the uspGetContact stored procedure and adds comments to the code so you can see how comments work within a stored procedure. You can see that there are two ways that comments can be made. 1) using -- and 2) using /* to begin the comment block and */ to end the comment block. Other than that nothing else has changed.
ALTER PROCEDURE uspGetContact @LastName NVARCHAR(50) AS /* This is a sample stored procedure to show how comments work within a stored procedure */ -- declare variable DECLARE @ContactID INT -- set variable value SET @ContactID = 0 -- execute stored proc and return ContactID value EXEC uspFindContact @LastName=@LastName, @ContactID=@ContactID OUTPUT -- if ContactID does not equal 0 then return data else return error IF @ContactID <> 0 BEGIN SELECT ContactID, FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Contact WHERE ContactID = @ContactID SELECT d.AddressLine1, d.City, d.PostalCode FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.ContactID = @ContactID END ELSE BEGIN

The code below does an alter of the uspGetContact stored procedure that calls uspFindContact and returns the recordsets.
ALTER PROCEDURE uspGetContact @LastName NVARCHAR(50) AS DECLARE @ContactID INT SET @ContactID = 0 EXEC uspFindContact @LastName=@LastName, @ContactID=@ContactID OUTPUT IF @ContactID <> 0 BEGIN SELECT ContactID, FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Contact WHERE ContactID = @ContactID SELECT d.AddressLine1, d.City, d.PostalCode FROM HumanResources.Employee a INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeAddress b ON a.EmployeeID = b.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Person.Contact c ON a.ContactID = c.ContactID INNER JOIN Person.Address d ON b.AddressID = d.AddressID WHERE c.ContactID = @ContactID END ELSE BEGIN RAISERROR ('No record found',10,1)

RAISERROR ('No record found',10,1) END

SQL Server Stored Procedure

These are pretty simple examples, but hopefully this gives you an idea of how easy it is to create stored procedures for SQL Server. If you can run a SELECT statement from either a query window or from your application you can just as easily run a stored procedure as show above. Next Steps

(Introduction) Overview A stored procedure is nothing more than prepared SQL code that you save so you can reuse the code over and over again. So if you think about a query that you write over and over again, instead of having to write that query each time you would save it as a stored procedure and then just call the stored procedure to execute the SQL code that you saved as part of the stored procedure. In addition to running the same SQL code over and over again you also have the ability to pass parameters to the stored procedure, so depending on what the need is the stored procedure can act accordingly based on the parameter values that were passed. Take a look through each of these topics to learn how to get started with stored procedure development for SQL Server. You can either use the outline on the left or click on the arrows to the right or below to scroll through each of these topics. (CREATE PROCEDURE) Overview As mentioned in the tutorial overview a stored procedure is nothing more than stored SQL code that you would like to use over and over again. In this example we will look at creating a simple stored procedure. Explanation Before you create a stored procedure you need to know what your end result is, whether you are selecting data, inserting data, etc.. In this simple example we will just select all data from the Person.Address table that is stored in the AdventureWorks database. So the simple T-SQL code would be as follows which will return all rows from this table.
SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address

If you are not already using stored procedures hopefully this gives you some insight as to what you need to do to begin using them As mentioned these are pretty simple examples, but just about anything you can do with a batch of statements can be combined into a stored procedure and then used over and over again for your applications.

To create a stored procedure to do this the code would look like this:

SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address GO

To call this stored procedure we would execute it as follows:

EXEC uspGetAddress @City = 'New York'

To call the procedure to return the contents from the table specified, the code would be:
EXEC uspGetAddress --or just simply uspGetAddress

We can also do the same thing, but allow the users to give us a starting point to search the data. Here we can change the "=" to a LIKE and use the "%" wildcard.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City LIKE @City + '%' GO

When creating a stored procedure you can either use CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE PROC. After the stored procedure name you need to use the keyword "AS" and then the rest is just the regular SQL code that you would normally execute. On thing to note is that you cannot use the keyword "GO" in the stored procedure. Once the SQL Server compiler sees "GO" it assumes it is the end of the batch. Also, you can not change database context within the stored procedure such as using "USE dbName" the reason for this is because this would be a separate batch and a stored procedure is a collection of only one batch of statements.

In both of the proceeding examples it assumes that a parameter value will always be passed. If you try to execute the procedure without passing a parameter value you will get an error message such as the following:
Msg 201, Level 16, State 4, Procedure uspGetAddress, Line 0 Procedure or function 'uspGetAddress' expects parameter '@City', which was not supplied.

How to create a SQL Server stored procedure with parameters

Default Parameter Values Overview The real power of stored procedures is the ability to pass parameters and have the stored procedure handle the differing requests that are made. In this topic we will look at passing parameter values to a stored procedure. Explanation Just like you have the ability to use parameters with your SQL code you can also setup your stored procedures to except one or more parameter values. One Parameter In this example we will query the Person.Address table from the AdventureWorks database, but instead of getting back all records we will limit it to just a particular city. This example assumes there will be an exact match on the City value that is passed.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

In most cases it is always a good practice to pass in all parameter values, but sometimes it is not possible. So in this example we use the NULL option to allow you to not pass in a parameter value. If we create and run this stored procedure as is it will not return any data, because it is looking for any City values that equal NULL.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) = NULL AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

We could change this stored procedure and use the ISNULL function to get around this. So if a value is passed it will use the value to narrow the result set and if a value is not passed it will return all records.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) = NULL AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = ISNULL(@City,City) GO

Multiple Parameters Setting up multiple parameters is very easy to do. You just need to list each parameter and the data type separated by a comma as shown below.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) = NULL, @AddressLine1 nvarchar(60) = NULL AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = ISNULL(@City,City) AND AddressLine1 LIKE '%' + ISNULL(@AddressLine1 ,AddressLine1) + '%' GO

Or it can be done this way:

CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddressCount @City nvarchar(30), @AddressCount int OUT AS SELECT @AddressCount = count(*) FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City

To call this stored procedure we would execute it as follows. First we are going to declare a variable, execute the stored procedure and then select the returned valued.
DECLARE @AddressCount int EXEC uspGetAddressCount @City = 'Calgary', @AddressCount = @AddressCount OUTPUT SELECT @AddressCount

To execute this you could do any of the following:

EXEC uspGetAddress @City = 'Calgary' --or EXEC uspGetAddress @City = 'Calgary', @AddressLine1 = 'A' --or EXEC uspGetAddress @AddressLine1 = 'Acardia' -- etc...

This can also be done as follows, where the stored procedure parameter names are not passed.
DECLARE @AddressCount int EXEC uspGetAddressCount 'Calgary', @AddressCount OUTPUT SELECT @AddressCount

Returning stored procedure parameter values to a calling stored procedure

(OUTPUT) Overview In a previous topic we discussed how to pass parameters into a stored procedure, but another option is to pass parameter values back out from a stored procedure. One option for this may be that you call another stored procedure that does not return any data, but returns parameter values to be used by the calling stored procedure. Explanation Setting up output paramters for a stored procedure is basically the same as setting up input parameters, the only difference is that you use the OUTPUT clause after the parameter name to specify that it should return a value. The output clause can be specified by either using the keyword "OUTPUT" or just "OUT". Simple Output
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddressCount @City nvarchar(30), @AddressCount int OUTPUT AS SELECT @AddressCount = count(*) FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City

Using try catch in SQL Server stored procedures

(TRY...CATCH) Overview A great new option that was added in SQL Server 2005 was the ability to use the Try..Catch paradigm that exists in other development languages. Doing error handling in SQL Server has not always been the easiest thing, so this option definitely makes it much easier to code for and handle errors. Explanation If you are not familiar with the Try...Catch paradigm it is basically two blocks of code with your stored procedures that lets you execute some code, this is the Try section and if there are errors they are handled in the Catch section. Let's take a look at an example of how this can be done. As you can see we are using a basic SELECT statement that is contained within the TRY section, but for some reason if this fails it will run the code in the CATCH section and return the error information.


WHERE City = @City -- the @City parameter value will narrow the search criteria GO

Block Comments To create block comments the block is started with "/*" and ends with "*/". Anything within that block will be a comment section.
/* -this procedure gets a list of addresses based on the city value that is passed -this procedure is used by the HR system */ CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

Using comments in a SQL Server stored procedure

Overview One very helpful thing to do with your stored procedures is to add comments to your code. This helps you to know what was done and why for future reference, but also helps other DBAs or developers that may need to make modifications to the code. Explanation SQL Server offers two types of comments in a stored procedure; line comments and block comments. The following examples show you how to add comments using both techniques. Comments are displayed in green in a SQL Server query window. Line Comments To create line comments you just use two dashes "--" in front of the code you want to comment. You can comment out one or multiple lines with this technique. In this example the entire line is commented out.
-- this procedure gets a list of addresses based -- on the city value that is passed CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

Combining Line and Block Comments You can also use both types of comments within a stored procedure.
/* -this procedure gets a list of addresses based on the city value that is passed -this procedure is used by the HR system */ CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City -- the @City parameter value will narrow the search criteria GO

Naming conventions for SQL Server stored procedures

Overview One good thing to do for all of your SQL Server objects is to come up with a naming convention to use. There are not any hard and fast rules, so this is really just a guideline on what should be done.

This next example shows you how to put the comment on the same line.
-- this procedure gets a list of addresses based on the city value that is passed CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address

Explanation SQL Server uses object names and schema names to find a particular object that it needs to work with. This could be a table, stored procedure, function ,etc... It is a good practice to come up with a standard naming convention for you objects including stored procedures.

So based on the actions that you may take with a stored procedure, you may use:

Insert Delete Update Select Get Validate etc...

Do not use sp_ as a prefix So here are a few examples: One of the things you do not want to use as a standard is "sp_". This is a standard naming convention that is used in the master database. If you do not specify the database where the object is, SQL Server will first search the master database to see if the object exists there and then it will search the user database. So avoid using this as a naming convention.

uspInsertPerson uspGetPerson spValidatePerson SelectPerson etc...

Standardize on a Prefix It is a good idea to come up with a standard prefix to use for your stored procedures. As mentioned above do not use "sp_", so here are some other options.

Another option is to put the object name first and the action second, this way all of the stored procedures for an object will be together.

usp_ sp usp etc...

uspPersonInsert uspPersonDelete uspPersonGet etc...

Again, this does not really matter what action words that you use, but this will be helpful to classify the behavior characteristics.

To be honest it does not really matter what you use. SQL Server will figure out that it is a stored procedure, but it is helpful to differentiate the objects, so it is easier to manage. So a few examples could be:

Naming Stored Procedure Object The last part of this is the object that you are working with. Some of these may be real objects like tables, but others may be business processes. Keep the names simple, but meaningful. As your database grows and you add more and more objects you will be glad that you created some standards. So some of these may be:

spInsertPerson uspInsertPerson usp_InsertPerson InsertPerson

Again this is totally up to you, but some standard is better than none.

Naming Stored Procedure Action I liked to first give the action that the stored procedure takes and then give it a name representing the object it will affect.

uspInsertPerson - insert a new person record uspGetAccountBalance - get the balance of an account uspGetOrderHistory - return list of orders

Schema Names Another thing to consider is the schema that you will use when saving the objects. A schema is the a collection of objects, so basically just a container. This is useful if you want to keep all utility like objects together or have some objects that are HR related, etc... This logical grouping will help you differentiate the objects further and allow you to focus on a group of objects. Here are some examples of using a schema:

"SET NOCOUNT ON" within your stored procedure you can shut off these messages and reduce some of the traffic. Explanation As mentioned above there is not really any reason to return messages about what is occuring within SQL Server when you run a stored procedure. If you are running things from a query window, this may be useful, but most end users that run stored procedures through an application would never see these messages. You can still use @@ROWCOUNT to get the number of rows impacted by a SQL statement, so turning SET NOCOUNT ON will not change that behavior. Not using SET NOCOUNT ON Here is an example without using SET NOCOUNT ON:
-- not using SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

HR.uspGetPerson HR.uspInsertPerson UTIL.uspGet UTIL.uspGetLastBackupDate etc...

To create a new schema you use the CREATE SCHEMA command Here is a simple example to create a new schema called "HR" and giving authorization to this schema to "DBO".

The messages that are returned would be similar to this: Putting It All Together So you basically have four parts that you should consider when you come up with a naming convention:
(23 row(s) affected)

Using SET NOCOUNT ON This example uses the SET NOCOUNT ON as shown below. It is a good practice to put this at the beginning of the stored procedure.
-- using SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

Schema Prefix Action Object

Take the time to think through what makes the most sense and try to stick to your conventions.

Reducing amount of network data for SQL Server stored procedures


The messages that are returned would be similar to this: Overview There are many tricks that can be used when you write T-SQL code. One of these is to reduce the amount of network data for each statement that occurs within your stored procedures. Every time a SQL statement is executed it returns the number of rows that were affected. By using
Command(s) completed successfully.


This example uses SET NOCOUNT ON, but will still return the number of rows impacted by the previous statement. This just shows that this still works.
-- not using SET NOCOUNT ON CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City PRINT @@ROWCOUNT GO

Dropping Multiple Stored Procedures To drop multiple stored procedures with one command you specify each procedure separated by a comma as shown below.
DROP PROCEDURE uspGetAddress, uspInsertAddress, uspDeleteAddress GO -- or DROP PROC uspGetAddress, uspInsertAddress, uspDeleteAddress GO

Modifying an existing SQL Server stored procedure

The messages that are returned would be similar to this: (ALTER PROCEDURE)

SET NOCOUNT OFF If you wanted to turn this behavior off, you would just use the command "SET NOCOUNT OFF".

Overview When you first create your stored procedures it may work as planned, but how to do you modify an existing stored procedure. In this topic we look at the ALTER PROCEDURE command and it is used. Explanation Modifying or ALTERing a stored procedure is pretty simple. Once a stored procedure has been created it is stored within one of the system tables in the database that is was created in. When you modify a stored procedure the entry that was originally made in the system table is replaced by this new code. Also, SQL Server will recompile the stored procedure the next time it is run, so your users are using the new logic. The command to modify an existing stored procedure is ALTER PROCEDURE or ALTER PROC. Modifying an Existing Stored Procedure Let's say we have the following existing stored procedure: This allows us to do an exact match on the City.
CREATE PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30) AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City = @City GO

Deleting a SQL Server stored procedure

(DROP PROCEDURE) Overview In addition to creating stored procedures there is also the need to delete stored procedures. This topic shows you how you can delete stored procedures that are no longer needed. Explanation The syntax is very straightforward to drop a stored procedure, here are some examples. Dropping Single Stored Procedure To drop a single stored procedure you use the DROP PROCEDURE or DROP PROC command as follows.
DROP PROCEDURE uspGetAddress GO -- or DROP PROC uspGetAddress GO -- or DROP PROC dbo.uspGetAddress -- also specify the schema

Let's say we want to change this to do a LIKE instead of an equals. To change the stored procedure and save the updated code you would use the ALTER PROCEDURE command as follows.
ALTER PROCEDURE uspGetAddress @City nvarchar(30)

AS SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Address WHERE City LIKE @City + '%' GO

Now the next time that the stored procedure is called by an end user it will use this new logic.

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