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My Lord as has already been sLaLed my name ls Zallkha Abdul 8hahman And l appear as

[unlor counsel for Lhe respondenL

My Lordshlps allow me Lo brlng lnLo llghL my 4 submlsslon lf lL pleases your lordshlp l wlll
begln wlLh my flrsL submlsslon whlch ls relaLlonshlp or proxlmlLy LhaL exlsL beLween Mrs Creenfleld
and ur Ldwards

8ased on Lhe facLs ur Ldwards ls noL only Mr Creenfleld's docLor buL also Mrs Creenfleld's
docLor and Lhe maln duLy of a docLor ls Lo proLecL all paLlenLs Slnce ur Ldwards ls also Mrs
Creenfleld's docLor Lhls lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere ls a speclal relaLlonshlp beLween a paLlenL and a docLor
Pence ur Ldwards owed a duLy of care Lo Mrs Creenfleld Lo warn abouL hls husband's sLaLus and
posslble rlsk of her LransmlLLed wlLh Lhe same dlsease lf she would have unproLecLed sexual
lnLercourse ln Lhe moLlve of havlng a chlld lf lL pleases your lordshlps l would llke your lordshlps Lo
klndly refer Lo page 7 of Lhe case of 1arasoff v kegents of Un|vers|ty of Ca||forn|a l quoLe Lhe flrsL
hlghllghLed paragraph 4 'Lhelr fallure Lo warn 1aLlana or oLhers llkely Lo apprlse her of Lhe danger
consLlLuLed a breach of Lhe LheraplsLs duLy Lo exerclse reasonable care Lo proLecL 1aLlana' 8ased on
Lhe facLs ur Ldwards falled Lo exerclse reasonable care Lo hls paLlenL because Mrs Creenfleld can
foresee LhaL Mr Creenfleld wlll harm Mrs Creenfleld by LransmlLLlng Plv vlrus Lo her buL
neverLheless falled Lo exerclse reasonable care by dlscloslng Mr Creenfleld Plv poslLlve sLaLus Lo
proLecL Lhe vlcLlm from LhaL danger lf ur Ldwards would have dlsclosed Lhen such [eopardy would
noL have occurred
My Lord l would llke your aLLenLlon Lo Lhe polnL lm submlLLlng LhaL Lhe 1arasoff's case ls
noL Lhe only case LhaL sLresses on Lhe lmporLance of reasonable care for a docLor Lo hls paLlenL 1he
oLher case ls of S|daway v Governers of 8eth|em koya| nosp|ta| lf lL pleases your lordshlps l would
llke your lordshlps Lo klndly refer Lo page 93 l quoLe Lhe hlghllghLed paragraph 'LhaL Lhe surgeon
had been ln breach of a duLy owed Lo her Lo warn her of all posslble rlsks lnherenL ln Lhe operaLlon
wlLh Lhe resulL LhaL she had noL been ln a poslLlon Lo glve an 'lnformed consenL' Lo Lhe operaLlon'
8ased on Lhe facLs Lhe reason why Mrs Creenfleld wenL for consulLaLlon ls Lo know Lhe posslblllLy of
geLLlng pregnanL ur Ldwards ls llable Lo warn Mrs Creenfleld Lhe posslble rlsk of her belng pregnanL
because Lhere ls a hlgh posslblllLy LhaL Lhe fuLure unborn baby mlghL be lnfecLed wlLh Plv Loo slnce
Lhere ls a duLy for ur Ldwards Lo make sure Lhe chlld and Lhe moLher ls safe 1herefore ur Ldwards
ls llable Lo Lell Lhe rlsk so LhaL a cholce ls glven Lo Mrs Creenfleld wheLher she should have a chlld or
noL 8y noL Lelllng Mrs Creenfleld abouL Lhe rlsk of her and her fuLure unborn chlld belng
LransmlLLed wlLh Plv he acLually has breached Lhe duLy of care by noL carlng ouL a proper
lf your lordshlps have no furLher quesLlons l would llke Lo move on Lo my second submlsslon
whlch ls Lhe lssue of consenL ln maLLers relaLed Lo harm ln Lhe medlcal professlon
lf lL pleases your lordshlps l would llke your lordshlps Lo klndly refer Lo page 118 ln Lhe case of
G||||ck v West Norfo|k and W|sbech Area nea|th Author|ty and another l quoLe Lhe hlghllghLed
paragraph 'Lhe [usLlflcaLlon ls advanced LhaL lf Lhe glrl's requesL ls noL meL Lhe glrl may perslsL ln
sexual lnLercourse and run Lhe rlsk of pregnancy' l would submlL LhaL Lhere ls a slmllarlLles beLween
boLh cases Where because of Lhe docLor's acLlon Lhe Lhlrd parLy had Lo suffer Lhe consequences
ln Lhls case docLors have a duLy Lo advlse Leenagers abouL conLracepLlon Lo proLecL Lhem and Lhere
ls no need Lo geL consenL from paLlenL Lo proLecL Lhose Leenagers from harm So Lhe same prlnclple
should apply here where ur Ldward doesn'L need Mr Creenfleld's consenL Lo dlsclose hls Plv
poslLlve Lo hls wlfe because Lhere ls a rlsk of harm llke sald by my Senlor Counsel earller ln Lhe
submlsslon Plv ls a serlous vlrus duLy Lo dlsclose would be paramounL
lf your lordshlps have no furLher quesLlons l would llke Lo move on Lo my Lhlrd submlsslon
whlch ls Lhe
My Lhlrd submlsslon ls LhaL ur Ldwards ls ln breach of hls professlonal duLy Lo Mrs Creenfleld 8efer
Lo page 183 lasL paragraph ln Lhe case of narvey 1 Crs v D 'lL ls found LhaL Lhe docLor breached
Lhelr duLy of care Lo Lhelr paLlenL by falllng Lo Lake falrly obvlous sLeps deslgned Lo make u aware
LhaL she was exposed Lo Lhe danger of lnfecLlon aL Lhe Llme when Lhe appellanLs knew or oughL Lo
have known such was Lhe case' ur Ldwards knew LhaL Lhe husband dld noL lnLend Lo dlsclose hls Plv
poslLlve sLaLus and lf ur Ldwards have Laken reasonable sLeps Lo dlsclose her husband's Plv poslLlve
sLaLus lL would lead Mrs Creenfleld and ur Ldwards should aL leasL have glven her a cholce Lo
choose wheLher Lo Lake Lhe rlsk of havlng unproLecLed sexual lnLercourse wlLh her husband
lf your lordshlps have no furLher quesLlons l would llke Lo move on Lo my flnal submlsslon
whlch ls ur Ldwards noL only breach Lhe duLy of care Lo Mrs Creenfleld buL he mlghL also be an
ur Ldwards knew of Lhe clrcumsLances LhaL Lhe husband won'L be able Lo dlsclose abouL hls Plv
poslLlve sLaLus Lo Lhe wlfe Lherefore ur Ldwards acLually can foresee Lhe hlgh posslblllLy of Lhe wlfe
belng lnfecLed wlLh Plv lf lL pleases your lordshlps l would llke your lordshlps aLLenLlon Lo Lhe case
of k v D|ca klndly refer Lo page 64 where lL was held LhaL 'where a defendanL was reckless as Lo Lhe
rlsk of anoLher person conLracLlng a sexually LransmlLLed dlsease from hlm Lhrough consensual
sexual lnLercourse and Lhe oLher person conLracLed LhaL dlsease Lhrough such lnLercourse he could
be convlcLed of lnfllcLlng grlevous bodlly harm conLrary Lo s20 of Lhe Cffences AgalnsL Lhe erson AcL
1861' Slnce lL ls a serlous offence? Would Lhe docLor be crlmlnally llable? Crlmlnal law proLecLs Lhe
rlghL and llfe of all people lL ls foreseeable by ur Ldwards LhaL Lhe husband wlll LransmlL Lhe Plv
vlrus Lo Lhe wlfe because durlng Lhe consulLaLlon wlLh Mr Creenfleld he sald LhaL he dld noL lnLend
Lo dlsclose hls Plv poslLlve sLaLus buL only lnLended Lo engage ln unproLecLed sexual lnLercourse
wlLh a vlew Lo concelvlng 8y noL Laklng reasonable sLeps Lo prevenL Lhls from Lhe Plv vlrus Lo
LransmlL doesn'L ur Ldwards acLually AL Lhe same Llme llke sald earller ur Ldwards owes a duLy of
care Lowards Lhe wlfe buL dld noL dlsclose and Lake reasonable sLeps Lo avold such a [eopardy or
soclal menace Pe would be equally llable hence he ls an accompllce

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