Sei sulla pagina 1di 23


1he research work ls ln Lhree segmenLs and each covers cerLaln areas and acLlvlLles ln a
8elaLlonal uaLabase ManagemenL SysLem 1he research ls deslgned Lo assess Lhe lndlvldual
undersLandlng of Lhe baslc prlnclples of daLabase admlnlsLraLlon and Lhe assoclaLed Lools used
ln monlLorlng malnLalnlng and deslgnlng daLabases lL wlll also serve as a gulde and sLepplng
sLone ln delvlng lnLo Lhe self pracLlcal handson and masLerlng of varlous daLabase feaLures and
appllcaLlons wlLh respecL Lo C8ACLL daLabase and assoclaLed operaLlng sysLem plaLforms
lor clarlLy Lhe paper was grouped lnLo flve secLlons ChapLer one covered Lhe lnLroducLlon and
a conclse background of Lhe sub[ecL ln chapLer Lwo Lhe research problems were sLaLed
followed by comparaLlve analysls wlLh derlved soluLlons of each quesLlon based on facLs
deduced from papers and Lechnlcal works carrled ouL by well known proprleLors LhaL have
malnLalned lndusLrlal sLandards and besL pracLlces ln Lhe fleld

ChapLer Lhree covered Lhe general dlscusslon on Lhe resulLs whlle chapLer four dealL wlLh Lhe
crlLlcal reflecLlon polnLlng ouL some lssues whlch needs Lo be caLegorlcally consldered before
maklng cerLaln declslon on acqulrlng any of Lhe proposed sysLems plaLforms or appllcaLlon
l concluded Lhls paper ln chapLer four and sLaLed all Lhe referenced maLerlals ln chapLer flve


8elaLlonal daLabases have become Lhe pervaslve model for organlzlng daLa ln Lhe lasL Lhree
decades and Lhey have revoluLlonallzed how companles manage Lhelr daLa 1he u8A ls charged
wlLh Lhe challenglng role of managlng and malnLalnlng Lhese daLabases 1he u8A's role ls more
Lhan [usL deslgnlng and creaLlng Lables or managlng daLabases

ln real pracLlce he ls also lnvolved ln securlLy lssues l1 and buslness sLraLeglc declslon maklng
sysLem admlnlsLraLlon and even procuremenL Accordlng Lo Sam AlapaLl ln hls book LxperL
Cracle uaLabase 11g AdmlnlsLraLlon (% Lhe maln responslblllLy of a u8A ls Lo make
corporaLe daLa avallable Lo Lhe end users and Lhe declslon makers of an organlzaLlon All oLher
Lasks are subordlnaLe Lo Lhls
ln Lerms of [ob classlflcaLlon Lhe u8A ls classlfled under Lwo broad groups Lhe roducLlon u8As
and Lhe uevelopmenL (Loglcal% u8As 1he former admlnlsLraLors are ln charge of producLlon
daLabases daLabases LhaL are already ln producLlon servlng Lhe needs of buslness funcLlons
1he laLer admlnlsLraLors are lnvolved ln Lhe preproducLlon deslgns and developmenL LesLlng
and flnally Lhe movemenL of daLabases Lo producLlon envlronmenL
1he slze of Lhe organlzaLlon Lhe naLure of Lhelr buslness and Lhe volume of lnformaLlon
processed among oLher Lhlngs deLermlne Lhe Lype of u8As lnvolved ln small organlzaLlon one
person can handle Lhe enLlre Lask whlle ln larger organlzaLlon speclflc u8As perform speclflc
Lask Powever ln reallLy lL ls beLLer Lo crossLraln and learns every slde of Lhe u8As Lasks and
also operaLlng sysLem admlnlsLraLlon Lo sLand a beLLer chance of conLrolllng any envlronmenL
1he research quesLlons covered all aspecLs of Lhe Lwo groups of Lhe u8A funcLlon as well as Lhe
varlous subLasks relaLed Lo each of Lhem

AL Lhe compleLlon of Lhe research Lhe sLudenL ls expecLed Lo undersLand daLabase
managemenL acLlvlLles and roles and hence ascerLaln Lhe rlghL Lrack Lo follow ln Lhe fleld


1ASk 01
?ou have been conLacLed by a fasLgrowlng ecommerce company Lo offer some
recommendaLlons on solvlng some problems LhaL Lhey are faclng CurrenLly Lhe company ls
runnlng Lhe sLandard LdlLlon of Cracle 1g on Lhelr server 8uL Lhe laLLer ls havlng Lrouble
servlclng more Lhan flve cusLomers aL a Llme 1he server Lends Lo bog down when any user
searches Lhe 8CuuC1 Lable WrlLe a recommendaLlon emall descrlblng Lhree opLlons LhaL help
solve boLh of Lhese problems

1he Lwo aforemenLloned lssues encounLered by Lhe ecompany runnlng a SLandard LdlLlon of
Cracle 1g daLabase are problems whlch are relaLed Lo daLabase performance 1he flxes all
sLarL wlLh baslc performance Lunlng analysls of SCL codes and Lhe callbraLlon of resources used
by oracle ln Lhls paper due Lo Lhe broad naLure of Lhe oracle daLabase sysLem Lhree aspecLs of
Lhe sysLem have been ldenLlfled where changes can be made Lo geL Lhe sysLem Luned for
opLlmal performance 1he Lhree ldenLlfled aspecLs lnclude

1he User App||cat|on SLrucLured Cuery Language When a query ls execuLed lL spurns a user
process whlch llnks Lo a server process for processlng ln Lhe Cracle sysLem a good
undersLandlng of Lhe daLabase SCL processlng englne ls necessary for wrlLlng opLlmal SCL ln
CL1 appllcaLlons llke Lhe ecommerce company SCL sLaLemenLs lssued operaLe on relaLlvely
few rows aL a Llme Pence efflclenL SCL codes needs Lo be wrlLLen Lo boosL fasL performance
an easy way Lo decrease lC requlred by querles ls Lo Lry Lo lower Lhe number of rows Lhe
opLlmlzer has Lo examlne Powever when Lhese codes are poorly wrlLLen Lhe Lunlng advlsor
package ln run Lo lnvoke Lhe opLlmlzer Lo recommend ways Lo correcL Lhe code deflclency ln
some lnsLances Lhese codes mlghL need ma[or modlflcaLlons whlch Lakes Llme and money or
even Lhe developer mlghL noL be dlsposed aL Lhe Llme of Lhe lncldenL AnoLher alLernaLlve ls Lo
execuLe some sLaLlsLlcs gaLherlng packages and gaLher some ob[ecL usage lnformaLlon ln Lhe

daLabase 1hls wlll help Lo manage Lhe lndexes and remove unnecessary lndexes 1he use of
parLlLlon Lables can also lmprove performance 1he Lables can also be compressed uslng
compresslon Lechnlques Lo reduce space requlremenLs and enhance query performance 1he
use of maLerlallzed vlews whlch are ob[ecLs wlLh daLa ln Lhem can be applled Lo lmprove
response Llmes as query complexlLy ls reduced

1he Crac|e's nost hardware conf|gurat|on ulSk S1C8ACL CCnllCu8A1lCn 1he cholce of
dlsk sLorage made durlng Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of oracle daLabase has a ma[or lmpacL on
performance and avallablllLy of Lhe daLabase Some oracle daLabases llke 8ACs beneflL by uslng
Lhe raw dlsk sLorage ulsks come wlLh Mean 1lme 8eLween lallure (M81l% raLlng ulsk
conLrollers manage Lhe dlsk as such lL ls advlsable Lo bulld redundancy lnLo your dlsk sysLem Lo
prevenL downLlme and provlde conLlnuous avallablllLy lf a conLroller falls 1o lmprove
performance Lhe common sLraLegy employed ls disk strippinq whlch enables you Lo creaLe a
slngle loglcal unlL of several physlcal dlsks 1hls slngle loglcal unlL ls composed of alLernaLlng
sLrlpes from each dlsk ln Lhe seL and daLa ls dlvlded lnLo equally slzed blocks and wrlLLen ln
sLrlpes Lo each dlsks aL same Llme 1hls enables fasL read and wrlLe operaLlons

1he Crac|e Memory Structure System G|oba| Area (SGA) ref SPA8Lu CCL ln producLlon
daLabase Lhe shared pool commands Lhe bearlng on appllcaLlon performance 1he shared pool
ls parL of Lhe SCA whlch holds almosL all Lhe necessary elemenLs for Lhe execuLlon of Lhe SCL
and L/SCL sLaLemenLs ln addlLlon Lo cachlng Lhe codes lL also caches Lhe daLa dlcLlonary
lnformaLlon whlch oracle needs Lo refer Lo ofLen durlng program execuLlon
Cracle sysLem sLores lnformaLlon ln memory caches and on dlsk 1he memory access ls much
fasLer slnce lL does noL lnvolve physlcal l/C acLlvlLy as compared Lo Lhe dlsk access LhaL requlres
a loL of lnpuL/ouLpuL 1he l/C operaLlons requlre a loL of Cu resources Cne of Lhe sysLem
performance goals ls Lo reduce Lhe physlcal l/C overhead Cne way Lhls can be achleved ls Lo
lncrease Lhe slze of Lhe memory caches so LhaL Lhere wlll be more reads from Lhe buffers ln Lhe
caches Lhan Lhe dlsks


ln Lhls paper Lhree soluLlons have been recommended wlLh respecL Lo Lhe Lhree aspecLs of Lhe
oracle sysLem analyzed above

Ior the User app||cat|on SCL Lunlng advlsor sesslon ls execuLed Lo lnvoke Lhe auLomaLlc Lunlng
opLlmlzer whlch Lunes Lhe SCL sLaLemenLs 1he advlsor Lakes one or more of Lhe SCL
sLaLemenLs as lnpuLs and lnvokes Lhe opLlmlzer Lo perform Lhe Lunlng on Lhe sLaLemenLs 1he
resulL ls an ouLpuL whlch comes ln form of advlce or recommendaLlon along wlLh Lhe raLlonale
for each recommendaLlon and lLs expecLed beneflL 1he advlsor can Lhen be seL Lo run regularly
as an auLomaLed malnLenance Lask 1hls helps Lo ldenLlfy poorly runnlng SCL sLaLemenLs by
plcklng Lhem from Lhe AuLomaLlc Workload 8eposlLory make recommendaLlons Lo lmprove
Lhem and also lmplemenL any recommendaLlons LhaL lnvoke Lhe use of SCL proflles
AL Llmes Lhe code modlflcaLlon mlghL be a ma[or one Lhe developer mlghL noL be avallable and
Lhere ls no escrows pollcy ln place Lo ensure Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe source codes as an Cracle
u8A Lhe oLher way around Lhls problem ls Lo execuLe some of Lhe daLabase uLlllLy packages
LhaL monlLor and gaLher ob[ecL usage lnformaLlon ln Lhe daLabase lor lnsLance uslng Lhe SCL
AL1L8 lnuLx lndex name wlLh Lhe MONl1OklNC clause Lo sLarL monlLorlng a parLlcular lndex
on a Lable ln Lhe e commerce u8 and uslng Lhe NO MONl1OklNC clause Lo sLop afLer someLlme
l can Lhen query Lhe v$C8!LC1_uSACL dlcLlonary vlew Lo flnd ouL wheLher Lhe lndex ls belng
used 1hose lndexes noL used or Lhe non selecLlve ones are removed slnce Lhey slow down uML
operaLlons and wasLe space ln Lhe sysLem l can use Lhe u8A_1A8LL vlews ln Lhe daLa dlcLlonary
Lo geL lnformaLlon abouL large Lables and parLlLlon Lhem lnLo several sub parLlLlons whlch wlll
llmlL Lhe amounL of rows LhaL needs Lo be examlned Lo saLlsfy querles ln Lhe uaLabase l can
also apply compresslon Lechnlques uslng Lhe SCL AL1L8 1A8LL Lable name sLaLemenL wlLh
Lhe cOMlk55 clause 1hls saves dlsk space reduce memory usage whlle also speedlng up
query performance 1he appllcaLlon of Lhe use of maLerlallzed vlews whlch are ob[ecLs wlLh
daLa ln Lhem also helps Lo lmprove query performance

Dep|oyment of kAID 0+1 S18llnC Anu Ml88ClnC 1he redundanL array of lnexpenslve dlsk
devlce ls a popular way Lo conflgure large loglcal (or vlrLual% dlsks from a seL of smaller dlsks
1he raLlonale ls Lo comblne a several small lnexpenslve dlsks lnLo an array ln order Lo galn
hlgher performance and daLa securlLy whlle also malnLalnlng mlnlmal cosL slnce one very
expenslve large dlsk can be replaced wlLh several much cheaper small dlsks 1he 8Alu +1 ls a
comblnaLlon of 8Alu and 8Alu1 dlsk sLorage sysLem 8lAu offers hlgh read and wrlLe
performance and are cheap 8Alu1 provldes 1 redundancy 8oLh when comblned whlch
oracle allows provlde beneflL of sLrlpped and mlrrored dlsks whlle keeplng cosL reasonable 1hls
wlll be sulLable for Lhe ecommerce company

kLSL11ING 1nL SGA ln 1g Cracle recommends auLomaLlc memory conflguraLlon for a sysLem
uslng SCA_1A8CL1 and CA_ACC8LCA1L_1A8CL1 lnlLlallzaLlon parameLers 1hese parameLers
are dynamlc and can be ad[usLed manually Lo reseL Lhe memory pools of whlch shared pool ls
one 1hls wlll lmprove Lhe ecommerce daLabase performance Slnce Lhe daLabase ls already ln
producLlon Lhe v$CA_1A8CL1_AuvlCL vlew wlll be querled Lo derlve lnformaLlon on Lhe
currenL slze of Lhe SCA and Lhe AL1L8 S?S1LM command ls used Lo reseL Lhe SCA_1A8CL1 Lo a
less Lhan or equal Lo Lhe value of Lhe SCA_MAx_SlZL aLLrlbuLe ln Lhe v$CA_1A8CL1_AuvlCL
vlew 1he auLomaLlc SCA managemenL dlsLrlbuLes Lhe memory approprlaLely for Lhe memory
pools whlch lncludes Lhe daLabase buffer cache shared pool large pool [ava pool and sLreams
pool lncrease ln SCA auLomaLlcally leads Lo lncrease ln shared pool 1hls wlll evenLually
lncrease Lhe slze of daLa cached ln Lhe shared pool whlch wlll enhances read and wrlLe
operaLlons from Lhe caches reduclng Lhe dlsk lC acLlvlLles

1o CuanLeq l1 SysLems AudlL and Moblle 1ech lrom Chl[loke ! ALLoh
Sub[ecL 8eporL on Lhe CuLcome of SysLem AudlL uaLe /1/1

uear Slr
l refer Lo your emall and our subsequenL dlscusslon on Lhe above sub[ecL maLLer and wlsh Lo
lnform you of Lhe ouLcome of my research lollowlng Lhe crlLlcal examlnaLlon of your server
and your daLabase sofLware and Lhe subsequenL consulLaLlon of varlous books and
professlonals l have come up wlLh Lhe followlng recommendaLlons as wrlLLen below
ln vlew of Lhe crlLlcal naLure of your buslness and ln conslderaLlon of Lhe growLh raLe of users
whlch wlll deflnlLely lead Lo lncrease ln use and access Lo varlous appllcaLlons l plan
lmplemenLlng a SnCk1 kUN and LCNG kUN sLraLegy Lo geL you back Lo normal buslness
ln Lhe shorL run Lhe followlng soluLlons have been recommended
l wlll work wlLh your developers Lo make some modlflcaLlons on Lhe appllcaLlon codes We wlll
need Lo execuLe Lhe SCL Lunlng advlsor sesslon Lo auLomaLlcally lnvoke Lhe Lunlng opLlmlzer
whlch Lunes Lhe SCL sLaLemenLs and provldes recommendaLlon whlch we wlll lmplemenL Lo
make Lhe SCL code processlng more efflclenL Asldes Lhls looklng aL Lhe Llme and budgeL
consLralnLs as well as your escrows agreemenL as am noL sure of Lhe avallablllLy of your source
codes ln case your developers are noL avallable l have Lo execuLe some uLlllLles Lo gaLher some
ob[ecL usage lnformaLlon on your sysLem 1hls wlll help me make some declslons and remove
Lhe unnecessary lndexes whlch wasLe space and slow down Lhe uML operaLlons wlLhouL
slgnlflcanLly lncreaslng performance Slnce your users are qulLe lncreaslng and querles are run
ofLen Lo search daLa l mlghL lnLroduce maLerlallzed vlew whlch conLalns daLa usually summary
daLa from underlylng Lable ln Lhem Lo lmprove response Llmes 1hey reduce Lhe need for
complex querles l wlll also parLlLlon mosL of Lhe large Lables ln your daLabase lnLo sub
parLlLlons and also apply Lable compresslon Lechnlques

l have Lo deploy kAID 0+1 a comblnaLlon of 8Alu and 8Alu1 ln your sysLem 8Alu wlll
enhance sLrlpplng whlle 8lAu1 supporLs 1 redundancy 1hls wlll help lmprove performance
ln your server whlle ensurlng avallablllLy also

llnally l wlll analyze your lnsLance parameLer and compare Lhe currenL slze of your SCA Lo Lhe
maxlmum seL slze lf Lhe slze ls noL reasonable l wlll reseL your SCA and make sure lL ls ln
auLomaLlc enable mode 1hls wlll enable lL Lo auLomaLlcally dlsLrlbuLe more resources Lo Lhe
shared pool whlch encourages more reads and wrlLes from Lhe cachebuffers raLher Lhan dlsk

ln Lhe long run l wlll have Lo collaLe and analyze Lhe sLaLlsLlc whlch l have seL ln your daLabase
afLer my Lunlng Lo compare performance 1hls wlll enable me Lo know when and how besL Lo
mlgraLe your buslness Lo a hlgher verslon of C8ACLL preferably an LnLerprlse edlLlon lf your
daLabase ls sLlll noL performlng 1he reason belng LhaL Lhe SLandard edlLlon aL Llmes mlghL be
llmlLed ln Lhe execuLlon of cerLaln codes ln Lhe llbrarles whlch leads Lo bogs and Llmely
lnLerrupLs LhaL sLops compleLlon of cerLaln code execuLlon Agaln slnce your appllcaLlon and
users are lncreaslng lL ls posslble you need Lo subscrlbe for more llcenses Lo accommodaLe Lhe
needs of your daLabase 1he mlgraLlon process wlll be ln phases Lo ensure LhaL your buslness ln
runnlng / 1he old sysLem wlll be preserved unLll Lhe producLlvlLy of Lhe new sysLem ls fully
conflrmed ln Lhe producLlon envlronmenL Powever ln conslderaLlon of Lhe Llme cosL and
resources lnvolved l would llke Lo sLaLe LhaL Lhls wlll be Lhe lasL resorL

lease revlew Lhls documenL and leL me know Lhe company's declslon
l look forward Lo hearlng from you
1hank you
?ours Slncerely
Chl[loke !ames ALLoh
ConsulLanL u8A
llreCaLe lSLCs L1u

1ASk 02
As a recenLly quallfled daLabase admlnlsLraLor you have been asked Lo creaLe a new daLabase
for Lhe lannlng and SLaLlsLlcs offlce of Lhe unlverslLy of Creenwlch 1he daLabase funcLlons
prlmarlly as a sLorage area for daLa on pasL sLudenL deLalls and Lhelr progresslon 8emember
Lhls noL only lncludes sLudenLs on undergraduaLe and posLgraduaLe programmes of sLudy buL
also comprlses of sLudenLs on shorL courses and parLner colleges Lach monLh any compleLed
sLudenL deLalls are loaded lnLo Lhe daLabase 1here are numerous deparLmenLs and parLner
colleges (around % LhaL plan Lo load daLa and use Lhe daLabase for gaLherlng sLaLlsLlcs ?ou
wlll use Lhe uaLabase ConflguraLlon AsslsLanL (u8CA% uslng Lhe flgures and sLeps ln lecLure Lo
remlnd you of Lhe cholces avallable whaL selecLlons would you make whlle runnlng Lhe u8CA
Lool? Lxplaln your reasonlng brlefly ?our explanaLlon wlll be recorded ln a reporL Lnsure LhaL
your reporL ls approprlaLely referenced Parvard sLyle

Accordlng Lo Lhe Cracle 11g release1 documenLaLlon a daLa warehouse ls a relaLlonal or
mulLldlmenslonal daLabase LhaL ls deslgned for query and analysls 1hls Lype of daLabase ls noL
opLlmlzed for LransacLlon processlng buL raLher lnvolves large volumes of consolldaLed and
hlsLorlcal daLa from several sources used prlmarlly for analysls Lnd users of Lhe daLa
warehouse perform daLa analyses LhaL are ofLen LlmerelaLed

ln vlew of Lhe analysls durlng creaLlon of Lhe new mulLldlmenslonal daLabase Lhe opLlon ln Lhe
uaLabase ConflguraLlon AsslsLanL whlch sulLs besL for Lhls purpose ls Lhe DA1A WAkLnCUSL

1hls can be seen from Lhe screen shoLs below
uurlng Lhe uaLabase lnsLallaLlon lL ls posslble Lo creaLe a daLabase Lhe Cul auLomaLlcally runs u8CA
afLer Lhe sofLware lnsLallaLlon CLher Llmes you have Lo go Lo Lhe conflguraLlon and mlgraLlon Lool
under Lhe oracle home Lo call up Lhe u8CA as requlred ln Lhls scenarlo 1he Lype of daLabase creaLed ls a
funcLlon of your buslness declslon 1he defaulL LemplaLe ls Lhe Ceneral purpose 1ransacLlon processlng
daLabase known as Cnllne 1ransacLlon processlng (CL1% uaLabase Powever buslness declslon mlghL

dlffer whlch warranLs Lhe use of anoLher form of LemplaLes as seen ln Lhe quesLlon 1he u8CA enables
you Lo creaLe modlfy or deleLe an Cracle daLabase by followlng a serles of sLep gulde 1hls daLa
warehouse was creaLed on Wlndows Server runnlng Cracle 11g 8elease1 llnd below Lhe
serles of sLep gulde and Lhe declslon made for Lhe creaLlon of Lhe daLabase as requlred by Lhe lannlng
and SLaLlsLlcs offlce of Lhe unlverslLy of Creenwlch
S1L1 Start|ng the D8CA
Cn wlndows Cllck SLarL All rograms CracleCraub11g_home1 ConflguraLlon and
MlgraLlon 1ools uaLabase ConflguraLlon AsslsLanL A conflguraLlon wlndow opens as deplcLed

Cllck nexL Lo go Lo SLep

ln SLep SelecL Lhe Manage 1emplaLe CpLlon Lo go Lo Lhe nexL wlndow

Pere lL ls beLLer Lo selecL an already deslgned LemplaLe as shown ln Lhe hlghllghLed opLlon Cllck nexL

Pere ls where you make Lhe declslon as regards Lhe Lype of daLabase llnd below a screen shoL of Lhe
Labular descrlpLlon of Lhe varlous LemplaLes accordlng Lo Cracle 11g 8elease 1 documenLaLlon

lrom Lhls descrlpLlon Lhe besL cholce for Lhe new uaLabase wlll be Lhe Data warehouse

Pere you observe LhaL as you speclfy a name Lhe u8CA auLomaLlcally puLs lL ln Lhe flle paLh

Cllck nexL

Cllck nexL


Cn Cllcklng flnlsh Lhe Warehouse uaLabase wlll auLomaLlcally be creaLed by Lhe uaLabase ConflguraLlon

1ASk 03
?ou have been conLacLed by a small local secondhand car dealer ln Lhe kenL area 1hey are
only ln Lhelr second year of operaLlon buL Lhelr buslness ls Lhrlvlng ?ou have been Lasked wlLh
asslsLlng Lwo young graduaLe developers Lo creaLe and malnLaln a daLabase server whlch wlll
comprlse Lhe followlng appllcaLlons
onllne order and sLore orders
payroll for Lhelr sLaff
web presence
sLaff Lralnlng

1here are plans Lo expand Lhelr presence ln Lhe counLy Lo aL leasL Lwo oLher dealershlps ?ou
are requlred Lo produce a Lechnlcal reporL wlLh approprlaLe cosLlng lnformaLlon (for sofLware
llcense and hardware% ?ou need Lo declde on

1 laLform (wlndows Llnux cloud eg Amazon cloud%
uaLabase server (dedlcaLed shared connecLlon poollng or real appllcaLlon clusLers%
Server Pardware (8AM dlsk space eLc%

Cn careful examlnaLlon of Lhe buslness proposal of Lhe second hand car dealer Lhe followlng
requlremenLs were noLed wlLh Lhelr respecLlve declslons
CnLlnL C8uL8 Anu S1C8L C8uL8 lf Lhe buslness musL handle boLh onllne and sLore order
Lhen Lhe daLabase musL be of Lhe LransacLlon Lype CL1

1he cholce of Lhe parLlcular operaLlng sysLem baslcally depends on Lhe workload planned on
supporLlng user levels rellablllLy avallablllLy compaLlblllLy and response Llme Cracle uaLabase
11g whlch l have declded on uslng was developed on Lhe Llnux plaLform and Lhe Llnux verslon
was Lhe flrsL Lo be released for producLlon use Cracle uses Llnux plaLform exLenslvely and
provldes a loL of supporL Lo Lhe Llnux communlLy by offerlng code for key producLs (AlapaLl
Sam 8 % As such l wlll use Llnux plaLform for Lhe C8ACLL 11g whlch l plan Lo deploy for
Lhe daLabase 1hls wlll maxlmlze cosL for Lhe company whlle also maklng lL posslble Lo have
access Lo a varleLy codes whenever Lhe need Lo flx bugs arlses
Secondly Cracle on a Llnux LnLerprlse Server for Lhe company wlll ensure securlLy aL Lhe Server
(back end% Lhough Lhe fronL end wlll be conflgured on wlndows Lo uLlllze wlndows graphlc user
lnLerface whlch ls more user frlendly

ln chooslng Lhe daLabase sofLware one of Lhe vlLal declslons LhaL need Lo be made ls Lhe server
conflguraLlon Lype ln relaLlon Lo web or non web presence 1he number of user processes for
each server process depends on Lhls facLor ln vlew of Lhe web presence Lhe besL server
conflguraLlon for Cracle 11g ls connecLlon poollng Database kes|dent Connect|on oo||ng

(DkC) whlch was lnLroduced ln Lhe Cracle 11g release 1hls ls very useful for appllcaLlons LhaL
musL malnLaln perslsLenL connecLlon Lo Lhe daLabase llke Lhe web appllcaLlons
ln conslderlng Lhe daLabase server conflguraLlon Lype oracle's brand new daLabase resldenL
poollng (u8C% connecLlon meLhod whlch uses pools of servers for servlng a large number of
user sesslons ls besL for Lhls mlsslon
kA1ICNALL lor lnsLance assumlng LhaL Lhere are cllenLs' connecLlons and LhaL each
cllenL's sesslon requlres k8 of memory and each server process requlre M8
of memory Also leL's say a maxlmum of server connecLlons are needed
1he LoLal memory requlremenL for each conflguraLlon Lype ls compuLed below as follows
Hor qrn = o o n onncon (sr rocss Hor +rr procss Hor)
n/8 1he user rocess 1he CllenL Sesslon or CllenL rocess
(1% lor uedlcaLed Server (H + H) =
(% lor Shared Server H + H =
(% lor uaLabase 8esldenL ConnecLlon oollng (H + H) = H
1he calculaLlon above clearly shows LhaL u8C used by Cracle 11g uses less memory ln servlng
many processes and as such sulLs besL for Lhe new sysLem 8y defaulL Lhe uaLabase sofLware
comes preconflgured wlLh Lhe defaulL connecLlon pool uLlllLy named
S?S_uLlAuL1_CCnnLC1lCn_CCL and execuLlng Lhe S1A81_CCL procedure of Lhe
u8MS_CCnnLC1lCn_CCL package sLarLs Lhe uLlllLy

1he baslc or key operaLlng sysLem resources whlch wlll be Lhe polnL of focus ln plannlng Lhe
bulldlng of Lhls new sysLem are Jlsk stotoqe and omooot of memoty

1he amounL of LoLal physlcal space dlsk sLorage wlll depend on Lhe slze of Lhe appllcaLlons
and daLa 1he 11g sofLware Lakes up abouL 1 C8 dependlng on Lhe CS 1he new sysLem
mlghL requlre more Lhan one daLabase hence Lhe LoLal space wlll depend on Lhe requlremenLs
for Lhe enLlre daLabase consldered LogeLher wlLh Lhelr appllcaLlons rovlslon need Lo also be
made wlLh respecL Lo Lhe growLh expecLaLlon of Lhe daLabase

My analysls reveals LhaL my sysLem wlll be an CL1 sysLem as such requlres more of daLabase
caches read/wrlLe raLlos need Lo be hlgh performance hlgh and avallable / lL wlll be good
Lo comblne Lhe several of 8Alu conflguraLlons Lo opLlmlze Lhe performance of Lhe daLabase 1o
achleve performance and avallablllLy galns 8Alu whlch offers sLrlpplng and 8Alu1 whlch
offers redundancy can be comblned buL lf Lhe company cannoL afford lL 8Alu wlll be deployed
slnce lL ls cheaper and comblnes boLh beneflLs Lhough Lhere ls a Lradeoff ln Lerms of wrlLe
penalLy ln addlLlon lf l have Lo conflrm Lhe correspondences of my physlcal dlsk Lo Lhe loglcal
dlsks or Lhe loglcal unlL numbers Lo enable Lhe oracle opLlmlzer have a reallsLlc ldea abouL Lhe
physlcal dlsk seLup used ln Lhe daLabase

Cracle requlres a mlnlmum memory of M8 buL Lhls mlghL noL be enough for heavy
appllcaLlons llke Lhe one ln quesLlon Conslderlng Lhe WL8 presence onllne LransacLlon
Lralnlng needs eLc 1he correcL memory allocaLlon slze depends on Lhe naLure of Lhe
appllcaLlons number of users and slze of LransacLlons 8easonable amounL of memory need Lo
be allocaLed Lo Lhe Shared ool so LhaL mosL daLa wlll be read and wrlLLen ln Lhe memory and
noL dlrecL Lo dlsk Powever Lhe v$ vlews can always be used Lo monlLor Lhe memory so LhaL
memory allocaLlon ad[usLmenL can be done by slmply changlng Lhe lnlLlallzaLlon parameLer



l have Lo emphaslze LhaL all Lhese declslons whlch has been made above prlor Lo Lhe bulldlng of
Lhe sysLems are concepLual 1hey are sLlll sub[ecL Lo modlflcaLlon as Lhe bulldlng or modlflcaLlon
of Lhe acLual sysLem progresses

ln Lhe flrsL quesLlon Lunlng of Lhe SCL sLaLemenLs ls dependenL on cerLaln facLors whlch
lncludes avallablllLy of Lhe source codes and Lhe appllcaLlon developer Llme budgeL and even
pollLlcs ln some cases Lhe change mlghL be a ma[or one 1hls mlghL delay Lhe mean 1lme Lo
8ecovery As such sLaLlsLlcs can be gaLhered perLalnlng Lo Lhe daLabase ob[ecLs whlch can Lhen
be ad[usLed Lo geL Lhe sysLem up whlle walLlng for Lhe Lunlng
ln Lhe long run Lhere mlghL be need Lo apply for Lhe enLerprlse edlLlon of Lhe daLabase
sofLware 1he sLandard edlLlon can only be llcensed on servers LhaL have a maxlmum capaclLy
of sockeLs or mlnlmum of named users 1he oracle llcense ls based on processor usage and
number of users Slnce Lhe ecommerce company ls already havlng problems servlclng
cusLomers concurrenLly Lhen Lhe sysLem nonperformance could also be as a resulL of
deflclency ln sysLem resources

ln quesLlon Lwo Lhe besL daLabase opLlon LhaL sulLs Lhe underllsLed funcLlons ls daLa
warehouslng lL ls good Lo noLe LhaL unlverslLy of Creenwlch have been ln buslness for qulLe
some Llme as such Lhey have reasonable hlsLorlc lnformaLlon Lo bulld Lhe warehouse 1hough
Lhe u8CA has been used wlLh Lhe manage LemplaLe opLlon Lhe Cracle sofLware lncludes Lhe
oracle daLa warehouse bullder from where Lhe conflguraLlon wlll be made


ln quesLlon prlor Lo lmplemenLlng Lhe maln sysLem one has Lo conslder Lhe number of
processors and users and also make necessary provlslon for sysLem and appllcaLlon growLh
before applylng for Lhe oracle llcense 1he Lwo Lype of llcenslng scheme lncludes Lhe Llcense
MeLrlcs whlch lncludes Lhe Named user |us Metr|cs and Lhe rocessor Metr|cs ln Lhe named
user Lhe llcense ls calculaLed based on human and non human operaLed devlces 1hls ls besL
used when Lhe acLual users ln Lhe daLabase can be ldenLlfled ln Lhe processor all processor
where Lhe daLabase ls lnsLalled musL be counLed and mulLlplled by Lhe number of users and
llcensed 1able 1 shows Lhe cosL lnformaLlon for Cracle Llcense

Metr|cs Cost 1erm(year)
named user lus 1/named user
rocessor 1/processor
1able 1 CosL of Cracle Llcense

Agaln ln Lerms of movlng elLher parL or whole companles sysLem Lo cloud aL Lhls early sLage ls
whaL l wlll noL advlse even Lhough ouLsourclng ls a besL pracLlce now ln l1 1he company can
laLer subscrlbe for Lhe Infrastructure as a Serv|ce type of cloud compuLlng 1hls enLlLles Lhem
Lo pay for [usL whaL Lhey use Lo Lhe hosL company Powever approprlaLe rlsk assessmenL needs
Lo be conducLed so as Lo help seL crlLerla as Lo Lhe level of ldenLlLy access managemenL
compllance servlce and end polnL lnLegrlLy as well as lnformaLlon proLecLlon

l wlsh Lo caLegorlcally lnfer LhaL Lhe daLabase managemenL Lask ls very demandlng and Lhe
Cracle sysLem ls vasL ln Lhls research work sLudenLs were exposed Lo aspecLs of Lhe oracle
sysLem 1hough some suggesLlons have been made on Lhe sub[ecL lL ls also good noLe LhaL
Lhere mlghL be some Lradeoff assoclaLed wlLh a parLlcular Lunlng process lL ls lmporLanL Lo
noLe LhaL Lhe opLlmlzer only helps ln flndlng Lhe besL plan for Lhe wrlLLen querles and noL
rewrlLe lnefflclenL querles Some u8A's also lmprove query performance even when Lhe code
cannoL be changed by uslng parLlLloned Lables uslng compresslon Lechnlques maLerlallzed
vlews Lhe use of sLored ouLllnes Lo sLablllze Lhe C8C eLc AL Llmes some of Lhese performance
Lunlng Lechnlques applled Lo daLabase ob[ecLs Lend Lo lncrease Lhe sysLem load and Lhus
demand more resources on Lhe sysLems Some lndexes can slow down performance of Lhe u8
whlle Lhe complex naLure of some vlews and [olnL sLaLemenLs also hlnder performance
CrganlzaLlons and buslnesses are beglnnlng Lo reallze Lhe need Lo be able Lo mlne Lhe
lnformaLlon whlch Lhey have sLored ln elecLronlc formaLs ln order Lo provlde a valuable lnslghL
lnLo Lhe operaLlon of Lhelr acLlvlLles and how besL Lo lmprove on lL 8ecenLly Lhere ls a shlfL of
focus Lo a more reallsLlc declslonalbased sysLem from Lhe compuLlng plaLform whlch ls
pracLlcal raLlonal and speclflc Lo a parLlcular organlzaLlon uaLa ln Lhe daLa warehouse glve Lhe
source and sLarLlng polnL for Lhls analysls 1hls can be comblned wlLh Lools llke daLa mlnlng
1he efflclency of servers mosL Llmes ls deLermlned by Lhelr performance and avallablllLy 1he
Lhlngs you can be sure of when deploylng your dlsk sLorage sysLems ls LhaL a dlsk wlll fall aL
some polnL as appllcaLlons and baslc LransacLlons lncrease ln Lhe sysLems Lhe workload

lncreases and lL leads Lo hlgher demand ln memory whlle also reduclng Lhe avallable spaces on
dlsk as a resulL of sLorage 1hls lmplles LhaL aL some polnL Lhe dlsk geLs full erformance and
avallablllLy lssues are vlLal when conslderlng Lhe conflguraLlon of dlsk devlces as well as
memory slze 1he LruLh ls LhaL whlle uslng some of Lhe new dlsk managemenL sLorage devlces
Lhe admlnlsLraLors sLlll have Lo rely on Lhe operaLlng sysLem flle manlpulaLlon commands AL
Llmes Lhe sLorage sysLem mlghL be plaLform speclflc
Cracle overcomes Lhe raw devlce llmlLs and parLlLlon llmlLs by uslng Lhe CClS (Cracle ClusLer
llle SysLem% whlch are shared sLorage sysLem released under Lhe Cnu Ceneral ubllc Llcense


1he awareness for Lhls research was made on Lhe flrsL day of lecLure durlng Lhe dlscusslon on
Lhe general mode of Leachlng Lhe course and Lhe assessmenL crlLerla buL Lhe dlmenslon was noL
known aL Lhe Llme Cn Lhe sLarL daLe Lhe LuLor uploaded lL for Lhe sLudenLs on Lhe porLal
When l downloaded lL and scanned Lhrough lL l dld noL qulLe undersLand lL lnlLlally 1he LuLor
laLer gave lnslghLs and explalned Lhe dellverables before leavlng us Lo proceed

l consulLed some LexLbooks and searched some onllne maLerlals wlLh oracle documenLaLlons on
1 and 11C 8y Lhe Llme l wenL lnLo wrlLlng l reallsed LhaL Lhe asslgnmenL has broughL a loL of
reorlenLaLlon l hence sLarLed Lo appreclaLe Lhe course

1hrough Lhe knowledge galned ln Lhls research l have been able Lo deploy oracle 11g vla
vMware on Wlndows server on my lapLop wlLh an exLernal dlsk of 1LerabyLe parLlLloned
lnLo phylcal and Lwo loglcal volumes l have also lnsLalled a free enLerprlse edlLlon of Llnux ln
one of Lhe parLlLlons (CLn1CS % hoplng Lo work Lhrough lL Lo have a falr knowledge unlx/Llnux
admlnlsLraLlon plaLform before Lhe end of Lhe course

Powever lL was noL so easy comlng up wlLh Lhe soluLlons ln Lhe asslgnmenL due Lo Lhe Llme
facLor as l had some oLher asslgnmenLs whlch needed some aLLenLlon


8ob Crlesemer (% Cracle Warehouse 8ullder 11g ackL unlLed klngdom

Cracle (1% Cracle 1C 8elease (1 uocumenLaLlon% Avallable aL
(Accessed november 1%

Cracle (1% Cracle 11C 8elease1 (111 uocumenLaLlon% Avallable aL
(Accessed november 1%

Sam 8 AlapaLl (% LxperL Cracle uaLabase 11g AdmlnlsLraLlon Apress uSA

1ammy lox (% 8ed PaL LnLerprlse Llnux AdmlnlsLraLlon unLLASPLu SAMS uSA
1echneL (1% Cloud CompuLlng 8eneflLs and 8lsks of Movlng lederal l1 lnLo Lhe Cloud
Avallable aL
he_d_cloudaspx (Accessed november 1%

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