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Excerpts for the new book, “code of the heart”

Parshas Vayakheil/kvehu
(22nd Parsha of 54 Parshiyos of Torah)
By Avraham Yehuda Tzvi Shmaryahu David, 5th Generation from Yehuda Tzvi of
Strettyn. Numerical interpretation of Torah with aid of Gematria. Questions/Comments
908-907-0953. © 2008. 5768 Study Gematria & Sharpen Your Wisdom. Online at

A Sabbath of True Peace heralds the Resurrection of the Dead

In this week’s Parsha reading , Moses gathers together the entire Children of Israel to
charge them with additional commandments regarding the Sabbath before introducing the
commandments of the Mishkan, Tabernacle. He told them that they may work six days
of the week and on the seventh day they must rest and it shall be a holy day for them.
From a business perspective, it would seem to be a bad decision to close one’s business
on a day that every one is virtually not working and can go shopping. However,
this is indeed a test of faith as G-d has commanded us not to work on the Sabbath.
Moreover from a G-dly perspective it is a serious commandment as noted in the Torah.
In my previous discourse, I showed with Gematria how Hashem actually works for us
when we observe the Sabbath. Moreover, with the aid of the codes, we see that by
keeping the Sabbath, our six days of work are actually blessed. The Torah says,
vftkn vag, ohnh ,aa, “for a period of six days, work may be done”(Exodus 35:2).
If we take the acronym of the encircled letters (rearranged) it spells the term oh,a, two.
We know that on the Sabbath we are given an extra soul (neshama yeseirah) as noted by
the Baal HaTurim. With the finding of this code, I submit that it means that it is as if we
work like two people during the week and therefore we accomplish double the amount
because God Blesses us for observing the holy Sabbath. As we say in our Sabbath eve
prayers, “To welcome the Sabbath,… as it is the source of blessing.”

What else does the Sabbath bring us? In our Sabbath Minchah prayers, we pray for a
ouka ,jubn, menuchas shalom, a rest of peace. With the aid of the codes, we see this and
even more. The Torah says, ,cav ouhc ofh,can kfc at urgc, tk , “You shall not
light fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day”(Exodus 35:3). According to the
Baal HaTurim, it means that the fires of Gehinnom rest on the Sabbath . Rashi says that
the rule about not kindling a fire teaches a negative commandment. According to Rabbi
Pliskin, it means that we should not kindle the fire of hate and arguments. With the aid of
the codes, we learn another insight. The encoded letters (rearranged) spells the
term ,,nt ouka ,meaning a true peace. If we observe the Sabbath according to the will
of the Master of Heaven, He will grant us true peace, which is something that we really
need as we are living in a world of uncertainty and turbulent times. With the aid of the
first letter code, we find another insight. The first letters rearranged spells the
term ,nt ck cv, “give (me) a true heart.” (Hav is the root of love, which means to give).
It is interesting to note that in this Parsha God talks about the ck ofj , the wise-hearted
person. On the Sabbath, as noted in last week’s discourse, we obtain a true heart. It is also
interesting to note that although the Torah only writes two pesukim (sentences) about the
Sabbath and approximately 118 pesukim about the construction of the Mishkan, it is the
Sabbath that we have to observe and cherish today. It is now 3320 years since we
received the Ten Commandments. What has kept us around for so long? In my opinion,
it is the Sabbath that has sustained us, as it is our focus and that which we observe on a
weekly basis. In fact, it is a record holder for the longest recorded Holy in the history of

The Talmud in Tractate Shabbos has deduced from the building of the Mishkan that there
are 40-1 =39 categories of prohibited work on the Shabbos. Through out their forty year
sojourn in the desert Moses was busy teaching them the laws of the forbidden and
permitted work on the Shabbos. Moses name alludes to the number 39 based on the
primary value of the letters of his name as the mem is 13th letter of the Hebrew Alphabet,
the shin is the 21st letter and the hey is the fifth letter, which equals 39. The study of the
laws of Shabbos brings us to the kingship of God as the last two words in the Shema
Yisroel prayer (Hear O’ Israel) adds to 39, which is sjt 'v Hashem Echad. The
ifan Mishkan is linked to the ktrah gna Shema Yisroel prayer since the word gna
Shema has the same Gematria as ifan Mishkan which is 410. The whole phrase of the
Shema Yisroel prayer equals 1118, which is h,u,ca Shabsosai, my Sabbaths (Ezekeil
23:38). The Torah also mentions the word sjt one, with the construction of the Mishkan
where it says in Terumah 26:6 sjt ifanv , “the Mishkan shall be one”. Based on the
Gezeira Shava of the same word ( sjt- echad) in two different places (Deuteronomy 6:4
and Teruma 26:6),we see a link and a deep connection between God’s dwelling and the
Shabbos. Now just like our ancestors gave the very best of their possessions (gold, silver,
copper, all types of colored fabrics etc) in building the Mishkan with great ambition and
desire, we give our very best for the Shabbos, where we dress in beautiful clothing,
adorn the table with delicious foods and spend time singing beautiful songs of prayer to
God. We do everything with love ( cv hav –give) since sjt echad and vcvt ahava
share the same Gematria of 13.

As we live in the 144th generation since creation as I noted in a previous discourse, we

have a special connection to Shema Yisroel since we are the 1118th generation since God
decided to give the Torah to the Children of Israel. As noted in Psalms, 105:8, it says,
“The Word He commanded at the end of a thousand generations”. (974 generations plus
26=1000 as noted in Talmud Chagiga 14a) That is referring to the 26th generation since
creation which was the generation of Moses that received the Torah. We are 118
generations since the giving of the Torah (40 years per generation). Hence, let us pray
that we merit to see that God is One in our 1118th generation.

As Orthodox Jews, we love and honor the Sabbath and can never have enough, as it our
source of blessing and peace. Likewise, is our desire to study the Torah. We even see
this with the aid of the codes. The Torah tells us that there was more than enough
material collected for construction of the Mishkan. It says the following in the Torah,
uaghu: r,uvu v,t ,uagk vftknv kfk ohs v,hv vftknvu, “And the material was
sufficient for them for all the work, to do it -- and there was extra. And they
made…”(Exodus 36:7-8). The acronym of the encircled letters, it spells vru,,
Torah. Hence, we see that our desire to learn Torah is endless and then we will
acquire G-d’s wisdom (through Torah) and merit the building of our eternal Temple that
will usher in a true peace. The study of Torah on Shabbos will merit the resurrection of
the dead as Shabbos (702) and Torah (611) equal 1313 (double love), which is
oh,nv ,hj, Techiyas Hameisim , resurrection of the dead. When we give, God gives us
the ultimate return of our beloved ancestors.

A refuah shlaima to my father, Yakov Zev Ben Malka Blima, who is recovering from
stroke at Vanderbilt Nursing Home, SI, NY

Shabbat Shalom ouka ,ca

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