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The ELIJAH SPIRIT OUTPOURING by Elijah Spirit on Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 1:03pm The boldness and faithfulness

of Elijah stands out like a lighthouse in the mids t of a dangerous sea. He was a strict and selfless zealot for the adoration of G od but endearingly human. The name Elijah means whose God is YHWH. Elijah bursts upon Bible history without warning and then just as suddenly, miraculously disa ppears. He appears as a supernatural messenger from heaven with a chosen job to do and a single mindedness to accomplish God s will. As promised, his spirit has r eturned to our generation. His spirit has influenced all the prophets to follow. Ahab the King of Israel ha d taken for wife a Canaanite woman named Jezebel, daughter of Eth-baal. "And Aha b, the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him." Showing a weak and vacillating character, Ahab tolerated Jezebel and allow ed the practice of Phoenician worship in Israel on a grand scale. The false prop hets and priests of Baal were chosen in great numbers and were known to sacrific e infants at the altar. Elijah suddenly appears before Ahab speaking words of ma jestic power and proclaims God's vengeance for the apostasy of King Ahab and the corruption of Israel. Elijah challenged the priests of Baal and consumed them i n the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit by calling down fire from heaven. Elijah's unquestioning faith in God was boundless and that passionate faith was his purpose in life. "I have been very jealous for the Lord God of Hosts," he wo uld say, and his courage was a fearless example to God s prophets since. He was a recluse by nature and only appeared before men in God s own time to deliver His me ssage, enforce it by a miraculous sign, and then disappear again. Elisha asked f rom him a double measure of his spirit. Elijah's prophetic spirit left a great impression upon Israel. He became the arc hetype of the promised forerunner of the great and dreadful day of the Lord of h osts. "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist received a message from an angel telli ng him that his son will come in the spirit and power of Elijah. Jesus taught th e truth of an end time Elijah to come to His disciples in the future tense after John the Baptist was dead: Elias truly shall first come and restore all things. And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the child ren and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepar ed for the Lord. Jesus had suggested that John the Baptist was the expected Elijah but John had d enied being the Christ, Elijah or the prophet to come. John the Baptist was the return of the spirit of Elijah, but just as it was Elijah before the first comin g of Christ, so it will be before the second. There is a lot being revealed lately about the Elijah company, being a corporate Elijah that come with his spirit in the last days as a group rather than one ma n. Believe it, there will be many who will be revealed with the manifest sons of God who have transcended the religious system brainwash and bursting forth with denunciation and spiritual outpouring in the power of Elijah. If the church is to be renewed through the truth, a servant of God must stand fo rth in the spirit of Elijah and set things in motion. In truth, many of them wil l have to be roused, so that with the greatest possible zeal and with passionate earnestness they may sweep Christendom clean of ungodly practices

The ministry of Elijah will be in the warning of impending judgment and the broa dcasting of restoration principles to a church starving for truth and thirsting for the power of the Holy Ghost. Elijah will warn the church of its false practices, denounce the false leadershi p and prophesy the downfall of the false church and false prophets. He will come and "restore all things. " Restoration principles are the apostolic truths and spiritual power that the c hurch has rejected. "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, a nd the hearts of the children to their fathers." This will not be business as us ual. Will the people listen? Many will and it is in this acceptance that more dr astic judgments will be averted: "Else I will come, and strike the land with a c urse." It is in the blessings of this latter rain outpouring that a great reviva l will commence over the entire earth through the marriage supper of the Lamb. Unfortunately, many will not heed the warnings of Elijah, including the church, and it is in this denial that Christian Babylon will show forth her apostasy by rejecting and opposing the outpouring. They will be cut off from fellowship with God s spirit. Daniel writes that "many shall be purified and made white and tried , but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand." The wickedness and apostasy of the church is in the main - the refusal to put away their pride long enough to be able to love. Elijah's words will burn like an intense flame, subduing his enemies with the sw ord of the spirit. God has given him the power to control the elements and perfo rm miracles. He will set the trumpet to his mouth and come as an eagle against t he house of the Lord. He will be more of a social revolutionary than evangelist and can only teach the Christian freedom taught by Jesus by denouncing the legal ism of the churches and the oppression and right wing tyranny and oppression of the forces of Anti-christ. This is not what people will be expecting and Babylon can only hate, fear, oppose and disrespect him The cry of Elijah will be the cry of the oppressed and by his word will nations arise to denounce the nature of the beast. He will be able to enter a congregati on and call down a powerful invocation reminiscent of Pentecost and the Lord wil l suddenly appear like the mighty rushing wind of old. False prophets and the pr oud have no power over him, their tongues will stammer and they will be left as fools. He is able to stretch forth his hand in rebuke and call spiritual fire fr om heaven. The ministers of the Lord will weep between the porch and altar and t hey are left alone to bear recompense for the iniquities of Babylon. "As the Lor d God of Israel lives, before whom I stand." Like Share Delete Relationship Status Single Sex Female Contact Information Facebook

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