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Investigation of the Relationship between Ill-Conditioned Power Flow and Voltage Collapse

Y. Wang, L.C.P. da Silva, Wilsun Xu

Author Affilidtioi1:Deparlrnent of Hlcclrical niid Compuler Engineering, Uiiivcrsity of Alberta, Edinonlon, Alberta, Canadn Abstract: Ill-conditioned powcl- flow prohlcins h a w been widcly investigatcd kind discussed in the literature. Typical approtichcs are to dcvclop cnhanced soliilion algarilhms whcn a power Slow casc i s f w n r l L divcrgc using the conventional Newton mcthad. I1 i s known that ii o gcnuint: ill-conditioiicd pl-oblcm i s causcd hy the prescncc of ii large condition number in tlic power Slow Jacohiaii Iiitilrix. Sincc a ltirge cornclition number i s associatcd with sinnll singolx values and thc voltage collapse i s relatcd ti, small eigciivalucs, we therciorc spccolate lliat an ill-conditioncd [power Slow problem i s actually a voltagc collapse problem. The objective of this letter i s to ileiiionslrate tlic relationship bctween powcrflow ill conilitiiming zind vollagc instability. Casc studies of Fivc classical ill-conditioned cases havc confirmed that thc ill colidtioiiing of power Slow indccd irccurs-and only iiccLirs-at tlic voltage collapic point. Introduction: Many clsorts liavc bccii inade to deal with so-called ill-cimlitioned power flow problems 111-141. The coininr~ii praclice is to dcfinc a case as ill cniidiliiinetl i S the ciinvcnlioniil Newlon method does not convergc. Efforts are then dircclcil lowards dcveloiping enhanced algorithiiis to solve the case.

Therc i s a strict delinilion for ill-crmditioned prohleiiis in millheniatics 151. A imilrix is ill conditioncd iSit has asuSficiently largecondiLion Iiumbcr. Sincc ii large colidition inumber i s generally associated with siilall singular values or cigeiivalues oS the Jacobian inatrix and the voltagc collapse i s iilso relatcd to small eigenvalues 161, we LhereSore suspect tllat an ill-condifioned powcr IInw problem i s actually a voltegecoll;ipseprrihlem. Theobjcctivcuilhis Ielleris Lodeterminelhe validity of this poslulation. I)efiniiig Ill-Condltionccl Power Flow: Mathematical theory dcfines ill-conditioned matrices as those that liave suflicicntly ltirge coilclition numbers. For powcr syslem analysis, tlic matrix o l concern is the pnwcr flow Jacobian matrix . Accordiog to 15 1. a condition nuinhcr i s I . dcfincd :is COlIil(./J =1~./1~.l~J-'/~


whcrc 11*11 represenls iniitrix i i r ~ m 2-norm i s used, the condition IS iiumbcr can he calculated using tlic Sollowing eqiiation 151 Cond(.O=o

,,,,, ( . l l / a,,,,,,J l x (



Type2 T




where 5,,,,,A a,,,,,, represent thc maximum and minimum singular aiid valucs of thc lacobian matrix, rcspectively. Equati(in (2) suggests that tlicre ;ire L W Opossihlc causcs leading to a Iargc condition number. Onc i s a vcry large 5,,,;,x thc other i s a vcry and small a,,,,,,, Since the values of tlic .nniitrix elemenls arc comparahlc I with that OS tlie network Y matrix, tlie probahility fora,,,,, to cause ii large candilion nuinher i s siiiiill. On the other hand, voliage stahilily kiiriwlctlge shows that a,,,,,,cdn be very small or 7,crn at the vollagc c d hpse point. O m can, thererore, postulatc that tlic only causc for :I large Coiitlilioii nuinher to L)CCLII would bc a,,,,,, going to zero at thc PV ciirvc iiosc piiinl. Thus thc ill-conditimed powcr flow problem could he ii inere vollegc stability prohlem, causcd by operating the systcin at i l s inaxiniiini loialing IcvcI. To vcrify this postoletion, wc iise the PV ciiive inetliod to ~ S S C S Srive widely publicized ill-condiiioiicd power flow cases [ I 1-13),As shown in Figurc I,Lhcrc are three possible scenarios for powcr flow tlivergencc. I>pc I : A soliition poinl exisls, and i t i s no1 close to the PV curvc nose Ipuiiit. Whether tlic problem i s ill coinditiuncd or 1101 be easily caii chcckcd using the condition number at the solutim point. Tspe 2: There i s a possible solutioii point hut il i s very close Lo the PV curvc nose point. Iflhccundilion number i s iiidccd vcry large in this casc, thc Iproblein should hc cl;issilied as ill conditioncd The Newton method i s known to have difficulties solving such a casc. 7ip1" 3: A s o l i i t i o i i point does lint cxist, In other words, the loading IcvcI [iltlie cine lias gaiic heymd tlie systciii cepability. Such ciiseh llave nolhing todo with the ill condilionine ofthcJ;aobiaii matrices.

5 z

. 0.6 .... _ -0.7

I .

omin C " i fl.ox102


5 0.5 5 0.4 5 0.3 m





# 2


0 w -



................I ___----,,--I, 0.8






Case Studies: A conventional Newton i i i e t h d is first used 10 solvc thc cases dcscribed i n 1 I j-131. Thc PV curvc inethod is tlicti applied to dctcrminc thc location of tlic solution poiiits. Thc singular valucs aiid condition numbers are inonitored in the process. Delailed results lor each case are premitccl as liillows.

11-DusSystem: This ~ a s c reported a s ill conditi~ineili n 131, siiicc is it was found to diverge using the Newton method. Our lesl resiilis confirm that tlie case cannot converge usiiig the conventinrial Newton mcthod. Thc PV-curvc rcsiilts, shown in Figorc Zia), r c v c ~ lthat tlic e Iniaximum lox1 abiliiy ~ F t h system is 9 9 3 % o f t h e base ciisc lotiding level.This ineans that thc cBsc is vcry clnsc to voltagc collapsc. We cl. . . . it iis Type 2. Figiiic 2(b) shows the behavior nf tlic condition aaaity . number, o,,,~,> a,,,,,, ilic system loading is increesed. 1 is cleiir and while 1 thato,,,,,, rciiiains atafinitc wluc inrrlicciitirccurvc, whilc o,,,,,, gocs to zcru at the nose point. It is only near the nose point thiit thc conditirm number becomes very large. Tlierelore, the case is a genuine ill-crinditioncd CHSC. ~O-DIIS, 13-Dus, and 69-Dus Systems: The 30-hos case is ii riiiliiil distribulinn system. Relerence [I]considers tlie case ill condiiioned converge after SO iteratioiis willi the Newton method. since it does 1101 Our results show that tlic case is ciinvcrgciit iifter tlirce iteriitioiis. Thc maximum system load ability is 2.024 times of the base-c level, indicaling a large margin lroni ihe base case to the nose poinl. Figure 3 shows the PV C L I W ~itnil condition number r ~ s u l t s No Iwge . condition nurnher is observed at the solution point. This case is therefore nut ill conditioned ;mrl cmi be cltissified iis Typc 1. Thc divcrgencc problcins iburid in [ I ] inight hc rclatcd to otlicr iiiiincrical problems,

such EIS :in iozidequ:ite sfiil-ting [point fkr itclatioiis. Figorc l i b ) furtlicr coiilirnis that a large condiiion number only exists iieiir the vrrltagc collapse pnint. Thc 13-bus syitcm dcscrihed iii 131 can also be solved with the Ncwtoii iiictliod. Aiter analyzing the system, we frwnd errors in the transformer tap data listed i n 13 I. When (lie Izip sctting is corrected, the Ncwtoii power flow converged after 4 iterations. PV curve results show that the nose point occurs at 6.8 tiincs nf thc hase casc loading IcvcI. The condition number Sur the sdotirm point is 495. The 69-bus system is a portion o f a distl-ibutir,ti network ;incl is rcportcd a s ill caoditioned in I I]. Flowever, we Ibund that the ciise convcigcs aftel- S m w itcriitims with thc Newtnn incthod. Thc PV curvc shows that the Iiose poiin hiis a lozidiog th;it is 3.21 tiincs the h loading. This casc aiid tlic 13-bus case belong to 'L'ype I ancl tire not ill condilimiecl. 43-Dus System: This ciisc rcprcscnts a typical distrihutian system. In I I 1-13] it is reported as "specially i l l conditioned" and divergent iiftcr SO itcratioiis of Ncwtoii inictbod. Our studics cunlirm that the case is divcrgctit. Howcvcr, thc PV curvc results shown iii Pigure4ia) reveal that the nosc poitii iiccurs frir a lo:iding fiictor uf 0.58. In oilier words, the hase case loadiiig level is about 42% higher tliiin the imaxiiniini load ahility of tlic system. There is no feasible solulioii to the Iproblem This casc, classificd as Typc 3, is not ail ill-coiiditioned problem. Results sliuwn i n Figure 4(b) also cunfirm the pustulation thiit $1 very large c u i i ~ ditiiin niinibci occurs only at thc nixe point. Summary: Table 1 suininiirizes the results ohtaincd f h all systcms. According to the cmtliiioii iiunibers shuwn i n the t;ible, only Ciirc 1 is LI


oading level




. I


O"C0 0.6

; 20.6
1 _ ,


' . I . I

. a




1.2 1.4 1.6 Loading Factor

.... c

7 I I I I

2 - 0,z ,

.c 0.1 v)

................... ..................... ...


0.45 Loading Factor 0.5




Table 1. Case studies su

Condition Namber
Max. Lollding

Investigation into the Dynamic Interactions of Multiple Multifunctional Unified Power Flow Controllers
N.F. Wdng, M. Jazaeri, A.T. Johns



2.0244 160011
5.9XIO' 6.9XI01







I.6X 10

geiiuiiic i l l - c ~ ~ ~ i ~ l i lcasc. iTlic l ciisc act~ially i~~ iei opcwtcs ill (he voltagc collapse point. Tlic tahle als(r shows that llic conililinii Iiuiiibcrs iirc 11111 large when llic solulion poiins ;ire far away lroiii the iiiisc Ipuints. The divergence ofothcrciises, as reporlcd in (lie relereiiccs, i s tluc l o prnhlems other than large Coiitlitioii iiuiiihcrs. Conclusions: This lettcr lias tleinonsLl.iitctl tlial ii large [perceiitegc ofso-c;illed ill-conditioned prnblcms liail nothing to do wilti Ihe ill coliditioiiing iiflacobiaii iiiatris. If a cine i s a geriuiiic ill-condilioiied e m , i t i s i n effecting a volmge collapsc casc. Iinp1ic;ilions of this finding arc twofold: I) Vdlage slabilit es~inciit lechiiiqucs should he tisctl to nnaly7,c tlic "ill-coiitlitioiieil(i ~powcr llnw problciiis. These Lechniqucs can rcvc~il Inuch iiiore iiifririnalion. 2) It i s uiiprifitahlr 10 research iicw algorithms dedicalcil to "ill-condilioncd" power flow Iprohleins, since the probleins iirc i d l y voltagc instability problems. Kefercoces: I I1 A.G. Enpdsito and l i l < . Rainos, "Reliable power flow rcchnique for radial dislributioii ictworks,"lEEE 7 k i m /'owri-Syst.. vol. 14, lip 1063-1068, Mar. 1999. 121 M.M.M. El-Arini, "Dccouplcd Ix'wer llow solution inielliotl lnr wcll-crinditionr[I acid ill-ci~iditimetl power systcms," /+,IC. I m t . Ele<.i. Eizg.. vol. 140, P I . C, no. I. [pp. 7- 10, 1993. 131 S.C. 'l'ripaltiy, O.D. Prnsad, O.P. Malik, ibnd G.S. Ilopc, "Load-Iluw solutions for ill-condilioncd ~ m w c r syslciiis hy a Ncw-

Author Affiliation: Dcpurliiicnt of Elcctrici aiid Elzclroiiic Hngineering, University of Bath, 1J.K. Abstract: This lcttcr invesligalcs tlic dynamic iiitcrwlinns ninong dillereiit c ~ i i i t r o li'uiictions ol II siiiglc uiiificd ~powcrfluw coiitrdler (UPPC) a n d hctwcen ~iiullipleIIPFCs instzillcd iii power systcms. thnl ~ r Study cascs pucsctiled in this Icttcrdctii~~~~srl.iitt: hexistciicc o I ~ h e dyniimic iiileriiclioiis caii Icad l o lhc inslahilily of wliolc claszd-loop con1ro1 syslciiis wlicii iill UPljC conlrol Iiinctioiia arc in joint uperalion even though ciicli UI'FC controller lias Ihccn designed a;ilislactal-ily. Keywords: Uirilied pnwcr f l r i w cunlroller (UPPC), p w c r system coiilrd, dynaiiiic intcracrioiis Introduction: A iinificd p w c r ilnu' coiitrollcr (UPFC) wiis 11roposed [ I I tu achicve llie Ileiiblc iic traiisiiiissioii syslems (FACTS). The versatiliry of the U P I T lie5 in the Aict that i t caii he equippcd willi iiiiilliple coiitrol ftiiictions 121-131. To iinpiciiicnt tlic multiple coiitrol fiinclions ni' llie UPPC, i t i s suggcslcrl thal iniiltiple coiitriillcrs be ai'plied iiithe UPFC with ciicli oflhcm being ilcsigiicd f<,r a single control lunction 141. I~lowcvcr, iirraiigeiiicnt 01iiultiplc controllers to i n the pleiiiciil llic UPFC iiiultiple cninrd fuiiclions poscs the problem of poisiblc dynamic iiileractioiis iiot imly ainong [lie coiilrol functions o f a singlc UPFC bit1 also betwccii dii'fcrciil IJPFCs. Study C ~ S C S presenled in this leller sliow that thcrc csisl dynamic iiileriictioiis among rliffe,unr

L41 S.M. Goswami iind S.K. Dam, "Dircct soIuIioii of distribution systems," P,oc. liisr. E l e o . NII,~.. vol. I?X, pt. C, mi. I,pp. 78-88, I99 I. [SI C.11. G d u b ; ~ n dC.P. Van Lr,;in, Mot,ir Co,iipirliirion.~.New York: Johns Hopkins Univ. Prcss, 19x3, p. 476. I61 B. Gao, G.K. Mol-iiixi, and 1'. Kuiidor, "Vrill~ipeslabilily cwiliiiilion using iiiodal an;ilysis," //?/?E Tinri.r. I'ow,er ,Y,y.vt., vol. I , lpp. 1529-1542, Anr. 1992.

X ,

m u Sta mna 8111

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