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2 Topic : Fasting
Subtopic : The Health BeneIits oI Fasting
3. Time : 4 * 40minute (0minute)
4. Session : 2 session
5. Languge skills
O Listening skill
O Speaking skill
O #eading skill
O 7itting skill
6. Indicators :
the student can hea7 new vocabula7 based on the text
2 the student can explain the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7 that thei7 hea7
base on the text
3 the student can desc7ibe gene7ic st7uctu7e in the text and make anothe7
4 the student can tell spelling new vocabula7 based on the text and know the
meaning oI the vocabula7
5 the student can explain the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7 that thei7
speech base on the text
the student can desc7ibe sentence st7uctu7e in the text and make anothe7
7 the student can 7ead good some new vocabula7 based on the text
8 the student can explain spelling thei7 p7onunciation oI the vocabula7 base
on the text
the student can desc7ibe adding st7ateg
0the student can w7ite new vocabula7 that the hea7 based on the text
the student can explain what the spelling oI p7onunciation in some
vocabula7 base on the text
2the student can desc7ibe w7iting st7ateg

. Text
The Health Benefits of Fasting
The7e has been much contention in the scientiIic Iield about whethe7 o7 not Iasting is
beneIicial to one's health Fasting is an integ7al pa7t oI man oI the majo7 7eligions including
Islam Judaism and Ch7istianit Man a7e dubious as to whethe7 the phsiological eIIects a7e as
beneIicial as the spi7itual p7omoted b these 7eligions The7e is a signiIicant communit oI
alte7native heale7s who believe that Iasting can do wonde7s Io7 the human bod This pape7 will
look at the a7guments p7esented b these heale7s in an attempt to 7aise awa7eness oI the possible
phsiological beneIits that ma 7esult I7om Iasting
The beneIits oI Iasting must be p7eceded b a look at the bod's p7og7ession when
dep7ived oI Iood Due to the lack oI incoming ene7g the bod must tu7n to its own 7esou7ces a
Iunction called autolsis Autolsis is the b7eaking down oI Iat sto7es in the bod in o7de7 to
p7oduce ene7g The live7 is in cha7ge oI conve7ting the Iats into a chemical called a ketone
bod "the metabolic substances acetoacetic acid and beta-hd7oxbut7ic acid" and then
dist7ibuting these bodies th7oughout the bod via the blood st7eam "hen this Iat utilization
occu7s I7ee Iatt acids a7e 7eleased into the blood st7eam and a7e used b the live7 Io7 ene7g"
The less one eats the mo7e the bod tu7ns to these sto7ed Iats and c7eates these ketone bodies
the accumulation oI which is 7eIe77ed to as ketosis
DetoxiIication is the Io7emost a7gument p7esented b advocates oI Iasting
"DetoxiIication is a no7mal bod p7ocess oI eliminating o7 neut7alizing toxins th7ough the colon
live7 kidnes lungs lmph glands and skin" This p7ocess is p7ecipitated b Iasting because
when Iood is no longe7 ente7ing the bod the bod tu7ns to Iat 7ese7ves Io7 ene7g "Human Iat
is valued at 3500 calo7ies pe7 pound" a numbe7 that would lead one to believe that su7viving on
one pound oI Iat eve7 da would p7ovide a bod with enough ene7g to Iunction no7mall
These Iat 7ese7ves we7e c7eated when excess glucose and ca7bohd7ates we7e not used Io7 ene7g
o7 g7owth not exc7eted and the7eIo7e conve7ted into Iat hen the Iat 7ese7ves a7e used Io7
ene7g du7ing a Iast it 7eleases the chemicals I7om the Iatt acids into the sstem which a7e then
eliminated th7ough the aIo7ementioned o7gans
Finall the most scientiIicall p7oven advantage to Iasting is the Ieeling oI 7ejuvenation
and extended liIe expectanc Pa7t oI this phenomenon is caused b a numbe7 oI the beneIits
mentioned above A slowe7 metabolic 7ate mo7e eIIicient p7otein p7oduction an imp7oved
immune sstem and the inc7eased p7oduction oI ho7mones cont7ibutes to this long-te7m beneIit
oI Iasting In addition to the Human G7owth Ho7mone that is 7eleased mo7e I7equentl du7ing a
Iast an anti-aging ho7mone is also p7oduced mo7e eIIicientl"The onl 7eliable wa to extend
the liIespan oI a mammal is unde7-nut7ition without malnut7ition A stud was pe7Io7med on
ea7thwo7ms that demonst7ated the extension oI liIe due to Iasting The expe7iment was
pe7Io7med in the 30s b isolating one wo7m and putting it on a ccle oI Iasting and Ieeding
The isolated wo7m outlasted its 7elatives b gene7ations while still maintaining its outhIul
phsiological t7aits The wo7m was able to su7vive on its own tissue Io7 months
In conclusion it seems that the7e a7e man 7easons to conside7 Iasting as a beneIit to
one's health The bod 7ids itselI oI the toxins that have built up in ou7 Iat sto7es th7oughout the
ea7s The bod heals itselI 7epai7s all the damaged o7gans du7ing a Iast And Iinall the7e is
good evidence to show that 7egulated Iasting cont7ibutes to longe7 liIe Howeve7 man docto7s
wa7n against Iasting Io7 extended pe7iods oI time without supe7vision The7e a7e still man
docto7s toda who den all oI these points and claim that Iasting is det7imental to one's health
and have evidence to back thei7 statements The idea oI dep7iving a bod oI what societ has
come to view as so essential to ou7 su7vival in o7de7 to heal continues to be a topic oI

B Listening Skill
hea7 some vocabula7 and t7 to list the vocabula7 that ou hea7
examples :
O contention
O scientiIic
O Iasting
O beneIicial
O health
O wate7
O heale7s
O humans
O diet
O weight
O p7ae7
O ene7g
O communit

2 hea7 the p7onounciation oI the vocabula7
examples :
O Iasting : /Isting/
O scientiIic : /saic`tiIik/
O beneIicial : /'bene'Iiscl/
O health : /helth/
O p7ae7 : /'prr/
O a7guments : /'a7gcmcnts/
O Iunction : /'IAngkscn/
O ene7g : /'enc7jie/
O communit : /'kc'muwnctie/
O humans : /'huwmcn/
O advantages : /d'vntij/
O metabolic : /mc'tbclizcm/
O 7eligions : /7i'lijcn/

3this sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
P7esent tense is situation o7 activit that happen habituall
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O Fasting is beneIicial to one`s health
O The7e is a signiIicant communit oI alte7native heale7s
O M g7andmothe7 alwas do Iasting eve7 week

time signal in the tenses a7e :
O eve7 week.
O now
O eve7 mo7ning
O alwas
O eve7 da
O sometimes

C Speaking skill
look the some vocabula7 and t7 to sas the vocabula7 that ou see
examples :
O beneIit
O ene7g
O bod
O p7ae7
O metabolic
O inc7eased
O p7oduction
O nut7ition
O immune
O health
O diet
O weight

2 hea7 the p7onounciation oI the vocabula7
examples :
O Iasting : /Isting/
O g7owth : /g7owth/
O kidnes : /'kidnie/
O live7 : /'livc7/
O accumulation : /c'kuwmc'leisen/
O Iunction : /'IAngkscn/
O bod : /bAd/
O p7oduce : /'p7owduws/
O scientiIic : /`sain`tiIik/
O humans : /`huwmns/

3this sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
the simple p7esent tense exp7esses habits
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O Eve7bod do Iasting eve7 ea7
O Eve7bod who alwas do Iasting will get a good health
O M g7and mothe7 alwas do Iasting eve7 week

time signal in the tenses a7e :
O alwas
O eve7 mo7ning
O eve7 week
O eve7 ea7
O eve7 month
O eve7 time

D #eading skill
look the some vocabula7 and t7 to sas the vocabula7 that ou see
examples :
O health
O scientiIic
O beneIicial
O heale7s
O 7eligions
O humans
O p7og7ession
O Iunction
O p7oduce
O metabolic
O ene7g
O inc7eased

2 sentence st7uctu7e
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
the simple p7esent tense exp7esses habits
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O Eve7bod do Iasting eve7 ea7
O Eve7bod who alwas do Iasting will get a good health
O M g7andmothe7 alwas do Iasting eve7 week

3 7eading st7ateg
- list diIIicult wo7ds and sea7ch the meaning oI the wo7ds
example :
O alte7native : that ma be used o7 done instead
O accumulation : become o7 make g7eate7in quantit ove7 a pe7iod oI
O o7gans : pa7t oI the bod that has a pa7ticula7 pu7pose
O kidnes : o7gan that 7emoveswaste p7oducts I7om the blood

- Sea7ch Main Idea in each pa7ag7aph
example :
O the Ii7st pa7ag7aph
Man a7e dubious as to whethe7 the phsiological eIIects a7e as beneIicial as the
spi7itual p7omoted b these 7eligions
O The second pa7ag7aph
The beneIits oI Iasting must be p7eceded b a look at the bod's p7og7ession when
dep7ived oI Iood
- Skimming
Skimming 7eIe7s to the p7ocess oI 7eading onl main ideas within a passage to get
an ove7all imp7ession oI the content oI a 7eading selection
Skimming is used to quickl identiI the main ideas oI a text hen ou 7ead the
newspape7 ou'7e p7obabl not 7eading it wo7d-b-wo7d instead ou'7e scanning
the text Skimming is done at a speed th7ee to Iou7 times Iaste7 than no7mal 7eading
People oIten skim when the have lots oI mate7ial to 7ead in a limited amount oI
time Use skimming when ou want to see iI an a7ticle ma be oI inte7est in ou7
How to Skim:
#ead the title
#ead the int7oduction o7 the Ii7st pa7ag7aph
#ead the Ii7st sentence oI eve7 othe7 pa7ag7aph
#ead an headings and sub-headings
Notice an pictu7es cha7ts o7 g7aphs
Notice an italicized o7 boldIace wo7ds o7 ph7ases
#ead the summa7 o7 last pa7ag7aph
- Scanning
Scanning is a 7eading technique to be used when ou want to Iind speciIic
inIo7mation quickl In scanning ou have a question in ou7 mind and ou 7ead a
passage onl to Iind the answe7 igno7ing un7elated inIo7mation Scanning is a
technique ou oIten use when looking up a wo7d in the telephone book o7
dictiona7 You sea7ch Io7 ke wo7ds o7 ideas In most cases ou know what ou'7e
looking Io7 so ou'7e concent7ating on Iinding a pa7ticula7 answe7 Scanning
involves moving ou7 ees quickl down the page seeking speciIic wo7ds and
ph7ases Scanning is also used when ou Ii7st Iind a 7esou7ce to dete7mine whethe7
it will answe7 ou7 questions Once ou've scanned the document ou might go
back and skim it
How to Scan:
State the speciIic inIo7mation ou a7e looking Io7
T7 to anticipate how the answe7 will appea7 and what clues ou might use to help
ou locate the answe7 Fo7 example iI ou we7e looking Io7 a ce7tain date ou
would quickl 7ead the pa7ag7aph looking onl Io7 numbe7s
Use headings and an othe7 aids that will help ou identiI which sections might
contain the inIo7mation ou a7e looking Io7
Selectivel 7ead and skip th7ough sections oI the passage

E 7iting skill
w7ite some vocabula7 in ou7 note and sea7ch the some simila7
examples :
O Man : much
O Health : good
O Occu7s : happend
O Bod : o7gan
O Include : consist
O Hung7 : sta7ving
O Va7ious : kind

2 Sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
the simple P7esent tense exp7esses habits
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O Eve7bod do Iasting eve7 ea7
O Eve7bod who alwas do Iasting will get a good health
O M g7and mothe7 alwas do Iasting eve7 week

time signal in the tences a7e :
O 7ight now
O alwas
O eve7 mo7ning
O eve7 week
O eve7 ea7
O eve7 month
O eve7 time

3 7iting st7ateg
O deIinition oI desc7iptive text
desc7iptive text is a text which lists the cha7acte7istics oI something o7 available
Io7 a sc7een 7eade7 device to audibl desc7ibe a g7aph o7 map a visuall impai7ed
use7 can unde7stand the g7aphical inIo7mation
O pu7pose oI desc7iptive text
to desc7ibe and 7eveal a pa7ticula7 pe7son places o7 thing

. References
2 http://enwikipediao7g/wiki/Iasting
3 wwwfcom
4 wwwsplrlLhomecom/fhLml

. T/L Procedure and Media


answe7s teache7
2 explain advantages oI
example that teache7 give
3listen ca7eIull the
desc7iptiI text about
beneIits oI Iasting

Give sho7t question ( 7eview last lesson)
Show and demonst7ate example oI

Explain o7 ilust7ate main point in that

cha7t and

sc7ipt and






student hea7 new
vocabula7 based on the
2 student can w7ite the
p7onunciation oI the
vocabula7 that thei7 hea7
base on the text
3 student listen to
explaination`s teache7
and make anothe7
4 student tell speeling
new vocabula7 based on
the text and know the
meaning oI the
5 student make a
student desc7ibe
teache7 sas some new vocabula7
based on the text

2 teache7 sas p7onounciation oI some

3 teache7 explain p7esent tense and
make anothe7 example

4 teache7 new vocabula7 based on the
text and know the meaning oI the
vocabula7based on the text that give
Io7 student

5teache7 ask student make a sentences

teache7 desc7ibe gene7ic st7uctu7e

speech and
text book



Speech and







gene7ic st7uctu7e in the
text and make anothe7
7 student 7ead good
some new vocabula7
based on the text
8 student explain
speeling thei7
p7onounciation oI the
vocabula7 base on the
student can desc7ibe
7eading st7ateg

0 student w7ite new
vocabula7 that the hea7
based on the text
student explain what
the speeling oI
p7onounciation in some
vocabula7 base on the

2 student desc7ibe
w7iting st7ateg

based on the text

7teache7 inst7uction Io7 student to 7ead
some vocabula7

8 teache7 sas speeling oI
p7onounciation oI some vocabula7

teache7 explain st7ateg oI 7eading a

0teache7 inst7uction Io7 them to w7ite
new vocabula7

teache7 sas p7onuntiation oI some

2 teache7 desc7ibe st7ateg oI w7iting
a text


speech and

explain and




Book and




Unde7standing and can
conclude the lesson

2Can identiI oI using
st7uctu7e in the text b
lea7ning skills

3Desc7ibe the lesson
mate7ial what the

Ask student to conclude about using
vocabula7 in desc7iptiI text

Dist7ibute wo7ksheet Io7 the students to
identiI about using gene7ic st7uctu7e in
the text

Ask student individuall Io7 checking

Speech and



10. Evaluation
A Complete the sentences with the below

O M g7and mothe7 alwas do .. eve7 week
O Eve7bod who alwas do Iasting will .. a good health
O Iasting is the g7eatest oI all healing ..
O I like to . eve7 da
O Iast can cont7ol . oI bod

O welghL
O geL
O eaL
O modallLles
O asLlng
B make the p7onounciation oI the wo7d below

2 Cont7ol
3 Iast
4 SigniIicant
5 Choleste7ol
7 Fat
8 P7oduction

C make the simple p7esent tense sentence b using the wo7ds below
eve7/moslem/do/Iast/eve7 ea7
2 ove7weight/inc7ease/one's/7isk/Io7/hea7t/disease/cance7
3 beIo7e/he/go/to/school/he/alwas/b7eakIast
4 Iasting/make/ou7/bod/become/health
5 the/Ielts/mo7e/satisIied/and/consumed/Iewe7/calo7ies/th7oughout/the da

D match the vocabula7ies below with the p7onounciation !
st7enght a /'kanscnt7eit/
2 health b /Ist/
3 man c /helth/
4 Iast d /st7engh/
5 concent7ate e /`menie

E p7onounce the sentences below Iluentl !
Iasting is beneIicial to one's health
2 Fasting is an integ7al pa7t oI man oI the majo7 7eligions including Islam Judaism and
3 The beneIits oI Iasting must be p7eceded b a look at the bod's p7og7ession when dep7ived oI
4 The7e is a signiIicant communit oI alte7native heale7s who believe that Iasting can do
wonde7s Io7 the human bod
5 Pa7t oI this phenomenon is caused b a numbe7 oI the beneIits mentioned above

F w7ite (T) iI the time signal ag7ee with the sentence below and w7ite (F) iI the do not
Iasting is beneIicial to one's health ( )
2 Fasting is an integ7al pa7t oI man oI the majo7 7eligions including Islam Judaism and
Ch7istianit ( )
3 eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7 eve7one ( )
4 Iasting is a health liIestle ( )
5 Eve7bod who alwas do Iasting will get a good health ( )

G complete the sentences b using the wo7ds below

O asLlng
O orlenLaLlon
O lncrease
O poLenLlal
O reseL

.. to move ou7selI back towa7d ou7 liIe's bi7th7ight .. oI optimal health .. ou7
happiness and healing powe7 as ou scientiIicall .. ou7 bod's odomete7 and g7eatl
enhance ou7 qualit oI liIe! whethe7 Iasting to lose unnecessa7 weight detoxiI 7egene7ate
cleanse o7 simpl to achieve a mo7e skillIul .. towa7d optimum health plus the selI-
empowe7ment p7olonged Iasting 7ewa7ds one with Io7 maintaining the far g7eate7 health
happiness and healing powe7 one gains doing ou7 Fasting Programs

H listen to the teache7`s wo7ds and choose the co77ect spelling !
a Ies
b Iast
c Iaest
d Iest
2 health
a halth
b health
c haelth
d halt
3 p7oduce
a p7ojus
b p7odues
c p7ojus
d p7owduws
4 Iunction
a Iancsion
b Iankson
c Iangksen
d Iunction
5 consumed
a kansuwm
b kosume
c konsume
d konsium
I Answe7 the question below base on the text

hat is the meaning wo7d Iast oI the text ?
2 hat the advantages oI Iast Io7 humans ?
3 How the 7ight b7eakIast Ioods can help ou ?
4 hat kind oI Ioods that we can have Iasting ?
5 hat the gold oI Iast ?

J listen to the teache7 statement about the text and w7ite co77ect the sentences !

Fasting is an integ7al pa7t oI man oI the majo7 7eligions including Islam Judaism
and Ch7istianit
2 Eating b7eakIast is pa7t oI a health liIestle
3 Iast is linked to man health beneIits including weight cont7ol and imp7oved
4 The bod 7ids itselI oI the toxins that have built up in ou7 Iat sto7es th7oughout the
5 Pa7t oI this phenomenon is caused b a numbe7 oI the beneIits mentioned above

K answe7 the question below base on the text

hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph one ?
2 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph two ?
3 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph th7ee ?
4 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph Iou7 ?
5 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph Iive ?
L w7ite the sho7t composition b using this titles below !
wh go veg
2 beneIit oI Iasting
3 don`t skip b7eakIast
4 wh should ou become a vegeta7ian
5 sense oI discomIo7t some people Iacing obesit

1. Tema : HEALTH
2. Topic : B7eakIast
Subtopic : BeneIit oI B7eakIast
3. Time : 4 * 40minute (0minute)
4. Session : 2 session
5. Languge skills
O Listening skill
O Speaking skill
O #eading skill
O 7iting skill
6. Indicators :
the student can hea7 new vocabula7 based on the text
2 the student can w7ite the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7 that thei7 hea7
base on the text
3 the student can make sentences b using simple p7esent in the text and
make anothe7 example
4 the student can tell spelling new vocabula7 based on the text and know the
meaning oI the vocabula7
5 the student can p7onounce the sentences Iluentl
the student can use the time signal oI p7esent tense in a sentence
7 the student can unde7stand the meaning oI the wo7d
8 the student can w7ite the spelling oI the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7
base on the text
the student can identiI some inIo7mation 7elated to the text
0the student can w7ite the sentences that the hea7 based on the text
the student can identiI main idea oI the pa7ag7aph oI the text
2the student can make composition

. Text
Benefits of Breakfast
The 7ight b7eakIast Ioods can help ou concent7ate give ou st7ength - even help ou
maintain a health weight B7eakIast 7eall is the most impo7tant meal oI the da Not onl does
it give ou ene7g to sta7t a new da but b7eakIast is linked to man health beneIits including
weight cont7ol and imp7oved pe7Io7mance
Studies show that eating a 0alt b7eakIast (as opposed to the kind containing doughnuts)
can help give ou:
O A mo7e nut7itionall complete diet highe7 in nut7ients vitamins and mine7als
O Imp7oved concent7ation and pe7Io7mance in the class7oom o7 the boa7d7oom
O Mo7e st7ength and endu7ance to engage in phsical activit
O Lowe7 choleste7ol levels
Eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7 eve7one but is especiall so Io7 child7en and adolescents
Acco7ding to the Ame7ican Dietetic Association child7en who eat b7eakIast pe7Io7m bette7 in the
class7oom and on the plag7ound with bette7 concent7ation p7oblem-solving skills and ee-
hand coo7dination
Man studies in both adults and child7en have shown that b7eakIast eate7s tend to weigh less
than b7eakIast skippe7s h? One theo7 suggests that eating a health b7eakIast can 7educe
hunge7 th7oughout the da and help people make bette7 Iood choices at othe7 meals hile it
might seem ou could save calo7ies b skipping b7eakIast this is not an eIIective st7ateg
Tpicall hunge7 gets the best oI b7eakIast-skippe7s and the eat mo7e at lunch and th7oughout
the da
Anothe7 theo7 behind the b7eakIast-weight cont7ol link implies that eating b7eakIast is pa7t
oI a health liIestle that includes making wise Iood choices and balancing calo7ies with
exe7cise And a t7aditional b7eakIast oI eggs ma be one oI the best was to get ou7 mo7ning
p7otein hile eggs a7e not alwas associated with weight loss the contain some oI the highest-
qualit p7otein
In a stud p7esented at the 2007 Expe7imental Biolog meeting 7esea7che7s at Pennington
Biomedical #esea7ch Cente7 compa7ed weight loss in women who ate eithe7 two eggs o7 a bagel
Io7 b7eakIast The two b7eakIast meals we7e identical in calo7ies and volume
"Compa7ed to the bagel eate7s ove7weight women who ate two eggs Io7 b7eakIast Iive times a
week Io7 eight weeks as pa7t oI a low-Iat 7educed-calo7ie diet lost 5 mo7e weight 7educed
waist ci7cumIe7ence b 83 7epo7ted highe7 ene7g levels and had no signiIicant diIIe7ence in
thei7 blood choleste7ol o7 t7iglce7ide levels" 7epo7ts 7esea7che7 Nikhil V Dhu7andha7 PhD
"Both these studies show that when people eat eggs at b7eakIast the Ielt mo7e satisIied and
consumed Iewe7 calo7ies th7oughout the da compa7ed to those who ate a p7ima7il
ca7bohd7ate meal like a bagel" explains Dhu7andha7

B Listening Skill
Hea7 some vocabula7 and t7 to list the vocabula7 that ou hea7
examples :
O b7eakIast
O Ioods
O milk
O st7ength
O b7ead
O po77idge
O apple

2 hea7 the p7onounciation oI the vocabula7
examples :
O concent7ate : /'kanscnt7eit/
O Iast : /Ist/
O health : /helth/
O st7ength : /st7ength/
O Ioods : /Iu:ds/
O b7ead : /b7ed/
O vitamins : /'vaitcmin/
O ene7g : /'enc7jie/
O spoon : /spu:n/

O Sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tenses
P7esent tense is situation o7 activit that happen habituall
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O Eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7 eve7one
O B7eakIast is the most impo7tant meal eve7da
O I alwas b7eakIast in the mo7ning

time signal in the tenses a7e :
O eve7 week.
O now
O eve7 mo7ning
O alwas
O eve7 da
O sometimes

C Speaking skill
look the some vocabula7 and t7 to sas the vocabula7 that ou see
examples :
O milk
O Iood
O po77idge
O b7ead
O weight
O spoon
O vitamins
O glass
O choleste7ol

2 hea7 the p7onounciation oI the vocabula7
examples :
O Health : /helth/
O Spoon : /spu:n/
O Plate : /pleit/
O Bod : /'badie/
O Ove7weight : /'owvc7'weit/
O B7ead : /b7ed/
O consumed : /kcn'suwm/
O kniIe : /naI/
O glass : /gls/

4 this sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
the simple p7esent tense exp7esses habits
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O I like b7eakIast with a cup oI milk and b7ead
O B7eakIast is a good liIestle
O M pa7ents don`t like b7eakIast

time signal in the tenses a7e :
O alwas
O eve7 mo7ning
O eve7 week
O eve7 ea7
O eve7 month
O eve7 time

D #eading skill
look the some vocabula7 and t7 to sas the vocabula7 that ou see
examples :
O qualit
O highest
O eate7s
O avocado
O st7awbe7
O calo7ies
O apple
O skills
O p7oduce
O ene7g

3 sentence st7uctu7e
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
the simple p7esent tense exp7esses habits
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O I like b7eakIast with a cup oI milk and b7ead
O B7eakIast is a good liIestle
O M pa7ents don`t like b7eakIast

3 7eading st7ateg
- list diIIicult wo7ds and sea7ch the meaning oI the wo7ds
example :
O st7ength : qualit beingst7ong
O imp7oved : become o7 bette7
O phsicall : oI the bod exe7cise
O 7educe : make less o7 smalle7 in size
O weight : how heav is which can be measu7ed in kilog7ams
O ca7bohd7ate : substance Iound in Iood

- sea7ch main idea in each pa7ag7aph
example :
O the Ii7st pa7ag7aph
The 7ight b7eakIast Ioods can help ou concent7ate give ou st7ength - even
help ou maintain a health weight

O The second pa7ag7aph
Eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7 eve7one but is especiall so Io7 child7en
and adolescents

- Skimming
Skimming 7eIe7s to the p7ocess oI 7eading onl main ideas within a passage to get
an ove7all imp7ession oI the content oI a 7eading selection
Skimming is used to quickl identiI the main ideas oI a text hen ou 7ead the
newspape7 ou'7e p7obabl not 7eading it wo7d-b-wo7d instead ou'7e scanning
the text Skimming is done at a speed th7ee to Iou7 times Iaste7 than no7mal 7eading
People oIten skim when the have lots oI mate7ial to 7ead in a limited amount oI
time Use skimming when ou want to see iI an a7ticle ma be oI inte7est in ou7
How to Skim:
#ead the title
#ead the int7oduction o7 the Ii7st pa7ag7aph
#ead the Ii7st sentence oI eve7 othe7 pa7ag7aph
#ead an headings and sub-headings
Notice an pictu7es cha7ts o7 g7aphs
Notice an italicized o7 boldIace wo7ds o7 ph7ases
#ead the summa7 o7 last pa7ag7aph
- Scanning
Scanning is a 7eading technique to be used when ou want to Iind speciIic
inIo7mation quickl In scanning ou have a question in ou7 mind and ou 7ead a
passage onl to Iind the answe7 igno7ing un7elated inIo7mation Scanning is a
technique ou oIten use when looking up a wo7d in the telephone book o7
dictiona7 You sea7ch Io7 ke wo7ds o7 ideas In most cases ou know what ou'7e
looking Io7 so ou'7e concent7ating on Iinding a pa7ticula7 answe7 Scanning
involves moving ou7 ees quickl down the page seeking speciIic wo7ds and
ph7ases Scanning is also used when ou Ii7st Iind a 7esou7ce to dete7mine whethe7
it will answe7 ou7 questions Once ou've scanned the document ou might go
back and skim it
How to Scan:
State the speciIic inIo7mation ou a7e looking Io7
T7 to anticipate how the answe7 will appea7 and what clues ou might use to help
ou locate the answe7 Fo7 example iI ou we7e looking Io7 a ce7tain date ou
would quickl 7ead the pa7ag7aph looking onl Io7 numbe7s
Use headings and an othe7 aids that will help ou identiI which sections might
contain the inIo7mation ou a7e looking Io7
Selectivel 7ead and skip th7ough sections oI the passage

E 7iting skill
w7ite some vocabula7 in ou7 note and sea7ch the some simila7
examples :
O b7ead
O I7ied egg
O egg
O hambu7ge7
O juice
O I7uit

2this sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
the simple P7esent tense exp7esses habits
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O she has b7eakIast eve7 mo7ning
O I d7ink two cups oI tea in the mo7ning
O Elda eats b7eakIast eve7 mo7ning

time signal in the tences a7e :
O 7ight now
O alwas
O eve7 mo7ning
O eve7 week
O eve7 ea7
O eve7 month
O eve7 time

3 7iting st7ateg
O deIinition oI desc7iptiI text
desc7iptiI text is a text which lists the cha7acte7istics oI something o7 available Io7 a
sc7een 7eade7 device to audibl desc7ibe a g7aph o7 map a visuall impai7ed use7 can
unde7stand the g7aphical inIo7mation

O pu7pose oI desc7iptiI text
to desc7ibe and 7eveal a pa7ticula7 pe7sonplaces o7 thing

. References
3. www.mrbreakfast.

. T/L Procedure and Media


answe7s teache7
2 explain advantages oI
example that teache7 give
3listen ca7eIull the
desc7iptiI text about
beneIits oI b7eakIast

Give sho7t question ( 7eview last lesson)
Show and demonst7ate example oI

Explain o7 ilust7ate main point in that

cha7t and

sc7ipt and






student hea7 new
vocabula7 based on the
2 student can w7ite the
p7onunciation oI the
vocabula7 that thei7 hea7
base on the text
3 student listen to
explaination`s teache7
and make anothe7
4 student tell speeling
new vocabula7 based on
the text and know the
meaning oI the
5 student make a
student desc7ibe
teache7 sas some new vocabula7
based on the text

2 teache7 sas p7onounciation oI some

3 teache7 explain p7esent tense and
make anothe7 example

4 teache7 new vocabula7 based on the
text and know the meaning oI the
vocabula7based on the text that give
Io7 student

5teache7 ask student make a sentences

teache7 desc7ibe gene7ic st7uctu7e

speech and
text book



Speech and







gene7ic st7uctu7e in the
text and make anothe7
7 student 7ead good
some new vocabula7
based on the text
8 student explain
speeling thei7
p7onounciation oI the
vocabula7 base on the
student can desc7ibe
7eading st7ateg

0 student w7ite new
vocabula7 that the hea7
based on the text
student explain what
the speeling oI
p7onounciation in some
vocabula7 base on the

2 student desc7ibe
w7iting st7ateg

based on the text

7teache7 inst7uction Io7 student to 7ead
some vocabula7

8 teache7 sas speeling oI
p7onounciation oI some vocabula7

teache7 explain st7ateg oI 7eading a

0teache7 inst7uction Io7 them to w7ite
new vocabula7

teache7 sas p7onuntiation oI some

2 teache7 desc7ibe st7ateg oI w7iting
a text


speech and

explain and




Book and




Unde7standing and can
conclude the lesson

2Can identiI oI using
st7uctu7e in the text b
lea7ning skills

3Desc7ibe the lesson
mate7ial what the

Ask student to conclude about using
vocabula7 in desc7iptiI text

Dist7ibute wo7ksheet Io7 the students to
identiI about using gene7ic st7uctu7e in
the text

Ask student individuall Io7 checking

Speech and



10. Evaluation
A Complete the sentences with the below

O I need to . Eve7 da
O Eating is . Io7 eve7one
O I like to . eve7 da
O B7eakIast can cont7ol . oI bod
O B7eakIast is a .. liIestle

O aL
O reakasL
O healLh
O lmporLanL
O welghL
B make the p7onounciation oI the wo7d below


C make the simple p7esent tense sentence b using the wo7ds below
she/eat/b7eakIast/eve7 mo7ning
2 eve7one/like/eat/to/b7eakIast
3 beIo7e/he/go/to/school/he/alwas/b7eakIast
4 b7eakIast/make/ou7/bod/become/health
5 the/Ielts/mo7e/satisIied/and/consumed/Iewe7/calo7ies/th7oughout/the da

D match the vocabula7ies below with the p7onounciation !
st7enght a /'kanscnt7eit/
2 glass b /Ist/
3 man c /gl:s/
4 Iast d /st7ength/
5 concent7ate e /`menie/

E p7onounce the sentences below Iluentl !
B7eakIast 7eall is the most impo7tant meal oI the da
2 b7eakIast is the most impo7tant meal oI the da
3 the Ielt mo7e satisIied and consumed Iewe7 calo7ies th7oughout the da
4 a t7aditional b7eakIast oI eggs ma be one oI the best was to get ou7 mo7ning p7otein
5 Eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7 eve7one

F w7ite (T) iI the time signal ag7ee with the sentence below and w7ite (F) iI the do not !
I have b7eakIast eve7 da ( )
2 we didn`t get health iI we eat b7eakIast ( )
3 eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7 eve7one ( )
4 b7eakIast is a health liIestle ( )
5 The two b7eakIast meals we7e identical in calo7ies and volume ( )

G complete the sentences b using the wo7ds below !

O ccordlng
O healLhy
O reakasL
O oods
O everyone
Eating b7eakIast is impo7tant Io7..but is especiall so Io7 child7en and adolescents .to the
Ame7ican Dietetic Association child7en who eat . pe7Io7m bette7 in the class7oom and on the
plag7ound with bette7 concent7ation p7oblem-solving skills and ee-hand coo7dination The
7ight b7eakIast . can help ou concent7ate give ou st7ength - even help ou maintain a ..

H listen to the teache7`s wo7ds and choose the co77ect spelling !
a b7ikIes
b b7eakIast
c b7eakIast
d b7ikIast
2 health
a halth
b health
c haelth
d halt
3 p7oduce
a p7ojus
b p7odues
c p7ojus
d p7owduws
4 Iunction
a Iancsion
b Iankson
c Iangksen
d Iunction
5 consumed
a kansuwm
b kosume
c konsume
d konsium

I Answe7 the question below base on the text !
hat is the meaning wo7d b7eakIast oI the text ?
2 hat the advantages oI b7eakIast Io7 humans ?
3 How the 7ight b7eakIast Ioods can help ou ?
4 hat kind oI Ioods that we can have b7eakIast in the mo7ning ?
5 hat the gold oI b7eakIast ?
J listen to the teache7 statement about the text and w7ite co77ect the sentences !

B7eakIast is ve7 impo7tant Io7 eve7one
2 Eating b7eakIast is pa7t oI a health liIestle
3 b7eakIast is linked to man health beneIits including weight cont7ol and imp7oved
4 The 7ight b7eakIast Ioods can help ou concent7ate give ou st7ength - even help ou
maintain a health weight
5 B7eakIast 7eall is the most impo7tant meal oI the da

K answe7 the question below base on the text !
hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph one ?
2 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph two ?
3 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph th7ee ?
4 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph Iou7 ?
5 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph Iive ?

L w7ite the sho7t composition b using this titles below !
wh go veg
2 beneIit oI Iasting
3 don`t skip b7eakIast
4 wh should ou become a vegeta7ian
5 sense oI discomIo7t some people Iacing obesit

1. Tema : HEALTH
2.Topic : cance7
Subtopic : -
3. Time : 4 * 40minute (0minute)
4. Session : 2 session
5. Languge skills
O Listening skill
O Speaking skill
O #eading skill
O 7itting skill
6. Indicators :
the student can hea7 new vocabula7 based on the text
2 the student can w7ite the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7 that thei7 hea7
base on the text
3 the student can make sentences b using simple p7esent in the text and
make anothe7 example
4 the student can tell spelling new vocabula7 based on the text and know the
meaning oI the vocabula7
5 the student can p7onounce the sentences Iluentl
the student can use the time signal oI p7esent tense in a sentence
7 the student can unde7stand the meaning oI the wo7d
8 the student can w7ite the spelling oI the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7
base on the text
the student can identiI some inIo7mation 7elated to the text
0the student can w7ite the sentences that the hea7 based on the text
the student can identiI main idea oI the pa7ag7aph oI the text
2the student can make composition

. Text
Cancer /kns7/ (medical te7m: malignant neoplasm) is a class oI diseases in which a
g7oup oI cells displa uncont7olled g7owth invasion that int7udes upon and dest7os adjacent
tissues and sometimes metastasis o7 sp7eading to othe7 locations in the bod via lmph o7
blood These th7ee malignant p7ope7ties oI cance7s diIIe7entiate them I7om benign tumo7s which
do not invade o7 metastasize
#esea7che7s divide the causes oI cance7 into two g7oups: those with an envi7onmental
cause and those with a he7edita7 genetic cause Cance7 is p7ima7il an envi7onmental disease
though genetics inIluence the 7isk oI some cance7s
Common envi7onmental Iacto7s leading to
cance7 include: tobacco diet and obesit inIections 7adiation lack oI phsical activit and
envi7onmental pollutants
These envi7onmental Iacto7s cause o7 enhance abno7malities in the
genetic mate7ial oI cells
Cell 7ep7oduction is an ext7emel complex p7ocess that is no7mall
tightl 7egulated b seve7al classes oI genes including oncogenes and tumo7 supp7esso7 genes
He7edita7 o7 acqui7ed abno7malities in these 7egulato7 genes can lead to the development oI
cance7 A small pe7centage oI cance7s app7oximatel Iive to ten pe7cent a7e enti7el he7edita7
The p7esence oI cance7 can be suspected on the basis oI smptoms o7 Iindings on
7adiolog DeIinitive diagnosis oI cance7 howeve7 7equi7es the mic7oscopic examination oI a
biops specimen Most cance7s can be t7eated Possible t7eatments include chemothe7ap
7adiothe7ap and su7ge7 The p7ognosis is inIluenced b the tpe oI cance7 and the extent oI
disease hile cance7 can aIIect people oI all ages and a Iew tpes oI cance7 a7e mo7e common
in child7en the ove7all 7isk oI developing cance7 inc7eases with age In 2007 cance7 caused about
3 oI all human deaths wo7ldwide (7 million) #ates a7e 7ising as mo7e people live to an old
age and liIestles change in the developing wo7ld

Cance7s a7e usuall named using -ca7cinoma -sa7coma o7 -blastoma as a suIIix with the
Latin o7 G7eek wo7d Io7 the o7gan o7 tissue oI o7igin as the 7oot Fo7 example a cance7 oI the
live7 is called 05atocarcinoma; a cance7 oI Iat cells is called a li5osarcoma Fo7 some common
cance7s the English o7gan name is used Fo7 example the most common tpe oI b7east cance7 is
called ductal carcinoma of t0 br0ast He7e the adjective ductal 7eIe7s to the appea7ance oI the
cance7 unde7 the mic7oscope which suggests that it has o7iginated in the milk ducts
Benign tumo7s (which a7e not cance7s) a7e named using -oma as a suIIix with the o7gan
name as the 7oot Fo7 example a benign tumo7 oI smooth muscle cells is called a l0iomoma (the
common name oI this I7equentl occu77ing benign tumo7 in the ute7us is fibroid) ConIusingl
some tpes oI cance7 also use the -oma suIIix examples including melanoma and seminoma
Cance7s a7e p7ima7il an envi7onmental disease with 0-5 oI cases att7ibuted to
envi7onmental Iacto7s and 5-0 due to genetics
Envi7onmental as used b cance7
7esea7che7s means an cause that is not genetic Common envi7onmental Iacto7s that cont7ibute
to cance7 death include: tobacco (25-30) diet and obesit (30-35) inIections (5-20)
7adiation (both ionizing and non ionizing up to 0) st7ess lack oI phsical activit and
envi7onmental pollutants

B Listening Skill
hea7 some vocabula7 and t7 to list the vocabula7 that ou hea7
examples :
O colon cance7
O th7oat cance7
O lung cance7
O bone cance7
O b7ain cance7
O b7east cance7

2 hea7 the p7onunciation oI the vocabula7
examples :
O colon cance7 : /`kowln kns7/
O th7oat cance7 : /th7owt kns7/
O lung cance7 : /lAng kns7/
O bone cance7 : /bown kns7/
O b7ain cance7 : /b7ein kns7/
O b7east cance7 : /b7est kns7/

3Sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
P7esent tense is situation o7 activit that happen habituall
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O the7e a7e man inIluence oI cance7 Io7 humans
O cance7 is one oI illness that dange7ous Io7 humans wo7ldwide

time signal in the tenses a7e :
O eve7 week.
O now
O eve7 mo7ning
O alwas
O eve7 da

C Speaking skill
look the some vocabula7 and t7 to sas the vocabula7 that ou see
examples :
O g7owth
O invasion
O dest7os
O DeIinitive
O Diagnosis
O Inc7ease
O #adiolog

2 hea7 the p7onounciation oI the vocabula7
examples :
O g7owth : /g7owth/
O invasion : /in'veizcn/
O dest7os : /di'st7ois/
O DeIinitive : /di'Iinctiv/
O Diagnosis : /'daic'nowsis/
O Inc7ease : /'ink7ies/
O #adiolog :/'7eidie'alcjie/

3 sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is past tensces
Past tense is situation o7 activit that happened in the past and the end in the past too
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT

Examples :
O cance7 is one oI illness that dange7ous Io7 humans wo7ldwide
O the7e a7e man inIluence oI cance7 Io7 humans

time signal in the tences a7e :
O eve7 week.
O now
O eve7 mo7ning
O alwas
O eve7 da

D #eading skill
look the some vocabula7 and t7 to sas the vocabula7 that ou see
examples :
O g7owth
O invasion
O dest7os
O DeIinitive
O Diagnosis
O Inc7ease
O #adiolog
O Leading
O #esea7che7s

2 sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
P7esent tense is situation o7 activit that habits o7 usual activities
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O cance7 can caused oI vi7us
O cance7 is dange7ous Io7 ou7 bod
O obesit can inc7ease the 7isk oI hea7t disease

time signal in the tences a7e :
O Alwas
O Usuall
O OIten
O Sometimes
O Now
O Eve7 da
O Eve7 mo7ning
O Eve7 time

3 #eading st7ateg
- list diIIicult wo7ds and sea7ch the meaning oI the wo7ds
example :
O Dest7os : to damage so badl tat it no longe7 wo7ks
O Sp7eading : in a position with ou7 a7ms and legs sp7ead out
O obesit : ve7 Iat
O Adjacent : an a7ea
O Cont7ibute : to give sth especiall mone o7 goods

- sea7ch main idea in each pa7ag7aph
example :
O the Ii7st pa7ag7aph
Cancer (medical te7m: malignant neoplasm) is a class oI diseases in which a
g7oup oI cells displa uncont7olled g7owth invasion that int7udes upon and
dest7os adjacent tissues and sometimes metastasis o7 sp7eading to othe7
locations in the bod via lmph o7 blood
O The second pa7ag7aph
#esea7che7s divide the causes oI cance7 into two g7oups: those with an
envi7onmental cause and those with a he7edita7 genetic cause Cance7 is p7ima7il
an envi7onmental disease though genetics inIluence the 7isk oI some cance7s

- Skimming
Skimming 7eIe7s to the p7ocess oI 7eading onl main ideas within a passage to get
an ove7all imp7ession oI the content oI a 7eading
selection Skimming is used to quickl identiI the main ideas oI a text hen ou
7ead the newspape7 ou'7e p7obabl not 7eading it wo7d-b-wo7d instead ou'7e
scanning the text Skimming is done at a speed th7ee to Iou7 times Iaste7 than
no7mal 7eading People oIten skim when the have lots oI mate7ial to 7ead in a
limited amount oI time Use skimming when ou want to see iI an a7ticle ma be oI
inte7est in ou7 7esea7ch
How to Skim:
#ead the title
#ead the int7oduction o7 the Ii7st pa7ag7aph
#ead the Ii7st sentence oI eve7 othe7 pa7ag7aph
#ead an headings and sub-headings
Notice an pictu7es cha7ts o7 g7aphs
Notice an italicized o7 boldIace wo7ds o7 ph7ases
#ead the summa7 o7 last pa7ag7aph
- Scanning
Scanning is a 7eading technique to be used when ou want to Iind speciIic
inIo7mation quickl In scanning ou have a question in ou7 mind and ou 7ead a
passage onl to Iind the answe7 igno7ing un7elated inIo7mation Scanning is a
technique ou oIten use when looking up a wo7d in the telephone book o7
dictiona7 You sea7ch Io7 ke wo7ds o7 ideas In most cases ou know what ou'7e
looking Io7 so ou'7e concent7ating on Iinding a pa7ticula7 answe7 Scanning
involves moving ou7 ees quickl down the page seeking speciIic wo7ds and
ph7ases Scanning is also used when ou Ii7st Iind a 7esou7ce to dete7mine whethe7
it will answe7 ou7 questions Once ou've scanned the document ou might go
back and skim it
How to Scan:
State the speciIic inIo7mation ou a7e looking Io7
T7 to anticipate how the answe7 will appea7 and what clues ou might use to help
ou locate the answe7 Fo7 example iI ou we7e looking Io7 a ce7tain date ou
would quickl 7ead the pa7ag7aph looking onl Io7 numbe7s
Use headings and an othe7 aids that will help ou identiI which sections might
contain the inIo7mation ou a7e looking Io7
Selectivel 7ead and skip th7ough sections oI the passage

E 7iting skill
w7ite some vocabula7 in ou7 note and sea7ch the some simila7
examples :
O inIluenced : aIIect
O disease : illness
O aIIect : inIluenced
O developing : g7ow
O inc7ease : 7ise
O liIestle : mode
O 7ising : inc7easing

3 sentence st7uctu7e that pa7ag7aph
st7uctu7e oI the pa7ag7aph is p7esent tense
P7esent tense is situation o7 activit that habits o7 usual activities
This 7ule is ; S V OBJECT o7 COMPLEMENT
Example :
O cance7 can caused oI vi7us
O cance7 is dange7ous Io7 ou7 bod
O obesit can inc7ease the 7isk oI hea7t disease

time signal in the tences a7e :
O Alwas
O Usuall
O OIten
O Sometimes
O Now
O Eve7 da
O Eve7 mo7ning
O Eve7 time

3 7iting st7ateg
O deIinition oI desc7iptiI text
desc7iptiI text is a text which lists the cha7acte7istics oI something o7 available Io7
a sc7een 7eade7 device to audibl desc7ibe a g7aph o7 map a visuall impai7ed use7
can unde7stand the g7aphical inIo7mation
O pu7pose oI desc7iptiI text
to desc7ibe and 7eveal a pa7ticula7 pe7sonplaces o7 thing

. References


. T/L Procedure and Media



answe7s teache7
2 explain advantages oI
example that teache7 give
3listen ca7eIull the
desc7iptiI text about

Give sho7t question ( 7eview last lesson)
Show and demonst7ate example oI

Explain o7 ilust7ate main point in that

cha7t and

sc7ipt and






student hea7 new
vocabula7 based on the
2 student can w7ite the
p7onunciation oI the
vocabula7 that thei7 hea7
base on the text
3 student listen to
explaination`s teache7
and make anothe7
4 student tell speeling
new vocabula7 based on
the text and know the
meaning oI the
5 student make a
student desc7ibe
teache7 sas some new vocabula7
based on the text

2 teache7 sas p7onounciation oI some

3 teache7 explain p7esent tense and
make anothe7 example

4 teache7 new vocabula7 based on the
text and know the meaning oI the
vocabula7based on the text that give
Io7 student

5teache7 ask student make a sentences

teache7 desc7ibe gene7ic st7uctu7e

speech and
text book



Speech and







gene7ic st7uctu7e in the
text and make anothe7
7 student 7ead good
some new vocabula7
based on the text
8 student explain
speeling thei7
p7onounciation oI the
vocabula7 base on the
student can desc7ibe
7eading st7ateg

0 student w7ite new
vocabula7 that the hea7
based on the text
student explain what
the spelling oI
p7onunciation in some
vocabula7 base on the

2 student desc7ibe
w7iting st7ateg

based on the text

7teache7 inst7uction Io7 student to 7ead
some vocabula7

8 teache7 sas speeling oI
p7onounciation oI some vocabula7

teache7 explain st7ateg oI 7eading a

0teache7 inst7uction Io7 them to w7ite
new vocabula7

teache7 sas p7onuntiation oI some

2 teache7 desc7ibe st7ateg oI w7iting
a text


speech and

explain and




Book and




Unde7standing and can
conclude the lesson

2Can identiI oI using
st7uctu7e in the text b
lea7ning skills

3Desc7ibe the lesson
mate7ial what the

Ask student to conclude about using
vocabula7 in desc7iptiI text

Dist7ibute wo7ksheet Io7 the students to
identiI about using gene7ic st7uctu7e in
the text

Ask student individuall Io7 checking

Speech and



10. Evaluation
A Complete the sentences with the below base on the text !

O Cance7 is a class oI .
O These envi7onmental Iacto7s cause o7 enhance abno7malities in the oI cells
O Cance7 can be . Io7 ou7 health
O Cance7s a7e p7ima7il an . disease
O a cance7 oI the live7 is called ...

O envlronmenLal
O geneLlc
O dangerous
O dlsease
O hepaLocarclnoma
B make the p7onounciation oI the wo7d below

2 health
3 dange7ous
4 sp7eading
5 diagnosis
7 7adiolog
8 7esea7hes
0 human

C make the simple p7esent tense sentence b using the wo7ds below
m neighboa7d/go/to/hospital
2 she/sca7e/with/he7/disease
3 Cance7s/a7e/p7ima7il/an/envi7onmental/disease
4 cance7/make/ou7/bod/weakness
5 cance7/can/aIIect/people/oI/all/ages

D match the vocabula7ies below with the p7onounciation
inIluenced a /'daicg'nowsis/
2 disease b /'inIlcns/
3 diagnosis c /di'ziez/
4 inc7ease d /'innk7ies/
5 7esea7ch e /7i'sc7c/

E p7onounce the sentences below Iluentl !
most common tpe oI b7east cance7 is called ductal ca7cinoma oI the b7east
2 The p7esence oI cance7 can be suspected on the basis oI smptoms
3 Cance7 is p7ima7il an envi7onmental disease though genetics inIluence the 7isk oI some
4 Envi7onmental as used b cance7 7esea7che7s means an cause that is not genetic
5 Common envi7onmental Iacto7s that cont7ibute to cance7

F w7ite (T) iI the time signal ag7ee with the sentence below and w7ite (F) iI the do not
cance7 is p7ima7il an envi7onmental disease ( )
2cance7 isn`t dange7ous Io7 ou7 health ( )
3 adjective ductal 7eIe7s to the appea7ance oI the cance7 unde7 the mic7oscope which
suggests that it has o7iginated in the milk ducts ( )
4 cance7 must be p7event beIo7e it become ha7d disease ( )
5 cance7 have the othe7 name in the text ( )

G complete the sentences b using the wo7ds below

#esea7che7s divide the causes oI cance7 into two g7oups: those with an envi7onmental
cause and those with a he7edita7 genetic cause Cance7 is p7ima7il and.. though genetics
inIluence the 7isk oI some cance7s
Common envi7onmental Iacto7s leading to cance7 include:
tobacco diet and obesit . 7adiation lack oI phsical . and envi7onmental pollutants

These envi7onmental Iacto7s cause o7 enhance abno7malities in the ....oI cells
7ep7oduction is an ext7emel complex p7ocess that is no7mall tightl 7egulated b seve7al ..
oI genes including oncogenes and tumo7 supp7esso7 genes He7edita7 o7 acqui7ed abno7malities
in these 7egulato7 genes can lead to the development oI cance7 A small pe7centage oI cance7s
app7oximatel Iive to ten pe7cent a7e enti7el he7edita7

H listen to the teache7`s wo7ds and choose the co77ect spelling !
a kaense7
b kense7
c kans7e
O cLlvlLy
O nvlronmenLal dlsease
O eneLlc maLerlal
O casses
O lnecLlon
d kanke7
2 inc7ease
a ink7ies
b ingk7is
c aink7is
d inhk7es
3 p7oduce
a p7ojus
b p7odues
c p7ojus
d p7owduws
4 Iunction
a Iancsion
b Iankson
c Iangksen
d Iunction
5 consumed
a kansuwm
b kosume
c konsume
d konsium

I Answe7 the question below base on the text

hat is the meaning wo7d cance7 oI the text ?
2 hat the 7isk oI cance7 Io7 ou7 bod ?
3 h the cance7 disease should be p7esent ?
4 what the meaning oI envi7onmenntal disease ?
5 what the meaning oI genetic in pa7ag7aph ?

J listen to the teache7 statement about the text and w7ite co77ect the sentences !

The p7esence oI cance7 can be suspected on the basis oI smptoms
2 These envi7onmental Iacto7s cause o7 enhance abno7malities in the genetic mate7ial oI
3 Cance7 (medical te7m: malignant neoplasm) is a class oI diseases in which a g7oup oI
cells displa uncont7olled g7owth
4 #esea7che7s divide the causes oI cance7 into two g7oups: those with an envi7onmental
cause and those with a he7edita7 genetic cause
5 A small pe7centage oI cance7s app7oximatel Iive to ten pe7cent a7e enti7el

K answe7 the question below base on the text
hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph one ?
2 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph two ?
3 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph th7ee ?
4 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph Iou7 ?
5 hat is main idea oI pa7ag7aph Iive ?

L w7ite the sho7t composition b using this titles below !
wh go veg
2 beneIit oI Iasting
3 Smoking Kills Indeed
4 wh should ou become a vegeta7ian
5 sense oI discomIo7t some people Iacing obesit

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