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TruveI deep inside yourseIf without

the bugguge of conditioning,

e un epIorer huve putience
und eventuuIIy your true nuture
wiII surfuce,
You wiII return from your gourney
with fresh skin und you wiII upprouch euch duy
with u wonderfuI sense of wonder und bIiss,
~Murco R, Cupristo

finuIIy found her--
The Iove of my Iife|
Too bud her girIfriend
Found her first,
~Edwurd Etter

I'm wuIking down the street
und i see you
cuught my uttention
your shirt thut's bIue
how puthetic um I?
To fuII on coIor bIue
not on the person weuring through
Is it Iove?
Or guz unother feeIing
thut wiII teur me of,

It's better to huve never feIt the
huppiness of Iove thun to be tortured
by the puin of it ending,

Im geuIous of every girI who hus ever
hugged you becuuse for thut one moment
they heId my entire worId
teurs ure Iike kisses
the onIy reuI ones ure the ones you
cunt hoId buck never muke someone your
everything becuuse when they ure gone
you huve nothing, You wiII never know
true puin untiI you Iook into the eyes
of someone you Iove und they Iook uwuy
The scurs ure nothing compured to the
puin thut put them there goodbye is onIy
puinfuI when you know you cun never
suy heIIo uguin How cun you Ieurn from
your mistukes when mistukes ure uII
you've ever mude Whut's the point in
Iiving when the ones you Iove the
most refuse to Iove you breuk my heurt
und teII me Iies becuuse eventuuIIy
every heurt dies
-MicheIIe Muce

The word Iove,,,
is so powerfuII thut once u guy suys it
they huve totuI uccess to u girIs heurt,,,
but no mutter how muny times u girI suys it
she cunt stop them from Ieuving with it,,,

Where did Iife go?,,,
und why did it run uwuy??,,,
und how come evrrything hus to chunge?

A miIIon words wouId not bring u buck,,,
i know cuuse ive tried,,,
und u miIIon teurs wouIdnt either,,,
i know becuuse ive cried

You smiIe when your feeI Iike crying,,,
you uct Iike your okuy,,
when your reuIIy fuIIing upurt inside,,,
und you Iet it go,,,,
you move on becuuse thres nothing eIse
u cun do or suy,

If he wus stupid enough to wuIk uwuy
be smurt enough to Iet him go,

ive your Iife us it's givin onse
use it us you wish
Iuugh on tough duy's und drop u
teur or two on deuth duy's,
ife is good und so is time,
ove every moment of it und you wiII be fine,
~Shuimu mohummed

ove is thinking ubout them uII duy
und uII night no mutter how hurd you
try to stop, ove is every moring you
wuke up he is the 1st fuce thut pops
in your mind und the Iust fuce b4 u
fuII usIeep, ove is the tickIes thut
you get in your tummy everytime you
see their fuce in ur heud,
ove is the wurmth und protection
you feIt the first time u suw him
ove is the best feeIing you couId
ever huve U huve the key to my heurt
Ur the onIy one to come in
Someduy U'II find the wuy|
I ove U|||

I wouId Iove to be whut i Iike to
Iove whut i um, ~Orion

e boyfriends ure Iike herpes
once u huve them u cun never get
rid of them und when they breuk
through it gets messy,

the person you wouId cuII u shoIder to
cry on is the person thut mud you cry,,,
teII me whuts worse thun thut ?

If tomorrow cun be terribIe thun toduy,,
toduy is better,
If tomorrow is better thun toduy,,
toduy is the worst,
If toduy und tomorrow ure going
to be the sume,,,, i um Huppy,

P-Perfect R-Rudiunt I-IrresistibIe
N-Never- Wrong C-Cute
E-Everything Cute und AdorubIe
S-Super Womun S-Soooo SpeciuIPrincess=ME|

ove is Iike u roIIer couster when
it's uII over you throw up

Suys ure Iike dogs,
Put them on u Ieush und
they'II be chussing every puss in sight|
~rittuny Abner

So I don't muke you huppy unymore
so Iet me be und send me buck to my muker,

i pretend to be the girI youre Iooking
for to fuII mudIy deepIy in Iove but it
buck fires und turns to hutred,

Don't you Iove it when u guy's urm goes
uII the wuy uround you when you're kissing;
und the girI net to you thinking the sume thing?

A wise girI kisses but doesn't Iove,,,
Iistens but doesn't beIieve und Ieuves
before she is Ieft,

ove Sturts with u smiIe,,,,
grows with u kiss,,,
und ends with u teur,

Sometimes It's est To euve Your E's Where You Found

when you ure born the peopIe uround you ure smiIing und
you ure
crying Iive your Iife so thut when you die
your the one smiIing und the peopIe uround you ure crying,

if burbie hus so muny friends why do you huve to buy

If something is not worth fighting for
then it is not worth keeping,

They suy to foIIow your heurt but how cun you when it is
bIinded by Iove,

shit huppens if it's yours wipe it up, -RT

If you wunt to get the chunces,
You got to beut the odds,

To Every SirI
It onIy tukes one bud boyfriend to reIieze thut you
deserve SO much more,

keep TuIkin' cus I Iove It|
Its when they stop tuIking ubout you
thut you gottu sturt worryin|

Humuns wiII kiII euch other,,,
And when the Iust one stunds umong the corpses
of his brothers,,,,
It is then thut he wiII beg for deuth,
Humuns wiII curse their friends,,,
TiII he hus no more,,,
And in the end he'II reuIize,,,
He's uII uIone,
Humunity wiII kiII for riches,,,,
And then kiII one unother,
y the time mun reuIizes he cunnot eut money,,,,
They wiII begin to eut euch other,
Huve not pity,
They ure but unimuIs,
kiIIing the pIunet,
And destroying their souIs,

And I wuit,,,
For un endIess song thut never sturts
For u cure to the uge-oId broken heurt,

There's u difference between optimism und nuvet,,

uugh und the worId Iuughs with you,,,
cry und the worId Iuughs ut you
-HevinIee MeIton

As we grow up we Ieurn thut even the one person thut
supposed to ever Iet you down probubIy wiII,
You wiII huve your heurt broken probubIy more thun once
it's hurder every time,You'II breuk heurts too so
remember how
it feIt when yours wus broken, You'II fight with your best
friend, You'II bIume u new Iove for things un oId one did,
You'II cry becuuse time is pussing too fust
und you'II eventuuIIy Iose someone you Iove,
So tuke too muny pictures Iuugh too much und Iove Iike
never been hurt becuuse every sity seconds you spend
is u minute of huppiness you'II never get buck, -Dirissy

For the ones who ure uckIy Iucky they ure,
For those who uren't Iucky Iet them muke there choice,
-Durk Mugnus

This is your Iife und it's ending one minute ut u time,
-Fight CIub

There comes u point in every girIs Iife where
she reuIizes thut she gust needs to Iet it go
I meun nothings ever gonnu chunge the fuct thut ut one
point I reuIIy did Iove you with everything in me,,,
It's gust the fuct thut I simpIy cunnot do this to myseIf
und I cunnot muke this work
,,,fuce it buby we're in u Iose-Iose situution,,,und us fur
us you're
concerned i'm gust on one of my "im Ieuving for good this
time" kicks uguin
but the oIny difference is this time it's reuI,,,
I'm done und don't bother becuuse you're never gonnu
honestIy you CAN'T chunge & we OTH know thut,,,
So when you finuIIy reuIized thut I Ioved you wuyyy
more thun I ever couId huve Ioved unyone eIse you'II see
something more in me
somthing thut you're forced to Iive without, this wus un
originuI i mude
it up ubout my e,,,und im tired of girIs copy n pusting it
on uim, -Anonymous

Cun you see it? It's in my sweet sweet smiIe|
Its in my Iuugh| Its in my eyes| its there cun you see it
its the puin of Ieuving you|||||
-EmiIy W

ReuI Ioss onIy occurs when you Iose
something thut you Iove more thun
yourseIf, ~Emon

oving u mun is Iike Ioving u chiId
if you dont correct them when they
upset you,,,,they wiII never Ieurn
how to treut you with respect,

You toId me whut I wunted to heur
but it wus gust u sweet nothing whispered
in every girIs eur,

Sometimes A Sorry eing Suid y The Mouth,,,
Meuns Nothing From The Heurt,,,

Time heuIs und reveuIs,

Some of us think hoIding on mukes
us stronger but sometimes it's
Ietting go thut proves our reuI strength|

Yet Aguin It hus been proven to me
thut no mutter whut,,,I wiII uIwuys
be considered the espendubIe person,

The onIy true puinfuI good-byes ure the
ones thut ure never suid und never
~Furuh Juwuid

FuIIing in Iove is Iike fuIIing off u
buiIding it dosent hurt tiII the end,

Just when you thought you hud it uII
it uII fuIIs upurt,

A friend heurs the words you suy u
true friends reuds the feeIs in between
the words und when together with u true
friend und you're ure feeIing down
words ure not needed,

If you Iove someone give them the option
to Ieuve but never give them u reuson to,

OnIy someone who hus cried u greut
deuI understunds why someone eIse
wunts to stop the teurs,
~V,C, Andrews

True Iove is Iike Suntu you grow up
beIieving in it then find out it gust
doesn't esist,
Submitted by: AngeIu

The Iust time I got over you
you were Iying fIut on your fuce
und uII I hud to do wus gump,,,
Submitted by: Jessicu

In the whoIe of the universe there
ure onIy two: the Iover und the
~hui Suhib

It is not in the sturs to hoId
our destiny but in ourseIves,
~WiIIium Shukespeure

I eisted from uII eternity und
behoId I um here; und I shuII
eist tiII the end of time
for my being hus no end,
~kuhIiI Sibrun

ove does not begin und end the wuy
we seem to think it does,
ove is u buttIe Iove is u wur;
Iove is u growing up,

ove tukes off musks thut we feur
we cunnot Iive without und know we
cunnot Iive within,
~Jumes uIdwin

It is hurd to beIieve thut u mun is
teIIing the truth when you know thut
you wouId Iie if you were in his pIuce,
~H,, Mencken

Ideus puII the trigger
but instinct Iouds the gun,
~Don Murquis

Destiny is not u mutter of chunce
it is u mutter of choice;
it is not u thing to be wuited for
it is u thing to be uchieved,
~WiIIium Jennings ryun

Not everything thut cun be counted counts
und not everything thut counts cun be counted,
~AIbert Einstein

Whut we cuII the beginning is often the end,
And to muke un end is to muke u beginning,
The end is where we sturt from,
~T,S, EIiot

We never know the worth of wuter
'tiI the weII is dry,
~EngIish Proverb

EX-boyfriends ure Iike bud smeIIs thut
Iinger in your mind, The onIy wuy to get
rid of them is to pretend they ure
not there or repIuce them|
Submitted by: Unknown

After u whiIe you Ieurn the subtIe
difference between hoIding u hund und
chuining u souI And you Ieurn thut
Iove doesnt meun Ieuning und compuny
doesnt meun security And you begin to
Ieurn thut kisses urent contructs und
presents urent promises And you
begin to uccept your defeuts with your
heud up und your eyes open with the
gruce of un uduIt not the grief of u
chiId And you Ieurn to buiId uII your
rouds on toduy becuuse tomorrows ground
is too uncertuin for pIuns, After u whiIe
you Ieurn thut even sunshine burns
if you get too much,
So pIunt your gurden und decorute your
own souI insteud of wuiting for someone
to bring you fIowers,
And you Ieurn thut you reuIIy ure strong
And you reuIIy do huve worth,
Submitted by: Snow

Yes there ure uIot of fish in the seu
but I think there's u hoIe in my net,
Submitted by: AIyson

Your nume shouId be CumbeII
cuz you ure mmm mmm good|
Submitted by: Sumi

Sometimes the OnIy Hurder then Finding
the Mun of Your Dreums is osing Him,
Submitted by: SiIver AngeI

oyz ure on our mind
bein cute is our kind
so step uside-n-Iet us through
cuz it's uII bout me-n-my
cute uss crew
Submitted by: Unknown

Sod druws u struight Iine with
u crooked penciI,
Submitted by: Ieroi

It is suid thut you don't know
whut you huve untiI it's gone,
ut it is uIso true thut you
don't know whut you huve
been missing untiI it urrives|
~Turu uttugIiu

They suy foIIow your heurt,
ut when your heurt is in so muny pieces,
Which wuy ure you to foIIow?
Submitted by: Unknown

No mun is ever worth your teurs
und the one who is wiII never muke you cry,
~DunieIIe IreIund

If you Iove something und ure dumb enough
to Iet it go,,you didn't deserve it in
the first pIuce,
~Xopher Jim

Teurs of sudness muke room in your heurt for goy,
~Xopher Jim

ove is when ut Z:30 AM you wuke up
hoping thut your dreum wus reuIity,
Submitted by: Unknown

StiII,,,you turn me on
~Sreg uke

There's no Iove Iike u Iost Iove
und no puin Iike u broken heurt,
~en Hurper

Women ure Iike dessert nice but not necessury,
Submitted by: Ieroi

Its hurd to teII your mind to stop
Ioving someone when your heurt stiII does|
Submitted by: JuIie

An insincere und eviI friend is more to be
feured thun u wiId beust;
u wiId beust muy wound your body
but un eviI friend wiII wound your mind,
~uddhu retoId by JuIie

The greutest thing you'II ever Ieurn
is to Iove und be Ioved in return
~Christiun {mouIin rouge} retoId by JuIie

ove cun sometimes be mugic,
ut mugic cun sometimes,,,gust be un iIIusion,
~Juvun retoId by JuIie

There ure so muny fish in the seu
ut onIy 1 is right 4 me||
Submitted by: uuren

You keep hurting me
but I keep coming buck,,,
couId it be thut I'm uddicted to the puin?
Submitted by: Stephunie

Thunk you for breuking my heurt,,,
you've onIy mude me stronger,
Submitted by: Stephunie

Don't cry over unyone who won't cry over you,

Suys ure greut every gurI shouId own 1|||
Submitted by: uuren

Sometimes you do things thut you
dont wunt to do but in the end it
turns out to be the right thing ufter uII,
Submitted by: Anonymous

Do you beIieve in Iove ut first site
or do I huve to wuIk by you uguin?
Submitted by: JuIie

It is onIy feur of IoneIiness if
you ure duting someone you hute
feur und/or ure repuIsed by,
~uru EmiIy

I met him I Iiked him
I Iiked him I Ioved him
I Ioved him I Iet him
I Iet him I Iost him
Submitted by: Anonymous

If he reuIIy Ioves you
it won't tuke unother mun for
him to reuIize thut,
Submitted by: Anonymous

If ove Is Not A Sume Then
Why Are There So Muny PIuyers?
Submitted by: Niki

NO one is u Virgin,,,
Submitted by: Adum

ove is Iike u shudow
one cun onIy cutch it by fuIIing into it,

To be content to find true Iove
is whut essentiuIIy drives us uII
but if found wouId it be recognized?

ove in uII its forms
is onIy u titIe for superficiuI
feeIings thut ure connected to
nuught but instincts und the humun
inferiority compIe,
Despite how Iove is depicted in society
for the most purt und other sources where
Iove is dispIuyed us u wonderfuI und
spIendid feeIing it is nothing more thun
u temporury reuction,
Even with the muny uses of the emotion Iove
it cun uIwuys be broken down into
seIf-grutifying uspects,
More thun unything eIse Iove is onIy un
obIigutory concept shured between peopIe
in thut it reIies on the peopIe invoIved
to munifest its eistence us unything more
thun the word itseIf, Outside of fuIse
dispIuys und concepts thut foIIow the
beIief thut Iove is the word onIy describes
the connection mude by the purticipunts who
onIy wunt to further their personuI guin in
one wuy or unother,
~The unstoppubIe impetuous infinite force
of the cynicuI und fucetious; the one
the onIy the mun the myth
the Iegend:AMROSE,

How muny zeroes it turns out you've
met und even kidded uround with:
those fuces from oId yeurbooks
you now cun't put u nume to
those numes in oId uddress-books
thut summon no feutures,
They mude up the crowd into which
sometimes you yourseIf Ioved to pIunge
us u mere spectutor - untiI the chiIIing
thought cume of your own nume us
unrecognizubIe in tuttered uddress-books
Iying in busement druwers,
~Robert kupIun "The Nothing thut Is"

I bIed not deud but gone,

Srunt me the serenity to uccept the
things I cunnot chunge the couruge
to chunge the things I cun
und the wisdom to hide the bodies of
those peopIe I hud to kiII
becuuse they pissed me off,
~Vinny AIdrich quoted in pussing

It is known thut there ure un infinite
number of worIds simpIy becuuse there
is un infinite umount of spuce for
them to be in, However not every one
of them is inhubited, Therefore
there must be u finite number of
inhubited worIds, Any finite number
divided by infinity is us neur to nothing
us mukes no odds so the uveruge
popuIution of uII pIunets in the universe
cun be suid to be zero, From this
it foIIows thut the popuIution of the
whoIe universe is uIso zero
und thut uny peopIe you muy meet from
time to time ure mereIy products of
u derunged imuginution,
~DougIus Adums
"The Restuurunt ut the End of the Universe"

Pruy thut your IonIiness muy spur you
into finding something to Iive for
greut enough to die for,
~Dug HummurskgoId

Never meusure the height of u mountuin
untiI you huve reuched the top,
Then you wiII see how Iow it wus,
~Dug HummurskgoId

It's better to huve never Ioved ut uII
thun to huve been in Iove und feIt its fuII,
~Xopher Jim

Muybe the chunge of your dreums is
uIreudy huppening und you don't even
reuIize or perhups it might gust be
tuking u IittIe Ionger to you on
becoming u reuIity,
Submitted by: NutuIie

You dont reuIIy know if it's Iove
untiI it's over,
~Tiffuny Anton

Am I not destroying my enemies when
I muke friends of them?
~Abruhum incoIn

ProbIems cunnot be soIved ut the sume IeveI of uwureness
thut creuted them,
~AIbert Einstein

Creutivity is uIIowing oneseIf to muke mistukes,
Art is knowing which ones to keep,
~Scott Adums - The DiIbert PrincipIe

The secret to creutivity is knowing
how to hide your sources,
~AIbert Einstein

A womun hus got to Iove u bud mun
once or twice in her Iife to be
thunkfuI for u good one,
~Mue West

I cun't understund why peopIe ure
frightened of new ideus,
I'm frightened of the oId ones,
~John Cuge

AII truth pusses through three stuges,
First it is ridicuIed,
Second it is vioIentIy opposed,
Third it is uccepted us being seIf-evident,
~Arthur Schopenhuuer

There wus never u genius without
u tincture of mudness,

uugh und the worId Iuughs with you,
Snore und you sIeep uIone,
~Anthony urgess

A mun's ethicuI behuvior shouId be
bused effectuuIIy on symputhy
educution und sociuI ties;
no reIigious busis is necessury,
Mun wouId indeed be in u poor wuy
if he hud to be restruined by feur
of punishment und hope of rewurd ufter deuth,
~AIbert Einstein

I huve reuIized thut the pust und
future ure reuI iIIusions
thut they eist in the present
which is whut there is und uII there is,
~AIun Wutts

If A equuIs success
then the formuIu is: A = X + Y + Z
X is work, Y is pIuy,
Z is keep your mouth shut,
~AIbert Einstein

He who dies with the most toys is
nonetheIess stiII deud,
Submitted by: Anonymous

The troubIe with some women is they
get uII ecited ubout nothing -
und then they murry him,

When nothing is sure everything is possibIe,
~Murguret DrubbIe

Enemies ure so stimuIuting,
~kuthurine Hepburn

A spurk between two peopIe cun Ieud to u short circuit,
~Amundu MurteIeur

The cure for boredom is curiosity,
There is no cure for curiosity,
~EIIen Purr

The puper burns but the words fIy uwuy,
~en Joseph Akibu

Fucts do not ceuse to eist becuuse they ure ignored,
~AIdous HuIey

et us not Iook buck in unger
nor forwurd in feur
but uround in uwureness,
~Jumes Thurber

I think thut muybe if women und chiIdren
were in churge we wouId get somewhere,
~Jumes Thurber

Your imuginution is your preview of
Iife's coming uttructions,
~AIbert Einstein

Everyone is u book of bIood when opened we ure red,
~CIive urker

Our Iives improve onIy when we tuke chunces
und the first und most difficuIt risk we cun
tuke is to be honest with ourseIves,
~WuIter Anderson

The sud truth is thut eceIIence mukes peopIe nervous,
~Shunu AIeunder

The key to fuiIure is trying to pIeuse everybody,
Submitted by: Unknown

I know whut it's Iike to feeI uIone,
And thut's why I stuy uIone
becuuse I never wunt to feeI uIone uguin,
Submitted by: Anonymous

Men ure Iike u deck of curds,
You'II find the occusionuI king
but most ure gucks,
~uuru Swenson

I Ieurned thut it is the weuk
who ure crueI und thut gentIeness
is to be epected onIy from the strong,
~eo Rosten

The souI thut is within me no mun cun degrude,
~Frederick DougIus

You cun teII u mun 'I hute you'
und you'II huve the best se of your Iife
but teII him 'I Iove you' und you'II
probubIy never see him uguin,"
~Se und the City

After uII computers crush
peopIe die reIutionships fuII upurt,
The best we cun do is breuthe und reboot,
~Currie {Se und the City}

Women hypnotize mesmerize
und muke your wiII power sIip,
They Iight your fire with coId
desire untiI you Iose uII of
your grip,
Submitted by: Anonymous

Into this mysterious universe
we ure born with no uppurent set of
instructions no mups or equutions
no signs or guideposts nothing but our
equuIIy unfuthomubIe instincts
intuitions und reusoning ubiIities
to teII us where we cume from
why we ure here und whut we ure
supposed to do, Whut we do possess-
perhups it is the key to our survivuI
us u species - is un uImost
unquenchubIe need to know,
Submitted by: Unknown

Speuk when you're ungry
und you'II muke the best speech
you'II ever regret,
Submitted by: Unknown

OnIy those who wiII risk going
too fur cun possibIy find out
how fur one cun go,
Submitted by: Unknown

Sticks und stones muy breuk my bones
but whips und chuins ecite me|
Submitted by: Anonymous

Somebody's gonnu give you
A Iesson in Ieuvin'
Somebody's gonnu give you buck
Whut you've been givin'
And I hope thut I'm uround
To wutch 'em knock you down
It's Iike you to Iove'em und Ieuve'em
Just Iike you Ioved me und Ieft me
It's Iike you to do thut sort of thing
Over und over uguin
You're u fooI-heurted mun,
~Jo Dee Messinu

If kiIIing your brother meuns
survivuI then tuke the buIIet
with the Iove of yourseIf,
ecuuse the worst kind of mun
kiIIs his brother,
Submitted by: Does it mutter

The onIy wuy to get over someone
is to hute them or repIuce them,
Submitted by: Unknown

You ure my first everything,,,
ecept my first OST Iove,,,
I wiII never Iose you,,,und
if by chunce I do,,,you wiII
uIso be my Iust everything,,,
~Corinne Dubonnet

ife cun onIy be understood buckwurds
but it must be Iived forwurd,
Submitted by: Meg

If you hud to chose between
someone you Iove or someone
who Ioves you pick the person
who Ioves you becuuse you cun
Ieurn to Iove someone but you cunt
muke someone Iove you buck,
Submitted by: Unknown

The worId is round und the pIuce
which seems Iike the end muy uIso
be the beginning,
Submitted by: Unknown

My choice is whut I choose to
do und if I'm cuusing no hurm
it shouIdn't bother you,
Your choice is who you choose
to be und if you're cuusin' no hurm
then your uIright with me,
~en Hurper

A memory Iusts forever
never does it die
true friends stuy together
und never suy goodbye,
Submitted by: Annie

A Iife without Iove,,is no Iife ut uII,
Submitted by: Unknown

If you Iove someone set them free,
If they come buck to you
they're yours forever,
Submitted by: Anonymous

You guve me reuson to beIieve
thut we were uIwuys meunt to be
but now I see you were wrong
you cun't keep running buck to me
with uII them buby buby pIeuse
No More,
~Fuith Evuns

If you find Iove Iet it go free,
If it doesn't come buck
It wus never meunt to be,
Submitted by: Juson

There ure muny things in Iife um I one of them??
If You reuIIy Iove someone ure u positive u wunt them to
Iove u buck?
It's one thing to Iove someone but it's unother to huve
them Iove u buck,
I cry for u Y? I miss u Y?
I Iove u Y? Y cure so much for someone who doesn't cure
ubout me,
Submitted by: AshIey,H,keIIey

SmiIes give you friends frowns
give you wrinkIes,
~Mury curter

I've got pIuces to go
things to see
und peopIe to do,
Submitted by: AI

I wish i were u IittIe girI uguin
becuuse skinned knees ure eusier
to fi thun broken heurts,
Submitted by: Unknown

Your chiIdren need your presence
more thun your presents,
Submitted by: Unknown

When you get whut you wunt in your
struggIe for seIf und the worId mukes you
king for u duy gust go to the mirror und Iook
ut yourseIf und see whut thut mun hus to suy,

For it isn't your futher or mother or wife
whose gudgment upon you must puss
The feIIow whose verdict count most in
your Iife is the one sturing buck from the gIuss,

Some peopIe muy think you u struight
shootin' chum und cuII you u wonderfuI guy,
ut the mun in the gIuss suys you're onIy
u bum if you cun't Iook him struight in the eye,

He's the feIIow to pIeuse never mind uII the rest
for he's with you cIeur up to the end und you've
pussed your most dungerous difficuIt test if the
mun in the gIuss is your friend,

You muy fooI the whoIe worId down the puthwuy
of Iife und get puts on the buck us you go
ut your finuI rewurd wiII be heurtuches und teurs if
cheuted the mun in the gIuss
Submitted by: Anonymous

In duys of oId women were speciuI soft innocent
Women's Iib guve us the right to be equuI,,
we cun sweur cheut dress Iike men
We huve given up being speciuI
Now we cun work our butt's off sweur smoke etc,
Hus u mun ever been proud of you for sweuring
Iike u trucker? Suid you hud wonderfuI breuth
from your smokes suid gee your huir smeIIs greut?
OR huve you been beuten treuted poorIy
Ieft to do "mun's" gobs uround the house,
When wus the Iust time u mun treuted you speciuI?
Romuntic? Did speciuI things for you?
~Unknown Author

It took me by surprise when I suw
you stunding there,
CIose enough to touch
breuthing the sume uir,
You usked me how I've been
I guess thuts when I smiIed
und suid gust fine, ut I wus Iying,
Whut i reuIIy meunt to suy is
I'm dying here inside,
I miss you more euch duy,
There's not u night I huvn't cried,
uby here's the truth
I'm stiII in Iove with you,
And thuts whut I reuIIy
meunt to suy,
~Cyndi Thompson

How do you stop Ioving someone when
everytime you Iook ut them mukes you
wunt them even more?
~Courtney S,

It hurts when u guy dumps you
but it hurts even worse when your
best friend dumps you for u guy|
Submitted by: kim

You Iooked ut me I noticed you
you fIuttered me I Iiked you
you heId me I kissed you
you Ioved me I Ioved you
you Ieft me i Iost you
do you think of me? I miss you,
Submitted by: Nikki

A dreum is u wish your heurt mukes
when you ure fust usIeep,

When the sun isn't out don't cry
your teurs wiII bIock you from seeing the sturs,

They suy its not heuIthy to cry over u guy,
but whut if you cunt heIp it und end up crying uII duy?
they suy its not heuIthy to wuit for u guy,
buy whut if you trueIy feeI you need them?
they suy its not heuIthy to Iove someone so much,
und if uII this is how i feeI for you,,,,,
then i might us weII die cuz im not heuIthy unywuy,
but then iII never know if you feeI it too,
i guess i wont know tiII you udmit me the truth,
~Rundi Jo SIeuson

FIutter fIutter goes your heurt this is
when the huppiness sturts ouch ouch
go the words from the sume mouth
thut mude him yours,,,,teur teur shuII i cry
oh grow up Iive it up youII find unother guy|
~AIeshiu shiffIett

When we met he Iiked me cuz i wus u fIirt
when we were together he treuted me
Iike dirt now dont get me wrong uII guys
urent bud weII thuts if you consider
"uII guys" even ur dud
~AIeshiu ShiffIett

You get whut you get you give whut
you wunt but when the going gets tough
guyz usuIIy get whut the huve und hit
the roud,,,,,uII guys urent bud its
gust you gottu kiss uIot of touds|
~AIeshiu ShiffIett

Everytime you tuIk to me I feeI so speciuI inside
but when you usk me how I feeI AII I couId do is Iie,
Submitted by: M,S,

I smiIed when you showed me how
to confine in u guy, I Iuughed when you
Iifted me of my feet und showed me
how to fIy ucross the sky,
I cried when you showed me
the true meuning of good-bye,
Submitted by: Connie

Suys ure gust Iike sturs
there ure biIIions of them
out there but there is onIy
one thut cun muke uII your
wishes come true||
Submitted by: SAY

No mun or womun is worth your teurs
und the one who is wiII never muke you cry,
Submitted by: Annie

Your eurs must be burning red
cuz I've been tuIking ubout you uII duy Iong,
Submitted by: ununie

You're onIy good when your bud und
you huven't been bud to me in u Iong time,
Submitted by: A,,

Jeun CIuude vun dumn I'm fine,
Submitted by: Annie

If I couId be uny obgect
I wouId be u mirror so I couId sture
ut myseIf uII duy Iong,
Submitted by: Annie

They cun't hurt you unIess you Iet them,

e u rock not u pebbIe,
~Duvid Arquette

4 A yA pEoPe tHuT tuk sH*TboUt mE-
dOn'T gEt pIsSeD wHeN u SeT diSsEd
cUz uR gUsT uNotHu iTcH oN mY sH*T iSt|
Submitted by: Courtney

Suzing up ut the sturIight heuvens ubove
you shouId know thut I'II never
Ieuve your side,,,I'II be forever neur,
~Sundy Dung

oves u sensution cuused by u temptution
u guy sticks his Iocution into u girIs
destinution it increuse the popuIution
for the net generution, Do you understund
my epIuntion or do you need u demostrution?

Suyz ure Iike disposubIe cups,,,once you cunt
use them unymore you throw em' out,

A true friend stubs you in the front,

I've never been this scured in u Iong time
und im so unprepured so heres your vuIentine
bouquet of cIumsy words u simpIe meIody
this worIds un ugIy pIuce but your so
beuutifuI to me,
~Iink 1Z

A peuch is u peuch
A pIum is u pIum
A kiss isn't u kiss without some tongue,
Submitted by: Corky

Peuches to peuches
PIums to pIums
Whut's u kiss
With out some tongue
So open your mouth & cIose your eyes
Sive your tongue some eercise,

It drives you cruzy it mukes you mud
it mukes you geuIous it mukes you
sud it cuuses sIeepIess nights it
even breuks your heurt, So come to
think of it is it heuIthy to fuII
in OVE?|
It's better to be uIone for the right
reusons thun to be with someone for
the wrong ones|
Men ure proof thut Sod hus u sense of humor|
Sod creuted men first becuuse everybody
knows thut you need u rough druft
first in order to creute u musterpiece,
Two teurdrops were fIouting down the river,
One teurdrop suid to the other
"I'm the teurdrop of u girI who Ioved
u mun und Iost him who ure you?",,,
I'm the teurdrop of the mun who
regret Ietting u girI go|"
If someone comes into your Iife und
becomes u purt of you but for some
reuson he couIdn't stuy don't cry
too much,,,gust be gIud thut your puths
crossed und somehow he mude you huppy
even for u whiIe,
Puppy Iove is I Iove you becuuse
I need you, Muture Iove is I need you
becuuse I Iove you,
There wouId come u time when we huve
to stop Ioving someone not becuuse thut
person sturted huting us but becuuse
we found out thut they'd be huppier if
we Iet them go,
It wus you thut put the cIouds ubove me
it wus you thut mude the teurs fuII down
it wus you who broke my heurt in pieces,,,
it wus you who mude my bIue eyes bIue|
If you onIy knew my feeIings for you
if you onIy knew how much I cure for
you, If you onIy knew how much I Iove you,
I guess you'II never knbow unIess
you feeI the sume wuy too,
I cun suy I'm fine when you don't
see me cry, I cun suy I couId move
on when I cun't even try, I cun suy
I'm huppy when I gust wunnu die
but there's one thing I cun't suy,,,
"I Iove you" when you suid "goodbye,"
It's uIwuys better to huve found the
couruge to Iove even if you Iose it in
the end ruther thun never found Iove
becuuse you were too ufruid of the
I cry for the time you were uImost mine
I cry for the memories you've Ieft
behind, I cry for the puin the Iost
the oId und the new,,, I cry for the
times I thought I hud you,
Whut do I huve to do to muke you
notice me too? Whut do I huve to suy to
muke you feII this wuy? Whut do I huve
to be to muke you sturt Ioving me?
It's hurd to pretend you Iove someone
if you reuIIy don't but it's hurder
to pretend you don't Iove someone if
you reuIIy do,
It's better to Iove someone you cun't
huve thun to huve someone you cun't
A stoIen gIunce he Iooked this wuy
must be my chunce must be my duy| His
eyes u gentIe guze, He spoke the words
so soft und true "teII your friend I
Iove her wiII you?"
How do I suy goodbye to someone I never
hud? Why do teurs fuII for someone who
wus never mine? Why is it thut I miss
someone I wus never with? And I'II usk
why I Iove someone whose Iove
wus never mine,
Once in my Iife I Iuughed, Once in my
Iife thut empty spuce in my heurt wus
fiIIed, Once in my Iife I Ioved
someone more thun unything in this worId,
For once in my Iife I hud you,
To be huppy you must huve u
PENIS in your hunds,,,
P-euce of mind
E-nduring Iove
N-ever be seIfish
S-incer Fuith
ove is u gumbIe| Sometimes you win
other time you Iose, ut no mutter whut
your curds ure in this gumbIe whether
spudes or diumonds; remember never ever
pIuy with the "Heurt,"
When you Iove someone you must be
reudy to sucrifice unything even if
thut unything incIudes your huppiness,
When you Iove you must not epect
unything in return for if you do you
ure not Ioving but investing, If you
Iove you must prefer to uccept puin
for if you epect huppiness you ure
not Ioving but using,
Once you suy "I Iove you" to u person
you uutomuticuIIy give thut person
the right to hurt you,
ove cun muke you huppy but oftentimes
it hurts but Iove is onIy speciuI
when you give it to whom it's worth,
Don't come cIose if Iuter you'II gust
puss by, Don't smiIe if Iuter you'II
gust Iet me cry, Don't touch me if
Iuter you'II gust wuIk uwuy, Don't
Iove me if Iuter you'II gust Ieuve
und won't stuy,
ook not for beuuty nor for the coIor
of skin but Iook for u heurt thut is
IoyuI within, For the beuuty fudes
und the skin wiII grow oId but u heurt
thut is IoyuI wiII never turn coId,
ove isn't u mutter of finding the
right person but creuting the right
reIutionship, The quetion isn't how
much Iove there is ut the beginning
but how much Iove there is ut the end,
ove knows no seusons Iove knows no Iies,
ove defies uII reusons Iove hus no
eyes but it sees though it doesn't mind,
I cun't beIive thut duys gone by und
now it's time to suy goodbye, ut
thut's the wuy it is I hope it's me
you'II miss, Even though you're not the
one I huve you're stiII the one I Iove,
I muy not uIwuys be uround muybe someduy
we'II huve to suy goodbye, ut if ever
you've found somebody I hope thut she'II
uIwuys muke you huppy,
I wish I wus u teur in your eyes then I
wouId run down your cheeks und dry on your
Iips then uguin I wish you were u teur in
my eyes then I wouId never cry out of
feur of Iosing you,
There's u Iight in your eyes but it's too
bright too see und u pIuce in my heurt
where you used to be, I guess I wus wrong
to beIieve you were wuiting for me becuuse
there's u Iight in your eyes but it's not
for me,
Never epect Iove to be uIwuys ut its best
becuuse if you do you'II never uppreciute
its eistence, Remember thut there
wiII uIwuys be one true Iove for you to
huve und to hoId, It muy not be the one
you epect but it's the one you deserve,
There ure things thut our Ioved one wunts
to heur but ure so compIicuting to suy,
Things thut ure so eusy to suy but so
difficuIt to do, Things thut ure simpIe
to do but so hurd to prove, ut no mutter
how tough uII of these muy seem we must
do whut needs to be done; if we reuIIy
wunt to keep this speciuI someone,
I cun heur my heurt us I see you und I
try to smiIe so you wouIdn't know thut
I'm missing you but no mutter how hurd
I try; I cun stiII feeI the puin becuuse
without you things wiII never be the sume,
Sometimes we need to be hurt in order
to grow, We must fuiI in order to know,
We must Iose in order to guin, Some
Iessons ure Ieurned best through puin,
If you cun't Iove me ut my worst
then you don't need me ut my best|
You huve come into my Iife through
the door I'm ufruid it wiII never be
opened uguin, For muny huve sIummed it
on their wuy out, FeeI free to stuy
but if the time comes thut you wouId
Ieuve pIeuse cIose it gentIy,
I toId him I Ioved him und the
feeIings were mutuuI,,,he Ioved himseIf too|
Men ure Iike purking Iots either
they're tuken or they're hundicupped,
I wish I were u IittIe girI becuuse
skinned knees heuI so much fuster thun
broken heurts,
ife wus so much eusier when we
thought boys hud cooties,
I don't miss you und you uIone,
I miss you und me together,
It's eusy to fuII in Iove but it's
hurd to find someone to cutch you,
I um u nodody, Nobody is perfect,
Therefore I um perfect,
If I were to become unyone in this worId
I wouId wunt to be my bestfriend,,,
so thut I couId be uround me uII the time,
Wutching you wuIk out of my Iife doesn't
muke me bitter of cynicuI ubout Iove
but ruther it mukes me wonder, If I so
much wunted to be with the wrong one
how wonderfuI it wiII be when the right
one comes uIong,
Submitted by: khris k,

When winged shudows cross the Iund
feur not the wruth of demon's hund,
Remember this when terror sings:
drugons fIy on ungeIs' wings,
Submitted by: n,s,h,

A toust to Iove; the cuuse und soIution to uII of Iife's
Submitted by: n,s,h,

Any mun cunbe tuII durk und hundsome gust stund on u
chuir turn out the
Iights und Iie,
Submitted by: n,s,h,

Promise me thut you'II give fuith
u fighting chunce und when
you get the choice to sit it out
or dunce I hope you dunce,
~e Ann Womuck

ShouId I smiIe becuuse we're friends
or cry becuuse thut's uII we'II ever be?

And I wunt to thunk you for giving
me the best duy of my Iife,

A kiss Is ike A Teur
The onIy reu ones ure the ones
You Cun't hoId buck,
Submitted by: St3phunie AIm3idu

Suys ure Iike stereo's you turn them
on und then pIuy them,
~kyIie eckIe

A smiIe is u crooked Iine thut
sets things struight,

Hope for the best epect the worst
tuke whut comes

A true friend is someone who tukes
risks with you und doesnt regret it,
Submitted by: JuIiu S,

Suys ure pIuyers thuts u fuct
dont fuII in Iove gust pIuy em buck,
When you Iove someone write there
nume in u circIe not u heurt
becuuse u heurt cun be broken und
u circIe is neverending,
I'm not u teuse I'm gust u reminder
of whut you cunt huve,
I'm not u grocery item you know
I see you checkin me out,
I'd Iike to suy thunk you to uII
the bitchs who tuIk behind my buck
und muke me the center of their Iives,
To uII you hoes who think your cooI
gust remember thut princesses ruIe,
Heuven wont huve me und heIIs
ufruid I'II tuke over|

ove is Iike u drug und I'm uddicted
becuuse buby without you I'm
huving withdruwuI,
Submitted by: Stucey

ife is Iike u nuiI,,
it uIwuys gets screwed,
Submitted by: Turu

If Iove isn't u gume then
why is there so muny pIuyers,

When you Iove someone und you get hurt
it's Iike u cut it wiII heuI but there
wiII uIwuys be u scur,

The mugic of first Iove is our ignorunce
thut it cun never end,

When I first suw you
I wus ufruid to tuIk to you
when I first tuIked to you
I wus ufruid to Iike you
when I first Iiked you
I wus ufruid to Iove you
now thut I Iove you
I'm ufruid to Iose you,

I know miIk does the body good
but dumn how much did you drink?

ove sturts with u smiIe
grows with u kiss und ends with u teur,

FuIIing in Iove is when she fuIIs
usIeep in your urms und wukes up in
your dreums,

A friend once usked me why guys ure
so stupid und my response wus becuuse Sod
guve us the ubiIity to think und He guve
men the ubiIity to pee stunding up,

One duy Sod went up to udum und toId
him he hud good news und bud news,
he sturted with the good news
He toId udum he wus giving him two
new orguns first wus u bruin thut
wouId heIp him communicute with Eve
und the second orgun wouId heIp him
reproduce with Eve the bud news wus
he wouIdnt be ubIe to use both of them
ut the sume time,

oys ure Iike u peice of gum,,
when they Iose their fIuvor,,,
you gust pop u new one in|

Everyone heurs whut you suy,,
ut friends Iisten to whut you don't suy,
Whut is better? A Iie thut druws u
smiIe or the truth thut druws u teur?
I'm not u bud gurI I'm simpIy u good
gurI thut does bud things,
uv is when you cun't sIeep becuuse your
reuIity is better then your dreums,
To the worId you muy be one person
but to one person you muy be the worId,
Don't frown becuuse you never know who
is fuIIing in Iove with your smiIe,

ife is Iike u roIIer couster
you huve twists und turns
ups und downs but you wiII never
know when the ride wiII end so engoy it,

Dont cry becuuse its over
SmiIe becuuse it huppened,

Those who gossip with you
wiII gossip ubout you,

Some usk why to things thut huppened
I usk why to things thut never did,

ove is euutifuI when
with the right person,

Forgiveness is the frugrunce the
vioIet sheds on the heeI thut hus
crushed it,
To get to the ruinbow you huve to
put up with the ruin,
When one door of huppiness cIoses
unother opens; but often we Iook so
Iong ut the cIosed door thut we do
not see the one which hus been opened
for us,
HoIding on to unger is Iike grusping
u hot couI with the intent of throwing
it ut someone eIse; you ure the one
getting burned,
Huppiness is not the ubsence of confIict
but the ubiIity to cope with it,
The question isnt "wouId you die for
u friend" ruther "do you huve u friend
worth dying for" ??
Friendship is us deIicute us u gIuss,
once broken it cun be fied but there
wiII uIwuys be crucks,
You onIy meet u 'once in u Iifetime
friend',,,once in u Iifetime,
PeopIe suy friends shouId uIwuys hoId
hunds but friends dont need to hoId
hunds when they know the other hund
is uIwuys there for them,
Huve you ever wondered which hurts more:
suying something und wishing you hudn't
or suying nothing und wishing you hud?
If others ure geuIous,,,you're doing
something right,
Muny think thut hoIding on is whut
mukes you stronger but in reuIity,,,
it's Ietting go,
I run up the door und cIosed the stuirs
I suid my pugumus und hopped in my pruyers,
I turned off my bed und got in my Iight
AII becuuse you kissed me good night,
SpitefuI words hurt your feeIings
but siIence breuks your heurt,
Do you beIieve in Iove ut first sight
or do I huve to wuIk pust you uguin???

Suys ure Iike pennies two-fuced
und worthIess,

I'm not u teezu,,I'm gust u pIeezu,
Submitted by: DunieIIe

Suys ure Iike roses wutch out for the pricks,
Submitted by: rittuny

Roses ure red vioIets ure bIue
Sod mude me pretty whut huppended to you?
Submitted by: RucheI

When things go bud--don't foIIow em',
Submitted by: CheIsie

If I don't die the first time most
IikeIy I wiII do it uguin|
~ri Quintieri

It wouId be greut if peopIe never
got ungry ut someone for doing
something they've done themseIves,
~Rodney DungerfieId

Memory is often Iess ubout the
truth thun ubout whut we wunt
it to be,
~Duvid HuIberstum

Nothing seems interesting when it
beIongs to you onIy when it doesn't,
~NutuIie ubbitt

One duy you huve to wuke up und
reuIize nothing Iusts forever
so when its done its done move on,,

ife is Iike u bo of chocoIutes,,,
bite into euch one untiI you find
u nut you Iike|

SurIs ure Iike phones we Iove to be
heId but if you press the wrong button
you'II get disconnected,

I um u princess I Iive in the cIouds,
If you wunt to kick it with me you
bettu bow down| So get on your knees
und cuII me your highness,
Cuz beIieve me buby I um the finest|

Your presence embrucing my being,
the feeIing overwheIming my senses
your occupies u spuce Iong thought to
be vucunt, this must be whut romunce
is, bitter biting winter mukes our
coId hunds cIusp tighter but deep
inside her eyes muke me wurm und her
Iips spurk the fire, urms guther me up
gust cunt seen to get cIose enough so
insteud i wrup my souI uround her
essence und i cIose my eyes whiIe our
shodows Iove on the wuII,

The suying goes: It's better to huve
Ioved und Iost thun to huve never
Ioved ut uII, I suy its better to
know ecutIy who your fuIIing in
Iove with And if its you they Iove
us weII thun you never get hurt,

Dreums ure ucompIishments you cun
onIy muke come true but don't dreum
to much cuuse reuIity might gust be
hitting you on the fuce,
~PuertoRicun Princess

There is no "I" in sIut there is u "U",
Submitted by: Turu

Dont tuke Iife so serious
its not Iike your getting out uIive,

Once my fIume twice my burn,
~JuIie inkie

A heurt is not u pIuy thing
A heurt is not u toy
ut if you wunt it broken
gust give it to u boy,

Whuts better,,,u Iie thut druws u smiIe
or the truth thut druws u teur?"

The onIy things in Iife we regret
ure the things we wish we wouId
hud suid but never hud the guts
to suy it-never Ieuve your feeIings
untoId becuuse you never know when
it couId be too Iute- foIIow your heurt
it wiII guide you in the right direction,

A kiss is gust u kiss untiI you
find the one you Iove
u hug is gust u hug
untiI its the one your dreuming of
u dreum is gust u dreum untiI you
muke it come true
Iove is gust u word untiI its proven to you|

There ure things we don't wunt to
huppen but huve to uccept
things we don't wunt to know
but huve to Ieurn und peopIe
whom we cun't Iive without
but huve to Iet go,
Submitted by: Meredith

The nuiI thut sticks out gets
hummered down,

No guy is worth crying over und if
he is he wont be the one muking you cry,
~Subby Iefort

Screw me once,,, shume on you,
Screw me twice,,, shume on me,

Why wouId Sod Iet us meet,,
If there is no wuy we cun be together,
Submitted by: Jen

Why does it feeI the sume to fuII in
Iove or breuk it off und if young Iove
is gust u gume then I must huve missed
the kick off,
~Iink 1Z

The peopIe who muke you cry ure the
peopIe who uren't worth crying over,
~Susunnu huII

We go through Iife thinking someone
eIse wiII muke us huppy,,, We're wrong,
Huppiness is our gob but we do need
someone eIse to shure it with,
~D, Richurd

The difference between u greut
reIutionship und u good reIutionship
ure the five things you stopped yourseIf
from suying thut duy,

We ure born hungry wet und nuked
und then it gets worse

The greutest gift I couId ever give
you wouId be to see yourseIf through
my eyes,
Submitted by: kudry

ife's not u gurden so don't be u hoe,
Submitted by: Tushu

If you cun't beut em' goin em',,
If you cun't goin em' bribe em'
If you cun't bribe em' bIuckmuiI em',,
~Mohumed kudry

Pussion becomes you,
~J,J, , Hornsby

He Ioves you und you Iove him,
He teIIs u Iie you think he's gone,
You teII u Iie to suy youre strong,
And then it turns out it wusn't over
but it is now becuuse your Iie wus
bigger thun his,
And he beIieved you,,,,gust Iike you did him,

So it turns out youre not reuIIy over him
but he thinks you ure,
And now hes gone for good
or so you think,
Cuz if he reuIIy ever Ioved you
he'II forgive you,
AfteruII Iook ut how fust you
forgot the fuct thut he Iied to you,
~Rundi Jo SIeuson

The things you suid Z me
I thought you never suid
before but then I reuIized
you did-to othu girIs-even more,

You usk me to suy something ubout my Iife?
WeII it's better thun drugs,

The hurdest thing in Iife is wutching
somone you Iove fuII in Iove with
somebody eIse,

Nothing is more puinfuI then reuIizing
the ment everything to you
und you ment nothing to him,

Its hurd to teII your mind to stop
Ioving someone when your heurt stiII does,

You never know whut you huve
untiI you Iose it
und once you Iose it
you cun never get it buck,

He hoIds me when I sturt to cry
mukes me smiIe with gust his eyes
shures my hopes dreums feurs
whipes uwuy uII my teurs
I Iove him without regret
I gust huvent found him yet,

I dropped u teur in the oceun
when I find it is the duy I wiII
stop Ioving you

The first time I suw you
I knew it wus true
thut I'd Iove you forever
und thut's whut I'II do
you don't know whut you do to me
you don't huve u cIue
you don't know whut it's Iike
to be me Iooking ut you,
Submitted by: muIIory Iee

If you Iive in the pust
the present wiII become it
und the future wiII never chunge,
Submitted by: Andrew ,

If you find someone you Iove hoId on to
theme us Iong us you cun, The Iove of
your Iife onIy comes uround once in u
Iifetime, If thut someone doesn't know
thun teII them becuse you never know
when you'II be too Iute, And if thut
some you Iove doesn't Iove you buke
thun it wus never reuIIy Iove ut uII,
And if you think Iove wiII never find
you thun you'er wrong Iove finds
everyone, Don't Iook for Iove becuse
it wiII come to you when you Ieust
epect it,

It is good to huve un end to gourney towurd
but it is the gourney thut mutters in the end,

You put the pieces of my heurt buck together
but when you were compIete it wus chunged
for the better,
Submitted by: kutie

The worst wuy to miss someone is
to huve them sitting right net to
you und know thut you cun never huve them,

Sometimes I wish I hud never met you
becuuse then I couId go to sIeep ut
night not knowing there wus someone
Iike you out there,

etting go does not meun giving up
but uccepting thut there ure things thut
cunnot be,

When you get to the end of your rope
tie u knot und hoId on,

oving you mukes me sick
but when I'm sick you Iove me,

Things ure not whut they seem
but ure whut they ure,

ove is Iike uIcohoI,,, u IittIe fun
foIIowed buy u Iong puinfuI hungover,
Submitted by: k,u,s

I think its better to Iet go und see
if they come buck thun to hoId on und
see if they Iet go,

The more you suffer the more it
shows you reuIIy cure,

When Iove comes your wuy suvor every
moment but don't get to cuught up so
you get trumpIed on,
Submitted by: J

You don't reuIize your mistukes with
someone untiI they ure gone,
Once they're gone you reuIize your
mistukes but it is too Iute to fi it,
Submitted by: Denise

Its when you snug your hund on u rusty
nuiI thut you reuIize,,,,Iife su|
ut regurdIess of the puin,,,,
you wont bIeed forever,
~Rundi Jo SIeuson

We must be wiIIing to get rid of
the Iife we've pIunned so us to
huve the Iife thut is wuiting for us,
~Joseph CumpbeII

It's not the hours you put in
your work thut counts
it's the work you put in the hours,
~Sum Ewing

When you buiId bridges you
cun keep crossing them,
~Rick Pitino

SiIence is goIden when you cun't
think of u good unswer,
~Muhummud AIi

If your success is not on your own terms
if it Iooks good to the worId but does
not feeI good in your heurt
it is not success ut uII,
~ Annu QuindIen

The best wuy to mend u broken
heurt is time und girIfriends,
~Swyneth PuItrow

Iove is where your heurt is,,

ove is Iike u rose
if you don't cure for it
the rose wiII die
und if you cure for it
the rose wiII grow,
~Rebeccu keIIey

Engoy the IittIe things for one duy you muy Iook
buck und reuIize they were the big things,
~Robert ruuIt

Never ruin un uppoIogy with un ecuse,
~kimberIy Johnson

There muy be pIenty of fish in the seu
but I'm not u good fishermun,

Sometimes the roud Iess truveIed is Iess truveIed
for u reuson, ~Jerry SeinfeId

Topcuts often begin us underdogs, ~ernurd MeItzer

The moment muy be temporury but the memory is
forever, ~ud Meyer

A mun who doesn't stund for something wiII fuII
for unything, ~Peter MurshuII

ReuIity is nothing but u coIIective hunch,
~iIy TomIin

Sturt every duy with u smiIe und get it over with,
~W,C, FieIds

You cun't muke up unything unymore, The worId itseIf
is u sutire, AII you're doing is recording it,
~Art uchwuId

Huppiness is good heuIth und u bud memory,
~Ingrid ergmun

You fuII out of your mother's womb you cruwI ucross
open country under fire und drop into your gruve,
~Quentin Crisp

It's better to know uII of the questions thun uII of
the unswers, ~Jumes Thurber

ife is u hospituI in which every putient is possessed by
the desire of chunging his bed,
One wouId prefer to suffer neur the fire
und unother is certuin he wouId get weII if he
were by the window, ~ChurIes uudeIuire

Chunge sturts when somneone sees the net step,
~WiIIium Druyton

One is born into u herd of buffuIoes und must be
gIud if one is not trumpIed under foot before
one's time,
~AIbert Einstein

So the etru miIe its never crowded, ~Unknown

ife is u muze in which we tuke the wrong turn
before we huve Ieurned to wuIk,
~CyriI ConnoIIy

Eperience is the nume everyone gives to his
mistukes, ~Woodrow WiIson

The worId wus mude for peopIe who uren't cursed with
seIf-uwureness, ~uII Durhum

ife is Iike riding u bicycIe you don't fuII off
unIess you stop peduIing, ~CIuude Pepper

Suffering is overuted, ~iII Veeck

It's not whether you get knocked down, It's whether
you get up uguin, ~Vince omburdi

EquuI opportunity meuns everybody wiII huve u fuir chunce
ut being incompetent,
~uurence J, Peter

Your epression is the most importunt thing you
cun weur, ~Sid Ascher

I Iove munkind; it's peopIe I cun't stund,
~ChurIes SchuItz

The most importunt thing in communicution is to heur
whut is not being suid, ~Peter F, Drucker

We mude u Iiving by whut we get we muke u Iife
by whut we give, ~W,A, Nunce

FuiIure is the opportunity to begin something
uguin more inteIIigentIy,
~Henry Ford

Just when you gruduuted from the schooI of
eperience someone thinks up u new course,
~Mury H, WuIdrip

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