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Minutes of Bishops Committee meeting 11/13/11 Attending: Kevin Minch, Pete Kelly, Wynne Wilbur, Sally West, Jessie

Cragg, The Reverend Johnnette Shane, Krista Baker, Guests Steve and Sherri Reiser Call to Order Prayer The meeting was opened with a prayer from Johnnette. Approval or corrections to prior minutes The minutes from October 9, 2011 were approved. Reports: Vicar Johnnette mentioned that we had a great wedding for the Reisers. All Saints Day was very nice. Everyone liked the cranes and we thanked Maria, Krista, and Jessie for folding them. The recovery service was good and appreciated but not particularly well attended. There is one person from outside the church who is really appreciative and says she will come to every service. Bishops Warden Jessie will talk about some things later in the meeting. She thanked the committee members for their hard work in busy times. Junior Wardens Pete and Wynne said that we still need to get a water heater and look in to the sinks that are running slowly. Treasurer Krista gave out the report. We are slightly ahead of our estimate for income and less slightly ahead for expenses. A bill was presented from the architect for plans and work so far in the amount of $4700. The Junior wardens will present the bill and submit the bill for payment using the prescribed paperwork. It was moved by Kevin and seconded by Krista to approve payment of the bill and that the money should come from the building fund. Drista explained that a portion of this billing is for services performed by the architect several years ago that had not previously been billed. Monies were donated by an individual to cover this portion and are available in the building fund. Peer Minister Delaney was not able to attend this meeting. Johnnette gave her report. There were about 10 students at the last meeting although not all of them are currently attending Trinity Church. The students discussed stewardship at their meeting. Delaney reports that she is trying to find ways to get more Truman underclassmen involved as most are juniors and seniors. This could impact finding someone to replace her next fall. Old Business: Building Committee Report - There was a lengthy discussion about money for our building project. Communications Committee Report we have ongoing website problems. Kevin and Maria are working on them. We may have to totally reconstruct the website. Kevin would like to do an Advent Newsletter and asks for articles by the end of next week. He also still needs photo content, preferably still life photos rather than people.

Safeguarding Our Children Committee Report Petes committee has a report to send to us. His committee has developed a policies and procedures draft document that they will send to us and we can discuss it next meeting. Pledge Drive Report Krista passed around two sheets containing current and historical statistics which she had prepared dealing with our pledges. Kristas remarks about these figures included some interesting observations. We still have a few outstanding pledges. Nominations Committee Report Jessie and Krista have been talking about potential new members of the Bishops Committee. They also have some suggestions to make to the Bishops Committee. They hope to have this information available in the next few weeks. New Business: Foster Families of Adair County will be the recipient of the first Sunday plate in December. We will also do a cherub tree again for them as well as collecting some small items they need. Jessie will coordinate, aiming to get all accomplished by the middle of December.. Everyone approved this by acclimation. Bishops VisitBishop Steven Dokolo, the new Bishop of Lui, will be in Missouri for the Diocesan Convention. We are going to request that he come to our church during the Bishops visit on December11th. Johnnette will issue the invitation. If he accepts, it will be an exciting event for which we will need to make special plans for food, program etc. Building Campaign The building campaign was discussed. The committee decided that more time and information was needed to consider the future needs of the church. We, therefore, postponed the campaign kick-off; the building committee will ask the architect for a ballpark figure for a lift and an accessible bathroom, and the Vicar will discuss the feasibility of a loan with Diocesan officers. We will meet again at 6:30 on December 1 at Kevin Minchs house to continue the discussion. Prayer and Adjournment Submitted by Wynne Wilbur

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