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Primory thinkinq sty/es l oqree with

4pprovo/ (J oclock posltloo oo l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 96
ependent (5 oclock posltloo oo l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 94
4voidonce (6 oclock posltloo oo tbe l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 99

1he followlng Lhree prlmary Lhlnklng sLyles l scored a hlgh percenLlle on my LSl clrcumplex were
fpptovfl JepeoJeot and fvolJfoce l was asLound when l began readlng Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe sLyles
because lL ldenLlfled many behavlors and LhoughLs l have had hldden and knew buL never really
accepLed Llll l had lL lald ouL ln fronL of me l conslder Lhese sLyles Lo be somewhaL of a slgn of weakness
and alLhough we should possess each one of Lhem buL only p Lo a cerLaln llmlL l agree LhaL l have Lo
Lake Lhe necessary acLlons Lo lmprove Lhese Lhlnklng sLyles so LhaL l can grow and sLop belng Laken
advanLage of
1he approval scale measures our need Lo be accepLed by oLhers Lo lncrease or susLaln our
feellngs of selfworLh 1hls Lhlnklng sLyle ln a way can be poslLlve and negaLlve dependlng on Lhe exLenL
ln whlch we look Lo oLhers for approval Some of Lhe characLerlzaLlon of Lhe sLyle LhaL l feel ldenLlfy my
personallLy Lo a cerLaln exLenL ls Lhe Lendency Lo wanL Lo please everyone buL myself All my llfe l always
puL everyone flrsL ln Lhe pasL year l've been learnlng LhaL l need Lo worry abouL myself flrsL whlle
malnLalnlng selfglven because lL's my key personallLy lL's whaL ldenLlfles Su[ey Arzola no one wlll look
ouL for our needs and wellbelng buL us ln relaLlon Lo my frlends and famlly lf Lhey ever needed
anyLhlng or lf Lhere was a mlsundersLandlng l would always glve Lhem Lhe beneflL even lf l dldn'L agree
or felL LhaL whaL Lhey were asklng for was ouL of my reach l would do Lhe posslble Lo be compllanL l am
noL confronLaLlonal and raLher be relucLanL Lo my oplnlons and agree wlLh whlchever declslon was
made Lhan express my own oplnlon and speak ouL for whaL l wanL As Lhe explanaLlon of Lhe sLyle reads
emoLlonal glveaway we glve away our bellefs values goals sense of personal worLh dlrecLlon ln llfe
and ablllLy Lo make our declslons so LhaL we can please oLhers
1he uependenL scale measures Lhe degree Lo whlch we feel our efforLs do noL counL 1hls sLyle
ls characLerlzed Lo havlng a sLronger concern for oLhers pleaslng oLhers and noL quesLlonlng Lhem or
Lhelr acLlons even lf we don'L agree wlLh Lhem l am easlly lnfluenced and have a really hard Llme maklng
declslons l Lhlnk Lhe maln reason l have a hard Llme maklng declslon ls because anyLlme anyone asks for
my oplnlon or for example whaL l would llke Lo do l Lhlnk abouL whaL l wanL buL Lhe LhoughL of whaL Lhe
person wanLs and wanLlng Lo be complacenL Lo LhaL person l base my declslon on whaL l Lhlnk LhaL
person would declde [usL so Lhey can be happy l am senslLlve Lo people's feellngs and Lhelr reacLlons
and feel overwhelmed when someone ls upseL wlLh me l have Lhe Lendency Lo apologlze even lf l know
lL's my faulL l avold challenglng anyone noL because l'm scared LhaL Lhey would do me any harm buL
because l Lend Lo always wanL a everyone Lo be ln good sLandlng wlLh me Cne llne of empowermenL
from Lhe readlng says reallze LhaL no one can make you happy or unhappy Cnly you have Lhe power Lo
deLermlne how you feel by conLrolllng whaL you Lhlnk" Lhls was very lnsplraLlonal Lo me
1he avoldance scale measures our Lendency Lo use Lhe defenslve sLraLegy of wlLhdrawal A
person who ls defenslve has fear of fallure we hlde our Lrue feellngs by shylng away from slLuaLlons LhaL
are LhreaLenlng As l read Lhls sLyle l kepL on hlghllghLlng and LhoughL l would never sLop l felL l was
readlng my own llfe on a plece of paper 1hese Lhree sLyles unforLunaLely ldenLlfy me l say
unforLunaLely because lL's noL Lo a cerLaln llmlL as you can assess form my scores l scored almosL 100
on all Lhree l have Lo work on Lhese behavlors and feellngs so LhaL l can grow and be more successful l
llke Lo sLay ln my comforL zone and have doubLs on experlmenLlng new Lhlngs AnyLlme l do someLhlng l
wrong elLher by accldenL or on purpose lL ls hard for me Lo geL over l look lnLo my pasL Loo much and
Lhlnk of whaL l could've done Lo change LhaL ouLcome ln parL lL ls good Lo keep Lhese as noLes for fuLure
slLuaLlons buL l venL on Lhe pass and leL lL consume my LhoughLs and emoLlons A paragraph ln Lhe
readlng l feel ldenLlfy me ls Lhe followlng passage your Lendency Lo focus on your own concerns can
cause you Lo lgnore whaL ls happenlng around you As a resulL you may mlss lmporLanL opporLunlLles Lo
sLreLch yourself and develop your skllls l feel very uncomforLable or Lake a long Llme Lo express my
feellngs l keep my LhoughLs and feellngs Lo myself Lo avold hurLlng oLhers or upseLLlng anyone
A brlef llfe experlence LhaL l wanL Lo share wlll demonsLraLe how my personallLy reflecLs Lhe
Lhlnklng sLyles [usL menLloned above l used Lo work aL 8aymour and llanlgan furnlLure as a sales
assoclaLe we work solely by commlsslon so we have Lo be aggresslve 1here ls a pollcy for Lhe
companles assoclaLes when lL come Lo our personal cusLomers a cusLomer ls yours lf Lhey ask for you
when Lhey walk lnLo Lhe sLore or when lL's your Lurn Lo sLand aL Lhe door Lo greeL Lhe nexL cusLomer
LhaL walks ln you are Lo sLay wlLh LhaL cusLomer and help Lhem Llll Lhey walk ouL Lhe door and no one
else ls allowed Lo Lake your cusLomer unless you were noL paylng aLLenLlon Lo Lhem l would always
keep a respecLlve dlsLanL beLween me and my cusLomer so Lo noL make Lhem feel uncomforLable lf Lhey
are noL communlcaLlng wlLh me aL LhaL momenL ln varlous occaslons LhaL Lhe sLore has been busy l've
allowed oLher sales assoclaLe Lo Lake my cusLomers Lo avold confronLaLlon when Lhey would approach
my cusLomer and offer Lhelr help lnsLead of me Lelllng Lhe assoclaLe LhaL lL's my cusLomer l would [usL
walk away unless l had already bullL a good rapporL wlLh LhaL cusLomer Lveryday my flance asks me
whaL l would llke Lo do LhaL day my answer whaLever you wanL ls flne wlLh me" l do have freedom of
speech and l do speak my mlnd when l feel sLrongly abouL a cerLaln slLuaLlon buL mosL of Lhe Llme l go
wlLh Lhe flow"
Primory thinkinq sty/es l disoqree with
Oppositiono/ (7 oclock posltloo oo l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 96
onventiono/ (4 oclock posltloo oo l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 97
1he opposlLlonal sLyle measures our Lendency Lo use Lhe defenslve and aggresslve sLraLegy of
dlsagreelng wlLh oLhers and seek aLLenLlon by belng crlLlcal and cynlcal 1he convenLlonal sLyle
represenLs a preoccupaLlon wlLh adherlng Lo rules and esLabllshed procedures 1hese sLyles are
characLerlzed as belng rude and sLern flrm and cynlcal reduced lnlLlaLlve worrled abouL feellng
normal" defenslve ln Lhe face of crlLlclsm Lhe need Lo look for flaws ln anyLhlng negaLlve sarcasLlc
l'm noL sure why l scored so hlgh on Lheses sLyles buL as l read Lhem l don'L see myself ldenLlfled ln
Lhem l'm very shy and nonconfronLaLlonal l acLually always Lry Lo see Lhe good ln people and glve
anyone and everyone Lhe beneflL of Lhe doubL Whlle l do someLlmes crlLlclze based on my own bellefs l
very aLLached Lo people and am easlly llkes l avold argumenLs and know LhaL l am unlque l'm noL
always sponLaneous buL l do llke Lo come up wlLh new ldeas and explore posslblllLles when l can

ockup sty/es
4ffi/iotive { oclock posltloo oo l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 75
Power (8 oclock posltloo oo l5l cltcomplex) 5cote 97
l agree wlLh my evaluaLlon on Lhe affllaLlve sLyle ls Lhe Lendency Lo value relaLlonshlps above all
else a need Lo bulld meanlngful relaLlonshlps 1he need for soclal lnLeracLlon and lnLerpersonal conLacL
l am a people person l am a good llsLener and conslder peoples feellng before l make any declslon 1he
afflllaLlve sLyle ls also Lhe Lendency Lo moLlvaLe oLhers uslng genulne frlendllness l don'L seek
relaLlonshlps Lo be llked or LreaL people Lhe way l do because l seek approval ln LhaL sense l [usL
genulnely have love and respecL for oLhers and LreaL oLher Lhe way l would llke Lo be LreaLed
1he power sLyle l feel descrlbes me Lo a cerLaln exLenL l would say l should have scored 30 l do
feel l am a powerful woman l'm very dependenL and llke Lo be ln conLrol buL noL obsesslvely l don'L
Lhlnk l lnLlmldaLe nor have an aggresslve behavlor deflnlLely Lhe conLrary l do noL feel LhreaLened when
l feel someone ls over powerlng me l belleve we are all equal and have dlfferenL values and personallLles
and express Lhem ln dlfferenL ways l llke Lo be ln conLrol of my personal ob[ecLlves and work l do noL
feel l have Lo be ln charge all Lhe Llme or am negaLlve l do noL belleve ln manlpulaLlon l belleve a
person wlll do whaL Lhey wlsh and Lhey should learn from Lhelr own mlsLakes we can help gulde Lhem
buL we cannoL manlpulaLe Lhe road Lhey wlll Lake

I MP A C 1 O A MA MA CME A 1 S 1 Y L E
P/onninq orqonitinq /eodinq ond contro//inq
1wo maln sLyles LhaL l know affecL my managemenL ablllLles ls belng dependenL and seeklng
approval As a manger we should be leaders and Lhe Lendency of me puLLlng oLhers flrsL or relylng on
oLhers for declslon wlll never help me move forward or become an effecLlve manager ln relaLlon Lo
plannlng and organlzlng l am a perfecLlonlsL l llke Lhlngs Lo be by Lhe book and someLlmes feel no one
wlll do Lhe same [ob as l would and LhaL ls a percepLlon l have Lo work on 1o be a leader you have Lo be
flrm and asserLlve l have Lo make declslon based on facLs and can'L expecL Lo please everyone ln my
declslon maklng l have Lo work on my selfesLeem and noL have an overconcern of Lhe oplnlon oLhers
have of me as long as l know l am poslLlve and respecLful Lo all and Lhe envlronmenL around us My
dlfflculLy Lo face confllcLs and confronLaLlon have Lo be worked on as well l have Lo learn Lo express my
LhoughLs so LhaL l can be affecLlve ln leadlng my Leam Lo success and assesslng a slLuaLlon and havlng
conLrol over lL
Cn Lhe oLher hand l know l have many good quallLles LhaL would make me an effecLlve leader
1o be a leader l feel Lhere ls no reason for lnLlmldaLlon as we expecL respecL we should glve LhaL same
respecL Lo oLhers l don'L feel your poslLlon deflnes you or makes you beLLer Lhan anyone l know l would
malnLaln poslLlve and effecLlve relaLlonshlps wlLh Lhe employees under my supervlslon l'm compeLlLlve
aL Llmes and Lhls helps ln good plannlng and leadlng you wanL Lo moLlvaLe your Leam and flnd a
compeLlLlve balance so Lhey can sLrlve for success l llsLen Lo oLhers lnpuLs and ldeas noL Lo make a
declslon solely based on Lhem buL comblned wlLh my knowledge and ldeas LogeLher wlll resulL ln a
beLLer ouLcome 1hls ls moLlvaLlon for your Leam because Lhey don'L feel llke mlnorlLy and feel counLed
ln l'm noL opposlLlonal and l Lhlnk Lhls ls someLhlng poslLlve you don'L wanL Lo creaLe dlscomforL wlLh
your Leam you wanL Lhem Lo feel comforLable and LhaL Lhelr oplnlons and ldeas maLLer l belleve anyone
can achleve Lhe goals Lhey sLrlve for as long as Lhey acL upon Lhem

We all have unlque personallLles lL's whaL deflnes us l belleve my personallLy ls lnfluenced by
my culLure famlly and experlences we are someLlmes a cerLaln way and Lhrough our llfe experlences
someLlmes reallze LhaL's noL Lhe besL way Lo llve our llves or go abouL our LhoughLs and acLlons Many
Lhlngs have lnfluenced Lhe way l am Loday l was born and ralsed ln Cueens n? l llved all my llfe wlLh
my moLher older broLher and younger broLher and slsLer my parenLs dlvorced when l was 2 years old
and never really llved wlLh a faLher flgure alLhough my faLher always vlslLed us and plcked us up for
mayor holldays My faLher ls a pasLor and my moLher an accounLanL
When l was 14 l moved Lo uerLo 8lco wlLh my moLher and slbllngs A year afLer we moved my
moLher opened her own accounLlng flrm and slnce Lhen has been very successful my faLher from belng
a preacher became a pasLor leel wlLh my parenLs l had Lhe besL of boLh worlds WlLh my mom l
learned Lo seL goals and become lndependenL sLrlve for Lhe besL ad know you can succeed and anyLhlng
you wanL Seelng her sLruggle and make lL alone wlLh four klds showed me a loL l became very
lndependenL and aL a young age l helped my mom around Lhe house wlLh Lhe klds because she was
always worklng AL 16 l sLarLed worklng for her and aL 17 l had Lwo [obs a walLress aL a hoLel and
secreLary aL her flrm AfLer l graduaLed from hlgh school l wenL sLralghL Lo college and compleLed my
bachelors degree ln years aL Lhe age of 20 l opened my flrsL Lax offlce l learned how Lo [uggle my
prlorlLles and because of Lhls l am probably Loo crlLlcal and [udgmenLal l when l meeL people who don'L
have [obs or don'L wanL Lo go Lo school AL one polnL l was worklng ln Lhe hoLel worklng a few hours
wlLh my moLher runnlng my own Lax offlce ln Lhe unlverslLy compleLlng my degree and l sLlll had Llme
Lo en[oy Llme wlLh my frlends and famlly l had a very soclal llfe
My moLher was very poslLlve buL l Lhlnk seelng her succeed l wanLed Lo sLrlve for beLLer and all l
cared was Lrylng Lo do my besL Lo make her proud and l belleve because of Lhls l have never been
saLlsfled wlLh my accompllshmenLs l have a very lowesLeem l don'L glve myself credlL for all LhaL l have
accompllshed aL such a young age l Lhlnk Lhls ls whaL bullds my dependency and approval sLyle as well
as selfaccompllshmenL My faLher as l menLloned ls a pasLor because of hlm l learned values and
morals and how Lo LreaL oLher wlLh respecL robably Lhls ls why l feel so bad for oLhers and don'L know
how Lo say no l always wanL Lo saLlsfy oLhers and forgeL my own saLlsfacLlon
Spendlng Lhe pasL 10 years ln uerLo 8lco made me very senslble lL ls such a dlfferenL culLure a
small counLry where everyone knows you and because of Lhls l Lhlnk ls why l'm so worrled of whaL
oLhers Lhlnk unllke Amerlca everyone ls ln Lhelr own llLLle world dolng Lhelr own Lhlngs ln uerLo 8lco
everyone has Lhelr eye on you Lhey crlLlcal as Lo whaL you wear whaL car you drlve where you llve
who you know and ln some ways lL sLuck Lo me l moved back Lo n? on my own wlLh Lwo sulLcases now
a year laLer l have made someLhlng for myself here mosLly on my own

l really en[oyed Lhls asslgnmenL lL really makes you open your mlnd Lo your Lrue personallLy
LhaL aL Llmes we know buL doubL accepL AL Lhe beglnnlng as l was readlng some sLyles l scored hlgh on
llke dependency and approval l was a llLLle deflanL and as l conLlnued readlng l sLarLed reallzlng Lhose
are my LralLs and l do acL LhaL way l already feel llke a changed person l have seL many personal goals
afLer readlng all Lhese sLyles Lhere are many l wanL Lo lmprove Lo make me a beLLer person l feel all Lhls
lnformaLlon wlll help me noL only work relaLed buL more lmporLanL ln my personal llfe l am very exclLed
abouL Lhls course and look forward Lo learnlng more abouL myself and how we lnLeracL ln organlzaLlons
My goal ls Lo be more poslLlve and less crlLlcal Lo conslder my LhoughLs so l can have greaLer
opporLunlLles for personal growLh l wanL Lo be more asserLlve and Lake rlsks l wanL Lo sLop feellng
gullLy and a doubLlng myself As long as l am happy wlLh whaL l am accompllshlng LhaL's all LhaL counLs l
know l wlll en[oy llfe more and when l flnally flnd a [ob ln an accounLlng flrm l wlll be successful

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